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Point-based and object-based building extractions were conducted in airborne LiDAR data in a sample area of Buffalo, New York. First, the earth surface points were filtered from the entire laser scan data set using a new filtering algorithm, which combines the TIN slope modelling and statistical analysis. The off-ground points were extracted for buildings in the study area using both point cluster analysis and object-oriented classifications. The accuracies of both approaches were tested using the digitised ground truth. The outcomes of accuracy testing of the point-based method are correctness: 88.74%, completeness: 92.67% and quality: 83.50%. The results of the accuracy of object-based building extraction are correctness: 87.21%, completeness: 60.14%, and quality: 55.26%. Reconstructions of 3D building models based on the extracted building points were performed. This study contributes scientific and technological knowledge for researchers in developing more effective methods in converting the LiDAR survey to a 3D GIS database.  相似文献   

姜三  张靖  江万寿 《测绘科学》2014,39(12):81-85
条带配准是点云数据处理的一个重要环节.文章介绍了经典ICP配准算法的基本原理;考虑到城区机载LiDAR数据中地物的组成、空间分布等特征,提出了一种ICP算法中对应点集的选择策略,并建立了城区机载LiDAR数据的自动配准流程.利用河南安阳试验场的真实点云数据进行配准实验,结果表明在不需要人工干预的情况下,可以很好地将条带数据拼接在一起,建立无缝点云数据.  相似文献   

城区机载LiDAR数据与航空影像的自动配准   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张永军  熊小东  沈翔 《遥感学报》2012,16(3):579-595
为解决机载LiDAR数据与航空影像集成应用中二者的配准问题,提出了一种机载LiDAR数据与航空影像配准的方法。首先,直接在LiDAR点云中提取建筑物3维轮廓线,通过将轮廓线规则化得到由两条相互垂直的直线段组成的建筑物角特征,并在航空影像上提取直线特征;然后,根据影像初始外方位元素将建筑物角特征投影到航空影像上,并采用一定的相似性测度在影像上寻找同名的影像角特征;最后,将角特征的角点当作控制点,利用传统的摄影测量光束法区域网平差解求影像新的外方位元素。解算过程中采用循环迭代策略。本方法的主要特点是,直接从LiDAR点云中提取线特征,避免了常规方法从距离图(或强度图)中提取线特征所产生的内插误差。通过与现有基于点云强度图的配准方法的对比实验表明,在低精度初始外方位元素的辅助下,本文方法能够达到较高的配准精度。  相似文献   

机载多光谱LiDAR的随机森林地物分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载多光谱LiDAR技术利用激光进行探测和测距,不仅可以快速获取地面物体的三维坐标,还可以获得多个波段的地物光谱信息,可广泛用于地形测绘、土地覆盖分类、环境建模、森林资源调查等。本文提出了多光谱LiDAR的随机森林地物分类方法。该方法通过对LiDAR强度数据和高程数据提取分类特征,完成多光谱LiDAR的随机森林地物分类;并分析随机森林的特征贡献度特性,采用后向特征选择方法实现分类特征选择。通过对加拿大Optech Titan多光谱LiDAR数据的试验表明:随机森林方法可以获得较好的地物分类精度,而且可以适当地去除部分冗余和相关的特征,从而有效提高分类精度。  相似文献   

为避免由于城市道路复杂及树木建筑的阴影遮挡导致从遥感影像中提取道路信息不准确的问题,本文采用高分影像和Li-DAR数据相融合的方法实现城市道路的提取,并使用一种基于最小面积外接矩形(MABR)的后处理改进方法进行完善.首先对试验区进行数据配准;然后应用FNEA算法进行图像分割,并使用随机森林分类法进行分类,将影像融合和...  相似文献   

赵诣  蒋弥 《测绘学报》2019,48(5):609-617
提出一种基于极化参数优化的面向对象分类方法。该方法结合光学和SAR数据,有效提高了对地物的识别能力。本文方法的关键在于:在■分解中,使用光学影像指导SAR影像选择同质点,使其更精确地估计极化参数并结合光学波谱信息作为输入特征;使用面向对象的分类方法,仅将光学影像作为分割输入,避免SAR噪声引起的分割错误。以美国Bakersfield地区的Sentinel-1/2数据为例,确定7种地物类型,对比分析不同输入与不同分类器对分类结果的影响。研究表明,优化输入参数在纹理丰富区域能够有效提高分类精度;面向对象的分类结果更加稳定并较好地维持地表几何特征;改进分类方法较传统分类方法总体精度提高了近10%,达到92.6%。  相似文献   

机载多光谱LiDAR系统能够快速、准确地获取地物的空间几何和光谱信息,为地物覆盖分类和目标识别提供新的数据源。近年来,基于三维点云的深度学习算法取得了一系列突破性进展,然而直接将不规则的原始点云数据输入深度学习模型进行基于点的分类存在一定的困难。本文提出了一种基于FPS-KNN的样本生成方法,用于基于深度学习的机载多光谱LiDAR数据分类。该方法首先对输入数据进行归一化处理;然后利用最远点采样方法(FPS)和K近邻法(KNN)在输入数据中生成一系列规则大小的训练样本数据集。通过机载多光谱LiDAR数据的试验表明,该方法所生成的样本不仅符合卷积神经网络所要求的输入数据形式,而且能够确保对输入场景的完整覆盖。  相似文献   

Mapping forest structure variables provides important information for the estimation of forest biomass, carbon stocks, pasture suitability or for wildfire risk prevention and control. The optimization of the prediction models of these variables requires an adequate stratification of the forest landscape in order to create specific models for each structural type or strata. This paper aims to propose and validate the use of an object-oriented classification methodology based on low-density LiDAR data (0.5 m?2) available at national level, WorldView-2 and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery to categorize Mediterranean forests in generic structural types. After preprocessing the data sets, the area was segmented using a multiresolution algorithm, features describing 3D vertical structure were extracted from LiDAR data and spectral and texture features from satellite images. Objects were classified after feature selection in the following structural classes: grasslands, shrubs, forest (without shrubs), mixed forest (trees and shrubs) and dense young forest. Four classification algorithms (C4.5 decision trees, random forest, k-nearest neighbour and support vector machine) were evaluated using cross-validation techniques. The results show that the integration of low-density LiDAR and multispectral imagery provide a set of complementary features that improve the results (90.75% overall accuracy), and the object-oriented classification techniques are efficient for stratification of Mediterranean forest areas in structural- and fuel-related categories. Further work will be focused on the creation and validation of a different prediction model adapted to the various strata.  相似文献   

针对已有的从机载激光雷达(LiDAR)点云提取建筑物的方法多需要设置阈值及分类规则,造成算法适应性不强的问题,该文提出了一种LiDAR点云和多光谱影像进行自动化建筑物检测的方法。首先通过数据预处理从LiDAR点云中分离出建筑物点和树木点,然后综合LiDAR点云的表面曲率、强度信息和对应多光谱影像的NDVI值构建特征向量,最后基于支持向量机完成自动化的建筑物检测。试验结果表明,基于支持向量机的方法可将两种数据源有效结合起来用于自动化的建筑物检测。  相似文献   

LiDAR data are becoming increasingly available, which has opened up many new applications. One such application is crop type mapping. Accurate crop type maps are critical for monitoring water use, estimating harvests and in precision agriculture. The traditional approach to obtaining maps of cultivated fields is by manually digitizing the fields from satellite or aerial imagery and then assigning crop type labels to each field - often informed by data collected during ground and aerial surveys. However, manual digitizing and labeling is time-consuming, expensive and subject to human error. Automated remote sensing methods is a cost-effective alternative, with machine learning gaining popularity for classifying crop types. This study evaluated the use of LiDAR data, Sentinel-2 imagery, aerial imagery and machine learning for differentiating five crop types in an intensively cultivated area. Different combinations of the three datasets were evaluated along with ten machine learning. The classification results were interpreted by comparing overall accuracies, kappa, standard deviation and f-score. It was found that LiDAR data successfully differentiated between different crop types, with XGBoost providing the highest overall accuracy of 87.8%. Furthermore, the crop type maps produced using the LiDAR data were in general agreement with those obtained by using Sentinel-2 data, with LiDAR obtaining a mean overall accuracy of 84.3% and Sentinel-2 a mean overall accuracy of 83.6%. However, the combination of all three datasets proved to be the most effective at differentiating between the crop types, with RF providing the highest overall accuracy of 94.4%. These findings provide a foundation for selecting the appropriate combination of remotely sensed data sources and machine learning algorithms for operational crop type mapping.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral image and full-waveform light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data provide useful spectral and geometric information for classifying land cover. Hyperspectral images contain a large number of bands, thus providing land-cover discrimination. Waveform LiDAR systems record the entire time-varying intensity of a return signal and supply detailed information on geometric distribution of land cover. This study developed an efficient multi-sensor data fusion approach that integrates hyperspectral data and full-waveform LiDAR information on the basis of minimum noise fraction and principal component analysis. Then, support vector machine was used to classify land cover in mountainous areas. Results showed that using multi-sensor fused data achieved better accuracy than using a hyperspectral image alone, with overall accuracy increasing from 83% to 91% using population error matrices, for the test site. The classification accuracies of forest and tea farms exhibited significant improvement when fused data were used. For example, classification results were more complete and compact in tea farms based on fused data. Fused data considered spectral and geometric land-cover information, and increased the discriminability of vegetation classes that provided similar spectral signatures.  相似文献   

针对城市地物信息提取中地物边界难以确定、分类精度不高的问题,该文提出一套综合利用影像及激光雷达点云高程信息的面向对象分类方法。在分割中,各类地物的最佳分割尺度由监督法分割精度评价确定,最终分割结果利用粒度理论下的分割尺度综合方法进行合成,能兼顾不同地物最优分割尺度,获得准确地物边界;在分类中,采用ReliefF特征选择算法度量从影像及点云数据提取的对象特征重要度,选择最佳特征组合,并采用多分类器组合方法进行分类,以消除Hughes现象,提高分类精度。选择德国斯图加特市两块实验区进行分类实验,结果表明:该方法有利于提高大范围城市地物精细信息提取的精度和效率,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

LiDAR has been an effective technology for acquiring urban land cover data in recent decades. Previous studies indicate that geometric features have a strong impact on land cover classification. Here, we analyzed an urban LiDAR dataset to explore the optimal feature subset from 25 geometric features incorporating 25 scales under 6 definitions for urban land cover classification. We performed a feature selection strategy to remove irrelevant or redundant features based on the correlation coefficient between features and classification accuracy of each features. The neighborhood scales were divided into small (0.5–1.5 m), medium (1.5–6 m) and large (>6 m) scale. Combining features with lower correlation coefficient and better classification performance would improve classification accuracy. The feature depicting homogeneity or heterogeneity of points would be calculated at a small scale, and the features to smooth points at a medium scale and the features of height different at large scale. As to the neighborhood definition, cuboid and cylinder were recommended. This study can guide the selection of optimal geometric features with adaptive neighborhood scale for urban land cover classification.  相似文献   

Integration of WorldView-2 satellite image with small footprint airborne LiDAR data for estimation of tree carbon at species level has been investigated in tropical forests of Nepal. This research aims to quantify and map carbon stock for dominant tree species in Chitwan district of central Nepal. Object based image analysis and supervised nearest neighbor classification methods were deployed for tree canopy retrieval and species level classification respectively. Initially, six dominant tree species (Shorea robusta, Schima wallichii, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Terminalia tomentosa, Mallotus philippinensis and Semecarpus anacardium) were able to be identified and mapped through image classification. The result showed a 76% accuracy of segmentation and 1970.99 as best average separability. Tree canopy height model (CHM) was extracted based on LiDAR’s first and last return from an entire study area. On average, a significant correlation coefficient (r) between canopy projection area (CPA) and carbon; height and carbon; and CPA and height were obtained as 0.73, 0.76 and 0.63, respectively for correctly detected trees. Carbon stock model validation results showed regression models being able to explain up to 94%, 78%, 76%, 84% and 78% of variations in carbon estimation for the following tree species: S. robusta, L. parviflora, T. tomentosa, S. wallichii and others (combination of rest tree species).  相似文献   

Semantic labelling of LiDAR point cloud is critical for effective utilization of 3D points in numerous applications. 3D segmentation, incorporation of ancillary data, feature extraction and classification are the key stages in object-based point cloud labelling. The choice of algorithms and tuning parameters adopted in these stages has substantial impact on the quality of results from object-based point cloud labelling. This paper critically evaluates the performance of object-based point cloud labelling as a function of different 3D segmentation approaches, incorporation of spectral data and computational complexity of the point cloud. The designed experiments are implemented on the datasets provided by the ISPRS and the results are independently validated by the ISPRS. Results indicate that aggregation of dense point cloud into higher-level object analogue (e.g. supervoxels) before 3D segmentation stage offers superior labelling results and best computational performance compared to the popular surface growing-based approaches.  相似文献   

Extracting high-quality building footprints is a basic requirement in multiple sectors of town planning, disaster management, 3D visualization, etc. In the current study, we compare three different techniques for acquiring building footprints using (i) LiDAR, (ii) object-oriented classification (OOC) applied on high-resolution aerial photographs and (iii) digital surface models generated from interpolated LiDAR point cloud data. The three outputs were compared with a digitized sample of building polygons quantitatively by computing the errors of commission and omission, and qualitatively using statistical operations. These findings showed that building footprints derived from OOC gave highest regression and correlation values with least commission error. The R2 and R values (0.86 and 0.92, respectively) imply that the footprint areas derived by OOC matched more closely with the actual area of buildings, while a low commission error of 24.7% represented a higher number of footprints as correctly classified.  相似文献   

城市地区地表覆盖分类在城市研究中是一个十分重要的方向。遥感作为获取地物物理属性的一种重要技术手段,已初步应用于分类研究中。然而,随着城镇化的不断推进,城市内部地物类型越来越复杂,单一的遥感影像已无法满足城区地表覆盖分类中高精度的要求。高光谱影像和LiDAR数据能够分别表征地物的光谱信息及高程而被广泛应用。因此,根据两者之间互补的优势,本文提出了基于高光谱影像和LiDAR数据多级融合的城区地表覆盖分类方法。首先对两幅影像分别进行特征提取,将提取到的光谱、空间及高程信息进行层叠实现特征级融合。对得到的特征影像的所有像素点进行分类,然后利用LiDAR点云数据提取的建筑物掩膜,对非建筑物部分进行分类,再次实现特征级融合,以此改善建筑物区域与非建筑物区域的混淆。然后将未使用掩膜得到的分类结果与利用掩膜得到的分类结果进行投票实现决策级融合。最后利用条件随机场模型对分类结果进行后处理操作,达到平滑图像去除噪声点的目的。  相似文献   

梁鑫  杨晓云 《测绘科学》2013,38(2):72-74
本文提出了一种适用于离散LiDAR数据的区域生长算法:将离散点云数据重采样为规则格网,通过坡度自适应区域生长法分割规则格网,获得不同的面片;建立各个分割面片之间的拓扑关系,将分割面片划分为粗差、植被、建筑物和地面;检测原始激光脚点到DTM的距离,判断是否为地面点。文中采用ISPRS提供的测试数据验证了算法分割的有效性。  相似文献   

针对航空和地面LiDAR数据配准中点云数据的共轭特征较少且精度差异较大的问题,提出了一种基于可移动角点的航空和地面LiDAR数据配准方法:从航空和地面LiDAR数据中分别提取相应的建筑物角点,采用6参数模型对角点进行初始配准;以地面角点为参照,利用迭代移动方法对误差较大的航空角点进行修正;最后根据移动后的航空和地面角点计算获得点云配准关系。实验结果表明,该文方法可取得较好的点云配准效果,角点修正后能有效提升点云配准精度,适合于含有角点特征的航空和地面LiDAR数据配准。  相似文献   

We presented a multiresolution hierarchical classification (MHC) algorithm for differentiating ground from non-ground LiDAR point cloud based on point residuals from the interpolated raster surface. MHC includes three levels of hierarchy, with the simultaneous increase of cell resolution and residual threshold from the low to the high level of the hierarchy. At each level, the surface is iteratively interpolated towards the ground using thin plate spline (TPS) until no ground points are classified, and the classified ground points are used to update the surface in the next iteration. 15 groups of benchmark dataset, provided by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) commission, were used to compare the performance of MHC with those of the 17 other publicized filtering methods. Results indicated that MHC with the average total error and average Cohen’s kappa coefficient of 4.11% and 86.27% performs better than all other filtering methods.  相似文献   

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