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《Quaternary Science Reviews》1999,18(4-5):549-554
The Gediz and the Büyük Menderes Graben basins, two of the most important structural elements of western Anatolia, markedly differ in their palaeogeographic evolution during the Holocene. On the basis of the study of the facies and the geomorphological characteristics of the youngest sedimentary fills it is suggested that the evolution of the Büyük Menderes basin has a simple progradational history while the Gediz River basin has shown a complex evolution mainly controlled by intense tectonic periods. Comparison between the palaeogeographic evolution of these basins points to the fact that tectonism has been more effective in the Gediz basin during the Holocene.  相似文献   

In this study, natural and artificial radionuclide activity concentrations in surface soils of Kücük Menderes Basin have been measured using gamma spectroscopy. The soil samples were collected from agricultural lands in the Kücük Menderes Basin in Turkey. The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in the soils were found to be range of 12.63 ± 2.28–72.51 ± 11.23, 11.45 ± 2.4–58.12 ± 4.76, 234.8 ± 14.85–1058.52 ± 24 Bq kg?1 dw and 2.31 ± 0.18–7.75 ± 1.14 Bq kg?1, respectively. The natural gamma radioactivity of the terrestrial radionuclides in soil samples and the gamma absorbed dose rate, the annual effective dose equivalent, the radium equivalent activity, the external hazard index, were calculated and compared with the international recommended values.  相似文献   

Groundwater is an important component of the global freshwater supply and is affected by climate. There is a strong need to understand and evaluate the impacts of climate change over the long term, in order to better plan and manage precious groundwater resources. Turkey, located in Mediterranean basin, is threatened by climate change. The purpose of this study was, through a quantitative overview, to determine the impacts of climate change on the groundwater recharge rates in Küçük Menderes River Basin in western Turkey. According to the data of Ödemi? and Selçuk meteorological stations located in the basin, there is a significantly decreasing trend in precipitation combined with increasing trends in temperature and evaporation observed in 1964–2011. The calculations of groundwater recharge with hydrologic budget method for the observation period showed an approximately 15% decline in groundwater recharge in the basin. Thus, the combined impacts of climate change and excessive groundwater pumping, due to increasing water demand, have caused a significant decline in groundwater levels. Consequently, the proper management of the groundwater resources threatened by climate change requires effective governance to both mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change and facilitate the adaptation of sustainable integrated water management policies.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):317-331
The Küçük Menderes Graben (KMG) is part of the horst-graben system of southwestern Anatolia (Turkey), bounded by the Bozda? horst in the north and the Ayd?n horst in the south. The Plio-Quaternary evolution of the KMG has been evaluated using the nature of the Miocene-Quaternary fill sediments and palaeostress analysis of slip data measured in different parts of the graben.

The graben is composed of five subbasins—the Kiraz, Ödemi?, Bay?nd?r, Da?k?z?lca-Torbal? and Selçuk—that are connected to each other through narrow Quaternary troughs. The Da?k?z?lca, Kiraz and Selçuk basins bear Miocene and younger sequences whereas the other subbasins are largely filled by Quaternary sediments. The maximum thickness of the Quaternary fill reaches about 270 m in the Ödemi? and Bay?nd?r subbasins.

The calculated slip results indicate multidirectional extension, three successive deformational periods, and possible counterclockwise rotation in the KMG during the post-Miocene period. The first phase was a strike-slip regime under N-S compression, followed by a second phase of deformation which resulted in ENE-WSW extension with strike-slip components. The final phase of deformation was NE-SW extension which constituted the final evolution of the KMG.

The graben gained its present morphological configuration via the onset of E-W-trending, high-angle normal faulting imposed on the regionwide synformal structure during the Plio-Quaternary. The KMG evolved as a result of rifting during the Plio-Quaternary which followed Late Miocene unroofing of the Menderes Massif and the evolution of the Büyük Menderes and Gediz grabens.  相似文献   

We investigate the helium, carbon and oxygen–hydrogen isotopic systematics and CO2/3He ratios of 8 water and 6 gas samples collected from 12 geothermal fields in western Anatolia (Turkey). 3He/4He ratios of the samples (R) normalized to the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio (RA = 1.39 × 10? 6) range from 0.27 to 1.67 and are significantly higher than the crustal production value of 0.05. Fluids with relatively high R / RA values are generally found in areas of significant heat potential (K?z?ldere and Tuzla fields). CO2/3He ratios of the samples, ranging from 1.6 × 109 to 2.3 × 1014, display significant variation and are mostly higher than values typical of an upper mantle source (2 × 109). The δ13C (CO2) and δ13C (CH4) values of all fluids vary from ? 8.04 to + 0.35‰ and ? 25.80 to ? 23.92‰ (vs. PDB), respectively. Stable isotope values (δ18O–δD) of the geothermal waters are conformable with the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line and indicate a meteoric origin. The temperatures calculated by gas geothermometry are significantly higher than estimates from chemical geothermometers, implying that either equilibrium has not been attained for the isotope exchange reaction or that isotopic equilibration was disturbed due to gas additions en route to the surface.Evaluation of He–CO2 abundances indicates that hydrothermal degassing and calcite precipitation (controlled probably by adiabatic cooling due to degassing) significantly fractionate the elemental ratio (CO2/3He) in geothermal waters. Such processes do not affect gas phase samples to anywhere near the same extent. For the gas samples, mixing between mantle and various crustal sources appears to be the main control on the observed He–C systematics: however, crustal inputs dominate the CO2 inventory. Considering that limestone is the main source of carbon (~ 70 to 97% of the total carbon inventory), the carbon flux from the crust is found to be at least 20 times that from the mantle. As to the He-inventory, the mantle-derived component is found to vary up to 21% of the total He content and is probably transferred to the crust by fluids degassed from deep mantle melts generated in association with the elevated geotherm and adiabatic melting accompanying current extension. The range of 3He/enthalpy ratios (0.000032 to 0.19 × 10? 12 cm3 STP/J) of fluids in western Anatolia is consistent with the release of both helium and heat from contemporary additions of mantle-derived magmas to the crust. The deep faults appear to have facilitated the deep circulation of the fluids and the transport of mantle volatiles and heat to the surface.  相似文献   

Several m-thick, karst-unconformity-type metabauxite horizons in the İlbir Mountains of SW Turkey host open-space mineralization of gem-quality diaspore (trademarked as zultanite), associated with muscovite, hematite, ilmenite, chloritoid, and younger calcite. The hydrothermal-metamorphogenic mineralization occurs in fracture zones (veins and open structures) that crosscut the metabauxite horizons, but does not extend into the marble host rocks. The white to dark gray marble sequence (over 2,000 m in thickness) is of Cretaceous depositional age and was affected by Alpine (Paleogene) tectonometamorphism which caused the hydrothermal remobilization of primary bauxite components into crosscutting structures.  相似文献   

This paper covers the investigation of construction materials and selection of the dam type for the Büyük Karaçay Dam, which was planned to be constructed on Büyük Karaçay River 20 km to the SW of Hatay (Southern Turkey). The purposes of the dam are irrigation, domestic water supply, and producing energy. Auxiliary structures locations have been determined during the study of detailed geological maps of the dam axis and reservoir area. Quality, quantity and hauling distance of natural construction materials were effective to select different dam types. For engineering geological studies exploration boreholes were drilled at the dam site; pressuremeter tests were performed in order to determine bearing capacity and elasticity properties of rocks; pressured water tests were also performed to determine permeability of the dam site. Moreover, physical and mechanical properties of rocks were determined by the laboratory test. In the feasibility stage, the dam type was chosen as the central core rock-fill dam, depending on state of natural construction materials. In design stage dam type was changed as faced symmetrical hardfill dam. Finally, the dam type was revised again during the design stage as concrete face rockfill dam.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic data shed light on latest Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentation beneath the Büyükçekmece Bay, northern shelf area of the Marmara Sea, Turkey. Discontinuous fluvio-marine and marine deposits overlying the erosional truncation surface of Oligocene–Lower Miocene deposits are as thick as 30 m and preserved preferentially within the incised valleys that were controlled by some old faults. A series of prograding shoreline, laterally passing to the latest Pleistocene–Holocene valley-fill deposits, are thought to have accumulated mainly during times of shoreline transgression and sea-level rise. The overall morphology and stratigraphic setting observed in the Büyükçekmece Bay and at the southern outlet of the Bosphorus Strait have nearly same characteristics, implying that similar hydrodynamic conditions, erosional and depositional processes were mainly under the control of strong northerly flows during the Late Quaternary. These flows were less powerful in the Büyükçekmece region with decreased sediment input and smaller accommodation space.  相似文献   

The concentrations of uranium, iron and the major constituents were determined in groundwater samples from aquifer containing uranyl phosphate minerals (meta-autunite, meta-torbernite and torbernite) in the Köprüba?? area. Groundwater samples from wells located at shallow depths (0.5–6 m) show usually near neutral pH values (6.2–7.1) and oxidizing conditions (Eh = 119–275 mV). Electrical conductivity (EC) values of samples are between 87 and 329 μS/cm?1. They are mostly characterized by mixed cationic Ca dominating bicarbonate types. The main hydrogeochemical process is weathering of the silicates in the shallow groundwater system. All groundwater in the study area are considered undersaturated with respect to torbernite and autunite. PHREEQC predicted UO2(HPO4) 2 2? as the unique species. The excellent positive correlation coefficient (r = 0.99) between U and PO4 indicates the dissolved uranium in groundwater would be associated with the dissolution of uranyl phosphate minerals. The groundwater show U content in the range 1.71–70.45 μg/l but they are mostly lower than US EPA (2003) maximum contaminant level of 30 μg/l. This low U concentrations in oxic groundwater samples is attributed to the low solubility of U(VI) phosphate minerals under near neutral pH and low bicarbonate conditions. Iron closely associated with studied sediments, were also detected in groundwater. The maximum concentration of Fe in groundwater samples was 2837 μg/l, while the drinking water guidelines of Turkish (TSE 1997) and US EPA (2003) were suggested 200 and 300 μg/l, respectively. Furthermore, iron and uranium showed a significant correlation to each other with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.94. This high correlation is probably related to the iron-rich sediments which contain also significant amounts of uranium mineralization. In addition to pH and bicarbonate controlling dissolution of uranyl phosphates, association of uranyl phosphates with iron (hydr) oxides seems to play important role in the amount of dissolved U in shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

A method to model 3D sedimentary basins with parabolic density contrast is applied to Büyük Menderes basin in Western Anatolia. The measured gravity fields, reduced to a horizontal plane, are assumed to be available at grid nodes of a rectangular/square mesh. Juxtaposed 3D vertical prisms with their geometrical epicenters on top coincide with grid nodes of a mesh to approximate a sedimentary basin. The algorithm based on Newton’s forward difference formula automatically calculates the initial depth estimates of a sedimentary basin assuming that 2D infinite horizontal slabs can generate the measured gravity fields and among these slabs the density contrast varies with depth. The lower boundary of a sedimentary basin is formulated by estimating the depth values of the 3D prisms with in predetermined limits. Measured gravity fields pertaining to the Büyük Menderes basin, Turkey, where the density contrast varies with depth, are interpreted to show the applicability of the method.  相似文献   

Küçük Menderes River forms a rich coastal wetland inside in the Selçuk plain. Three saline/brackish lakes, one swamp and Küçük Menderes River are these wetlands’ components. Alkaline-slightly alkaline type lakes are recharged from precipitation and karstic springs that discharge from marble-schist and marble-alluvium contacts in the northern and southern parts of the study area. Water types of the wetland are Na–Cl and Na–Ca–Mg–HCO3–Cl in both rainy and dry seasons. Both seawater intrusion and evaporation, as being the sources of the ions, justify the presence of Na–Cl, Na–SO4 and Cl–SO4, in the wetland water. Environmental isotopes were used to identify the relationship between wetland and groundwater in the Selçuk plain. The δ18O and δD composition of wetland area samples have changed between ?6.42 to ?4.56‰, and ?36.40 to ?23.80‰, respectively. The lakes and rivers are plotted on the mixing line by slope of 5.2 and these data indicate that wetland is affected from seawater intrusion. The recharge area that was sampled in order to compare the wetland has Ca–HCO3 water type with a neutral-slightly alkaline pH values and the main hydrogeochemical process is weathering the different types of silicates. Iron, manganese and selenium are the dominant minor ions due to the high biological activities and organic matters in the lakes. There are two contamination risks for this wetland: (1) waste disposal site and (2) water treatment plant where the purified waters are released into the river. EC, Al, As, Cd, Cu, Fe and Zn values exceed those of aquatic life standards. In the near future these sites will pose a danger for wetland wild life and surrounding irrigation water suppliers.  相似文献   

The Denver Basin bedrock aquifer system is an important source of water for municipal and agricultural uses in the Denver and Colorado Springs metropolitan areas. The Denver area is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States with a population of 1.2 million in 1960 that has increased to over 2.4 million by 2000. This rapid population growth has produced a corresponding increase in demand for potable water. Historically, the Denver area has relied on surface water, however, in the past 10 years new housing and recreation developments have begun to rely on groundwater from the bedrock aquifers as the surface water is fully appropriated and in short supply.The Denver Basin bedrock aquifer system consists of Tertiary and Cretaceous age sedimentary rocks known as the Dawson, Denver, Arapahoe and Laramie-Fox Hills Aquifers. The number of bedrock wells has increased from 12,000 in 1985 to 33,700 in 2001 and the withdrawal of groundwater has caused water level declines of 76 m. Water level declines for the past 10 years have ranged from 3 to 12 m per year. The groundwater supplies were once thought to last 100 years but there is concern that the groundwater supplies may be essentially depleted in 10 to 15 years in areas on the west side of the basin.Extensive development of the aquifer system has occurred in the last 25 years especially near the center of the basin in Douglas and El Paso Counties where rapid urban growth continues and surface water is lacking. Groundwater is being mined from the aquifer system because the discharge by wells exceeds the rate of recharge. Concern is mounting that increased groundwater withdrawal will cause water level declines, increased costs to withdraw groundwater, reduced well yield, and reduced groundwater storage. As the long-term sustainability of the groundwater resource is in doubt, water managers believe that the life of the Denver Basin aquifers can be extended with artificial recharge, water reuse, restrictions on lawn watering, well permit restrictions and conservation measures.  相似文献   

The Tepearasi Formation of the autochthonous Geyikdagi Group in the Central Tauride Belt, SE of Beysehir, is Dogger in age and consists dominantly of massive limestones and greyish dolomites occurring within the middle to upper sections. The total thickness of the dolomitic levels ranges from 100-300 m and laterally extends 500-700 m. Three types of dolomite were distinguished through petrographic analyses: homogeneous, mottled (saddle-crystalline) and joint-filling dolomite, which were interpreted to have formed in two different stages, early diagenetic and late diagenetic. The homogeneous dolomite of the early diagenetic stage is light-coloured and monotonous-textured and shows the form of a dolosparite mosaic. The mottled dolomite formed in the late diagenetic stage is light- to dark-coloured and coarsely granular idiomorphic. The other type of late diagenetic dolomite, described as the joint-filling type, presents a crystal growth pattern from the joint walls towards the centre of the joint space. I  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5-6):239-257
Neogene volcanic rocks and granitoid plutons are among the most important geological components of western Turkey. Although they are voluminous north of the Gediz Graben, they are very scarce to the south, where volcanic rocks occur as isolated small exposures in a small number of localities. The Kiraz Basin of the Küçük Menderes Graben is a key locality, in which Tertiary volcanic rocks crop out at three locations. These rocks have been chemically analysed and dated (39Ar-40Ar whole rock and biotite analyses) in order to understand their tectonic setting of emplacement and its relation to the wider structure of western Anatolia. Whole rock and biotite 39Ar-40Ar ages vary between 13.9 ± 0.2 Ma and 14.6 ± 0.2 Ma.

The Kiraz volcanic rocks are calc-alkaline, with a compositional range from basaltic andesite to dacite. They are strongly enriched in the light ion lithophile elements (LILE) and have chemistries typical of lavas erupted in subduction-related settings. Their close association with rift-bounding faults suggests eruptions via conduits flanking grabens in an extensional environment. The difference in chemical composition and age between the Kiraz volcanic rocks and the slightly older calc-alkaline volcanic rocks north of the Gediz Graben is attributed to their relatively younger ages and greater proximity to the Aegean Arc. Their calc-alkaline chemistry reflects magma generation influenced by the slab descending beneath this arc and eruption/emplacement in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

In this study, a groundwater exploration survey was conducted using the DC Resistivity (DCR) method in a hydrogeological setting containing a perched aquifer. DCR data were gathered and an electrical tomography section was recovered using conventional four-electrode instruments with a Schlumberger array and a two-dimensional (2D) inversion scheme. The proposed scheme was tested over a synthetic three-dimensional (3D) subsurface model before deploying it in a field situation. The proposed method indicated that gathering data with simple four-electrode instruments at stations along a line and 2D inversion of datasets at multiple stations can recover depth intervals of the studied aquifer in the hydrogeological setting even if it has a 3D structure. In this study, 2D inversion of parallel profiles formed a pseudo-3D volume of the subsurface resistivity structures and mapped out multiple resistive (>25 ohm·m) bodies at shallow (between 50–100 m) and deep sections (>150 m). In general, the proposed method is convenient to encounter geological units that have limited vertical and spatial extensions in any direction and presents resistivity contrast from groundwater-bearing geologic materials.  相似文献   

The Hamamboğazi spa in western Turkey was built around natural hot springs with discharge temperatures in the range of 30–54°C; the waters have near neutral pH values of 6.50–7.10 and a TDS content between 2,694 and 2,982 mg/l. Thermal water with a temperature of 47.5–73°C has been produced at 325 l/s from five wells since 1994, causing some springs to go dry. A management plan is required in the study area to maximize the benefits of this resource, for which currently proposed direct uses include heating in the district and greenhouses, as well as balneology in new spas in the area. The best use for the water from each spring or well will depend on its temperature, chemistry and location. The thermal waters are mixed Na–Mg–HCO3–SO4 fluids that contain a significant amount of CO2 gas. The chemical geothermometers applied to the Hamamboğazi thermal waters yield a maximum reservoir temperature of 130°C. Isotope results (18O, 2H, 3H) indicate that the thermal waters have a meteoric origin: rainwater percolates downward along fractures and faults, is heated at depth, and then rises to the surface along fractures and faults that act as a hydrothermal conduit. The basement around the Banaz Hamamboğazi resort is comprised of Paleozoic metamorphic schist and marbles exposed 8 km south and 15 km north of Banaz. Mesozoic marble, limestone and ophiolitic complex are observed a few km west and in the northern part of Banaz. These units were cut at a depth of 350–480 m in boreholes drilled in the area. Overlying lacustrine deposits are composed of fine clastic units that alternate with gypsum, tuff and tuffites of 200–350 m thickness. The marble and limestones form the thermal water aquifer, while lacustrine deposits form the impermeable cap.  相似文献   

Vast marble deposits occur in a cover sequence of the Menderes Massif, SW Turkey. Four major marble deposits are recognized in Mu?la province based on the stratigraphic levels. These are Permo-Carboniferous aged black marbles (1), Triassic aged marbles (2), Upper Cretaceous aged marbles (3), and Paleocene aged pelagic marbles (4). This study deals with Triassic aged marbles of the southern part of the Menderes Massif. The Triassic marbles from SW Turkey consist of two big marble horizons in the Çayboyu (ÇM) and Kestanecik (KM) regions. The characteristic samples are collected from different stratigraphic levels in marble deposits in the ÇM and KM horizons. Mineralogical and major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) analyses of marble, limestone, and schist were conducted on these samples to reveal their petrographical and geochemical characteristics. The ÇM horizon is represented by calcitic marble layers. Nickel, cobalt, manganese, and iron elements filled in fractures, fissures, and intergranular spaces of calcite crystals and these elements give the pinky colour to the marble from the ÇM horizon. KM marbles were deformed, metamorphosed, and recrystallized under greenschist facies P–T conditions. As a result of the metasomatic reaction of magnesium and manganese rich fluids with marbles, dolomite, and manganese, minerals such as rhodochrosite and pyrolusite have crystallized along vein walls and layers in the KM horizon. Dolomitization was determined in KM marbles, whereas ÇM marbles show the character of limestone. MgO, MnO, Fe2O3, Ni, and Zn contents of marbles from the KM horizon are higher than those of ÇM marbles due to metasomatic reactions. The Sr content in white coloured marbles ranges between 11.20 ppm and 112.20 ppm and this concentration reaches up to 272.70 ppm due to metasomatic reactions and fluid intake. The REE content of Triassic marbles is independent of the abundance of carbonate and the REE enrichment observed due to syn-metamorphic fluid flow. The significant negative Eu anomaly in REE patterns indicates that the protoliths of Triassic marbles are carbonate rocks of sedimentary origin.  相似文献   


The Pliocene–Quaternary volcanics in NE Turkey are mainly hornblende–phyric trachyandesites having a narrow range of SiO2 from 61.88 to 63.00 wt.% and exhibiting adakitic signatures with their Na2O (3.67–4.27 wt.%), Al2O3 (16.19–16.80 wt.%), Y (14.1–16.5 ppm) contents and K2O/Na2O (0.87–1.12), Sr/Y (44.24–54.90), and La/Yb (36.80–43.88) ratios. Plagioclases as the main mineral phases show a wide range of compositions, and weak normal and reverse zoning. Hornblendes are generally edenite and pargasite (Mg#: 0.39–0.74). Clinopyroxenes are augite (Mg#: 0.58–0.76). Biotites have Mg# ranging from 0.45 to 0.66. The textural and compositional variations indicate disequilibrium crystallization possibly arising from magma mixing. The U–Pb zircon dating of the adakitic volcanics yielded 3.4–1.9 Ma. The studied rocks display moderate light rare earth element /heavy rare earth element ratios and enrichment in the lithophile element and depletion in high field strength element, implying that the parental magmas were derived from mantle sources previously enriched by slab-derived fluids and/or subducted sediments. The crystallization temperature and pressure estimations based on the clinopyroxene thermobarometry range from 1144 to 1186°C and from 3.92 to 7.97 kbar, respectively. Hornblende thermobarometry, oxygen fugacity, and hygrometer calculations yielded results as 908–993°C at a pressure of 2.87–5.22 kbar, water content of 4.4–8.4 wt.%, and relative oxygen fugacity (ΔNNO log units) of ?0.6 to 0.9, respectively. Biotite thermobarometry suggests relatively higher oxygen fugacity conditions (10–13.33 to 10–17.60) at temperatures of 676–819°C and at pressures from 1.15 to 1.76 kbar. In the light of the obtained data and modelling, it can be concluded that the magmas of the adakitic volcanics were derived from enriched mantle source through relatively higher partial melting and experienced magma mixing with melts at the crustal level. Additionally, the fractional crystallization and assimilation-fractional crystallization processes may have played an important role during the evolution of the studied volcanics.  相似文献   

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