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遥感技术为库容曲线的重构带来了新思路,但仍存在多源遥感影像数据难以直接应用、水库批量面积提取效率低等问题,难以形成一套系统化、流程化的方法进行广泛应用。基于此,本文提出了多源时相遥感影像数据耦合的库容曲线重构方法,并重构了深圳市径心水库的水位-库容关系曲线。试验证明,重构后的库容曲线常水位区间的库容曲线偏离率在4.23%~11.5%之间,能够为径心水库的调度管理提供参考,同时对全国库容曲线无法及时重构的水库具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Reservoir water levels extracted from SARAL/AltiKa GDR data for the period 2013–2014 and water spread areas delineated from Resourcesat P6-AWiFS sensor and RISAT 1 microwave data corresponding to SARAL/AltiKa cycles were used for assessment of reservoir capacity in the Mayurakshi reservoir, Jharkhand state, India. It was found that the reservoir capacity based on the SARAL is around 474.62 Mm3 in comparison to in situ based estimate i.e. around 486.6 Mm3, indicating variation of <3%. Further, comparison of these estimates computed using SARAL and in situ with original reservoir capacity (547.59 Mm3) indicated loss of reservoir capacity is around 13.33 and 11.14%, respectively, within a span of 59 years. The hydrographic survey in the year 1999–2000 also proved that the storage capacity has reduced from 547.6 Mm3 in 1955 to 474.8 Mm3 indicating loss of nearly 13.3 % of total live capacity over period of 45 years.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates the use of NRCS-CN technique for rainfall-induced run-off estimation using high-resolution satellite data for small watershed of Palamu district, Jharkhand. The CN model was applied to the daily rainfall data of 15 years (1986–2000) along with use of large-scale thematic maps (1:10,000) pertaining to land use/land cover using IRS-P6 LISS-IV satellite data. The LU/LC map was spatially intersected with the hydrological soil group map to calculate the watershed area under different hydrological similar units for assigning CN values to compute discharge. The study showed that Daltonganj watershed exhibits an average run-off volume of 7,881,019 m3 from an average cumulative monsoon rainfall of 821 mm and the average actual direct run-off generated during the southwest monsoon season was 203 mm. The strong correlation between rainfall and run-off as well as between observed run-off and estimated run-off indicated high accuracy of run-off estimation by NRCS-CN technique.  相似文献   

朱长明  张新  方晖  王伟胜 《遥感学报》2022,26(1):148-154
水量遥感动态监测对于高原堰塞湖风险评估、预报预警和处置决策等具有重要意义。针对高原无资料或缺资料区,充分利用空天遥感技术,文章提出了一种无/缺水下地形数据的高原堰塞湖水量遥感定量估算方法。该方法首先通过遥感水域面积提取,获取堰塞湖淹没空间范围;进而采用不规则复杂多边形中线定位算法,确定堰塞湖中心线位置;然后基于河道中心特定点高程信息,结合局部河道比降估算,生成堰塞湖水下地形河道中线约束因子;再根据河道边坡高程信息和水下地形约束因子自适应拟合出局部堰塞河道的水下未知地形;最后通过三维曲面离散积分实现堰塞湖水量遥感动态定量估算。实验以东帕米尔高原的萨雷兹堰塞湖为研究区,展开遥感水量调查与局部验证研究,结果表明:萨雷兹堰塞湖当前水域面积约为89.09 km2,水量约为162.49亿m3;这一结果与专家预估的水资源量155—165亿m3基本吻合。经局部模拟实验精度对比验证,模拟结果与实际数据动态误差总体控制在10%以内,相关系数达到0.95(P<0.01,双尾),进一步证明了算法的鲁棒性和估算结果的可信度。为无/缺水下地形数据的高原堰塞湖水量遥感估算提供了一种有效的方法,实现了水下地形未知的高原堰塞湖水量遥感快速反演与定量测算。  相似文献   

石头口门水库是长春市重要的饮用水水源地。本文以5年为时间尺度,选取1975~2013年共9景轨道号为118/29、118/30的Landsat影像对石头口门水库水面轮廓进行提取,分析了石头口门水库40年来水面面积的变化情况,结果表明:1975~2013年期间,水库水面面积波动较大,经历了先扩张、后萎缩、再扩张、再萎缩的变化过程。同时,利用遥感技术提取石头口门水库流域的土地利用信息,对土地利用变化进行了分析。  相似文献   

快速监测垃圾填埋场固体物质的体积空间变化及准确评估有效库容,可为城市管理者科学决策和合理安排社会资源提供重要依据。无人机摄影测量技术具有机动灵活、数据获取快捷且精度高等优点,在众多领域都有较为广泛的应用。本文以成都市长安垃圾填埋场为例,利用低空无人机摄影测量技术获取填埋库区连续一年的影像数据,并对多期模型数据进行差分处理,分析填埋库区各区域的体积变化量及形变特征;建立库容储量预测模型,研究库容量的变化值与入场物质量的关系,对填埋库区的实际可容纳入场固体物质量进行预测。  相似文献   

Recent technological advancements in web-based geographic information systems have enabled access to satellite images on smart devices. The Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture overcomes difficulties that are associated with conventional data communications on the web, and the Web Graphics Library (WebGL) can be used as an alternative to web-based three-dimensional geographic visualization (3-D geovisualization) due to its efficient image processing capabilities. This paper describes a 3-D geovisualization system that was developed for satellite images on smart devices by integrating a spatial database management system (DBMS), a RESTful application programming interface (API), and WebGL. Spatiotemporal objects were constructed for time-series satellite images within a DBMS and a RESTful API was built for spatiotemporal queries to the time-series database so that the requested satellite data could be represented in 3-D on smart devices using WebGL. Satellite images that are represented in WebGL give a more realistic 3-D experience when they are combined with terrain data and provide for intuitive observations of the relationships between pixel values and associated geospatial conditions. This paper shows that a creative combination of existing technologies can be used to enhance and display satellite images on smart devices for 3-D geovisualization.  相似文献   

The present study is based on digital analysis of IRS 1C/1D LISS-III and IRS P6 LISS-IV images for identification of lineaments in Meja Thermal Power Plant site in Allahabad district. In spite of all limitations due to anthropogenic activities of stone quarrying and criss cross unmetalled roads, almost non-existent vegetation indicators and soil moisture, the efforts were made to identify and map a number of lineaments in the study area and these were subsequently verified in the field. Most of the lineaments identified and mapped are not having any major displacement along them or are not displacing or truncating any major rock unit. Field investigations have revealed that there is no drastic change in the trend of rocks along the lineaments mapped in the study area. On the basis of digital analysis of IRS P6 LISS-IV data NE–SW and NW–SE trending lineaments have been identified and mapped. Some NNE–SSW trending lineaments have also been mapped. All the lineaments demarcated in this area still need to be correlated with the seismic data of the area by superimposing the microseismicity data over lineaments.  相似文献   

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