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This paper examines the morphology and processes governing the development of shore platforms at Lake Waikaremoana, North Island, New Zealand. Shore platforms at Lake Waikaremoana are recent features, and were formed when a new sequence of shoreline development was initiated, due to lowering of the lake by 5 m in 1946 for hydroelectric power development. Three predominant platform morphologies were identified around the lake. These include gently sloping platforms (c.1·5 to 3·9°), ramp platforms (c.6·8 to 9·2°), and concave ramp platforms (c.7·9 to 12°). Platform widths ranged from 11 to 31 m, with the gently sloping platforms characterized by the widest morphologies. Erosion rates were estimated using perched sandstone boulders and were found to range from 3·4 to 12·5 mm a?1, with a mean erosion rate of 5·9 mm a?1. Higher rates of erosion were identified at lower platform elevations, due to a greater frequency of wetting and drying cycles coincident with storm waves, while lower erosion rates were identified at higher elevations. Field evidence suggests that shore platforms at Lake Waikaremoana were likely initiated and continue to develop as a result of subaerial wetting and drying cycles. Waves, coincident with fluctuating lake levels, play an important role by removing the weathered material from the platforms, and appear to control the width of the platforms. A conceptual model of platform development is presented, and analogies are drawn between this model, and the formation of shore platforms in oceanic environments. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large variations in terrestrial heat flow from 21 to 209 mW/m2 have been observed over the North Island, New Zealand. This is generally in good agreement with the pattern of existing geological and geophysical observations. A high heat flow zone with a value of 92 ±3 mW/m2, which corresponds to melting temperatures near the base of the crust, is delineated in the northern part of the Taranaki Basin. In the rest of the island, heat flow appears to be low to normal, but some isolated high values are also found. Observed results are interpreted in terms of crust and mantle structure in a region of plate subduction.  相似文献   

The Taupo Volcanic Zone forms part of the Taupo-Hikurangi subduction system, and comprises five volcanic centres: Tongariro, Taupo, Maroa, Okataina and Rotorua. Tongariro Volcanic Centre is formed almost entirely of andesite while the other four centres contain predominantly rhyolitic volcanics and later fissure eruptions of high-Al basalt. Estimated total volume of each lava type are as follows: 2 km3 of high-Al basalt (< 0.1%); 260 km3 of andesite (< 2.5%); 5 km3 of dacite (< 0.1%); > 10,000 km3 of rhyolite and ignimbrite (> 97.4%).The location of the andesites and vent alignments suggest a source from a subduction zone underlying the area. However, the lavas differ chemically from island-arc andesites such as those of Tonga; in particular by having higher contents of the alkali elements, light REE and Sr and Pb isotopes. This suggests some crustal contamination, and it is considered that this may occur beneath the wide accretionary prism of the subduction system. Amphibolite of the subduction zone will break down between 80 and 100 km and a partial melt will rise. A multi-stage process of magma genesis is then likely to occur. High-Al basalts are thought to be derived from partial melting of a garnet-free peridotite near the top of the mantle wedge overlying the subduction zone, locations of the vents controlled largely by faults within the crust. Rhyolites and ignimbrites were probably derived from partial melting of Mesozoic greywacke and argillite under the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Initial partial melting may have been due to hydration of the base of the crust; the “water” having come from dehydration of the downgoing slab. The partial melts would rise to form granodiorite plutons and final release of the magma to form rhyolites and ignimbrites was allowed because of extension within the Taupo graben.Dacites of the Bay of Plenty probably resulted from mixing of andesitic magma with small amounts of rhyolitic magma, but those on the eastern side of the Rotorua-Taupo area were more likely formed by a higher degree of partial melting of the Mesozoic greywacke-argillite basement. This may be due to intrusion of andesite magma on this side of the Taupo volcanic zone.  相似文献   

Over 1000 m of fluvial molasse, exhibiting a stable detrital remanent magnetization, is exposed in a mammal-bearing sequence in the Upper Siwalik Group of the Pabbi Hills, Pakistan. The magnetic polarity chronology reveals that the sequence records a time period of 2.6 m.y., extending from the early Gauss Normal Epoch into the Brunhes Normal Epoch. During this period, sedimentation rates increased upward in time from 0.25 m/1000 yr to 0.45 m/1000 yr. The sudden disappearance of red beds and a change in the lithoclastic composition of basal channel sands suggests that about 800,000 years ago the primary source area began shifting from the metamorphic terrane of the Himalayan Orogen to a more local sedimentary terrane on the folded margins of the Himalayan foredeep. About 500,000 years ago the anticlinal Pabbi Hills attained surface expression. Uplift continued at a minimum rate of 1 m/1000 yr.A local Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary based on the Olduvai Normal Event is clearly recognized. Local fossil finds reveal thatEquus, diagnostic element of the Pinjor faunal zone, appeared locally about 1.8 m.y. ago and thatHipparion, a faunal element of the Tatrot and earlier faunal zones, persisted locally until at least 3.0 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

Based on detailed field observation and multidisciplinary studies of integrated stratigraphy, the marine Lower and Middle Triassic of Lower Yangtze region is divided into five third-order sequences, the general approach of the outcrop sequence stratigraphical study of carbonate ramp is proposed, the pattern in the development of the Early and Middle Triassic sequence under the major regression is summarized, and the sequence stratigraphical and chronostratigraphical frameworks across various paleogeographical facies zones on the marginal platform are established. Project supported by the Stake Key Project “SSLC” and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49502022, 49632070).  相似文献   

A recently developed approach to carbon isotope methodology (process recognition via isotope diagrams) is applied in a multidisciplinary study of precipitation‐recharged aquifers of the lowlands–plains area of the Manawatu (south‐west North Island). Urban and rural areas rely on groundwater from the upper levels of a deep basin sequence comprising marine and terrestrial sediments of Pleistocene age. Hydrochemical and isotopic (18O, 3H, 13C and 14C) data are merged with known details of geology and hydrogeology to reveal two separate confined aquifers within the depth range to 200 m. The shallower of these, below unconfined, locally recharged groundwater, is recharged on the foothills of the Ruahine Range to the north‐east of the study area; flow direction is NE–SW. The deeper confined aquifer is recharged on the Tararua Range to the immediate east; flow direction essentially is transverse (SE–NW) to that in the shallower aquifer. Two processes are identified as dominant contributors to concentration and isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), namely addition of CO2 from decay of organic materials and carbonate dissolution. Limitations of carbon isotope methods in determining residence times are illustrated by the data. Although the confined groundwater is essentially tritium‐free, only a few samples showed conclusive evidence of significant ageing on the time‐scale of 14C. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ken–ichi  Kano 《Island Arc》1995,4(1):69-87
Abstract The Waipapa Terrane in northern North Island, New Zealand, is a Mesozoic accretion-ary complex formed along the Gondwana margin. It contains abundant melange rocks with distinctive characteristics. Precise analyses of their mesoscopic fabrics in Waiheke Island near Auckland have revealed the following sequence of deformation. The earliest phase of deformation of the sandstone/mudstone association, which is the main constituent of this terrane, originated by chaotic mixing of sand and mud due to liquidization of water-saturated, poorly consolidated sediments. The second phase was characterized by hydrofracturing and subsequent forceful injection of ductile mud into rather brittle sand. Local intrusions of sand forming dykes and sills followed these events, as well as intrusions of pelagic/hemipelagic green argillite originally underlying the sandstone/mudstone association. An abundant occurrence of these mixing and multi-stage injection/intrusion fabrics strongly suggest that the Waipapa Terrane around the study area was a site of high pore-fluid pressure. Scaly-foliated melange fabrics with monoclinic symmetry, originating from layer-parallel shearing, were then locally superimposed on the pre-existing melange fabrics. Similar scaly-foliated fabrics also developed in the chert beds originally intercalated between the green argillite and the uppermost part of the oceanic crust. These scaly fabrics might have been related to the regional stacking and juxtaposition of the accreted sediments. The sequence and variation in style of deformation forming the melange fabrics presumably reflected changes in porosity and state of compaction of accreted sediments in a shallow tectonic level.  相似文献   

A new IRSL dataset is presented for the age and setting of a critical Late Glacial Maximum tephra isochron marker. The rhyolitic tephra, known as the Kawakawa Tephra, occurs as a 14 cm thick layer within a 5.9 m thick loess section overlying alluvial gravels in the Rangitikei River valley, SW North Island of New Zealand. Ages range from 21 at the base to 5 ka near the top of the loess and bracket an age of 17.0 ± 2.2 for the tephra. The new IRSL ages are in agreement with published and unpublished luminescence ages from other localities of loess, sand and ash above and below the tephra and of the tephra itself, that indicate an age of ca. 19 ka for the Kawakawa Tephra. This age is considerably younger than the generally accepted 14C 27.1 ka cal yrs BP age of the Kawakawa Tephra and highlights an unresolved discrepancy between the two dating systems.  相似文献   

Mayor Island is a Holocene pantelleritic volcano showing a wide range of dispersive power and eruptive intensity despite a very limited range in magma composition of only 2% SiO2. The primary controls on this range appear to have been the magmatic gas content on eruption and a varying involvement of basaltic magma, rather than major-element chemistry of the rhyolites. The ca. 130 ka subaerial history of the volcano contains portions of three geochemical cycles with abrupt changes in trace-element chemistry following episodes of caldera collapse. The uniform major-element chemistry of the magma may relate to a fine balance between rates of eruption and supply and the higher density of the more evolved (Ferich) magmas which could be tapped only after caldera-forming events had removed significant volumes of less evolved but lighter magma.  相似文献   

The Big Sandy Formation in western Arizona consists of up to 65 m of clays, silts, sands and volcanic ashes that were deposited in a lacustrine paleoenvironment. Three paleomagnetic samples were collected from each of 54 sites spaced at stratigraphic intervals of no more than 5 m. After laboratory studies of pilot samples to determine their paleomagnetic characteristics, all other samples were measured for their NRM and then demagnetized in alternating fields of 150 Oe. After statistical filtering and a hierarchical site classification, 48 sites were used to interpret the magnetic polarity zonation.Vertebrate fossils from the Big Sandy Formation are collectively termed the Wikieup Local Fauna, and indicate a late Hemphillian Land Mammal “Age”. Three fission-track (zircon) dates from the Big Sandy Formation yielded a mean age of 5.5 ± 0.2 m.y. B.P. Using these radiometric data to calibrate the magnetic polarity zonation, it appears that the Big Sandy Formation spans late Epoch 6 to early Gilbert time (late Miocene to early Pliocene). The Wikieup Local Fauna is compared to two other roughly contemporaneous mammalian assemblages from New Mexico and Texas. Faunal differences previously thought to represent a very late Hemphillian age for the Wikieup Local Fauna are apparently related to ecogeographic variation and not time.  相似文献   

The Fisherman's Cliff and Bone Gulch Local Faunas are the second and third oldest mammalian fossil assemblages known in the Murray Basin of southeastern Australia. The determination of well constrained ages for these two faunas has been plagued by a lack of diagnostic microfossils or material suitable for isotopic age determinations. Based on previous paleomagnetic data [1,2] the ages of the Fisherman's Cliff and Bone Gulch local faunas were assigned to the Gauss and lower Matuyama Chrons, respectively. However, these dates were not tested by direct magnetostratigraphic studies at either locality. In order to make direct correlations, 22 paleomagnetic and five paleomagnetic sites, respectively, were collected from Fisherman's Cliff and Bone Gulch. Results indicate that the Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna occurs within a zone of normal magnetic polarity whilst the Bone Gulch Local Fauna occurs within a zone of reversed polarity. By correlation to the Chowilla section, these zones are interpreted to represent the Gauss and lower Matuyama Chrons and ages of 2.47–2.92 and 1.88–2.47 Myr are indicated for the Fisherman's Cliff and Bone Gulch Local Faunas, respectively.  相似文献   

The extrapolation of results from field trials to larger areas of land for purposes of regional impact assessment is an important issue in geomorphology, particularly for landform properties that show high stochastic variability in space and time, such as shallow landslide erosion. It is shown in this study, that by identifying the main driver for spatial variability in shallow landslide erosion at field scales, namely slope angle, it is possible to develop a set of generic functions for assessing the impact of landslides on selected soil properties at larger spatial scales and over longer time periods. Research was conducted within an area of pastoral soft‐rock Tertiary hill country in the North Island of New Zealand that is subject to infrequent high intensity rainfall events, producing numerous landslides, most of which are smaller than several hundred square metres in size and remove soil to shallow depths. All landslides were mapped within a 0·6 km2 area and registered to a high resolution (2 m) slope map to show that few landslides occur on slopes < 20° and 95% were on slopes > 24°. The areal density of landslides from all historical events showed an approximately linear increase with slope above 24°. Integrating landslide densities with soil recovery data demonstrates that the average value of a soil property fluctuates in a ‘saw‐tooth’ fashion through time with the overall shape of the curve controlled by the frequency of landslide inducing storm events and recovery rate of the soil property between events. Despite such fluctuations, there are gradual declines of 7·5% in average total carbon content of topsoil and 9·5% in average soil depth to bedrock, since the time of forest clearance. Results have application to large‐scale sediment budget and water quality models and to the New Zealand Soil Carbon Monitoring System (CMS). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In October 1980, a National Civil Defence Planning Committee on Volcanic Hazards was formed in New Zealand, and solicited reports on the likely areas and types of future eruptions, the risk to public safety, and the need for special precautions. Reports for eight volcanic centres were received, and made available to the authors. This paper summarises and quantifies the type and frequency of hazard, the public risk, and the possibilities for mitigation at the 7 main volcanic centres: Northland, Auckland, White Island, Okataina, Taupo, Tongariro, and Egmont. On the basis of Recent tephrostratigraphy, eruption probabilities up to 20% per century (but commonly 5%), and tephra volumes up to 100 km3 are credible.  相似文献   

Hidden beneath the ~ 2 km thick low-velocity volcaniclastics on the western margin of the Central Volcanic Region, North Island, New Zealand, are two structures that represent the early history of volcanic activity in a continental back-arc. These ~ 20 × 20 km structures, at Tokoroa and Mangakino, form an adjacent gravity high and low, respectively. Interpretations from seismic refraction arrivals and gravity modelling indicate the − 65 mgal Mangakino residual gravity anomaly can be modelled, in part, by two low-density bodies that reach depths of ~ 6.5 km, whereas the Tokoroa gravity anomaly is due to a higher density rock coming, at most, to within ~ 650 m of the surface. The Mangakino anomaly is interpreted to be due to the remnants of magma chambers that fed large ignimbrite eruptions from about 1.2 Ma. An andesite volcano or complex volcanic structure is the preferred interpretation for the Tokoroa gravity high. The size of the putative volcanic structure is comparable to the presently active Tongariro Volcanic Complex in the centre of North Island.  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements over the Campbell Plateau, New Zealand, show the existence of a linear positive anomaly belt which extends for 900 km along an approximately east-west trend. This anomaly belt is considered to be a continuation of the Stokes Magnetic Anomaly occurring through New Zealand and associated with rocks of the New Zealand Geosyncline. If this is so, a transcurrent fault with a dextral displacement of about 330 km and aligned in a northeast-southwest direction must occur between the eastern end of the Stokes Magnetic Anomaly and the western end of the anomaly belt across Campbell Plateau.  相似文献   

The central Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) is a region of intense Quaternary rhyolitic volcanism and geothermal activity in the North Island of New Zealand from which about 14,000 km3 of pyroclastics and lavas have been erupted during the last 1.6 Ma. Analysis of aeromagnetic surveys over the TVZ showed the presence of long-wavelength (10 to 25 km) magnetic anomalies which roughly follow the trend of the currently active eastern TVZ, from the north of Lake Taupo to the east of Lake Rotorua. An interpretation of the long-wavelength magnetic anomalies using 3-D magnetic modelling suggests that these anomalies are caused by the magnetic effects of < 3 km thick sequence of volcanic rocks and deeper magnetised bodies within the non-magnetic upper crust (4–7 km depth) beneath the young (age < 0.7 Ma), currently active eastern TVZ. The deep magnetised bodies are interpreted as solidified rhyolitic sub-volcanic plutons that have cooled down to below their Curie temperature.Although the existence of plutonic bodies beneath the TVZ has been postulated prior to this study, this magnetic interpretation result appears to be the first geophysical model of such bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract Extensive subduction-related and intraplate volcanism characterize Cenozoic magmatism in the North Is., New Zealand. Volcanics in the central North Is., predominantly intermediate to felsic, form above the dipping seismic zone and show tectonic/geochemical features common to magmatism in most subduction zones. Basaltic volcanism in Northland, the northern part of the North Is., has chemical characteristics typical of intraplate magmatism and may be caused by the upwelling of asthenospheric materials from deeper parts of the mantle. The rifting just behind the present volcanic front (the Taupo-Rotorua Depression), which follows the trench ward migration of the volcanic front and the gradual steepening of the subducted slab, is also a feature of the North Is. A possible mechanism for the back-arc rifting in the area is injection of asthenospheric materials into the mantle wedge; this asthenospheric flow results from the mantle upwelling beneath Northland and pushes both the rigid fore-arc mantle wedge and the subducted slab trenchwards. This mechanism is also consistent with the stress fields in the North Is.: dilatation in Northland, northwest-southeast tension in the Taupo-Rotorua Depression, and the northeast-southwest compression in the fore-arc region.  相似文献   

Measured shear strength (cohesion and friction) of airfall-derived east coast hill country regolith is insufficient for the maintenance of existing regolith depth/slope angle relationships in the catchment of Lake Waikopiro in northern Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. If these regoliths are attributed with an additional increment of cohesion derived mechanically from a turf mat membrane, existing depth/slope angle distributions are explicable. Sites where failure has occurred have been measured, and back-analysis used to derive a range of values for additional mechanical cohesion. Values are in the range 0·2–7·6 kPa, consistent with earlier findings. This range is narrowed further, to 0·7–6·9 kPa, with assumptions regarding soil moisture status at failure. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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