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Dynamics of plankton growth in the Barents Sea: model studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1-D and 3-D models of plankton production in the Barents Sea are described and a few simulations presented. The 1-D model has two compartments for phytoplankton (diatoms and P. pouchelii) , three for limiting nutrients (nitrate, ammonia and silicic acid), and one compartment called "sinking phytoplankton". This model is coupled to a submodel of the important herbivores in the area and calculates the vertical distribution in a water column. Simulations with the 3-D model indicate a total annual primary production of 90-120g C m−2 yr−1 in Atlantic Water and 20-50g C m−2 yr−1 in Arctic Water, depending on the persistence of the ice cover during the summer.
The 3-D model takes current velocities, vertical mixing, ice cover, and temperature from a 3-D hydrodynamical model. Input data are atmospheric wind, solar radiation, and sensible as well as latent heat flux for the year 1983. The model produces a dynamic picture of the spatial distribution of phytoplankton throughout the spring and summer. Integrated primary production from March to July indicates that the most productive area is Spitsbcrgenbanken and the western entrance to the Barents Sea. i.e. on the northern slope of Tromsøflaket.  相似文献   

Carbon fluxes in the Arctic Ocean—potential impact by climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of its ice cover the central Arctic Ocean has not been considered as a sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide. With recent observations of decreasing ice cover there is the potential for an increased air–sea carbon dioxide flux. Though the sensitivity of the carbon fluxes to a climate change can at present only be speculated, we know the responses to some of the forcing, including: melting of the sea ice cover make the air–sea flux operate towards equilibrium; increased temperature of the surface water will decrease the solubility and thus the air-sea flux; and an open ocean might increase primary production through better utilization of the nutrients.
The potential change in air-sea CO2 fluxes caused by different forcing as a result of climate change is quantified based on measured data. If the sea ice melts, the top 100 m water column of the Eurasian Basin has, with the present conditions, a potential to take up close to 50 g C m−2. The freshening of the surface water caused by a sea ice melt will increase the CO2 solubility corresponding to an uptake of ∼ g C m−2, while a temperature increase of 1°C in the same waters will out-gas 8 g C m−2, and a utilization of all phosphate will increase primary production by 75 g C m−2.  相似文献   

Dissolved and total organic and inorganic carbon in some British rivers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rivers transport both organic and inorganic carbon from their sources to the sea. Results of ~800 organic and inorganic analyses from various British rivers of contrasting size and land use are presented here: (1) the headwater River Tern, a rural river of 852 km2 catchment; (2) the Ouseburn, a small urban 55 km2 catchment; (3) the River Tyne, a larger river system of ~3000 km2 catchment; (4) a spatial survey from 205 sample sites on ~60 rivers from SW England. We found that, with the exception of peat-rich headwaters, DIC concentration is always greater than DOC. DIC is primarily in the form HCO3 , with DIC concentrations highest in highly urbanised catchments, typically greater than those observed in catchments with carbonate bedrock, demonstrating a significant and previously unrecognised anthropogenic inorganic carbon input to urban rivers.  相似文献   

Summary. Differences between estimated average heat flow values for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations ( Q 1) and estimated average heat flow values for the Palaeozoic formations below the erosional unconformity ( Q 2) are calculated for the Alberta part of the western Canadian sedimentary basin. Significant heat flow differences exist for these two intervals and the map of Δ Q = Q 1– Q 2 shows that Q 2 is generally greater than Q 1 in the western and south-western part of Alberta, while in the northern part of the province Q 2 is generally less than Q 1. The regional variations of Δ Q are large, with standard deviation of 26 mW m−2 and average value –13.5 mW m−2. A regional trend of Δ Q correlates with topographic relief and the hydraulic head variations in the basin. It is shown that there is a heat flow increase with depth in water recharge areas and a decrease in heat flow with depth in the low topographic elevation water discharge areas when comparing the average heat flow in Mesozoic + Cenozoic and Palaeozoic formations.  相似文献   

Summary. We have implemented an algorithm which is based on Bailey's solution of the inverse problem of electromagnetic induction in the Earth. The study was motivated by recent determinations of very long period data and also benefited from recent redeterminations of high frequency data. The algorithm has been successfully tested to provide reliable estimates of conductivity down to a depth of 2000 km, using synthetic data in the period range from 4 days to 11 years. Smooth data sets, which are required for the inversion, were constructed from various sources. At a given depth, the range of inverted models is less than one order of magnitude. Due to the lack of high frequency data, the conductivity of the upper 600 km of the mantle, which is found to be of the order of 10−1Ω−1 m−1, may be overestimated. The algorithm performs well in the middle mantle, where conductivity rises steadily from 1 to 50 Ω−1 m−1. The lack of very low frequency data and limitations of the algorithm prevent one from obtaining meaningful estimates in the lower mantle. However, the study of the propagation of the late 1960s secular variation acceleration provides an estimate of the mean conductivity of the whole mantle. Thus, a complete mantle profile can be constructed. It is found that deep mantle conductivity probability does not exceed a few hundred Ω−1 m−1.  相似文献   

A unique 25-year lichen growth monitoring programme involving 2,795 individuals of the Rhizocarpon subgenus at 47 sites on 18 glacier forelands in the Jotunheimen–Jostedalsbreen regions of southern Norway is reported. The data are used to address fundamental questions relating to direct lichenometry: spatial and temporal variability in lichen growth rates, climatic effects on lichen growth rates, lichen growth models, and implications for lichenometric dating. Mean annual (diametral) growth rate ranged from 0.43 to 0.87 mm yr−1 between sites, which is attributed primarily to local habitat differences. Interannual variability in annual mean growth rate exceeded 1.0 mm yr−1 at some sites. Annual mean growth rates for all sites combined varied from 0.52 to 0.81 mm yr−1 and was positively correlated with annual mean temperature and winter mean temperature (both r = 0.64, p <0.005) but not with summer seasonal temperature: positive correlations with annual and winter precipitation were less strong and the correlation with summer precipitation was marginally significant (r = 0.41 p <0.10). Growth-rate models characterized by annual growth rates that remain approximately constant or increase with lichen size up to at least 120 mm tended to fit the data more closely than a parabolic model. This is tentatively attributed to a long 'linear/mature' phase in the growth cycle. Comparison with growth rates inferred from indirect lichenometry suggest that such high measured growth rates could not have been maintained over the last few centuries by the largest lichens used in southern Norway for lichenometric dating. Several hypotheses, such as the effects of competition and climate change, which might explain this paradox, are discussed.  相似文献   

The drying up of the Aral Sea has been described as one of the most staggering environmental disasters of the twentieth century. Over the last 40 years over 36 000 km2 of the former seabed have been exposed, creating a potentially significant aeolian dust source. It is widely believed, but little researched, that increased dust storm activity in the region has had a major impact on human health. In this paper we report the findings of a study into the link between dust exposure and respiratory health amongst children in the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan located on the southern shore of the Aral Sea. The findings indicate that dust deposition rates across the region are high, with sites located near the former shore of the sea being the worst affected. For these northerly regions the former bed of the Aral Sea is the most likely source of dust. The situation for the rest of the country appears to be far more complex. In these regions it appears that local sources and more distant sources to the south and south-west represent significant sediment providers, particularly in the early summer. Provisional analysis of the respiratory health data suggests that children living in the north of the country, where aeolian dust deposition rates are greater, show a lower frequency of respiratory problems. This inverse relationship requires further investigation, but highlights the complexities of environmental and human health inter-relationships.  相似文献   

The fruticose lichen Cetrariella delisei is among the dominant lichen species in the deglaciated High Arctic areas of Svalbard. As part of a study of carbon cycling in the High Arctic, we aimed to estimate the primary production of lichen in a deglaciated area in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (79° N), by examining the effects of abiotic factors on the net photosynthesis ( Pn ) and dark respiration ( R ) rates of C. delisei . Experiments were conducted in the snow-free season of 2000 using an open-flow gas exchange system with an infrared gas analyser. Positive photosynthetic activities were observed on rainy days or soon after rainfall when the thallus water content was high, whereas photosynthetic activities dropped below the detectable limit on clear days because of the low thallus water content. Under a sufficiently high thallus water content and close to light saturation, Pn was nearly constant over a wide temperature range of 4–20 °C, while R increased with increasing temperature. We constructed a model for estimating the net primary production ( NPP ) of lichen based on the relationships between abiotic factors and the CO2 exchange rate. The mean, minimum and maximum NPP values in the snow-free season, estimated using meteorological data obtained from 1995–2003, were 5.1, 1.0 and 8.4 g dry wt. m−2 snow-free season−1, respectively. These results suggest that NPP is highly variable and the contribution of lichen to carbon input is small compared with that of vascular plants and mosses in the study site.  相似文献   

Sagitta elegans var. arctica , the dominant and locally abundant chaetognath in the Barents sea, was collected from the upper 50 m in Arctic water masses during an ice edge bloom in early summer 1983. In situ sampling was made along a transect at discrete depths with a 375 μm mesh net mounted on a plankton pump. Prey composition and feeding rate were estimated from gut content analyses on preserved specimens combined with data on digestion times from previous studies. No diel variations were found in feeding activity. The diet reflected the composition of available prey in the zooplankton and consisted mainly of nauplii, small copepods (early stages of Calanus, Pseudocalanus, Oithona ) and appendicularians. Prey usually occurred as a single item in the gut.
Mean prey body width related to chaetognath head width yielded a power curve, with a large amount of scatter, showing that chaetognaths in the Barents Sea can use a wide spectrum of prey sizes. Similarly, maximum prey body width was related to chaetognath head width as a power curve, reflecting the existence of an upper prey size limitation due to the chaetognath mouth size. The highest abundance of S. elegans (5 specimens m−3), and the most intense feeding activity, were found within or beneath the maximum zooplankton biomass. Further, distribution and feeding were affected by light intensity, salinity, and the population structure of 5. elegans var. arctica.
Estimated feeding rates ranged between 0.30 and 1.05 prey items per chaetognath day−1. This corresponds to an ingestion of 8-54 μg AFDW day−1, and a consumption of 0.08–0.22% of the zooplankton standing stock day−1. From these rates, the calculated yearly ingestion by S. elegans var. arctica was 3% of the annually secondary production.  相似文献   

Pigment budgets use chlorophyll a and phaeopigment standing stock in combination with their photo-oxidation and sedimentation rates in the euphotic zone to estimate phytoplankton growth and grazing by micro- and macrozooplankton. Using this approach, average phytoplankton growth in the euphotic zone of the Barents Sea was estimated at 0.17 and 0.14 d−1 during spring of 1987 and 0.018 and 0.036 d−1 during late- and postbloom conditions in summer of 1988. Spring growth was 65% lower than the estimates from radiocarbon incorporation, supporting a 33% pigment loss during grazing. Macrozooplankton grazing and cell sinking were the main loss terms for phytoplankton during spring while microzooplankton grazing was dominant in summer.
In contrast to tropical and temperate waters, Arctic waters are characterized by a high phaeopigment: chlorophyll a ratio in the seston. Photooxidation rates of phaeopigments at in situ temperatures (0 ± 1°C) are lower than in temperate waters and vary by a factor of 2 for individual forms (0.009 to 0.018 m−2mol−1). The phaeopigment fraction in both the suspended and sedimenting material was composed of seven main compounds that were isolated using high-performance liquid chromatography and characterized by spectral analysis. The most abundant phaeopigment in the sediment traps, a phaeo-phorbide-like molecule of intermediate polarity (phaeophorbide a3), peaked in abundance in the water column below the 1% isolume for PAR (60-80 m) and showed the highest rate of photooxidation. This phaeopigment was least abundant in the seston when phytoplankton was dominated by prymnesiophytcs but increased its abundance in plankton dominated by diatoms. This distribution suggests that larger grazers feeding on diatoms are the main producers of this phaeopigment.  相似文献   

The crustal and upper mantle structure of the northwestern North Island of New Zealand is derived from the results of a seismic refraction experiment; shots were fired at the ends and middle of a 575 km-long line extending from Lake Taupo to Cape Reinga. The principal finding from the experiment is that the crust is 25 ± 2 km thick, and is underlain by what is interpreted to be an upper mantle of seismic velocity 7.6 ± 0.1 km s−1, that increases to 7.9 km s−1 at a depth of about 45 km. Crustal seismic velocities vary between 5.3 and 6.36 km s−1 with an average value of 6.04 km s−1. There are close geophysical and geological similarities between the north-western North Island of New Zealand and the Basin and Range province of the western United States. In particular, the conditions of low upper-mantle seismic velocities, thin crust with respect to surface elevation, and high heat-flow (70–100 mW m−2) observed in these two areas can be ascribed to their respective positions behind an active convergent margin for about the past 20 Myr.  相似文献   

Accumulation rate measurements on the East Antarctic plateau are challenging due to both spatial and temporal variability. Annual stratigraphy is often not reliably or consistently preserved in the firn, and so accumulation cannot be determined from snow pit stratigraphy. We present a suite of accumulation rate measurements collected over several seasons at Taylor Dome, East Antarctica. We compare net accumulation results from direct burial rate measurements and β -activity firn cores along a 35 km traverse. The two methods are consistent and show that the net accumulation varies from greater than 10 cm a−1 to about 1 cm a−1 (ice equivalent) southwest to northeast across the dome. We map the depth of shallow radar layering to interpolate and extrapolate these point-location measurements and show that considerable variations occur over kilometer scales resulting from subtle surface topography. We also present accumulation rates estimated from concentration of the cosmogenic isotope 10Be and from activity profiles of 210Pb. Finally, satellite passive microwave data are used to estimate spatially averaged accumulation rates on the regional to continental scale to provide a context for these local observations. We show that robust mass balance measurements in this environment must rely on spatial and/or temporal averaging.  相似文献   

Uptake rates of NH4+, NO3 and dissolved organic nitrogen (urea) were measured in phytoplankton and in ice algae in the Barents Sea using a 15N-technique. NO3 was the most important nitrogen source for the ice algae (f-ratio = 0.92). The in situ irradiances in the subsurface chlorophyll maximum and in the ice algal communities were low. The in situ NO3 uptake rate in the ice algal communities was light-limited The in situ NO3 and NH4 uptake rates in the subsurface chlorophyll maximum were at times light-limited. It is hypothesised that NH4+ may accumulate in low light in the bottom of the euphotic zone and inhibit the in situ NO3 uptake rate.  相似文献   

Recent climate change predictions suggest altered patterns of winter precipitation across the Arctic. It has been suggested that the presence, timing and quantity of snow all affect microbial activity, thus influencing CO2 production in soil. In this study annual and seasonal emissions of CO2 were estimated in High-Arctic Adventdalen, Svalbard, and sub-Arctic Latnjajaure, Sweden, using a new trace gas-based method to track real-time diffusion rates through the snow. Summer measurements from snow-free soils were made using a chamber-based method. Measurements were obtained from different snow regimes in order to evaluate the effect of snow depth on winter CO2 effluxes. Total annual emissions of CO2 from the sub-Arctic site (0.662–1.487 kg CO2 m–2 yr–1) were found to be more than double the emissions from the High-Arctic site (0.369–0.591 kg CO2 m–2 yr–1). There were no significant differences in winter effluxes between snow regimes or vegetation types, indicating that spatial variability in winter soil CO2 effluxes are not directly linked to snow cover thickness or soil temperatures. Total winter emissions (0.004–0.248 kg CO2 m–2) were found to be in the lower range of those previously described in the literature. Winter emissions varied in their contribution to total annual production between 1 and 18%. Artificial snow drifts shortened the snow-free period by 2 weeks and decreased the annual CO2 emission by up to 20%. This study suggests that future shifts in vegetation zones may increase soil respiration from Arctic tundra regions.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption by rotifers Macrotrachela musculosa and Trichotria truncata from Spitsbergen tundra (77°N) was measured using the method of Cartesian divers. The metabolic rate of M. musculosa was: 0.205 10−3mm3 02 per g 10−6 per hour at 2°C, 0.201 10−6mm3 at 6°C and 0.616 10−3mm3 02 per g 10−6 per hour at 10°C. The metabolic rate of Trichotria truncata at 6° was 0.103 10−3mm3 per g 10−6 per hour. The relation between body weight and oxygen consumption by M. musculosa at 2°C is expressed with the equation R = 0.18W0.67, with R – oxygen consumption in mm310−3 per individual per hour and W – wet weight of an animal in g 10−6.  相似文献   

The deglaciation history of Balsfjord, northern Norway, and post-glacial mass movement events were investigated. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the Balsfjord glacier retreated from the Tromsø–Lyngen moraines about 10.4 14C Ky BP. Between ca. 10.3 14C Ky BP and 9.9 14C Ky BP, deposition of a distinct end moraine–the Skjevelnes moraine–in the central part of Balsfjord occurred. The transition from glacimarine to open marine sedimentary environment took place before 9.6 14C Ky BP. Between ca. 9.5 14C Ky BP and 8.4 14C Ky BP, at least one local and three regional mass movement events occurred. After this period, no gravity flow activity is preserved in the cores. The high frequency of mass movements in the early post-glacial period is presumed to be due to fast sea level changes and/or tectonic activity induced by rapid isostatic uplift.  相似文献   

The Nova Basin contains an upper Miocene to Pliocene supradetachment sedimentary succession that records the unroofing of the Panamint metamorphic core complex, west of Death Valley, California. Basin stratigraphy reflects the evolution of sedimentation processes from landslide emplacement during basin initiation to the development of alluvial fans composed of reworked, uplifted sections of the basin fill. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of volcanic units in middle and lower parts of the sequence provide age control on the tectonic and depositional evolution of the basin and, more generally, insights regarding the rate of change of depositional environments in supradetachment basins. Our work, along with earlier research, indicate basin deposition from 11.38 Ma to 3.35 Ma. The data imply sedimentation rates, uncorrected for compaction, of ~100 m Myr−1 in the lower, high-energy part to ~1000 m Myr−1 in the middle part characterized by debris-flow fan deposition. The observed variation in sediment flux rate during basin evolution suggests that supradetachment basins have complex depositional histories involving rapid transitions in both the style and rate of sedimentation.  相似文献   

Shock-compressed MgO radiates thermally at temperatures between 2900 and 3700 K in the 170–200 GPa pressure range. A simple energy-transport model of the shocked-MgO-targets distinguishes between different shock-induced radiation sources in these targets and provides estimates of spectral absorption-coefficients, α ΛMgO, for shocked MgO (e.g. at 203 GPa, α ΛMgO˜ 630, 7500, 4200 and 3800 m−1, at 450, 600, 750 and 900 nm, respectively). The experimentally inferred temperatures of the shock-compressed states of MgO are consistent with temperatures calculated for MgO assuming that (1) it deforms as an elastic fluid, (2) has a Dulong-Petit value for specific heat at constant volume in its shocked state, and (3) undergoes no phase transformation below 200 GPa.  相似文献   

Distribution and life history of krill from the Barents Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Krill from the Barents Sea were studied on six cruises from 1985 to 1989. Thysanoessa inermis and T. longicaudata were the dominant species, while T. raschii and Meganyctiphanes norvegica were rarer in the studied areas. The two dominant species T. inermis and T. longicaudata are mainly found in the Atlantic. Water and they do not to a large extent penetrate into Arctic water masses in the northern Barents Sea. M. norvegica is a more strict boreal species that does not occur as extensively in the Barents Sea as do the Thysanoessa species. The mean population abundance ranged from 1 to 61 individuals m−2 for T. inermis and from 2 to 52 ind. M−2 for T. longicaudata . The mean dry weight biomass of these two species ranged from 14 to 616 and from 19 to 105 mg−2. Length frequency distributions indicate a life span of just over two years for T. inermis and T. longicaudata . Growth took place from about April to autumn with no apparent growth during winter. Maturation and spawning seem to occur after two years for T. inermis and one year for T. longicaudata . Main spawning occurred from May to June coinciding with the spring phytoplankton bloom. Captive spawners of T. inermis (total length 17-22 mm) shed 30-110 eggs per female in a single batch.  相似文献   

Winter respiration in snow-covered ecosystems strongly influences annual carbon cycling, underlining the importance of processes related to the timing and quantity of snow. Fences were used to increase snow depth from 30 to 150 cm, and impacts on respiration were investigated in heath and mesic meadow, two common vegetation types in Svalbard. We manually measured ecosystem respiration from July 2007 to July 2008 at a temporal resolution greater than previously achieved in the High Arctic (campaigns: summer, eight; autumn, six; winter, 17; spring, nine). Moisture contents of unfrozen soil and soil temperatures throughout the year were also recorded. The increased snow depth resulted in significantly higher winter soil temperatures and increased ecosystem respiration. A temperature–efflux model explained most of the variation of observed effluxes: meadows, 94 (controls) and 93% (fences); heaths, 84 and 77%, respectively. Snow fences increased the total non-growing season efflux from 70 to 92 (heaths) and from 68 to 125 g CO2-C m−2 (meadows). The non-growing season contributed to 56 (heaths) and 42% (meadows) of the total annual carbon respired. This proportion increased with deeper snow to 64% in both vegetation types. Summer respiration rates were unaffected by snow fences, but the total growing season respiration was lower behind fences because of the considerably delayed snowmelt. Meadows had higher summer respiration rates than heaths. In addition, non-steady state CO2 effluxes were measured as bursts lasting several days during spring soil thawing, and when ice layers were broken to carry out winter efflux measurements.  相似文献   

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