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Bangladesh is highly vulnerableto floods due to its geographical location at the deltas of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna (GBM) rivers. About 92.5 per cent of the area of three basins lies outside the boundaries of the country. More than 80 per cent of the annual precipitation of Bangladesh occurs in the monsoon period between June and September. The hydro-meteorological characteristics of the three river basins are unique and they often cause large to extremely large floods in Bangladesh. It is possible that these floods could inundate 70 per cent of the country and the physical damage could be very serious for the economy of Bangladesh with its low gross domestic product (GDP). In 1987, 1988 and 1998, Bangladesh experienced three extreme floods, leaving trails of devastation and human misery. In this article it is demonstrated that these floods differed in terms of magnitude, extent, depth and duration. The external and internal hydro-meteorological dynamics were also different.  相似文献   

Application of hornblende thermobarometry and fluid inclusion studies to the Palaeoproterozoic (1.7 Ga) basement rocks from Maddhapara, NW Bangladesh, provide information on the pressure and temperature (P–T) conditions of crystallization, the emplacement depth and composition of magmatic fluid. The basement rocks are predominantly diorite or quartz diorite with a mineral assemblage of plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, quartz, K-feldspar, titanite, and secondary epidote and chlorite. The calculated P–T conditions of the dioritic rocks are 680–725 °C and 4.9–6.4 kbar, which probably correspond to crystallization conditions. Fluid inclusion studies suggest that low- to medium-salinity (0–6.4 wt.% NaCleq) H2O-rich fluids are trapped during the crystallization of quartz and plagioclase. The isochore range calculated for primary aqueous inclusions is consistent with the P–T condition obtained by geothermobarometry. The basement rocks likely crystallized at a depth of 17–22 km, with a minimum average exhumation rate of 12–15 m/Ma during Palaeoproterozoic to Lopingian time. Such slow exhumation indicates low relief continental shield surface during this period.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature and causes of September 2004 hazardous flood that affected the dry and drought prone southwestern region of Bangladesh. It also examines human perception of this new hazard and their methods of adjustments to its negative impacts. Field research for this study includes personal interviews of 453 victim families living in four thanas (lowest administrative units) in Jessore and Satkhira districts of southwestern Bangladesh. Findings of the study suggest that all victim respondents viewed this flood event as a natural hazard, which has caused severe damage to standing crops, fish ponds, permanent trees and homesteads, and deteriorated human health and sanitation conditions. Its long-term impacts on fish farming, soil quality degradation, as well as changing land use/land coverage are also noteworthy but yet to be adequately explored. Both perceived and scientific causes of this flood event include high rainfall for a week before the flood, unusual movement of low pressure system into the affected area, cloudy weather and low evaporation, siltation of the regional riverbeds, and rolling back of the Ganges River water through the Ichamati and Bhagirati rivers. These factors also caused hazardous flooding at the same time in the Ichamati and Bhagirati Rivers and their floodplains in the West Bengal province of India. To release the overflow of flood water inside India, the Indian border patrol breached the Ichamati river embankment in several places along Satkhira and Jessore international border which had aggravated the flood situation in the study area.  相似文献   

Emdad Haque  C. 《Natural Hazards》1997,16(2-3):181-202
In probabilistic terms, Bangladesh is prone, to at least one major 'tropical cyclone' every year. This situation is primarily due to the geographical location of Bangladesh in tropical Asia, and to its concave coastline and shallow continental shelf. The devastating impact of such cyclones on humans stems from a combination of intense human occupation of the area, predominance of traditional sociocultural values and religion, the precarious socioeconomic conditions of the majority of the coastal inhabitants, and the lack of a coordinated institutional disaster planning and management strategy. Bangladesh has experienced several catastrophic environmental disasters during the last decade; among these events, the 1991 April cyclone was the most catastrophic in terms of both physical and human dimensions.An initial study was carried out in the coastal regions of Bangladesh less than two weeks after they were hit by the severe cyclone of 29 April 1991. This research examined the process through which warning of the impending disastrous cyclone was received by the local communities and disseminated throughout the coastal regions of Bangladesh. It was found that the identification of the threatening condition due to atmospheric disturbance, the monitoring of the hazard event, and the dissemination of the cyclone warning were each very successful. The present study followed up on the initial research by surveying 267 respondents with an elaborate survey instrument, focusing on the most crucial academic and planning issues identified in the 1991 study. In particular, the nature and characteristics of the cyclone preparedness of the coastal inhabitants were assessed by the study; other factors considered included rural-urban variations, mainland-island differences, the nature and role of previous knowledge, and the disaster experience.The survey results show the variety of indigenous adjustment mechanisms that help to rehabilitate the survivors; also visible are the profound roles played by the social inequality variables and the magnitude of physical vulnerability in influencing the disaster loss and recovery process. The study recommends that hazard mitigation policies should be integrated with national economic development plans and programs. Specifically, it is suggested that the cyclone warning system should incorporate the human response to warnings as its constituent part, and in this way accommodating human dimensions in its operational design.  相似文献   

Occurrences of arsenic (As) in the Bengal Basin of Bangladesh show close relationships with depositional environments and sediment textures. Hydrochemical data from three sites with varying physiography and sedimentation history show marked variations in redox status and dissolved As concentrations. Arsenic concentration in groundwater of the Ganges Flood Plain (GFP) is characteristically low, where high Mn concentrations indicate redox buffering by reduction of Mn(IV)-oxyhydroxides. Low DOC, \( {\text{HCO}}^{ - }_{3} \), \( {\text{NH}}^{ + }_{4} \) and high \( {\text{NO}}^{ - }_{3} \) and \( {\text{SO}}^{{2 - }}_{4} \) concentrations reflect an elevated redox status in GFP aquifers. In contrast, As concentration in the Ganges Delta Plain (GDP) is very high along with high Fe and low Mn. In the Meghna Flood Plain (MFP), moderate to high As and Fe concentrations and low Mn are detected. Degradation of organic matter probably drives redox reactions in the aquifers, particularly in MFP and GDP, thereby mobilising dissolved As. Speciation calculations indicate supersaturation with respect to siderite and vivianite in the groundwater samples at MFP and GDP, but groundwater in the GFP wells is generally supersaturated with respect to rhodochrosite. Values of log PCO2 at MFP and GDP sites are generally higher than at the GFP site. This is consistent with Mn(IV)-redox buffering suggested at the GFP site compared to Fe(III)-redox buffering at MFP and GDP sites.  相似文献   

We explore the contradictions between the ideals and principles of Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) and the local-level institutional processes encountered in their implementation. In particular, we examine the design, implementation, and outcomes of the Social Forestry Program (SFP) in the south-west coastal region of Bangladesh through case studies of two villages in Khulna District. The SFP was a component of the donor-funded Sundarban Biodiversity Conservation Project (SBCP), intended to improve the livelihoods of poor households and protect the landscape through strip plantations on both sides of the large embankments that surround the farming land in the coastal region. Our findings show the gap between the national and international context in which the SFP was formulated and the realities of the local context in which formal and informal institutions worked to frustrate the achievement of CBNRM ideals. Hence the SFP failed to significantly increase forest cover or improve the livelihoods of the target populations. We document the specific ways in which the SFP deviated from the assumptions of CBNRM. However, we conclude that the problem is systemic, related to the top-down imposition of a supposedly bottom-up process, and not simply a matter of improving project implementation. Thus improving rural livelihoods and natural resource management in complex marginal environments such as south-west coastal Bangladesh will require far more transformative institutional change than can be achieved by donor-initiated project interventions, no matter how worthy the ideals.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍“数字福建”项目中防震减灾空间信息资源改造的设计方案  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between near-surface lithology and the spatial variability of As concentrations using sediment grain-size analysis and electromagnetic induction survey in the southeast Bangladesh. It has been observed that the aquifers overlain by finer sediments have higher concentrations of As in groundwater, whereas As concentrations are remarkably low in aquifers having permeable sandy materials or thinner silt/clay layer at the surface. The near-surface lithology acts as a controlling factor for spatial distributions of groundwater As within the very shallow depths (<15 m). Shallow alluvial aquifers can provide low-As drinking water in many areas of the country when tube wells are properly installed after investigation of the overlying near-surface sediment attributes and hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

Arsenic contaminates groundwater across much of southern, central and eastern Bangladesh. Groundwater from the Holocene alluvium of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers locally exceeds 200 times the World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline value for drinking water of 10 µg/l of arsenic. Approximately 25% of wells in Bangladesh exceed the national standard of 50 µg/l, affecting at least 25 million people. Arsenic has entered the groundwater by reductive dissolution of ferric oxyhydroxides, to which arsenic was adsorbed during fluvial transport. Depth profiles of arsenic in pumped groundwater, porewater, and aquifer sediments show consistent trends. Elevated concentrations are associated with fine-sands and organic-rich sediments. Concentrations are low near the water table, rise to a maximum typically 20–40 m below ground, and fall to very low levels between about 100 and 200 m. Arsenic occurs mainly in groundwater of the valley-fill sequence deposited during the Holocene marine transgression. Groundwater from Pleistocene and older aquifers is largely free of arsenic. Arsenic concentrations in many shallow hand-tube wells are likely to increase over a period of years, and regular monitoring will be essential. Aquifers at more than 200 m below the floodplains offer good prospects for long-term arsenic-free water supplies, but may be limited by the threats of saline intrusion and downward leakage of arsenic.
Resumen El arsénico ha contaminado gran parte de las aguas subterráneas en el Sur, centro y Este de Bangla Desh. Su concentración en las aguas subterráneas del aluvial Holoceno de los ríos Ganges, Brahmaputra y Meghna supera localmente en un factor 200 el valor guía del arsénico en el agua potable, establecido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en 10 µg/L. Aproximadamente, el 25% de los pozos de Bangla Desh superan el estándar nacional de 50 µg/L, afectando al menos a 25 millones de personas. El arsénico ha llegado a las aguas subterráneas por la disolución reductora de hidróxidos férricos a los que se adsorbe durante el transporte fluvial. Los perfiles del arsénico en las aguas subterráneas bombeadas, agua de poro y sedimentos del acuífero muestran tendencias coherentes. Las concentraciones elevadas están asociadas a arenas finas y sedimentos ricos en materia orgánica. Las concentraciones de arsénico son bajas cerca del nivel freático, se incrementan hasta un máximo que se localiza generalmente a entre 20 y 40 m bajo la cota del terreno, y disminuyen a valores muy pequeños entre alrededor de 100 y 200 m. El arsénico se encuentra sobretodo en las aguas subterráneas existentes en la secuencia de sedimentación que tuvo lugar en el valle durante la transgresión marina del Holoceno. Las aguas subterráneas del Pleistoceno y acuíferos más antiguos están mayoritariamente libres de arsénico. Es probable que las concentraciones de arsénico aumenten en los próximos años en muchos pozos de tipo tubo perforados manualmente, por lo que será esencial efectuar un muestreo regular. Los acuíferos ubicados a más de 200 m bajo las llanuras de inundación ofrecen buenas perspectivas de abastecimiento a largo plazo sin problemas de arsénico, pero pueden estar limitados por las amenazas de la intrusión salina y de la precolación de arsénico desde niveles superiores.

Résumé Larsenic contamine les eaux souterraines dans la plus grande partie du sud, du centre et de lest du Bangladesh. Les eaux des nappes alluviales holocènes du Gange, du Brahmapoutre et de la Meghna dépassent localement 200 fois la valeur guide donnée par lOMS pour leau de boisson, fixée à 10 µg/l darsenic. Environ 25% des puits du Bangladesh dépassent la valeur standard nationale de 50 µg/l, affectant au moins 25 millions de personnes. Larsenic a été introduit dans les nappes par la dissolution par réduction doxy-hydroxydes ferriques sur lesquels larsenic était adsorbé au cours du transport fluvial. Des profils verticaux darsenic dans leau souterraine pompée, dans leau porale et dans les sédiments des aquifères montrent des tendances convergentes. Les concentrations élevées sont associées à des sédiments à sable fin et riches en matières organiques. Les concentrations sont faibles au voisinage de la surface de la nappe, atteignent un maximum typiquement entre 20 et 40 m sous le sol, puis tombent à des niveaux très bas entre 100 et 200 m. Larsenic est surtout présent dans les eaux souterraines de la séquence de remplissage de vallée déposée au cours de la transgression marine holocène. Les eaux souterraines des aquifères pléistocènes et plus anciens sont très largement dépourvus darsenic. Les concentrations en arsenic dans de nombreux puits creusés à la main doivent probablement augmenter au cours des prochaines années ; aussi un suivi régulier est essentiel. Les aquifères à plus de 200 m sous les plaines alluviales offrent de bonnes perspectives pour des alimentations en eau sans arsenic à long terme, mais ils peuvent être limités par les risques dintrusion saline et la drainance descendante de larsenic.

西北地区特色作物对气候变化响应及应对技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
总结了白兰瓜、 大樱桃、 酿酒葡萄、 苹果、 桃、 当归、 党参、 黄芪、 甘草、 枸杞等10种特色作物的生长发育、 种植区域、 气象灾害、 生物量、 产量与品质等对现代气候暖干化的响应特征. 结果表明: 气候暖干化使多年生特色作物萌芽或返青提早, 生长发育速度提前加快; 瓜果类作物全生育期缩短, 根类作物全生育期延长; 使种植区的高度提高150 m左右, 向更高纬度扩展, 种植面积迅速扩大. 对旱作农业区的特色作物气候产量下降, 对灌溉农业区的影响较少, 有利于喜温凉特色作物气候产量增加, 对较耐旱的影响较轻, 对不够耐旱受到较大的影响.有利于提高瓜果类作物的品质, 尤其含糖量提高. 提出了建立特色作物种植基地或示范区, 实现农工商产业系列服务, 创建现代农业发展模式和管理新模式适应气候变化; 制定精细化综合农业自然资源区划, 合理调整种植结构; 根据未来气候预测和不同气候年型调整作物种植比例; 加强气象灾害监测、 评估、 预警与防御工作等4个方面的措施应对气候暖干化.  相似文献   

 Arsenic toxicity in groundwater in the Ganges delta and some low-lying areas in the Bengal basin is confined to middle Holocene sediments. Dissected terraces and highlands of Pleistocene and early Holocene deposits are free of such problems. Arsenic-rich pyrite or other arsenic minerals are rare or absent in the affected sediments. Arsenic appears to occur adsorbed on iron hydroxide-coated sand grains and clay minerals and is transported in soluble form and co-precipitated with, or is scavenged by, Fe(III) and Mn(IV) in the sediments. It became preferentially entrapped in fine-grained and organic-rich sediments during mid-Holocene sea-level rises in deltaic and some low-lying areas of the Bengal basin. It was liberated subsequently under reducing conditions and mediated further by microbial action. Intensive extraction of groundwater for irrigation and application of phosphate fertilizer possibly triggered the recent release of arsenic to groundwater. This practice has induced groundwater flow, mobilizing phosphate derived from fertilizer, as well as from decayed organic matter, which has promoted the growth of sediment biota and aided the further release of arsenic. However, the environment is not sufficiently reducing to mobilize iron and arsenic in groundwater in the Ganges floodplains upstream of Rajmahal. Thus, arsenic toxicity in the groundwater of the Bengal basin is caused by its natural setting, but also appears to be triggered by recent anthropogenic activities. Received: 23 August 1999 · Accepted: 16 November 1999  相似文献   

在GIS支持下,应用TM遥感影像提取土地利用和土壤侵蚀的相关信息,采用叠加分析法研究了吉林省中部不同土地利用状况的土壤侵蚀规律。结果表明:吉林省中部土壤侵蚀整体呈减弱趋势,主要为占吉林省中部面积比例大的耕地侵蚀面积减少所致。但其他土地利用类型则表现为随着土地利用强度的增大,土壤侵蚀速度和侵蚀强度加剧。侵蚀类型由水蚀向风蚀转化,表明中部气候向干旱气候转化的趋势。不合理的土地利用是导致土壤侵蚀强度增大和气候向干旱转化的根本原因,进而又导致吉林省中部土地进一步退化,形成恶性循环。因此,进行水土资源优化利用和合理开发势在必行。  相似文献   

气候-构造相互作用是目前固体地球和全球变化中最前沿的核心科学问题,地表侵蚀是气候-构造之间的桥梁纽带,地层沉积速率则是地表侵蚀强弱的直接响应.祁连山北缘-河西走廊在约4~2Ma期间沉积了一套粗粒相磨拉石-玉门砾岩,是研究气候-构造相互作用的一个理想产物,目前其气候或构造的主要成因存在争议.本文尝试阐述祁连山北缘-河西走...  相似文献   

The elemental composition of organic matter and the major and trace element compositions of stream sediments from Myanmar (Ayeyarwady and Sittaung rivers) and Thailand (Mekong and Chao Phraya rivers, and their tributaries) were determined to examine their distributions, provenance, and chemical weathering processes. Higher total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) contents in the finer grained sediments indicate hydrodynamic energy may control their distributions. TOC/TN ratios indicate inputs of both aquatic macrophyte and higher vascular plant material to the river sediments. The major element abundances of the sediments are characterized by predominance of SiO2 in coarser fractions and a marked negative correlation with Al2O3, representing primary grain size primarily control on SiO2 content. Marked depletion of most labile elements (Na2O, CaO, K2O, Ba and Sr) relative to UCC (upper continental crust), indicate destruction of feldspar during chemical weathering in the source area or during transport. However, enrichment of some high field strength elements (Zr, Th, Ce and Y) relative to UCC and higher Zr/Sc ratios indicate moderate concentration of resistant heavy minerals in finer-grained samples. Discriminant diagrams and immobile trace element characteristics indicate that the Mekong, and Chao Phraya river sediments were largely derived from felsic sources with compositions close to typical rhyolite, dacite/granodiorite, UCC, I- and S-type granites. Relative enrichment of ferromagnesian elements (e.g. MgO, Cr, Ni) and high Cr/V and low Y/Ni ratios in Ayeyarwady and Sittaung sediments indicate the presence of a mafic or ultramafic component in their sources. The ICV (Index of Compositional Variability), CIA (Chemical Index of Alteration), PIA (Plagioclase Index of Alteration), αAl, Rb/Sr and K2O/Rb ratios indicate that the Ayeyarwady and Sittaung sediments record low to moderate degrees of chemical weathering in their source, compared to moderate to intense chemical weathering in the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins. These results are compatible with existing major ion data for river waters collected at the same locations.  相似文献   

Sediment and groundwater profiles were compared in two villages of Bangladesh to understand the geochemical and hydrogeological factors that regulate dissolved As concentrations in groundwater. In both villages, fine-grained sediment layers separate shallow aquifers (< 28 m) high in As from deeper aquifers (40-90 m) containing < 10 μg/L As. In one village (Dari), radiocarbon dating indicates deposition of the deeper aquifer sediments > 50 ka ago and a groundwater age of thousands of years. In the other village (Bay), the sediment is < 20 ka old down to 90 m and the deeper aquifer groundwater is younger, on the order of hundreds of years. The shallow aquifers in both villages that are high in As contain bomb-3H and bomb-14C, indicating recent recharge. The major and minor ion compositions of the shallow and deeper aquifers also differ significantly. Deeper aquifer water is of the Na+-HCO3- type, with relatively little dissolved NH4+ (76 ± 192 μmol/L), Fe (27 ± 43 μmol/L) and Mn (3 ± 2 μmol/L). In contrast, shallow aquifer water is of the Ca2+-Mg2+-HCO3- type, with elevated concentrations of dissolved NH4+ (306 ± 355 μmol/L), Fe (191 ± 73 μmol/L), and Mn (27 ± 43 μmol/L). In both villages, the quantity of As extractable from deeper aquifer sands with a 1 mol/L phosphate solution (0.2 ± 0.3 mg/kg, n = 12; 0.1 ± 0.1 mg/kg, n = 5) is 1 order of magnitude lower than P-extractable As from shallow deposits (1.7 ± 1.2 mg/kg, n = 9; 1.4 ± 2.0 mg/kg, n = 11). The differences suggest that the concentration of P-extractable As in the sediment is a factor controlling the concentration of As in groundwater. Low P-extractable As levels are observed in both deeper aquifers that are low in As, even though there is a large difference in the time of deposition of these aquifers in the two villages. The geochemical data and hydrographs presented in this study suggest that both Holocene and Pleistocene deeper aquifers that are low in As should be a viable source of drinking water as long as withdrawals do not exceed recharge rates of ∼1 cm/yr.  相似文献   

Whole rock major, trace and rare earth element (REE) compositions of Paleogene to Neogene sedimentary rocks of the NW shelf succession (Province 1) of Bangladesh contain a record of interaction of the India and Asian plates, Himalayan tectonism, and climatic development. Analyses of 66 sandstones and mudrocks from the Tertiary succession of Bangladesh were made to examine provenance, source weathering, and the influence of paleoclimate and tectonism. The sediments display linear geochemical trends due to quartz dilution, and varying quartz–clay ratios produced by hydrodynamic sorting. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for both sandstones and mudrocks from different groups are similar to upper continental crust, with moderate to high LREE enrichment (lithotypes within formations average LaN/YbN 5.31–11.41) and marked negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* 0.51–0.69). Based on geochemical criteria the succession can be divided into three parts (Jaintia; Barail–Surma; and Dupi Tila). Very high silica contents in Jaintia Tura sandstones and high Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) indices in Kopili mudrocks (Fe-shales) suggest derivation from a deeply weathered and stable cratonic source (India). The Tura sandstones are interpreted as first-cycle quartz arenites, produced while the Indian plate drifted across equatorial regions during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal maximum (PETM). The Barail–Surma and Dupi Tila sediments were derived from a felsic orogen (the Himalaya). The Barail–Surma sediments were mainly derived from the Trans Himalayan Batholith and associated granitoids, with significant contribution from the Lesser Himalaya. Mafic input is also evident, probably from intraoceanic arc material within the Himalaya. Barail mudrocks have uniformly high CIA values (92–95), suggesting intense steady-state weathering of their proto-Himalayan source, and warm and humid climate. In contrast, CIA values of Surma mudrocks range from 66 to 93 (average 84), suggesting non-steady state weathering related to active uplift in the Himalaya. The Dupi Tila sediments were derived from a more felsic Lesser Himalaya source, with significant contribution from the Trans-Himalaya and very little or no ophiolitic or arc material. Dupi Tila mudrocks have CIA ratios of 62–99 (average 72), also indicating non-steady state weathering in the rising Himalayan source. Geochemical compositions of the NW shelf sediments are comparable to coeval successions in the Surma basin (Province 2) of Bangladesh and the Siwaliks (India), indicating similar source. Evolution of the Indian monsoon and associated high precipitation caused intense chemical weathering of the Surma and Dupi Tila source, despite rapid uplift. The Surma Group thus bears the signature of evolution of the Asian monsoon in the Bengal basin at 21 Ma, simultaneous with the development of the East Asian monsoon. This supports proposals that both monsoon systems developed at the same time.  相似文献   

The present research deals with the geochemical characteristics of the Holocene sediments from Alamdanga area, Chuadanga district, Bangladesh. Main goals of the study are to delineate source rock characteristics, degree of chemical weathering and sorting processes and behavior of redox conditions during deposition of the sediments. Geochemical characteristics of the sediments show comparatively a wide variation in accordance with stratigraphy in their major element contents (e.g. SiO2 69.46-82.13, A1203 2.28-8.88 in wt%), reflecting the distinctive provenance and in part an unstable period in terms of tectonic activity. Geochemical classification of the sediments shows mostly sub-arkose with few sub-litharenites. Some major and trace elements display comprehensible correlation with A1203 confirming their possible hydraulic fraetionation. The chemical index of alteration (CIA*), W* index, index of compositional variability (ICV), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA*) values and the ratio of SIO2/Al2O3, suggest low degrees of chemical weathering in the source areas as well as immature to moderately mature the sediments. The sediments suggest semi-arid climatic trends within oxic deltaic depositional conditions during the Holocene, at 3-12 ka. Whole rock geochemistry and discrimination diagrams demonstrate the continental signature derivatives, which might have been derived from the felsic to intermediate igneous rocks (granitic plutonic rocks) as well as from quartzose sedimentary/metamorphic provenance. These typical sources are present in a vast region of the Himalayan belt and catchment areas of Ganges. The tectonic setting of the sediments demarcates typically passive margin with slightly continental arc system.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the importance of rejolladas to the Ancient Maya in and around the Classic Maya center of Xuenkal, Yucatán State, Mexico. Rejolladas are collapse sinkholes with bases above the local water table. We present a spatial and physical analysis of 186 rejolladas in a 10 × 10 km area centered on Xuenkal. Basal diameters range from ∼22 to 264 m, areas range from 0.04 to 5.48 ha, and depths range from 4 to 12 m. Spatial density ranges from 0 to 8 rejolladas/km2 with higher densities coinciding with known Ancient Maya settlements. Within Xuenkal, residential groups tend to be organized around and focused on the rejolladas. Some rejolladas have modified slopes that may be remnants of terraces or entry paths. High‐resolution satellite imagery analysis demonstrates that rejolladas have denser and healthier vegetation than the surrounding landscape especially in the dry season. Microclimate data demonstrate that the bottom of rejolladas has less extreme diurnal temperature ranges, lower daytime highs, higher atmospheric moisture, and significantly higher and more stable soil moisture. Based on the archaeology at Xuenkal, it appears that the Ancient Maya recognized and actively exploited these environmental microniches for intensive cultivation both locally and regionally.  相似文献   

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