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Riassunto Si pongono le equazioni fondamentali della elettrosmosi tridimensionale. Quindi si danno le soluzioni generali in termini capacitivi e in termini resistivi, con relativa discussione. Si chiude questa prima Parte con un cenno sulla economia dell'impianto elettrogeosmotico.
Summary There are layed down the fundamental equations of the tridimensional electrosmosis. Then there are given the general solutions in capacitive terms and in resistive terms with relating discussion. This first part of the work is concluded referring to economy of the electrosmotic plant.

Zusammenfassung Es werden die Grundgleichungen der dreidimensionalen Elektrosmose aufgestellt. Daraufhin werden die allgemeinen Lösungen in Form von Kapazitätsgrössen und in Form von Widerstandsgrössen aufgestellt und besprochen. Dieser erste Teil der Arbeit wird mit einem Hinweis auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der elektrosmotischen Anlage abgeschlossen.

Relazione presentata il 23 Aprile 1957 alla Quinta Assemblea Generale della Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova, 23–25 April 1957).  相似文献   


Zusammenfassung Unter Verwendung der in einer früheren Untersuchung(1) mitgeteilten Formeln werden Farbton, Sättigung und Leuchtdichte des gesamten Himmels unter exakter Berechnung der sekundären Streuung in einer dunstgetrübten Atmosphäre bestimmt. Es zeigt sich dabei, dass der vonWiener undBernhardt gemachte Versuch, die Vielfachstreuung durch Einsetzen und Summieren einer geometrischen Reihe für primäre, sekundäre usw. Streuung zu approximieren, fehlerhafte Ergebnisse liefern muss, weil das Verhältnis sekundär: primär stellenweise>1 wird. In dem durch die Sonne gehenden Horizontalkreis bleiben Farbton und Sättigung konstant und nur die Leuchtdichte ändert sich in den Fällen, dass lediglich die molekulare Streuung (ungetrübte Atmosphäre) oder lediglich die Dunststreuung (grosse Trübung, nahe der Sonne) wirksam ist.—Der Einfluss einer geänderten Grössenverteilung des Aerosols wird untersucht.
Summary Using formulas given in a former investigation (1), we computed the colour, saturation and brightness of the whole sky. With this, the secondary scattering of a turbid atmosphere was exactly determined. It is shown that wrong values will result by use ofWiener's method of approximating the multiple scattering by a geometrical series of primary, secondary a.s.o. scattering, because at some parts of the sky the proportion of secondary: primary is >1. In the horizontal circle through the sun, colour shade and saturation are constant and only the brightness varies, if either only molecular scattering (unturbid atmosphere) or only haze scattering (strong turbidity, small distance from the sun) dominates. Further, the influence of variations of the seize distribution of the aerosol is investigated.

Résumé En utilisant les formules communiquées dans une publication antérieure (1) la couleur, la saturation et la luminosité du ciel entier sont calculés en tenant compte de la réfraction secondaire dans une atmosphère brumeuse. On constate que l'essai deWiener etBernhardt d'approcher la réfraction multiple par une progression géométrique pour la réfraction primaire, secondaire etc. doit mener à des faux résultats parce que la proportion de secondaire: primaire devient en partie >1. Dans le plan horizontal passant par le soleil, la couleur et la saturation restent de même; seulement la luminosité change dans le cas ou seul la réfraction moléculaire (atmosphère non troublée) ou seul la réfraction brumeuse (beaucoup de brume, tout près du soleil) sont efficaces. L'influence d'une autre répartition de grandeur de l'aérosole est examinée.

A model of the lithostatic control of the ascent of magma, described in Part I (this volume), is tested against data from the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic region of central West Greeland: the thickness of sedimentary rock; the thickness of the pillow breccias; the total thickness of the lava pile; the depth of the post volcanic paleosurface. The local development is largely determined by a single parameter, the proportion of crustal thinning, and requires a magma source at 75 km depth with differentiation at 11 km depth. The model is applied in outline to the development of continental and orogenic volcanism in New Zealand.  相似文献   

La Nota I venne pubblicata a pag. 286 e seg. del Vol. XII (Fasc. 5–6), 1948, di questa Rivista. Le numerazioni delle citazioni bibliografiche e delle formole fanno seguito a quelle usate nella Nota I.  相似文献   

The numerical tracing of short ray segments and interpolation of new rays between these ray segments are central constituents of the wavefront construction method. In this paper the details of the ray tracing and ray-interpolation procedures are described. The ray-tracing procedure is based on classical ray theory (high-frequency approximation) and it is both accurate and efficient. It is able to compute both kinematic and dynamic parameters at the endpoint of the ray segments, given the same set of parameters at the starting point of the ray. Taylor series are used to approximate the raypath so that the kinematic parameters (new position and new ray tangent) may be found, while a staggered finite-difference approximation gives the dynamic parameters (geometrical spreading). When divergence occurs in some parts of the wavefront, new rays are interpolated. The interpolation procedure uses the kinematic and dynamic parameters of two parent rays to estimate the initial parameters of a new ray on the wavefront between the two rays. Third-order (cubic) interpolation is used for interpolation of position, ray tangent and take-off vector from the source) while linear interpolation is used for the geometrical spreading parameters.  相似文献   

Summary The theory of Part I is extended to take account of vertical motion and frictional drag. Surface friction is found not to affect appreciably the propagation speed of troughs and wedges. It is found, further, that the speed of a disturbance at the surface is not appreciably affected by the pattern of vertical motion. However, if the upper part of the perturbation moves at the same speed as the surface wave, a certain pattern of vertical motion is necessary, depending on the morphology of the perturbation, and of the mean flow.  相似文献   

Abstract. Statistical analysis of monitoring data is becoming a necessary part of many ground- and surface-water quality management activities. To meet this need a statistical software package for microcomputers called WQStat II has been designed and produced specifically for water quality applications. The software provides tools for data management, summarizing data characteristics, analyzing trends, comparing medians of two or more groups of data, and evaluating excursions or standards violations. To minimize problems associated with nonnormal data and nondetects, WQStat relies primarily on graphical and nonparametric approaches.  相似文献   

Summary Experimental work was conducted in an igloo, half way up Mt. Taisetsu (1050 m), Mt. Tokachi (1030 m) and Mt. Okuteine (820 m) in Hokkaido. One solid nucleus (center nucleus) was observed almost always in the central portion of a snow crystal. From their electron micro-diffraction patterns, the materials of the nuclei were classified into three kinds; a single crystal, polycrystalline or amorphous substances. The patterns of the single crystal gave a hexagonal cross grating, the atomic arrangement in their basal plane had some similarity to that of an ice crystal. Some polycrystalline center nuclei were small sea salt, particles. Their shape was similar to that of the nuclei of sea sprays, and their patterns coincide with that of the sea salt. Some amorphous center nuclei were observed which looked like a liquid droplet under the operating condition of the electron-microscope. It seemed that they are chemical components in the sea salt such as KCl or MgCl particles.In the other parts of snow crystal, many smaller nuclei (condensation nuclei) were observed. These nuclei are also aerosols in the atmosphere; their size was 0.10.01 in diameter. They gave the Debye-Scherrer ring; their patterns were different in each specimen. Their materials consist of various substances. From these data, the origin of nuclei and the mode of action of center nucleus were discussed.  相似文献   

Nonparametric prediction limits can be useful statistical tools for ground water monitoring at facilities regulated under RCRA Subtitle C. Subtitle D. and similar regulations. New, exact tables arc presented for both "1 of m" plans (m chances to gel one observation inbounds at each of r monitoring wells to avoid a statistically significant increase) and "California" plans (first or all of the next m-1 observations inbounds at each well). The tables provide per-constituent significance levels (false positive rates) as a function of the background sample size n. m. r, the prediction limit (the largest or the next to largest, background observation), and the confirmatory resampling plan selected.
When used in a monitoring program, future observations from several wells are compared with a prediction limit obtained from a common background sample. The table significance levels therefore depend critically on having IID (independent and identically distributed) observations. In particular, the false positive rate computations are not valid, and the procedures should not be used, with constituents whose measurements exhibit inherent spatial or systematic temporal variability.
Recent U.S. EPA guidance explicitly encourages controlling facility-wide false positive rates over both constituents and wells. Nonparametric prediction limits, particularly with California resampling plans, will have greater difficulty in meeting the new. lower per-constituent false positive rate goals than previous ones, especially if many constituents are involved. Nonetheless, nonparametric prediction limits remain superior to other commonly used procedures for dealing with data with high proportions of nondctects.  相似文献   

This paper is the second in a two-part series that discusses the principal axes of M-DOF structures subjected to static and dynamic loads. The primary purpose of this series is to understand the magnitude of the dynamic response of structures to enable better design of structures and response modification devices/systems. Under idealized design conditions, the structural responses are obtained by using single direction input ground motions in the direction of the intended response modification devices/systems, and by assuming that the responses of the structure is decoupleable in three mutually perpendicular directions. This standard practice has been applied to both new and retrofitted structures using various seismic protective systems. Very limited information is available on the effects of neglecting the impact of directional couplings (cross effects of which torsion is a component) of the dynamic response of structures. In order to quantify such effects, it is necessary to examine the principal axes of structures under both static and dynamic loading. In this two-part series, the first paper is concerned with static loading, which provides definitions and fundamental formulations, with the conclusion that cross effects of a statically loaded M-DOF structure resulting from the lack of principal axes are of insignificant magnitude. However, under dynamic or earthquake loading, a relatively small amount of energy transferred across perpendicular directions is accumulated, which may result in significant enlargement of the structural response. This paper deals with a formulation to define the principal axes of M-DOF structures under dynamic loading and develops quantitative measures to identify cross effects resulting from the non-existence of principal axes.  相似文献   

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