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The three-dimensional ionospheric tomography (3DCIT) algorithm based on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations have been developed into an effective tool for ionospheric monitoring in recent years. However, because the rays that come into or come out from the side of the inversion region cannot be used, the distribution of the rays in the edge and bottom part of the inversion region is scarce and the electron density cannot be effectively improved in the inversion process. We present a three-dimensional tomography algorithm with side rays (3DCIT-SR) applying the side rays to the inversion. The partial slant total electron content (STEC) of side rays in the inversion region is obtained based on the NeQuick2 model and GNSS-STEC. The simulation experiment results show that the algorithm can effectively improve the distribution of GNSS rays in the inversion region. Meanwhile, the iteration accuracy has also been significantly improved. After the same number of iterations, the iterative results of 3DCIT-SR are closer to the truth than 3DCIT, in particular, the inversion of the edge regions is improved noticeably. The GNSS data of the International GNSS Service (IGS) stations in Europe are used to perform real data experiments, and the inversion results show that the electron density profiles of 3DCIT-SR are closer to the ionosonde measurements. The accuracy improvement of 3DCIT-SR is up to 56.3% while the improvement is more obvious during the magnetic storm compared to the case of a calm ionospheric state .  相似文献   

The Global Navigation Satellite System presents a plausible and cost-effective way of computing the total electron content (TEC). But TEC estimated value could be seriously affected by the differential code biases (DCB) of frequency-dependent satellites and receivers. Unlike GPS and other satellite systems, GLONASS adopts a frequency-division multiplexing access mode to distinguish different satellites. This strategy leads to different wavelengths and inter-frequency biases (IFBs) for both pseudo-range and carrier phase observations, whose impacts are rarely considered in ionospheric modeling. We obtained observations from four groups of co-stations to analyze the characteristics of the GLONASS receiver P1P2 pseudo-range IFB with a double-difference method. The results showed that the GLONASS P1P2 pseudo-range IFB remained stable for a period of time and could catch up to several meters, which cannot be absorbed by the receiver DCB during ionospheric modeling. Given the characteristics of the GLONASS P1P2 pseudo-range IFB, we proposed a two-step ionosphere modeling method with the priori IFB information. The experimental analysis showed that the new algorithm can effectively eliminate the adverse effects on ionospheric model and hardware delay parameters estimation in different space environments. During high solar activity period, compared to the traditional GPS + GLONASS modeling algorithm, the absolute average deviation of TEC decreased from 2.17 to 2.07 TECu (TEC unit); simultaneously, the average RMS of GPS satellite DCB decreased from 0.225 to 0.219 ns, and the average deviation of GLONASS satellite DCB decreased from 0.253 to 0.113 ns with a great improvement in over 55%.  相似文献   

<正>确建立投影矩阵是电离层层析的必要条件。由于反演区域较大且观测数据繁多,同时考虑到离散后格网的复杂性,传统的投影矩阵的计算算法中存在大量的重复计算,严重影响计算效率。文中对传统算法流程进行调整,在不改变计算结果的情况下,消除冗余计算,大大提高了计算效率。  相似文献   

为了更好地开展地震电离层扰动监测和异常信息提取研究,基于空间电离层环境层析成像测量仪研制了地震电离层扰动监测系统,包括小区域监测站网和监测软件系统.?该监测系统产出空间分辨率1°×1°的电离层总电子含量(TEC)、F2层最大电子密度(NmF2)和F2层峰值电子密度对应高度(hmF2)二维分布图,对扰动异常超过10%的事...  相似文献   

本文针对单频RTK提出了一种快速动态定位卡尔曼滤波算法,该方法使用C码和L1观测值,用模型改正对流层干延迟,双差大气延迟分解为测站大气天顶延迟和投影函数,与流动站位置以及站间单差模糊度组成观测方程进行卡尔曼滤波,得到单差模糊度浮点解及方差阵,通过星间求差得到双差模糊度浮点解及方差阵,结合MLAMBDA方法实时动态确定模糊度。经实测数据和IGS站数据验证该算法具有较好定位结果。  相似文献   

兰孝奇  李森  解坤 《测绘科学》2012,(4):17-18,31
电离层是近地空间的重要组成部分,如何对电离层的异常扰动进行合理监测与预报一直是空间物理领域的研究课题。本文将计算机层析成像技术引入到电离层扰动监测中,利用大量的区域地基GPS观测数据,借助代数层析迭代算法反演得到三维电离层电子密度;并将层析结果与国际电离层参考模型IRI2007进行对比分析,结果表明:地基GPS层析所得的电离层电子密度与IRI2007基本一致,但层析结果精度略高于IRI2007模型。  相似文献   

An improved algebraic reconstruction technique (IART) is presented for the tomographic reconstruction of ionospheric electron density (IED). This method applies the total electron content (TEC) measurements to invert the spatial distribution of the IED from a set of apriori IED distributions. In this new method, a data-driven adjustment of the relaxation parameter is performed to improve the computation efficiency and image quality of the classical algebraic reconstruction technique (ART). In addition, the new algorithm is also combined with ionospheric space discretization technique to simplify the inversion of IED, and it applies CHAMP occultation data to improve the vertical resolution. A numerical simulation experiment is carried out to validate the reliability of the new method. It is then applied to the inversion of IED from real GPS data. Inverted results show that the IART algorithm has better accuracy and efficiency than the conventional ART algorithm. The reliability of the IART algorithm is also validated by ionosonde data recorded at Wuhan station.  相似文献   

层析模型在GNSS探测电离层中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋廷臣  王秀萍 《测绘科学》2009,34(6):102-104,130
在利用全球导航卫星系统GNSS(GPS、GLONASS、Galileo等卫星定位系统)进行精密定位和导航时,电离层延迟误差是影响其精度和准确度的主要误差源之一,故对电离层模型研究至关重要。本文介绍了传统电离层模型的缺点,重点阐述了不同的电离层层析方法,同时分析了现在电离层层析方法所存在的主要问题,最后介绍了目前全世界电离层层析模型的研究展望。  相似文献   

By using sonar imaging, this paper presents a new algorithm for the clustering of seabed types based on the self-organizing feature maps (SOFM) neural network. The theory as well as data processing is studied in detail. Some valuable conclusions and suggestions are given  相似文献   

探讨AP选取策略和贝叶斯位置估计算法对基于RSS的WiFi室内定位技术位置估计精度的影响。国内外学者分别对AP选取算法和贝叶斯位置估计算法进行了大量的研究。为了进一步深入研究不同算法的优劣性,利用组合优化的思想对不同算法进行组合,通过找出最优算法组合从而提升WiFi室内定位系统的性能。基于互信息最小化的AP选取策略和考虑AP相关性的贝叶斯位置估计算法,提出一种新的WiFi指纹定位组合算法。实验分析表明:新算法具有良好的实用性和定位性能。  相似文献   

利用我国及周边地区18个GPS台站、2000年1月、2月的观测数据,考察了FAA WAAS电离层折射误差网格修正算法在中国地区部分站点的精度。结果表明,该算法对于中高纬度的用户站精度较高,误差较小;在地磁纬度较低的地区精度明显下降,误差较为显著。在电离层暴期间,部分用户站的修正精度大量降低,此外,白天、傍晚时段电离层网格改正算法的修正精度较低,而凌晨、夜间的精度相对较高。  相似文献   

The satellite navigation anti-interference technique, especially space anti-interference technique, is subjected to many restrictions, such as cost, energy depletion, and so on, and the satellite signal strength is limited by the International Radio Advisory Committee, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and satellite companies. This paper focuses on satellite navigation systems, especially satellite navigation systems adopting direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS). The notch filter is used to ...  相似文献   

NeQuick电离层模型在中国地区的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电离层延迟是影响GPS绝对定位精度的主要因素,对单频接收机尤为明显,Galileo系统广播星历拟采用NeQuick模型作为其电离层模型。本文介绍了NeQuick模型及其模型最优化,给出了利用NeQuick模型计算电离层总电子含量(TEC)的方法,利用国内部分观测台链提供的北京和武汉的TEC,并与NeQuick模型所给出的结果进行对比分析,最后给出NeQuick模型在中国地区使用的初步结论。  相似文献   

A new algorithm for fine acquisition of GPS carrier frequency   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Design of a GPS signal acquisition algorithm is a trade-off between improvement of the acquisition frequency resolution and reduction in the acquisition time. A new algorithm is proposed to acquire the carrier frequency accurately by correlation of the GPS signal after completion of the coarse acquisition of the signals. The CA code in a period of 1 ms is stripped off first. Then, several local replica carriers are generated and mixed with the CA-code-stripped data. Finally, the mixed data are integrated to detect the carrier frequency accurately. By analyzing the correlated integration result, the algorithm performance is evaluated on the aspects of the computational load, the effects of the carrier-to-noise ratio, and the navigation data transition. Performance of the proposed method is verified by simulations and experiments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for generating differential GPS corrections. This algorithm directly uses code and carrier observations in the measurement model of a Kalman filter, so that it is possible to use a simple stochastic observation model and to use the standard algorithm of the Kalman filter. The algorithm accounts for biases like multipath errors and instrumental delays in code observations and it shows how differential corrections are differently affected by code biases when dual or single frequency data are used.  相似文献   

A complete series solution of Molodensky's boundary-value problem is derived using, instead of an integral equation, analytical continuation by means of power series. This solution is shown to be equivalent, term by term, to the Molodensky-Brovar series, but is simpler and practically more convenient.
Zusammenfassung Eine vollst?ndige Reihenl?sung des Problems von Molodensky wird hergeleitet, wobei anstatt einer Integralgleichung die analytische Fortsetzung mittels Potenzreihen zugrunde gelegt wird. Es zeigt sich, dass diese L?sung gliedweise ?quivalent zur Reihe von Molodensky-Brovar ist, aber sie ist einfacher und praktisch brauchbarer.

Résumé On déduit une série qui donne une solution complète du problème de Molodensky, en utilisant, au lieu d'une équation intégrale, la continuation analytique par une série de puissances. Il s'ensuit que cette solution est équivalente à la série de Molodensky-Brovar, mais elle est plus simple et plus pratique.

一种新的时间序列变点算法在变形数据分析中的应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
王红  张正禄  张军 《测绘科学》2009,34(1):170-173
本文在传统的变点分析理论的基础上,针对传统变点处理的方法,提出利用自适应神经网络,在原时间序列的基础上,适当选择滚动窗口的长度d和窗口每次移动的间隔为n0,形成新的序列作为自适应神经网络的输入,对新序列进行分类,得到变点个数和位置,在此基础判断变点的类型。本文用模拟数据和实测滑坡三维变形数据和坝体变形数据对算法的有效性进行了检验。  相似文献   

戴激光  李晋威  方鑫鑫 《测绘科学》2016,41(12):189-194
针对直线提取过程中的断裂问题,该文提出一种新的边缘拟合直线方法,首先采用Canny算法提取边缘图;接着利用改进ZS算法对边缘图进行细化处理;然后通过端点检测、交叉点跟踪、闭合边缘跟踪等方法,实现边缘链码的完整性提取;最后利用边缘链码跟踪顺序进行直线提取。通过多幅影像的实验结果表明,该文所提出的算法能够精确实现边缘直线信息的拟合,便于对影像结构信息的清晰理解。  相似文献   

在线阵CCD影像外方位元素的求解过程中,外方位元素之间的相关性,导致法方程病态,最小二乘估计值误差较大。本文在分析以往解决方法的基础上,提出采用两步解法求解线阵CCD影像的外方位元素。该算法的实质是选择一个比单位矩阵更合适的正则化矩阵。试验结果表明该算法能有效地克服线阵CCD影像外方位元素间的相关性,定位精度较高,定向点精度在1个像素内,检查点精度在1.5个像素内。  相似文献   

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