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Eight zonal dinocyst assemblages and three bio stratigraphic units ranked as “beds with flora” are first distinguished in the Danian—lower Lutetian interval of the Paleogene succession, penetrated by the reference borehole Novousensk no. 1, where eight standard and one local nannoplankton zones are simultaneously recognized. The direct correlation of nannoplankton and dinocyst zones is used to refine the paleon-tological substantiation and stratigraphic position of regional lithostratigraphic units, ranges of hiatuses, and the correlation with the general stratigraphie scale. The nannoplankton of the Danian NP2 Cruciplacolithus tenuis and NP3 Chiasmolithus danicus zones is characteristic of the Algai Formation (Fm). The nannoplankton of the NP4 Coccolithus robustus Zone and dinocysts of the D3a Alterbidinium circulum Zone from the Tsyganovo Fm characterizes the Danian top. The Lower Syzran Subformation (Subfm) corresponds to the upper part of the NP4 Coccolithus robustus Zone (Neochiastizygus junctus local zone) and to the D3b (part) Cerodinium depressum Zone of the Selandian dinocysts. The latter spans part of the Upper Syzran Subformation, whose characteristic nannofossils are the nannoplankton of the NP5 Fasciculithus tympaniformis Zone and the dinocysts of the D3b (part) Isabelidinium? viborgense Zone of the Selandian. The Novouzensk Fm is represented by a succession of the dinocyst Cerodinium markovae Beds and the standard D4c Apectodinium hyperacanthum Zone of the upper Thanetian. The coccolitophorids of the lower Thanetian NP6 Heliolithus kleinpelli Zone occur at the formation base. The Bostandyk Fm includes successive bio stratigraphie units of the Ypresian. In the dinocyst scale, these are the D5a Apectodinium augustum Zone, the Pterospermella Beds (DEla Zone of the North Sea scale), and zones DBlb-c Deflandrea oebisfeldensis, D7c Dracodinium varielon-gitudum, and D8 Dracodinium politum—Charlesdowniea coleothrypta, while units of the nannoplankton scale correspond to the NP12 Martasterites tribrachiatus and NP13 Discoaster lodoensis zones. The Kopterek Fm yields Lutetian nannofossils: the nannoplankton of the NP14 Discoaster sublodoensis Zone and the dinocysts of the Wetzeliella coronata—Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum Beds. Three meaningful hiatuses are established at the Danian base, Selandian top, and in the lower Ypresian.  相似文献   

Five successive ammonite assemblages are distinguished in the basal part (Riasanites rjasanensis Zone s. l.) of the Ryazanian Stage of the East European platform. These are (from the base upward) (1) Hectoroceras tolijense; (2) Hectoroceras kochi; (3) Riasanites swistowianus; (4) Riasanites rjasanensis; and (5) Transcaspiites transfigurabilis assemblages. Two lower assemblages consist entirely of boreal taxa, which occur in association with diverse ammonites of the Tethyan origin higher in the section. The data obtained show that three upper assemblages are correlative with the Berriasian Dalmasiceras tauricum, Riasanites rjasanensis-Spiticeras cautleyi, and Euthymiceras euthymi subzones of the northern Caucasus. The succession of five–six ammonite assemblages established in the East European platform above the top of the Craspedites nodiger Zone may correspond to the same number of ammonite assemblages characterizing lower subzones of the standard Berriasian. Berriasella rulevae Mitta, sp. nov. from the upper part of the Riasanites rjasanensis Zone (transfigurabilis biohorizon) is described.  相似文献   

The echinoid fauna from the Miocene sedimentary succession cropping out south Wadi Tweirig, and Wadi Hommath, south Gebel Ataqa, NW Gulf of Suez, has been examined with the aim to known their stratigraphic and paleogeographic distribution. The Miocene succession includes two formations: Sadat Formation, unconformably overlying the middle/upper Eocene rocks at the base and Hommath Formation at the top. Twenty-eight echinoid species (8 regular and 20 irregular) belonging to 18 genera, 13 families, and 7 orders have been identified, systematically described, and illustrated in this work. Eleven species are recorded for the first time from Egypt: ten of these came from the Hommath Formation (Schizechinus cf. serresii Desor (1856), Schizechinus pentagonus Kier 1972, Clypeaster cf. martini des Moulins 1837, Scutella checchiae occidentalis Desio 1934, Scutella melitensis Airaghi 1902, Echinodiscus desori Duncan and Sladen 1883, Echinolampas cf. zeitensis Fourtau 1920, Schizaster lovisatoi Cotteau 1895, Agassizia (Agassizia) powersi Kier 1972, and Hemipatagus ocellatus Defrance (1827)), and one from the Sadat Formation (Clypeaster campanulatus Schlotheim (1820)). The identified fauna shows a strong affinity with the Mediterranean bio-province.  相似文献   

First data on Middle Triassic foraminifers of the southeastern Pamir are considered. The lower-middle Anisian sediments are reliably recognized within uniform limestone succession of the Karatash Group in the Southeastern Pamir based on found foraminiferal species Meandrospira deformata Salaj, Meandrospira cheni (Ho), Pilamminella ex gr. semiplana (Kochansky-Devide et Pantic), and Endotheba badouxi (Zaninetti et Bronnimann). The lower-middle Anisian Meandrospira deformata Zone is defined and the Karatash Group is subdivided into the Khan (lower) and Yulla (upper) formations. The foraminifers found imply their migration between the western (Alps, Carpathians, Balkans) and eastern (South China platform, Malaysia, Japan) Tethys across the southeastern Pamir region. Characteristic species of the genus Meandrospira recorded in the southeastern Pamirs are described with specifying their taxonomic scope.  相似文献   

Seven planktic foraminiferal zones are distinguished in the Maastrichtian-Paleocene succession at the north Farafra Oasis. These are the Rugoglobigerina hexacamerata (CF8b), Gansserina gansseri, and Contusotruncana contusa zones in the Maastrichtian topped by a well-known unconformity across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. The Danian is subdivided into two biozones: Globanomalina compressa/Praemurica inconstans-Praemurica uncinata Subzone (P1c) and Praemurica uncinata–Morozovella angulata (P2) Zone. The Late Paleocene is divided into two zones: Morozovella angulata-Globanomalina pseudomenardii (P3) and Globanomalina pseudomenardii (P4). A minor hiatus between the Danian/Selandian and Selandian/Thanetian boundaries are also recorded. These time gaps across the stage boundaries may be related to the tectonic events that affected the sedimentation regime throughout the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleogene interval in the Farafra Oasis.  相似文献   

In European Russia, the most complete succession of Boreal sediments of the terminal Bathonian and lower Callovian is exposed near the Prosek Settlement. After its revision, the infrazonal division of the upper Bathonian and lower Callovian and position of the Bathonian-Callovian boundary are difined more carefully. The Calyx Zone and bodylevskyi Biohorizon are established in the upper Bathonian. The base of the lower Callovian is defined at the first occurrence level of Macrocephalites jacquoti. Based on four successive ammonite assemblages occurring in lower part of the Elatmae Zone, the breve, frearsi, quenstedti, and elatmae biohorizons are identified. The joint occurrence of Boreal, Subboreal, and Tethyan ammonites in the section facilitate its correlation with the other sections of the Panboreal paleobiogeographic superrealm.  相似文献   

This article describes a complete sedimentary succession of an ancient macrotidal tide-dominated estuarine system based on the detailed outcrop study. The Eocene siliciclastic sedimentary facies of Ameki Group in the south-eastern Nigeria provides a record of the sedimentary response to an initial regression, followed by marine incursion (transgression) into the Niger Delta Basin. These sedimentary successions are analogues to the subsurface petrolific Niger Delta lithostratigraphic units. Seven facies associations (FA 1 to FA 7) are documented in the study area and the sediments are interpreted as fluvial channel, tidally influenced fluvial channel, tidal channel, tidal flats, supratidal, tidal sand bar and estuarine embayment (open estuarine) deposits. The occurrence of low diversity ichnofaunal assemblages and/or localised high-density monospecific ichnofossil assemblages indicates brackish-water condition typical of estuarine settings. The suites of assemblages include Scoyenia, Skolithos, Cruziana, mixed Skolithos-Cruziana, Glossifungites, Psilonichnus and Teredolites ichnofacies. A complete depositional sequence is encountered in the Eocene Ameki Group which consists of the lowstand, transgressive, highstand and falling stage systems tracts. This depositional succession was most probably controlled by relative sea level changes, sediment supply, accommodation and regional tectonics which affected the development of Niger Delta Basin.  相似文献   

A first palynostratigraphic scheme of Upper Triassic deposits in northern Switzerland was established based on spore-pollen associations and dinoflagellate cyst records from the upper part of the Upper Triassic Klettgau Formation and the lower part of the Lower Jurassic Staffelegg Formation. Drill cores from the Adlerberg region (Basel Tabular Jura) and from Weiach (northern part of Canton Zurich) as well as from an outcrop at the Chilchzimmersattel (Basel Folded Jura) were studied and five informal palynological associations are distinguished. These palynological associations correlate with palynological association of the Central European Epicontinental Basin and the Tethyan realm and provide a stratigraphic framework for the uppermost Triassic sediments in northern Switzerland. Throughout the uppermost Triassic to Jurassic palynological succession a remarkable prominence of Classopollis spp. is observed. Besides Classopollis spp. the three Rhaetian palynological associations A to C from the Upper Triassic Belchen Member include typical Rhaetian spore-pollen and dinoflagellate taxa (e.g., Rhaetipollis germanicus, Geopollis zwolinskae, Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica, and Dapcodinium priscum). Association B differs from association A in a higher relative abundance of the sporomorph taxa Perinopollenites spp. and the consistent occurrence of Granuloperculatipollis rudis and Ricciisporites tuberculatus. Spore diversity is highest in the late Rhaetian palynological association C and includes Polypodiisporites polymicroforatus. A Rhaetian age for the Belchen Member is confirmed by palynological associations A–C, but there is no record of the latest Rhaetian and the earliest Jurassic. In contrast to the Rhaetian palynological associations the Early Jurassic associations W and D include Pinuspollenites spp., Trachysporites fuscus (in association W), and Ischyosporites variegatus. In the view of the end-Triassic mass extinction and contemporaneous environmental changes the described palynofloral succession represents the pre-extinction phase (associations A and B) including a distinct transgression, the extinction phase (association C) associated with a regression, and the post-extinction phase (association W).  相似文献   

New finds and revision of available collections of nonmarine bivalves provided grounds for development of a zonal scale for terrestrial sequences of the Permian System based on species belonging to the genus Palaeomutela Amalitzky, 1891, which are characterized by regular changes in the structure of the shell hinge. The scale includes two parallel zonal successions that are based on the stratigraphic distribution and evolutionary trends of two morphological lineages of the genus. The zonal succession based on development of the P. umbonata group (dwellers of mobile waters and silty-psammitic substrates) includes 11 range zones: stegocephalum, ovatiformis, umbonata, quadriangularis, krotowi, wohrmani, numerosa, ulemensis, keyserlingi, curiosa, golubevi. The zonal succession based on development of the P. castor group (dwellers of calm waters and silty-pelitic substrates) includes eight range zones: larae, castor, olgae, doratioformis, marposadica, fischeri, obunca, amalitzkyi. The proposed zonal units are correlated with scales based on ostracod, fish, and tetrapod fossils. New species Palaeomutela golubevi sp. nov. and P. amalitzkyi sp. nov. are described with the extended diagnosis of the genus Palaeomutela.  相似文献   

The Bir Dakhl section which is located in the southern Galala plateau, north eastern desert was sampled for microfacies analysis of the upper Cretaceous–lower Paleogene succession. Microfacies analysis led to the recognition of eight mixed clastic-carbonate facies types (black shale lithofacies MF-1, pure shale lithofacies MF-2, sandy shale lithofacies MF-3, marly shale lithofacies MF-4, mudstone microfacies MF-5, foraminiferal wackestone microfacies MF-6, bioclastic wackestone microfacies MF-7, and bioclastic packstone microfacies MF-8) of the studied interval. These microfacies can be grouped into three depositional environments: inner, middle and outer ramp. The interpreted depositional environments have been suggested to range from neritic to middle bathyal (~ 700 m). Based on cyclostratigraphy, five deepening upward cycles and three shallowing upward cycles have been differentiated in Bir Dakhl section.  相似文献   

A biometric study of Chattian–Early Aquitanian taxa from shallow marine transgressive carbonate deposits in the Oligo-Miocene sedimentary basin of Kirkuk, Iraq, provides new insight into their taxonomy, stratigraphy, and palaeobiogeography. Their evolution is based on a distinct change in general nepiont morphology, which agrees with the principle of nepionic acceleration. Each Miogypsinoides group is represented by more than one lineage. We demonstrate for the first time the parallel evolution of Miogypsina and Miogypsinoides in the late Chattian of north-eastern Iraq. We assign specimens into two lineage groups: Miogypsinoides formosensis of the Late Chattian, with smaller embryon and longer post-embryonic spirals, which evolved into Miogypsinoides bantamensis of the Early Aquitanian; and Miogypsinoides sivasensis, with shorter spirals and larger embryon, originally found in late Chattian to Early Aquitanian deposits. This group evolved into large embryon and longer post-embryonic spiral specimens of the upper Azkand Formation, assigned to Miogypsinoides dehaartii and associated with Miogypsina gunteri-basraensis and M. gunteri due to their peculiar morphological features. Miogypsina specimens are related to Miogypsina basraensis, which have much smaller embryon dimensions. This part of the sequence corresponds to Ms. formosensis and is overlain by a Miogypsina ex. interc. gunteri-basraensis succession, a composite species that evolved to Miogypsina gunteri, the most common Miogypsinids taxon in the carbonate upper Azkand Formation, thereby acting as a reference for the evolution of this taxon and its transition to M. ex. interc. tani-gunteri. Miogypsinoides evolution in the Iraqi sedimentary basin is similar to Western Tethys evolution yet differs from Indo-Pacific evolution.  相似文献   

The Al-rich region of the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system was experimentally studied at pressures of 1.0–2.8 GPa and temperatures of 1300–1535°C. The slopes of the lines of the monovariant reactions An + Sp = Cpx + Cor + (Ga) and L = Cpx + Ga + Cor + Sp and the compositions of the phases involved in these reactions are determined. The results are utilized in the topological analysis of the aluminous region of the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system. On this basis, the principal structure of the phase diagram is analyzed, and a phase diagram is constructed for the junction region of the quaternary system and the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary system. A continuous series of the monovariant eutectic: L = Cpx + Opx + Fo + An, L = Cpx + Opx + An + Sp, L = Cpx + (Ga) + An + Sp, L = Cpx + Cor + (Ga) + An, L = An + Ga + Cpx + Ky and L = Ga + Cpx + Ky + Qz is examined within the pressure range from atmospheric to 3.0 GPa and higher. Analogous “telescoped” eutectic series are of fundamental character for interpreting the evolution of magmatic melts. A physicochemical model is suggested for the evolution of magmatic melts that produce rocks of the calc-alkaline series, with this model underlain by the fact that a change in the composition of magmatic melt at a pressure decrease should correspond to the minimum melting temperatures, i.e., to melts in the fundamental series of eutectic reactions. The comparison of our physicochemical model and rocks of the calc-alkaline series shows that the compositions of rocks of the calc-alkaline series are close to the compositions determined for the eutectic equilibria, and the mineralogical composition of xenoliths and megacrysts in volcanic and dike varieties of the rocks are similar to the subsolidus phases of the established fundamental eutectic system.  相似文献   

It is shown that the approximation of the complex, tidally distorted shape of a star as a circular disc with local line profiles and a linear limb-darkening law, which is usually applied when deriving equatorial stellar rotation velocities from line profiles, leads to overestimation of the equatorial velocity V rot sin i and underestimation of the component mass ratio q = M x /M v . A formula enabling correction of the effect of these simplifying assumptions on the shape of a star is used to re-determine the mass ratios q and the masses of the black holes M x and visual components M v in low-mass X-ray binary systems containing black holes. Taking into account the tidal–rotational distortion of the stellar shape can significantly increase the mass ratios q = M x /M v , reducing M v , while M x changes only slightly. The resulting distribution of M v attains its maximum near M v ? 0.35M , in disagreement with the results of population synthesis computations realizing standard models for Galactic X-ray novae with black holes. Possible ways to overcome this inconsistency are discussed. The derived distribution of M x also differs strongly from the mass distribution for massive stars in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Smaller foraminifers from Upper Yakhtashian and Bolorian deposits of the stratotype area (Pamir, Darvaz, Tajikistan) are investigated. Four assemblages are defined. The first assemblage is from Chalaroschwagerina vulgaris-Pamirina darvasica Zone. The second assemblage found in the transitional Yakhtashian-Bolorian beds includes Globivalvulina, Palaeotextulariidae, Hemigordiidae, and Glomospira, associated with the first Pachyphloia and Langella forms. Characteristic taxa of third assemblage from the Misellina (Brevaxina) dyhrenfurthi Zone are Geinitzinidae, Globivalvulina, Palaeotextulariidae, Glomospira, and rare Pachyphloia. The forth assemblage of Hemigordiidae, Pachyphloia, Palaeotextulariidae, Geinitzinidae, Pseudoagathammina is identified in the M. (Misellina) parvicostata Zone. The assemblages were compared with concurrent analogs from China, Japan, and Russia. New species and subspecies Glomospira paleograndis sp. nov., G. darvasica sp. nov., Agathammina darvasica sp. nov., Pachyphloia darvasica sp. nov., Nodosinelloides cubanicus elongatus subsp. nov., and Hemigordius saranensis darvasicus subsp. nov. are described.  相似文献   

The stability of nonstoichiometric clinopyroxenes in the Di-CaEsk join was experimentally studied, and phase diagrams were constructed for this join at pressures of 2.0 and 3.0 GPa. It was found that melting in the diopside part of the join occurs at anomalously low temperatures, and nonstoichiometric clinopyroxene coexists with a phase approaching diopside in composition. Phase relations along the Di-CaEsk join can be described and consistently interpreted only assuming that the diopside phase (α-diopside) is thermodynamically stable. The following phase volumes were observed along the solidus of the join at a pressure of 3.0 GPa: Cpx, αDi+Cpx, αDi+Cpx+Qtz, αDi+Cpx+Grt+Qtz, Cpx+Grt+Qtz, Cpx+Grt+Ky+Qtz, Grt+Ky+Qtz. Melting occurs via the eutectic reaction αDi+Cpx+Grt+Qtz=L at a temperature of about 1200°C in the diopside part of the system and via the eutectic reaction Cpx+Grt+Ky+Qtz=L at a temperature of 1400°C in the calcium-rich part of the system. At a pressure of 2.0 GPa, melting occurs at temperatures of 1200–1300°C via the eutectic reaction αDi+Cpx+ An + Qtz=L. The invariant equilibrium (L, An, Cpx, Grt, αDi, Qtz) lies within the pressure range 2.0–3.0 GPa. Nonstoichiometric clinopyroxenes form complex solid solutions, the compositions of which are not strictly confined to the Di-CaEsk join and depend on temperature, pressure, and phase association. Grossular garnets coexist with nonstoichiometric clinopyroxenes and α-diopside.  相似文献   

SDO/HMI and SDO/AIA data for the 24th solar-activity cycle are analyzed using a quicker and more accurate method for resolving π ambiguities in the transverse component of the photospheric magnetic field, yielding new results and confirming some earlier results on the magnetic properties of leading and following magnetically connected spots and single spots. The minimum inclination of the field lines to the positive normal to the solar surface α min within umbrae is smaller in leading than in following spots in 78% of the spot pairs considered; the same trend is found for the mean angle 〈α〉 in 83% of the spot pairs. Positive correlations between the α min values and the 〈α〉 values in leading and following spots are also found. On average, in umbrae, the mean values of 〈B〉, the umbra area S, and the angles α min and 〈α〉 decrease with growth in the maximum magnetic field B max in both leading and following spots. The presence of a positive correlation between B max and S is confirmed, and a positive correlation between 〈B〉 and S in leading and following spots has been found. Themagnetic properties of the umbrae of magnetically connected pairs of spots are compared with the contrast of the He II 304 emission above the umbrae, C 304. Spots satisfying certain conditions display a positive correlation between C 304?L and 〈α L 〉 for the leading (L) spots, and between C 304?L /C 304?F and l L /l F , where l L (l F ) are the lengths of the field lines connecting leading (L) or following (F) spots from the corresponding spot umbrae to the apex of the field line.  相似文献   

The Verkhnyaya Kardailovka section is one of the best candidates for the GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Point) at the base of the Stage (Mississippian). For boundary definition, the first appearance of the conodont Lochriea ziegleri Nemirovskaya, Perret et Meischner, 1994 in the lineage Lochriea nodosa (Bischoff, 1957)?L. ziegleri is used. L. ziegleri appears in the Venevian Substage somewhat below the base of the Serpukhovian in the Moscow Basin. The position of the FAD of L. ziegleri within the Hypergoniatites?Ferganoceras Genozone is confirmed and lies between 19.53 and 19.63 m above the section’s base. Before 2010, deep-water stylonodular limestone containing the boundary in unnamed formation C at Kardailovka was well exposed but only 3 m of Viséan strata cropped out immediately below. Recent trenching exposed another 10 m of underlying Viséan carbonates in formation C and older Viséan siliciclastics and volcanics in unnamed formation B. The contact between formation B and underlying crinoidal limestones in unnamed formation A representing the middle Viséan Zhukovian (Tulian) regional Substage was excavated. The boundary succession, situated in the Magnitogorsk tectonic zone above the Devonian Magnitogorsk arc and Mississippian magmatic and sedimentary rift succession, was deposited west of the Kazakhstanian continent during closure of the Ural Ocean. In the lower part of the section, Viséan tuffaceous siliciclastics and volcanics of formation B record rapid deepening after deposition of neritic middle Viséan crinoid lime grainstone of formation A and subsequent subaerial exposure. The overlying condensed upper Viséan to Serpukhovian succession in formation C comprises deep-water limestone deposited in a sediment-starved basin recording minor turbidite influx and carbonate-mound development. The δ13Ccarb plot shows a positive shift of 1‰ V-PDB (from +2 to +3‰) between 17.0 and 17.75 m (3.05 and 1.97 m below FAD L. ziegleri). The δ18Oapatite graph displays a prominent upward shift from 19.9 to 21.1‰ V-SMOW (at 19.15 to 19.51 m) in the nodosa Zone below FAD of Lochriea ziegleri.  相似文献   

Section of the middle and upper Volgian substages and basal Boreal Berriasian in the Cape Urdyuk-Khaya (Nordvik Peninsula) is largely composed of dark argillites substantially enriched in Corg. Characteristic of the section is a continuous succession of ammonite, foraminiferal, ostracode, and dinocyst zones known also in the other Arctic areas. Boundaries of the upper Volgian Substage are recognizable only based on biostratigraphic criteria. The succession of the middle Volgian Taimyrosphinctes excentricus to basal Ryazanian Hectoroceras kochi zones is characterized. The range of the substage is revised. The lower Exoticus Zone, where ammonites characteristic of the Nikitini Zone upper part in the East European platform have been found, is referred to the middle Volgian Substage. Newly found ammonites are figured. Two possible positions of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Arctic region, i.e., at the lower and upper boundaries of the Chetae Zone at the top of the upper Volgian Substage, are discussed.  相似文献   

The Campanian-Lower Paleogene successions exposed at the Kharga Oasis contain well-preserved gastropods. Nineteen gastropod species are identified and described in detail. Two new species are established: Gisortia khargaensis from the lower Eocene El Rufuf Formation and Ornopsis? barisensis from the lower Paleocene Kurkur Formation. In addition to, Turritella (Torquesia) derbesi Coquand is recorded herein for the first time from Egypt. The studied gastropods belonging to four clades: Sorbeoconcha (Metacerithium abictiforme (Wanner), Mesalia hofana Mayer-Eymar, Mesalia sp., Turritella (Torquesia) derbesi Coquand, Turritella (Torquesia) forgemoli Coquand, Turritella kaserensis Hewaidy and Azab, Turritella sp.), Littorinimorpha (Cypraedia bullina Oppenheim, Gisortia khargaensis nov. sp., Natica farafrensis Wanner, Aporrhais schweinfurthi (Quaas), Drepanocheilus bicarinatus Abbass, Drepanocheilus? sp., Anchura? unicarinatus (Abbass), Epitonium sp.), Neogastropoda (Ornopsis? barisensis nov. sp., Rostellana daniensis (Quaas), Vouta sp.), and Heterobranchia (Avellana cretacea Quaas).  相似文献   

The revised representatives of ammonite genera Malbosiceras and Pomeliceras from the Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains are classed with seven species, four of the first genus [M. malbosi (Pictet), M. chaperi (Pictet), M. broussei (Mazenot), M. pictetiforme Tavera] and three of the second one [P. aff. boisseti Nikolov, P. breveti (Pomel), P. (?) funduklense Lysenko et Arkadiev sp. nov.]. The identified species are described. The genus Mazenoticeras is considered as synonym of Malbosiceras. The above species prove that all the Berriasian zones (jacobi, occitanica and boissieri) are characteristic of corresponding deposits in the Crimean Mountains.  相似文献   

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