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Sarda and Graham (1990) proposed that in mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs), degassing occurs through equilibrium vesiculation followed by various extents of vesicle loss. This model predicts that in a bulk sample of MORB glass with vesicles, the rare gases represent a binary mixture between a vesicle component and a component dissolved in the melt. As vesiculation is expected to produce very different rare gas concentrations and elemental ratios in gas and melt, binary mixing systematics should be recorded in the MORB rare gas abundance data. Indeed, a large range of 4He/40Ar∗ ratios was known to exist, but these binary mixing systematics remained elusive because helium was used as a proxy for rare gas abundance because helium is not affected by air addition. Here we show that using Ar instead of He, the 4He/40Ar∗ ratio is higher where the Ar concentration is lower, as expected from simple binary mixing systematics.Taking advantage of the growing Ne database, we further show that the predicted binary mixing is recorded by the He-Ar and He-Ne couples, provided He concentration is not used to trace vesicle abundance. This is because a significant part of helium remains in the melt due to its higher solubility. In contrast, Ar or Ne concentrations, which can both be corrected for air addition, clearly trace vesicles and yield binary mixing patterns that hold for ridges worldwide. The model of vesiculation and vesicle loss thereby finds geochemical support in the rare gas abundance data.The He-Ne-Ar concentration data is best explained by assuming the ratio of helium to neon or argon solubility is about 5 to 15 times higher than values measured in 1 bar laboratory experiments, due to higher He and lower Ne and Ar solubilities. We propose that this is a pressure effect, and vesiculation mainly occurs during magma ascent in the mantle after melting.  相似文献   

Here we present the first data on He, Ne, Ar isotopic and elemental composition in fluid phases of tholeiitic chilled glasses from the Bouvet Triple Junction (BTJ). The chilled glasses from several dredging stations situated at different segments of BTJ have been investigated: Spiess Ridge, Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and in a valley of the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR). The data allow to distinguish within BTJ three segments characterized by different geochemical behavior of He, Ne and Ar. MAR and Spiess samples contain MORB-like helium and neon while SWIR is characterized by addition of plume type He and Ne. The strong atmospheric contamination is typical of all segments, but for MAR it is less pronounced. The Ne-Ar isotope systematics suggests that the atmospheric component was most probably introduced into the mantle source of the fluids with fragments of oceanic crust/sediments.  相似文献   

He3, He4, Ne21 and Ar38 contents were determined in 18 metal, troilite, sehreibersite and graphite inclusions of 9 iron meteorites, by total outgassing and stepwise heating. The He4He3 ratio in metal phase ranges from 3.85 to 4.65, but in non-metallic samples, from 6.70 to 30.5. The results for cosmogenic isotopes of helium, neon and argon disagree appreciably with data on accelerator-irradiated targets. It should be noted, however, that some inclusions have lost considerable amounts of gas by diffusion.Uranium contents of 22 troilite and sehreibersite samples were determined by the fission track technique. The average uranium content of troilite is 0.4-0.7 ppb. Excess He4 of unknown origin was observed in troilite inclusions. If one assumes that the excess He4 was produced by uranium decay in situ, then the apparent U-He4 age is at least 5.9 × 109 yr.  相似文献   

Noble gas analyses of the Ni-Fe of 9 L, 5 H and 2 LL chondrites quantitatively support previous suggestions of radiogenic 4He recoil and 3He deficits. Furthermore, noble gases in the Ni-Fe show evidence for in situ produced radiogenic 4He and in some cases for recoil loss of 38Ar and gain of 21Ne.The ratio of spallogenic 21Ne and 38Ar in the metal phase is found to correlate strongly with 3He/21Ne and 22Ne/21Ne in bulk samples of these chondrites. This is proof of the dependence of these ratios on the irradiation hardness experienced by the meteoroid in space. ‘Hardness indices’ n = 1.9–2.2 are found, indicating that on the average the stone meteoroids from which the samples came were smaller in mass than iron meteoroids. The spallogenic 21Ne/38Ar ratio in metallic Ni-Fe can be used with the semi-empirical production model deduced from the Grant iron meteorite to calibrate spallogenic 3He/21Ne and 4Ne/21Ne in bulk samples of L, LL and H chondrites for meteoroid size and sample location allowing the estimation of minimal meteoroid masses. 3He and 21Ne production rates calculated from previously determined 36Ar/38Ar exposure ages for four L chondrites indicate that they are probably not single-valued functions of the 3He/21Ne ratio. The ratio of 3He in bulk samples to 38Ar in metal samples of the same meteorite is constant (= 20 ± 3) whereas the ratio of 21Ne in the bulk to 38Ar in the metal varies by as much as a factor of two in correlation with 3He/21Ne.  相似文献   

We present He, Ne, Ar, and C isotope analyses of hydrothermal brines and gases from fumaroles, hot springs, mofettes and hydrothermal exploration drillings on the major islands of the Lesser Antilles Arc. The origin of hydrothermal brines, which have been analyzed also for O and H isotopes, is essentially meteoric-hydrothermal. Air-corrected isotope compositions of helium (2.2 Rc/Ra < 3He/4He < 8.6 Rc/Ra) and carbon (−20 < δ13CPDB < +0.5) are variable and require a variety of crustal and magmatic sources. The diversity of δ13CPDB and 3He/CO2 ratios within individual volcanic centres suggests that crustal sources (e.g., limestone) contaminate magmatic CO2 en route from high-level magma reservoirs (depth < 15 km) to the surface. A similar contamination may be found for magmatic helium on distal springs. The 3He/4He signature of summit fumaroles, thought to reflect the 3He/4He signature of high-level magmas, shows a remarkable systematic variation along the arc. In addition, there is a correlation throughout the arc between published Sr, Pb, and Nd isotope signatures of lavas and the 3He/4He signatures of summit fumaroles. On the northern islands (Nevis, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, and Dominica) summit fumaroles have the N-MORB signature (3He/4He = 8 ± 1 R/Ra), and the isotope signature of lavas is not dissimilar from comparable intra-oceanic arc tholeiites elsewhere. Variable enrichments in radiogenic Sr and Pb have been reported for lavas of individual volcanic centres of the Southern Islands (Martinique, St.Lucia, and Grenada), and summit fumaroles on these centres match these variations by variable radiogenic He-enrichments, i.e., lower 3He/4He ratios. This correlation suggests that radiogenic Sr and Pb enrichments of lavas and low 3He/4He signatures on summit fumaroles have a common origin, i.e., a terrigenous contaminant derived from the Orinoco depositionary fan. Crustal assimilation is thought to decouple the He isotope system from any other radiogenic isotope system and, therefore, we argue that the observed correlation of He, Sr, Pb, and Nd isotope systems is related to a terrigenous contaminant derived from subducted sediments. Support for this scenario also comes from the matching of low 3He/4He ratios and tectonic features of the forearc thought to favor the subduction of forearc sediments.The present study offers a first clue that, under suitable conditions, crustal helium from oceanic sediments might be subducted to the depth of arc magma sources and, possibly, even recycled into the deeper mantle.  相似文献   

A natural quartz sample free of mineral and fluid inclusions was irradiated with a 200 MeV proton beam to produce spallogenic 21Ne, 3He and 4He. Temperature-dependent diffusivities of these three nuclides were then determined simultaneously by high precision stepped-heating and noble gas mass spectrometry. The outward mobility of proton-induced nuclides reflects diffusion through the quartz lattice. In the studied range of 70 to 400°C the helium diffusion coefficients exceed those of neon by 5-7 orders of magnitude. The implied diffusion parameters Ea = 153.7 ± 1.5 (kJ/mol) and ln(Do/a2) = 15.9 ± 0.3 (ln(s−1)) and Ea = 84.5 ± 1.2 (kJ/mol) and ln(Do/a2) = 11.1 ± 0.3 (ln(s−1)) for proton-induced 21Ne and 3He, respectively, indicate that cosmogenic neon will be quantitatively retained in inclusion-free quartz at typical Earth surface temperatures whereas cosmogenic helium will not. However, the neon diffusion parameters also indicate that diffusive loss needs to be considered for small (<1 mm) quartz grains that have experienced elevated temperatures. Since natural quartz often contains fluid inclusions which may enhance noble gas retentivity, these parameters likely represent an end-member case of purely solid-state diffusion. The ∼70 kJ/mol higher activation energy for neon diffusion compared to helium diffusion likely represents an energy barrier related to its ∼13% greater diameter and provides a fundamental constraint with which to test theories of solid state diffusion. The diffusion parameters for proton-induced 4He are indistinguishable from those for 3He, providing no evidence for the commonly expected inverse square root of the mass diffusion relationship between isotopes. We also find preliminary indication that increased exposure to radiation may enhance neon and helium retentivity in quartz at low temperatures.  相似文献   

A tide-influenced two-layer aquifer system in northern Germany was investigated using environmental dating tracers (3H, 39Ar, 14C), the noble gas isotopes 3He, 4He and Ne. The study area is a marshland at the River Ems estuary, exposed to regular flooding until?AD 1000. The construction of dykes, artificial land drainage and groundwater abstraction define the hydraulic gradient. The aquifer depicts a pronounced age stratification with depth. Tritium concentrations above 0.03 TU are found only in the top 30?m. Two tritium-free samples between 20 and 30?m depth show 39Ar ages of 130 and 250?years. Below a clay layer?Cabout 50?m below surface level (mbsl)?Call analysed samples are 39Ar free and, thus, older than 900?years. The initial 14C activities were about 70 pmC. Resulting 14C ages increase with depth and increase up to 9,000?years, in agreement with minimal 39Ar ages. Concentrations of radiogenic 4He correlate with 14C ages. Samples in a mid-depth range (20?C70 mbsl) show significant gas loss. The gas loss is assigned to recharge in a methane producing environment. Deduced 4He ages were used to assign this water to a infiltration period of about AD 1000.  相似文献   

Velocities of a natural mid-ocean ridge basalt glass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report, for the first time, ultrasonic velocity values for a pure (>95%), natural, submarine basalt glass of mid-ocean ridge basalt composition, from 10 to 1000 MPa at room temperature. These new data show that basalt glass, abundant in the upper oceanic crust, has the lowest velocity of any primary solid component of the oceanic crust. In addition, natural basalt glass has a steeper pressure-dependence of velocity than previously measured in more crystalline samples, indicating that cracks in natural basalt glass are weaker than in more crystalline rocks. To obtain values for the pure glass phase, we correct the natural glass data for the low-pressure closure of cracks, and the presence of minor mineralogic components and vesicles. These new data provide a baseline for evaluating the effect of abundant basalt glass and glassy mesostasis in oceanic upper crust on in situ seismic velocities. In addition, data on the elastic and seismic properties of natural glasses are useful for a better understanding of glass structure, and glass relaxation, with potential applications to submarine volcanology.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The U, Th, and 4He contents of meliphanite correspond to an age of metamorphism (1800 Ma) indicating good preservation of radiogenic 4He in mineral but contradicting the...  相似文献   

(U-Th)/He chronometry of zircon has a wide range of potential applications including thermochronometry, provided the temperature sensitivity (e.g., closure temperature) of the system be accurately constrained. We have examined the characteristics of He loss from zircon in a series of step-heating diffusion experiments, and compared zircon (U-Th)/He ages with other thermochronometric constraints from plutonic rocks. Diffusion experiments on zircons with varying ages and U-Th contents yield Arrhenius relationships which, after about 5% He release, indicate Ea = 163-173 kJ/mol (39-41 kcal/mol), and D0 = 0.09-1.5 cm2/s, with an average Ea of 169 ± 3.8 kJ/mol (40.4 ± 0.9 kcal/mol) and average D0 of 0.46+0.87−0.30 cm2/s. The experiments also suggest a correspondence between diffusion domain size and grain size. For effective grain radius of 60 μm and cooling rate of 10°C/myr, the diffusion data yield closure temperatures, Tc, of 171-196°C, with an average of 183°C. The early stages of step heating experiments show complications in the form of decreasing apparent diffusivity with successive heating steps, but these are essentially absent in later stages, after about 5-10% He release. These effects are independent of radiation dosage and are also unlikely to be due to intracrystalline He zonation. Regardless of the physical origin, this non-Arrhenius behavior is similar to predictions based on degassing of multiple diffusion domains, with only a small proportion (<2-4%) of gas residing in domains with a lower diffusivity than the bulk zircon crystal. Thus the features of zircon responsible for these non-Arrhenius trends in the early stages of diffusion experiments would have a negligible effect on the bulk thermal sensitivity and closure temperature of a zircon crystal.We have also measured single-grain zircon (U-Th)/He ages and obtained 40Ar/39Ar ages for several minerals, including K-feldspar, for a suite of slowly cooled samples with other thermochronologic constraints. Zircon He ages from most samples have 1 σ reproducibilities of about 1-5%, and agree well with K-feldspar 40Ar/39Ar multidomain cooling models for sample-specific closure temperatures (170-189°C). One sample has a relatively poor reproducibility of ∼24%, however, and a mean that falls to older ages than predicted by the K-feldspar model. Microimaging shows that trace element zonation of a variety of styles is most pronounced in this sample, which probably leads to poor reproducibility via inaccurate α-ejection corrections. We present preliminary results of a new method for characterizing U-Th zonation in dated grains by laser-ablation, which significantly improves zircon He age accuracy.In summary, the zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometer has a closure temperature of 170-190°C for typical plutonic cooling rates and crystal sizes, it is not significantly affected by radiation damage except in relatively rare cases of high radiation dosage with long-term low-temperature histories, and most ages agree well with constraints provided by K-spar 40Ar/39Ar cooling models. In some cases, intracrystalline U-Th zonation can result in inaccurate ages, but depth-profiling characterization of zonation in dated grains can significantly improve accuracy and precision of single-grain ages.  相似文献   

An experimental procedure has been developed that permits measurement of the partitioning of Ar and He between crystal interiors and the intergranular medium (ITM) that surrounds them in synthetic melt-free polycrystalline diopside aggregates. 37Ar and 4He are introduced into the samples via neutron irradiation. As samples are crystallized under sub-solidus conditions from a pure diopside glass in a piston cylinder apparatus, noble gases diffusively equilibrate between the evolving crystal and intergranular reservoirs. After equilibration, ITM Ar and He is distinguished from that incorporated within the crystals by means of step heating analysis. An apparent equilibrium state (i.e., constant partitioning) is reached after about 20 h in the 1450 °C experiments. Data for longer durations show a systematic trend of decreasing ITM Ar (and He) with decreasing grain boundary (GB) interfacial area as would be predicted for partitioning controlled by the network of planar grain boundaries (as opposed to ITM gases distributed in discrete micro-bubbles or melt). These data yield values of GB-area-normalized partitioning, , with units of (Ar/m3 of solid)/(Ar/m2 of GB) of 6.8 × 103-2.4 × 104 m−1. Combined petrographic microscope, SEM, and limited TEM observation showed no evidence that a residual glass phase or grain boundary micro-bubbles dominated the ITM, though they may represent minor components. If a nominal GB thickness (δ) is assumed, and if the density of crystals and the grain boundaries are assumed equal, then a true grain boundary partition coefficient , may be determined. For reasonable values of δ, is at least an order of magnitude lower than the Ar partition coefficient between diopside and melt. Helium partitioning data provide a less robust constraint with between 4 × 103 and 4 × 104 cm−1, similar to the Ar partitioning data. These data suggest that an ITM consisting of nominally melt free, bubble free, tight grain boundaries can constitute a significant but not infinite reservoir, and therefore bulk transport pathway, for noble gases in fine grained portions of the crust and mantle where aqueous or melt fluids are non-wetting and of very low abundance (i.e., <0.1% fluid). Heterogeneities in grain size within dry equilibrated systems will correspond to significant differences in bulk rock noble gas content.  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar dating technique requires the activation of 39Ar via neutron irradiation. The energy produced by the reaction is transferred to the daughter atom as kinetic energy and triggers its displacement, known as the recoil effect. Significant amounts of 39Ar and 37Ar can be lost from minerals leading to spurious ages and biased age spectra. Through two experiments, we present direct measurement of the recoil-induced 39Ar and 37Ar losses on Fish Canyon sanidine and plagioclase. We use multi-grain populations with discrete sizes ranging from 210 to <5 μm. One population consists of a mixture between sanidine and plagioclase, and the other includes pure sanidine.We show that 39Ar loss (depletion factor) for sanidine is ∼3% for the smallest fraction. Age spectra of fractions smaller than ∼50 μm show slight departure from flat plateau-age spectrum usually observed for large sanidine. This departure is roughly proportional to the size of the grain but does not show typical 39Ar loss age spectra. The calculated thickness of the total depletion layer d0(sanidine) is 0.035 ± 0.012 (2σ). This is equivalent to a mean depth of the partial depletion layer (x0) of 0.070 ± 0.024 μm. The latter value is indistinguishable from previous values of ∼0.07-0.09 μm obtained by argon implantation experiments and simulation results.We show that it is possible to adequately correct ages from 39Ar ejection loss provided that the d0-value and the size range of the minerals are sufficiently constrained. As exemplified by similar calculations performed on results obtained in a similar study of GA1550 biotite [Paine J. H., Nomade S., and Renne P. R. (2006) Quantification of 39Ar recoil ejection from GA1550 biotite during neutron irradiation as a function of grain dimensions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta70, 1507-1517.], the d0(biotite) is 0.46 ± 0.06 μm. The significant difference between empirical results on biotite and sanidine, along with different simulation results, suggests that for biotite, crystal structures and lattice defects of the stopping medium and possibly subsequent thermal degassing (due to ∼150-200 °C temperature in the reactor or extraction line bake out) must play an important role in 39Ar loss.The second experiment suggests that 37Ar recoil can substantially affect the age via the interference corrections with results that suggest up to ∼98% of 37Ar can be ejected from the ∼5 μm grain dimension.Further investigation of silicates of various compositions and structures are required to better understand (and correct) the recoil and recoil-induced effects on both 39Ar and 37Ar and their influences on 40Ar/39Ar dating.  相似文献   

New volatile data (CO2, H2O, He, Ne, and Ar) are presented for 24 submarine basaltic glasses from the Kolbeinsey Ridge, Tjörnes Fracture Zone and Mohns Ridge, North Atlantic. Low CO2 and He contents indicate that magmas were strongly outgassed with the extent of degassing increasing toward the south, as expected from shallower ridge depths. Ne and Ar are significantly more abundant in the southernmost glasses than predicted for degassed melt. The strong atmospheric isotopic signal associated with this excess Ne and Ar suggests syn- or posteruptive contamination by air. Degassing, by itself, cannot generate the large variations in δ13C values of dissolved CO2 or coupled CO2-Ar variations. This suggests that δ13C values were also affected by some other processes, most probably melt-crust interaction. Modelling indicates that degassing had a negligible influence on water owing to its higher solubility in basaltic melt than the other volatiles. Low H2O contents in the glasses reflect melting of a mantle source that is not water-rich relative to the source of N-MORB.Before eruption, Kolbeinsey Ridge melts contained ∼400 ppm CO2 with δ13C of −6‰, 0.1 to 0.35 wt.% H2O, 3He/4He ∼11 RA, and CO2/3He of ∼2 × 109. We model restored volatile characteristics and find homogeneous compositions in the source of Kolbeinsey Ridge magmas. Relative to the MORB-source, He and Ne are mildly fractionated while the 40Ar/36Ar may be low. The 3He/4He ratios in Tjörnes Fracture Zone glasses are slightly higher (13.6 RA) than on Kolbeinsey Ridge, suggesting a greater contribution of Icelandic mantle from the south, but the lack of 3He/4He variation along the Kolbeinsey Ridge is inconsistent with active dispersal of Icelandic mantle beyond the Tjörnes Fracture Zone.  相似文献   

Relationships between granite bodies and mineralization in Nigeria and southwest England are cited as examples to support the thesis that ore solutions associated with igneous bodies do not necessarily develop by magmatic crystallization processes, but may form as independent by-products of magma generation. Similar conclusions have been reached for the metal provinces of western North America (Noble, 1970). Some hydrothermal solutions develop by expulsion of connate brines, mobilized by the passage of hot magma through sediments. Others may develop at deeper levels.Long-lived geochemical culminations in the deep crust or upper mantle (Schuiling, 1967) provide a possible source of reactivated metalliferous emanations in both nonorogenic and orogenic environments. An additional source of metals for ore deposits associated with island arcs and continental margin tectonism and igneous activity, may be provided by the mechanism of sea-floor spreading.The bulk of ocean floor sediments is scraped off and acreted onto non-descending crustal plates at subduction zones2). However, if the lowermost layers of these sediments are sufficiently compacted, they may be carried down into the mantle on the descending oceanic plate.They contain considerable amounts of heavy metals, which could be remobilized to reappear as ore deposits in island arcs and mountain chains of Andean type.In this way, the major episode of late Mesozoic underflow of the northeastern Pacific floor beneath western North America may have been responsible for much of the contemporaneous mineralization of that region. If this view is correct, much of the rich mineralization in the Andes may have a similar origin.Differences in amount and composition of sea floor sediment consumed, could account for regional changes in metal provinces along the tectonic grain. Remobilization of metals at different depths along Benioff zones could explain regional changes across the tectonic grain.
Zusammenfassung Beziehungen zwischen Granitkörpern und Mineralisation in Nigeria und Südwest-England werden als Beispiele angeführt, um die These zu stützen, daß Erzlösungen in Verbindung mit Magmatit-Körpern sich nicht notwendigerweise von magmatischen Kristallisationsprozessen ableiten, sondern sich als unabhängige Nebenprodukte bei der Magmenerzeugung bilden können.Ähnliche Schlußfolgerungen sind für die Erzprovinzen des westlichen Nordamerika gezogen worden (Noble, 1970). Einige hydrothermale Lösungen entwickeln sich durch Ausstoß von connaten Laugen, mobilisiert durch das Durchströmen heißer Magma durch Sedimente. Andere mögen sich in tieferem Niveau entwickeln.Langandauernde geochemische Kulminationen in der tiefen Erdkruste oder im oberen Mantel (Schuiling, 1967) schaffen eine mögliche Quelle von reaktivierten, metallhaltigen Emanationen sowohl unter nichtorogenen als auch unter orogenen Bedingungen. Eine zusätzliche Quelle von Metallen für Erzlagerstätten, die an Inselbögen und Kontinentalrand-Tektonik sowie magmatische Aktivität gebunden sind, mag durch den Mechanismus des Sea Floor Spreading hervorgerufen werden.Die Masse der Ozeanboden-Sedimente wird abgetragen und auf nicht absteigenden Krusten-Plateaus tieferer Zonen angehäuft1). Wenn jedoch die untersten Schichten ausreichend verdichtet sind, können sie in den Erdmantel auf dem sinkenden Ozean-Plateau hinabgelangen. Sie enthalten beträchtliche Mengen von Schwermetallen, die als Erzlagerstätten remobilisiert in Inselbögen und Gebirgsketten vom Anden-Typus wieder in Erscheinung treten können.Auf diese Weise mag die größere Episode der spät-mesozoischen Unterströmung des nordöstlichen Pazifikbodens unter das westliche Nordamerika für den Hauptanteil der gleichzeitigen Mineralisation dieser Region verantwortlich gewesen sein. Falls dieser Gesichtspunkt richtig ist, mögen viele der reichen Mineralisationen in den Anden einen ähnlichen Ursprung haben.Unterschiede in Menge und Zusammensetzung des aufgezehrten Maaresbodensediments könnten als regionale Veränderungen in Metallprovinzen entlang der tektonischen Struktur gedeutet werden. Remobilisierung von Metallen in verschiedenen Tiefen entlang der Benioff-Zonen könnten regionale Veränderungen quer zur tektonischen Richtung erklären.

Résumé Les auteurs prennent comme exemple les rapports existant entre les corps granitiques et la minéralisation en Nigérie et dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre pour soutenir la thèse que les solutions minéralisantes associées avec les corps magmatiques, ne se développent pas nécessairement à partir de processus de cristallisation magmatiques, mais peuvent se former comme sous-produits indépendants de la génération du magma. Semblables conclusions ont été tirées pour les provinces métalliques de l'ouest de l'Amérique du Nord (Noble, 1970). Quelques solutions hydrothermales se développent par l'expulsion de saumures connées, mobilisées par le passage du magma chaud à travers des sédiments. D'autres peuvent se développer à des niveaux plus profonds.Des culminations géochimiques de longue durée dans la croûte terrestre ou dans le manteau supérieur (Schuiling, 1967) fournissent une source possible d'émanations métallifères réactivées, dans des conditions aussi bien non-orogéniques qu'orogéniques. Une source additionelle de métaux pour les gisements qui, comme l'activité magmatique, sont associés avec les guirlandes d'îles et avec la tectonique propre à la bordure continentale, peut être fournie par le mécanisme de l'expansion du fond des mers.La masse des sédiments du fond océanique est érodée et accumulée sur des plateaux crustaux, non en voie d'affaissements de zones plus profondes3).Quand cependant les couches plus inférieures de ces sédements sont suffisamment compactées, elles peuvent être entraînées dans le manteau sur le plateau océanique en voie d'affaissement.Elles contiennent des quantités considéreables de métaux lourds qui, remobilisés sous la forme de gisements de minerais, peuvent apparaître dans les guirlandes d'îles et les chaînes de montagnes de type andin.De cette façon, l'épisode majeur de la subduction, survenue au Mésozoïque supérieur, du fond du Pacifique NE sous l'ouest de l'Amérique du Nord peut avoir été responsable de la majeure partie de la minéralisation de cette région. Si cette opinion est juste, beaucoup de riches minéralisations rencontrées dans les Andes pourraient avoir une origine similaire.Des différences dans la quantité et la composition du sédiment océanique absorbé pourraient expliquer les changements régionaux dans les provinces métalliques tout le long de la structure tectonique. La remobilisation des métaux à des profondeurs différentes le long des zones Benioff pourrait expliquer les changements régionaux survenant transversalement à la direction tectonique.

- , , , , , , , . (Noble, 1970). , . . , (Schuiling, 1967) , , . , , , .Macca (. ). , . , . , , - . , . , . Benioff , .

Melt density and the average composition of basalt   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Densities of residual liquids produced by low pressure fractionation of olivine-rich melts pass through a minimum when pyroxene and plagioclase joint the crystallization sequence. The observation that erupted basalt compositions cluster around the degree of fractionation from picritic liquids corresponding to the density minimum in the liquid line of descent may thus suggest that the earth's crust imposes a density filter on the liquids that pass through it, favoring the eruption of the light liquids at the density minimum over the eruption of denser more fractionated and less fractionated liquids.  相似文献   

We consider possible schemes for the resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization (RETPI) of Ne and Ar atoms under the action of bichromatic radiation of intense resonance lines of HI, HeI, and HeII in a radiation-rich astrophysical plasma. The ionization rate is comparable to or exceeds the recombination rate in rarified astrophysical plasma, which leads to the accumulation of singly ionized ions with a subsequent transition to the higher ionization state via RETPI. We consider the RETPI reaction chains NeI → ... → NeV and ArI → ... → ArVI.  相似文献   

The Jiapigou gold belt (>150 t Au), one of the most important gold-producing districts in China, is located at the northeastern margin of the North China Craton. It is composed of 17 gold deposits with an average grade around 10 g/t Au. The deposits are hosted in Archean gneiss and TTG rocks, and are all in shear zones or fractures of varying orientations and magnitudes. The δ34S values of sulfide from ores are mainly between 2.7?‰ and 10?‰. The Pb isotope characteristics of ore sulfides are different from those of the Archean metamorphic rocks and Mesozoic granites and dikes, and indicate that they have different lead sources. The sulfur and lead isotope compositions imply that the ore-forming materials might originate from multiple, mainly deep sources. Fluid inclusions in pyrite have 3He/4He ratios of 0.6 to 2.5 Ra, whereas their 40Ar/36Ar ratios range from 1,444 to 9,805, indicating a dominantly mantle fluid with a negligible crustal component. δ18O values calculated from hydrothermal quartz are between ?0.2?‰ and +5.9?‰, and δD values of the fluids in the fluid inclusions in quartz are from ?70?‰ to ?96?‰. These ranges suggest dominantly magmatic water with a minor meteoric component. The noble gas isotopic data, along with the stable isotopic data, suggest that the ore-forming fluids have a dominantly mantle source with minor crustal addition.  相似文献   

The Boa Vista and Cubati Basins, Paraíba, Brazil, are NW–SE extension-related intracratonic basins that resulted from tectonic stresses after the opening of the South Atlantic. These basins contain lacustrine fossiliferous sediments, bentonite beds, and basalt flows that preserve Cenozoic continental records. 40Ar/39Ar ages for six whole-rocks from two distinct basaltic flows underlying the sediments in the Boa Vista basin are 27.3 ± 0.8 and 25.4 ± 1.3 Ma, while three grains from a basaltic flow overlying the sediments yield 22.0 ± 0.2 Ma. The sediments at the nearby Cubati Basin are overlain by a basalt flow with ages of ∼25.4 Ma. Three whole-rocks from an NE–SW-trending trachytic dyke cross cutting the sediments at the Boa Vista Basin yield 40Ar/39Ar ages of ∼12.45 ± 0.06, 12.59 ± 0.07, and 12.58 ± 0.07 Ma. Three whole-rocks from a nearby volcanic plug (Chupador) yield an age of 23.4 ± 0.1 Ma. The geochronological results combined with stratigraphic correlations between the two basins allow bracketing the age of the main sedimentary and bentonic units within the Boa Vista and Cubati Basins between 25.5 ± 1.3 and 24.9 ± 0.1 Ma. The ages, combined with field observations reveal that the formation of the Boa Vista and Cubati basins is associated with mantle-derived magmas channelled through reactivated Precambrian shear zones. Our geochronological results suggest that a temporal link with the Fernando de Noronha and Saint Helena hot spots can be excluded as possible sources of the Boa Vista and Cubati magmas. Rather, the extensional tectonics in the 30–20 Ma interval, long after Gondwana break-up, may be associated with the re-activation of continental-scale shear zones that channelled small batches of mantle-derived magmas.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary, post-shield lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes on the Big Island of Hawaii have been dated using the 40Ar/39Ar and U-Th/He methods. The objective of the study is to compare the recently demonstrated U-Th/He age method, which uses basaltic olivine phenocrysts, with 40Ar/39Ar ages measured on groundmass from the same samples. As a corollary, the age data also increase the precision of the chronology of volcanism on the Big Island. For the U-Th/He ages, U, Th and He concentrations and isotopes were measured to account for U-series disequilibrium and initial He. Single analyses U-Th/He ages for Hamakua lavas from Mauna Kea are 87 ± 40 to 119 ± 23 ka (2σ uncertainties), which are in general equal to or younger than 40Ar/39Ar ages. Basalt from the Polulu sequence on Kohala gives a U-Th/He age of 354 ± 54 ka and a 40Ar/39Ar age of 450 ± 40 ka. All of the U-Th/He ages, and all but one spurious 40Ar/39Ar ages conform to the previously proposed stratigraphy and published 14C and K-Ar ages. The ages also compare favorably to U-Th whole rock-olivine ages calculated from 238U-230Th disequilibria. The U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar results agree best where there is a relatively large amount of radiogenic 40Ar (>10%), and where the 40Ar/36Ar intercept calculated from the Ar isochron diagram is close to the atmospheric value. In two cases, it is not clear why U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar ages do not agree within uncertainty. U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar results diverge the most on a low-K transitional tholeiitic basalt with abundant olivine. For the most alkalic basalts with negligible olivine phenocrysts, U-Th/He ages were unattainable while 40Ar/39Ar results provide good precision even on ages as low as 19 ± 4 ka. Hence, the strengths and weaknesses of the U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar methods are complimentary for basalts with ages of order 100-500 ka.  相似文献   

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