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The nonlocality of the mechanism of turbulent heat transfer in the atmospheric boundary layer over a rough surface manifests itself in the form of bounded areas of countergradient heat transfer, which are diagnosed from analysis of balance items in the transport equation for the variance of temperature fluctuations and from calculation of the coefficients of turbulent momentum and heat transfer invoking the model of “gradient diffusion.” It is shown that countergradient heat transfer in local regions is caused by turbulent diffusion or by the term of the divergence of triple correlation in the balance equation for the temperature variance.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to study the transport of a passive additive in the atmospheric surface layer with the use of the atmospheric transfer function. This method makes it possible to estimate the spatial distribution of the concentration of a passive additive in the atmospheric surface layer from the additive’s surface source without experimentally determining the vertical profile of the transport coefficient or without resorting to various hypotheses for the character of its behavior. The transfer function, which contains the information on the wind-field structure, can be obtained from simple one-point measurements of surface-and air-temperature fluctuations and from subsequent spectral processing of the data. The effects of the wind-velocity profile and turbulence on the spatial distribution of additive concentration are assessed. This method allows one to simplify experiments during development and verification of the models of atmospheric diffusion. This method may also be useful in emergency situations to predict the propagation of hazardous additives.  相似文献   

We present the results of experimental investigations of mesoscale wave processes in the surface layer based on the data of multiyear synchronous minute-by-minute measurements of atmospheric parameters and admixtures on a network consisting of five stations spaced 1–6 km apart. The concentrations of sulfur dioxide, carbon oxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide; the mass concentration of aerosol; and the temperature and pressure, wind velocity and direction, and relative humidity were measured synchronously. Polarization relations for all the measured parameters have been obtained for different periods and wavelengths. The azimuth of mesoscale wave propagation is detected to depend on the mean wind velocity. It is shown that the densities of elastic and horizontal energies of mesoscale waves are essentially different on different scales.  相似文献   

The influence of both spatial and temporal temperature inhomogeneities of the underlying surface on the temperature field in an unstably stratified atmospheric surface layer is considered. The methods of correlation and spectral analyses are proposed to estimate statistical characteristics of surface-air temperature fluctuations caused by both turbulent mixing and inhomogeneities in the temperature of the underlying surface. Analysis of experimental data obtained from measurements in the atmospheric surface layer yields estimates for the contribution made by the time-dependent thermal properties of the underlying surface to the total variance of air-temperature fluctuations. It is shown that the additional air-temperature fluctuations generated by surface-temperature inhomogeneities and unrelated to shear flow may reach 70% and 30% of the total variance of measured fluctuations under variable cloudiness and clear skies, respectively. For the height z = 2 m within the wave-number range 2 × 10?3 rad m?1 < k < 0.1 rad m?1, the contribution made by a spatial surface-temperature inhomogeneity to the variance of air-temperature fluctuations does not exceed 10% of the total variance. Correlation and spectral analyses of experimental data make it possible to isolate the spectra of properly turbulent fluctuations from the measured fluctuations and thus to obtain more accurate values of the universal function of similarity theory for temperature in the range of small wave numbers beyond the inertial range.  相似文献   

The results of continuous minute measurements of the surface concentrations of ozone, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide during the 2002–2004 period at the environmental station of the Oboukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP), and the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University (MSU), are discussed. It is shown that the conditions of Moscow’s southwestern region remote from large local pollution sources reflect the general regularities of the variability of trace gases in an urban atmosphere. This is manifested in the mean annual value of the ratio NO/NO2 (a little less than 1), decreased daylight values of O3, increased values of the rest of the trace gases as compared to the background region, and the presence of a secondary nocturnal maximum in the diurnal cycle of O3. The features of the annual and diurnal cycles of the concentrations of the substances under analysis are discussed. In the diurnal cycle of the primary products of combustion (NO and CO), an excess of the morning maximum (over the evening one) is observed during both warm and transition periods and higher values of the night maximum (as compared to the daylight one) are noted for summer. The temperature stratification properties determined from the MSU long-term acoustic sounding data serve as a possible cause for both of the effects revealed. The annual cycle of the concentration of surface ozone is characterized by the highest values for spring and summer. The annual cycles of NO, NO2, CO, and SO2 do not demonstrate any obvious seasonal regularities. A significant seasonal variation of the ratio NO/NO2, which is associated with the oxidizing properties of the urban atmosphere, is revealed. The record high concentrations of trace gases in the atmosphere over Moscow are given, and the meteorological conditions for their accumulation are discussed.  相似文献   

We perform the experimental verification of the applicability of the theory of similarity to the wave boundary layer and the assessment of wave-induced perturbations of the air flow depending on various conditions of stratification of the atmosphere and the state of the sea. The measurements were carried out from a stationary platform located in the coastal part of the Black Sea. The experimental procedure is based on the simultaneous measurements of the profile and fluctuations of the wind speed at 5–6 levels in the 1.3–21-m layer, the elevations of the sea surface, the directions of waves and winds, and the mean gradients of temperature and humidity of air. The structure of the boundary layer in the region of measurements depends on the direction of the wind. For weak and moderate onshore winds (< 9 m/sec), the approximate balance is preserved between the production and dissipation of turbulent energy in the cases of unstable and neutral stratification. On the average, the estimates of friction velocity according to the profiles are higher than the dissipative estimates by 10% mainly due to the deficiency of dissipation near the surface. For the offshore wind, the structure of the boundary layer abruptly changes and is determined not by the local parameters but by strong turbulent eddies formed over the dry land. The intensity of low-frequency turbulent fluctuations and the gradient of wind velocity near the surface in the coastal zone are 1.5–2 times higher than for the open sea. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 3, pp. 42–61, May–June, 2007.  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study of atmospheric stability effect on dimethyl sulfide(DMS) concentration in the air. Investigation includes model simulation and field measurements over the Pacific Ocean. DMS concentration in surface sea water and in the air were measured during a research cruise from Hawaii to Tahiti. The diurnal variation of air temperature over the sea surface differed from the diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature because of the high heat capacity of sea water. The diurnal cycle of average DMS concentration in the air was studied in relation to the atmospheric stability parameter and surface heat flux. All these parameters had minima at noon and maxima in the early morning. The correlation coefficient of the air DMS concentration with wind speed (at 15 m high) was 0. 64. The observed concentrations of DMS in the equatorial marine surface layer and their diurnal variability agree well with model simulations. The simulated results indicate that the amplitude of the cycle and the mean  相似文献   

The features of the structure of a stable boundary layer over an urbanized surface are studied using a nonlocal model for the turbulent momentum and heat fluxes, which physically adequately takes into account the effect of buoyancy on turbulent transfer. The transformation of the structure of the boundary layer during transition from a state of convective mixing to a stable state is described by unified expressions for the turbulent momentum and heat fluxes. In some known schemes, different models are used for unstable and stable states. The model reproduces a stable dependence of the Prandtl number on the Richardson number and countergradient heat transfer in a strongly stable boundary layer. The results of numerical simulation are compared to the data of a laboratory experiment and the data obtained using the large-eddy simulation (LES) method.  相似文献   

In this paper, the results of a laboratory experiment on investigating the wind-velocity field over a water surface using the PIV method are described. The use of a rapid CCD-camera made it possible to perform a detailed study of the eddy structure of airflow. We have measured the velocity fields over a flat plate by wind waves and waves induced by a wave generator. The model of a turbulent boundary layer over a rough surface was directly verified. It has been shown that the wind-velocity profiles over waves obtained by averaging the instantaneous fields over the ensemble of samples and horizontal coordinate are satisfactorily consistent with the profiles calculated within the frameworks of the model of wind flow over rough water surface.  相似文献   

Small-scale processes are taken to mean the disturbances of the atmospheric basic background which are caused by the thermal inhomogeneity of the underlying surface and under which one can neglect the effects of both centripetal and Coriolis accelerations. Slight disturbances suggest the use of linearized hydrothermodynamic equations of a weakly compressible atmosphere. Two models are considered. In one of the models, circulation over a weakly sloping barchan is analyzed using a refined model of mountain—valley circulation (the well-known Prandtl model). The other model, which is a model of a thermal spot in a geostrophic flow, can conditionally be called “anticonvective.” This problem is solved using the method of universal functions for parabolic equations with variable coefficients.  相似文献   

This study quantifies diapycnal mixing and vertical heat transfer in the Pacific side of the Arctic Ocean, where sea-ice cover has disappeared between July and September in the last few decades. We conducted microstructure measurements in the open water region around the Canada Basin from late summer to fall in 2009 and 2010 using R/V Mirai. In the study domain, the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy, ε, is typically as low level as O(10?10) W kg?1, resulting in vertical heat diffusivity of O(10?7) m2 s?1, which is close to the molecular diffusivity of heat, suggesting comparatively little predominance of mechanical turbulent mixing. An exception is the case at the Barrow Canyon, where the strong baroclinic throughflow generates substantial vertical mixing, producing ε > O(10?7) W kg?1, because of the shear flow instability. Meanwhile, in the confluence region, where the warm/salty Pacific water and the cold/fresh Arctic basin water encounter, the micro-temperature profiles revealed a localized enhancement in vertical diffusivity of heat, reaching O(10?5) m2 s?1 or greater. In this region, an intrusion of warm Pacific water creates a horizontally interleaved structure, where the double-diffusive mixing facilitates vertical heat transfer between the intruding Pacific water and the surrounding basin waters.  相似文献   

A modified three-parameter model of turbulence for a thermally stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is presented. The model is based on tensor-invariant parametrizations for the pressure-strain and pressure-temperature correlations that are more complete than the parametrizations used in the Mellor-Yamada model of level 3.0. The turbulent momentum and heat fluxes are calculated with explicit algebraic models obtained with the aid of symbol algebra from the transport equations for momentum and heat fluxes in the approximation of weakly equilibrium turbulence. The turbulent transport of heat and momentum fluxes is assumed to be negligibly small in this approximation. The three-parameter E ? ε ? 2> model of thermally stratified turbulence is employed to obtain closed-form algebraic expressions for the fluxes. A computational test of a 24-h ABL evolution is implemented for an idealized two-dimensional region. Comparison of the computed results with the available observational data and other numerical models shows that the proposed model is able to reproduce both the most important structural features of the turbulence in an urban canopy layer near the urbanized ABL surface and the effect of urban roughness on a global structure of the fields of wind and temperature over a city. The results of the computational test for the new model indicate that the motion of air in the urban canopy layer is strongly influenced by mechanical factors (buildings) and thermal stratification.  相似文献   

Distributions of the velocity-field helicity in the atmospheric boundary layer have been obtained from acoustic sounding data. The helicity of large-scale motions (0.3–0.6 m/s2) exceeds (by an order of magnitude) its independently measured turbulent values, which are close to helicity averaged over the layer (0.02–0.12 m/s2). In the absence of strong convection, there is good correlation between helicity and wind velocity squared at upper sounding levels of 400 to 600 m.  相似文献   

A statistical mechanism that explains the formation of probability distribution functions of thermals according to temperature fluctuations is considered. In the proposed approach based on the Boltzmann-Jaynes variational method, a statistical ensemble of convective thermals is characterized by a class of stationary probability densities that depend on temperature fluctuations. It is assumed that the probability density functions of this class may depend on the potential energy, as well as on the available potential energy. For a class of stationary probability density functions, the entropy functional is defined to be an analogue of the Boltzmann H-entropy. The equilibrium distributions of thermals according to temperature fluctuations correspond to the most probable distributions that yield a maximum of the entropy functional. The exponential and normal distributions of thermals according to temperature fluctuation that are constructed using the variational method quite adequately approximate field atmospheric observations, as well as the results of laboratory modeling.  相似文献   

A nonlinear analytical model of the near-water air layer is considered. In the model, the effect of spray droplets on turbulent exchange is taken into account through their effect on density stratification. To close the system of equations, a semiempirical turbulence theory in the Kolmogorov-Monin form is used. Unlike previous publications, we use an alternative closure scheme that seems more appropriate. A version is also proposed for generalizing the model to the case where heavy admixture particles (spray droplets) make a dominant contribution to the average density of a medium. This model allows a general analytical solution that, in principle, describes non-linear effects such as a decrease in the effective friction and “self-closure” of the heavy admixture in the near-surface layer because of turbulence suppression due to the strengthening of stratification stability. As the current data show, however, the intensity of spray production is probably insufficient to explain the recently discovered phenomenon of the aerodynamic-drag decrease (saturation) in storm winds.  相似文献   

The results of simultaneous investigations of atmospheric aerosol in two large megalopolises—Moscow and Beijing—are presented. The purpose of these investigations was to compare parameters and reveal common characteristics of urban aerosols. Aerosol parameters were measured in the megalopolises simultaneously from October 23, 2007, through November 2, 2007. The mass concentrations of aerosols were measured continuously with a nephelometer (Mosscow) and discretely with the use of aspiration samplers according to the weight method (Moscow, Beijing). The number concentration and the particle size distribution function were determined with analyzers of the size spectrum in the interval 0.15–15.0 μm and were measured synchronously with sampling for elementary analysis. The elementary compositions of samples were determined by mass spectrometry, which made it possible to identify 60 chemical elements.  相似文献   

The influence of a solar eclipse on solar-radiation fluxes, meteorological parameters, turbulence characteristics, and vertical temperature profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer is analyzed. Air-temperature variations caused by an eclipse and time delays of these variations with respect to the onset of the total-eclipse phase in the atmospheric surface and boundary layers are determined. The influence of a solar eclipse on the turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent heat flux, and variance and spectral density of the power of air-temperature pulsations are estimated. Variations in aerosol parameters and concentrations of light ions during a total solar eclipse are discussed.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of eddy diffusivities for momentum K m and heat K h by Doppler radar and by a radio acoustic sounding system in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere were used to examine the applicability of three Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) schemes of stratified turbulence in the environment: the E — ? turbulence scheme modified for stratified flows, the algebraic two-parameter E — ? Reynolds-stress scheme, and the three-parameter \(E - \varepsilon - \overline {\theta ^2 } \) turbulence scheme. All turbulence parameters-the turbulent kinetic energy (E), the dissipation rate (?), and vertical profiles of potential temperature (atmospheric stability) and mean wind velocity-were derived from direct measurements for all three turbulence schemes. It is shown that the profile of the vertical diffusivity of momentum (K m ) obtained from the three-parameter RANS turbulence scheme agrees well with its directly measured analog. The profile of K m calculated by the two-parameter turbulence schemes fits measurements rather qualitatively.  相似文献   

Both wind turning with height and ageostrophic flow in a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer are analyzed using a three-parameter turbulence model. For a quasi-steady state of the boundary layer, the cross-isobaric flow is determined only by turbulent stress at the surface in the direction of geostrophic wind. The “operative” prediction models, in which the first-order turbulence closure schemes are used, tend to overestimate the boundary-layer depth and underestimate the angle between the surface and geostrophic winds when compared to “research” models (schemes of high-level turbulence closure). The true value of the angle between the surface and geostrophic winds is significant for the presentation of a large-scale flow. A nocturnal low-level jet is a mesoscale phenomenon reflected in data obtained from measurements in a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. It is found that such jets are of great importance in transporting humidity, momentum, and air pollution. In this study, the difference between jet flows over a homogeneous underlying surface and over a spatially localized large-scale aerodynamic roughness is shown.  相似文献   

An ensemble of convective thermals is distinguished from the surface layer of penetrative turbulent convection over a heated horizontally uniform surface. A statistical model of the ensemble of convective thermals is developed that uses the idea of entropy in the Boltzmann-Jaynes form. The distribution of thermals by potential energies is shown to display an entropy maximum. On the basis of the Boltzmann distribution by potential energies, the temperature distribution of spontaneous jets is obtained and found to be consistent with known experimental data.  相似文献   

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