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Modern coastal areas have natural and transported rocks (armourstone) on which various types of organisms live. Burrowing, boring and feeding by these organisms can destroy or modify the coastal rocks and hence change the coastal morphology. Two rock types and three dominant types of organisms have been studied in Mersin Bay, Eastern Mediterranean of southern Turkey. In this study area, Plio-Quaternary conglomerates and variously aged limestone armourplates have been affected by Phoronida worms, bivalve Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P. 1870) and the limpet Patella sp. Phoronida colonies were found covering the hard substratum as a mat and form tubular endolithes of 35.0 mm depth and 1.5 mm diameter, whilst Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P. 1870) form 44 mm deep vase-shaped gastrochaenolites. The bioerosive activity of Limpet Patella sp., found intertidal and within the spray zone, cannot be significantly observed on the rocks over short time periods. The soft sandy matrix of the conglomerates present were found to disintegrate by bioerosional processes, with the released gravels being transported and deposited onto the beach. Within the armourstone limestone blocks, a maximum of 44.0 mm deep holes developed after 50–60 years. However, these biological activities do not threaten the stability of the blocks due to their hard and homogeneous internal structure. Furthermore, the organism colonies that cover these rocks as a strong mat (maximum 29.0 mm) act to protect their surfaces from further biological attack and wave action.  相似文献   

西南地区泥石流灾害及防灾预警   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南地区山地分布广泛,地质条件复杂,构造运动剧烈,是山地灾害严重地区之一,其中泥石流灾害尤为突出。它们严重地威胁着人民生命财产安全,给国民经济造成重大损失。为此,加强泥石流灾害的防治和研究极为必要。文章论述了西南地区泥石流的特征、形成原因和分布规律,总结当前泥石流的防治及其预测预报的方法和经验,详细地论述了西南地区泥石流灾害仿治应以预防为主,指出今后防治泥石流灾害的发展方向是成灾信息采集和传输的网络化、实时化、自动化、数字化(可视化)等,使其成灾信息能够实现实时更新,便于科学管理及信息可视,从而准确、实时地预报、预警,为泥石流灾害防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   


Vision is concerned with making observations: quantitative observations such as measurements, and observations of form and pattern. Vision is perception: an awareness of the significance of observations and insight or intuition. We live and work with limited vision.  相似文献   

Several researchers have evaluated landslide susceptibility using various factors, and only few have focused on only one landslide impacting factor in detail, especially its response to geomorphologic evolution. Slope aspect is one of the key conditioning factors for landslide susceptibility assessment in fine-scale studies. To elucidate the slope aspect effect of loess slides and its spatial differentiation, we selected three study areas with different geomorphologic settings in the Chinese Loess Plateau, and developed landslide inventory through the interpretation of remote sensing images and intensive field survey. By using GIS and statistical approach, including extreme ratio and coefficient of variation, we characterized the distribution of loess slides in different slope aspects and compared their spatial differentiation. The results showed that the slope aspect has a significant influence on the spatial distribution of loess slides. The number and area of loess slide is higher in south-facing slope in all the three counties. Moreover, the slope aspect effects on loess slides were mediated by the geomorphologic types. The more mature the development of geomorphology, the more obvious is the slope aspect effect on the landslide. This study is very important for the study on geomorphologic evolution of Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化治理区不同土地利用方式的小气候效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究小气候变化对植被恢复的响应机制可为喀斯特地区石漠化综合防治提供理论依据。文章选取喀斯特高原山地和高原峡谷石漠化综合防治示范区4种土地利用类型为研究对象,通过常规的小气候监测方法,在雨季前(4月)、雨季(8月)、雨季后(12月)对4种土地利用类型的大气温度、光照强度、相对湿度、土壤温度日变化进行监测和对比分析。结果表明:(1)4种土地利用方式中,大气温度、光照强度和土壤温度均表现为石漠化裸地>农耕地>灌木林>林地,而相对湿度的变化规律则反之:林地>灌木林>农耕地>石漠化裸地,说明林地的小气候调节作用最优,而石漠化裸地最差,与其石漠化治理和植被恢复效果相对应;(2)高原峡谷的大气温度、光照强度和相对湿度在不同的季节和不同土地利用方式下都显著高于高原山地,不同土层的土壤温度是高原山地显著低于高原峡谷;(3)各土地利用方式的小气候季节差异明显,大气温度、土壤温度均为:雨季(8月)>雨季前(4月)>雨季后(12月),而光照强度、相对湿度为:雨季(8月)>雨季后(12月)>雨季前(4月),8月各小气候指标值最高,且不同土地利用方式和治理区间的差异亦最大,因此,选取8月进行小气候监测以比较各土地利用方式和治理区之间的差异要优于其他两个月份。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a numerical study that has been performed to investigate the different joint types that affect the moment-rotation relation and ultimate bending moment capacity of a joint. A 3D finite element method was adapted to establish elaborate numerical models of segments. To evaluate the possible differences in moment-rotation behavior between different joint types, 10 different joint types were simulated. Additionally, the effect of different joint types on behavior of a lining ring was investigated. The validity of the peridynamic simulation was tested by comparing results obtained in this paper against the results obtained in a study performed by Hordijk and Gijsbers. Observations of the results demonstrate that in a flat joint, the expanding of joint height increased the rotation stiffness of the joint in the linear branch, and accordingly, the ultimate bending moment of the joint increased. In the ring model, it was observed that the expanding of joint height led to the decreased of ring displacement and stress concentration in the joint. Whenever there were full surface contacts (contact two segment in total cross section) in the joints, the rotation stiffness of the joints in the linear branch became equal, and, as a result, the displacement in the ring model was the same in all joint types. In addition, it was observed that using a convex joint in the ring model increases the displacement of the ring. The ultimate bending moment of bolted joints was higher than that of joints without bolts, especially in the case of a negative moment.  相似文献   


When the National Weather Service (NWS) issues a tornado warning, the alert is rapidly and widely disseminated to individuals in the general area of the warning. Historically, the assumption has been that a false-negative warning perception (i.e., when someone located within a warning polygon does not believe they have received a tornado warning) carries a higher cost than a false-positive warning perception (i.e., when someone located outside the warning area believes they have received a warning). While many studies investigate tornado warning false alarms (i.e., when the NWS issues a tornado warning, but a tornado does not actually occur), less work focuses on studying individuals outside of the warning polygon bounds who believe they received a warning (i.e., false-positive perceptions). This work attempts to quantify the occurrence of false-positive perceptions and possible factors associated with the rate of occurrence. Following two separate storm events, Oklahomans were asked whether they perceived a tornado warning. Their geolocated responses were then compared to issued warning polygons. Individuals closer to tornado warnings or within a different type of warning (e.g., a severe thunderstorm warning) are more likely to report a false-positive perception than those farther away or outside of other hazard warnings. Further work is needed to understand the rate of false-positive perceptions across different hazards and how this may influence warning response and trust in the National Weather Service.


The typology of karst, based on distinguishing the successive stages of general hydrogeological evolution, between which major boundary conditions and the overall circulation pattern change considerably, gives a natural clue to classify and tie together karst breakdown settings, speleogenetic styles and breakdown development mechanisms. Subsidence hazards vary substantially between the different karst types, so that classifying individual karst according to typology can provide an integrated general assessment. This provides a useful basis for selection and realization of region- and site-specific assessment schemes and management strategies. Intrastratal karst types, subjacent karst in particular, are most potent in generating subsidence problems. Exposed karst types, especially open karst, are the least likely to pose subsidence hazard problems, despite their being recognized more obviously as karstic areas.  相似文献   

不同变质类型煤的XRD结构演化特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对大别造山带前陆盆地石炭纪含煤岩系高煤级煤的X射线衍射分析,探讨了高煤级煤基本结构单元的演化特征及其影响因素。结果表明,构造应力作用提高了“煤晶核”BSU的延展度和堆砌度,使面网间距减小。  相似文献   

我国城市海岸带地下水类型和分布主要受控于陆地地质作用,尤以大地构造作用和河流地质作用为主导。松散沉积物类海岸带地下水为孔隙水,含水介质单一,空间变化大,地下水的赋存和分布规律亦相应复杂。以距今78万年晚更新世为界线,可将第四纪松散沉积物含水层组划分为上(浅)下(深)两层(部)。下部的全新统(Q4)和上更新统(Q3)含水岩组以微咸水、咸水多见;上部的中更新统(Q2)和下更新统(Q1)分布有淡水,部分地下淡水资源有一定的供水意义。基岩类海岸带地下水主要为裂隙水和岩溶水,多为淡水,其水资源量与当地的降水量和基岩入渗系数的大小有直接关系。除砂砾石台地的基岩类海岸带、少数溺谷型泥质海岸带的河谷内和碳酸盐岩分布区外,一般无集中供水意义。  相似文献   

不同类型热液金矿系统的流体包裹体特征   总被引:159,自引:109,他引:50  
为使流体包裹体研究结果得到较好的解释,避免矿床地质描述与流体包裹体研究结果发生矛盾,本文试图以金矿床为例,建立科学而简便易行的矿床地质与包裹体特征之间的链接。为此,本文简单评述了现有金矿床成因分类方案,建议以主导成矿系统发育的地质作用特征划分5种类型:①浆控高温热液型,包括斑岩型、爆破角砾岩型、铁氧化物型、夕卡岩型等岩浆热液型矿床;②造山型,即变质热液型;③浅成低温热液型——陆相火山岩一次火山岩中的改造热液型;④微细粒浸染型(卡林型或/类卡林型)——沉积岩容矿的改造热液型;⑤热水沉积型(VMS型和SEDEX型)——水下喷出地表的改造热液型。然后,分别介绍了5类成矿系统的标志性地质和流体包裹体特征,找出了它们之间具有成因标志意义的关键性差异;将成矿流体分为改造、变质和岩浆3个端元性成分,发现多数热液矿床具有多阶段多因复成的特点,晚阶段流体均为改造热液或有大量改造热液注入,因此指出,晚阶段的流体、蚀变和矿化特征不能用于判别矿床成因和类型,只有早阶段的特征才能准确指示矿床成因和类型。改造热液以低温、低盐度、低CO2含量为特征,主要来自大气降水和/或海水;变质热液以中温、低盐度、高CO2含量为特征,而岩浆热液则以高温、高盐度、高CO2含量为特征;岩浆热液矿床发育含多种子晶包裹体和高盐度富CO2的包裹体,变质热液矿床发育低盐度富CO2包裹体,改造热液矿床总体缺乏含子晶包裹体和富/含CO2包裹体,大量发育水溶液包裹体。最后,讨论了各类成矿系统发育的岩石圈构造背景,如造山型矿床形成于地壳挤压造山.变质.隆升过程,热水沉积型矿床形成于地壳拉张成盆过程,古生代或更早的浅成低温热液型矿床只能保存在增生型造山带等,提出矿床及其包裹体是研究大陆动力学的理想探针。  相似文献   

Generation of greenhouse effect gases from different landfill types   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recently much attention is focussed on the problems of global warming due to greenhouse effect gases, notably carbon dioxide and methane. Because these gases cause important problems to the global environment, their generation from landfill sites containing solid wastes has drawn attention and their environmental impact is causing concern.

Generally, the gases associated with a greenhouse effect include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. However, there are no general basic data available concerning gases generated from biodegradation of solid wastes in landfill sites. Specifically, no assessment has been made concerning greenhouse effect gases from different landfill types.

This paper proposes a quantitative model for estimating the gasification rate by different landfill types. The model is based on measurement data for a long-term material balance for an aerobic landfill and an anaerobic landfill, obtained with two types of large-scale lysimeters.

This paper will also give an estimate for the amount of greenhouse effect gases by for different types of landfill and propose countermeasures for their reduction.  相似文献   

罗美  周运超  唐凤华 《中国岩溶》2023,42(2):277-289
为探究喀斯特地区不同植被条件下碳酸盐岩石发育土壤属性的分布特征及其影响因素,以贵阳市花溪区范围内的碳酸盐岩石(石灰岩、灰质白云岩和白云岩)发育土壤为研究对象,采集不同植被类型下0~40 cm土壤,分析不同植被类型、基岩类型、土层层次对土壤性质分布特征的影响。结果表明:基岩和植被类型是影响碳酸盐岩石发育成为土壤的主要影响因素,其次是土壤层次。在0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层中,石灰岩、灰质白云岩和白云岩发育土壤的肥力和颗粒均差异显著,而0~20 cm与20~40 cm土层间,除石灰岩发育土壤石砾含量(SLC)和细颗粒比(<0.002 mm),白云岩发育土壤速效磷(AP)和有机质(SOM)含量外,同类基岩发育土壤性质无显著差异;在0~40 cm土层,基岩类型显著影响土壤pH、AP、SLC、速效氮(AN)、全氮(TN)、SOM、0.2~0.25 mm和0.002~0.02 mm颗粒的分布;植被类型显著影响石灰岩发育土壤pH、AP、TN含量,白云岩形成土壤的pH、SLC、粗颗粒(0.25~2 mm)和细颗粒,灰质白云岩形成土壤的AN、SOM、粗颗粒和细颗粒;土壤层次显著影响石灰岩发育土壤的SLC、粗颗粒和细颗粒及白云岩发育土壤的AP的分布。研究区内荒草坡和草被下土壤,以及石灰岩发育的土壤可能正遭受侵蚀的破坏。因此,结合母岩岩性,改变植被种植结构,对提高土壤养分、改善土壤颗粒组成和增强土壤的抗侵蚀能力具有积极作用。  相似文献   

It is shown that classical epithermal deposits with hydrothermal explosions, brecciated and framework–lamellar (including agate-like) structures, and well-developed bonanzas are usually pre-porphyry in origin. This inference seems to be important for development of the genetic model of a porphyry–epithermal ore-forming system as well as for exploration of gold–silver deposits and assessment of their potential.  相似文献   

不同类型岩浆岩中锆石环带特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过观察不同类型岩浆岩中锆石晶形,用统计学的方法对华南和西藏地区不同岩性下的锆石晶形结构进行系统对比分析,定量研究锆石环带密度及其成因。结果表明不同成因类型的花岗岩Th/U和长宽比(L/W)有明显的区别;锆石环带发育的紧密程度与SiO2含量有很大的相关性;高温条件下易形成较宽的结晶环带,低温条件下形成较窄的岩浆环带。  相似文献   

Comparison of size effect for different types of strength tests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SummaryComparison of Size Effect for Different Types of Strength Tests Different theories have been proposed to explain and predict size effect. Notable is Weibull's Weakest link theory. In addition various theories have been founded on strain energy consumption at failure. The present paper suggests a theoretical approach, based on energy considerations and mode of failure, which holds for diverse types of mechanical testing. Maximum size effect is assumed to be associated with failure through development of a single fracture plane and a lack of size effect is associated with failure affecting a volume of material. The quantitative expression of the theoretical approach is based on the relationship between load at failure (P) and cross sectional area of the specimen (A):P=KA n wheren expresses size effect andK is a constant.The theoretically lowestn-value equals 0.75 expressing maximal size effect whereas the theoretically highestn-value is 1.00 expressing lack of size effect.n-values evaluated from published data for various mechanical tests indeed lie between these limits and appear to be related to type of test, material properties and specimen shape. Point load tests and Brazilian tests are generally associated with large size effects. This may be attributed to the test conditions which promote development of single fracture planes. On the other hand relatively small size effects are generally found for uniaxial compression tests. Failure in these tests characteristically occurs through multiple fracturing and crushing and therefore affects a volume of material rather than a single plane. Brittleness seems to be associated with large size effects and ductility with small size effects.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

地壳不同构造层次岩石变形机制及其构造岩类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  



Total and bioavailable concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs) in the latesol of Hainan Province, China, were measured by ICP-MS, and the distribution characteristics of REEs were discussed in various latesol profiles. The results show that the total concentrations of REEs were higher than the average statistical data of the whole China. The correlation coefficients between the total and bioavailable concentrations of REEs were from 0.66 to 0.95 (P〈0.001, n=63). This suggests that it is necessary to study the bioavailable and total heavy metal concentrations in soils in order to assess the ecological and environmental effects, and to provide scientific information on REEs application as micro-elemental fertilizers, and consequently their potential health risks. The percentage of the bioavailable concentrations in the latesol derived from some kinds of parent materials was up to 50%, indicating that it was unnecessary to apply REE micro-elemental fertilizers in the soils.  相似文献   

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