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蔡振锋  彭斌  季霞  季鹏 《测绘通报》2021,(11):115-119,144
实景三维城市已成为三维空间支撑基础设施,是新型基础设施建设的重要内容,地市级实景三维城市建设是全面构建实景三维中国的基础。本文结合实景三维临沂的建设,提出了在低重叠度下,激光点云与倾斜摄影多源数据深度融合技术快速构建城市级实景三维城市的技术流程与体系,其数据成果在大比例尺地形图测绘、智慧临沂时空信息云平台建设、三维不动产登记管理等方面被深入应用,对推动城市级实景三维城市建设及应用具有实践意义。  相似文献   

New development in urban planning, cityscape, real estate management and the like, calls for new demands for 3D city model. There are so many objects in 3D city model such as building, river, road, and so on. The building model is very important in 3D city model. In recent years,a lot of research work about visualization has been done. In our opinions,visualization is only a part of 313 city model, while interactive operation about buildings is rather important as well. In order to implement interactive operation (create , edit, query,etc. ), good data structure and model must be developed.  相似文献   

New development in urban planning, cityscape, real estate management and the like, calls for new demands for 3D city model. There are so many objects in 3D city model such as building, river, road, and so on. The building model is very important in 3D city model. In recent years, a lot of research work about visualization has been done. In our opinions, visualization is only a part of 3D city model, while interactive operation about buildings is rather important as well. In order to implement interactive operation (create, edit, query, etc.), good data structure and model must be developed.  相似文献   

Urban morphology and morphology change and their impacts on urban transportation have been studied extensively in planar urban space. The essential feature of urban space, however, is its three-dimensionality (3D), and few studies have been conducted from a 3D perspective, overly limiting the accuracy of studies on the relationships between urban morphology and transportation. The aim of this paper is to simulate the impacts of 3D urban morphologies on urban transportation under the Digital Earth framework. On the basis of the principle that population distribution and movement are largely confined by 3D urban morphologies, which affect transportation, high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery and a thematic vector data-set were used to extract urban morphology and transportation-related variables. With a combination of three research methods – factor analysis, spatial regression analysis and Euclidean allocation – we provide an effective method to construct a simulation model. The paper indicates three general results. First, building capacity in the urban space has the most significant impact on traffic condition. Second, obvious urban space otherness, reflecting both use density characteristics and functional characteristics of urban space, mostly results in heavier traffic flow pressure. Third, no single morphology density indicator or single urban structure indicator can reflect its contribution to the pressure of traffic flow directly, but a combination of these different indicators has the ability to do so.  相似文献   

基于某大学图书馆点云数据及航摄相片,本文采用3ds Max与Smart 3D两种方法构建三维模型。一方面,采取人机交互的方式进行建模,将三维激光点云数据导入3ds Max软件建立三维数字模型;另一方面,使用半自动人工方式建模,采用Smart 3D软件,将航摄像片数据经过空三加密、自动建模、贴图等操作后对建筑实体建模。从建模效率、模型美观性、建模精度、适用对象等方面比较了两种建模方式的特点与区别。结果表明,3ds Max更加适用于规则体、高精度建模,同时建模的效率相对较低; Smart 3D建模效率高,更加适用于大场景范围的快速建模。本文研究结论有助于不同需求背景下建模方法的选取,为研究、工程及试验提供了三维建模方法选择参考。  相似文献   

3D city models, which are important items of content on the virtual globe, are characterized by complicated structures and large amounts of data. These factors make the visualization of 3D city models highly dependent upon the performance of computer hardware. Thus, achieving the efficient rendering of 3D city models using different hardware performance levels represents one of the key problems currently facing researchers. This paper proposes a time-critical adaptive visualization method that first estimates the possible rendering time for each model according to the data structure of the model in addition to the CPU/GPU performance of the computer. It then dynamically adjusts the rendering level for each model based on the results of an estimation of the rendering time to ensure that the final scene can be completed within a given time. To verify the effectiveness and flexibility of this method, it is applied using different computers. The results show that the adaptive visualization method presented in this paper not only can adapt to computers with different levels of performances but also demonstrates an obvious improvement in the time estimation precision, visual effects, and optimization speed relative to existing adaptive visualization methods.  相似文献   

城市景观三维重建中的三角剖分算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在构建城市景观时,为了快速精确地重建建筑物、绿地、河流等三维模型,提高自动化程度,缩短建设周期,需对用户采集的矢量地物数据进行三角剖分,再以OpenGL重绘三维模型。本文提出了一种对多边形进行三角剖分的递归分割算法,并以VisualC++实现,以实际的4万多个建筑物进行三角剖分实验,充分证明其是有效的。  相似文献   

城市景观三维模型库的原理、构建及应用   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
随着“数字城市”建设的兴起,如何实现城市景观的精确三维重建正成为目前的研究热点。现实世界的复杂性决定了对其进行数字化三维表达的复杂性,为实现城市景观的快速三维重建,本文提出建立城市景观三维模型库的思路。基于城市地物人工构造所具有的相似性特征,将其进行系统性的总结归纳,为不同地物的建模服务。本文设计了由建筑物特征库、建筑物纹理库、地面覆盖纹理库和独立地物模型库组成的城市模型库结构,并通过在若干三维数字城市工程中的实际应用对具体构建方法及使用效果进行了研究。  相似文献   

尹长林  许文强 《测绘科学》2011,36(4):142-144
视觉效果是城市规划需要考虑的重要要素之一.基于3 DGIS的计算机技术可以用于定量分析城市三维景观空间的可视性.本文介绍了可视性分析应用于城市规划的流程,提出了针对地形和建筑物可视性分析的数学几何模型.在地形可视性分析模型中,采用了一种结合水平投影和高程插值计算的方法判断地形上两点之间的通视性;在建筑物可视性分析中,采...  相似文献   

近年来,倾斜摄影测量技术成为测绘行业的热点技术。随着倾斜摄影测量技术的快速发展,我国开始尝试应用倾斜摄影测量技术获取的航空影像制作数字化测绘产品。阐述基于倾斜摄影测量技术进行城市实景三维模型、DSM、DEM、DOM、TDOM的智慧城市5D测绘产品制作工艺研究,并介绍将此工艺实际应用于昆明市507km2的主城区5D产品制作的实施情况及可行性分析。  相似文献   

主要研究了3维城市模型的相关理论与技术,提出了拓扑关系、尺度及可视化等问题,讨论了3维城市模型的建设方法及关键技术,并对3维城市模型的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

三维仿真虚拟现实技术在城市规划中的应用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
余明  过静珺 《测绘科学》2004,29(3):52-54
虚拟现实技术是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机技术,利用此项技术,可以为城市规划与设计提供较好的感性认识。本文介绍了虚拟现实技术及其在城市规划设计中的作用,并探讨了城市真三维建模与可视化管理。  相似文献   

三维可视化已成为地理信息展示表达的主要方式之一。该文针对三维模型场景集成可视化中的地物模型与地形模型难以无缝匹配的问题,研究了一种基于Delaunay三角剖分的改造融合方法,通过实验验证,能够有效实现二者的紧密匹配。同时,为提高实际作业效率,该文还提出并实现了面向大范围海量三维数据组织的层—区—块—模型的4层索引机制。  相似文献   

王国牛 《测绘科学》2015,40(4):67-70,154
针对二维管线信息系统对于城市综合管网的展示缺乏直观化和综合化的问题,该文在构建三维管网数据库的基础上,提出了一种城市三维管网实时建模方法。无需事先建模,通过整合多种GIS和非GIS的管网数据,并结合三维管网数据库中的三维管网符号模型库和可视化参数配置,实现高效三维管网的实时建模和可视化。以重庆市某区域为例,生成的三维管网具有顾及LOD级别、效率高、仿真性好、保持GIS数据特性、支持动态更新等特点,结合三维城市模型和三维地质模型,可以实现地上地下一体化的三维效果。  相似文献   

瞿海旺  范荣双  徐然 《测绘科学》2016,41(6):102-107
针对传统的射线追踪算法在三维城市环境下存在海量计算、效率低下的问题,该文提出基于城市布局分区、降维、朝向测试、加速多镜法相结合的射线追踪算法。针对各个城市不同的布局特点对地理空间进行区域划分,构建空间索引,排除大量与射线追踪无关的城市建构筑物;同时采用降维处理、朝向测试、加速多镜像相结合的方式,减少空间几何计算的次数,从而提高计算的效率。将该算法与信号覆盖预测理论相结合,实现了点对点的信号准确计算。基于城市移动多媒体的预测结果表明:该算法可以准确、快速地实现城市的区域场强计算。  相似文献   

Increasing population in urban areas and limitations of suitable lands for developing houses and urban infrastructure have led to the vertical development in cities. However, these developments are managed by a cadastral system which is mainly two-dimensional and cannot efficiently represent Rights, Restrictions, and Responsibilities (RRRs) in complex scenarios. In fact, a three-dimensional cadastre is required for efficiently registering and representing RRRs. In this paper, a 3D proximity analysis was proposed and implemented to determine RRRs and associated easement rights in non-topology-based data structures. This method can be used to investigate the surrounding spaces of a subject apartment unit or storage in a high-rise. The performance of the developed method was evaluated in a large complex high-rise in Tehran, Iran. The results confirmed that the proposed method can correctly identify the neighbor spaces in complex scenarios.  相似文献   

The paper presents a cycle graph analysis approach to the automatic reconstruction of 3D roof models from airborne laser scanner data. The nature of convergences of topological relations of plane adjacencies, allowing for the reconstruction of roof corner geometries with preserved topology, can be derived from cycles in roof topology graphs. The topology between roof adjacencies is defined in terms of ridge-lines and step-edges. In the proposed method, the input point cloud is first segmented and roof topology is derived while extracting roof planes from identified non-terrain segments. Orientation and placement regularities are applied on weakly defined edges using a piecewise regularization approach prior to the reconstruction, which assists in preserving symmetries in building geometry. Roof corners are geometrically modelled using the shortest closed cycles and the outermost cycle derived from roof topology graph in which external target graphs are no longer required. Based on test results, we show that the proposed approach can handle complexities with nearly 90% of the detected roof faces reconstructed correctly. The approach allows complex height jumps and various types of building roofs to be firmly reconstructed without prior knowledge of primitive building types.  相似文献   

一种建筑信息模型与三维数字城市集成方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BIM的发展为数字城市三维模型提供了更加精确的数据来源,现有研究主要关注BIM空间实体模型向三维表面模型转换,缺少建筑语义信息映射及整体集成方案研究。本文以构成建筑骨架的主要空间构件为研究对象,在参考IFC标准基础上,结合数字城市应用特点设计了具有空间语义一致性的建筑构件信息模型BCM,在此基础上提出建筑信息模型和三维数字城市集成方案。首先,基于CAD图纸开展BIM模型交互式构建,然后,通过空间和语义信息映射将其转换为BCM,并基于ArcGIS Geodatabase建立建筑构件信息库,在三维数字城市场景开展建筑构件信息的集成应用。该方案可实现建筑构件信息与三维数字城市的大规模集成,对推动数字城市向智慧城市发展,进一步开展建筑内外模型集成展示、建筑节能分析、内部设施管理等具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Data acquisition and modeling are the two important, difficult and costful aspects in a Cybercity project. 2D-GIS is mature and can manage a lot of spatial data. Thus 3D-GIS should make the best of data and technology of 2D-GIS. Construction of a useful synthetic environment requires integration of multiple types of information like DEM, texture images and 3D representation of objects such as buildings. In this paper, the method for 3D city landscape data model and visualization based on integrated databases is presented. Since, the data volume of raster are very huge, special strategies (for example, pyramid gridded method) must be adopted in order to manage raster data efficiently. Three different methods of data acquisition, the proper data structure and a simple modeling method are presented as well. At last, a pilot project of Shanghai Cybercity is illustrated.  相似文献   

Data acquisition and modeling are the two important, difficult and costful aspects in a Cybercity project. 2D-GIS is mature and can manage a lot of spatial data. Thus 3D-GIS should make the best of data and technology of 2D-GIS. Construction of a useful synthetic environment requires integration of multiple types of information like DEM, texture images and 3D representation of objects such as buildings. In this paper, the method for 3D city landscape data model and visualization based on integrated databases is presented. Since the data volume of raster are very huge, special strategies(for example, pyramid gridded method) must be adopted in order to manage raster data efficiently. Three different methods of data acquisition, the proper data structure and a simple modeling method are presented as well. At last, a pilot project of Shanghai Cybercity is illustrated.  相似文献   

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