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本文在地震滑坡规模(体积)类型5级划分法的基础上,采用数学方法对汶川地震灾区的2个宏观震中(映秀、北川)烈度I0≥XI极震区(10个县市)的地震滑坡震中距进行了讨论。其中地震滑坡随震中距分布基本符合正弦、高斯和指数衰减规律。极震区最大滑坡震中距可达120km,最小滑坡震中距可达0.25km。结果表明,地震诱发滑坡的规模(体积)和分布范围都与震中距具有相关性。  相似文献   

汶川震区震后斜坡地质灾害频发,其中岩体震裂松动是引起震后次生地质灾害的主要原因.以震裂岩体结构精测为基础,结合现场回弹测试与声波探测,震裂岩体具有结构面显著张开、无充填或者少量充填和岩体架空等宏观特征,同时具有回弹强度低、大范围的低波速带和强渗透性等变形特性.坡表岩体的回弹强度在20~30MPa,波速值集中在2000~3000m/s,完整性系数在0.15~0.5,完整性较差,渗透性基本上属于强透水、严重透水段.以波速值为主要划分依据,将震裂岩体分为严重震裂岩体、中等震裂岩体、轻度震裂岩体三个等级.  相似文献   

Zhang  Ni  Sun  Qing  Yang  Zongji 《Landslides》2022,19(5):1199-1207

Coseismic deposits are easily transported outside of valleys, thereby inflicting damage through debris flows or aggregating and elevating riverbeds in the fluvial network. The evolution of coseismic deposits is crucial for predicting the sediment transport capacity and export time for managing postseismic geohazards; however, this evolution remains unclear. In this study, the spatiotemporal evolution of coseismic deposits due to rainfall is quantified at the valley scale to further obtain the sediment transport capacity. The results show that the relative average thickness predominantly controls the evolution pattern of the coseismic deposits. The sediment transport capacity, which is primarily influenced by rainfall conditions and topography, can be drastically increased by dam breaching and channel narrowing. Moreover, the computed export time, which significantly varies with the spatiotemporal distribution of deposits and the local climate, ranges from 2 to 80 years in the areas affected by the Wenchuan earthquake. This study contributes to providing scientific guidelines for efficiently managing postseismic geohazards and planning for disaster mitigation.


Landslide hazards triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China   总被引:19,自引:16,他引:19  
The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (M s = 8.0; epicenter located at 31.0° N, 103.4° E), with a focal depth of 19.0 km was triggered by the reactivation of the Longmenshan fault in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China on 12 May 2008. This earthquake directly caused more than 15,000 geohazards in the form of landslides, rockfalls, and debris flows which resulted in about 20,000 deaths. It also caused more than 10,000 potential geohazard sites, especially for rockfalls, reflecting the susceptibility of high and steep slopes in mountainous areas affected by the earthquake. Landslide occurrence on mountain ridges and peaks indicated that seismic shaking was amplified by mountainous topography. Thirty-three of the high-risk landslide lakes with landslide dam heights greater than 10 m were classified into four levels: extremely high risk, high risk, medium risk, and low risk. The levels were created by comprehensively analyzing the capacity of landslide lakes, the height of landslide dams, and the composition and structure of materials that blocked rivers. In the epicenter area which was 300 km long and 10 km wide along the main seismic fault, there were lots of landslides triggered by the earthquake, and these landslides have a common characteristic of a discontinuous but flat sliding surface. The failure surfaces can be classified into the following three types based on their overall shape: concave, convex, and terraced. Field evidences illustrated that the vertical component of ground shaking had a significant effect on both building collapse and landslide generation. The ground motion records show that the vertical acceleration is greater than the horizontal, and the acceleration must be larger than 1.0 g in some parts along the main seismic fault. Two landslides are discussed as high speed and long runout cases. One is the Chengxi landslide in Beichuan County, and the other is the Donghekou landslide in Qingchuan County. In each case, the runout process and its impact on people and property were analyzed. The Chengxi landslide killed 1,600 people and destroyed numerous houses. The Donghekou landslide is a complex landslide–debris flow with a long runout. The debris flow scoured the bank of the Qingjiang River for a length of 2,400 m and subsequently formed a landslide dam. This landslide buried seven villages and killed more than 400 people.  相似文献   

汶川地震触发平溪村滑坡特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
平溪村滑坡是汶川地震触发的高速岩质滑坡,面积为3.7×104m2,体积约65×104m3。滑坡距离映秀—北川发震断裂带中的石坎断层不足500m,在强大地震力作用下,滑坡滑动面陡峭、粗糙,与重力作用下呈圆弧、平滑的滑面迥异。地震触发的滑坡可分为三个阶段:①震动拉裂阶段;②摩擦阻力降低、"锁固段"剪断阶段;③滑体溃滑,高速流动堆积阶段。然后结合结构面的力学分析,通过数值模拟对地震作用下的应力变化和震裂机制进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with Ms8.0 triggered extensive throwing-pattern landslides in the area within or near the seismic faults. The resultant landslides from this earthquake brought to the fore the effect of vertical earthquake acceleration on landslide occurrence. The pseudostatic analysis and the dynamic response on landslide stability due to the Wenchuan earthquake are studied with the Chengxi (West Town) catastrophic landslide used as a case study. The results show that the epicenter distance is an important factor which affects the vertical acceleration and thus the stability of landslide. Also, the vertical acceleration was found to have a significant impact on the FOS of landslide if the earthquake magnitude is quite large. Within the seismic fault, the amplitude effect of vertical acceleration is very dominant with the FOS of landslide, for vertical acceleration ranging from positive to negative, having a variation of 25 %. The variation of FOS of landslide for vertical acceleration ranging from positive to negative are 15 and 5 % for landslides near seismic fault and outside seismic fault, respectively. For landslide with a slope angle <45°, the FOS of landslide with both horizontal and vertical accelerations is significantly greater than the one without vertical acceleration. Further, the results computed from both the pseudostatic method and dynamic analysis reveal that the FOS during the earthquake varied significantly whether vertical acceleration is considered or not. The results from this study explain why lots of throwing-pattern catastrophic landslides occurred within 10 km of the seismic fault in the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

A digital landslide database has been created for Sichuan province, where a magnitude 8.0 earthquake at 2:28 p.m. on May 12, 2008, to provide the authorities and scientific communities with a tool for landslide risk assessment, emergency management, land-use planning, development of early warning system and enhancement of public awareness of natural hazards. Landslide data have been obtained from a variety of sources including technical reports and landslide inventory maps, and most of which were based on fieldwork and interpretation of aerial photographs. This paper presents the sources of landslide information, database design and the webGIS-based information management system. The database currently contains spatial information for about 9,000 landslides that were mostly triggered by the earthquake. Slide is the most common type of landslide in the database, but other types including rockfall and debris flow have also been identified. The website is an online GIS, providing access to comprehensive landslide information via the Internet. The development of the website allowed us to define the state of knowledge on landslide processes in Sichuan and to provide a preliminary identification of areas affected by landslides.  相似文献   

据国家地震台网测定,北京时间2008年5月12日14时28分,在四川汶川县(北纬31度,东经103.4度)发生Ms 8.0级地震(图1)。宁夏、青海、甘肃、河南、山西、陕西、山东、云南、湖南、湖北、上海、重庆等省市均有震感……。这次地震造成约7万人死亡,1.7万人失踪,38多万人受伤,令人震撼。重灾区14个县(市)主要公路全部瘫痪,主要铁路、水库和城镇遭受重大破坏,特别是北川县城和映秀镇成为一片废墟,这次地震是继唐山地震之后我国又一个死亡和损失巨大的毁灭性地震。根据中国地震局台网中心和美国地质调查局公布资料,汶川地震的震中位于映秀镇西南2~3 km处,滑动面西倾,倾角40~59°,属于逆冲断裂型地震。主震之后一月时间内,记录了51次≥5级的余震,沿整个龙门山中段和北段分布。根据远程地震台站资料的反演结果显示汶川地震产生的破裂带长度超过300 km,震源深度在16~19 km,属于典型的大陆浅源地震,地震类型为单震—余震型,地震破裂属于单向扩展型,从西南震中区向北东方向快速扩展(图2)。汶川地震的发震构造为龙门山中央断裂带(传统上称为映秀-北川断裂),是这条断裂向东逆冲运动的结果,从更大的大陆动力学尺度上考虑,这次地震破裂事件是印度/欧亚大陆持续汇聚作用下青藏高原向东扩展的表现(图3)。众所周知,龙门山构造带横亘于四川盆地和青藏高原之间,主体由三条主边界断裂组成,从西到东分别命名为茂-汶断裂、映秀-北川断裂、安县-灌县断裂。这些断裂主体形成于三叠纪印支运动时期,在中新生代多次活动。晚新生代以来,伴随着青藏高原向东构造挤出,龙门山构造带中、南段强烈挤压复活和基底拆离,形成青藏东缘宏伟的逆冲推覆构造和飞来峰群,其东缘映秀断裂向东逆冲运动,使彭-灌杂岩体推覆在龙门山前陆带中生界地层之上,推覆距离在几公里以上。野外调查和震后航空照片解译结果初步分析表明,汶川地震不仅使映秀-北川断裂发生破裂,摧毁了沿断裂带建设的所有城镇与乡村,最大地震烈度达到XI级,同时也使龙门山山前断裂带(灌县-安县断裂带)发生破裂。地震产生的地表破裂构造表现为地表拱曲、挤压脊、地震鼓包、张裂隙等。地表破裂构造几何特征指示断层由西向东逆冲运动,同震垂向位移量在2.5~3 m,北川以北伴有明显的右旋走滑分量。两个地点在这次地震中受到特别关注:一个汶川县映秀镇,另一个是北川县城。映秀镇靠近震中很近,映秀断裂恰好经过该镇,从而成为断裂的命名地点。它坐落在岷江及其支流的交汇处,其中发育至少三级河流阶地。汶川地震使该镇毁灭(图版Ⅰ)。北川县城远离震中150 km之遥,但整个县城完全被地震毁灭,是汶川地震中破坏程度最大、人员伤亡最多的县城。北川县城是北川断裂的命名地点,该断裂切过县城所在的峡谷地带,呈NE-SW向延伸。这次强震产生的动能不仅使北川县城产生毁灭性破坏,同时由于地震动触发的崩滑等山地灾害,导致人员的重大伤亡(图版Ⅱ)。汶川地震带给科学家带来诸多新的思考。历史地震记录显示,龙门山断裂带在历史上没有发生过>7级地震,中小地震数量也少。而位于龙门山断裂带以北的岷山构造带和以南的川滇断裂带,在历史上均发生过震级≧7级的强震,如1933年叠溪7.5级地震和1976年松潘7.2级地震(图4),说明龙门山构造带长期处于构造应力能量的累积过程中。全球定位系统(GPS)重复测量结果也显示,横穿该带现今地壳近东西向缩短率很小,数量级在1~2 mm/a,与青藏高原其他边缘相比相对较弱。这种小应变构造区孕育大地震,在世界其它大陆地区很少见,其机理和破裂过程需要科学家深入的研究和持续的探索。  相似文献   

从大量的地震参数分析可知,在由同一主震引发的所有的余震发生的位置都不同。在发生地震之前,地震的震中位置都是一些相互独立、互不连续且发生了弹性应变的单元个体,笔者称这些独立不连续的弹性应变单元称为应变量子。综合前人研究成果,笔者建立了一个地震模型。运用该模型对2008年5月12日发生在中国汶川地震作了解释:由于在龙门山断裂带周围形成了许多的应变量子,这些应变量子的形成阻碍了龙门山断裂的运动,产生滑移亏损,从而造成在地震前测量到的龙门山断裂带速度场变化很不显著。2008年5月12日14时28分时,在龙门山断裂周围已形成应变量子中的其中一应变量子最先达到它的最大储能,释放它所储存的应变能,引发了汶川Ms8.0地震。此次地震产生的地震波引发了龙门山断裂周围地壳应力的重分布,使得其他应变量子提前达到最大储能,释放出能量,于是触发成千上万次余震。此外,我们或许可以通过观测断裂滑移速率的变化情况来预测断裂周围应变量子的形成,从而来预测该断裂是否存在潜在地震的可能。  相似文献   

在对四川省汶川县地震序列的动态跟踪与对甘肃省震情的动态判定过程中,笔者成功地把握了甘肃震情、一定程度上把握了汶川地震序列的动态发展变化并对5月18日发生在四川省江油市的6.0级地震作出了成功预测。此次成功的地震预测实践为甘肃省的抗震救灾工作提供了正确的科学依据,为减轻地震灾害和稳定被地震扰乱的社会秩序发挥了重要作用,同时也在中国地震预报的历史上写下了新的篇章。从中笔者更加深刻地感悟到,地震预报虽然是一个十分复杂、尚未被攻克的世界性难题,但对于一个特定的地区,如果预报思路和方法得当,要实现一次乃至数次成功的预报是可能的。这对地球科学家们如何认识地震预报问题有一定的意义。  相似文献   

汶川地震崩塌滚石坡面运动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程强  苏生瑞 《岩土力学》2014,35(3):772-776
滚石坡面运动影响因素众多,分析预测困难,确定崩塌滚石危害范围,对崩塌灾害防治具有重要意义。在实测汶川地震399条崩塌滚石剖面基础上,通过统计分析研究了滚石运动特征和危害范围参数,得出如下结论:(1) 滚石坡面运动可划分为启动阶段、运动阶段和堆积阶段;56º为启动区滚石自由坠落模式和滑动、滚动模式界限,堆积区最大角度为39.6º,26º以下区域为减速带。(2) 滚石运动距离与高度的比值,随着地震烈度以及边坡岩石强度的增高而增大,并给出了统计公式。(3) 滚石最大运动距离与坡高之间以及陡坡段坡度与滚石运动扩散角之间有较好的线性关系,根据堆积区在边坡高度上所占比例,划分了两种坡面形态,给出了两种坡面形态边坡陡坡段坡度与滚石运动扩散角之间的统计关系图,可作为崩塌滚石危害范围判定的参考。  相似文献   

芦山地震发震构造及其与汶川地震关系讨论   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
芦山地震发生在巴彦喀拉块体与华南块体之间龙门山推覆构造带南段。野外考察表明,芦山地震在震中区没有形成具有构造地质意义的地震地表破裂带,仅在各山前陡坡地带出现平行于山麓陡坡的张性地裂缝、山地基岩崩塌、滑坡等边坡震动失稳现象和震动引起的砂土液化现象。重新定位的芦山地震余震分布、震源机制解和地表构造地质等分析表明,芦山地震的发震断层为一条现今尚未出露地表、其上断点仍埋藏在地下9 km以下地壳中的一条盲逆断层,走向212°,倾向NW,倾角38°±2°,上断点以上至地表的构造变形符合断层扩展背斜模型。根据汶川地震和芦山地震的余震空间分布、地震破裂过程、深浅构造关系等差异反映出它们是分别发生在龙门山推覆构造带中段和南段的两次独立地震破裂事件。  相似文献   

王焕  李海兵  司家亮  裴军令  孙知明  张蕾 《岩石学报》2023,39(12):3833-3847

富流体的断层泥是浅部地震断层带中的特征岩石。一般认为,地震过程中摩擦热会导致粒间孔隙流体热膨胀增压,形成同震断层弱化(热增压机制),从而抑制摩擦熔融的发生。然而我们研究发现,在2008年汶川大地震(MW 7.9)中断层浅部发生了摩擦熔融。汶川地震发生一年后,我们在汶川地震断裂带科学钻探项目一号钻孔(WFSD-1)732.6m深处的断层泥中发现了厚度约2mm的假玄武玻璃(凝固的摩擦熔融物)。该假玄武玻璃形成的位置极浅,且产生于非固结的、富流体的断层泥中。从岩心来看,断层面可见镜面构造和同震擦痕。微构造分析显示,该假玄武玻璃主要由石英碎屑和由长石与黏土矿物熔融的非晶质基质组成,基质中发育众多不规则的微裂隙,并可见流动构造。化学成分分析显示,其基质富Ba且被重晶石(BaSO4)小细脉切割,为同震及震后流体存在的证据。由于假玄武玻璃在流体存在的条件下会快速蚀变,且龙门山地区大地震复发周期为3000~6000年,因而这些完全未被蚀变的新鲜假玄武玻璃可能是最近一次大地震,即2008年汶川大地震的产物。针对钻孔中断层泥进行的高速摩擦试验,证实了在钻孔732m深度发生地震滑动的条件下确实会产生假玄武玻璃。因此WFSD-1钻孔732.6m的假玄武玻璃被认为是汶川地震的产物,代表了汶川地震主滑动带位置。这是首次在自然界中发现浅部含水断层泥摩擦熔融形成假玄武玻璃的实例,不仅对认识汶川大地震的发震机制、断层强度、应力迁移与破裂传播具有重要意义,而且有助于我们认识断裂带内浅部脆性区域的力学属性、岩石变形环境和变形机制,促进对地震滑动机制和破裂过程的认识。


汶川特大地震发生后,都江堰至汶川公路两侧地质灾害尤为发育,先后多次完全中断震中生命线的交通,严重影响了公路的安全运行和灾后重建的顺利进行。通过汶川地震前后都江堰-汶川公路边坡现场调查资料对比分析,研究了该地段边坡的主要地质灾害类型及其破坏模式、易发性分区和防治建议。研究表明破坏类型主要为碎屑流式、碎裂滑移崩塌,剪断-溃滑型、拉裂-溃滑型、顺层溃滑型滑坡和沟谷型泥石流。都汶公路两侧的边坡灾害以崩塌为主,滑坡、泥石流次之。地震使区内泥石流暴发的频率和规模增大,特大型泥石流主要发生在映秀-北川断裂带的地震烈度较高区域。防治此类地质灾害,应以治理为主,预防和避让相结合。  相似文献   

曹学兴  何蕴龙  熊堃  刘斌 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3542-3548
冶勒大坝为沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝,最大坝高124.5 m,坝址地震烈度高、地质条件复杂。该坝址距离“5.12”汶川大地震震中258 km,地震发生时坝区有强烈震感。坝上布置了由9台强震仪组成的强震监测台阵及埋设有较完整的大坝安全监测仪器,在此次汶川地震中获得了较完整的地震记录和其他监测资料。通过对强震监测资料及地震前后大坝变形、应力、应变及渗流渗压等方面的分析,考察汶川大地震对冶勒大坝工作性态产生的影响。分析结果表明,地震对大坝整体的应力、应变、渗流渗压并未造成明显的不利影响,但对大坝局部结构产生了一些不利的影响。总体而言,整个大坝在遭遇Ms8.0级大地震之后,外观无异常现象,总体运行性态基本稳定。  相似文献   

The Guantan landslide, with a total displaced mass of about 468 × 104 m3, was triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and succeeding rainfall in Jushui Town, Sichuan Province, China. The landslide occurred on an anti-dip hard rock slope with a weak rock founding stratum of 200 m in thickness. To investigate the failure mechanism of the Guantan landslide, dynamic behaviors of hard and soft rock slopes were investigated by means of large scale shaking table tests. The laboratory models attempted to simulate the field geological conditions of the Guantan landslide. Sinusoidal waves and actual seismic waves measured from the Wenchuan Earthquake were applied on the slope models under 37 loading configurations. The experimental results indicated that deformation mainly developed at a shallow depth in the upper part of the hard rock slope and in the upper (near the crest) and lower (near the toe) parts of the soft rock slope. An equation for predicting the depth of sliding plane was proposed based on the location of the maximum horizontal acceleration. Finally, it was concluded that the failure process of the Guantan landslide occurred in three stages: (1) toppling failure caused by compression of the underlying soft rock strata, (2) formation of crushed hard rock and sliding surface in soft rock as the result of seismic shocks, particularly in the horizontal direction, and (3) aftershock rainfall accelerates the process of mass movement along the sliding plane.  相似文献   

Uplift of the Longmen Shan range and the Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Ms=8.0) struck on the Longmen Shan foreland thrust zone. The event took place within the context of long-term uplift of the Longmen Shan range as a result of the extensive eastward-extrusion of crustal materials from the Tibetan plateau against the rheologically strong crust of the Sichuan Basin. The Longmen Shan range is charac- terized by a Pre-Sinian crystalline complex constrained by the Maoxian-Wenchuan-Kangding ductile detach- ment at the western margin and the Yingxiu-Beichuan- Luding ductile thrust at the eastern margin. The Long- men Shan uplift was initiated by intracontinental sub- duction between the Songpan-Ganzi terrane and the Yangtze block during the Pre-Cenozoic. The uplift rate was increased considerably by the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates since -50 Ma. The Wenchuan earthquake resulted in two major NE-strik- ing coseismic ruptures (i.e., the -275 km long Yingxiu- Beichuan-Qingchuan fault and the -100 km long Anx- ian-Guanxian fault). Field investigations combined with focal solutions and seismic reflection profiles suggest that the coseismic ruptures are steeply dipping close-to- pure reverse or right reverse oblique slip faults in the -15 km thick upper crust. These faults are unfavorably oriented for frictional slip in the horizontally compres- sional regime, so that they need a long recurrence interval to accumulate the tectonic stress and fluid pres- sure to critically high levels for the formation of strong earthquakes at a given locality. It is also found that all the large earthquakes (Ms〉7.0) occurred in the fault zones across which the horizontal movement velocities measured by the GPS are markedly low (〈3 mm/yr). The faults, which constitute the northeastern fronts of the enlarging Tibetan plateau against the strong Sichuan Basin, Ala Shan and Ordos blocks, are very destructive, although their average recurrence intervals are generally long.  相似文献   

5.12汶川地震堰塞湖危险性应急评估   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
5.12汶川地震诱发了33处堰塞湖,威胁下游居民安全。根据收集数据情况,选择堰塞湖的坝高、最大库容和坝体结构作为分级指标,建立了单个堰塞湖溃决危险性评估方法,对21个重点堰塞湖进行应急危险性评估,初步评估为1个处于极高危险、7个处于高危险、5个处于中危险、8个处于低危险。考虑同一流域堰塞湖群的联动效应,建立了流域堰塞湖危险性评估方法,相应提高部分堰塞湖的危险等级。为了方便排险安排,给出了高危险堰塞湖的危险性次序,从高到低依次有唐家山、老鹰岩、南坝、小岗剑上、肖家桥、唐家湾、罐子铺和岩羊滩。由于评估时间紧迫,最后提出了此次评估中存在的问题,并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

The Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 is one of the most disastrous earthquakes in China. The earthquake triggered tens of thousands of landslides over a broad area, including shallow, disrupted landslides, rock falls, deep-seated landslides, and rock avalanches, some of which buried large sections of some towns and dammed the rivers. The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations between the occurrence of landslides with geologic and geomorphologic conditions, and seismic parameters. Over 56,000 earthquake-triggered landslides, with a total area of 811 km2, are interpreted using aerial photographs and remote sensing images taken following the earthquake. The spatial distribution of these landslides is analyzed statistically using both landslide-point density (LPD), defined as the number of landslides per square kilometer, and landslide-area density (LAD), the percentage of the area affected by landslides, to determine how the occurrence of landslides correlates with distance from the epicenter, distance from the major surface rupture, seismic intensity and peak ground acceleration (PGA), slope angle, slope aspect, elevation, and lithology. It is found that both LAD and LPD have strong positive correlations with slope steepness, distance from the major surface rupture and seismic intensity, and that Pre-Sinian schist, and Cambrian sandstone and siltstone intercalated with slate have the most concentrated landslide activities, followed by the Permian limestone intercalated with shale, and Devonian limestone. Statistical analyses also indicate that the major surface rupture has influence on the spatial distribution of landslides, because LAD and LPD are relatively higher on the hanging wall than on the footwall. However, the correlation between the occurrence of landslides with distance from the epicenter of the earthquake is complicated, rather than a relatively simple negative correlation as found from other reported cases of earthquakes. This is possibly due to complicated rupture processes of the earthquake.  相似文献   

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