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Modern sediments of Mono Lake show marked variation in lipid composition with depositional environment. Constituents derived from the drainage basin, characterized by high molecular weight alkane hydrocarbons (C25–C31), and the steroids β-sitosterol and brassicasterol, predominate in near-shore environments. In the deepest part of the lake, sediments exhibit a combination of externally-derived constituents, and lipids derived from the lake biota; the latter characterized by low molecular-weight alkanes and alkenes (C15–C17), phytane, and the steroids ergost-7-en-3β-ol and 24-ethylcholest-7-en-3-β-ol. Steranes, 4-methylsteranes, and the C18 and C19 isoprenoids appear to be forming in the intensely reducing bottom sediments at the present time.The compositions of samples from the Pleistocene succession of Mono Basin suggest that sample-to-sample variation within the same stratum is negligible so long as unweathered samples from the same depositional environment are compared. Sediments having equivalent lithologies may or may not have similar compositions, but sediments having similar fossil contents do show similar lipid compositions. Subaerial weathering of sediments causes a marked decrease in the amount of extractable organic material, as well as distinct changes in its hydrocarbon composition. Specifically, weathered sediments exhibit a decrease in relative content of low molecular weight hydrocarbons and a relative increase in nC22.Organic composition of sediments from the Pleistocene stratigraphie column cannot be correlated with depth of burial. Compositional changes with stratigraphie position are probably related to paleo-ecological factors such as population or productivity rather than depth of burial. Lithology and organic composition provide mutually-corroborating evidence regarding glacial advances in the adjacent Sierra Nevada Mountains. During glaciations, the lake sediments are rich in sandstones, and the organic composition shows a predominance of externally-derived debris, with no evidence for contributions from the lake biota.  相似文献   

The ability to identify a formation mechanism for natural gas in a particular environment requires consideration of several geochemical factors when there are multiple sources present. Four primary sources of methane have been identified in Mono Lake. Two of these sources were associated with numerous natural gas seeps which occur at various locations in the lake and extend beyond its present boundary; the two other gas sources result from current microbiological processes. In the natural gas seeps, we observed flow rates as high as 160 moles CH4 day−1, and estimate total lakewide annual seep flux to be 2.1 × 106 moles CH4. Geochemical parameters (δ13CH4,δDCH4,CH4/[C2H6+ C3H8]) andδ14CH4measurements revealed that most of the seeps originate from a paleo-biogenic (δ13CH4 = about −70%.). natural gas deposit of Pleistocene age which underlies the current and former lakebed. Gas seeps in the vicinity of hot springs had, in combination with the biogenic gas, a prominent thermogenic gas component resulting from hydrothermal alteration of buried organic matter.Current microbiological processes responsible for sources of natural gas in the lake included pelagic meth- anogenesis and decomposition of terrestrial grasses in the littoral zone. Methanogenesis in the pelagic sediments resulted in methane saturation (2–3 mM at 50 cm; δ13CH4 = about −85%.). Interstitial sulfate decreased from 133 mM at the surface to 35 mM by 110 cm depth, indicating that sulfate-reduction and methanogenesis operated concurrently. Methane diffused out of the sediments resulting in concentrations of about 50 μM in the anoxic bottom waters. Methane oxidation in the oxic/anoxic boundry lowered the concentration by >98%, but values in surface waters (0.1–1.3μM) were supersaturated with respect to the atmosphere. The δ13CH4 (range = −21.8 to −71.8%.) of this unoxidized residual methane was enriched in 13C relative to methane in the bottom water and sediments. Average outward flux of this methane was 2.77 × 107 moles yr−1. A fourth, but minor source of methane (δ13CH4 = −55.2%.) was associated with the decomposition of terrestrial grasses taking place in the lake's recently expanded littoral zone.  相似文献   

Mono Lake is a closed-basin, alkaline, hypersaline lake located at the western edge of the Great Basin in eastern California. We studied the distribution of arsenic (As) species in the water column of Mono Lake between February and November, 2002. This period captured the seasonal progression from winter mixing, through summer thermal stratification, to autumn overturn. Arsenic speciation was determined by ion chromatography-inductively coupled-plasma-mass spectrometry of samples preserved in the field by flash-freezing in liquid nitrogen. We found that arsenic speciation was dominated (>90%) by arsenate when oxygen was detectable. Once levels fell below 6 μmol/L O2, arsenic speciation shifted to dominance by reduced species. Arsenate and arsenite co-occurred in a transition zone immediately below the base of the oxycline and low but significant concentrations of arsenate were occasionally detected in sulfidic hypolimnion samples. Thio-arsenic species were the dominant form of As found in sulfidic waters. Maxima of thio-arsenic species with stoichiometries consistent with mono-, di- and trithio-arsenic occurred in succession as sulfide concentration increased. A compound with a stoichiometry consistent with trithio-arsenic was the dominant As species (∼50% of total As) in high sulfide (2 mmol/L) bottom water. Lower concentrations of total As in bottom water relative to surface water suggest precipitation of As/S mineral phases in response to sulfide accumulation during prolonged anoxia.  相似文献   

The type section silts of the late Pleistocene Wilson Creek Formation at Mono Lake contain outsized clasts, dominantly well-rounded pebbles and cobbles of Sierran lithologies. Lithic grains > 425 μm show a similar pattern of variability as the > 10 mm clasts visible in the type section, with decreasing absolute abundance in southern and eastern outcrops. The largest concentrations of ice-rafted debris (IRD) occur at 67–57 ka and 46–32 ka, with strong millennial-scale variability, while little IRD is found during the last glacial maximum and deglaciation.Stratigraphic evidence for high lake level during high IRD intervals, and a lack of geomorphic evidence for coincidence of lake and glaciers, strongly suggests that rafting was by shore ice rather than icebergs. Correspondence of carbonate flux and IRD implies that both were mainly controlled by freshwater input, rather than disparate non-climatic controls. Conversely, the lack of IRD during the last glacial maximum and deglacial highstands may relate to secondary controls such as perennial ice cover or sediment supply. High IRD at Mono Lake corresponds to low glacial flour flux in Owens Lake, both correlative to high warm-season insolation. High-resolution, extra-basinal correlation of the millennial peaks awaits greatly improved age models for both records.  相似文献   

The lithium isotopic composition of waters of the Mono Basin, California   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mono Lake, a major closed-basin alkaline salt lake in eastern California, derives its water from a mixture of creeks and springs, with the former providing in excess of 75% of the total. The Li isotopic composition of lake water has not varied significantly over a 4 year meromictic period (δ7Li ∼ +19.5). Springs are isotopically distinct: groundwater springs and seeps carry water enriched in isotopically heavy Li whereas thermal springs supply isotopically light (δ7Li < lake), but 10 times more Li-rich, water. Isotopic fractionation during crystallization of carbonate tufa and evaporitic salt appears to be insignificant, and thus cannot be called on as a principal control of the isotopic balance of Li of the lake. Isotopic differences between the end-member source components permit a water budget to be calculated, suggesting (1) springs provide > 50% of the Li to the lake; (2) the Li budget is sensitively balanced on small thermal spring contributions, < 3% of the total spring inflow; and (3) the residence time of Li in the lake is 28 ka. Other Great Basin closed lakes have variable Li isotopic compositions (δ7Li from +16.7 to +23.7), all of which differ significantly from those of several major lakes and seawater (homogeneously ∼ +32).  相似文献   

The insoluble organic matter, or kerogen, in a Recent bottom mud (<1000yr old) from Mono Lake, California, has been analyzed by vacuum pyrolysis-GC-MS and compared with the kerogen from several Precambrian rocks, including the Belingwe and Transvaal stromatolites. The Mono Lake kerogen consists mainly of cyclic and acyclic aliphatic components with lesser amounts of aromatics present. It is less aromatic and more susceptible to thermal degradation than the Precambrian kerogens, and its products show a much greater diversity especially among the unsaturated aliphatics and the heteroatomic components. The presence of these compounds, most notably 2,5-dimethylfuran, in the Mono Lake kerogen indicates a relatively rapid formation and incorporation into a young kerogen and suggests that their presence in the Precambrian kerogens, such as the Belingwe stromatolite, may be consistent with an ancient biological origin.In simulated diagenesis experiments the Recent mud was heated at 150°C for 3 months or 225°C for 8 months. The former was insufficient to affect the kerogen pyrolysis products. The latter, however, caused a large decrease in the heteroatomic components and a slight increase in the abundance of n-alkanes relative to that of the cyclic and branched alkanes. This suggests that the presence of some of these components in Precambrian rocks should be consistent with a high degree of preservation of these rocks, as appears to be the case for the Belingwe and Transvaal stromatolites.  相似文献   

One of the most highly publicized and protracted land-use conflicts currently being waged in the western United States involves Mono Lake, a large, hypersaline water body that lies in the lee of California's Sierra Nevada. Since 1940, when the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began to divert the tributary streams that feed Mono Lake, the lake surface has dropped 45 ft (14 m), lake volume has been halved, and lake salinity has doubled. Dust storms resulting from deflation of newly exposed playa surfaces have increased in intensity, and the spatial dimensions of lacustrine habitats have been reduced. Islands used by nesting gulls have become peninsulas, permitting coyotes to invade and disrupt the rookeries.An essential first step in resolving the Mono Lake predicament involves quantifying the relationship between lake behavior and the environmental variables that lie at the center of the controversy. This article documents these relationships, and explores some of the problems inherent in developing a management plan for Mono Lake. The approach taken here may be useful in resolving environmental problems at other of the world's closed lakes which, in increasing numbers and to an increasing degree, are being drawn down by the diversion of water.  相似文献   

Mounds that have formed around spring vents occur in a variety of environmental settings, many at sites generally difficult or inaccessible for sampling. In contrast, over 500 tufa mounds occur in the dry bed of Searles Lake, California. The mounds range from minor features to 45 m in height; most are 5 to 12 m high. These mounds, composed of calcite and aragonite, formed associated with spring vents in the Pleistocene lake bottom. Thus, analyses of these mounds in Searles Lake provide a model with regard to the origin and architecture of tufa mounds. The mounds consist of four distinctive tufa facies. The initial deposits consist of porous tufa, including the innermost (porous 1) and the outermost (porous 2) deposits, followed by nodular tufa, then columnar tufa, and laminated crusts. There are two simple sequences of tufa deposition. The first sequence is from porous 1 to nodular to laminated crusts and, finally, to porous 2. A second sequence consists of: porous 1 to columnar to laminated crusts and, lastly, to porous 2. Facies changes are a response to changes in environmental conditions from deep water (porous 1 facies) to an essentially dry lake phase (during and after the formation of laminated crusts facies), to deep water (porous 2 facies) and, at the present time, totally dry. The primary constituents that comprise the tufa deposits include thin laminae, pisoids, spherulites, peloids and stromatolite‐like crusts. On the microscopic scale, these constituents dominantly make up nano‐spheres, micro‐rods and rod‐like crystals, as well as other calcified bodies. These constituents are interpreted to be the calcified remains of bacterial bodies. These findings suggest that microbial participation in the construct of other mounds should be a major concern of investigation, both for terrestrial and extraterrestrial spring‐fed mounds.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(2-4):135-140
The Mono Lake excursion (MLE) is an important time marker that has been found in lake and marine sediments across much of the Northern Hemisphere. Dating of this event at its type locality, the Mono Basin of California, has yielded controversial results with the most recent effort concluding that the MLE may actually be the Laschamp excursion (Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 197 (2002) 151). We show that a volcanic tephra (Ash ♯15) that occurs near the midpoint of the MLE has a date (not corrected for reservoir effect) of 28,620±300 14C yr BP (∼32,400 GISP2 yr BP) in the Pyramid Lake Basin of Nevada. Given the location of Ash ♯15 and the duration of the MLE in the Mono Basin, the event occurred between 31,500 and 33,300 GISP2 yr BP, an age range consistent with the position and age of the uppermost of two paleointensity minima in the NAPIS-75 stack that has been associated with the MLE (Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. A 358 (2000) 1009). The lower paleointensity minimum in the NAPIS-75 stack is considered to be the Laschamp excursion (Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. A 358 (2000) 1009).  相似文献   

Ikaite is a rare form of carbonate – calciumcarbonate hexahydrate (CaCO3·6H2O) and isthe precursor to thinolites. Metastable 'ikaite'crystals, discovered in unconsolidated marinesediments in the King George Basin in the BransfieldStrait, Antarctica, are related to diageneticremineralization reactions of organic matter. StableC, O, and H-isotopes track the response of ikaitecrystals, during growth, to changing interstitialfluid conditions as a result of bacterial sulphatereduction and methanogenesis. Ikaites form inpreference over calcite or aragonite at the prevailingsurface sediment conditions of -1.6 °C and 200bar in the King George Basin.The calcareous tufa towers of the terrestrial,hypersaline Mono Lake of northern California areCaCO3-precipitates formed by the influx ofsubmerged springs of calcium-rich freshwaters enteringthe alkaline lake (CO2 = 0.5 m, pH =9.8). Under current climatic conditions the mineralcalcite precipitates, but during the colder Tiogaglacial period of Late Wisconsian age (12,000 to 9,000years BP), and possibly present day during the winterseason, the monoclinic calcium carbonate hexahydrate(ikaite) was the dominant phase formed. Thesepaleo-ikaites have since recrystallized to form thecalcitic pseudomorph 'thinolites'. They are foundelsewhere in recent and ancient sediments of polarregions, e.g., as 'glendonites'. The environmentaloccurrence of ikaites and their pseudomorphs deem themas potential paleoclimatic indicators of coldenvironments. The larger crystals are typicallyrestricted to colder, deeper organic-rich sediments orin moderately evaporitic basins. In these cases, theikaite formation and decomposition may be influencedby additives such as phosphate or amino acids.  相似文献   

Mineral Equilibria in the Searles Lake Evaporites, California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Searles Lake evaporites (late Quaternary) consist of salineand mud layers permeated by brines. Two mineral pairs (gaylussite-pirssonite,mirabilite-thenardite) are used as indicators of relative aH2othroughout the stratigraphic column. Variations are attributedmostly to changes in brine salinity and partly to temperature. These aH2o-sensitive minerals locally coexist with trona, nahcolite,burkeite, northupite, tychite, hanksite, and aphthitalite, whichare sensitive to both aH2o and aco. Such assemblages permitconstruction of schematic isothermal aH2o-aco, diagrams. Fieldboundary sequences are derived from both theoretical considerationsand observed assemblages; their slopes are determined by thestoichiometry of possible reactions. Predicted assemblages invariablyagree with observed assemblages. By means of these diagrams, present-day lateral and stratigraphicvariations in relative aH2o and aco2 in the deposit are reconstructed.They show that aH2o and aco2 vary independently. Many of thepresent activities reflect depositional conditions; some indicatepost-depositional events.  相似文献   

ICP-MS analyses of encrusting sponges indicate that their predominant chemical elements are, along with Si, by P, Al, Fe, Ca, S, Mg, K, Na, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ti, Ba, and Br. The sponges are most significantly enriched in Al > Cu > Ti > REE > Mn > P relative to their aqueous habitat and in Cu > I > Cd > P > Br > As ≥ S relative to the relatively rudaceous bottom sediments. One of the sources of elements occurring the aqueous habitat and being of vital importance for the activity of the sponges was proved to be the rock substrates.  相似文献   

Investigation of biogeochemistry and amino acids on a 30-m-long core from Mansar Lake has thrown light on palaeoclimate variability during the Holocene period. The C/N ratio between 6 and 10 with some deviations and δ13C mostly between −20 and −22‰ in the shallow core, as well as a C/N ratio greater than 13 reaching from 19 to 20 and correspondingly lower δ13C of –28‰ in the deeper core suggest an aquatic source of carbon in the former and a cellulose-rich land plant source in the latter. This is supported by the abrupt increase in organic carbon content in the deeper core compared to the shallow core, which indicates a hot and wet climatic regime during the early Holocene and dry and cold during the late Holocene period. The amino acid data AA-C/C% and AA-N/N% are higher in shallow sediments compared to deeper sediments, indicating an aquatic plant source in the shallow core and greater supply of land plant sources in the deeper core. The lower percentage of the non-protein amino acids β-alanine (ALA) and γ-amino-butyric acid in the shallow core compared to the deeper core indicates different sources of organic matter in the lake basin. The higher amino acid ratio Asp/β-Ala (16.99 av.) and Glu/γ-Aba (18.18 av.) in the shallow core and lower ratios (10.32 and 12.41 av.) in the deeper core, and Asp/Glu (1.52 av.) and β-Ala/γ-Aba (1.61 av.) ratios in the former, which are potential indicators of the nature of the organic matter, are higher in the shallow core relative to the deeper core (1.33 and 1.23 av.), indicating relative biodegradation of organic matter in deeper sediments. It has been observed that the organic matter associated with the dry season is relatively less biodegraded, as evidenced from their higher ratios, and is more biodegraded in the wet season as their ratios are lower in the river sediments. In the absence of a bacterial contribution of organic matter from the soil source in this lake, since Mansar Lake is a non-drainage type, it is envisaged that the climatic variation may be responsible for biodegradation in the deeper core sediments. Therefore, the C/N ratio and δ13C values supported by amino acid data, the latter being significant in revealing primary productivity and a terrestrial source of organic matter, suggest a hot and wet climatic regime during the early Holocene (ca. 7580 bp) and a dry and cold in the late Holocene period (ca. 4050 bp).  相似文献   

Stratigraphic exposures in natural profiles, archaeological excavation units, backhoe trenches, and an uncased water well from the Laguna Seca Chapala basin in the Central Desert of Baja California (29°N, 115°W) record lake level and climate changes and provide a context for prehistoric occupation predating 9070 yr B.P. and extending through the Holocene. Lithofacies analysis points to the presence of a large (ca. 66 km2) lake prior to 9070 yr B.P., which desiccated by 7.45 ka yr B.P., promoting rapid dune growth. New dating and redefinition of stratigraphic units in the basin refutes earlier models of lacustrine history and prehistoric occupation including a proposed series of Pleistocene lake levels with associated cultural occupations. The geologic record from the Laguna Seca Chapala basin compares well with other paleoenvironmental records in southwestern North America, supporting interpretations of wet and cool conditions in Baja California during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Medicine Lake shield volcano is part of the Oregon high alumina plateau basalt petrologic province, as defined by Waters (1962) and Higgins (1973). The early eruptions are basaltic andesites and they constitute a significant portion of the shield-forming lavas. These lavas are characterized by a mild iron enrichment trend produced by fractionation of plagioclase and olivine, together with lesser amounts of clinopyroxene. Siliceous andesites of less areal extent form the shield-capping lavas. Their formation is initiated by the appearance of titanomagnetite as a liquidus phase which prevents further iron enrichment. Additional fractionation of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and minor olivine continued during this interval.An origin for the basaltic andesites which involves the derivation of a liquid by partial melting of lithosphere composed of low Sr87/Sr86 material previously subducted along the continental margin is favored. This magma subsequently fractionated under low pressure conditions, a conclusion supported by least squares mixing calculations.  相似文献   

Accurate reconstruction of the paleo-Mojave River and pluvial lake (Harper, Manix, Cronese, and Mojave) system of southern California is critical to understanding paleoclimate and the North American polar jet stream position over the last 500 ka. Previous studies inferred a polar jet stream south of 35°N at 18 ka and at ~ 40°N at 17–14 ka. Highstand sediments of Harper Lake, the upstream-most pluvial lake along the Mojave River, have yielded uncalibrated radiocarbon ages ranging from 24,000 to > 30,000 14C yr BP. Based on geologic mapping, radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating, we infer a ~ 45–40 ka age for the Harper Lake highstand sediments. Combining the Harper Lake highstand with other Great Basin pluvial lake/spring and marine climate records, we infer that the North American polar jet stream was south of 35°N about 45–40 ka, but shifted to 40°N by ~ 35 ka. Ostracodes (Limnocythere ceriotuberosa) from Harper Lake highstand sediments are consistent with an alkaline lake environment that received seasonal inflow from the Mojave River, thus confirming the lake was fed by the Mojave River. The ~ 45–40 ka highstand at Harper Lake coincides with a shallowing interval at downstream Lake Manix.  相似文献   

The last 10,000 years of activity at the Medicine Lake volcanic center in northern California is characterized by bimodal mafic and siliceous volcanism. Interflow element variations are complex and exhibit a discontinuity for most elements between 57 and 62 per cent SiO2. No simple linear or curvilinear element trends exist between the mafic (Modoc) and siliceous (glass) volcanics.The geochemical variation patterns exhibited by volcanic rocks from the Medicine Lake volcanic center preclude any simple model for magma origin involving either varying degrees of melting or of fractional crystallization. A model is tentatively invoked for the andesites and basalts involving ? 35 per cent melting of eclogite (of altered rise tholeiite composition) in a descending slab followed by varying amounts of fractional crystallization and perhaps magma mixing. Up to 20 per cent of shallow fractional crystallization of plagioclase and minor Ti-magnetite seems to be required by the Sr, Eu anomaly, and TiO2 distributions.Compositional variation and high δO18 values in most dacite glass flows are best interpreted in terms of a crustal origin involving up to 50 per cent partial melting of average continental crust. Rhyolite glasses may have formed by small degrees of melting (20–30 per cent) of this crust followed by 5–10 per cent of shallow fractional crystallization (removing dominantly plagioclase) or by 40–50 per cent fractional crystallization of a dacite parent (~63 per cent SiO2) produced in the crust. The shallow fractional crystallization is necessary to explain the low Sr contents and large negative Eu anomalies in the rhyolites. Dacites from the Composite Flow are tentatively interpreted to have formed by shallow mixing of a hybrid magma (composed of varying amounts of andesite and dacite) with rhyolite prior to and during eruption.  相似文献   

Freshwater lakes existed intermittently in the Salton Trough of southern California during the late Holocene. The lakes formed north of the subaerial Colorado River Delta whenever the Colorado River flowed west into the trough instead of south to the Gulf of California. Water filled the trough to a maximum altitude of 12 m. Stratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, and supplementary evidence document four lacustral intervals of Lake Cahuilla between A.D. 700 and 1580. Archaeological sites are associated with the 12-m shoreline and their occupation correlates with these lacustral intervals.  相似文献   

The hydroelectric reservoir of Petit Saut, French Guiana, was created in 1994–1995 by flooding 350 km2 of tropical forest. When sampled in 1999, the lake exhibited a permanent stratification separating the 3–5 m thick, oxygenated epilimnion from the anoxic hypolimnion. The rate of anaerobic organic carbon mineralization below the oxycline was on the order of 1 μmol C m−2 s−1 and did not show a pronounced difference between wet and dry seasons. Methanogenesis accounted for 76–83% of anaerobic carbon mineralization, with lesser contributions of sulfate reduction and dissimilatory iron reduction. Upward mixing of reduced inorganic solutes explained 90% of the water column O 2 demand during the dry season, while most O 2 consumption during the wet season was coupled to aerobic respiration of organic matter synthesized in the surface waters. Inorganic mercury species represented 10–40% of total dissolved mercury in the epilimnion, but were of relatively minor importance (≤10%) in the anoxic portion of the water column. Net production of soluble organic mercury compounds in the flooded soils and anoxic water column did not vary significantly between wet and dry seasons. Methylmercury accounted for about 15% of total dissolved mercury below the oxycline. Its estimated net production rate, 0.04 mg m−2 yr−1, is of the same order of magnitude as values reported for contaminated lakes and flooded terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Dextral transtensional deformation is occurring along the Sierra Nevada–Great Basin boundary zone (SNGBBZ) at the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada microplate. In the Lake Tahoe region of the SNGBBZ, transtension is partitioned spatially and temporally into domains of north–south striking normal faults and transitional domains with conjugate strike-slip faults. The normal fault domains, which have had large Holocene earthquakes but account only for background seismicity in the historic period, primarily accommodate east–west extension, while the transitional domains, which have had moderate Holocene and historic earthquakes and are currently seismically active, primarily record north–south shortening. Through partitioned slip, the upper crust in this region undergoes overall constrictional strain.Major fault zones within the Lake Tahoe basin include two normal fault zones: the northwest-trending Tahoe–Sierra frontal fault zone (TSFFZ) and the north-trending West Tahoe–Dollar Point fault zone. Most faults in these zones show eastside down displacements. Both of these fault zones show evidence of Holocene earthquakes but are relatively quiet seismically through the historic record. The northeast-trending North Tahoe–Incline Village fault zone is a major normal to sinistral-oblique fault zone. This fault zone shows evidence for large Holocene earthquakes and based on the historic record is seismically active at the microearthquake level. The zone forms the boundary between the Lake Tahoe normal fault domain to the south and the Truckee transition zone to the north.Several lines of evidence, including both geology and historic seismicity, indicate that the seismically active Truckee and Gardnerville transition zones, north and southeast of Lake Tahoe basin, respectively, are undergoing north–south shortening. In addition, the central Carson Range, a major north-trending range block between two large normal fault zones, shows internal fault patterns that suggest the range is undergoing north–south shortening in addition to east–west extension.A model capable of explaining the spatial and temporal partitioning of slip suggests that seismic behavior in the region alternates between two modes, one mode characterized by an east–west minimum principal stress and a north–south maximum principal stress as at present. In this mode, seismicity and small-scale faulting reflecting north–south shortening concentrate in mechanically weak transition zones with primarily strike-slip faulting in relatively small-magnitude events, and domains with major normal faults are relatively quiet. A second mode occurs after sufficient north–south shortening reduces the north–south Shmax in magnitude until it is less than Sv, at which point Sv becomes the maximum principal stress. This second mode is then characterized by large earthquakes on major normal faults in the large normal fault domains, which dominate the overall moment release in the region, producing significant east–west extension.  相似文献   

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