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Aliphatic hydrocarbon compositions were quantitatively characterized in plankton, sediment trap-collected particulate materials and sediments from Dabob Bay using high resolution glass capillary gas chromatography. The average net accumulation of individual hydrocarbons measured in a 1-yr series of sediment traps was compared with the net accumulation of corresponding compounds measured in three depth intervals of 210Pb-dated bottom sediments. Systematic and rapid decreases in the net accumulation of individual hydrocarbons were observed from the sediment traps to the sediments. Most pronounced decreases were measured for planktonically derived hydrocarbon constituents (e.g. pristane and two unsaturated compounds) which are rapidly remineralized at or near the sediment-water interface. Consequently, the amount of each compound measured in deposited sediments is not necessarily a quantitative indication of its initial flux to the sediments. The n-alkanes (C25,27,29,31). characteristic of terrestrial plant waxes, are the predominant hydrocarbons measured by 4–6 cm depth in these sediments and show reasonably constant net accumulation below this interval.Significant diagenetic alteration of the bulk organic matter contained in the average sediment trap particulate material is also noted through comparison with bottom sediments on the basis of organic C/N and δ13C measurements. Organic matter elementally similar to marine plankton is preferentially remineralized upon deposition of the sedimentary particulates. The residual organic matter remaining and buried in the bottom sediments closely resembles terrestrial organic matter.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and nitrated PAH (NPAH) products are toxic. Thus, determination of their concentrations is of great interest to researchers of soil and water pollution control. In this work, soil samples, surface water samples, and groundwater samples were collected, and the concentrations of 16 priority PAHs and 15 NPAHs were determined using an HPLC-ultraviolet detector. Results showed that the total PAH concentrations ranged within 489.69–1,670.11 ng/g (average = 905.89 ng/g) in soil samples, 4.00–23.4 μg/l (average = 9.84 μg/l) in surface water samples, and 2.14–22.3 μg/l (average = 8.37 μg/l) in groundwater samples. The NPAH concentrations were one to two orders of magnitude lower than the PAH concentrations and ranged within 22.72–128.70 ng/g (average = 63.88 ng/g) in soil samples. 2-Nitropyrene and 6-nitrochrysene were the most abundant compounds, accounting for about 14.3 and 26.5 %, respectively. Source analysis revealed that most PAHs originated from coal combustion around the study area, whereas NPAH studies suggested that the primary emission of gasoline engines and daytime OH reactions were the dominant sources of these compounds.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and their alkyl homologs are distributed in sediments throughout the world. The qualitative PAH pattern is remarkably constant for most of the locations studied, and the quantitative PAH abundance increases with proximity to urban centers. These findings are consistent with anthropogenic combustion's being the major source of these compounds. Two non-combustion sources of PAH have also been noted: retene coming from abietic acid and perylene probably coming from various extended quinone pigments.  相似文献   

Using microprobe laser-desorption, laser-ionization mass spectrometry (μL2MS), we measured the distributions of alkylated and unalkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the free organic material of 20 carbonaceous chondrites. These meteorites represent a variety of meteorite classes and alteration histories, including CI, CK, CM, CO, CR, CV, and Tagish Lake. This work provides information on free organic compounds that is complementary to studies of the structure and composition of meteoritic macromolecular content.For the nine CM2 meteorites analyzed, we observe that higher relative abundances of alkylated PAHs correlate with more intense aqueous activity. We attribute this correlation to the differences in solubility and volatility between unalkylated and alkylated PAHs. Naphthalene and its alkylation series are more susceptible to the effects of aqueous exposure than the less-soluble PAH phenanthrene and its alkylated derivatives. These observations are consistent with the possibility of chromatographic separations on the meteorite parent bodies. We identify six CM2 meteorites with similar PAH distributions that may represent the original, unaltered organic composition of the parent body.Increased metamorphic intensity reduces the abundance of all PAHs. The thermally metamorphosed CK chondrites had no detectable levels of typical meteoritic PAHs. This observation might be explained either by a loss of PAHs caused by volatilization or by a significantly different organic content of the CK parent body.  相似文献   

Karst areas have much higher ecological vulnerability and are easy to be contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are introduced as health risk pollutants. PAHs ratios were used to understand the sources and transport behavior of PAHs conducted in the karst Nanshan Underground River, China. Water, sediments from the underground river and water, sediments, soil from the surface were collected monthly in 2011 and 2012. Abundant PAHs were found both in the underground river and in the surface system. The detected ΣPAHs concentrations varied from 353 to 13,203 ng L?1 in the groundwaters and content from 169 to 12,038 ng g?1 in the sediments of the underground river. The ratios of anthracene to anthracene, plus phenanthrene and fluoranthene to fluoranthene, plus pyrene indicated that PAHs were delivered in the groundwaters from combusted grass, wood, and coal, while in the sediments were a mixture of non-combusted petroleum, grass, wood, coal and combusted grass, wood, coal. The similarities in sources between an underground river and surface system indicated that farmlands play a major role for the transport of PAHs and contamination in the underground river. Karst features are liable for the transport behavior.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the total concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments of Iguassu River in Southern Brazil. Alongside the concentration, the amount of such compounds bioavailable was also evaluated. This is accomplished by comparing its total amount present in sediments and the amount extracted by n-butanol. The results showed that the total concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons presented in sediment ranged from 4.49 to 58.75???g/g. The total amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons extracted by n-butanol ranged from 1.22 to 17.07???g/g. The use of n-butanol represents the mimetic conditions that hydrocarbons, derived from oil, could be taken up by organisms. Most of the hydrocarbons extracted by n-butanol were those with lower octanol?Cwater partition constant, usually those with three and four rings. Compounds with more than four rings were extracted in lower or insignificant amounts. Even the hydrocarbons with lower molecular weight available may be degraded or eliminated by organisms, when accumulated. Estimating bioavailability of hydrocarbons represents what specific hydrocarbons could be available to be taken up by organisms.  相似文献   

Oyster and sediment samples collected from six sites in Galveston Bay from 1986 to 1998 were analyzed for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Total concentrations of parent PAHs in oysters ranged from 20 ng g−1 at one site to 9,242 ng g−1 at another and varied randomly with no clear trend over the 13 year period at any site. Concentrations of alkylated PAHs, which are indications of petroleum contamination, varied from 20 to 80,000 ng g−1 in oysters and were in higher abundance than the parent PAHs, indicating that one source of the PAH contaminants in Galveston Bay was petroleum and petroleum products. Four to six ring parent PAHs, which are indicative of combustion source , were higher than those of 2–3 ring parent PAHs, suggesting incomplete combustion generated PAHs was another source of PAHs into Galveston Bay. Concentrations of parent PAHs in sediments ranged from 57 to 670 ng g−1 and were much lower than those in oysters. Sediments from one site had a high PAH concentration of 5,800 ng g−1. Comparison of the compositions and concentrations of PAHs between sediment and oysters suggests that oysters preferentially bioaccumulate four to six ring PAHs. PAH composition in sediments suggests that the sources of PAH pollution in Galveston Bay were predominantly pyrogenic, while petroleum related PAHs were secondary contributions into the Bay.  相似文献   

太原市区土壤中多环芳烃污染特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用1个样/km2的密度,1个分析组合样/25km2的方法,对太原市区土壤中多环芳烃进行了调查。结果表明,太原市区土壤中多环芳烃的平均含量为8.65μg/g;空间分布上北高南低,高值点主要位于工业区及交通要道地段;组成上以四环及四环以上的多环芳烃为主。通过与国内外城市土壤的对比可知,太原市土壤PAHs污染已相当严重,其来源主要是煤炭的燃烧。太原市工业布局、能耗类型和地理位置是造成土壤PAHs污染的主要原因。  相似文献   

Total concentrations of Cd, Cr, Co, Fe, Pb, Ni, Mn and Zn were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the surface sediments of Taylor Creek, Southern Nigeria. The most concentrated trace metals, ranging from 113.2 to 5160.7 mg/g-dry weights were Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni and Zn. There was no significant variation in sediment-associated metal levels (P>0.05). The metal pollution index was highest at Agbia/Nedugo and is attributed to local contamination of the Creek. The concentrations of low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also detected and quantified in the sediments by capillary gas chromatography equipped with a flame ionization detector. The concentration levels of 178.1-1266.3 mg/g-wet weights were high for the PAHs. The results indicate that the pollutants, which are bio-accumulatable, could contribute to inferior biodiversity, and shifts in community composition from sensitive to tolerant taxa.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been studied in oil columns from the Liaohe basin, NE China, characterized by varied degrees of biodegradation. The Es3 oil column has undergone light to moderate biodegradation – ranging from levels 2 to 5 on the [Peters, K.E., Moldowan, J.M., 1993. The Biomarker Guide: Interpreting Molecular Fossils in Petroleum and Ancient Sediments. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, p. 363] scale (abbreviated as ‘PM level’) – while the shallower Es1 column has undergone more severe biodegradation, ranging from PM level 5 to 8. Both columns show excellent vertical biodegradation gradients, with degree of biodegradation increasing with increasing depth toward the oil–water contact (OWC). The compositional gradients in the oil columns imply mass transport control on degradation rates, with degradation occurring primarily at the OWC. The diffusion of hydrocarbons to the OWC zone will be the ultimate control on the maximum degradation rate. The chemical composition and physical properties of the reservoired oils, and the ‘degradation sequence’ of chemical components are determined by mixing of fresh oil with biodegraded oil.The PAH concentrations and molecular distributions in the reservoired oils from these biodegraded columns show systematic changes with increasing degree of biodegradation. The C3+-alkylbenzenes are the first compounds to be depleted in the aromatic fraction. Concentrations of the C0–5-alkylnaphthalenes and the C0–3-alkylphenanthrenes decrease markedly during PM levels 3–5, while significant isomer variations occur at more advanced stages of biodegradation (>PM level 4).The degree of alkylation is a critical factor controlling the rate of biodegradation; in most cases the rate decreases with increasing number of alkyl substituents. However, we have observed that C3-naphthalenes concentrations decrease faster than those of C2-naphthalenes, and methylphenanthrenes concentrations decrease faster than that of phenanthrene. Demethylation of a substituted compound is inferred as a possible reaction in the biodegradation process.Differential degradation of specific alkylated isomers was observed in our sample set. The relative susceptibility of the individual dimethylnaphthalene, trimethylnaphthalene, tetramethylnaphthalene, pentamethylnaphthalene, methylphenanthrene, dimethylphenanthrene and trimethylphenanthrene isomers to biodegradation was determined. The C20 and C21 short side-chained triaromatic steroid hydrocarbons are degraded more readily than their C26–28 long side-chained counterparts. The C21–22-monoaromatic steroid hydrocarbons (MAS) appear to be more resistant to biodegradation than the C27–29-MAS.Interestingly, the most thermally stable PAH isomers are more susceptible to biodegradation than less thermally stable isomers, suggesting that selectivity during biodegradation is not solely controlled by thermodynamic stability and that susceptibility to biodegradation may be related to stereochemical structure. Many commonly used aromatic hydrocarbon maturity parameters are no longer valid after biodegradation to PM level 4 although some ratios change later than others. The distribution of PAHs coupled with knowledge of their biodegradation characteristics constitutes a useful probe for the study of biodegradation processes and can provide insight into the mechanisms of biodegradation of reservoired oil.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water of Lake Baikal is estimated. The published data on the composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in...  相似文献   

Concentration, distribution, and sources of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in surface sediments of Laizhou Bay, China. Total PAH concentrations ranged from 97.2 to 204.8 ng/g, with a mean of 148.4 ng/g. High concentrations of PAHs were found in the fine-grained sediments on both sides of the Yellow River estuary (YRE). In contrast, low levels of PAHs were observed in relatively coarse grain sediments, suggesting hydrodynamics influence the accumulation of sedimentary PAHs. The YRE and its adjacent area is the main sink for Yellow River-derived PAHs. Both PAH isomer ratios and principal component analysis (PCA) with multivariate linear regression (MLR) were applied to apportion sources of PAHs. Results indicated that both pyrogenic and petrogenic PAH sources were important. Further PCA/MLR analysis showed that the contributions of coal combustion, petroleum combustion and a combined source of spilled oil and biomass burning were 41, 15 and 44%, respectively. From an ecotoxicological viewpoint, the studied area appears to have low levels of PAH pollution.  相似文献   

Heavy metals (HMs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are two sorts of important pollutants, which were frequently detected in natural aquatic environments at the same time. Surfacial sediments (SSs), suspended particulates (SPs) and natural surface coatings (NSCs) are recognized as the key solid sinks and sources of heavy metals (HMs) and organic materials (OMs) in natural water systems, playing critical roles in the cycling and transformation of pollutants. The behaviors of HMs in the multi-phases (SSs, SPs and NSCs) have been well investigated, but less reports on those of PAHs, especially on those of HMs and PAHs simultaneously in the multi-phases. Hence, the relationship between HMs (Pb, Cd and Cu) and PAHs (fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene) in the multi-phases of Nanhu Lake in Changchun, China, was studied in this study using methods of acid digestion and extraction, in order to reveal the combined pollution of HMs and PAHs in Nanhu Lake. The information indicated that HMs and PAHs have the similar distribution patterns in the multi-phases of Nanhu Lake, with increasing levels of riMs and PAHs in the SSs, SPs and NSCs. And the enrichment capacities of SPs and NSCs for HMs and PAHs in the water were similar to each other and much greater than that of SSs, implying that SPs and NSCs contributed more to the transference and transformation of HMs and PAHs in the aquatic environments. The relationship between HMs and PAHs has been analyzed by SPSS statistical analysis, and the results showed that the significant correlation of riMs and PAHs was found in the SSs at the confidence level of p = 0.05, but Pb, Cd or Cu had no correlation with any monomer of PAHs in the SPs or NSCs, highlighting the existence of combined pollution of HMs and PAHs in SSs. This was partly due to the relative lability of SPs or NSCs compared to SSs resulting from the water quality of being varied.  相似文献   

山东淄博煤矿区环境中多环芳烃的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
对山东淄博煤矿区的煤、煤矸石、矿坑排水、煤矸石淋滤水以及煤矿地下水中多环芳烃的含量进行了测试研究。结果表明,该煤矿区的煤及煤矸石中含有多环芳烃;矿坑排水、煤矸石淋滤水及地下水中的多环芳烃与煤层及煤矸石的淋滤有关,煤矿开采引起的多环芳烃污染应引起重视。  相似文献   

As a US east coast state with a major income from outdoor recreation and tourism, Delaware highly values its environmental quality and natural resources. However, no results on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contamination in soil at natural recreational areas (NRAs) in the state have been reported. In this study soil samples from seven state parks, two city parks, two state forests, and two national wildlife refuges in Delaware were analyzed for the concentrations of 12 selected PAHs. Results indicated that the median concentration of total PAHs in urban, suburban, and rural NRAs was 1,159, 138, and 130 μg/kg, respectively. Based on the classification proposed by Maliszewska-Kordybach, soil PAH contamination level at almost all sampling sites in urban NRAs was classified as contaminated or heavily contaminated, while that at sampling sites in suburban and rural NRAs was classified as not or weakly contaminated. Principal component analysis showed that all these areas share the same independent variable, which may be composed of one or more contribution sources. Pyrogenic processes were inferred to be the major source of soil PAH contamination in Delaware NRAs. Individual PAH concentration at all sampling sites were observed below the limit of Canadian Quality Guidelines except for site F3, where the concentration of benzo[b]flouranthene, benzo[k]flouranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene was found to exceed the limit by 88.3, 125, and 281 %, respectively. Further investigation on PAH contamination and possible remediation in area F are recommended.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(4):505-511
The coastal cities are the most advanced regions in China. In the past few decades, the environment changed very significantly due to large scale human activities in the coastal regions. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in three dated sediment cores from the west coast of the Yellow Sea (core A01), the Yangtze River estuary (YRE; core A02) and the Oujiang River estuary (ORE; core A03) were analyzed to reconstruct the environmental evolutionary process of the east China coastal region over the past century. In the three cores, PAHs concentrations were increased rapidly. Lower concentrations of PAHs were measured in core A02 than in cores A01 and A03. The vertical variation of PAHs in the YRE was dominated by the petrogenic sources. Historical records of PAHs in the ORE were controlled by pyrolytic sources. PAHs on the west coast of the Yellow Sea were contributed by the two sources.  相似文献   

多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)是一种难降解、毒性强的致癌性污染物,其广泛分布于各环境介质中,陆地环境中90%的PAHs累积在土壤中。随着资源的开发,由油品泄漏、垃圾渗滤、污水排放等行为造成的多年冻土区PAHs土壤污染问题日益突显,并且在气候变化背景下,多年冻土中的PAHs具有重新释放而造成二次污染的风险,多年冻土区土壤多环芳烃污染分布特征和迁移规律研究对评估多年冻土区生态环境风险,防治土壤持久性有机物污染,保障广大多年冻土居民生命健康安全具有重要意义。通过回顾目前国内外多年冻土区土壤中PAHs污染的相关研究,分析发现多年冻土区未受污染的土壤中PAHs的污染水平远低于中低纬度人口密集区域,可代表地球土壤中PAHs的背景值;高纬度或高海拔的地理位置以及严寒的气候使得冻土区土壤中PAHs一个普遍且最重要的来源是大气远距离传输;活动层的冻融作用主要通过改变土壤理化性质和控制水分运移方向影响PAHs在多年冻土区土壤中的垂向分布特征,多年冻土的低渗透性具有阻碍PAHs垂向迁移的作用。综合分析已有研究成果,表明目前冻土区土壤PAHs污染研究还是大量集中于表层土壤中的污染分布调查和来源解析,而关于PAHs在活动层和多年冻土层中的垂向迁移研究还仅限于对其在土壤剖面中分布状况的解释性分析,冻融作用对PAHs在土壤中的迁移、转化和归宿的影响机制还不清楚。未来多年冻土区土壤中PAHs的研究将集中于迁移转化机理与污染治理技术两方面,针对PAHs在多年冻土区土壤中迁移行为的模拟模型亟待研究开发,以实现PAHs污染储量和迁移通量的定量预测;此外,多年冻土区土壤污染问题的深入研究还需要紧密联系多圈层、多界面、多介质、多要素以及多目标污染物而开展。  相似文献   

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