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Development of a spectral library is a prerequisite for the higher order classification of satellite data and hyperspectral image analysis to map any ecosystem with rich diversity. In this study, sampling methodology, collection of field and laboratory spectral signatures and post-processing methodologies were investigated for developing an exclusive spectral library of mangrove species using hyperspectral spectroscopic techniques. Canopy level field spectra and leaf level laboratory spectra were collected for 34 species (25 true and 9 associated mangroves) from two different mangrove ecosystems of the Indian east coast. Post-processing steps such as removal of water vapour absorption bands, correction of drifts which occur due to the thermal properties of the instrument during data collection and smoothing of spectra for its further utilisation were applied on collected spectra. The processed spectra were then compiled as spectral library.  相似文献   

光谱特征匹配分类是常用的高光谱影像分类、识别地物的方法,针对高光谱影像提取植被盖度存在的问题,文章根据高光谱遥感影像处理的方法,采用EO-1卫星在广州市过境的Hyperion高光谱影像,以"广州南肺"万亩果园作为试验区,经过大气纠正——最小噪声分离变换(MNF)——最纯净像元指数计算(PPI)——提取植被的端元,以此作为研究区识别植被的参考样本,进行光谱特征匹配提取植被盖度。其中提出利用连续小波变换对参考端元的波谱曲线降噪的方法,旨在优化光谱特征匹配,以提高识别植被的精度。实验结果表明,这种辅助匹配的方法能有效提高识别植被的精度。  相似文献   

为研究如何利用遥感技术进行蛇绿岩岩矿信息识别和提取,以藏东罗布莎蛇绿岩为例,基于ETM和ASTER遥感数据,分别采用比值法和主成分分析法提取羟基类(蛇纹石、绿泥石)和铁染类(磁铁矿、橄榄石)矿物信息;利用纯净像元指数法(pure pixel index,PPI)提取端元波谱,结合地面已知岩性信息,分别采用光谱角分类法(spectral angle mapping,SAM)和波谱特征拟合法(spectral feature fitting,SFF)识别纯橄岩和橄榄岩,研究了罗布莎蛇绿岩及其主要蚀变矿物的空间分布特征.经过对比分析可知,用多种方法、多种数据提取的岩矿信息可以相互验证;提取出的纯橄岩和橄榄岩与所提取的羟基类和铁染类蚀变遥感异常信息有较好的空间重叠,且与地面调查结果基本吻合.研究表明,该方法用于蛇绿岩遥感岩矿信息提取是可行的,并取得较好的地质效果.  相似文献   

选取多光谱遥感数据(ETM)对新疆北山西段中坡山笔架山一带进行了遥感蚀变信息提取方法研究。根据光谱角制图信息增强方法的优缺点,通过对光谱照度的研究,提出了结合光谱角分类方法进行沿光谱照度方向距离分类的信息提取方法。实验表明,该方法应用于ETM数据,增强了目标信息,同时剔除掉因照度所产生的大量非目标信息,为优化信息提供了一种有效的方法。在地形比较平坦的研究区取得了很好的应用效果。  相似文献   

本文利用尺度空间理论对高光谱遥感数据中包含的精细光谱信息进行多尺度观察,在特定的尺度层次下提取能够对地物类别属性做出判断的定性约束特征,在此基础上结合光谱相似性测度最终确定像元所属类别。试验结果表明该方法可有效减少传统匹配算法由于噪声、成像环境等因素引起的误判、错分问题,提高分类识别的精度。  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,人类活动的日益频繁,地球表面发生了翻天覆地的变化。遥感技术以其独特的优势成为土地利用调查和变化研究的重要技术手段。本文以淮安市1995年和2006年的TM遥感影像为主要数据,依据土地利用类型的光谱特征,采用NDVI,NDWI,NDBI和非监督分类方法分别提取耕地、林地、草地、水体和建筑用地类型,并对提取结果从结构和变化角度进行分析。结果证明:1)依据地物光谱特征,采用不同模型分别提取土地利用类型的方法切实可行;2)淮安市是一个以农用地为主、水资源丰富、城镇化水平较低的地区;在1995~2006年间,耕地、水域和草地分布呈减少的趋势,林地和建筑用地呈不断增加的趋势。  相似文献   

研究了三维真实地形建模与可视化的整个流程,利用OpenGL通用图形程序接口实现了基于DEM数据与遥感影像的三维地形的快速生成与仿真;并将三维地形生成技术应用到了天山公路三维地质灾害场景可视化中。详细阐述了以遥感影像作为地形纹理的处理方式与流程以及构建真实地形场景技术的方法和优化方案,提出了在实际应用中建立个性化三维地形系统的重要性。  相似文献   

以ASD Fieldspce(R)Pro FR全波段野外光谱仪(350~2 500 nm)进行室内光谱测量为光谱数据获取手段,以提取水体光谱信息为目标,设计光谱采集方案,进行光谱数据测量和东风渠污染物光谱特性研究;并使用ENVI遥感软件对光谱数据进行了相关处理及各种变换以突出光谱数据的细微差别,有利于光谱数据的对比分析。  相似文献   

随着传感器技术的发展,高光谱数据光谱的波段宽度逐渐变窄,如何从海量的光谱数据中找到最优的光谱波段反演叶绿素含量,成为研究的难点问题。本文在测量华中农业大学狮子山6种主要树种的光谱数据和叶绿素含量的基础上,利用叶绿素指数(CI)和回归方法反演叶绿素含量,并分析了波段宽度对反演叶绿素含量结果的影响,结果发现波段宽度会影响到叶绿素反演的精度,当波段宽度为30nm时,叶绿素含量与"红边"区域(700nm-730nm)和近红外区域(770nm-800nm)叶绿素指标(CI)间的线性关系较好,决定系数可达到77.62%,均方根误差为10.6ug/cm2。  相似文献   

3维可视化是当前数字矿山理论及其技术研究领域的关键问题之一。以云南澜沧老厂为研究区,将高精度数字高程模型(DEM)数据与矿区高分辨率2维遥感图像(QuickBird影像)叠合生成3维遥感影像,能够真实再现老厂矿区的景观特征,有效反映该地区的复杂地形、地貌、地质特征,提供综合、全面、实时、动态的矿山地面变化信息,为矿床定位及开展地质工作服务。  相似文献   

Spectral library search is emerging as a viable approach for material identification and mapping by reusing spectral knowledge gained from hyperspectral remote sensing across space and time. The potential of retrieving meaningful spectral material identifications in the presence of reflectance of spectra of various material types and with various similarity metrics has been assessed in this study. Test reflectance spectra of various vegetation, minerals, soils and urban material types are identified by searching through the composite reflectance spectral library obtained by combining various institutional reflectance spectral libraries. The accuracy of material identifications under various conditions: (i) in the presence of identical, similar and dissimilar spectra; (ii) in the presence of only identical and dissimilar spectra; and (iii) in the presence of only dissimilar spectra has been assessed with several similarity metrics. Results indicate the possibility of obtaining 100% accurate material identifications by library search if the spectral library contains identical spectra. However, the presence of a large number of similar spectra, despite the presence of identical spectra, is found to increase false positives, thereby reducing the accuracy of retrievals to 82% at best. Further, the accuracy of material identifications in the presence of similar spectra is similarity metric-dependent and varied from about 52% (obtained from Binary Encoding) to 82% (obtained from Normalized Spectral Similarity Score). Overall, results support the possibility of using independent reflectance spectral libraries for material identification while calling for robust spectral similarity metrics.  相似文献   

高光谱遥感光谱相似性度量算法与若干新方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种新的光谱相似性度量算法分类体系。在归纳算法的基础上,根据不同的度量原理与实现策略,结合应用需求,提出了基于光谱多边形的测度、四值编码、十进制编码、树状变换测度及基于小波变换的测度等新方法,这些方法能够应用于分类、检索等的相似性度量中。  相似文献   

In this study, we test the potential of two different classification algorithms, namely the spectral angle mapper (SAM) and object-based classifier for mapping the land use/cover characteristics using a Hyperion imagery. We chose a study region that represents a typical Mediterranean setting in terms of landscape structure, composition and heterogeneous land cover classes. Accuracy assessment of the land cover classes was performed based on the error matrix statistics. Validation points were derived from visual interpretation of multispectral high resolution QuickBird-2 satellite imagery. Results from both the classifiers yielded more than 70% classification accuracy. However, the object-based classification clearly outperformed the SAM by 7.91% overall accuracy (OA) and a relatively high kappa coefficient. Similar results were observed in the classification of the individual classes. Our results highlight the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing data as well as object-based classification approach for mapping heterogeneous land use/cover in a typical Mediterranean setting.  相似文献   

传统谱聚类的高光谱影像波段选择模型中,采用的波段相似矩阵受到噪声或异常值的影响且仅能表征波段的单一相似特征,导致波段子集的选取结果受到限制。本文从波段选择的目的出发,提出鲁棒多特征谱聚类方法,整合多个特征的波段相似矩阵来形成综合相似矩阵以解决上述问题。该方法假设4种相似性度量包括光谱信息散度、光谱角度距离、波段相关性和拉普拉斯图谱能够共同揭示波段聚类的内在结构特征,通过构建低秩稀疏矩阵分解模型来表征单一相似矩阵与综合相似矩阵的内在关系。进一步,采用增强拉格朗日乘子算法来优化求解综合相似矩阵,利用常规谱聚类方法来聚合所有波段至不同的类别,并选取代表性波段。采用两个常用的高光谱影像数据,对比5种常用的波段选择方法来进行实验验证。实验结果表明,鲁棒多特征谱聚类方法优于改进稀疏子空间聚类、常规谱聚类方法和其他主流波段选择方法,而且计算效率较高。  相似文献   

Imaging spectroscopy is an emerging and versatile technique that finds applications in diverse fields concerned with remote identification, discrimination and mapping of materials. The large amount of spectral data produced by hyperspectral imaging necessitates the development of automated techniques that convert imagery directly into thematic maps. Spectral library search method, a method of choice for organic compound identification by the mass spectroscopy, has caught the attention of researchers as one of the appropriate methods for an efficient exploitation of high quality spectral data available from the hyperspectral imaging systems. Given the apparent increase in the number of papers appearing on the subject as well as the variety of methods proposed, it is reasonable to say that the field of automated interpretation of reflectance spectral data has passed its infancy now gaining important space in the scientific community. We present an overall view of the literature relevant to the development of library search method, the various search algorithms and systems available in the purview for developing an automated hyperspectral data analysis system for material identification.  相似文献   

在高光谱影像的分类过程中,如何有效地降低特征空间的维数,又能保证原始数据所包含的丰富地物信息是一项十分重要而繁琐的工作。深入分析了这种降维的必要性,并针对当前常用的降维方法存在的问题,提出了运用Tabu搜索算法获取对分类最为有利的特征波段的思想。考虑到高光谱数据的特点,指出了算法运行中应该注意的若干关键参数设置问题。实验表明,Tabu搜索算法在求解质量和执行效率方面都有着良好的表现,可以用于高光谱数据的降维处理。  相似文献   

在高光谱影像的分类过程中,如何有效地降低特征空间的维数,又能保证原始数据所包含的丰富地物信息是一项十分重要而繁琐的工作.深入分析了这种降维的必要性,并针对当前常用的降维方法存在的问题,提出了运用Tabu搜索算法获取对分类最为有利的特征波段的思想.考虑到高光谱数据的特点,指出了算法运行中应该注意的若干关键参数设置问题.实验表明,Tabu搜索算法在求解质量和执行效率方面都有着良好的表现,可以用于高光谱数据的降维处理.  相似文献   

The relationship between soil salinity parameters and their influence on soil spectral characteristics were analyzed using both satellite data (Hyperion) and reflectance data of soil samples collected from parts of Ahmedabad district of Gujarat, India. The soil spectral reflectance curves were assessed using absorption feature parameters by DISPEC software to identify suitable spectral band for salinity characterization. The Hyperion data of the study area were processed and classified into different classes by spectral angle mapper algorithm using spectral library generated from soil spectra. The results showed that among all the observed soil parameters Electrical Conductivity, Exchangeable Sodium Percentage, Cation Exchange Capacity and Mg++ predictions can be made accurately based on partial least square regression models developed from selected wavelengths. Out of the total study area moderately saline-sodic, severely saline-sodic, severely saline and slightly saline soils occupy 23.5, 12.6, 10.9 and 0.04%, respectively.  相似文献   

高光谱遥感影像具有丰富的光谱信息,在地物分类识别方面具有明显的优势.针对复杂高光谱影像分类问题,应用了一种广义判别分析特征提取技术.将输入样本通过非线性函数映射到特征空间,在特征空间中应用线性判别特征提取方法;算法求解过程中涉及到在特征空间的内积用核函数代替,简化计算的同时也使得算法与非线性函数的具体形式无关.通过影像分类试验表明,该方法较常用特征提取方法更有利于分类精度的提高.  相似文献   

高光谱遥感影像具有丰富的光谱信息,在地物分类识别方面具有明显的优势。针对复杂高光谱影像分类问题,应用了一种广义判别分析特征提取技术。将输入样本通过非线性函数映射到特征空间,在特征空间中应用线性判别特征提取方法;算法求解过程中涉及到在特征空间的内积用核函数代替,简化计算的同时也使得算法与非线性函数的具体形式无关。通过影像分类试验表明,该方法较常用特征提取方法更有利于分类精度的提高。  相似文献   

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