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The stress variation induced by gas/oil production may activate pre‐existing regional faults. This may enhance the expected land subsidence due to the generation of mechanically weak points close to the producing field. A class of elasto‐plastic interface elements (IE), specifically designed to address the mechanical behaviour of faults over a regional scale, is integrated into a finite element (FE) geomechanical model and used to investigate the role exerted by active faults in anthropogenic land subsidence. The importance of regional faults depends on a variety of factors including depth of the depleted reservoir, fault number, orientation and size, geomechanical properties of porous medium, pore pressure drawdown induced by fluid production, etc. With the aid of some representative examples, a useful indication is provided as to where and how fault activation may influence both magnitude and extent of the land subsidence bowl above producing gas/oil reservoirs, pointing to a generally limited impact on the ground surface. The simulation of a real faulted gas reservoir in a complex 3‐D setting shows that the proposed IE can be simply and efficiently incorporated into a FE geomechanical model, thus improving the quality of the stress and displacement prediction. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

崔明月 《地质与勘探》2021,57(5):1173-1181
元素硫从含硫天然气中析出沉降会影响流体流动,常规的水平井产量预测模型无法用于高含硫气藏水平井非稳态产量预测。本文基于非稳态椭圆流理论,耦合基质内的椭圆流动和裂缝内的非达西流动,考虑元素硫沉积及缝间干扰效应的影响,建立了适用于酸化水平井与酸压水平井的非稳态产量预测模型。分析了硫沉积对渗透率、孔隙度的影响,计算了不同裂缝参数对产能的影响,该模型适用于变井底流压生产条件。计算结果表明:科学准确的元素硫溶解度模型能较好地预测高含硫气藏水平井产量。酸压改造后缝间干扰现象会降低气井产能,且随着时间逐渐增强。硫沉积会降低储层渗透率和孔隙度,使得产量下降。增大裂缝导流能力,增加裂缝半长或者裂缝数量都能有效提高水平井产量,与裂缝导流能力相比,裂缝半长和裂缝数量对产量的影响更大。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(2):121-132
Sand production is a crucial problem during the process of extracting natural gas from hydrate reservoirs. To deal with sand-production problems systematically, a sand-production control system (SCS) is first proposed in this paper, specialized for pore-distributed clayey silt hydrate reservoirs. Secondly, a nodal system analysis method (NSAM) is applied to analyze the sand migration process during hydrate exploitation. The SCS is divided into three sub-systems, according to different sand migration mechanisms, and three key scientific problems and advances in SCS research in China Geological Survey are reviewed and analyzed. The maximum formation sanding rate, proper sand-control gravel size, and borehole blockage risk position were provided for clayey hydrate exploitation wells based on the SCS analysis. The SCS sub-systems are closely connected via bilateral coupling, and coordination of the subsystems is the basis of maintaining formation stability and prolonging the gas production cycle. Therefore, contradictory mitigation measures between sand production and operational systems should be considered preferentially. Some novel and efficient hydrate exploitation methods are needed to completely solve the contradictions caused by sand production.© 2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

张宇  赵伦  李长海  张祥忠 《中国岩溶》2022,41(5):808-824
古岩溶对可溶性岩石的改造作用表现为形成溶蚀孔洞等储集空间,特别是对于碳酸盐岩地层,古岩溶发育会极大地改善了地层的储集性能,形成具有良好孔渗性的岩溶储层。作为碳酸盐岩地层中重要储层类型之一,岩溶储层的发育与分布对于碳酸盐岩油气藏的形成具有重要意义。文章系统地总结了前人在不同类型岩溶储层以及断溶体等方面的研究成果,并对古岩溶油气储层研究的最新进展进行了梳理归纳,这对于认识我国含油气盆地中岩溶储层的发育与分布具有重要参考价值。总结认为古岩溶油气储层研究主要存在以下问题:(1)早成岩岩溶储层研究实例较少,且利用测井、地震资料对该类型储层的分布进行预测缺少相应实践;(2)表生岩溶储层的研究主要集中于古地貌恢复以及垂向分带方面。但目前的古地貌恢复方法,均具有一定的局限性,无法对古地貌实现定量恢复。垂向分带的方案众多,尚未形成一个统一的分类方案,且在垂向上带与带之间的界线不明确,无法进行准确地划分;(3)埋藏岩溶储层的研究主要集中在硫酸盐热还原作用以及热液溶蚀方面,对于受有机酸影响的埋藏岩溶储层缺少相应的研究;(4)断溶体的识别、刻画与预测主要依赖于地震资料,受地震资料分辨率影响显著;(5)岩溶储层发育的影响因素众多,仅靠单一地质或者地震资料无法实现对岩溶储层的精准预测。  相似文献   

Adjoint-based gradient computations for oil reservoirs have been increasingly used in closed-loop reservoir management optimizations. Most constraints in the optimizations are for the control input, which may either be bound constraints or equality constraints. This paper addresses output constraints for both state and control variables. We propose to use a (interior) barrier function approach, where the output constraints are added as a barrier term to the objective function. As we assume there always exist feasible initial control inputs, the method maintains the feasibility of the constraints. Three case examples are presented. The results show that the proposed method is able to preserve the computational efficiency of the adjoint methods.  相似文献   

Conclusion Allowing for regional trends, the character of saturation and lithological features can be used in this technique as an efficient tool for predicting local oil and gas potential. The algorithm of the procedure has been programmed infortran for the EC computer.  相似文献   

In this work, we consider a new model for flow in a multiporosity shale gas reservoir constructed within the framework of an upscaling procedure where hydraulic fractures are treated as (\(n-1\)) interfaces (\(n=2,3\)). Within this framework, the hydrodynamics is governed by a new pressure equation in the shale matrix which is treated as a homogenized porous medium composed of organic matter (kerogen aggregates with nanopores) and inorganic impermeable solid (clay, calcite, quartz) separated from each other by a network of interparticle pores of micrometer size. The solution of the pressure equation is strongly influenced by the constitutive response of the retardation parameter and effective hydraulic conductivity where the former incorporates gas adsorption/desorption in the nanopores of the kerogen. By focusing our analyses on this nonlinear diffusion equation in the domain occupied by the shale matrix, an optimization strategy seated on the adjoint sensitivity method is developed to minimize a cost functional related to gas production and net present value in a single hydraulic fracture. The gradient of the objective functional computed with the adjoint formulation is explored to update the controlled pressure drop aiming to optimize production in a given window of time. The combination of the direct approach and gradient-based optimization using the adjoint formulation leads to the construction of optimal production scenarios under controlled pressure decline in the well. Numerical simulations illustrate the potential of the methodology proposed herein in optimizing gas production.  相似文献   

试论火山岩油气藏成藏机理   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
全球100多个国家/地区在火山岩内或其周围发现了油气藏或油气显示,展示了火山岩油气藏勘探的广阔前景。火山岩已从油气勘探的"禁区"转变为了"靶区",成为油气勘探的新目标。火山岩储集物性较好,其本身可直接作为储层,各类侵入体与围岩相互作用还可形成与火成岩有关的圈闭。火山岩油气藏的烃源包括有机成因和无机成因两种。火山作用可以明显提高烃源岩内有机质的成熟度,加快烃的产生,促进油气运移,并为无机成因烃提供合成原料(CO_2和H_2等)和运移通道。虽然火山岩在盆地早期尤为发育,约占盆地充填体积的1/4,但是目前火山岩油气储量仅占世界油气探明储量的1%左右,勘探潜力巨大。中国沉积盆地内发育不同时代火山岩,火山岩储层与烃源岩匹配较好,无机成因气来源丰富,火山岩油气藏正在成为我国油气勘探的重要领域之一。  相似文献   

提要:塔里木盆地塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶储层具有埋藏深、地震资料分辨率及信噪比不高、非均质性强等特点。为此,利用古地貌、古水流和古断裂等地质主控因素方法与多地震属性信息融合技术相结合的解决思路,对研究区奥陶系鹰山组碳酸盐岩岩溶缝洞型储层进行了分析和预测,刻画了不同类型岩溶储层的分布规律。该方法既降低地震信息的多解性、提高了储层预测的精度,又符合地质规律,研究成果为研究区的勘探生产奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

非常规油气藏的形成及其分布特征*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋岩  姜林  马行陟 《古地理学报》2013,15(5):605-614
非常规油气领域是目前油气勘探和开发的热点领域, 也是石油工业的发展趋向, 非常规油气的成藏研究对非常规油气勘探具有重要指导意义。非常规油气与常规油气成藏的最本质区别在于非常规油气是非浮力驱动聚集, 这主要是由于致密储集层中微纳米级孔隙发育导致毛细管阻力较大, 同时缺乏提供强大浮力的有利条件。根据烃源岩演化与非常规油气成藏的关系, 将非常规油气资源分为油页岩、页岩油、致密油、页岩气、致密气和煤层气6种类型。油页岩、页岩油、煤层气和页岩气的源储组合特征都是“源储一体”, 而致密油气源储组合有2种类型:一种是源储叠置的临源型致密油气, 另一种是与常规油气藏类似的源储不相临、但距离不远的近源型致密油气。成藏动力学上的差异使非常规油气藏在地质上表现为大面积分布、局部富集、油气赋存具有明显的“滞留”或短距运移特征、没有明显的圈闭边界和无统一的油水界面等特点。  相似文献   

A linear boundary element (BE) model is proposed for the uncoupied simulation of land subsidence due to gas, oil and hot water production over three-dimensional (3-D) arbitrarily shaped reservoirs. The pore pressure decline is assumed to be specified in advance, e.g. via a numerical model of flow. Use is made of the fundamental solution derived in 1885 by Boussinesq for a vertical load acting upon the traction-free surface of a semi-infinite medium. A straightforward application of Betti's (1872) reciprocal theorem allows for the development of a boundary integral whose numerical execution yields directly the downward settlement over the point of interest. The new procedure is applied to assess land sinking caused by an uniform pore pressure decline occurring within fields of elliptical shape and to explore the influence of the assumption of small reservoir thickness which underlies the ‘tension center’ or ‘strain nucleus’ approach previously developed by Geertsma in 1966. The results emphasize the numerical efficiency of the solution and the promising features of the BE method for the evaluation of ground subsidence in 3-D problems. The present model is based on the theory of the linear poroelasticity and is implemented for a mechanically homogeneous and isotropic half-space. It allows for any arbitrary geometry of the reservoir and for a non-uniform distribution of the pore pressure decline. It may easily be extended to other physical settings for which a vertical surface point load solution is available.  相似文献   

通过对南海周边新生代板块活动的分析,认为南海构造演化由太平洋板块、欧亚板块和印度板块等3大板块间的相互作用所控制,并可分为断陷阶段(E)、断拗转换阶段(N11—N12)和区域性沉降阶段(N13—现今)。将南海已发现油气藏归纳为构造圈闭型、岩性圈闭型和复合型3大类,进一步将构造圈闭型分为背斜型、断背斜型、断块(鼻)型3个亚类,将岩性圈闭型分为生物礁滩型和深水水道型2个亚类,将复合型分为构造-岩性型和基岩潜山型2个亚类,并对典型油气藏特征进行了分析。总结了南海油气藏在平面和纵向上的分布特征,认为南海演化的不同阶段形成了不同的圈闭类型和不同的储层,从而控制了3大类油气藏的分布。平面上,构造型油气藏主要分布在南海的南北两侧靠近大陆边缘地区,以油为主;生物礁滩型油气藏分布在远陆缘区,以气为主;而西部的走滑断陷盆地除了发育构造型油气藏,还发育复合型油气藏,西北部以构造-岩性型为主,西南部基岩潜山型占优势。纵向上,构造型、生物礁滩型油气藏发育均有北早南晚的特点;西部走滑盆地复合型油气藏发育层位北部比南部更新;深水水道型油气藏集中在上中新统—上新统,发育层位最新。  相似文献   

非常规油气致密储集层微观结构研究进展*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
致密储集层储集性能差, 孔喉以纳米级为主, 孔喉连通复杂。中国南方高过成熟海相页岩有机质纳米孔与粒内孔大小约为20~890 nm;陆相泥页岩孔喉类型为有机质孔与基质孔, 主体介于30~200 nm之间;致密砂岩微米级孔喉为粒间溶孔、颗粒溶蚀孔与微裂缝, 主体介于10~200μm之间, 纳米级孔隙大小介于70~400 nm之间, 以原生粒间孔与自生矿物晶间孔为主;致密灰岩孔喉类型有方解石粒内溶孔、粒间溶孔与微裂缝, 大小介于50~500 nm之间。页岩微孔喉总体随热演化程度增高呈先减少后增加趋势, 致密含油砂岩中油气赋存有4种状态, 粒间微孔为油气赋存最有利位置。针对非常规油气储集层独特特征, 仍需在仪器研发、技术方法与评价参数等方面加强研究探索。  相似文献   

The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the effect of the microstructure of the pore space on the hydrophobization of oil and gas reservoirs are presented. A possible mechanism of formation of the microstructured wettability is described, which demonstrates that hydrophobization of the inner pore space in mixed wettability can be associated either with large or small pore sizes. It was proven experimentally that the process of hydrocarbon adsorption depended on the shape, size, and distribution of pores, the mineralogical composition (particle composition and size, presence of clay), as well as on the time of contact of hydrocarbons with the inner pore surface. The concept of the hydrophilic nature of rock prior to the migration of oil into it can be considered as accurate. However, as was shown in the experiments, oil could be present in the small pores (up to 10 μm), which was especially significant for the carbonate reservoirs.  相似文献   

Relative permeability and resistivity index are important parameters for the exploration and development in a tight sandstone gas field. In the splitting method which uses permeability (K), reservoir thickness (H), and relative permeability (K), briefly referred to as the KHK splitting method, the accuracy of the relative permeability is crucial. According to the relationship between resistivity index and relative permeability of the Mesozoic Lower Safa Formation at Obaiyed Field in the Western Desert of Egypt, we improved the split method and made it more in line with the real situation by adopting Pairoys’ model which is more suitable to our study area. In this paper, we use a radial basis function (RBF) to establish the relationship between logging data and the gas production split point to point in tight sandstone gas reservoirs. To compare with the result by support vector regression (SVR), our method is better as indicated by mean absolute error values. In order to solve the problem that the relative permeability is difficult to obtain in the well logging evaluation, we also provide a convenient method and application example.  相似文献   

世界碳酸盐岩油气田的储层特征及其成藏的主要控制因素   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
范嘉松 《地学前缘》2005,12(3):23-30
世界碳酸盐岩储层的类型可识别为6种类型:不整合面之下的储层、白云岩储层、鲕粒和团粒浅滩储层、生物礁储层、微孔隙储层以及微裂缝储层。尚有深埋溶解型储层,但此类较少。上述各类储层,如出露水面,遭受雨水淋滤,必将增加其孔隙度,成为重要的油气储层。中东地区碳酸盐岩之所以能形成世界级的大油气田,其基本要素为油气的生储盖层组合的密切配置、有台地内继承性发育的生油盆地、含油气层的年代较新,且石油进入构造圈闭的时间也较晚、构造圈闭规模巨大、有十分理想的区域性的盖层。正是这些要素的有机配合,从而形成世界上无可匹敌的大油田。对中国碳酸盐岩油气田的储层研究,应寻找上述这些原生储层,又经历次生溶蚀和白云石化作用,这样才能成为有效的油气储层。  相似文献   

We consider the appearance of scattered PP-waves, SS-waves, scattered converted PS-waves, and SP-waves reflected from the reservoirs in the Arctic shelf zone and wave responses from them in the water column when the source and receiver are located near the water surface. We obtained a numerical solution of the direct problems of seismic prospecting in the shelf zone with a reservoir and without it. The solution was obtained using the grid-characteristic method, which makes possible to model the wave processes in detail.  相似文献   

根据流体包裹体的透射光和荧光镜下观察、包裹体均一温度及含油包裹体丰度(GOI)分析,对柴达木盆地北缘(柴北缘)地区南八仙、马北1号构造古近系、新近系油气储层样品中流体包裹体特征及油气成藏期进行了研究。柴北缘地区流体包裹体较为发育,存在盐水溶液包裹体和有机包裹体,主要分布在石英裂隙、次生加大边及胶结物中,但个体一般较小,主要为5~10μm。含油包裹体丰度GOI值较低,绝大多数样品GOI值分布在2.0%~10.5%之间,约40%样品的GOI值超过5%。包裹体均—温度在不同油气储层样品中差异较大,说明这些包裹体可能是在不同时期形成的。依据包裹体均—温度的实测结果,结合沉积埋藏-热演化史的资料,认为柴北缘地区南八仙构造和马北1号构造均经历了两期油气充注成藏,前者油气充注时间为N1-N2^1沉积期、N2^2-N2^3沉积期,后者油气充注时间为N1沉积期、N1末-N2沉积期。  相似文献   

水库水气界面温室气体通量监测方法综述   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
水库水体中的有机碳,经过水中微生物代谢分解,生成甲烷、二氧化碳等温室气体,通过扩散、气泡等方式,经由水气界面排向大气.目前国外对水库水气界面的温室气体通量监测已经发展了静态箱法、梯度法、倒置漏斗法、TDLAS法以及涡度相关法等.综述了以上监测方法的原理、应用、优缺点及适用范围,从水体、陆地和气候环境方面分析了影响水气界...  相似文献   

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