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H. Haken 《Geoforum》1985,16(2):205-211
Synergetics is a rather new field of interdisciplinary research and originated from physics. There it turned out that systems composed of many parts can acquire macroscopic structures or functions by self-organization, i.e. without any specific ordering forces from the outside. It then turned out that the spontaneous formation of ordered structures in other fields, such as chemistry and biology, is governed by the same principles. These principles and the structural laws they obey are of such a general nature that they have become applicable to other sciences as well, e.g. to linguistics and history. The present paper shows by means of simple examples how the concepts of order parameters, instability and slaving can become operational in various fields and hold the promise of wide application, e.g. in geography with respect to the formation of settlements.  相似文献   

The Berchtesgaden National Park (Bavaria, Germany), a study site of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere program in the catchment of Berchtesgadener Ache, is introduced as a platform for interdisciplinary research. As the investigation of how human activities affect the natural resources in the park area, which has been defined a main aim of the program, naturally requires expertise from different scientific fields, interdisciplinary research has been fostered in the national park plan since the very beginning of the Man and the Biosphere program in 1981. To analyze the complex interactions and mutual dependencies between socio-economic and natural systems, a variety of monitoring programs have been initialized in different disciplines (e.g. climate sciences, zoology, botany) that are addressed in this paper. As a result of these research efforts, the park offers a profound data basis to be used in future studies (e.g. land cover classifications, maps of geological and soil conditions). Detailed information is provided on a climate monitoring network that has been installed in the park starting in the year 1993. The network has been continuously extended over the years and now provides extraordinary comprehensive information on meteorological conditions in the park, setting the basis for current as well as for potential future climate-related studies. A special characteristic of the station network is the fact that it covers a large range of elevations from 600 m a.s.l in the valleys to 2,600 m a.s.l in the summit regions and is therefore able to capture altitudinal gradients in meteorological variables as typical for Alpine regions. Due to the large number of stations in high elevations (15 stations are in elevations higher than 1,500 m a.s.l) the network provides information on the complex hydrometeorological conditions in summit regions which are often insufficiently represented in observation networks due to the increased costs for maintenance of climate stations in these locations. Beside the various monitoring programs, a variety of numerical models have been (further) developed for application in the park area that make extensive use of the different data collected and therefore largely benefit from the comprehensive data pool. The potential and necessity of the climate monitoring network for modelling studies is demonstrated by utilizing the meteorological recordings in the framework of a hydrometeorological simulation experiment. Further examples of environmental modelling efforts are shortly described together with preliminary model results.  相似文献   

This paper presents a preliminary study of the main types, features, genesis, and countermeasures of mass movements in the Jiuzhaigou catchment, which is one of the most scenic regions in China. The main features are debris flows, rock-segment flows, landslides, and avalanches. Rough relief, fractured rocks, drifts, steep slopes, intensive rainstorms, and earthquakes produced their geneses. Countermeasures should include the integration of engineering and biological projects.  相似文献   

Hydrologic processes are complex, non-linear, and distributed within a watershed both spatially and temporally. One such complex pervasive process is soil erosion. This problem is usually approached directly by considering the sediment yield. Most of the hydrologic models developed and used earlier in sediment yield modeling were lumped and had no provision for including spatial and temporal variability of the terrain and climate attributes. This study investigates the suitability of a recent evolutionary technique, genetic programming (GP), in estimating sediment yield considering various meteorological and geographic features of a basin. The Arno River basin in Italy, which is prone to frequent floods, has been chosen as case study to demonstrate the GP approach. The results of the present study show that GP can efficiently capture the trend of sediment yield, even with a small set of data. The major advantage of the GP analysis is that it generates simple parsimonious expression offering some possible interpretations to the underlying process.  相似文献   

矿产沉积学是一个沉积学与矿床学交叉而形成的新的学科方向。矿产沉积学属于应用基础学科,主要任务是应用沉积学(沉积动力学、流体动力学、物理化学、微生物沉积学等)的基本原理,探讨成矿元素的迁移—聚集机理和成矿颗粒的风化—搬运—沉积过程,从而恢复沉积矿产的古环境(沉积环境、古盐度、古碱度、古氧化还原条件)和形成背景(沉积盆地、古地理、古气候等),最终目的是确定矿床成因、成矿规律,建立成矿模式和找矿模型,进行成矿预测,为沉积矿产的找矿勘探提供科学依据。同时将成矿事件与重大地质事件相结合,揭示重大地质事件与成矿事件的耦合关系。  相似文献   

Ore sedimentology is a new interdisciplinary research direction based on the combination of sedimentology and ore deposit geology. Ore sedimentology belongs to applied fundamental research and its main task is to apply the basic principles of applied sedimentology(sedimentation dynamics,fluid dynamics,physics,chemistry,and microbial sedimentology)to explore the transfer and accumulation of ore-forming elements and the weathering-transportation-deposition process of ore-forming particles. After obtaining above-mentioned information,we can reconstruct the palaeoenvironment factors of sedimentary ore deposits(e.g.,sedimentary environment,palaeosalinity,palaeo-alkalinity,palaeo-redox)and their forming background(e.g.,sedimentary basin,palaeogeography,palaeoclimate). This research aims at providing scientific basis for prospecting of sedimentary ore deposits. To achieve this goal,we need to constrain the origin of ore deposits,summarize the ore-forming rules,build the ore depositional and the prospecting model. Our study cases indicate that there were couplings between the sedimentary ore-forming events and important key geological events.  相似文献   

Open-cast mining generates sediment in river systems at globally significant scales. One of the challenges in attributing measured sediment loads to upstream mining activities is establishing the source of sediments that are a mixture of natural and mining-based materials. The environmental magnetic data (mass-specific magnetic susceptibility, anhysteretic remanent magnetisation, isothermal remanent magnetisation and inter-parametric ratios) on 57 samples of suspended sediment from the Bhadra River in the Sahyadri (the Western Ghat) of India have been used in this study. Samples were collected upstream, adjacent to and downstream of Kudremukh, a mountainous and high rainfall site where the largest mechanised open-cast mine in south Asia was located. Graphical and multivariate analyses and modelling of the data show that on average ~29% of the river suspended load downstream of the mine is derived from mining and allied activities at Kudremukh although the mine occupies less than 5% of the catchment. The contribution of primary ore is the maximum (18%), followed by transitional hard weathered ore (7%) and weathered ore (4%). The model has done a fairly good job of unmixing; the sum of errors is <1 for 40 samples, 1–4,254 for five samples and >71,000 for four samples. Modelling of samples with small mass seems to produce large errors. This investigation demonstrates the utility of environmental magnetic data, which can be obtained in a simple and rapid manner, and the unmixing of such data in identifying the contribution of mining activities to the total suspended sediment load.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Land-use changes often have significant impact on the water cycle, including changing groundwater/surface-water interactions, modifying groundwater recharge zones, and...  相似文献   

 Although British Columbia experiences many natural hazards, there is as yet no unified policy to promote natural hazard management in the province. The problem is not in the quantity and quality of geoscience assessment of natural hazards, but instead, it is suggested, in the isolation of that work from broader risk perspectives and in the lack of clarity of division of responsibilities between various levels of government. The example of recent changes in perception of the terrain stability problem illustrates how natural hazard problems are driven by social and political priorities rather than by geoscience priorities. Received: 22 November 1998 / Accepted: 22 November 1998  相似文献   

Belize experiences the highest rates of HIV/AIDS in Central America, ranging between 2.1 and 3.2% (World Health Organization 2008). To add to the limited literature on HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination (HASD) in Belize, the authors conducted a study to assess whether stigma and discrimination is related to geography and ethnicity. One-hundred forty participants were interviewed using a structured survey instrument at three different parts of the country, and the results were analyzed quantitatively. These places were Cayo District on the western border with Guatemala, Belize City, and two cayes (Caye Caulker and Ambergris Caye). Respondents in Belize City generally held the lowest rates of stigmatizing and discriminatory attitudes towards individuals living with HIV/AIDS, highlighting a possible relationship between geography and ethnicity. Concurrently, self-identifying Afro-Belizeans and Creoles reported lower rates of HASD attitudes in some contexts than other ethnic groups. The results show that there may a relation between geography, ethnicity, and HASD, and that a randomized, controlled study is an important next step in determining the strength of that relation.  相似文献   

The peri-urban catchments are distinguished by discontinuous urban extensions. They extend between the margins of the city and the borders of the rural space forming a mid-urban, mid rural mosaic. They experience unprecedented expansion movement since the end of the 60 years. When hydrological models for urban and for rural catchments have been developed, it was until recently impossible to apply those principles in a concrete manner to peri-urban catchments. The representation of the hydrological functioning of these surfaces can be done by considering both urban processes and rural processes. In this paper, we present the simulation model named “Multi-Outlets model”. This model allows taking into account the mixed nature of peri-urban areas. The model was applied to Yzeron catchment located in Lyon, France.  相似文献   

The TETHYS GIS database is being developed as a way to integrate relevant geologic, geophysical, geochemical, geochronologic, and remote sensing data bearing on Tethyan continental plate collisions. The project is predicated on a need for actualistic model ‘templates’ for interpreting the Earth's geologic record. Because of their time-transgressive character, Tethyan collisions offer ‘actualistic’ models for features such as continental ‘escape’, collision-induced upper mantle flow magmatism, and marginal basin opening, associated with modern convergent plate margins. Large integrated geochemical and geophysical databases allow for such models to be tested against the geologic record, leading to a better understanding of continental accretion throughout Earth history. The TETHYS database combines digital topographic and geologic information, remote sensing images, sample-based geochemical, geochronologic, and isotopic data (for pre- and post-collision igneous activity), and data for seismic tomography, shear-wave splitting, space geodesy, and information for plate tectonic reconstructions. Here, we report progress on developing such a database and the tools for manipulating and visualizing integrated 2-, 3-, and 4-d data sets with examples of research applications in progress. Based on an Oracle database system, linked with ArcIMS via ArcSDE, the TETHYS project is an evolving resource for researchers, educators, and others interested in studying the role of plate collisions in the process of continental accretion, and will be accessible as a node of the national Geosciences Cyberinfrastructure Network—GEON via the World-Wide Web and ultra-high speed internet2. Interim partial access to the data and metadata is available at: http://geoinfo.geosc.uh.edu/Tethys/ and http://www.esrs.wmich.edu/tethys.htm. We demonstrate the utility of the TETHYS database in building a framework for lithospheric interactions in continental collision and accretion.  相似文献   

A simple but comprehensive framework for analysing the potential for and constraints to groundwater development for irrigated agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa is proposed. The framework, based on food value chain principles, is applied to the sub-Saharan context and a specific catchment in Tanzania, the Usangu plains, where groundwater has been proposed as a strategic resource for augmenting food production and smallholder livelihoods and to alleviate seasonal water scarcity. The novel contribution of the work is the presentation of a tool that can be applied to support an interdisciplinary approach to systematically identify most significant barriers and most critical water management and development interventions for sustainable development of groundwater irrigation. The result of the case study shows that farmer economics, capacity, and pump and well drilling market constraints limit groundwater irrigation in the Usangu plains rather than hydrogeological conditions.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary approaches involving inputs from both the natural and social sciences represent one operational and social response to the complexity of today's environmental and land use problems. The resulting amalgam can be useful to both science and society, given the right mix of ingredients. Important steps in the planning and conduct of interdisciplinary research include problem indentification; definition of a precise scientific theme derived from the social demand; choice of relevant disciplines; selection of study area and spatial scale; ensuring that the project is adaptable to changing circumstances; obtaining the involvement of scientists, planners and local people; developing a continuum of actions from basic and applied research through to training and information diffusion; early and explicit definition of the criteria for evaluation. Though interdisciplinary approaches have shown their worth, they founder easily. Obstacles include the behavioural and psychological characteristics of individual scientists, differences in scientific method, and bottlenecks of a more administrative, institutional, political and financial nature.The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the authors' employers.  相似文献   

A systematic approach for identifying mineral exploration target areas from reconnaissance stream sediment data without sufficient a-priori control information has been demonstrated in a portion of western Albay Province in the southern Bicol Peninsula of the Philippines. The approach involved devising a rapid method of catchment basin mapping using a geographic information system (GIS) so that the areal influence of the catchment basins may be incorporated in the geochemical data analysis. Areal proportions of mapped rock units occurring in the sample catchment basins and observed Mn and Fe contents in stream sediments are used as independent variables in multiple regression analysis to predict element contents in stream sediments related to lithologic and chemical controls. The predicted element contents are filtered-out from the original data to leave residuals in which the effects of other factors (e.g., mineralization) may be seen. A simple correction for the effects of downstream dilution is applied; this allows for the different sizes of the sample catchment basins so that positive geochemical residuals are enhanced. The inter-relationship of the different positive residuals in ‘highly enriched’ samples are investigated through principal components analysis to determine and quantify an ‘anomalous geochemical signature’. Lastly, the ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ is integrated with ‘proximity’ to faults/fractures to determine favourable target areas. For the test region, the lithologic controls explain between 80% and 100% of the variability in most of the elements studied. Chemical controls account for generally less than 5% of the variability in the data. Most of the dilution-corrected residuals reveal high relative enrichment in certain areas underlain by andesite and/or diorite. An anomalous Cu-Mg-Fe-Zn geochemical signature is disclosed by the principal components analysis of the dilution-corrected residuals in ‘highly enriched’ samples. Most sample catchment basins defined by this ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ pertain to areas underlain by andesitic rocks. Integration of the ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ and ‘proximity’ to faults/fractures reveals that some of these anomalous sample catchment basins are favourable target areas. These areas are interpreted to contain andesite-hosted stockwork or stringer zones that once formed part of a complete stratigraphic sequence of a volcanogenic massive sulphide occurrence. The results demonstrate the usefulness and ability of the procedures followed to extract significant anomalies from the reconnaissance geochemical data without the benefit of sufficient a-priori control data to aid in anomaly recognition. Similar procedures could also be applied elsewhere.  相似文献   

The research presented in this paper focuses on the application of a newly developed physically based watershed modeling approach, which is called representative elementary watershed approach. The study stressed the effects of uncertainty of input parameters on the watershed responses (i.e., simulated discharges). The approach was applied to the Zwalm catchment, which is an agriculture-dominated watershed with a drainage area of 114 km2 located in East Flanders, Belgium. Uncertainty analysis of the model parameters is limited to the saturated hydraulic conductivity because of its high influence on the watershed hydrologic behavior and availability of the data. The assessment of output uncertainty is performed using the Monte Carlo method. The ensemble statistical watershed responses and their uncertainties are calculated and compared with measurements. The results show that the measured discharges fall within the 95% confidence interval of the modeled discharge. This provides the uncertainty bounds of the discharges that account for the uncertainty in saturated hydraulic conductivity. The methodology can be extended to address other uncertain parameters as far as the probability density function of the parameter is defined.  相似文献   

The major obstacles for modelling flood processes in karst areas are a lack of understanding and model representations of the distinctive features and processes associated with runoff generation and often a paucity of field data. In this study, a distributed flood-modelling approach, WetSpa, is modified and applied to simulate the hydrological features and processes in the karst Suoimuoi catchment in northwest Vietnam. With input of topography, land use and soil types in a GIS format, the model is calibrated based on 15 months of hourly meteorological and hydrological data, and is used to simulate both fast surface and conduit flows, and groundwater discharges from karst and non-karst aquifers. Considerable variability in the simulation accuracy is found among storm events and within the catchment. The simulation results show that the model is able to represent reasonably well the stormflows generated by rainfall events in the study catchment.  相似文献   

Although geographers have largely investigated the notion of place, the relationship between place and Self does not seem to have received a similar attention, both theoretically and empirically. After the initial interest expressed by humanistic geographers, social constructivism and cultural materialism (two dominant paradigms in use since at least the 1980s) have somewhat moved the interest towards a sort of social(izing) discourse, which has pushed the individual dimension to the margin. Accordingly, this dimension has been treated as a mere product of social discourses, as purely embodying and (re)enacting certain social categories (gender, sex, race, etc.) or, again, it has been discredited as psychologically ‘mentalistic’ and geographically ‘trivial’. In the present article, I aim to rescue this personal, intimate dimension and show how, beyond an all-encompassing social(izing) logic, it remains at work in the ways people relate to place. Theoretically, the study builds on the early contributions of humanistic geography, complemented with more recent works in environmental and social psychology. Empirically, it is grounded in narratives of place collected during interviews and focus groups administered in four regional case studies in Western Europe. The article advances and illustrates, with empirical materials, a simple theoretical framework, which aims to contribute to the understanding of how meanings of place implicate and are implicated in the construction of the Self.  相似文献   

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