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《Journal of Sea Research》1999,41(1-2):109-118
Settling velocities of suspended fine-grained sediment in estuaries vary over a range of several orders in magnitude. Variations in the suspended sediment concentration are often put forward as the principal cause. However, comparison of settling velocities from a number of estuaries shows that even in the case of the same suspended sediment concentration, large variations in the settling velocities can occur of up to two orders in magnitude. From measurements in the Ems estuary we found that even within a single estuary such large variations can occur. Field measurements and complementary laboratory experiments demonstrate that `other factors' can affect the settling velocity in the same order as the assumed effects of the suspended sediment concentration. To address these `other factors', which include physical–chemical and biological effects, the concept of `flocculation ability' is introduced, as a measure of the effectiveness of the collisions between suspended particles for floc growth. On the basis of the results from the Ems estuary, it is hypothesised that variations in the flocculation ability of the suspended fine-grained sediments are at the root of the large differences in settling properties of suspended fine-grained sediment in estuaries.  相似文献   

Zai-Jin You   《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(16):1955-1965
A laboratory study was carried to qualitatively investigate the effect of suspended sediment concentration C on the settling velocity ws of cohesive sediment in quiescent water. A bay mud sample was mixed with water in a cylindrical container, and three optical back scatterance sensors were then used to measure suspended sediment concentrations of the mud–water mixture at three levels every 15 s for 5 h while sediments were settling in the quiescent water. Based on the measured sediment concentrations, the settling velocities at different concentrations were derived from the depth-integrated mass balance equation. This study has found that the settling velocity ws is independent of C in the free settling regime of C<0.3 g/l, and then increases nonlinearly with C in the enhanced settling regime of 0.3<C<4.3 g/l, and finally decreases sharply with C in the hindered settling regime of C>4.3 g/l. The maximum settling velocity occurs at C≈4.3 g/l and is about nine times faster than the settling velocity in the free settling regime. A single empirical formula is also proposed to calculate the settling velocities at different sediment concentrations.  相似文献   

The weekly mass flux of C and phytoplankton pigments at five depths in the main basin of Puget Sound, a deep (200 m) fjordlike estuary, was sampled for a year with moored sequentially-sampling sediment traps. Flux measurements were compared with weekly samples of suspended pigments in the euphotic zone and bi-monthly samples of total suspended matter and particulate C throughout the water column at the mooring site.Seasonal changes in the total mass flux at all depths were small; instead, physical (river runoff, bottom resuspension) and biological (phytoplankton blooms) events caused occasional sharp increases on a weekly scale. The dry weight concentration of pigments in the trap samples mirrored the concentration of pigments in the euphotic zone suspended matter, increasing from 0·01% in winter to a maximum of 0·65% in late summer. Bloom-induced changes in the pigment concentration were observed almost simultaneously in the euphotic zone and in the traps to a depth of 160 m, indicating a rapid vertical transfer of surface-originating particles by organic aggregates. In contrast to the strong seasonal signal in the pigment concentration, C concentration varied by only a factor of three during the year.The seasonal trend of C/pigment ratios in the C flux arises from at least two sources: (1) a balance between terrestrial sources of C during the high-runoff winter season and in-situ primary production in spring and summer, and (2) cycling of C through the zooplankton population. Budget calculations suggest that the loss of primary-produced C and pigment from the euphotic zone by settling is 5% regardless of season. On an annual basis, this C flux (16 g m−2) is sufficient to support previously measured values of benthic aerobic respiration at the mooring site. To account for other C sinks such as burial, predation and chemical oxidation, however, terrestrial C sources and alternate transport pathways, such as vertical advection and sediment movement down the steep basin walls, are necessary.  相似文献   

The prediction of the settling and consolidation behavior of mixtures of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment is possible using a numerical model that solves the solids mass balance for each fraction. Consistency with the hindered settling theory as well as classical soil mechanics is preserved. Semi-empirical relationships for settling rate and effective stress as a function of density are required as constitutive equations. A simple procedure, using settling column experiment data, for calibration is proposed. The possibility of distinguishing different kinds of particles allows prediction of layered deposits.  相似文献   

在充分认识传统沉降筒缺陷的基础上提出了"大型可温控自动搅拌沉降试验筒"。通过室内系列试验发现:(1)含沙量对长江口细颗粒沉降速度影响最大;(2)温度上升,沉速增加,但不同阶段影响程度有所不同;(3)含沙量越高,盐度对沉速的影响越小,含沙量相同情况下,长江口北槽悬沙枯季水温下盐度对沉速的影响在1.8~5.7倍左右;洪季水温下盐度对沉速的影响在1.5~2.2倍左右。(4)枯季最佳絮凝盐度在7左右,最佳絮凝含沙量为7 kg/m3;洪季最佳絮凝盐度在10~12左右,最佳絮凝含沙量为4.5kg/m3。本研究成果可望加深我们对细颗粒泥沙动力过程相关机理的认识,同时可为相关港口、航道的淤积机理分析,数学模型、物理模型研究工作提供一定技术参考。  相似文献   

An automated instrument (SEDVEL—Sedimentation Velocity) was developed to directly measure the mass-concentration and the mass-distribution of settling velocities of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in situ. This instrument consists of an underwater balance, which directly measures the variation in time of the immersed weight of particulate matter (PM) as it settles on a plate located at the bottom of a settling tube, under quiescent conditions. SEDVEL operates underwater and samples in situ for deployment periods of a few days. SEDVEL produced consistent and reproducible results when tested both in the laboratory and in the field under SPM dry-concentrations of 5 to 200 mg l− 1. Errors in the estimates of maximum dry-concentrations from SEDVEL measurements were less than 30% in 69% of the cycles analysed in the laboratory. The corresponding figure for in situ measurements was 50%. These errors are likely related to uncertainties in the calculation of the dry-density of flocs and in the definition of the zero position (ZP) of the SEDVEL balance. The slow settling particles/flocs (Ws < 1 mm s− 1) represented 32–98% of the total mass of SPM at two sites of deployment in Cleveland Bay (Australia). Distinct settling behaviours were observed between the two sites and among different tidal stages associated with differences in the floc population; the aggregation of which probably varied as a function of the bottom grain size, shear stress, resuspension, advection and organic content of SPM.  相似文献   

朱文谨  王娜  董啸天  丛新  韩雪  潘锡山 《海洋通报》2020,39(4):475-480,506
选取海州湾近岸潮流和含沙量实测资料,分析水体紊动强度与含沙量对近岸絮凝体沉降速度的影响,提出了新的沉降速度确定方法。研究表明:淤海州湾近岸泥沙沉降速率大部分在 0.05 ~ 2.50 mm/s 之间,潮周期内泥沙絮凝体的沉降速度 有明显变化。于含沙量较小时,泥沙絮凝体的沉降速度基本随含沙量的增加而增加;含沙量较大时,含沙量与沉降速度呈现出负相关,无论是大潮还是中潮,当含沙量达到 0.7 kg/m3左右时,絮团沉降速度最大,而随着含沙量的增大,絮团沉降速度开始减小。盂在涨落潮垂线平均流速最大时刻,紊动强度达到峰值,含沙量较低时,随着紊动强度增加,沉降速度也随之增加,大潮期间紊动强度对泥沙沉降速度的影响高于中潮。榆新的泥沙沉降速度计算公式不仅考虑了含沙量,还计入了紊动强度 G,大大提高了沉降速度计算值与实测值的相关性。  相似文献   

长江口上升流区营养盐的分布及其通量的初步估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年5月份长江口调查资料,分析了春季长江口上升流现象及其对营养盐分布的影响;初步估算了春季上升流的营养盐通量。结果表明:在春季,低温、高盐、低溶解氧的上升流稳定存在于122°20′~123°00′E,31°00′~32°00′N海区的10m 层和底层之间,并可以涌升到10m 层以上海区。上升流为上层海区输入了丰富的 PO_4-P 和相对低浓度的 NO_3-N 和 SiO_3-si。对上升流营养盐通量的计算表明,春季上升流中磷酸盐输送通量远高于长江径流输入,可能会成为影响该海区磷酸盐分布以及浮游植物生长的一个值得关注的因素:而氮和硅营养盐则不如长江径流输入量大。  相似文献   

The transfer of material through the twilight zone of the ocean is controlled by sinking particles that contain organic matter (OM) and mineral ballast. During the MedFlux field program in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea in 2003, sinking particulate matter was collected in time series (TS) and settling velocity (SV) traps and analyzed for amino acids, lipids, and pigments (along with ballast minerals) [Lee, C., Armstrong, R.A., Wakeham, S.G., Peterson, M.L., Miquel, J.C., Cochran, J.K., Fowler, S.W., Hirschberg, D., Beck, A. Xue, J., 2009b. Particulate matter fluxes in time series and settling velocity sediment traps in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, this volume [doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.12.003]]. The goal was to identify how organic chemical compositions of sinking particles varied as a function of their in-situ settling velocity. The TS record was used to define the biogeochemical character and temporal pattern in flux during the period of SV trap deployment. Temporal variations in organic and mineral compositions are consistent with particle biogeochemistry being driven by the seasonal succession of phytoplankton. Spring diatom bloom conditions led to a high flux of rapidly sinking aggregates and zooplankton fecal matter; summer oligotrophy followed and was characterized by a higher proportion of slowly sinking phytoplankton cells. Bacterial degradation is particularly important during the low-flux summer period. Settling velocity traps show that a large proportion of particulate organic matter sinks at 200–500 m d−1. Organic compositions of this fast-sinking material mirrors that of fecal pellets and aggregated material that sinks as the spring bloom terminates. More-slowly sinking OM bears a stronger signature of bacterial degradation than do the faster-sinking particles. The observation that compositions of SV-sorted fractions are different implies that the particle field is compositionally heterogeneous over a range of settling velocities. Thus physical and biological exchange between fast-sinking and slow-sinking particles as they pass down the water column must be incomplete.  相似文献   

枯季珠江河口悬浮泥沙絮凝沉降特征的观测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000年1月,利用L ISST-ST现场激光粒度沉速仪,对珠江河口悬浮泥沙的现场粒级与沉速特征进行观测和分析,结果表明:珠江河口悬浮泥沙絮凝沉降特征具有复杂的时空变化,悬浮泥沙颗粒现场中值粒径为10~96μm,各粒级颗粒的现场中值沉速为0.001~0.02 cm/s,并可用关系式iω=k.din(0.29相似文献   

基于现场光谱数据的珠江口MERIS悬浮泥沙分段算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用珠江口海域4个航次共59个站位的实测遥感反射比和悬浮泥沙数据(悬浮泥沙浓度范围为4-140g·m-3),建立了利用MERIS遥感数据反演珠江口悬浮泥沙浓度的分段算法.算法以Rrs(620)/Rrs(560)=0.9为阈值,当Rrs(620)/Rrs(560)<0.9时,红绿波段比值可以较好地反演悬浮泥沙浓度.随着悬浮泥沙浓度的增加,Rrs(620)/Rrs(560)>0.9,红绿比值趋于饱和,对悬浮泥沙的变化响应不敏感,此时采用包含红波段和近红外波段的波段比值提取水体的悬浮泥沙浓度.利用该分段算法从MERIS遥感图像中提取珠江口水体的悬浮泥沙浓度分布,得到较好的结果.  相似文献   

河口悬浮泥沙浓度Sea WiFS遥感定量模式研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
利用海洋水色卫星 Seastar/SeaWiFS数据和准同步实测表层含沙量资料,建立长江口区悬浮泥沙遥感定量模式.通过“exact closed-form”算法对多时相SeaWiFS数据进行几何定位,并利用大气辐射传输简化理论对其进行大气校正,求得各波段遥感反射率;在完成投影变换和几何精校正之后,建立遥感参数与含沙量相关关系,得到长江口区悬浮泥沙遥感定量模式.  相似文献   

Prompted by recent data analyses suggesting that the flux of particulate organic carbon sinking into deep waters is determined by fluxes of mineral ballasts, we undertook a study of the relationships among organic matter (OM), calcium carbonate, opal, lithogenic material, and excess aluminum fluxes as part of the MedFlux project. We measured fluxes of particulate components during Spring and Summer of 2003, and Spring of 2005, using a swimmer-excluding sediment trap design capable of measuring fluxes both in a time-series (TS) mode and in a configuration for obtaining particle settling velocity (SV) profiles. On the basis of these studies, we suggest that distinct OM–ballast associations observed in particles sinking at a depth of 200 m imply that the mechanistic basis of the organic matter–ballast association is set in the upper water column above the Twilight Zone, and that the importance of different ballast types follows the seasonal succession of phytoplankton. As in other studies, carbonate appears to enhance the flux of organic matter over opal. Particles must be at least half organic matter before their settling velocity is affected by ballast concentration. This lack of change in ballast composition with SV in particles with <40% OM content suggests that particle SV reaches a maximum because of the increasing importance of inertial drag. Relative amounts of OM and opal decrease with depth due to decomposition and dissolution; carbonates and lithogenic material contribute about the same amount to total mass, or increase slightly, throughout the water column. The high proportion of excess Al cannot be explained by its incorporation into diatom opal or reverse weathering, so Al is most likely adsorbed to particulate oxides. On shorter time scales, dust appears to increase particle flux through its role in aggregation rather than by nutrient inputs enhancing productivity. We suggest that the role of dust as a catalyst in particle formation may be a central mechanism in flux formation in this region, particularly when zooplankton fecal pellet production is low.  相似文献   

Field measurements of the vertical and horizontal components of fluid velocity 0·43 m above the bed have been made with an electromagnetic flowmeter in a partially mixed reach of the Conwy estuary for parts of a flood and an ebb tide. The turbulent mean velocity and density fields showed different effects for flood and ebb tides caused by the interaction of shear and the longitudinal density gradient. The turbulent velocity parameters were generally dominated by bed-generated turbulence effects, but significant longer period contributions attributed to the shear-density interactions were detected. The shear-stress measurements made by two independent methods showed good agreement. The results generally show good agreement with previous less complete data. The use of the Richardson number to quantify vertical stability needs further consideration for partially mixed estuarine flows.  相似文献   

A sediment budget for the Choptank River, one of the three largest estuaries on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, was developed from measurements of sediment carried in upland runoff, shore erosion, sedimentation, and levels of suspended sediments in estuarine waters. Shore erosion was the major source of sediment (340 × 106 kg y?1), contributing seven times more sediment than upland runoff. Low relief, the rural character of the Coastal Plain drainage basin, and the susceptibility of poorly consolidated shoreline materials to erosion contributed to the dominance of shore erosion over runoff as a sediment source. Box modelling indicated a net annual flux (14–44 × 106 kg y?1) of sediment from the Choptank River to Chesapeake Bay. A mass balance estimate of sedimentation, calculated as the difference between total inputs and loss at the mouth of the estuary, (350 × 106 kg y?1) agreed well with an estimate based on 210Pb profiles (340 × 106 kg y?1) measured along the longitudinal axis of the estuary. Lead-210 sedimentation rates correspond to accumulation rates of 1·5–7·9 mm y?1.  相似文献   

The use of flow volume continuity to estimate depth-averaged cross-shore swash flow velocity is validated using appropriate field data. Swash surface and beach face elevation were measured by a network of ultrasonic altimeters mounted through the swash zone of a sandy beach. Estimates of cross-shore flow velocity derived from these data compare well with concurrent measurements obtained from a vertical array of four electromagnetic current meters (EMCMs). Significantly, the continuity technique allows swash velocity to be estimated throughout the full swash cycle. This is not possible using fixed current meters and the new measurements indicate that swash velocity is more negatively skewed than previously observed.  相似文献   

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