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The physico-chemical properties of water samples from the two athalassic endorheic lakes Bogoria and Nakuru in Kenya were analysed. Surface water samples were taken between July 2008 and October 2009 in weekly intervals from each lake. The following parameters were determined: pH, salinity, electric conductivity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the major cations (FAAS and ICP-OES) and the major anions (IC), as well as certain trace elements (ICP-OES). Samples of superficial sediments were taken in October 2009 and examined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) for their major and trace element content including rare earth elements (REE). Both lakes are highly alkaline with a dominance of Na > K > Si > Ca in cations and HCO3 > CO3 > Cl > F > SO4 in anions. Both lakes also exhibited high concentrations of Mo, As and fluoride. Due to an extreme draught from March to October 2009, the water level of Lake Nakuru dropped significantly. This created drastic evapoconcentration, with the total salinity rising from about 20‰ up to 63‰. Most parameters (DOC, Na, K, Ca, F, Mo and As) increased with falling water levels. A clear change in the quality of DOC was observed, followed by an almost complete depletion of dissolved Fe from the water phase. In Lake Bogoria the evapoconcentration effects were less pronounced (total salinity changed from about 40‰ to 48‰). The distributions of REE in the superficial sediments of Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria are presented here for the first time. The results show a high abundance of the REE and a very distinct Eu depletion of Eu/Eu* = 0.33–0.45.  相似文献   

While the concept of urban agriculture investigates the way in which disused land within the consolidated city is returned to its citizens through a variety of farming practices, many pockets of rural land in peri-urban areas continue to be contested by institutions and communities – including informal farmers, formal farmers, municipal planners, metropolitan agencies, and investors – with contrasting interests. To date however, little scholarly attention has been paid to informal practices within the degraded areas of urban fringes and, more specifically, to the link between the expansion of peri-urban agriculture and the civic appropriation and negotiation of space in neglected peripheral areas. In this paper, we ask how a metropolitan sustainability fix is produced and contested both materially and discursively. We also explore how local residents involved in peri-urban agriculture claim the use of land for agricultural practices and in turn attempt to influence the urban agenda of the neoliberal city. Inquiring how competing visions of nature act as obstacles in this negotiation process, our analysis of the peri-urban Baix Llobregat Agricultural Park in Barcelona reveals that the imposition of official visions about how needs for food and agriculture should be fulfilled, which landscapes are esthetically acceptable, what nature is, and how land should be controlled and developed indicate why apparently “marginal” and informal urban agriculture in the periphery has come to be subordinated to the planning of the neoliberal city and of a metropolitan sustainability fix – a partial sustainability fix that is however progressively being questioned and renegotiated.  相似文献   

 Several areas of Nakuru Town and its environs often undergo subsidence along the parallel fault zones during and after heavy rainfall. During the rainy season, when most of the subsidence occurs, the overlying unconsolidated volcanoclastic sediments become oversaturated with water. The water reduces the shear strength of the sediments and also introduces extra loading through saturation leading to subterranean erosion along faults. The unconsolidated sediments then collapse into the subsurface water channels which closely follow the fault zones, leading to formation of “sinkholes”. The frequent incidences of ground subsidence in the study area, have caused several fatalities, destroyed settlements and physical infrastructure. Furthermore persistent subsidence has increased the cost of construction and the repair of the destroyed properties. Apart from being hazardous, ground subsidence degrades environment when sewage water, refuse and garbage enter into the groundwater systems through the sinkholes. The fissures formed after subsidence also stand prominently as ugly features from the rest of the terrain. Mitigation measures including control, channelizing of drainage, proper engineering practices and appropriate land use are suggested in this paper. Received: 1 December 1998 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

This paper investigates the ways in which national and regional policies relate to farming activities and concerns amongst the rural population in an area of southern Africa. The struggle to make a living through farming was a common theme to emerge from research about changing livelihoods in response to both variability in the environment and changes in policy. This local discourse echoed regional debates about land and agrarian reform in post-apartheid South Africa and the uncertain future of mixed farming in Botswana. It also raised broader questions about the viability of the future of small-medium-scale farming systems in rural areas in Africa, especially those within dynamic dryland environments such as the Kalahari. This paper looks specifically at the links between poverty and asset holding and aims to identify the ways in which people are or are not able to utilise or mobilise these assets in times of need. We argue that this can vary significantly between seemingly similar settlements, and similar households and that understanding this complexity is the key to recognising how future interventions many impact upon people’s lives. Too often, in the quest to produce understandings of poverty and livelihoods, the complexity, incongruity and reality of day-to-day practices are overlooked. Thus we seek to draw out the interactions between policy and natural resource use, and the capital asset changes involved in these interactions, which influence the sustainability of livelihoods and the differing levels of poverty and vulnerability.  相似文献   

Jeremia Njeru   《Geoforum》2006,37(6):1046-1058
Over 24 million plastic bags are consumed in Kenya monthly. More than half of the bags end up in the solid waste stream. Plastic bags now constitute the biggest challenge to solid waste management in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya and home to three million people. As a result, plastic bag waste has attracted great political and public attention, especially because the waste has myriad unique environmental problems. This paper seeks to unravel the problem of plastic bag waste in Nairobi through an urban political ecological perspective. Urban political ecology has done much to excavate economic, political, and cultural processes, as well as ecological dynamics that create and re-create urban environments. Little has been done in this context with respect to urban solid waste problems, with the exception of urban political ecology of environmental justice. However, research done within the context of urban political ecology of environmental justice has mainly focused on solid waste problems in the Western World, particularly USA. Drawing on research conducted in Nairobi, as well literature on business and politics, and solid waste management in Kenya, this paper examines the nature of plastic bag waste problem, its political–economic roots and implications for environmental justice.  相似文献   

Groundwater yield in the Kenya Rift is highly unsustainable owing to geological variability.In this study,field hydraulic characterization was performed by using geoelectric approaches.The relations between electrical-hydraulic(eh)conductivities were modeled hypothetically and calibrated empirically.Correlations were based on the stochastic models and field-scale hydraulic parameters were contingent on pore-level parameters.By considering variation in pore-size distributions over eh conduction interval,the relations were scaled-up for use at aquifer-level.Material-level electrical conductivities were determined by using Vertical Electrical Survey and hydraulic conductivities by analyzing aquifer tests of eight boreholes in the Olbanita aquifer located in Kenya rift.VES datasets were inverted by using the computer code IP2Win.The main result is that ln T=0.537(ln Fa)+3.695;the positive gradient indicating eh conduction through pore-surface networks and a proxy of weathered and clayey materials.An inverse(1/F-K)correlation is observed.Hydraulic parameters determined using such approaches may possibly contribute significantly towards sustainable yield management and planning of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Groundwater yield in the Kenya Rift is highly unsustainable owing to geological variability. In this study, field hydraulic characterization was performed by using geo-electric approaches. The relations between electrical-hydraulic (eh) conductivities were modeled hypothetically and calibrated empirically. Correlations were based on the stoch-astic models and field-scale hydraulic parameters were contingent on pore-level parameters. By considering variation in pore-size distributions over eh conduction interval, the relations were scaled-up for use at aquifer-level. Material-level electrical conductivities were determined by using Vertical Electrical Survey and hydraulic conductivities by analyzing aquifer tests of eight boreholes in the Olbanita aquifer located in Kenya rift. VES datasets were inverted by using the computer code IP2Win. The main result is that ln T=0.537 (ln Fa)+3.695; the positive gradient indicating eh conduction through poresurface networks and a proxy of weathered and clayey materials. An inverse (1/F-K) correlation is observed. Hydraulic parameters determined using such approaches may possibly contri-bute significantly towards sustainable yield management and planning of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Loboi Swamp is a 1·5 km2 freshwater wetland situated near the equator in the Kenya Rift Valley. The climate is semi‐arid: precipitation is ≈ 700 mm year?1, and evapotranspiration is ≈ 2500 mm year?1. Some of the wetland water is currently used for irrigation. An interdisciplinary study was conducted on the geology, hydrology, pedology and biology of the wetland to determine its origin and history and to assess its longevity under present hydrological conditions. Sedimentary records from two piston cores (1·8 and 4 m long) indicate that the present wetland developed during the late Holocene on a low‐relief alluvial plain. Floodplain deposits (sandy silts) are capped with wetland sediments (organic‐rich clay and peat), which began to form at ≈ 700 BP. The swamp is dominated by Typha domingensis Pers. (≈ 80%) and floating Cyperus papyrus L. (20%). It is fed by warm springs (T ≈ 35 °C; pH ≈ 6·4–6·9) emanating from grid faults of the rift floor. Water compositions suggest that sources are dominated by shallow meteoric water, with little contribution from deeper geothermal fluids. Siderite concretions in the floodplain silts reflect the Fe‐reducing conditions that developed as the surface became submerged beneath the water table. The pollen record captured both local and more regional vegetation, showing the prevailing dry rift valley climate despite development of the wetter conditions on the valley floor. The diatom record also suggests a dramatic change in local hydrology. The combined biological records of this semi‐arid wetland indicate an abrupt change to wetter conditions, most probably as a result of a regional change in climate. Rift tectonics provided accommodation space, maintained the wetland at or below the water table and enabled spring recharge. The size of the modern wetland has been reduced by about 60% since 1969, which suggests that the system may now be under hydrological stress due to anthropogenic impacts from land‐use change.  相似文献   

Deborah Potts 《Geoforum》2006,37(4):536-551
During the 1990s, urban livelihoods in Zimbabwe began to suffer a series of economic stresses, which accelerated in 1997 and then accelerated again, with the inception of fast-track land reform, from 2000. This has reduced urban living standards significantly and devastated real urban income levels. After a discussion of the economic and political parameters of this period, this paper links these to empirical changes in the urban livelihoods and perceptions of urban living standards of recent in-migrants to Harare. This draws on a longitudinal database of four surveys of recent migrants to the city conducted in 1985, 1988, 1994 and 2001. Among a range of qualitative issues explored in these surveys has been the question of migrants’ future plans in relation to their intended length of stay in town. It is shown that migrants have been feeling increasingly negative or unsure about their urban experience since structural adjustment began in the early 1990s, and that these perceptions had greatly strengthened by 2001. By the last survey only a small minority felt they would remain permanently in town and most of the migrants from rural areas felt that their living standards in Harare were either worse than rural living standards, or no better. While Zimbabwe’s current political and economic crisis is exceptional, serious urban poverty is a feature across sub-Saharan African countries and it is argued that this has had a depressing effect on net rural-urban migration rates.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic experiments were conducted in 1995 as part of a multidisciplinary research project to investigate the deep structure of the Chyulu Hills volcanic chain on the eastern flank of the Kenya Rift in East Africa. Transient electromagnetic (TEM) and broadband (120–0.0001 Hz) magnetotelluric (MT) soundings were made at eight stations along a seismic survey line and the data were processed using standard techniques. The TEM data provided effective correction for static shifts in MT data. The MT data were inverted for the structure in the upper 20 km of the crust using a 2-D inversion scheme and a variety of starting models. The resulting 2-D models show interesting features but the wide spacing between the MT stations limited model resolution to a large extent. These models suggest that there are significant differences in the physical state of the crust between the northern and southern parts of the Chyulu Hills volcanic field. North of the Chyulu Hills, the resistivity structure consists of a 10–12-km-thick resistive (up to 4000 Ω m) upper crustal layer, ca. 10-km-thick mid-crustal layer of moderate resistivity (50 Ω m), and a conductive substratum. The resistive upper crustal unit is considerably thinner over the main ridge (where it is ca. 2 km thick) and further south (where it may be up to 5 km thick). Below this cover unit, steep zones of low resistivity (0.01–10 Ω m) occur underneath the main ridge and at its NW and SE margins (near survey positions 100 and 150–210 km on seismic line F of Novak et al. [Novak, O., Prodehl, C., Jacob, A.W.B., Okoth, W., 1997. Crustal structure of the southern flank of the Kenya Rift deduced from wide-angle P-wave data. In: Fuchs, K., Altherr, R., Muller, B., Prodehl, C. (Eds.), Structure and Dynamic Processes in the Lithosphere of the Afro-Arabian Rift System. Tectonophysics, vol. 278, 171–186]). These conductors appear to be best developed in upper crustal (1–8 km) and middle crustal (9–18 km) zones in the areas affected by volcanism. The low-resistivity anomalies are interpreted as possible magmatic features and may be related to the low-velocity zones recently detected at greater depth in the same geographic locations. The MT results, thus, provide a necessary upper crustal constraint on the anomalous zone in Chyulu Hills, and we suggest that MT is a logical compliment to seismics for the exploration of the deep crust in this volcanic-covered basement terrain. A detailed 3-D field study is recommended to gain a better understanding of the deep structure of the volcanic field.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly obvious over the past two decades that the fossiliferous strata at Fort Ternan, Kenya, are probably somewhat younger than 14 Ma, an age which has long been attached to the deposits. This realisation flows from geological and biochronological observations. In order to test the hypothesis, resampling of all the lava flows in the region of Fort Ternan was undertaken in 2003, especially those underlying the Fort Ternan Beds in the Kipchorion Gorge where the sequence is the most complete. Samples obtained from lava flows underlying and overlying the fossil beds were analysed for anorthoclase K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar and biotite 40Ar/39Ar age determinations. The results reveal that the age of the fossiliferous sediments is ca 13.7±0.3Ma. Since Fort Ternan yielded the ‘core fauna’ that defines Faunal Set IV of the East African biochronological sequence this refinement of its age will impact on age estimates of neighbouring Faunal Sets, as well as on other faunas correlated to Fort Ternan, including those in Europe belonging to MN Zones MN 5, MN 6 and MN 7/8. To cite this article: M. Pickford et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Bruno Scaillet  Ray Macdonald 《Lithos》2006,91(1-4):95-108
The phase relationships and compositions of a pantellerite from the Eburru complex in the Kenya Rift Valley have been determined at 150 MPa and under reducing conditions, 2 log units below the Ni–NiO solid buffer. The effects of temperature and melt water content on phase relationships have been explored. Alkali feldspar and quartz crystallise alone at temperatures above 700 °C, irrespective of melt water content. Below 700 °C, sodic amphibole and clinopyroxene also crystallise; the amphibole being the liquidus phase under water-rich conditions. The coexistence of amphibole phenocrysts with alkali feldspar and quartz in a crystal-poor pantellerite implies temperatures below 700 °C and melt water contents higher than 4 wt.%, possibly up to 5–6 wt.%. Pantellerites have lower liquidus temperatures than associated comendites, which supports a parent–daughter relationship between the two magma types. The melts produced in the experiments extend the compositional trend displayed by the natural rock series, and reproduce some extreme compositions occasionally observed in alkaline volcanic series, with FeO contents above 12 wt.% and Na2O contents approaching 10 wt.%. Pantellerites are therefore the true near-minimum melt compositions of alkaline oversaturated magma series.  相似文献   

Soils are recipients of contaminants from the burning of metal-containing materials in bonfires. In order to obtain a better understanding of the impacts of bonfires on soils, a total of 218 surface soil samples were collected from a traditional bonfire site in Galway City, Ireland. Concentrations of 14 elements including Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sc, Ti and Zn in 30 selected samples were determined using ICP-OES. Strong variations were observed for these elements. Concentrations of Zn, Cu and Pb were elevated, indicating that these metals may be influenced by human activities. Therefore, concentrations of these three metals were further measured using a portable X-ray fluorescence (P-XRF) analyser (n = 218) and their spatial distribution was investigated using a Geographical Information System (GIS). Soils with elevated metal concentrations, as evident from the spatial distribution maps, coincided with the locations of traditional festival bonfires. The results of this study provide useful information for the management of bonfire sites including the enforcement of a control policy regarding the burning of materials in bonfires.  相似文献   

The Magadi area, located in the southern part of the Kenya Rift, is a seismically active region where rifting is still in progress. The recent tectonic activity has been investigated through a seismological survey and the study of neotectonic joints found in Lake Magadi sediments, which were deposited some 5000 years ago. The structural analysis of these open fractures was combined with a quantitative analysis of the orientation and size characteristics of imagery faults. The gathered data demonstrate (1) that the majority of the systematic joints have straight and parallel trajectories with a common en echelon mode of propagation displayed through a rich variety of patterns, and (2) that there is a self-similarity in fault and joint principal directions recognised at the different telescopic scales. SPOT image (1:125,000), aerial photos (1:76,000), and outcrop fieldwork reveal two important structural orientations which are N015°E and N015°W. The N015°E regional direction is consistent with the orientation of the southern segment of the Kenya Rift. Structural analysis is supported by results of a joint microseismic investigation in the Lake Magadi area. Obtained focal mechanism solutions indicate an E–W to ESE–WNW normal faulting extension direction.  相似文献   

The Matuu-Masinga study area, located about 70 km north-east of Nairobi, is predominantly underlain by rocks of the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Belt (MB) of Kenya. The rocks vary from medium to high grade gneisses and granulites, that are intruded by granites, anorthosites, diorites and gabbros. Important high-grade tectonothermal events in the belt took place between about 845 and 715 Ma B.P. The subsequent cooling and uplift of the basement has been traced by K-Ar dates on biotites, which range between 438 and 528 Ma. The belt has been inferred to mark the sites for several superimposed Proterozoic subduction zones and collisional sutures (Muhongo, 1998, and references therein).The general structural trend in the survey area varies from NNW-SSE to NW-SE direction, with westerly dips and localized concentric trends around granitoid intrusions. Competent mafic lensoidal layers that have undergone ductile deformation and associated with rotated boudins and displaced micro-faults define a sinistral sense of shear. The several shear zones, cleavage patterns, boudins and thinning suggest severe strains.The mafic and granitic rocks are interpreted to be mainly metaluminous to slightly peraluminous. Geochemical data and field studies suggest that the granites are of calc-alkaline origin. The discriminant diagrams suggest a dominantly island arc-tectonic setting with subordinate within plate environment.Rb-Sr whole-rock age of 558 ± 16 Ma is given on the granite from Mavoloni hills, Matuu area. From the low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70398, the age is interpreted to indicate the time of emplacement for granite magma from a deep crustal or upper mantle material.The gabbroic and granitic rocks in Matuu-Masinga area, with high Ba (av. 1331 ppm) and Zr (av. 370 ppm) contents, are interpreted to have contained hornblende and biotite mineral assemblage phases that had a relatively high distribution coefficients for Ba and Z. The relatively high concentration of Cu (188–5810 ppm, av. 1960 ppm) and Zn (88–264 ppm, av. 155 ppm) in the mafic rocks of the study area invokes further exploration of their ore minerals.  相似文献   

The Quaternary Eburru volcanic complex in the south-central Kenya Rift consists of pantelleritic trachytes and pantellerites. The phenocryst assemblage in the trachytes is sanidine + fayalite + ferrohedenbergite + aenigmatite ± quartz ± ilmenite ± magnetite ± pyrrhotite ± pyrite. In the pantellerites, the assemblage is sanidine + quartz + ferrohedenbergite + fayalite + aenigmatite + ferrorichterite + pyrrhotite ± apatite, although fayalite, ferrohedenbergite and ilmenite are absent from more evolved rocks (e.g. with SiO2 > 71%). QUILF temperature calculations for the trachytes range from 709 to 793 °C and for the pantellerites 668–708 °C, the latter temperatures being among the lowest recorded for peralkaline silicic magmas. The QUILF thermobarometer demonstrates that the Eburru magmas crystallized at relatively low oxidation states (ΔFMQ + 0.5 to − 1.6) for both trachytes and pantellerites. The trachytes and pantellerites evolved along separate liquid lines of descent, the trachytes possibly deriving from a more mafic parent by fractional crystallization and the pantellerites from extreme fractionation of comenditic magmas.  相似文献   

New specimens of a fossil ostrich from the Miocene of Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fossilised hind limb bones from the late Middle Miocene (approximately 14 million-year-old [MYA]) Fort Ternan, Kadianga West and Ngorora localities in Western Kenya indicate the presence of a new representative of the ostrich genus Struthio. These new fossils represent some of the oldest known records for Struthio yet described, slightly younger than Struthio coppensi, from the Lower Miocene of Namibia. Because the four sub-species of the modern-day ostrich (Struthio camelus camelus, Struthio camelus australis, Struthio camelus massaicus, and Struthio camelus molybdophanes) inhabit the plains of Africa, and as recently as the 1940s, a fifth sub-species was also present in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia (Struthio camelus syriacus), records of Struthio from Kenya and Namibia testify to the much wider distribution of these cursorial birds in the relatively recent past. This is further supported by the very high frequency of ostrich eggshell fragments found across Africa and Eurasia, which vastly outweighs the amount of skeletal material uncovered over the last century.  相似文献   

The December 26, 2004 Sumatra tsunami caused severe damage at the coasts of the Indian ocean. We report results of a sedimentological study of tsunami run-up parameters and the sediments laid down by the tsunami at the coast of Tamil Nadu, India, and between Malindi and Lamu, Kenya. In India, evidence of three tsunami waves is preserved on the beaches in the form of characteristic debris accumulations. We measured the maximum run-up distance at 580 m and the maximum run-up height at 4.85 m. Flow depth over land was at least 3.5 m. The tsunami deposited an up to 30 cm thick blanket of moderately well to well-sorted coarse and medium sand that overlies older beach deposits or soil with an erosional unconformity. The sand sheet thins inland without a decrease of grain-size. The deposits consist frequently of three layers. The lower one may be cross-bedded with foresets dipping landward and indicating deposition during run-up. The overlying two sand layers are graded or parallel-laminated without indicators of current directions. Thus, it remains undecided whether they formed during run-up or return flow. Thin dark laminae rich in heavy minerals frequently mark the contacts between successive layers. Benthic foraminifera indicate an entrainment of sediment by the tsunami from water depths less than ca. 30 m water depth. On the Indian shelf these depths are present at distances of up to 5 km from the coast. In Kenya only one wave is recorded, which attained a run-up height of 3 m at a run-up distance of ca. 35 m from the tidal water line at the time of the tsunami impact. Only one layer of fine sand was deposited by the tsunami. It consists predominantly of heavy minerals supplied to the sea by a nearby river. The sand layer thins landward with a minor decrease in grain-size. Benthic foraminifera indicate an entrainment of sediment by the tsunami from water depths less than ca. 30 m water depth, reaching down potentially to ca. 80 m. The presence of only one tsunami-related sediment layer in Kenya, but three in India, reflects the impact of only one wave at the coast of Kenya, as opposed to several in India. Grain-size distributions in the Indian and Kenyan deposits are mostly normal to slightly positively skewed and indicate that the detritus was entrained by the tsunami from well sorted pre-tsunami deposits in nearshore, swash zone and beach environments.  相似文献   

Yuting Liu 《Geoforum》2006,37(4):610-626
Since the transition of the economic system in the early 1990s, urban poverty has become a prominent social problem and attracted attention among Chinese officials and academics. However, there have been few studies on the spatiality of urban poverty. The purpose of this paper is to examine the spatial pattern of urban poverty in China and the mechanism of spatial concentration. Urban poverty has begun to concentrate in specific locations, mainly in three types of poverty neighbourhoods: inner-city dilapidated residence, degraded workers’ villages and rural migrants’ enclaves. We argue that the emergence of concentrated poverty is rooted in the state-led urban development and the socialist housing provision system. Based on fieldwork in typical poverty neighbourhoods in the city of Nanjing, the concentration of poverty is examined, and its creation mechanism is analysed. Further discussion indicates that poverty concentration in particular neighbourhoods is different from slums or ghettoes in advanced western economies.  相似文献   

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