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Geochemical and isotopic data for the uppermost 1.2 m of the sediments of the central Santa Monica Basin plain were examined to better understand organic matter deposition and recycling at this site. Isotopic signatures (Δ14C and δ13C) of methane (CH4) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) indicate the occurrence of anaerobic oxidation of CH4 that is fueled by CH4 supplied from a relict reservoir that is decoupled from local organic carbon (Corg) degradation and methanogenesis. This finding was corroborated by a flux budget of pore-water solutes across the basal horizon of the profile. Together these results provide a plausible explanation for the anomalously low ratio between alkalinity production and sulfate consumption reported for these sediments over two decades ago. Shifts in Δ14C and δ13C signatures of Corg have previously been reported across the 20-cm depth horizon for this site and attributed to a transition from oxic to anoxic bottom water that occurred ~350 years BP. However, we show that this horizon also coincides with a boundary between the base of a hemipelagic mud section and the top of a turbidite interval, complicating the interpretation of organic geochemical data across this boundary. Radiocarbon signatures of DIC diffusing upward into surface sediments indicate that remineralization at depth is supported by relatively 14C-enriched Corg within the sedimentary matrix. While the exact nature of this Corg is unclear, possible sources are hemipelagic mud sections that were buried rapidly under thick turbidites, and 14C-rich moieties dispersed within Corg-poor turbidite sections.  相似文献   

Particulate Fe and Mn may be important trace metal scavengers in the water column as well as being probable indicators of biologically mediated redox processes. A study has been made of suspended particulate composition in the Santa Barbara Basin, a shallow near-shore basin off southern California with sub-oxic conditions below sill depth. Observations have revealed several interesting phenomena relating to the geochemistry of Fe and Mn. Most striking is a profound enrichment of particulate Fe in samples from the bottom two hundred meters. These particulates have a constant Fe/P mole ratio of about three and may originate at the sediment-water interface or may be transported to the basin from local marshes. For particulate Mn, enrichments are observed both in the sub-sill waters and near the base of the euphotic zone. A consideration of particle removal rates suggests that the sub-photic zone enrichment has a biogenic origin. In the sub-sill waters, enrichment in Mn is apparently due to the precipitation of dissolved Mn diffusing from the anoxic basin sediments. A simple mass balance suggests that most of the Mn lost from the sediments is transported from the Santa Barbara Basin in dissolved form.  相似文献   

An analysis of 6,300 pebbles from eighteen river terraces within the five subareas of the Santa Ynez River basin has revealed significant differences in particle sphericity and roundness of the various terrace gravels.Using the Cailleux technique of pebble measurement, Krumbein's sphericity ratio formula (Y) and the author's own roundness ratio or the I/L1 ratio (R) the computed values derived for Y range from 0.92 to 1.11, and for R from 0.66 to 0.79 on these benches.An analysis of variance, based on the F-test applied to samples has established that: (a) gravel sphericity and roundness increase significantly from upstream to the river mouth; (b) in the subareas themselves pebble sphericity and roundness vary significantly from bench to bench indicating varied energy conditions of deposition; (c) all terrace gravels measured show higher sphericity and roundness than the underlying Orcutt gravels. This suggests a reworking of the latter by the Santa Ynez River.  相似文献   

Microscopic charcoal from varved Santa Barbara Basin sediments was used to reconstruct a 560-yr record (A.D. 1425 to 1985) of Santa Ana fires. Comparison of large (>3750 μm2) charcoal with documented fire records in the Santa Barbara Ranger District shows that high accumulations correspond to large fires (>20,000 ha) that occurred during Santa Ana conditions. The charcoal record reconstructed a minimum of 20 large fires in the Santa Barbara region during the study period. The average time between fires shows no distinct change across three different land use periods: the Chumash period, apparently characterized by frequent burning, the Spanish/Early American period with nominal fire control, and the 20th century with active fire suppression. Pollen data support the conclusion that the fire regime has not dramatically changed during the last 500 yr. Comparison of large charcoal particle accumulation rates and precipitation reconstructed from tree rings show a strong relationship between climate and fire history, with large fires consistently occurring at the end of wet periods and the beginning of droughts.  相似文献   

The triterpenol geochemistry of the Santa Monica Basin from the Southern California Borderland, off the U.S.A., is described from the study of two sets of trap deployments, five box cores (≈30 cm) and a hydroplastic core (≈1 m). The biogenic sources and diagenetic stability of the triterpenols are discussed.The 17β(H), 21β(H)-hopanols (22R isomer) occur in the carbon number range from 30 to 32 and their abundance is nearly uniform in the shallow sediment sections. However, the three hopanols follow the order of abundance, C32 > C31 C30, in deeper sections. Their concentrations spans from trace levels to 156 μg/g organic carbon (<15 ng to 7 μg/g dry sediment). Tetrahymanol (gammaceran-3β-ol) has been identified in all the samples except in one set of trap particles collected at 100 m water depth, from trace level (<1 μg) to 215 μg/g organic carbon (<20 ng to 9 μg/g dry sediment). Diplopterol is also detected in trace amounts in some samples. The triterpenols in the trap material generally increase with the water column depth and decrease with the subbottom depth in the sediment cores.The extended hopanols are either degradation products of polyhydroxybacteriohopanes or are biosynthesized by bacteria. Tetrahymanol is probably the only suggested biological precursor of gammacerane (the reduced counterpart of tetrahymanol), which has been recognized in numerous crude oils and lithified sediments. Although it has been reported earlier from Green River Shale and from a residual Pleistocene lake sediment, tetrahymanol has so far been positively identified from recent marine sediments only in two recent studies. The decreasing content of tetrahymanol in sedimentary depth profiles in the Santa Monica Basin would favor an origin for this compound in the water column or at the sediment surface. The ubiquitous occurrence of this compound throughout the study area suggests that this triterpenol most probably originates from primitive organisms (protozoa, bacteria?), hitherto not identified or, more likely, not yet analyzed for their lipid composition.  相似文献   

Nabil Kamel 《Geoforum》2012,43(3):453-463
This paper reveals the contingent aspect associated with the actualization of a neoliberal space. The paper examines the material, institutional, and economic conditions necessary for a neoliberal agenda to transform its urban policy objectives into a material reality. The study follows changes in housing conditions in Santa Monica, California from 1990 to 2008. During this period, the confluence of three sets of events led to the actualization of a neoliberal space. First, housing damage from the 1994 Northridge earthquake removed “dead capital” from the housing sector. Second, subsequent administrative actions at the local level and more importantly deregulation legislation at the state level eliminated rent control regulations and created market incentives that favored upscale development. Finally, the state’s economic recovery generated a substantial flow of private investments into the real estate market. These combined factors led not only to the dismantling of affordable housing in Santa Monica, but also to the erosion of residents’ and local authorities’ ability to manage housing choices and, consequently, to a historic restructuring of Santa Monica’s physical and social space. These changes had a disproportionately and negative effect on low-income and minority renters.  相似文献   

Small turbidite systems offshore from southern California provide an opportunity to track sediment from river source through the turbidity‐current initiation process to ultimate deposition, and to evaluate the impact of changing sea level and tectonics. The Santa Monica Basin is almost a closed system for terrigenous sediment input, and is supplied principally from the Santa Clara River. The Hueneme fan is supplied directly by the river, whereas the smaller Mugu and Dume fans are nourished by southward longshore drift. This study of the Late Quaternary turbidite fill of the Santa Monica Basin uses a dense grid of high‐resolution seismic‐reflection profiles tied to new radiocarbon ages for Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1015 back to 32 ka. Over the last glacial cycle, sedimentation rates in the distal part of Santa Monica Basin averaged 2–3 mm yr?1, with increases at times of extreme relative sea‐level lowstand. Coarser‐grained mid‐fan lobes prograded into the basin from the Hueneme, Mugu and Dume fans at times of rapid sea‐level fall. These pulses of coarse‐grained sediment resulted from river channel incision and delta cannibalization. During the extreme lowstand of the last glacial maximum, sediment delivery was concentrated on the Hueneme Fan, with mean depositional rates of up to 13 mm yr?1 on the mid‐ and upper fan. During the marine isotope stage (MIS) 2 transgression, enhanced rates of sedimentation of > 4 mm yr?1 occurred on the Mugu and Dume fans, as a result of distributary switching and southward littoral drift providing nourishment to these fan systems. Longer‐term sediment delivery to Santa Monica Basin was controlled by tectonics. Prior to MIS 10, the Anacapa ridge blocked the southward discharge of the Santa Clara River into the Santa Monica Basin. The pattern and distribution of turbidite sedimentation was strongly controlled by sea level through the rate of supply of coarse sediment and the style of initiation of turbidity currents. These two factors appear to have been more important than the absolute position of sea level.  相似文献   

Normark  Piper  & Hiscott 《Sedimentology》1998,45(1):53-70
Hueneme and Dume submarine fans in Santa Monica Basin consist of sandy channel and muddy levee facies on the upper fan, lenticular sand sheets on the middle fan, and thinly bedded turbidite and hemipelagic facies elsewhere. Fifteen widely correlatable key seismic reflections in high-resolution airgun and deep-towed boomer profiles subdivide the fan and basin deposits into time-slices that show different thickness and seismic-facies distributions, inferred to result from changes in Quaternary sea level and sediment supply. At times of low sea level, highly efficient turbidity currents generated by hyperpycnal flows or sediment failures at river deltas carry sand well out onto the middle-fan area. Thick, muddy flows formed rapidly prograding high levees mainly on the western (right-hand) side of three valleys that fed Hueneme fan at different times; the most recently active of the lowstand fan valleys, Hueneme fan valley, now heads in Hueneme Canyon. At times of high sea level, fans receive sand from submarine canyons that intercept littoral-drift cells and mixed sediment from earthquake-triggered slumps. Turbidity currents are confined to ‘underfit’ talweg channels in fan valleys and to steep, small, basin-margin fans like Dume fan. Mud is effectively separated from sand at high sea level and moves basinward across the shelf in plumes and in storm-generated lutite flows, contributing to a basin-floor blanket that is locally thicker than contemporary fan deposits and that onlaps older fans at the basin margin. The infilling of Santa Monica Basin has involved both fan and basin-floor aggradation accompanied by landward and basinward facies shifts. Progradation was restricted to the downslope growth of high muddy levees and the periodic basinward advance of the toe of the steeper and sandier Dume fan. Although the region is tectonically active, major sedimentation changes can be related to eustatic sea-level changes. The primary controls on facies shifts and fan growth appear to be an interplay of texture of source sediment, the efficiency with which turbidity currents transport sand, and the effects of delta distributary switching, all of which reflect sea-level changes.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossils from 38 packrat middens spanning the last ~ 33,000 cal yr BP record vegetation between ~ 650 and 900 m elevation along the eastern escarpment of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, northern Baja California. The middens span most of the Holocene, with a gap between ~ 4600 and 1800 cal yr BP, but coverage in the Pleistocene is uneven with a larger hiatus between 23,100 and 14,400 cal yr BP. The midden flora is relatively stable from the Pleistocene to Holocene. Exceptions include Pinus californiarum, Juniperus californica and other chaparral elements that were most abundant > 23,100 cal yr BP and declined after 14,400 cal yr BP. Despite being near the chaparral/woodland-desertscrub ecotone during glacial times, the midden assemblages reflect none of the climatic reversals evident in the glacial or marine record, and this is corroborated by a nearby semi-continuous pollen stratigraphy from lake sediments. Regular appearance of C4 grasses and summer-flowering annuals since 13,600 cal yr BP indicates occurrence of summer rainfall equivalent to modern (JAS average of ~ 80–90 mm). This casts doubt on the claim, based on temperature proxies from marine sediments in the Guaymas Basin, that monsoonal development in the northern Gulf and Arizona was delayed until after 6200 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

Varve thickness time series from ODP Site 893 in the Santa Barbara Basin (off California) were analysed to determine variation in the strength of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles during the past 15 000 yr. Mean varve thickness and variance changed over time, with thicker varves before ~8000 yr BP indicative of wetter than modern climates. A 100‐yr running standardisation was applied to correct for non‐stationarity. The contribution of ENSO‐scale variability was then estimated as the amplitude of 3–8 year bandpassed data. Results show multidecadal‐ to centennial‐scale modulation of the amplitude. On average, however, the amplitude of ENSO scale variability remained constant throughout the past 15 000 yr. We therefore conclude that, although the expression of ENSO cycles may have changed during the Holocene, there is no indication for a significant change in amplitude of interannual variability. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiple geochemical tracers [ion chemistry, stable isotopes of water, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), tritium] and a 25-year-long record of discharge were used to understand residence times and flow paths of groundwater seeps in the fractured rock aquifer surrounding the Mission Tunnel, Santa Barbara, California. Tritium data from individual seeps indicate that seep waters are a mixture of >45-year-old (recharged prior to the nuclear bomb tests) and young groundwater. CFC data support this interpretation, however, a two-end member mixing model cannot completely explain the age tracer data. Microbial degradation and partial re-equilibration complicate the CFC signal. Spectral analysis of precipitation and groundwater seepage records shows that seepage lags precipitation by 3 months. This delay is related to the advancement of the wetting front and increasing the number of active flow paths. Additionally, the amount of seepage produced by precipitation is less during extended periods of drought than during normal or wet periods, suggesting antecedent conditions strongly affect flow through this fractured rock aquifer.  相似文献   

The twin 6000 m volcanoes San Pedro and San Pablo rise 2000 m above the extensive ignimbrite plateau of northern Chile. San Pablo is extinct and quite deeply eroded, San Pedro has an active fumarole and a record of several historic volcanic eruptions. Activity on both has on the whole migrated westwards with time. The volcanoes consist of pyroxene and hornblende andesite lavas with broad aprons of volcaniclastic rocks, including hot avalanche deposits, on their flanks. 30 new chemical analyses show that the composition range of the rocks composing the volcanoes is small, with silica varying between 56 and 66%, significantly higher than that of Quaternary volcanic suites of the western Pacific. The hornblende andesite lavas are very thick (commonly 100 to 200 m) indicating a high viscosity. Where such flows were erupted high on San Pedro, large portions of them collapsed when they became mechanically unstable and the resulting avalanche deposits form an important part of the volcano. Most avalanches took place when the source-lava was still hot, though so viscous that it broke by brittle fracture when it collapsed. The larger blocks have a prismatic jointing normal to their outer surface, showing that they cooled down in place after collapse. Evidence is presented that the mechanism of transport of these hot avalanches is not likely to be different from that of non-volcanic rock avalanches. Pumiceous pyroclastic flows also occur, one on the flanks of San Pedro, while others comprise the ignimbrite plateau. The latter is made up of many pyroclastic flows different from the San Pedro example only in size, and there are good grounds for believing that the ignimbrites likewise originated by eruptions on the andesitic volcanoes. Many of the ignimbrites are rhyolites, much more acidic than the andesite stratovolcanoes and a process of surface transport separation has operated whereby the andesites are concentrated on and near their source, while most of the rhyolites, because of their different style of eruption, have spread widely from it.
Zusammenfassung Die beiden 6000 m hohen Vulkane San Pedro und San Pablo erheben sich etwa 2000 m über der breiten, von Ignimbrit gebildeten Hochebene Nordchiles. San Pablo ist längst erloschen und tief erodiert; dagegen weist San Pedro mehrere historische Eruptionen und dazu eine noch aktive Fumarole auf. Bei beiden hat sich die vulkanische Tätigkeit im Laufe der Zeit nach Westen verlagert. Die Vulkane sind aus Pyroxen- und Hornblende-Andesit-Laven gebildet; ihre äußeren Flanken bestehen aus breiten vulkanoklastischen Ablagerungen, die heiße Erdrutsch-Ablagerungen einschließen. Chemische Analysen von 30 Gesteinsproben ergeben, daß die Produkte der Vulkane nur geringe chemische Schwankungen zeigen und daß die SiO2-Werte zwischen 56% und 66% liegen; deutlich höher als die SiO2-Werte der quartären westpazifischen vulkanischen Serien. Ihrer Mächtigkeit nach (100–200 m) müssen die Hornblende-Andesit-Laven eine hohe Viskosität gehabt haben. Wo solche Laven hoch auf San Pedro ausflossen, verloren größere Teile der Lava ihr Gleichgewicht und rutschten ab. Die so gebildeten Erdrutsch-Ablagerungen sind ein wichtiger Teil des ganzen Vulkans geworden. Die meisten Erdrutsche entstanden, als die Lava noch in heißem Zustand war, aber schon so hohe Viskosität hatte, daß sie mit sprödem Bruch abbrach und niederstürzte. Die größeren Brocken davon zeigen radiale, säulige Klüfte, die senkrecht zur Oberfläche laufen. Dies zeigt, daß sie nach dem Abrutschen als einzelne große Brocken gekühlt sind. Es wurde bewiesen, daß der Transportmechanismus dieser heißen Erdrutsche wahrscheinlich sehr ähnlich den nicht-vulkanischen Erdrutschen ist. Bimsstein-pyroklastische Lavadecken sind auch vorhanden, eine befindet sich an der Flanke von San Pedro, während andere die Ignimbrit-Hochebene bilden. Die letztgenannte erhält ebenfalls viele pyroklastische Lavadecken von geringerer Mächtigkeit als jene von San Pedro. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, daß auch diese Ignimbrite ihren Ursprung an den andesitischen Vulkanen fanden. Manche von den Ignimbriten sind Rhyolithe, viel saurer als die andesitischen Stratovulkane. Die Trennung der rhyolitischen und andesitischen Laven wurde auf der Erdoberfläche durch Transport vollzogen: die Andesite wurden nahe am Vulkan angehäuft, während die meisten der Rhyolite wegen ihres völlig anderen Eruptionsvorganges weiter entfernt vom Vulkanzentrum abgelagert sind.

Resumen Los volcanes gemelos de San Pedro y San Pablo se elevan 2000 m. sobre la extensiva altiplanicie ignimbrítica del norte de Chile. El San Pablo yace extínto y fuertemente erosionado, mientras que el San Pedro demuestra actividad fumarólica y ha registrado erupciones en tiempos históricos. En ambos volcanes la actividad se ha desplazado prpgresivamente hacia el occidente. Los volcanes se hallan constituídos por lavas de andesita piroxénica y hornbléndica. Tienen amplias falds de rocas volcanoclásticas, con depósitos de tipo hot avalanche. Treinta nuevos analisis demuestran que las rocas no varían mucho en cuanto a composición química. El porcentaje de sílice es de 56% a 66%, cantidad que supera la de de las rocas volcánicas cuaternarias del mergen pacífico occidental. Las lavas de andesita homblendica alcanzan grandes espesores (de entre 100 y 200 m.), lo que indicaría una alta viscosidad. Cuando una lava de estas brotara en la superficie alta del San Pedro, gran parte de ella devendría inestable, deslizándose y originanado depósitos que ahora constituyen una importante fracción del edificio volcánico. En su mayoriál los depósitos provinieron por disagregación mecánica de la lava paterna, la que fracturó formando bloques mientras se hallaba aun cálida. La presencia de un sistema de un sistema de fracturas perpendicular a la superficie externa de los bloques mas grandes indicaría que estos alcanzaron temperaturas ambientes en el propio sito donde ahora se hallan. El mecanismo de transporte de estos deslizamientos volcanicos no sería muy differente al de los deslizamientos formados por transporte Únicamente terrestre. Flujos piroclásticos con piedra pómez se hallan, uno sobre las faldas del San Pedro, otros constituyendo la altiplanicie ignimbrítica. Estos Últimos se distnguen del primero Únicamente por su mayor volÚmen. Uno que otros probablemente originaron por erupción en los propios volcanes. En su mayoria las ignimbritas son riolíticas, es decir, mas acídas que los estratovolcanes andesíticos. Por lo tanto, ha operado un proceso de separación en transporte superficial, cual proceso ha concentrado las andesitas cerca de su origien, mientras que las riolitas, con su propio estilo eruptivo, se han dispersado más, alcanzando grandes distancias.

Résumé Les deux volcans San Pedro et San Pablo, hauts de 6000 m, du Chili Septentrional, s'élèvent à 2000 m au-dessus d'un vaste plateau d'ignimbrites. San Pablo est éteint et profondément érodé, tandis que San Pedro montre une activité fumerollienne après plusieurs éruptions survenues au cours de la période historique. L'activité volcanique chez les deux volcans s'est déplacée dans le temps vers l'ouest. Les volcans sont composés de laves d'andésite à pyroxène et à hornblende, avec, sur leurs flancs, des roches volcanoclastiques comprenant des dépÔts dûs à des éboulements chauds. 30 nouvelles analyses chimiques montrent que les limites de composition sont étroites, avec de 56 à 66% de silice, soit une composition nettement plus élevée que celle des roches volcaniques quaternaires du Pacifique Occidental. Etant donné leur épaisseur (100 à 200 m), les laves andésitiques à hornblende doivent avoir eu une viscosité très grande. Dans les endroits élevés de San Pedro où de telles coulées se sont épanchées, une grande partie d'entre elles se sont effondrées. Les produits de ces éboulements forment une partie importante du volcan. La plupart des éboulements se sont produits quand la lave était encore chaude, mais si visqueuse qu'elle s'est fracturée avec une cassure nette pendant l'effondrement. Les blocs les plus grands sont cassés le long de lignes perpendiculaires à leur surface extérieure, ce qui montre qu'ils se sont refroidis sur place après leur effondrement. Cela montre avec évidence que le mécanisme de transport de ces «éboulements chauds» n'est vraisemblablement pas différent de celui des éboulements non-volcaniques. Il y a aussi des coulées de laves pyroclastiques ponceuses, dont une sur les flancs du San Pedro, tandis que d'autres forment le plateau ignimbritique. Le plateau est aussi composé de nombreuses coulées pyroclastiques d'épaisseur moindre que celles du San Pedro. Il est très vraisemblable que les ignimbrites aussi proviennent des volcans andésitiques. Beaucoup d'ignimbrites sont rhyolitiques, encore plus acides que les andésites des stratovolcans. Un processus de séparation au cours du transport a concentré les andésites près du volcan, tandis que la plupart des rhyolites, à cause d'un style d'éruption différent, se sont répandues à plus grande distance.

- - 6000 2000 , . - , ; -, , . — — . ; , . 30- , , SO2 56% 66% ( .-%); , SO2 - . (100–200 ) - . , , . , , . , , , . , . , . , , - , . - ; -, , . , -. , . , , . : , .

Isla San Pedro Nolasco (ISPN) is a structural high bounded by inactive dextral oblique-slip faults in the east-central part of the Gulf of California rift zone and is composed of intrusive rocks not exposed on other Gulf of California islands. Here we present the reconnaissance results from geological mapping, as well as first geochemical and geochronological data for the ISPN intrusive complex. The intrusive rocks compose a sheet-like body of intermediate and felsic composition intruded by an intermediate and acidic dike swarm. All intrusive rocks (host and dikes) range in age from ca. 9 Ma to 10 Ma (40Ar/39Ar) and show a hydrous ferromagnesian mineral association (amphibole and biotite) with a calc-alkalic and transitional affinity. This hydrated mineralogical association has not been recognized in the coeval rocks along the onshore western margin of the North American plate (coastal Sonora). However, such hydrous mineralogical association is found in the coeval rift transitional volcanic rocks from the Baja California Microplate at Santa Rosalía and Bahía de Los Ángeles – Bahía de Las Ánimas. The ISPN continental block, at least 40 km long, has been pulled apart by transtensional faulting of the late Miocene Gulf of California shear zone before the westward migration of the North America-Pacific plate boundary at ca. 3–2 Ma. Eventually, ISPN became isolated as an island during the late Miocene flooding of the Gulf of California seaway.  相似文献   

The Table Mountain Santa Barbara, consisting of the Mio-Pliocene Seroe Domi Limestone Formation, was probably covered with a guano layer in the Pleistocene (?). Solutions, carrying guano-derived phosphate, percolated downwards, resulting in partial phosphatization of the underlying limestones. Only two phosphate minerals are present in the Table Mountain: apatite, and whitlockite.Phosphatization includes both replacement of the original carbonate or (pre-phosphate) dolomite, and cementation in primary- as well as secondary porosity (cryptocrystalline, isotropic phosphate cement, (micro)crystalline apatite, isopachous apatite fringe cement, multiple-zoned apatite crusts, rhombic whitlockite cements). Two factors controlled the final distribution of the phosphate within the Table Mountain. Firstly, changing positions of the sea level (and, therefore, of the diagenetic environments) determined the overall distribution of the phosphatized interval, a horizontal layer (98–128 m above sea level) sandwiched between two non-phosphatized limestone units.Original carbonate facies and -mineralogy was the second controlling factor causing the final variations in degree of phosphatization. The limestones comprise two lithofacies: (a) coralliferous limestone lenses erratically distributed amidst; and (b) micritic limestones. These coralliferous limestones are phosphatized preferentially forming so-called “phosphate pockets”, sharply outlined within a non-phosphatized micritic limestone “host”. These pockets are characteristically organized into five zones which are described in detail. Higher original porosity/permeability of the coralliferous limestone lenses as compared to the micrites, additionally enhanced by a phase of pre-phosphate dolomitization, determined preferential phosphatization of this facies type.A second controlling factor was the original carbonate mineralogy and resulting dia-  相似文献   

Nine natural decay-series isotopes were measured in six box cores collected from a transect across the Santa Monica Basin. The 210Pb-derived sedimentation rate decreases from ~80 mg/cm2-yr at the slope to ~20 mg/cm2-yr in the deep central basin. Sediment mixing prevails in sites underlying oxic waters, but is subdued in the anoxic deep basin below the sill depth. Uranium contents in sediments are controlled by levels of authigenic U, which are higher in the more reduced condition in the deep basin. Most of the authigenic U results from precipitation within the sediments.The 232Th-228Th disequilibrium in sediments indicates that 228Ra is lost from the sediments from a depth of ~ 10 cm upward. Modelling the distribution of excess 228Th and 234Th in the surficial layers of the deep basin sediments results in a mean sediment mixing coefficient of 0.2 cm2/yr and a sedimentation rate close to that based on 210Pb. There is no evidence of changing sedimentation rate in the central basin during the past century. Fluxes of excess 210Pb, 230Th and 231Pa to the central Santa Monica Basin sediments are much higher than what can be predicted from local supply. Advective input of open ocean waters coupled with enhanced scavenging of these reactive nuclides at the ocean margin is considered to be the primary cause.  相似文献   

Peridotites associated with pyroxenites (with rare olivine andspinel) are exposed on the islands of San Jorge and Santa Isabelin the Solomon Islands. Orthopyroxenite occurs in large outcrops(100 m2) whereas websterite and clinopyroxenite occur as layersand veins/dykes in peridotites. The bulk compositions of thepyroxenites are characterized by high Mg2+/(Mg2+ + Fe2+) (0·78–0·91)and low Al2O3 (<2·7 wt %). Low rare earth elementabundances are coupled with large ion lithophile element enrichmentsand positive Sr and Pb anomalies (primitive mantle-normalized)relative to adjacent rare earths. Temperatures of equilibrationfor the pyroxenites are between 950 and 1050°C. These relativelylow temperatures, combined with the occurrence of primary fluidinclusions, suggest that the pyroxenites formed by interactionof peridotite protoliths with an aqueous fluid. Bulk-rock andmineral compositions of the orthopyroxenites are similar tothose of mantle-derived pyroxenites, whereas the websteriteshave closer chemical affinity with crustal arc cumulates. Nevertheless,field relationships plus petrological, textural and geochemicalevidence are consistent with formation of all pyroxenite typesin supra-subduction zone mantle, resulting from metasomatismof peridotite by subducted Pacific Plate-derived fluid. Sucha setting for pyroxenite has not previously been reported indetail. We propose that these processes produce mantle pyroxenitewith compositions similar to crustal pyroxenite. KEY WORDS: mantle metasomatism; pyroxenite; supra-subduction zone  相似文献   

In order to explore the reasons for the apparent discrepancy between laboratory and field weathering rates and to determine the extent to which weathering rates are controlled by the approach to thermodynamic equilibrium, secondary mineral precipitation, and flow rates, a multicomponent reactive transport model (CrunchFlow) was used to interpret soil profile development and mineral precipitation and dissolution rates at the 226 ka Marine Terrace Chronosequence near Santa Cruz, CA. Aqueous compositions, fluid chemistry, transport, and mineral abundances are well characterized [White A. F., Schulz M. S., Vivit D. V., Blum A., Stonestrom D. A. and Anderson S. P. (2008) Chemical weathering of a Marine Terrace Chronosequence, Santa Cruz, California. I: interpreting the long-term controls on chemical weathering based on spatial and temporal element and mineral distributions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta72 (1), 36-68] and were used to constrain the reaction rates for the weathering and precipitating minerals in the reactive transport modeling. When primary mineral weathering rates are calculated with either of two experimentally determined rate constants, the nonlinear, parallel rate law formulation of Hellmann and Tisserand [Hellmann R. and Tisserand D. (2006) Dissolution kinetics as a function of the Gibbs free energy of reaction: An experimental study based on albite feldspar. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta70 (2), 364-383] or the aluminum inhibition model proposed by Oelkers et al. [Oelkers E. H., Schott J. and Devidal J. L. (1994) The effect of aluminum, pH, and chemical affinity on the rates of aluminosilicate dissolution reactions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta58 (9), 2011-2024], modeling results are consistent with field-scale observations when independently constrained clay precipitation rates are accounted for. Experimental and field rates, therefore, can be reconciled at the Santa Cruz site.Additionally, observed maximum clay abundances in the argillic horizons occur at the depth and time where the reaction fronts of the primary minerals overlap. The modeling indicates that the argillic horizon at Santa Cruz can be explained almost entirely by weathering of primary minerals and in situ clay precipitation accompanied by undersaturation of kaolinite at the top of the profile. The rate constant for kaolinite precipitation was also determined based on model simulations of mineral abundances and dissolved Al, SiO2(aq) and pH in pore waters. Changes in the rate of kaolinite precipitation or the flow rate do not affect the gradient of the primary mineral weathering profiles, but instead control the rate of propagation of the primary mineral weathering fronts and thus total mass removed from the weathering profile. Our analysis suggests that secondary clay precipitation is as important as aqueous transport in governing the amount of dissolution that occurs within a profile because clay minerals exert a strong control over the reaction affinity of the dissolving primary minerals. The modeling also indicates that the weathering advance rate and the total mass of mineral dissolved is controlled by the thermodynamic saturation of the primary dissolving phases plagioclase and K-feldspar, as is evident from the difference in propagation rates of the reaction fronts for the two minerals despite their very similar kinetic rate laws.  相似文献   

Volcán San Pedro in the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone(SVZ) Chile, comprises Holocene basaltic to dacitic lavas withtrace element and strontium isotope ratios more variable thanthose of most Pleistocene lavas of the underlying Tatara–SanPedro complex. Older Holocene activity built a composite coneof basaltic andesitic and silicic andesitic lavas with traceelement ratios distinct from those of younger lavas. Collapseof the ancestral volcano triggered the Younger Holocene eruptivephase including a sequence of lava flows zoned from high-K calc-alkalinehornblende–biotite dacite to two-pyroxene andesite. Notably,hornblende–phlogopite gabbroic xenoliths in the daciticlava have relatively low 87Sr/86Sr ratios identical to theirhost, whereas abundant quenched basaltic inclusions are moreradiogenic than any silicic lava. The latest volcanism rebuiltthe modern 3621 m high summit cone from basaltic andesite thatis also more radiogenic than the dacitic lavas. We propose thefollowing model for the zoned magma: (1) generation of hornblende–biotitedacite by dehydration partial melting of phlogopite-bearingrock similar to the gabbroic xenoliths; (2) forceful intrusionof basaltic magma into the dacite, producing quenched basalticinclusions and dispersion of olivine and plagioclase xenocryststhroughout the dacite; (3) cooling and crystallization–differentiationof the basalt to basaltic andesite; (4) mixing of the basalticandesite with dacite to form a small volume of two-pyroxenehybrid andesite. The modern volcano comprises basaltic andesitethat developed independently from the zoned magma reservoir.Evolution of dacitic and andesitic magma during the Holoceneand over the past 350 kyr reflects the intrusion of multiplemafic magmas that on occasion partially melted or assimilatedhydrous gabbro within the shallow crust. The chemical and isotopiczoning of Holocene magma at Volcán San Pedro is paralleledby that of historically erupted magma at neighboring VolcánQuizapu. Consequently, the role of young, unradiogenic hydrousgabbro in generating dacite and contaminating basalt may beunderappreciated in the SVZ. KEY WORDS: Andes; dacite; gabbro; Holocene; strontium isotopes  相似文献   

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