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Similar lithological and tectonic features indicate that Timor and Sulawesi islands were part of the same continental block. Timor was in the southern part of Sulawesi, then separated during Late Miocene time during the opening of the South Banda Sea basin. At this time Timor evolved as a part of an Upper Miocene volcanic arc that collided the Australian plate at the end of the Lower Pliocene (3.5 Ma). To cite this article: M. Villeneuve et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

After the discovery of a Zn-Ag massive sulphide deposit at Perkoa in 1982, following regional geochemical exploration in the Birimian belts of Boromo and Hounde, a joint project was carried out by UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and BUMIGEB (Bureau des Mines et de la Géologie du Burkina) in Central and Northwest Burkina Faso. The same exploration approach was applied which has been successful in previous surveys: it is based on soil sampling at about 30 cm depth at a density ranging from 3.3 to 8 samples per km2. The results obtained and the various problems encountered during exploration are presented in this paper. These problems are typical of the morphoclimatic conditions prevailing in semi-arid savanna regions of western Africa. Where the deep weathering profile, probably formed during former climatic episodes, is well preserved, residual laterites may alter the geochemical signature of mineralizations. North of the 14th parallel, windblown sand may cover large areas where geochemical sampling needs to be adapted: samples have to be collected at depth, in the saprolite, beneath the sand.Storage, processing and display of the numerous analytical data gathered for the last ten years, fully justified the development of a computer assisted processing unit which is now operational.


Suite à la découverte en 1982 de l'amas sulfuré Zn-Ag de Perkoa par prospection géochimique régionale dans les sillons birrimiens de Boromo et de Houndé, un nouveau projet associant le PNUD (Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement) et le BUMIGEB (Bureau des Mines et de la Géologie du Burkina) a été lancé dans le centre et le nord-ouest du pays en appliquant une démarche qui avait déjà fait ses preuves. Celle-ci s'appuie sur l'échantillonnage de sols, prélevés à environ 30 cm de profondeur, à une densité variant de 3,3 à 8 prélèvements au km2.Sont présentés les résultats de cette campagne ainsi que les divers problèmes rencontrés. Ceuxci sont communs à toute prospection dans la zone tropicale sèche d'Afrique occidentale et résultent des situations pédologiques propres à cette zone climatique caractérisée localement soit par des cuirasses latéritiques, dont le caractère autochtone prédominant autorise les prélèvements géochimiques de surface, soit par des recouvrements éoliens. Ceux-ci sont principalement développés au nord du 14ème parallèle; ils nécessitent en général l'adaptation de l'échantillonnage, qui doit être réalisé, à une profondeur parfois importante, dans la saprolite.Le stockage des nombreuses données analytiques collectées depuis dix ans, leur traitement et leur visualisation ont justifié la mise en place d'une unité de traitement informatique maintenant opérationnelle.  相似文献   

A survey of the transfer function between the relief and anomalies of Bouguer and a direct modelling of six gravimetric profiles permits the deduction of the isostatic compensation mechanism for the island of Madagascar and a model of the lithosphere. These results are compared to the other geophysical and geological data.  相似文献   

L'homogénéïté floristique de l'Europe de l'Ouest (boréale et mésogéenne) est remarquable au Crétacé moyen. Les limites des unités unités floristiques majeures sont controllées par des facteurs climatiques: la variation la plus importante étant située à la limite Cénomanien-Turonien.Western Europe (Boreal and Tethyan) was marked by floristic unity during the Mid-Cretaceous. The limits of the major floristic units were controlled by climatic factors, with the most accentuated variations at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. Stratigraphical accuracy is higher within basins than between geographical entities.  相似文献   

The mineral assessment programme of Gabon, carried out during the 1980s, showed a 2870 Ma old igneous mafic-ultramafic complex in the Kango area that was first considered to be made up of five separate intrusions associated with Cr---Ni geochemical anomalies. Following the study of the regional relief, the surface materials and the petrography, a heavily incised zone has been selected where outcrops were abundant enough to reasonably define the structure of the complex. Therefore, where observed, the igneous body looks like a subvertical 1–2 km wide dyke composed of an early unit of cumulus feldspathic bronzitites and norites and a late gabbroic unit showing a chilled border against the Archean gneisses. The strike variation of gneisses foliation shows a right-lateral fault of the N40° fracture responsible for the emplacement of the dyke. The mafic-ultramafic complex presents some alkaline late-magmatic and cataclastic effects only along the N170° fractures that affect the dyke by a left-lateral fault. The very same petrography of the other mafic-ultramafic igneous bodies and their relationship with the fractures of the gneisses basement make it possible to interpret the different intrusions as a great dyke some 100 km long within Gabon and possibly extending into equatorial Guinea.  相似文献   

The Majunga Basin is located in the northwestern part of Madagascar with a N45–60°E trending axis. It was filled by almost exclusively continental Karoo Supergroup sediments, which are Permian to Early Jurassic in age, and by younger sequences, mainly marine, that were deposited from the Middle Jurassic to the present.The Karoo Basin geometry is deduced from the analysis of seismic sections. A central northeast trending horst is flanked by two sub-basins. Deposition of the Karoo sequences was controlled by these northeast trending faults. On the contrary, the Middle Jurassic to present sequences witness only a slight tilting of the basement towards the northwest.The development of the Majunga Basin includes, therefore, two successive stages. In the synrift episode, from Permian to Early Jurassic times, the sedimentation was syntectonic, controlled by synsedimentary faulting and the creation of a horst and graben extensive pattern. The postrift episode started during the Middle Jurassic.These two stages of the Majunga Basin development correspond to the geodynamic evolution recorded elsewhere in this part of the Gondwana.  相似文献   

Dans le Valanginien supérieur (Marnes à Toxaster et Grande Lumachelle) des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, la succession de deux faunes de bryozoaires est observée. Parmi les causes du changement de faune, le remplacement d'un fond vaseux en eau calme (Marnes à Toxaster) par un fond sableux coquillier en eau assez agitée (Grande Lumachelle) est certainement important. Cependant, ces modifications résultent elles-mêmes d'événements plus généraux.Le changement de faune peut être comparé à celui qui intervient dans le Jura au début de la zone à Trinodosum. La faune des Marnes à Toxaster (zone à Verrucosum) montre certaines des espèces caractéristiques de la “faune 1” du Jura et, de plus, les deux mêmes espèces dominantes. Le milieu de vasière des Marnes à Toxaster, opposé à celui de plate-forme carbonatée du Jura, entraîne seulement un appauvrissement spécifique. Quant à la faune de la grande Lumachelle, elle est absolument semblable à la “faune 2” récoltée dans les Marnes à bryozoaires et le Calcaire à Alectryonia du Jura.Ce parallélisme des deux faunes avec celles du Jura, malgré les différences de faciès sédimentaire, montre que le changement de faune, maintenant reconnu sur près de 400 km, résulte d'une même cause principale. Ainsi, l'hypothèse d'un refroidissement que j'ai proposée pour le Jura semble pouvoir être étendue à la Provence.The change of bryozoan fauna in the upper Valanginian of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Parallelism with the crisis observed in the Jura at the same time.In the upper Valanginian (Marnes à Toxaster and Grande Lumachelle) of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, the succession of two bryozoan faunas is observed. Among the reasons for the change of fauna, the replacement of a muddy bottom in calm water (Marnes à Toxaster) by a sandy-shelly bottom in rather agitated water (Grande Lumachelle) is certainly important, but these modifications are the result of more general events. The change of fauna could be compared with the one that took place at the beginning of the Trinodosum Zone in the Jura. The fauna of the Marnes à Toxaster (Verrucosum Zone) shows some characteristic species of the “faune 1” of the Jura and, moreover, the same two dominating species. The muddy basin environment of the Marnes à Toxaster, unlike the carbonate platform environment in the Jura, involves only a specific impoverishment. As for the fauna of the Grande Lumachelle, it is totally identical to the “faune 2” found in the Marnes à bryozoaires and the Calcaire à Alectryonia of the Jura.This parallelism of the two faunas with those of the Jura, in spite of the differences of sedimentary facies, shows the change of the fauna now observed over about 400 km, has the same principal cause. Thus it seems possible to extend the cooling hypothesis I have proposed for the Jura, to Provence.  相似文献   

Cette note expose un ensemble de synthèses régionales sur les thèmes suivants: les macrofossiles de l'Angleterre; les bois de l'Albien du Boulonnais; les végétaux de Normandie du Crétacé moyen; les milieux forestiers littoraux du Cénomanien inférieur de l'Anjou et des Charentes; les macroflores du Crétacé moyen continental de l'Espagne; les gisements de l'Italie et du Sahara.L'esquisse d'une évolution possible de quelques végétations de ces contrées est proposée, ainsi que les arguments paléoclimatiques que l'on peut en déduire.This paper presents a regional synthesis concerning mid-Cretaceous plant megafossils from England, Normandy, Northern and Western France, Spain, Italy, and the Sahara. A possible evolution pattern is offered for these floras during mid-Cretaceous time; some climatic arguments are presented.  相似文献   

This orbicular granite contains ovoïds of an exceptional composition, comprising a core of biotite, surrounded by an envelope of plagioclase, enclosed in turn by an envelope of potassium feldspar. The latter also occurs as isolated idiomorphic megacristals between the ovoïds.Because of the spectacularly clear mineralogical relationships of the rock, it is possible to work out the order of crystallization of the minerals, the magmatic differentiation of syenitic orbicules and that of the leucogranitic groundmass with an aplito-pegmatitic texture.A magmatic process is proposed to explain the origin of the rock.

Les déterminations de l'indice de triclinicité des feldspaths potassiques ont été effectuées par Yves Blanc, Clermont-Ferrand (diffractométrie X, d'après G. Sabatier, 1963).  相似文献   

Before the Pan-African Orogeny, the Palæoproterozoic basement and its Neoproterozoic cover (limestones and quartzites) of the Zenaga Inlier were cross-cut by a swarm of doleritic dykes. They are more or less altered. The primary mineral assemblage consists of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, very rare orthopyroxene, ilmenite, apatite, micropegmatite and sometimes hornblende and biotite. Mineralogical and geochemical studies indicate that the dolerites are continental tholeiites. Two groups of dykes have been distinguished. Accordingly, rare earth elements, P2O5, Zr, Th, Ba and Sr contents are higher in group I than in group II, which is richer in V. Group I comprises the north-south and northwest-southeast swarms, while group II corresponds to northeast-southwest and east-west swarms, which were emplaced later. These geochemical variations may be explained by a higher degree of melting of the mantle source for the later group II. Doleritic dykes of Zenaga had been emplaced during an extensional episode, prior to Pan-African folding.  相似文献   

Parmi les Bivalves, les groupes dont les coquilles ont une assez forte teneur en calcite, se retrouvent très fréquemment dans les dépôts du Crétacé. En général, il s'agit de Ptériomorphes, et au Crétacé moyen particulièrement d'huîtres (Ostreacea), de peignes (Pectinidés s.l.), de Spondylidés, de limes (Limidés), de plicatules et d'Anomidés.Le rapport présenté ici reprend assez complètement les Limidés et les Pectinidés d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Texas; pour les huîtres une sélection a été faite en essayant d'y inclure des espèces utilisées en stratigraphie. Je me suis basée uniquement sur des examplaires étudiés personnellement. Certains ont été récoltés sur le terrain, mais la majeure partie a étéétudiée dans les collections de nombreux musées d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord—les énumérer serait fastidieux et la liste n'en est pas incluse. Cependant l'objectivité scientifique m'oblige à préciser que les données pour le domaine tempéré d'Europe et pour la Téthys du Texas sont plus nombreuses que celles obtenues pour le domaine mésogéen d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord; surtout, dans une partie des collections téthysiennes que j'ai pu étudier les indications stratigraphiques manquaient de précision; ceci pourrait expliquer certaines anomalies dans les résultats.Les subdivisions stratigraphiques utilisées sont celles présentées pour le WG9 du MCE.Au Crétacé moyen les Ptériomorphes se différencient partiellement entre les domaines téthysien et tempéré-boréal. De l'Albien au Turonien les dépôts présumés boréaux sont relativement rares; ils se retrouvent cependant à Bornholm, en U.R.S.S., et dans certains dépôts du Cénomanien supérieur du bassin anglo-parisien (Plenus marls) comme il a été démontré par Jefferies (1962).Les Ptériomorphes les mieux connus se trouvent dans le domaine tempéré. La diversité des faciès et les adaptations à ces faciès par les groupes étudiés, peuvent expliquer le grand nombre d'espèces reconnues (une liste des faunes est donnée).Among the Pelecypods, the groups with rich calcite shells are abundant in the Cretaceous deposits. In general, they belong to the Pteriomorphia and, especially in the middle Cretaceous, to oysters (Ostreacea), Pectinids s.l., Spondylacea, Limacea, Plicatula and Anomiacea.This report resumes the study of Limacea and Pectinids of Europe, North Africa and Texas. From among the oysters a selection has been made, trying to include species with a stratigraphical use. I have based my work only on specimens studied personally. Some of them were collected in the field, but most were studied in the collections of numerous European and North American Museums. I cannot enumerate all these forms, and the list is not included. Nevertheless, for scientific objectivity it must be specified that the data from the European temperate realm and from the Tethyan Texas are more abundant than those from the European and North African mesogean realms. Above all, a part of the Tethyan collections studied shows a lack of stratigraphical precision, which could explain some anomalies in the results.Stratigraphical subdivisions used are those of the WG 9 of the MCE.During the middle Cretaceous the Pteriomorphia are differentiated between the Tethyan and the temperate-boreal realms. From Albian to Turonian, the presumed boreal deposits are relatively rare; they still exist in Bornholm, the U.S.S.R. and in some upper Cenomanian deposits from the anglo-Paris Basin (Plenus marls), as was proved by Jefferies (1962).The well known Pteriomorphia are in the temperate realm. The variety of the facies and the adaptations to these facies for the groups studied can explain the great number of recognized species (a list of the fauna is given).  相似文献   

The Mida plain, which is part of the North Gabès region (southern Tunisia), is characterized by the deep sandy units of the ‘Continental intercalaire’ (CI) or the limestone of the Lower Senonian. A geophysical survey, by electrical sounding (ES), was undertaken in the studied region to better characterize the deep geological structure of this plain and therefore its aquifer resources potential. The analysis of the results shows that the prospected zone is characterized by the succession of several levels with contrasted resistivities, which are often affected by faults. Among these observed geoelectrical levels, the highly conductor one could host a saline aquifer. Another geoelectrical level corresponding to the resistant bedrock detected at Oudhref horst can contain better-quality water than that of the aquifer detected in the El Mida Graben. In this work, we tried to explain the origin of the salinity of this aquifer. Thus, we hypothesise about a contamination from Jebel Zemlet El Beida through a border fault and another one from the Sebkhet El Hamma. To cite this article: A. Mhamdi et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

A geophysical study, based on 96 electrical resistivity measurements with a line length up to 4 km, was performed in the southern and southwestern parts of the Meknes Plateau, Morocco, which is a part of the Saiss Basin, located between the Rif Range to the north and the Middle Atlas Range to the south. This basin, whose maximum depth is 1.5km in the north, is filled with Triassic to Quaternary deposits overlying the Palæozoic basement and includes two main aquifers. The interpretation of the resistivity measurements, calibrated from deep boreholes, made it possible to obtain a new hydrogeological model for the Saiss Basin. The understanding of the basin structure is of primary importance for the water supply of this area, which has been affected by severe droughts in recent years.  相似文献   

Since 1990, a dense network of subvertical cracks has been observed at the upper part of the Albian sands of the site of radioactive waste storage operated by ANDRA. New studies carried out in 1999 during enlargement of the site of Soulaines and in 2003 on the nearby TFA site highlighted an especially well-developed network of periglacial features that are mainly of the sand-wedge type (subvertical stratified infill). These observations demonstrate the periglacial origin of these cracks, which are mainly superimposed on a dense network of former tectonic extension joints, and that rapidly disappear at the top of the underlying clays. In addition, these observations currently represent the only example of a large sand-wedge network developed during the Last Glacial in northern France. To cite this article: P. Antoine et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The Hmeïma–Boujabeur zone is considered as an important geothermal province for Tunisia. The reef limestone, characterized by intense fracturation and important karstification, confers them the property to be a regional thermal aquifer. A geophysical study based on two complementary geoelectrical methods, the Electrical Sounding (ES) and Magneto-Telluric Sounding (MTS), turned out to be very efficient to provide a complete electrical image of the underground until about 1-km depth. The synthetic approach integrating all data allowed us to delimit the favourable area for thermal water exploitation. To cite this article: M. Gouasmia et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar step-heating analyses performed on plagioclase separates from seven doleritic basalts (four sills, one dyke and two lava flows) from southwestern Algeria display disturbed age spectra, reflecting various contributions of alteration by sericite and/or excess argon. Weighted mean ages corresponding to the less altered plagioclase fractions yielded minimum ages ranging from 192.7 ± 3.0 to 197.9 ± 2.0 Ma and a minimum date of 198.9 ± 1.8 Ma was obtained on a saddle-shaped age spectrum (excess argon). These ages are in accordance with those previously obtained on the CAMP province and partly in agreement with the peak activity of the CAMP at 198 Ma, highlighted in the neighbouring Taoudenni basin (Mali). In Algeria, the eastern boundary of the CAMP seems to coincide with the Pan-African suture zone.  相似文献   

The Jriba trough is an Upper Miocene graben located within the Tunisian offshore Gulf of Hammamet area, east of the Atlas front. This distensive structure suffered a compressive event during the Early Quaternary (Villafranchian). The Jriba structure was previously interpreted as ‘flower structure’, which possibly complicated by halokinetics movements. A new analysis of a set of seismic lines crossing the Jriba trough allows us to propose a new tectonic model where the Villafranchian deformation is characterized by (1) occurrence of a decollement level cutting Messinian to Pliocene layers; and (2) the growth of fault-related folds (fault-propagation fold). The NE–SW Miocene, inherited normal faults, locate the position of the ramps and folds whereas the NW–SE inherited normal faults are reactivated as tear faults. These NW–SE tear faults define various domains of different shortening values (one kilometre at maximum). To cite this article: M. Ben Romdhane et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The first ammonite discovered at the base of the Ghomrassène Member of the Tataouine Formation belongs to a species of Pachyerymnoceras from the Latest Callovian (Solidum Zone) of the Arabian province. The underlying Krechem el Miit Member is also dated Late Callovian, with a fauna of Pachyerymnoceras from the Lower Athleta Zone in Algeria. The associated faunas (echinids, brachiopods) are the same, as well as the faunas of the overlying Ksar Haddada Member, which is dated also Late Callovian, referring to the brachiopods faunal succession in Saudi Arabia. Correlations with other areas in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Middle East underline the same sedimentary evolution during a second-order transgressive half-cycle. To cite this article: R. Enay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1157–1167.


La première ammonite découverte à la base du membre Ghomrassène de la formation Tataouine est un Pachyerymnoceras de la partie supérieure du Callovien supérieur (Zone à Solidum) de la province arabique. Le membre Krechem el Miit sous-jacent est aussi daté du Callovien supérieur par des Pachyerymnoceras connus dans la partie inférieure de la Zone à Athleta en Algérie. La faune associée (échinides, brachiopodes) est la même que celle du membre Ksar Haddada sus-jacent, daté également du Callovien supérieur par référence à la succession des brachiopodes en Arabie Saoudite. Les corrélations avec les autres régions de Tunisie, l'Arabie Saoudite et le Moyen-Orient mettent en évidence une même évolution sédimentaire au cours d'un demi-cycle transgressif de deuxième ordre. Pour citer cet article : R. Enay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1157–1167.  相似文献   

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