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Yantai Harbour (37°33′15″N , 121°23′42″E) is situated at the north coast of Shandong Peninsula and is a large fishing and commercial port of North China. From June 1983 to May 1984, a yearly panel test on fouling organisms was carried out at the non-fixed jetties in the inner and outer harbour. The test method was according to "the Marine Survey  相似文献   

A six-to nine-fold increase in detection limits of the Brdic?ka polarographic assay for metallothioneins has been achieved through the employment of a commercially available static mercury drop electrode (SMDE) and reduced temperatures. At 16°C detectable concentrations of metallothionein (MT-1) from the crab Scylla serrata were in the range of 5 to 10 μg litre-1. Operating conditions and electrode preparation are discussed. For a number of thiolic molecules a linear relationship between polarographic response and either the number of cysteinyl residues or the molecular weight was noted. In the latter case on enhancement of response by sulfur-metal bonds is suggested. The utility of this assay permits a rapid quantitative assay for these proteins at basal levels in marine invertebrates and other organisms.  相似文献   

微塑料对海洋生物生态毒理学效应研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海洋环境中的微塑料主要来源于陆源塑料垃圾输入、海上船只塑料垃圾的丢弃和水产养殖业漂浮装置的废弃等.微塑料的大小、形状和颜色与海洋生物的食物相似,容易被海洋生物误食,由于微塑料自身的毒性及其表面吸附的有毒化学物,对海洋生物及其生态系统具有直接和潜在的危害.本研究主要综述了微塑料对海洋生物产生影响的途径、毒性效应及其效应机制的研究进展状况;提出未来应重点加强微塑料环境浓度的长期效应、微塑料与其他污染物的联合效应及其机制、微塑料效应的生物标志物筛选以及生态风险评估技术的研究等.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained during a four-year study of heavy metal distribution in certain organisms of the Ligurian Sea. The species which we have considered (mussels, mullet, shrimp and anchovies) were systematically sampled from December 1976 to December 1980, and were taken from the area between Punta del Mesco (east of Genoa) and Savona (west of Genoa).The metals (Hg, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn) were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry of the solutions obtained by mineralizing the samples with HNO3 at 90% in decomposition flasks fitted with a reflux condenser.The values obtained depend upon the place and year of sampling and are compared to values found by other authors for the same organisms in the other Italian seas.  相似文献   

于2017年6月至2018年5月在兴化湾口东北面进行污损生物周年挂板试验,全年共记录污损生物12门94种,群落组成以近岸暖水种为主,主要表现为典型的亚热带内湾型群落。网纹藤壶(Amphibalanus reticulatus)是最主要的优势种和代表种,其平均附着密度和湿重分别可达23 394ind./m~2和8 494. 4 g/m~2。其它优势种还有刚毛藻(Cladophora sp.)、叉节藻(Amphiroa sp.)、中胚花筒螅(Ectopleura crocea)、双列笔螅(Pennaria disticha)、细毛背鳞虫(Lepidonotus tenuisetosus)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)、福建牡蛎(Magallana angulata)、三角藤壶(Balanus trigonus)、加尔板钩虾(Stenothoe gallensis)、长鳃麦杆虫(Caprella equilibra)、角突麦杆虫(Caprella scaura)、大室别藻苔虫(Biflustra grandicella)、史氏菊海鞘(Botryllus schlosseri)等。夏季为污损生物的附着旺季,其附着厚度、覆盖面积、附着密度和湿重分别为30. 5 mm、100%、25 175 ind./m~2、8 783. 6 g/m~2,其次分别为秋季、春季和冬季,下半年的附着强度明显高于上半年,附着强度的垂直分布差异并不明显,主要区别在于表层有部分藻类附着,而底层几乎没有藻类分布。  相似文献   

汕头港污损生物生态研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1991年6月至1992年5月在汕头港进行污损生物挂板实验,同时调查港区浮标,码头和船底的污损生物,调查方法采用国际海洋调查规范。获119种生物,试板72种,浮标和船底70中,码头54种,其中,泥藤壶、网纹藤壶、僧帽牡蛎、翡翠胎贝、太平洋侧花海葵、双枝薮枝螅和双节螅的优势种。  相似文献   

Comparative pathological effects in three species of fish and six species of invertebrates were investigated using a chemically contaminated sediment from Black Rock Harbor (BRH), Connecticut, USA. Substances contained in BRH sediment are known to be genotoxic, carcinogenic, co-carcinogenic and tumor-promoting. Proliferative lesions were observed in winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) external, oral and esophageal epithelial surfaces, renal vascular and nephroblastic elements, and the pancreatic islets. Islet lesions included cystic adenomas and a diffuse islet proliferative condition, nesidioblastosis. In addition, pathology was enhanced when winter flounder were fed mussels (Mytilus edulis) previously exposed to BRH sediment. Neoplastic lesions developed in kidney tubule epithelia, gills, some regions of the gastrointestinal tract, neural elements and heart of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) exposed to BRH sediment for 30 days in the laboratory. In addition, renal carcinomas in three oysters had metastasized to the viseral ganglion. Lesions were also found in oysters exposed in situ in BRH and Long Island Sound for 30 or 36 days. Digestive diverticula, gills and kidneys appeared to be the prime organs affected in mussels, soft-shelled clams (Mya arenaria) and oysters exposed to BRH sediment. Mucous cell activity increased greatly in corals (Astrangia densa) while no microscopic lesions were detectable in lobster (Homarus americanus) exposed in the laboratory. Myxomas were also found in the hearts of < 5% of the mussels exposed in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The acute lethality and sublethal heavy metal contamination potential to marine organisms of a waste brine solution from a potash mining operation were determined. The brine was acutely lethal to marine organisms of the Bay of Fundy, Canada, at concentrations between 47 and 55‰ salinity (96-h LC50 values: threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, 47·7‰; polychaete worm, Nephtys incisa, 52·5‰; blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, lethal to whole animal and reduced ciliary activity of gills above 55‰).The brine diluted to sublethal concentrations (≤40‰) contained manganese (≤ 49·5 ×), copper and zinc (≤ 5·2 ×), lead (≤ 2·6 ×) and cadmium (≤ 0·7 ×) in decreasing order of enrichment relative to control seawater. Copper was accumulated in mussels exposed to these solutions over 44 days to the greatest degree (4 ·4 ×), followed by manganese and lead. Tissue lead concentration reached a steady value within 44 days and cadmium was not accumulated.  相似文献   

The Huanghe River estuary, as one of world-known large river estuary and its adjacent sea re-gion are important aquatic product base with rich marine product resources in North China. The au-thors collected about 60 species of fishes. crustacea. mollusca and polychaeta in this region (119°05′-20′E,37°15′-38°15′N) from Apri1 to May. 1984. The concentration of Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu in eachmarine organisms was measured and concentration factors of trace metals were calculated. The ashingmethods was used for sample treatments. The concentration of trace metals was determined by anti-adsorption physical coating mercury electrode inverse polarography (Davis A1660 Differential CathodRay Polarograph).  相似文献   

From June 1984 to May 1985, monthly and seasonal panel tests of fouling organisms were carried out on rafts at Tuoji Island. Seventy - three species were obtained. The occurring frequencies of the following species are all at least 30%: Ectocarpus confervoides, Polysiphonia urceolata, Tubularia mesembryanthmum, Cfytia edwardsi, Tubulipora pulchra, Celleporella hyalina, Mytilus edulis, Hiatella arctica, Caprella acanthogaster, Corophium crassicome, Jassa cf.falcata and Podocerus cf . inconspicuus. Large or calcareous species are not dominant ones. The wet weight is comparatively light, the yearly wet weight being 9.12 kg m-2. Attaching seasons of major species are from June to October and no bio - attachment occurs between January and April. Fouling organisms at Tuoji Island differ rather greatly from those in the harbours along the continental coast, showing the charcteristics of fouling organisms in the northern island harbours of China.  相似文献   

田伟  徐兆礼 《海洋学报》2015,37(6):120-127
2011年12月-2012年11月,在广西白龙半岛邻近海域进行周年污损生物挂板试验,共记录到污损生物60种,以亚热带暖水种为主,其中优势种类有河蜾蠃蜚Corophium acherusicum、钩虾Gammarus sp.、网纹藤壶Amphibalanus reticulatus、翡翠贻贝Perna viridis、华美盘管虫Hydroides elegans、太平洋侧花海葵Anthopleura nigrescens、冠瘤海鞘Styela canopus、凸壳肌蛤Musculus senhousia和多齿围沙蚕Perinereis nuntia。全年均有生物附着,四季平均附着密度和附着湿质量分别为45 136个/m2和4 246.03g/m2,其中以秋季附着密度最高,达到153 514个/m2,春季附着湿质量最大,为9 418.42g/m2。污损生物群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Pielou均匀度指数(J)和Margalef物种丰富度指数(d)均以夏季最高,冬季最低。丰度/生物量比较法结果表明,冬季、秋季、下半年和周年板上的污损生物群落结构不够稳定。  相似文献   

广东碣石湾污损生物生态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月至2009年4月,对广东碣石湾海域进行周年污损生物挂板试验,本次调查共记录该海域污损生物86种,多属于亚热带沿岸的广布种,其中优势种为网纹纹藤壶(Amphibalanus reticulatus)、翡翠股贻贝(Perna viridis)、太平洋侧花海葵(Anthopleurapacifica)、水云(E...  相似文献   

舟山枸杞水域的污损生物生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系1988年9月~1989年9月在舟山枸杞乌里西岙水域进行挂板试验的结果。共获污损生物135种,其中,近岸的油库码头获77种,远岸的养殖筏获110种。动物以亚热带高盐性种类为主,三角藤壶Balanustrigunus、小海葵Actinia、柯氏分胞孔苔虫Celleporinacostazii、西方三胞苔虫Tricelariaoccidentalis、艾氏美熄Cltiaedwardsi、广口小桧叶螅Sertularellamiurrensis等占优势,藻类常见的有长石莼Ulvalinza、肠浒苔Enteromorphyintestinalis和日本多管藻Polysiphoniajaponica。枸杞污损生物的附着期主要在夏季,附着量也以夏季最大。不同地点附着量的差异极大。夏季由于近岸三角藤壶大量附着,故生物量明显大子远岸,其他季节均是远岸大于近岸。夏季近岸三角藤壶的覆盖面积达100%,生物量达18119g/m2,占污损生物总生物量的98%。故夏季是污损生物防除的主要季节,三角藤壶是防除的主要对象。与1975~1976年嵊山污损生物进行比较,发现两地污损生物的种类组成和群落结构极为相似,说明10多年以来嵊山  相似文献   

本文以中国海洋经济为研究对象,基于面板回归方法及脉冲响应分析,对北部、东部和南部海洋经济带的海域使用对海洋经济的影响关系开展实证研究,选取2001-2015年填海造地、构筑物、围海、开放式和其他用海方式的海域使用面积为被解释变量,以同期人均GOP为解释变量,构建计量经济模型并进行实证分析,研究结果发现:①模型拟合效果较好,采用面板模型和脉冲响应来分析海域使用与海洋经济之间的关系具有较强的适用性;②三大海洋经济带海洋经济增长与海域使用之间的关系无论是在空间区域上还是在时间序列上差异性特征都很明显。  相似文献   

The diverse nature of the study of the effects of sublethal concentrations of selected trace metals on marine organisms is emphasised by means of a table. A plea is made for standardisation where possible and some suggestions are put forward as to how this may be achieved.  相似文献   

Engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) have been produced by nano-biotech companies in recent decades to generate innovative goods in various fields, including agriculture, electronics, biomedicine, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The nano-scale size of the particles can confer novel and significantly improved physical, chemical and biological properties to scientific phenomena and processes. As their applications to science and technology expand, the need to understand the putative noxious effects of ENPs on humans and ecosystems is becoming increasingly important. ENPs are emerging as a new class of pollutants with eco-toxicological impacts on marine ecosystems because the particles can end up in waterways and reach the sea. Recent laboratory studies in invertebrates and fishes suggest that exposure to ENPs could have harmful effects. Because there is not much data available for gauging the effects of ENPs on marine wildlife, the ultimate ecotoxicological impacts of chronic exposure to ENPs should be investigated further using laboratory tests and field studies. We propose the use of model organisms to understand the molecular pathways involved in the mechanisms that may be affected by exposure to ENPs. Sensitive and innovative molecular methods will provide information regarding the hazards of ENPs that may exist in the marine environment. Model organisms that have not been conventionally used for risk assessment and the development of eco-toxicogenomic approaches will result in an improved understanding of the mechanistic modes of action of contaminating ENPs in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Harmful benthic microalgae blooms are an emerging phenomenon causing health and economic concern, especially in tourist areas. This is the case of the Mediterranean Sea, where Ostreopsis ovata blooms occur in summer, with increasing regularity. Ostreopsis species produce palytoxin (PTX) and analogues, and a number of deaths directly associated with the ingestion of PTX contaminated seafood have been reported. PTX is considered one of the most toxic molecules occurring in nature and can provoke severe and sometimes lethal intoxications in humans. So far in temperate areas, O. ovata blooms were reported to cause intoxications of humans by inhalation and irritations by contact.In addition, invertebrate mass mortalities have been reported, possibly linked to O. ovata blooms, although other causes cannot be ruled out, such as oxygen depletion or high seawater temperature. In order to improve our knowledge about the direct toxicity of this species on invertebrate and vertebrate marine organisms, we performed an ecotoxicological screening to investigate the toxic effects of different concentrations of O. ovata (cultured in the laboratory and sampled in the field during blooms) on crustaceans and fish as model organisms. Artemia salina, Tigriopus fulvus, and Amphibalanus amphitrite larvae and juveniles of the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax were used as model species. Toxic effects associated with cultured O. ovata cells were investigated using a crossed design: testing two different temperatures (20 and 25 °C), four different cell concentrations, and four treatments (untreated O. ovata culture, filtered and resuspended algal cells, growth medium devoid of algal cells, and sonicated algal cells). The results indicate that the toxicity of cultured O. ovata is related to the presence of living O. ovata cells, and that this effect is amplified by temperature. Furthermore, both tests with laboratory cultured algae and field sampled cells pointed out that A. salina is the most sensitive species even at concentrations below the Environmental Alarm Threshold set by the Italian Ministry of Health.Some possible explanations of such sensitivity are discussed, taking into account evidence of O. ovata cells ingestion and the activity of its toxins on the Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

In a study of the fouling communities of petroleum platforms near the Louisiana coast, scraped samples were collected by divers at depths from 1 to 30 m. The main habitat-forming species were barnacles and pelecypods, which accounted for over 99% of the drained weight of the samples. Other abundant forms included ophiuroids, actiniarian and zoanthid anemones, caprellid and gammaridian amphipods, hydroids, bryozoans, tunicates, and clionid sponges. Although the fauna of both nearshore and offshore platforms included many cosmopolitan taxa, a number of tropical species more commonly found on coral reefs were collected on offshore platforms. Algal abundance was higher near the surface, especially at the nearshore platforms, and was higher off shore than near shore at all depths. There was no evidence that a produced water discharge on one of the platforms had any significant effect on community composition a few meters away from the point of discharge, although it was not possible to determine the chemical content of the discharge.  相似文献   

近海污损生物生态研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
污损生物是影响海洋设施安全与使用寿命的重要因素之一。由于地理位置和环境因素的差异,各近海海区污损生物群落的种类组成和结构特点会出现不同,但基本上均由双壳类和无柄蔓足类构成污损生物群落的主要框架。开展数学生态模型研究是准确预测污损生物群落形成和发展过程的关键,但这需以大量的实海调查资料及数据库的构建为基础。此外,探讨污损生物群落的演替变化机制还可为海洋恢复生态学的发展提供借鉴。因此,开展近海污损生物研究不仅在海洋产业具有极高的应用价值,而且在基础研究领域也具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

北部湾白龙半岛邻近海域污损生物生态研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
2006年3月至2007年2月在北部湾白龙半岛邻近海域进行周年污损生物挂板试验, 并调查该海域码头和养殖网箱的污损生物状况.调查结果表明: 该海域污损生物群落呈现明显的亚热带港湾污损生物生态特点.调查记录污损生物共82种, 其中优势种为网纹藤壶Balanus reticulatus、有孔右旋虫Dexiosprira foraminosus、左旋虫Spirorbis papillatus、多室草苔虫Bugula neritina、大室膜孔苔虫Membranipora grandicella、美丽琥珀苔虫Electra tenella、缘齿牡蛎Dendostrea crenulifera、冠瘤海鞘Styela canopus和翡翠贻贝Perna viridis.生物全年附着, 2006年5-10月为附着高峰期.北部湾白龙邻近海域的月板、季板和年板平均附着生物量分别为200.54、2 550.37和15 121.67g·m-2, 均比大亚湾和湛江港的低, 而比清澜港和北部湾涠州岛的高.码头附着生物呈明显的垂直分带现象: 高潮带为滨螺区, 中潮带为牡蛎-笠藤壶分布带, 低潮带主要为藻类.在调查的基础上, 还针对海洋工程、海水养殖和河口生态环境保护给出不同的防污建议.  相似文献   

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