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Droughts induce livestock losses that severely affect Kenyan pastoralists. Recent index insurance schemes have the potential of being a viable tool for insuring pastoralists against drought-related risk. Such schemes require as input a forage scarcity (or drought) index that can be reliably updated in near real-time, and that strongly relates to livestock mortality. Generally, a long record (>25 years) of the index is needed to correctly estimate mortality risk and calculate the related insurance premium. Data from current operational satellites used for large-scale vegetation monitoring span over a maximum of 15 years, a time period that is considered insufficient for accurate premium computation. This study examines how operational NDVI datasets compare to, and could be combined with the non-operational recently constructed 30-year GIMMS AVHRR record (1981–2011) to provide a near-real time drought index with a long term archive for the arid lands of Kenya. We compared six freely available, near-real time NDVI products: five from MODIS and one from SPOT-VEGETATION. Prior to comparison, all datasets were averaged in time for the two vegetative seasons in Kenya, and aggregated spatially at the administrative division level at which the insurance is offered. The feasibility of extending the resulting aggregated drought indices back in time was assessed using jackknifed R2 statistics (leave-one-year-out) for the overlapping period 2002–2011. We found that division-specific models were more effective than a global model for linking the division-level temporal variability of the index between NDVI products. Based on our results, good scope exists for historically extending the aggregated drought index, thus providing a longer operational record for insurance purposes. We showed that this extension may have large effects on the calculated insurance premium. Finally, we discuss several possible improvements to the drought index.  相似文献   

MODIS NDVI和AVHRR NDVI 对草原植被变化监测差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以草地作为研究载体,对比分析草原植被AVHRR NDVI和MODIS NDVI两种NDVI序列的年内、年际变化特征,讨论两种NDVI序列对降水量、平均气温和水汽压3种气候因子的响应差异,为合理选择NDVI序列对植被进行监测研究提供参考。结果表明:(1)两种NDVI序列所反映的草原植被年内变化趋势相似,但MODIS NDVI对各类草原的区分度优于AVHRR NDVI;(2)两种NDVI序列所反映的2000年—2003年草原植被年际变化差异明显。较之于MODIS NDVI,AVHRR NDVI变化趋势分类图表现出更强的植被改善趋势,植被改善面积在AVHRR NDVI变化趋势分类图中占94.25%,在MODIS NDVI中为83.33%;两种NDVI变化趋势分类图反映的植被变化趋势吻合度为52.88%。(3)两种NDVI序列与水汽压、降水量相关性差异显著。MODIS NDVI与各站点平均气温的相关系数均大于GIMMS NDVI;而MODIS NDVI与水汽压的相关系数83%(10个站点)小于GIMMS NDVI,与降水量的相关系数67%(8个站点)小于GIMMS NDVI。  相似文献   

利用月度肾综合征出血热发病人数和长时序月度NDVI值的相互关系, 对肾综合征出血热的发病趋势及发病人数进行预测。研究区大杨树镇2001—2005年共有144例完整的HFRS病人资料, 以及同期详细的宿主动物捕获数据。基于Landsat TM影像以及Google earth 影像, 大杨树地区土地利用分为4种类型, 山地、林地、农田以及居民点。各类土地利用类型的NDVI数据由SPOT-4 卫星的 VGT-S10数据集(10d最大化合成的NDVI数据)提供。对HFRS病例与NDVI之间的关系进行图解分析、相关分析和回归分析。研究表明, NDVI的峰值多出现于8月, 而HFRS发病人数的峰值多出现在11月。前朔3个月的农田NDVI值与HFRS病例数之间的相关系数为0.67(P值<0.001)。农田NDVI峰值比HFRS病例的峰值提前了3个月。研究量化了NDVI与HFRS之间的关系, 为HFRS早期预警系统的建立提供了依据。  相似文献   

基于NDVI城镇土地利用变化检测探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
万雪 《地理空间信息》2009,7(4):111-113
通过归一化植被指数(NDVI)结合影像差值,对经过辐射校正后的1993年和2005年武汉地区TM影像进行了土地利用变化检测,与监督法分类进行比较,得出NDVI更宜于实现变化信息探测和提取。  相似文献   

植被结构及太阳/观测角度对NDVI的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文献[1]中作者建立了计算多组分植被方向反射系数(BRF)的综合解析模型。本文采用该模型研究植被空间结构对常用的归一化植被指数(NDVI)的影响,文中讨论了NDVI与叶(或植被其它组分)角分布(LAD)、植被组分(如叶片)的特征尺度和它们在空间的散布方式,以及非叶器官面积在总面积中所占比例间的依赖关系,同时给出了NDVI随太阳/观测角度的变化情况。结果表明即使在叶面积指数(LAI)固定不变时,冠层结构及植被组分光学性质的空间非均匀性对NDVI的大小及角分布也有十分显著的影响。通常NDW随角度的变化是很大的,如果植被不同组分的光学性质差异很大,且事先不知道它们的空间散布方式时,那么利用DNVI就无法准确地估算出LAI。但是对于组分随机分布的植被,利用远离“热点”区域的光谱资料可以使冠层其它结构参数的影响减至最小。  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊和NDVI变化反映的生态地质环境问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析湖泊源区生态地质环境对湖泊变化的影响,建立湖泊变化、源区归一化植被指数(NDVI)变化与生态地质环境演变的关系,提出"湖泊、NDVI遥感动态监测的生态地质环境评价"方法("L-N").基于20世纪90年代初(TM)至2000年初(ETM)的湖泊遥感调查数据,结合相应NOAA/AVHRR NDVI数据,利用L-N方法完成青藏高原生态地质环境评价.研究结果表明:青藏高原生态地质环境总体呈恶化趋势,高原北部的边缘地带、长江情系上游、特别是柴达木盆地较为明显,雅鲁藏布江流域、高原东南部情况较好;L-N方法有助于提高遥感环境监测效率,湖泊、NDVI遥感监测具有重要的生态地质环境意义.  相似文献   

高时空分辨率 NDVI 数据集构建方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
针对ETM 空间分辨率高和MODIS 时间分辨率高的特点, 选择官厅水库上游为实验区, 基于对STARFM 方法的改进, 构建不同时空分辨率NDVI 的时空融合模型-STAVFM, 使用该模型对ETM NDVI 与MODIS NDVI 融 合, 构建了高时空分辨率NDVI 数据集。研究结果表明, STAVFM 根据植被变化特点定义了有效时间窗口, 在考虑 物候影响的同时改进了时间维的加权方式, 通过MODIS NDVI 时间变化信息与ETM NDVI 空间差异信息的有机结 合, 实现缺失高空间分辨率NDV  相似文献   

In Morocco, no operational system actually exists for the early prediction of the grain yields of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). This study proposes empirical ordinary least squares regression models to forecast the yields at provincial and national levels. The predictions were based on dekadal (10-daily) NDVI/AVHRR, dekadal rainfall sums and average monthly air temperatures. The Global Land Cover raster map (GLC2000) was used to select only the NDVI pixels that are related to agricultural land. Provincial wheat yields were assessed with errors varying from 80 to 762 kg ha−1, depending on the province. At national level, wheat yield was predicted at the third dekad of April with 73 kg ha−1 error, using NDVI and rainfall. However, earlier forecasts are possible, starting from the second dekad of March with 84 kg ha−1 error, at least 1 month before harvest. At the provincial and national levels, most of the yield variation was accounted for by NDVI. The proposed models can be used in an operational context to early forecast wheat yields in Morocco.  相似文献   

一种高时空分辨率NDVI数据集构建方法-STAVFM   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
ETM NDVI可以用来在30m的尺度上开展植被的监测,然而在Landsat卫星16天的重访周期和云污染等因素的影响下,常常会在相当长的一段时间内无法获取有效的ETM NDVI数据,给这一尺度下的植被动态监测带来了一定困难。相比之下,MODIS虽然在空间上只有250m分辨率的NDVI产品,却可以每天进行相同区域的监测。针对ETM空间分辨率高和MODIS时间分辨率高的特点,本研究选择实验区,基于对STARFM方法的改进,构建不同时空分辨率NDVI的时空融合模型-STAVFM,使用该模型对ETM NDVI与MODIS NDVI融合,构建了高时空分辨率NDVI数据集。研究结果表明,通过MODIS NDVI时间变化信息与ETM NDVI空间差异信息的有机结合,实现缺失高空间分辨率NDVI的有效预测(3景预测NDVI与实际NDVI的相关系数分别达到了0.82、0.90和0.91),从而构建高时空分辨率NDVI数据集。所构建的高时空分辨率NDVI数据集在时间上保留了高时间分辨率数据的时间变化趋势,空间上又反映了高空间分辨率数据的空间细节差异。  相似文献   

植被是干旱区生态建设重要的组成部分,而植被覆盖度是生态环境变化的重要指示,是评价生态系统健康的前提条件。本文在遥感等技术的支持下,以landsatTM影像为数据源,选用归一化植被指数(NDVI)和线性光谱混合分析模型(LSMM)两种方法进行分析比较,提取吐鲁番市近20年植被覆盖度,并对该地区植被覆盖度的演变特征进行分析。结果表明:①LSMM方法能较好地提取干旱区植被信息,指标简单且分类精度较高。②NDVI方法提取植被时,受到很多限制,在干旱区不宜采用。  相似文献   

沈斌  房世波  余卫国 《遥感学报》2016,20(3):481-490
植被指数是反映地表植被覆盖状况的重要参数,分析气候因子与植被指数间的相互关系有助于揭示气候变化对植被的影响,然而当前研究有两种分析植被指数与气候因子关系的方法,分别为分析植被指数与生长季内和生长季间气候因子的关系,然而这两种法差异如何,何种方法更为合适需要进一步分析。利用2000年—2009年生长季的MODIS的归一化植被指数NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)数据集和藏北那曲地区3个气象站逐月气象资料(月平均气温、≥0℃活动积温和月降水量),分析比较了生长季内和生长季间气候因子对植被生长影响的差异,并分析了两种方法的优劣。结果表明:(1)生长季内植被NDVI与同期气温和降水量均呈高度正相关,生长季内时滞时间尺度为1个月时,植被NDVI对月平均气温及降水响应均最为强烈。(2)生长季间NDVI与同期降水量相关性并不明显,气候因子的滞后效应在生长季间也较弱。(3)生长季内和生长季间植被NDVI与气候因子的关系所得出的结论有一定差异性,可能是因为两方面的原因:生长季内植被NDVI与水热因子的高相关性与中国季风季候造成的高温多雨出现在夏季有关,而生长季内高水热条件与高植被指数对应的多年重复必然造伪的高相关系数,但这种相关性不一定能真实反映植被与水热条件的关系,而生长季间水热等气候因子与植被指数年际变化相关性分析不存在水热与高植被指数同期问题,更能真实反映气候因子年际变化对植被的影响。  相似文献   

The application of remote sensing (RS) techniques to monitor ecosystem services has increased in recent years. Nevertheless, the potential application of RS to monitor some of ecosystem services is still challenging. The paper reviews the applications of RS to monitor ecosystem services of forests, mangroves and urban areas. Satellite data provide substantial information about dynamics of environmental changes over time from local to global scale. These information are useful data sources for the people who are involved in the on-going evaluation and decision-making process to manage ecosystem. Many recent research papers on the topic were reviewed to find new applications and limitations of RS for monitoring ecosystem services. Advanced RS techniques have high potential to monitor ecosystem services with the advancement of sensors ranging from aerial photography to high and medium resolution optical RS and from hyperspectral RS to microwave RS.  相似文献   

Expansion and heterogeneous clustering of commercial horticulture within the central highlands of Kenya after the mid-1990s impact watersheds and the sustainable resource management. This is distressing since climate conditions for world horticultural regions are projected to change, making such farming extremely difficult and costly to the environment. To understand the scope of impact on vegetation, the study evaluated (1) interannual variability in averaged normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI); (2) trends in average annual NDVI before and after 1990 – the presumed onset of rapid horticulture; and (3) relationship between the average annual NDVI and large-scale commercial farms, population density, and mean annual rainfall in subwatersheds. Time-series analysis of long-term Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies NDVI data were analyzed as indicator of vegetation condition. NDVI trends before 1990s (1982–1989) and after 1990s (1990–2006) were evaluated to determine the slope (sign), and the Spearman’s correlation coefficient (strength). Overall, results show considerable variations in vegetation condition due largely to mixed factors including intensive farming activities, drought, and rainfall variation. Statistical analysis shows significant differences in slopes before 1990 and after 1990 (p < 0.05 and p < 0.1 respectively). Negative (decline) trends were common after 1990, linked to increased commercial horticulture and related anthropogenic disturbances on land cover. There was decline in vegetation over densely populated subwatersheds, though low NDVI values in 1984 and 2000 were the effect of severe droughts. Understanding the linkage between vegetation responses to the effects of human-induced pressure at the subwatershed scale can help natural resource managers approach conservation measures more effectively.  相似文献   

基于获取的塔河流域2000~2014年历年4~10月间逐月MODIS植被指数产品,采用时间序列谐波分析法(HANTS)对最大值合成的逐月NDVI时间序列数据进行了重建,用趋势线分析法对塔河流域近15年生长季(4~10月)MODIS NDVI的时间变化进行计算,用一元线性回归趋势法计算得到了塔河流域近15年生长季(4~10月)NDVI变化趋势的空间分布。结合植被类型分布图对计算得到的实验结果进行了研究分析,总结了塔河流域多年植被覆盖的时空分布及其变化规律,成果可为塔河流域综合治理及生态环境评价提供依据。  相似文献   

普格县植被覆盖度遥感动态监测分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以四川省普格县为研究区,选择2000年、2006年Landsat TM数据和1:50000地形图作为基本信息源,对遥感数据进行辐射校正、几何校正、图像裁剪处理后,计算出两期图像的归一化植被指数(NDVI),对植被覆盖度进行估算。根据结果经过对比分析表明普格县六年间植被覆盖度主要呈增高趋势,总体上认为研究区植被覆盖度变化和人类活动有不可分割的密切关系,近几年来的长江上游水土保持和退耕还林等生态建设工程在该地区已经取得一定成效。  相似文献   

Tropical deforestation through logging activities poses a direct threat to biodiversity. However, the detection of logging has remained a challenge. Based on study sites in Zimbabwe and Zambia, we tested whether the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Coefficient of Variation in NDVI (CVNDVI) derived from high and medium spatial resolution satellite data could be used to detect logging in dry and wet miombo woodlands. Separately, we integrated NDVI and CVNDVI in logistic regression to test whether each can be used to successfully predict logging in the study sites. We tested whether the spatial resolution of satellite data has an effect in detection of logging using NDVI and CVNDVI derived from Landsat 8 and Worldview-2. Based on the ROC curves, we concluded that remotely sensed data could provide an effective predictive tool for detecting logging. However, in wet miombo woodlands the predictive power of remotely sensed data is weak.  相似文献   

以广州市为例,以高分辨率的遥感影像及电子地图为主要数据源,以遥感图像处理软件及地理信息系统为主要分析工具,探讨了通过RS和GIS来提取绿地信息的方法,其中重点阐述了遥感影像处理、绿地信息提取及建库过程。  相似文献   

<正>Land cover is a fundamental variable that links many facets of the natural environment and a key driver of global environmental change.Alterations in its status can have significant ramifications at local,regional and global levels.Hence,it is imperative to map land cover at a range of spatial and temporal scales with a view to understanding the inherent patterns for effective characterization,prediction and management of the potential environmental impacts.This paper presents the results of an effort to map land cover patterns in Kinangop division,Kenya,using geospatial tools.This is a geographic locality that has experienced rapid land use transformations since Kenya's independence culminating in uncontrolled land cover changes and loss of biodiversity.The changes in land use/cover constrain the natural resource base and presuppose availability of quantitative and spatially explicit land cover data for understanding the inherent patterns and facilitating specific and multi-purpose land use planning and management.As such,the study had two objectives viz.(i) mapping the spatial patterns of land cover in Kinangop using remote sensing and GIS and;(ii) evaluating the quality of the resultant land cover map.ASTER satellite imagery acquired in January 23,2007 was procured and field data gathered between September l0 and October 16,2007.The latter were used for training the maximum likelihood classifier and validating the resultant land cover map.The land cover classification yielded 5 classes,overall accuracy of 83.5%and kappa statistic of 0.79,which conforms to the acceptable standards of land cover mapping. This qualifies its application in environmental decision-making and manifests the utility of geospatial techniques in mapping land resources.  相似文献   

基于GIS的中国东北植被综合分类研究   总被引:53,自引:3,他引:53  
NOAA/AVHRR由于运行周期短、覆盖范围大、成本低、波段宽等特点,目前正越来越广泛地受到人们的普遍关注。在大尺度、中尺度植被遥感上,NOAA/AVHRR具有陆地卫星无法比拟的优势,但在另一方面,NOAAAVHRR也存在分辨率低、数据变形较大和几何畸变较严重等问题。这样,在应用NOAAAVHRR数据进行大区域植被制图时,植被分类的精度仍待提高。本文从理论上探讨了将地理信息系统提供的地理数据与遥感数据复合的可行性;尝试在GIS环境下,将气温、降水、高程3个影响区域植被覆盖的主要指标,按一定的地面网格系统和数学模式进行量化,生成数字地学影像,并使之与经过优化、压缩处理的NOAAAVHRR数据进行复合,对复合后的综合影像进行监督分类。分类结果显示,与传统的应用最大似然分类方法对单一遥感图像分类相比,该综合分类方法分类精度提高了18.3%,该研究方法改变了遥感影像的单一信息结构;丰富了图像的信息含量;完成了地理数据的数字传输、处理、存储及影像化显示。  相似文献   

房世波  韩威  裴志方 《遥感学报》2020,24(3):326-332
2020年初非洲东北和印巴边境沙漠蝗群席卷多个国家,大面积农田及自然植被被啃食,是什么气候条件促成了此次沙漠蝗灾?距离中国最近的印巴边境蝗群成为研究以及社会关注的热点,蝗灾对当地植被的影响如何?其发展趋势如何?从气候学上分析,蝗灾历史上是否曾经或者未来是否向印度东边迁飞而进入中国呢?本研究利用长时间序列的卫星遥感数据和气象气候观测数据,对沙漠蝗群可能扩展趋势进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1)由于沙漠蝗群的啃食,2020年1月和2月,在蝗群分布区大面积植被区的归一化植被指数较常年大幅度下降,2月(2月3日数据)的啃食面积较1月明显扩大;(2)发生在2018年5月和10月两次印度洋飓风和2019年12月强热带风暴等几个罕见气旋给非洲和阿拉伯半岛带来的强降水,是本次非洲-西亚蝗灾的形成重要原因;(3)从影响沙漠蝗群起飞的气温和沙漠蝗虫适合的降水条件来看,历史上或未来沙漠蝗群迁徙到印度东边的机会很少,进入中国的可能性非常小。  相似文献   

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