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A challenge in land change science is to assess the causes and consequences of LULC change and associated pattern–process relations. Increasingly, land change organizations are examining land use at local to global scales for historical, contemporary and future periods through scenarios that assess population–environment interactions. Spatial analytical tools in GIScience are being used to link people and environment and to search for the distal and proximate factors that affect local to global land use patterns. Spatial simulation models that rely upon complexity theory as the framework and agent-based models as the analytical approach offer the capability to inform through experimentation about land issues important to science and society. Using a stylized landscape where a selected set of key social, geographical and ecological elements are spatially organized, we describe how land dynamics can be examined through agent-based models as educational tools that are useful in the classroom, boardroom and public forums.  相似文献   

This study investigated land use/land cover change (LULCC) dynamics using temporal satellite images and spatial statistical cluster analysis approaches in order to identify potential LULCC hot spots in the Pune region. LULCC hot spot classes defined as new, progressive and non-progressive were derived from Gi* scores. Results indicate that progressive hot spots have experienced high growth in terms of urban built-up areas (20.67% in 1972–1992 and 19.44% in 1992–2012), industrial areas (0.73% in 1972–1992 and 3.46% in 1992–2012) and fallow lands (4.35% in 1972–1992 and ?6.38% in 1992–2012). It was also noticed that about 28.26% of areas near the city were identified as new hot spots after 1992. Hence, non-significant change areas were identified as non-progressive after 1992. The study demonstrated that LULCC hot spot mapping through the integrated spatial statistical approach was an effective approach for analysing the direction, rate, spatial pattern and spatial relationship of LULCC.  相似文献   

武汉市江夏区土地利用变化及其驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐磊  侯立春  陈昆仑  张志 《测绘科学》2011,36(2):116-118
基于武汉市江夏区1991年和2002年两期TM遥感数据,在GIS技术的支持下,定量分析其11年间土地利用的数量构成、动态变化及转移特征,并进一步探讨武汉市江夏区土地利用变化的驱动机制。通过对该区土地利用的主要流向分析后得出,人口增长、经济发展和政策驱动是导致武汉市江夏区土地利用变化的三类主要因素。  相似文献   

Observing dynamic change patterns and higher-order complexities from remotely sensed images is warranted, but the main challenges include image inconsistency, plant phenological differences, weather variations, and difficulties of incorporating natural conditions into automatic image processing. In this study, we proposed a new algorithm and demonstrated it by producing 2002–2008 and 2010 land-cover maps in heterogeneous Southern California based on an existing 2009 land-cover map. The new algorithm improves the baseline land-cover map quality by discarding potential bad land-cover pixels and dividing each land-cover type into several subclasses. Time series Landsat images were used to detect changed and unchanged areas between baseline year and target year t. Subsequently, for each individual year t, each pixel that was identified as unchanged inherited the baseline classification. Otherwise, each pixel in the changed areas was classified by a similar surrogate majority classifier. The demonstration results in Southern California showed that the land-cover temporal pattern captured the observed successional stages of the ecosystem very well. The accuracy assessment had an overall classification accuracies ranging from 81% to 86% and overall kappa coefficients ranging from 0.79 to 0.83.  相似文献   

Soil is a vital part of the natural environment and is always responding to changes in environmental factors, along with the influences of anthropogenic factors and land use changes. The long-term change in soil properties will result in change in soil health and fertility, and hence the soil productivity. Hence, the main aim of this paper focuses on the analysis of land use/land cover (LULC) change pattern in spatial and temporal perspective and to present its impact on soil properties in the Merawu catchment over the period of 18?years. Post classification change detection was performed to quantify the decadal changes in historical LULC over the periods of 1991, 2001 and 2009. The pixel to pixel comparison method was used to detect the LULC of the area. The key LULC types were selected for investigation of soil properties. Soil samples were analysed in situ to measure the physicochemical soil properties. The results of this study show remarkable changes in LULC in the period of 18?years. The effect of land cover change on soil properties, soil compaction and soil strength was found to be significant at a level of <0.05.  相似文献   

针对"基于像素的条件随机场(conditional random fields,CRFs)模型能否在m级分辨率的多光谱遥感图像分类中表现良好"的问题,提出了集成图像的光谱、方向梯度直方图和多尺度多方向Texton纹理等多种线索的CRFs模型定义方法。利用上述特征,选择随机森林(random forests,RF)定义CRFs关联势函数;利用特征对比度加权的Potts函数定义CRFs交互势函数,并且建立了多标签的RF-CRFs模型;对该模型进行分项参数训练以及基于图割的α-膨胀算法推理;利用典型城区的Quick Bird多光谱图像进行模型的验证与精度评价。结果表明RF-CRFs模型的分类精度可达82.52%以上,比RF分类器的分类精度提高了3.35%。  相似文献   

Land use and land cover change (LULCC) is a widely researched topic in related studies. A number of models have been established to simulate LULCC patterns. However, the integration of the system dynamic (SD) and the cellular automata (CA) model have been rarely employed in LULCC simulations, although it allows for combining the advantages of each approach and therefore improving the simulation accuracy. In this study, we integrated an SD model and a CA model to predict LULCC under three future development scenarios in Northern Shanxi province of China, a typical agro-pastoral transitional zone. The results indicated that our integrated approach represented the impacts of natural and socioeconomic factors on LULCC well, and could accurately simulate the magnitude and spatial pattern of LULCC. The modeling scenarios illustrated that different development pathways would lead to various LULCC patterns. This study demonstrated the advantages of the integration approach for simulating LULCC and suggests that LULCC is affected to a large degree by natural and socioeconomic factors.  相似文献   

文中以2007年第二次全国土地调查和2015年地理国情普查所提供高分辨率地表覆盖数据为主要信息源,采用地理信息系统技术和景观生态学数量分析相结合的方法对2007—2015年泽州猕猴自然保护区土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)、景观格局变化及其驱动力进行研究分析。结果表明,近8年来,受人为、经济发展和政策因素影响,泽州猕猴自然保护区整体景观破碎度增强,形状更加规律化、简单化,景观分布聚集度变大,生态连通性增强,多样性减少。研究结果为泽州猕猴自然保护区生态系统的健康发展、生态环境的改善与经济社会的和谐发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The paper demonstrates two issues; (i) how a ‘moving window approach’, that translates pixel level detected changes to landscape level, can be implemented; (ii) how the approach can overcome the limitations of pixel level change information to characterize change over large areas. First we detected changes from two periods (1986 and 2010) of LULC maps. On the pixel-based changes, we ran focal statistics summation operator separately for selected window sizes (1–10 km). Further, we assessed effect of scale in depicting the pattern and amount of change. The approach is found useful to overcome major shortfalls of pixel-based change characterization. However, varying scale of analysis provide varying amount of change and differently represent change patterns. Thus, implementing the approach over complex and large areas requires multi-scale approach. Subdividing complex and large areas into homogeneous zones can help to implement the multi-scale approach and facilitate the selection of appropriate scale of analysis.  相似文献   

To prevent soil loss and achieve better ecological environments, soil conservation measures have been taken during the past decades in the western Loess Plateau of China. In this paper, a case study was taken in Luoyu valley and Lver valley, two sub-watersheds of Xihe watershed and comparison was carried out between them. The main object of this study is to monitor land use/cover changes in the two similar small watersheds utilizing SPOT5 imageries by object-oriented human–computer interactive classification method, further develop the method of spatio-temporal analysis of land use/cover change by using pattern metrics of change trajectories and relative land use suitability index (R) in smaller watersheds, and make comparisons between the two similar small watersheds, taking water and soil conservation measures into consideration. Results show that combining GIS and RS, this method can be perfectly applied to make comparisons between different small watersheds with similar geographical backgrounds. And land use/cover spatiotemporal dynamic change characteristics can be preferably expressed by pattern metrics of change trajectories and R values based on topographical data. Different emphases have been laid according to their own geological backgrounds in the two watersheds and human activities have different effects on the landscapes of the two watersheds. The main change pattern is from slope farmland to terrace (322, the largest in Luoyu valley) or to economic fruit forest (344, the largest in Lver valley). R value of every slope grade in both of the two watersheds drops with the rising of slope degree on the whole and it shows that there is still much to do for people in the two watersheds in consideration that all the R values are still lower than 0.7.  相似文献   

郑瑜晗  黄麟  翟俊 《遥感学报》2020,24(7):917-932
陆表覆盖变化影响地表特征从而改变地表能量平衡是理解人类活动对全球气候变化影响的关键环节。选择国际气候谈判主要国家的美国、印度和巴西作为中国的对比国,对比分析不同国别、不同气候带典型陆表覆盖类型的地表反照率时空差异,进而模拟开垦和城市化等陆表覆盖变化对反照率的影响差异。结果表明:(1) 2000年—2015年,中国、美国的地表反照率年际变化存在明显的气候带空间分异特征,中国干旱半干旱区和美国中低纬湿润区表现出降低趋势,而中国亚热带湿润和美国高纬与中部干旱区则表现出明显的升高趋势,印度的地表反照率年际变化呈微弱下降趋势,而巴西为微弱上升趋势。(2)无雪覆盖时,耕地、林地、草地和人造地表反照率具有夏高、冬低的时间变化特征,干旱半干旱区反照率明显高于湿润区。4种类型的国别差异体现在,中国亚热带湿润区地表反照率均以上升为主,干旱半干旱区则相反;美国除耕地在干旱区呈较强的升高趋势外,其余类型基本为降低趋势;印度均表现为降低趋势;巴西则表现为略微升高趋势。(3)与无雪覆盖相比,有雪覆盖时不同陆表覆盖类型地表反照率均有所提高,林地提高幅度最小,约0.06—0.26,耕地提高最大,约为0.17—0.38,且中国林地反照率提高幅度略高于美国。(4)原陆表覆盖为林地时,开垦和城镇化均导致地表反照率升高,且干旱区升高幅度高于湿润区,湿润区的升高幅度随纬度降低而减弱;为草地时,开垦主要在巴西、印度和中、美亚热带湿润区引起地表反照率升高。而城镇化引起的反照率变化则受到原有地表覆盖、季节和气候背景影响存在较复杂的国别和气候带差异。  相似文献   

Land cover in Kenya is in a state of fl ux at different spatial and temporal scales. This compromises environmental integrity and socioeconomic stability of the population hence increasing their vulnerability to the externalities of environmental change. The Oroba-Kibos catchment area in western Kenya is one locality where rapid land use changes have taken place over the last 30 years. The shrubs, swamps, natural forests and other critical ecosystems have been converted on the altar of agriculture, human settlement, fuel wood and timber. This paper presents the results of a study that aimed at providing spatially-explicit information for effective remedial response through (a) Mapping the land cover; (b) Identifying the spatial distribution of land cover changes; (c) Determining the nature, rates and magnitude of the land cover changes, and; (d) Establishing the drivers of land use leading to land cover changes in Oroba-Kibos catchment area. Bi-temporal Landsat TM imagery, fi eld observation, household survey and ancillary data were obtained. Per-fi eld classifi cation of the Landsat TM imagery was performed in a GIS and the resultant land cover maps assessed using the fi eld observation data. Post-classifi cation comparison of the maps was then done to detect changes in land cover that had occurred between 1994 and 2008. SPSS was used to analyze the household survey data and attribute the detected land cover changes to their causes. The fi ndings showed that 9 broad classes characterize the catchment area including the natural forests, swamps, natural water bodies, woodlands, shrublands, built-up lands, grasslands, bare lands and croplands. Croplands are dominant and accounted for about 65% (57122 ha) of the total land in 1994, which increased at the rate of 0.89% to 73% (64772 ha) in 2008, while natural water bodies has the least spatial coverage accounting for about 0.6% (561 ha) of the total land in 1994, which diminished at the rate of 3.57% to 0.3% (260 ha) in 2008. Climate, altitude, access and rights to land, demographic changes, poverty, political governance, market availability and economic returns are the interacting mix of proximate and underlying factors that drive the land cover changes in Oroba-Kibos catchment area.  相似文献   

A nationwide multidate GIS database was generated in order to carry out the quantification and spatial characterization of land use/cover changes (LUCC) in Mexico. Existing cartography on land use/cover at a 1:250,000 scale was revised to select compatible inputs regarding the scale, the classification scheme and the mapping method. Digital maps from three different dates (the late 1970s, 1993 and 2000) were revised, evaluated, corrected and integrated into a GIS database. In order to improve the reliability of the database, an attempt was made to assess the accuracy of the digitalisation procedure and to detect and correct unlikely changes due to thematic errors in the maps. Digital maps were overlaid in order to generate LUCC maps, transition matrices and to calculate rates of conversion. Based upon this database, rates of deforestation between 1976 and 2000 were evaluated as 0.25 and 0.76% per year for temperate and tropical forests, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing and Geographic Information System techniques, multi-temporal Landsat data were used to monitor land use/cover changes (LUCC) in the Nanchang area during 1989–2010. Quantitative and spatiotemporal indicators derived from the transition matrix for overall changes, intensity analysis for inter-category transitions, and spatiotemporal analysis of intra-category variations were constructed to analyze the spatiotemporal LUCC evolution. The study results show that urban and industrial land rapidly and continually expanded. The spatial extent of rural settlements shrunk while their distribution density increased. Cultivated land showed a tendency of spatially continuous loss and fragmented distribution, whereas the spatial pattern of forest tended to concentrate. The extents of ponds and reservoirs remained stable, but spatial changes were obvious. Rivers and bottomlands decreased significantly and tended toward fragmentation. The overall LUCC pattern showed that construction land rapidly sprawled while cultivated land decreased substantially, indicating an accelerating stage of urbanization and industrialization. Although rigid land requirements for urbanization had to be satisfied, land development and consolidation across forests and water body areas, as well as adjustment of agricultural structure, laid the foundation for a transition toward intensive land use in the Nanchang area.  相似文献   

基于孪生神经网络的土地利用现状年度变化检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,利用多期高分遥感影像,构建土地利用现状年度变化检测模型,并以此为基础支持土地利用现状年度变化检测的智能化发展,正是当前研究的难点所在.本文探讨了构建土地利用现状年度变化检测模型存在的问题.通过对土地资数据进行预处理,构建基于孪生神经网络的变化检测模型,以及对模型输出结果进行GIS优化获取目标区域的变化图斑,实现...  相似文献   

The surface fabric of urbanized areas, (i.e. its constituent land covers and land uses) plays an essential role in the generation of the urban/rural temperature differences, i.e. the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Land surface information, derived from satellite imagery, and complementary information such as demographics can be used as the basis for an understanding of the atmospheric and surface thermal variations within cities. The results of comprehensive land surface characterizations of two major Canadian urban areas, the Greater Toronto Area and Ottawa-Gatineau, are described. Spatial information, including land cover fraction maps, land use and its historic changes, population density maps are compared with intra-urban surface temperature variations derived from satellite thermal imagery. Three aspects of the impacts of land cover and land use on urban land thermal characteristics are addressed, namely, (a) the relationships between surface temperature and subpixel land cover and population density (b) intra-city seasonal temperature variations and (c) the intensification of the urban heat island effect due to urban built-up land growth.  相似文献   

The eco-environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA) in China has received much attention due to the construction of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station. Land use/land cover changes (LUCC) are a major cause of ecological environmental changes. In this paper, the spatial landscape dynamics from 1978 to 2005 in this area are monitored and recent changes are analyzed, using the Landsat TM (MSS) images of 1978, 1988, 1995, 2000 and 2005. Vegetation cover fractions for a vegetation cover analysis are retrieved from MODIS/Terra imagery from 2000 to 2006, being the period before and after the rising water level of the reservoir. Several analytical indices have been used to analyze spatial and temporal changes. Results indicate that cropland, woodland, and grassland areas reduced continuously over the past 30 years, while river and built-up area increased by 2.79% and 4.45% from 2000 to 2005, respectively. The built-up area increased at the cost of decreased cropland, woodland and grassland. The vegetation cover fraction increased slightly. We conclude that significant changes in land use/land cover have occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. The main cause is a continuous economic and urban/rural development, followed by environmental management policies after construction of the Three Gorges Dam.  相似文献   

基于光谱和纹理特征的山区高分辨率遥感影像分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在只做阴影补偿而不做地形校正的情况下,使用光谱和纹理特征相结合的方法进行山区高分辨率遥感影像分类。实验取得了78%的分类精度,表明该方法合理可行,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

本文基于哈尔滨市呼兰区1998—2018年Landsat TM影像数据和社会经济数据,通过ENVI、ArcMap等软件,采用监督分类、土地利用变化模型、典型相关分析法等方法,科学系统地分析了1998—2010、2010—2018、1998—2018年3个不同时段的土地利用覆盖变化特征,并对土地利用覆盖变化驱动因素进行了分析。结果表明,哈尔滨市呼兰区20年间呈居民地和水域面积增加、耕地变化不大、林草不断减少的土地利用覆盖变化格局,且前8年的变化速度和幅度大于后12年。该区土地利用覆盖变化的影响因素包括自然环境因素、社会经济因素及人口因素。  相似文献   

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