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The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) of New Zealand is characterised by extensive volcanism and by high rates of magma production. Associated with this volcanism are numerous high-temperature (> 250 °C) geothermal systems through which the natural heat output of 4200 ± 500 MW is channelled. Outside the geothermal fields the heat flow is negligible. The average heat flux from the central 6000 km2 of the TVZ, which contains most of the geothermal fields, is 700 mW/m3. This heat flux appears to be more concentrated along the eastern margin of the TVZ.Schlumberger resistivity measurements (AB/2 of 500 m and 1000 m) have identified 17 distinct geothermal fields with natural heat outputs greater than 20 MW. An additional six, low-heat-output geothermal fields also occur, and may represent formerly more active systems now in decline. Two extinct fields have also been identified. The average spacing between fields is 10–15 km. The distribution of geothermal fields does not appear to be directly associated with individual volcanic features except for the geothermal system that occurs within Lake Taupo and which occupies the vent of the 1800 yr.B.P. Taupo eruption. The positions of the geothermal fields do not appear to have varied for at least the last 200,000 years. These data are consistent with a model of large-scale convection occurring throughout the TVZ, in which the geothermal fields represent the upper portion of the rising, high-temperature, convective plumes. The majority of the recharge to the convection system is provided by the downward movement of cold meteoric water between the fields which suppresses the heat flow in these regions.Gravity measurements indicate that to a depth of about 2.5 km the upper layers of the TVZ consist of low-density pyroclastic infill. A seismic refraction interface with velocity change from 3.2 km/s to 5.5 km/s occurs at a similar depth. The cross-sectional area of the convection plumes (identified electrically) appears to increase at depths of 1–2 km, consistent with a decrease in permeability at the depth at which the velocity and density increase.The seismicity is dominated by swarm activity which accounts for about half of all earthquakes and is highly variable in both space and time. The small number of seismic events (and swarms) that have well determined depths show a cut off of seismicity at depths of 7–9 km. The depth of the transition from brittle to ductile behaviour of the rocks is identified with the transition from a regime where heat is transported by (hydrothermal) convection and pore pressures are near-hydrostatic to a regime where heat transport is dominantly conductive and pore pressures are lithostatic. Within the convective region, temperatures are moderated by the circulation of water so that the depth of the transition from convective to conductive heat transfer can be linked to the bottom of the seismogenic zone. Rocks must become ductile within about 1 km of the bottom of the overlying convective zone.Seismic refraction studies suggest that the crust beneath the TVZ is highly thinned with a seismic velocity of about 7.5 km/ s, typical of the upper mantle, occurring at depth of 15 km. Seismological studies indicate the upper mantle is highly attenuating beneath the TVZ. Conductive heat transfer between the bottom of the convective system, at about 8 km, and the base of the material with crustal velocities, at 15 km, is not able to provide all the heat that is discharged at the surface. Repeated intrusion from the mantle may provide the additional heat transport required.  相似文献   

Four 40Ar/39Ar dates on mineral separates from fresh and hydrothermally altered volcanic and plutonic rocks from the Ngatamariki geothermal field indicate that andesitic volcanism took place in the eastern portion of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) prior to 1.2 Ma and probably considerably earlier. These data significantly extend the onset and duration of andesitic volcanism in the east-central TVZ over previous estimates. Intrusive activity is represented at Ngatamariki by a dioritic pluton, the only such pluton yet recognized in the entire TVZ. Hornblende from the pluton yields a crystallization age of near 550 ka. Hydrothermal alteration spatially associated with the pluton produced sericite of a similar age. Overlying and postdating the most intense hydrothermal alteration zone is the Whakamaru Ignimbrite (or its equivalent) which was emplaced at 330 ka. Two distinct geothermal systems may have been active at nearly the same site from 550 ka to present. The most intense activity occurred before 330 ka and was associated with emplacement of the Ngatamariki diorite. This was followed by the less intense system that is currently active. The geothermal regime at Ngatamariki has, therefore, probably been active intermittently for at least 550 ka.  相似文献   

Volcanism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) and the Kermadec arc-Havre Trough (KAHT) is related to westward subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Indo-Australian Plate. The tectonic setting of the TVZ is continental whereas in KAHT it is oceanic and in these two settings the relative volumes of basalt differ markedly. In TVZ, basalts form a minor proportion (< 1%) of a dominant rhyolite (97%)-andesite association while in KAHT, basalts and basaltic andesites are the major rock types. Neither the convergence rate between the Pacific and Indo-Australian Plates nor the extension rates in the back-arc region or the dip of the Pacific Plate Wadati-Benioff zone differ appreciably between the oceanic and continental segments. The distance between the volcanic front and the axis of the back-arc basin decreases from the Kermadec arc to TVZ and the distance between trench and volcanic front increases from around 200 km in the Kermadec arc to 280 km in TVZ. These factors may prove significant in determining the extent to which arc and backarc volcanism in subduction settings are coupled.All basalts from the Kermadec arc are porphyritic (up to 60% phenocrysts) with assemblages generally dominated by plagioclase but with olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. A single dredge sample from the Havre Trough back arc contains olivine and plagioclase microphenocrysts in glassy pillow rind and is mildly alkaline (< 1% normative nepheline) contrasting with the tholeiitic nature of the other basalts. Basalts from the TVZ contain phenocryst assemblages of olivine + plagioclase ± clinopyroxene; orthopyroxene phenocrysts occur only in the most evolved basalts and basaltic andesites from both TVZ and the Kermadec Arc.Sparsely porphyritic primitive compositions (Mg/(Mg+Fe2) > 70) are high in Al2O3 (>16.5%), and project in the olivine volume of the basalt tetrahedron. They contain olivine (Fo87) phenocrysts and plagioclase (> An60) microphenocrysts. These magmas have ratios of CaO/Al2O3, A12O3/TiO2 and CaO/TiO2 in the range of MORB and MORB picrites and can evolve to the low-pressure MORB cotectic by crystallisation of olivine±plagiociase. Such rocks may be the parents of other magmas whose evolutionary pathways are complicated by interaction of crystal fractionation, crystal accumulation and mixing processes and the filtering action of crust of variable density and thickness. The interplay of these processes likely accounts for the scatter of data about the cotectic. More evolved rocks from both TVZ and KAHT contain clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts and their compositions merge with basaltic andesites and andesites. Stepwise least-squares modelling using phenocryst assemblages in proportions observed in the rocks suggest that crystal fractionation and accumulation processes can account for much of the diversity observed in the major-element compositions of all lavas.We conclude that the parental basaltic magmas for volcanism in the TVZ and KAHT segments are similar thereby implying grossly similar source mineralogy. We attribute the diversity to secondary processes influencing liquids as they ascended through complex plumbing systems in the sub arc mantle and cross.  相似文献   

Taupor volcanic zone (TVZ) is the currently active volcanic arc and back-arc basin of the Taupo-Hikurangi arc-trench system, North Island, New Zealand. The volcanic arc is best developed at the southern (Tongariro volcanic centre) end of the TVZ, while on the eastern side of the TVZ it is represented mainly by dacite volcanoes, and in the Bay of Plenty andesite/dacite volcanoes occur on either side of the Whakatane graben. The back-arc basin is best developed in the central part of the TVZ and comprises bimodal rhyolite and high-alumina basalt volcanism. Widespread ignimbrite eruptions have occurred from this area in the past 0.6 Ma. Normal faults occur in both arc and back-arc basin. They are generally steeply dipping (>40°) and strike between 040° and 080°. In the back-arc basin, fault zones are en echelon and have the same trend as alignments of rhyolite domes and basalt vents. Open fissures have formed during historic earthquakes along some of the faults, and geodetic measurements on the north side of Lake Taupo suggest extension of 14±4 mm/year. In the Bay of Plenty and ML=6.3 earthquake occurred on 2 March 1987. Modelling of known structure in the area together with data derived from this earthquake suggests block faulting with faults dipping 45°±10° NW and a similar dip is suggested by seismic profiling of faults offshore of the Bay of Plenty where extension is estimated to be 5±2 mm/year. To the east of the TVZ, the North Island shear belt (NISB) is a zone of reverse-dextral, strike-slip faults, the surface expression of which terminates at the eastern end of the TVZ. On the opposite side of the TVZ in the offshore western Bay of Plenty and on line with the NISB is the Mayor Island fault belt. If the two fault belts were once continuous, as seems likely, strike-slip faults probably extend through the basement of the TVZ. When extension associated with the arc and back-arc basin is combined with these strike-slip faults, the resulting transtension provides a suitable tectonic environment for caldera formation and voluminous ignimbrite eruptions in the back-arc basin. The types of volcano in the TVZ are considered to be related to the source of magma and overlying crustal structure. Lavas of the arc are probably formed by a multistage process involving (1) subsolidus slab dehydration, (2) anatexis of the mantle wedge, (3) fractionation and minor crustal assimilation and (4) magma mixing. High-alumina basalts of the back-arc basin may be derived by partial melting of peridotite at the top of the mantle wedge, while rhyolitic magmas are thought to come from partial melting of lavas and subvolcanic reservoirs associated with the southern end of the Coromandel volcanic zone. Extreme thinning associated with transtension in the back-arc basin will favour the eruption of large-volume, gas-rich ignimbrites accompanied by caldera formation.  相似文献   

The central Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) is a region of intense Quaternary rhyolitic volcanism and geothermal activity in the North Island of New Zealand from which about 14,000 km3 of pyroclastics and lavas have been erupted during the last 1.6 Ma. Analysis of aeromagnetic surveys over the TVZ showed the presence of long-wavelength (10 to 25 km) magnetic anomalies which roughly follow the trend of the currently active eastern TVZ, from the north of Lake Taupo to the east of Lake Rotorua. An interpretation of the long-wavelength magnetic anomalies using 3-D magnetic modelling suggests that these anomalies are caused by the magnetic effects of < 3 km thick sequence of volcanic rocks and deeper magnetised bodies within the non-magnetic upper crust (4–7 km depth) beneath the young (age < 0.7 Ma), currently active eastern TVZ. The deep magnetised bodies are interpreted as solidified rhyolitic sub-volcanic plutons that have cooled down to below their Curie temperature.Although the existence of plutonic bodies beneath the TVZ has been postulated prior to this study, this magnetic interpretation result appears to be the first geophysical model of such bodies.  相似文献   

We have analysed volatiles (H2O, He, Ar, CO2) in differentiated (basaltic andesite, dacite) volcanic glasses dredged at a depth of ca. 2000 m in the eastern part of the Manus Basin between 151°20′ and 152°10′ E. These samples have Sr–O–B isotopic ratios that show that they most likely represent lavas evolved from a common magma source. Since these glasses are very fresh, they provide a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of magmatic volatiles during assimilation–fractional crystallisation–degassing (AFCD). The samples are highly vesicular (up to 18%) and the volatiles trapped in vesicles consist predominantly of H2O with minor amounts of CO2, and the concentration of water in the glasses indicates that H2O saturation was attained. Rare gases except helium are atmospheric in origin, and the 3He/4He ratios and the CO2/3He ratios are respectively lower and higher than those typical of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB), and appear to correlate with the degree of differentiation. AFCD allows efficient degassing of mantle-derived volatiles and contribution of crust-derived and atmosphere-derived volatiles. Given the widespread occurrence of differentiated magmatism at arcs, we suggest that AFCD is responsible for large-scale occurrence of 3He-rich crustal fluids and of atmospheric-like rare gases in arc emanations, and that most of the volatiles are lost continuously during fractional crystallisation, rather than catastrophically during eruptions.  相似文献   

Major element, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cr and V analyses as well as 13 new rare earth element (REE) analyses are presented for the greywacke basement surrounding the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ). On this basis the basement rocks are divided into a Western Basement of approximately andesitic composition ( 62% SiO2) and an Eastern Basement of approximately granodiorite composition ( 75% SiO2). These analyses, 5 new REE analyses for the rhyolites, and published data for the volcanic rocks of TVZ are used to investigate the petrogenesis of rhyolitic rocks in the area.Least-squares mixing calculations for major elements show that 88% fractional crystallisation of high-alumina basalt produces a liquid of rhyolitic bulk composition, but Rayleigh fractionation models show that the trace element concentrations of the rhyolites are inconsistent with basalt fractionation. 57% fractionation of the assemblage plagioclase (35.6%), orthopyroxene (9.7%), clinopyroxene (7.8%), ilmenite (0.6%) and magnetite (3.4%) from a plagioclase-pyroxene andesite can produce liquids of rhyolitic bulk composition. REE concentrations produced by this model are consistent with those observed in the rhyolites but predicted Ba and Rb values are lower and V concentrations are higher than those in the rhyolites. Andesite fractionation also produces an unrealistic fractionation of the Cr/V ratio.A non-modal melting model involving 35% melting of a granulitic assemblage (plagioclase + quartz + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + biotite + magnetite + cordierite) with a bulk composition equivalent to the Western Basement can reproduce the REE pattern of the rhyolites as well as the concentrations of Rb and Ba. Sr values remain anomalously high, but the Cr/V ratio does not indicate fractionation. Absolute values of Cr and V are within the uncertainties of published crystal—liquid partition coefficients. The rhyolites have relatively flat REE patterns (La/Yb 7.5), as do the greywackes (La/Yb 8.2), so it is therefore unlikely that the rhyolites equilibrated with a garnet or amphibole-bearing assemblage.  相似文献   

Surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), temperature, salinity, nutrients, and chlorophyll a were measured in the East China Sea (ECS; 31°30′–34°00′N to 124°00′–127°30′E) in August 2003 (summer), May 2004 (spring), October 2004 (early fall), and November 2005 (fall). The warm and saline Tsushima Warm Current was observed in the eastern part of the survey area during four cruises, and relatively low salinity waters due to outflow from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) were observed over the western part of the survey area. Surface pCO2 ranged from 236 to 445 μatm in spring and summer, and from 326 to 517 μatm in fall. Large pCO2 (values >400 μatm) occurred in the western part of the study area in spring and fall, and in the eastern part in summer. A positive linear correlation existed between surface pCO2 and temperature in the eastern part of the study area, where the Tsushima Warm Current dominates; this correlation suggests that temperature is the major factor controlling surface pCO2 distribution in that area. In the western part of the study area, however, the main controlling factor is different and seasonally complex. There is large transport in this region of Changjiang Diluted Water in summer, causing low salinity and low pCO2 values. The relationship between surface pCO2 and water stability suggests that the amount of mixing and/or upwelling of CO2-rich water might be the important process controlling surface pCO2 levels during spring and fall in this shallow region. Sea–air CO2 flux, based on the application of a Wanninkhof [1992. Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 7373–7382] formula for gas transfer velocity and a set of monthly averaged satellite wind data, were −5.04±1.59, −2.52±1.81, 1.71±2.87, and 0.39±0.18 mmol m−2 d−1 in spring, summer, early fall, and fall, respectively, in the northern ECS. The ocean in this study area is therefore a carbon sink in spring and summer, but a weak source or in equilibrium with the atmosphere in fall. If the winter flux value is assumed to have been the mean of autumnal and vernal values, then the northern ECS absorbs about 0.013 Pg C annually. That result suggests that the northern ECS is a net sink for atmospheric CO2, a result consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

Detailed geochemistry supported by geologic mapping has been used to investigate Sulphur Springs, an acid-sulfate hot spring system that issues from the western flank of the resurgent dome inside Valles Caldera. The most intense activity occurs at the intersection of faults offsetting caldera-fill deposits and post-caldera rhyolites. Three geothermal wells in the area have encountered pressures <1 MPa and temperatures of 200°C at depths of 600 to 1000 m. Hot spring and fumarole fluids may discharge at boiling temperatures with pH 1.0 and SO4 8000 mg/l. These conditions cause argillic alterations throughout a large area.Non-condensible gases consist of roughly 99% CO2 with minor amounts of H2S, H2, and CH4. Empirical gas geothermometry suggests a deep reservoir temperature of 215 to 280°C. Comparison of 13C and 18O between CaCO3 from well cuttings and CO2 from fumarole steam indicates a fractionation temperature between 200 and 300°C by decarbonation of hydrothermally altered Paleozoic limestone and vein calcite in the reservoir rocks. Tritium concentrations obtained from steam condensed in a mudpot and deep reservoir fluids (Baca #13, 278°C) are 2.1 and 1.0 T.U. respectively, suggesting the steam originates from a reservoir whose water is mostly >50 yrs old. Deuterium contents of fumarole steam, deep reservoir fluid, and local meteoric water are practically identical even though 18O contents range through 4‰, thus, precipitation on the resurgent dome of the caldera could recharge the hydrothermal system by slow percolation. From analysis of D and 18O values between fumarol steam and deep reservoir fluid, steam reaches the surface either (1) by vaporizing relatively shallow groundwater at 200°C or (2) by means of a two-stage boiling process through an intermediate level reservoir at roughly 200°C.Although many characteristics of known vapor-dominated geothermal systems are found at Sulphur Springs, fundamental differences exist in temperature and pressure of our postulated vapor-zone. We propose that the reservoir beneath Sulphur Springs is too small or too poorly confined to sustain a “true” vapor-dominated system and that the Sulphur Springs system may be a “dying” vapor-dominated system that has practically boiled itself dry.  相似文献   

The Fukuoka District Meteorological Observatory recently logged three possible deep low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) beneath eastern Kyushu, Japan, a region in which LFEs and low-frequency tremors have never before been identified. To assess these data, we analyzed band-pass filtered velocity seismograms and relocated LFEs and regular earthquakes using the double-difference method. The results strongly suggest that the three events were authentic LFEs, each at a depth of about 50 km. We also performed relocation analysis on LFEs recorded beneath the Kii Peninsula and found that these LFEs occurred near the northwest-dipping plate interface at depths of approximately 29–38 km. These results indicate that LFEs in southwest Japan occur near the upper surface of the subducting Philippine Sea (PHS) plate. To investigate the origin of regional differences in the occurrence frequency of LFEs in western Shikoku, the Kii Peninsula, and eastern Kyushu, we calculated temperature distributions associated with PHS plate subduction. Then, using the calculated thermal structures and a phase diagram of water dehydration for oceanic basalt, the water dehydration rate (wt.%/km), which was newly defined in this study, was determined to be 0.19, 0.12, and 0.08 in western Shikoku, the Kii Peninsula, and eastern Kyushu, respectively; that is, the region beneath eastern Kyushu has the lowest water dehydration rate value. Considering that the Kyushu–Palau Ridge that is subducting beneath eastern Kyushu is composed of tonalite, which is low in hydrous minerals, this finding suggests that the regionality may be related to the amount of water dehydration associated with subduction of the PHS plate and/or differences in LFE depths. Notable dehydration reactions take place beneath western Shikoku and the Kii Peninsula, where the depth ranges for dehydration estimated by thermal modeling agree well with those for the relocated LFEs. The temperature range in which LFEs occur in these regions is estimated to be 400–500 °C.  相似文献   

We report the first measurements of CO2 solubility in molten basalt at pressures comparable to those at which submarine basalts erupt. A basalt from the Juan de Fuca ridge was equilibrated with CO2-rich vapor at 1200°C, 100–1500 bar for up to four hours. After quenching, the glass was analyzed for dissolved carbonate ions by infrared spectroscopy. No forms of dissolved CO2 other than carbonate were detected. CO2 solubility is roughly a linear function of pressure at these low pressures. The experimentally determined solubility differs from previous estimates based on CO2 concentrations of submarine glasses, on CO2 solubilities in basaltic liquids at significantly higher pressures, and on CO2 concentrations of glasses equilibrated with H2OCO2 vapor. Our results are compatible with those obtained previously at higher pressures on a molten Kilauea tholeiite only if there is a significant positive dependence of carbonate solubility on temperature.CO2 contents of mid-ocean ridge glasses measured by infrared spectroscopy are generally higher than would be expected based on solubilities at the hydrostatic pressures for the water depths from which the glasses were recovered, but the lowest dissolved CO2 contents agree with the experimentally determined solubilities. We propose that submarine glasses with low CO2 contents were quenched from magmas that were able to degas because they rose slowly from depth. The common occurrence of glasses with dissolved CO2 contents in excess of the experimentally determined solubility suggests they were quenched from magmas that ascended too rapidly to degas fully. In conjunction with our solubility data, the highest CO2 contents allow minimum estimates of depths to magma chambers. Depths of 2.3 km beneath the ridge are indicated for the East Pacific Rise at 21°N, in agreement with geophysical constraints.  相似文献   

Haixiang  Zhang  Hecai  Niu  Hiroaki  Sato  Xueyuan  Yu  Qiang  Shan  Boyou  Zhang  Jun'ichi  Ito  Takashi  Nagao 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):55-68
Abstract   Volcanic rocks consisting of adakite and Nb-enriched basalt are found in the early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Group in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, northwest China. The geochemical characteristics of the andesitic and dacitic rocks in this area resemble that of adakites. The relatively high Al2O3, Na2O and MgO content and Mg values indicate that the adakites were generated in relation to oceanic slab subduction rather than the partial melting of basaltic crust. A slightly higher SrI and a lower ɛ Nd( t  = 375 Ma) compared to adakites of mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) imply that slab sediments were incorporated into these adakites during slab melting. The Nb-enriched basalt lavas, which are intercalated in adakite lava suite, are silica saturated and are distinguished from the typical arc basalts by their higher Nb and Ti content (high field strength element enrichment). They are derived from the partial melting of the slab melt-metasomatized mantle wedge peridotite. Apparently, positive Sr anomalies and a slightly higher heavy rare earth element content in these adakites compared to their Cenozoic counterparts indicate that the geothermal gradient in the Paleo-Asian Oceanic subduction zone and the depth of the Paleo-Asian Oceanic slab melting are between those of their Archean and Cenozoic counterparts. The distribution of the adakites and Nb-enriched basalts in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, indicates that the Paleo-Asian Oceanic Plate subducted southward beneath the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate in the early Devonian period.  相似文献   

The origin of Arenal basaltic andesite can be explained in terms of fractional crystallization of a parental high-alumina basalt (HAB), which assimilates crustal rocks during its storage, ascent and evolution. Contamination of this melt by Tertiary calc-alkalic intrusives (quartz–diorite and granite, with 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging 0.70381–0.70397, nearly identical with those of the Arenal lavas) occurs at upper crustal levels, following the interaction of ascending basaltic magma masses with gabbroic–anorthositic layers. Fragments of these layers are found as inclusions within Arenal lavas and tephra and may show reaction rims (1–5 mm thick, consisting of augite, hypersthene, bytownitic–anorthitic plagioclase, and granular titanomagnetite) at the gabbro–lava interface. These reaction rims indicate that complete `assimilation' was prevented since the temperature of the host basaltic magma was not high enough to melt the gabbroic materials (whose mineral phases are nearly identical to the early formed liquidus phases in the differentiating HAB). Olivine gabbros crystallized at pressure of about 5–6 kbar and equilibrated with the parental HAB at pressures of 3–6 kbar (both under anhydrous and hydrous conditions), and temperatures ranging 1000–1100°C. In particular, `deeper' interactions between the mafic inclusions and the hydrous basaltic melt (i.e., with about 3.5 wt.% H2O) are likely to occur at 5.4 (±0.4) kbar and temperatures approaching 1100°C. The olivine gabbros are thus interpreted as cumulates which represent crystallized portions of earlier Arenal-type basalts. Some of the gabbros have been `mildly' tectonized and recrystallized to give mafic granulites that may exhibit a distinct foliation. Below Arenal volcano a zoned magma chamber evolved prior the last eruptive cycle: three distinct andesitic magma layers were produced by simple AFC of a high-alumina basalt (HAB) with assimilation of Tertiary quartz–dioritic and granitic rocks. Early erupted 1968 tephra and 1969 lavas (which represent the first two layers of the upper part of a zoned magma chamber) were produced by simple AFC, with fractionation of plagioclase, pyroxene and magnetite and concomitant assimilation of quartz–dioritic rocks. Assimilation rates were constant (r1=0.33) for a relative mass of magma remaining of 0.77–0.80, respectively. Lavas erupted around 1974 are less differentiated and represent the `primitive andesitic magma type' residing within the middle–lower part of the chamber. These lavas were also produced by simple AFC: assimilation rates and the relative mass of magma remaining increased of about 10%, respectively (r1=0.36, and F=0.89). Ba enrichment of the above lavas is related to selective assimilation of Ba from Tertiary granitic rocks. Lava eruption occurred as a dynamic response to the intrusion of a new magma into the old reservoir. This process caused the instability of the zoned magma column inducing syneruptive mixing between portions of two contiguous magma layers (both within the column itself and at lower levels where the new basalt was intruded into the reservoir). Syneruptive mixing (mingling) within the middle–upper part of the chamber involved fractions of earlier gabbroic cumulitic materials (lavas erupted around 1970). On the contrary, within the lower part of the chamber, mixing between the intruded HAB and the residing andesitic melt was followed by simple fractional crystallization (FC) of the hybrid magma layer (lavas erupted in 1978–1980). By that time the original magma chamber was completely evacuated. Lavas erupted in 1982/1984 were thus modelled by means of `open system' AFCRE (i.e., AFC with continuous recharge of a fractionating magma batch during eruption): in this case assimilation rates were r1=0.33 and F=0.86. Recharge rates are slightly higher than extrusion rates and may reflect differences in density (between extruded and injected magmas), together with dynamic fluctuations of these parameters during eruption. Ba and LREE (La, Ce) enrichments of these lavas can be related to selective assimilation of Tertiary granitic and quartz–dioritic rocks. Calculated contents for Zr, Y and other REE are in acceptable agreement with the observed values. It is concluded that simple AFC occurs between two distinct eruption cycles and is typical of a period of repose or mild and decreasing volcanic activity. On the contrary, magma mixing, eventually followed by fractional crystallization (FC) of the hybrid magma layer, occurs during an ongoing eruption. Open-system AFCRE is only operative when the original magma chamber has been totally replenished by the new basaltic magma, and seems a prelude to the progressive ceasing of a major eruptive cycle.  相似文献   

Cinder cones at Crater Lake are composed of high-alumina basaltic to andesitic scoria and lavas. The Williams Crater Complex, a basaltic cinder cone with andesitic to dacitic lava flows, stands on the western edge of the caldera, against an andesite flow from Mount Mazama. Bombs erupted from Williams Crater contain cores of banded andesite and dacite, similar to those erupted during the climatic eruption of Mount Mazama.Major- and trace-element variations exhibit an increase in incompatible elements and a decrease in compatible elements, consistent with crystal fractionation of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and magnetite. LREE patterns in the rocks are irregular; each successive basalt is enriched in LREE relative to the preceding andesite.Compositional variations in the magmas of the cinder cones suggest that three magmatic processes were involved, partial melting, fractional crystallization, and magma mixing. Partial melting of more than one source produced primary basaltic magma(s). Subsequent mixing and fractional crystallization produced the more differentiated basaltic to andesitic magmas.  相似文献   

The chemical and isotopic compositions of volcanic gases at a borehole and a natural fumarole in the Owakudani geothermal area, Hakone volcano, Japan, have been repeatedly measured since 2001, when a seismic swarm occurred in the area. The CO2/H2O and CO2/H2S ratios were high in 2001. It increased in 2006 and again in 2008 when seismic swarms occurred beneath the geothermal area. The observed increases suggest the injection of CO2- and SO2-rich magmatic gas into the underlying hydrothermal reservoir, implying that the magmatic gas was episodically supplied to the hydrothermal system in 2006 and 2008. The earthquake swarms probably resulted from the injection of gas through the shallow crust accompanying the break of the sealing zone.  相似文献   

A series of large hydrothermal eruptions occurred across the Waiotapu geothermal field at about the same (prehistoric) time as the ~AD1315 Kaharoa rhyolite magmatic eruptions from Tarawera volcano vents, 10–20 km distant. Triggering of the Waiotapu hydrothermal eruptions was previously attributed to displacement of the adjacent Ngapouri Fault. The Kaharoa rhyolite eruptions are now recognised as primed and triggered by multiple basalt intrusions beneath the Tarawera volcano. A ~1000 t/day pulse of CO2 gas is recorded by alteration mineralogy and fluid inclusions in drill core samples from Waiotapu geothermal wells. This CO2 pulse is most readily sourced from basalt intruded at depth, and although not precisely dated, it appears to be associated with the Waiotapu hydrothermal eruptions. We infer that the hydrothermal eruptions at Waiotapu were primed by intrusion of the same arrested basalt dike system that drove the rhyolite eruptions at Tarawera. This dike system was likely similar at depth to the dike that generated basalt eruptions from a 17 km-long fissure that formed across the Tarawera region in AD1886. Fault ruptures that occurred in the Waiotapu area in association with both the AD1886 and ~AD1315 eruptions are considered to be a result, rather than a cause, of the dike intrusion processes.Editorial responsibility: J. Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   

In order to understand the role of the subducted lithosphere in producing the geochemical characteristics of arc magmas, major- and trace-element along with Sr- and Nd-isotope compositions have been determined for Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Izu-Bonin intra-oceanic arc. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios decrease away from the volcanic front of this arc and lie on mixing lines between the assumed isotopic compositions of fluid phases mainly derived from the basalt layer of the subducted lithosphere and upper-mantle materials in the sub-arc wedge. This across-arc variation can be explained through a simple sequence of processes involving initial release of fluid phases from the subducted oceanic crust to produce hydrous peridotite at the base of the mantle wedge. This hydrous peridotite is dragged downward with the slab and releases a second-stage metasomatizing fluid beneath the volcanic arc. The higher concentrations of both Sr and Nd in the fluid beneath the volcanic front than those beneath the back-arc side may be a possible cause of the observed across-arc variation in Sr-Nd isotopic ratios. The difference in compositions of fluid phases is attributed to the different hydrous phases which decompose in the hydrous peridotite layer; amphibole beneath the volcanic front and phlogopite beneath the back-arc side of the volcanic arc. The mineralogically controlled fluid addition may also be responsible for the across-arc variation in Rb/K and Rb/Zr ratios, increasing away from the volcanic front.  相似文献   

Application of various chemical geothermometers and mixing models indicate underground temperatures of 260°C, 280°C and 265°C in the Geysir, Hveravellir and Landmannalaugar geothermal fields in Iceland, respectively. Mixing of the hot water with cold water occurs in the upflow zones of all these geothermal systems. Linear relations between chloride, boron and δ18O constitute the main evidence for mixing, which is further substantiated by chloride, silica and sulphate relations in the Geysir and Hveravellir fields.A new carbonate-silica mixing model is proposed which is useful in distinguishing boiled and non-boiled geothermal waters. This model can also be used to estimate underground temperatures using data from warm springs. This model, as well as the chloride-enthalpy model and the Na-Li, and CO2-gas geothermometers, invariably yield similar results as the quartz geothermometer sometimes also does. By contrast, the Na-K and the Na-K-Ca geothermometers yield low values in the case of boiling hot springs, largely due to loss of potassium from solution in the upflow. The results of these geothermometers are unreliable for mixed waters due to leaching subsequent to mixing.  相似文献   

Studies of the geology, geochemistry of thermal waters, and of one exploratory geothermal well show that two related hot spring systems discharge in Canõn de San Diego at Soda Dam (48°C) and Jemez Springs (72°C). The hot springs discharge from separate strands of the Jemez fault zone which trends northeastward towards the center of Valles Caldera. Exploration drilling to Precambrian basement beneath Jemez Springs encountered a hot aquifer (68°C) at the top of Paleozoic limestone of appropriate temperature and composition to be the local source of the fluids in the surface hot springs at Jemez Springs. Comparisons of the soluble elements Na, Li, Cl, and B, arguments based on isotopic evidence, and chemical geothermometry indicate that the hot spring fluids are derivatives of the deep geothermal fluid within Valles Caldera. No hot aquifer was discovered in or on top of Precambrian basement. It appears that low- to moderate-temperature geothermal reservoirs (< 100°C) of small volume are localized along the Jemez fault zone between Jemez Springs and the margin of Valles Caldera.  相似文献   

Quaternary volcanoes in the Padang area on the west coast of Sumatra have produced two-pyroxene, calc-alkaline andesite and volumetrically subordinate rhyolitic and andesitic ash-flow tuffs. A sequence of andesite (pre-caldera), rhyolitic tuff and andesitic tuff, in decreasing order of age, is related to Maninjau caldera. Andesite compositions range from 55.0 to 61.2% SiO2 and from 1.13 to 2.05% K2O. Six K-Ar whole-rock age determinations on andesites show a range of 0.27 ± 0.12 to 0.83 ± 0.42 m.y.; a single determination on the rhyolitic ashflow tuff gave 0.28 ± 0.12 m.y.Eight 57Sr/26Sr ratios on andesites and rhyolite tuff west of the Semangko fault zone are in the range 0.7056 – 0.7066. These ratios are higher than those elsewhere in the Sunda arc but are comparable to the Taupo volcanic zone of New Zealand and calc-alkaline volcanics of continental margins. An 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7048 on G. Sirabungan east of the Semangko fault is similar to an earlier determination on nearby G. Marapi (0.7047), and agrees with 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the rest of the Sunda arc. The reason for this distribution of 87Sr/86Sr ratios is unknown.The high 87Sr/86Sr ratios are tentatively regarded to reflect a crustal source for the andesites, while moderately fractionated REE patterns with pronounced negative Eu anomalies suggest a residue enriched in plagioclase with hornblende and/or pyroxenes. Generation of associated andesite and rhyolite could have been caused by hydrous fractional melting of andesite or volcanogenic sediments under adiabatic decompression.  相似文献   

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