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In recent years, it has been widely agreed that spatial features derived from textural, structural, and object-based methods are important information sources to complement spectral properties for accurate urban classification of high-resolution imagery. However, the spatial features always refer to a series of parameters, such as scales, directions, and statistical measures, leading to high-dimensional feature space. The high-dimensional space is almost impractical to deal with considering the huge storage and computational cost while processing high-resolution images. To this aim, we propose a novel multi-index learning (MIL) method, where a set of low-dimensional information indices is used to represent the complex geospatial scenes in high-resolution images. Specifically, two categories of indices are proposed in the study: (1) Primitive indices (PI): High-resolution urban scenes are represented using a group of primitives (e.g., building/shadow/vegetation) that are calculated automatically and rapidly; (2) Variation indices (VI): A couple of spectral and spatial variation indices are proposed based on the 3D wavelet transformation in order to describe the local variation in the joint spectral-spatial domains. In this way, urban landscapes can be decomposed into a set of low-dimensional and semantic indices replacing the high-dimensional but low-level features (e.g., textures). The information indices are then learned via the multi-kernel support vector machines. The proposed MIL method is evaluated using various high-resolution images including GeoEye-1, QuickBird, WorldView-2, and ZY-3, as well as an elaborate comparison to the state-of-the-art image classification algorithms such as object-based analysis, and spectral-spatial approaches based on textural and morphological features. It is revealed that the MIL method is able to achieve promising results with a low-dimensional feature space, and, provide a practical strategy for processing large-scale high-resolution images.  相似文献   

Very high spatial and temporal resolution remote sensing data facilitate mapping highly complex and diverse urban environments. This study analyzed and demonstrated the usefulness of combined high-resolution aerial digital images and elevation data, and its processing using object-based image analysis for mapping urban land covers and quantifying buildings. It is observed that mapping heterogeneous features across large urban areas is time consuming and challenging. This study presents and demonstrates an approach for formulating an optimal land cover classification rule set over small representative training urban area image, and its subsequent transfer to the multisensor, multitemporal images. The classification results over the training area showed an overall accuracy of 96%, and the application of rule set to different sensor images of other test areas resulted in reduced accuracies of 91% for the same sensor, 90% and 86% for the different sensors temporal data. The comparison of reference and classified buildings showed ±4% detection errors. Classification through a transferred rule set reduced the classification accuracy by about 5%–10%. However, the trade-off for this accuracy drop was about a 75% reduction in processing time for performing classification in the training area. The factors influencing the classification accuracies were mainly the shadow and temporal changes in the class characteristics.  相似文献   

基于多层形状特征提取与融合的城市高光谱影像解译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以前的研究往往从像素光谱的角度来解译高光谱影像,忽略了像素间的空间上下文关系。本文提出一种基于像素和对象层形状特征提取与融合的方法,把多层形状特征和光谱信息用支持向量机(SVM)输出函数方法进行融合,用于提取城市高光谱影像的形状特性,利用影像的空间关系。实验用HydICE-DC航空高光谱数据对提出的方法进行了验证,结果表明:像素级形状指数能够提供比对象级形状指数更优的结果,但像素—对象级形状特征的融合,能够给出更高的精度。  相似文献   

谭耀华  王长委 《测绘通报》2019,(5):113-115,154
为了满足城市森林资源精细化管理的需求,需要不断拓展国产高分辨率遥感卫星数据的应用范围。本文对国产高分辨率遥感卫星数据进行真实性检验并分析其数据特性,在此基础上开展基于国产高分辨率遥感卫星数据的城市森林资源监测的应用研究,并开发了相应的软件系统,对实现城市森林资源的自动化监测具有较高的实用价值和研究意义。  相似文献   

基于DEM的平缓地区水系提取和流域分割的流向算法分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以地势较为平坦的秦淮河流域为实验样区,以高精度DEM(5m分辨率)和地形图水系为基础数据,对比分析了单流向算法(D8算法)、多流向算法(Dinf法)以及添加数字化河道信息后的单流向算法(Agree&D8算法)3种算法下水系提取和流域分割的结果.实验结果表明,提取得到的水系更逼近于实际河网,该算法既有效提高了水系提取和流域分割的精度,又保留了D8算法模型简单、稳定性强、运行效率高等优点.  相似文献   

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)/Operational Linescan System (OLS) nighttime imagery provides a valuable data source for mapping urban areas. However, the spatial extents of large cities are often overestimated because of the effect of over-glow from nighttime light if a fixed thresholding technique is used. In the work reported here, an inside buffer method was developed to solve this issue. The method is based on the fact that the area overestimated is proportional to the extent of the lit area if a fixed threshold is used to extract urban areas in a region/county. Using this method, the extents of urban areas in North China were extracted and validated by interpretations from Landsat Thematic Mapper images. The results showed that the lit areas had a significant linear relationship with the urban areas for 120 representative cities in North China in 2000, with an R2 value of over 0.95. This demonstrates that the inside buffer method can be used to extract urban areas. The validation results showed that the inside buffer model developed in 2000 can be directly used to extract the extent of urban areas using more recent nighttime light imagery. This is of great value for the timely updating of urban area databases in large regions or countries.  相似文献   

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