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冯慧乐  王非  师文贝 《地质科学》2016,(4):1261-1276
高压—超高压变质带是地球上重要的地质单元,特殊的形成环境使该类变质岩的矿物中常因含有外来40Ar而40Ar/39Ar年龄偏老,制约了40Ar/39Ar年代学在此类岩石中的应用。本文探讨了氩在不同相中的溶解度与分配系数的差异,并着重论述了扩散参数与压力的关系及压力对岩体封闭性的影响,系统总结了高压-超高压变质矿物中外来40Ar的形成机制。此外,随Fe/Mg、Si/Al、K等组分不同,氩在矿物中保存能力的某种规律性变化、离子孔隙度研究等也从理论上为研究氩的扩散和封闭行为提供了新的视角。在高压—超高压变质过程中多种因素共同作用,氩在这类矿物中的扩散更为复杂。对外来40Ar形成机制的探讨对揭示高压—超高压变质结晶环境、岩体开放与否、不同矿物对氩保存能力等有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

Scheelite- and molybdenite-bearing scapolite skarn and plagioclase skarn occur as stratabound mineralizations in a terrain which has suffered regional metamorphism. Scapolite skarn formed as replacement skarns in plagioclase-bearing hornblendic gneiss whereas plagioclase skarn precipitated in fractures as vein skarn mineralizations. The genesis of these skarn deposits are closely connected to an episode of boudinage on the limbs of a large-scale dome-shaped fold. Fluid inclusion studies revealed that the ore-forming fluids were composed of CO2 with 2 to 17 mole% CH4, which formed due to decarbonation reactions during peak metamorphism at the end of the Caledonian orogenesis. Thermodynamic considerations indicate that scapolite and plagioclase formed above 550 °C and 2 Kbar pressure and were followed by precipitation of scheelite between 400 and 570 °C.  相似文献   

Poikiloblastic index minerals in pelitic rocks from the Orrs Island–Harpswell Neck area of coastal Maine contain inclusion textures that indicate sequential growth of progressively higher grade metamorphic minerals during development of a near-vertical crenulation foliation. The sequence of zones in the field is garnet, staurolite, staurolite–andalusite, staurolite–sillimanite and sillimanite. Inclusion fabrics characteristic of different stages in crenulation cleavage development indicate that index minerals nucleated and grew sequentially: biotite began to grow before deformation, garnet began to grow during early stages of crenulation cleavage development, staurolite grew during intermediate stages, and andalusite grew relatively late, when transposition of the foliation was nearly complete. Muscovite pseudomorphs and sillimanite were mainly post-kinematic. The fact that metamorphic index minerals grew sequentially in individual rocks in the same order in which they appear across the field area indicates that the high temperature part of the pressure–temperature path was similar to the metamorphic field gradient. Metamorphism in the Orrs Island–Harpswell Neck area is consistent with the magmatic heating model that has been proposed for western Maine. Sequential development of index minerals in pelitic rocks in the Orrs Island–Harpswell Neck area apparently resulted from sequential nucleation after substantial overstepping of mineral-forming reactions. Once nucleation of an index mineral had taken place, initial growth was rapid and poikiloblasts preserved inclusion trails characteristic of the prevailing stage of crenulation cleavage development. Because nucleation of sillimanite may have required more overstepping of the andalusite–sillimanite reaction than nucleation at dehydration reactions, determination of metamorphic conditions for rapidly heated rocks such as these by comparison with a petrogenetic grid is problematic. Garnet zoning patterns in these rocks should reflect the fact that growth of garnet interiors occurred early during metamorphism in equilibrium with a low-grade assemblage. Only garnet rims would be expected to record the subsequent pressure–temperature path.  相似文献   

In order to decipher element mobility in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks during subduction and exhumation of continental crust, major-trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes were systematically investigated for two continuous core segments of about 3 m length from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project in the Sulu orogen. The segments are composed of lithological transitions between UHP eclogite and granitic gneiss. The eclogite exhibits a large variation in major and some trace elements such as LILE (e.g., Rb, Ba and K) and LREE, but a relatively limited range in HFSE and HREE. This suggests high mobility of LILE and LREE but immobility of HFSE and HREE during continental collision-zone metamorphism. Some eclogites have andesitic compositions with high SiO2, alkalis, LREE, and LILE but low CaO, MgO and FeO contents. These features likely result from chemical exchange with gneisses, possibly due to the metasomatism of felsic melt produced by partial melting of the associated gneisses during the exhumation. On the other hand, some eclogites appear to have geochemical affinity to refractory rocks formed by melt extraction as evidenced by strong LREE and LILE depletion and the absence of hydrous minerals. These results provide evidence of melt-induced element mobility in the UHP metamorphic rocks. In particular, large variations in the abundance of such elements as SiO2, LREE and LILE occur at the contact between eclogite and granitic gneiss, indicating their mobility between different slab components. Petrographic observations also show the presence of felsic veins on small scales in the UHP metamorphic rocks, demonstrating the occurrence of hydrous melt in local open-systems during the continental collision. As a whole, nevertheless, the protolith nature dictates the geochemical differences in both eclogite and granitic gneiss between the two core segments because mass transport during the subduction-zone metamorphism is principally dictated by the lithological differences at contact. The eclogite and granitic gneiss from the first core segment have high εNd(t) values, whereas those from the second core segment show relatively low εNd(t) values in concordance with majority of UHP metaigneous rocks outcropped along the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. Thus contrasting origins of bimodal igneous rocks were involved in the continental collision, demonstrating that the subducted continental crust is the magmatic product of active rifting margin during supercontinental breakup in the middle Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Oceanic tholeiite glass has been reacted with natural seawater at 25°–500° C, 1 kbar, with both low (5) and high (50) water/rock mass ratios. Initial experiments were conducted at constant temperatures between 100° C and 500° C (100° intervals) in order to characterize the mineralogy and chemical exchange trends for both water/rock ratios. However, the primary purpose of this investigation was to study the chemical and mineralogical changes that may take place as reacted seawater cools as it traverses a temperature gradient before exiting onto the seafloor, as may happen in some submarine hydrothermal systems. Consequently, a series of cooling or temperature gradient experiments were performed in which seawater that had reacted with basalt at 500° C was cooled to 25° C in a step-wise fashion; mineralogy and fluid chemistry were determined at 100 degree intervals during cooling.For all of the experiments, the elemental exchange trends were the same. With respect to the initial sea-water, Fe, Mn, Ca, Si and H+ increased while Na and Mg decreased. However, the extent of the exchange depended heavily on the temperature and water/rock ratio. During cooling, fluid compositions in the temperature gradient runs generally approached those of the constant temperature experiments. Even though fluid compositions were very similar at 500° C for both water/rock ratios, the high water/rock ratio systems were more efficient in leaching transition metals from the rock and maintained substantial concentrations in solution during cooling, even to temperatures as low as 25° C. The Fe/Mn ratio in the fluid, however, was quite different for the two water/rock ratios; consequently, the effective water/rock ratio appears to be one parameter that can control the Fe/Mn ratio in exiting hydrothermal fluids and may influence the Fe/Mn ratio in metal-rich sediments.Alteration minerals produced in these seawater/ basalt experiments are very similar to those found at submarine springs on the East Pacific Rise, 21° N. Iron sulfides, pyrite and pyrrhotite, precipitated during cooling for both water/rock ratios, demonstrating the ore-forming potential of submarine hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

A geochemical survey was conducted on thermal water and cold water around non-volcanic geothermal fields at Mahaoya and Marangala in Sri Lanka. One hundred forty-two samples were analyzed for fifteen selected irons to investigate geochemical relationships resulting from water-rock interactions and mixing. Based on measurements using a Na-K-Mg geothermometer, the maximum temperatures of thermal reservoirs were estimated to be 148 °C in Mahaoya and 191 °C in Marangala, which were higher values than those obtained using Na-Li and Li-Mg geothermometers. This suggests that the reservoirs extend from intermediate to deep levels. Hydrogeochemistry of thermal waters is distinct from that of cold water; higher contents of Na, K, Cl, F, SO4, and TDS in thermal water are most likely due to the dissolution of feldspar, mica, and sulfide minerals in the granitic rocks. Conversely, lower values of Fe, Mg, Cu, Zn, and Pb imply less ferromagnesian minerals in the basement. Classification based on major ions reveals a Na-K-SO4 type of thermal water for Mahaoya and Marangala. Cold water is dominated by the Na-K-HCO3 type, which indicates deep groundwater influence by iron exchange. Non-mixing cold water indicates a Ca-HCO3 type. In general, chemistry of cold water wells (<400 m) close to the thermal water changes significantly due to direct mixing of thermal water and cold water. In comparison, a contrasting action occurs with increasing distance from the geothermal field. Gradual decline of SO4 with increasing distance from thermal water may indicate a trend of clear oxidation. However, the chemistry of more distant wells demarcates deep circulations through fractures and faults in the basement.  相似文献   

The oligoclase-biotite zone of the Bessi area, central Shikoku is characterized by sodic plagioclase (XCa= 0.10–0.28)-bearing assemblages in pelitic schists, and represents the highest-grade zone of the Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain. Mineral assemblages in pelitic schists of this zone, all with quartz, sodic plagioclase, muscovite and clinozoisite (or zoisite), are garnet + biotite + chlorite + paragonite, garnet + biotite + hornblende + chlorite, and partial assemblages of these two types. Correlations between mineral compositions, mineral assemblages and mineral stability data assuming PH2O = Psolid suggests that metamorphic conditions of this zone are about 610 ± 25°C and 10 ± 1 kbar.
Based upon a comparative study of mineralogy and chemistry of pelitic schists in the oligoclase-biotite zone of the Sanbagawa terrain with those in the New Caledonia omphacite zone as an example of a typical high-pressure type of metamorphic belt and with those in a generalized'upper staurolite zone'as an example of a medium-pressure type of metamorphic belt, progressive assemblages within these three zones can be related by reactions such as:  相似文献   

The supracrustal rocks of the Wuyang metamorphic terrain are divided into the Zhao anzhuang,Tieshanmiao and Yangshuwan Formations.These three Formations were dated at 3000-2550Ma,2550-2300Ma and 2300-2200Ma,respectively.∑REE and La/Yb)n of the Zhao anzhuang Formation volcanic rocks are obviously higher than those of the Tiesanmiao Formation equivalents,suggesting a sedimentary gap(2550 Ma boundary)between these two formations,The Zhao‘anzhuang Formation is older than the Tieshanmiao Formation.The sediments of these two Formations show no obvious differences in REE and are generally characterized by low ∑REE and positive Eu anomalies.On the contrary,the sediments of the Yangshuwan Formation are characterized by high ∑REE and negative Eu anomalies.Detailed discussions demonstrate that the Yangshuwan Formation was deposited in an oxidizing environment whereas the other two formations were formed in a reducing environment.At the end of the evolution of the Tieshanmiao Formation about 2300 Ma ago,the sedimentary environment was transformed from reducing to oxidizing .On the basis of the SHAB (soft/hard acid and base)theory,an oxidation-reduction model for sedimentary REE evolution has been established .It is proposed that the mantle tends to become gradually depleted in REE.especially in LREE,and the indices ∑REE and La/Yb) n of mantle-dervived volcanic rocks also tend to become lower and lower.  相似文献   

贾根  陈火根 《中国地质》2001,28(9):25-31
含金剪切带型金矿的成矿作用与剪切变形作用密切相关。本文在总结含金剪切带型金矿地质特征的基础上,分析和总结了苏北变质岩区成矿地质条件与金的矿化信息,认为苏北地区可能存在破碎带型和含金剪切带型两类金矿,并提出寻找含金剪切带型金矿的新的找矿方向。  相似文献   

The metamorphic rocks (Salkhalas) of Kishtwar area bear evidence of four phases of deformation and three episodes of metamorphism. The last deformational phase has however not initiated crystallization of new phase. The metamorphic crystallization was synkinematic to first phase of deformation with the rise in grade during post D1 phase which continued and reached its culmination in post D2 phase. The mineral assemblages suggest medium to high pressure Barrovian type metamorphism. This was followed by granitization leading to the formation of migmatites, augen & porphyroblastic gneisses in the late stages persisting till early D3 phase. The growth of index minerals suggest that the metamorphism was progressive in time and it predates migmatization and thrusting in the area. The metamorphism is not caused by the granite intrusion but is probably related to heat flow from the mantle in its disturbance during Himalayan orogeny.
Zusammenfassung Die metamorphen Gesteine (Salkhalas) aus dem Kishtwar Gebiet liefern einen Beweis für vier Deformationsphasen und drei Episoden einer Kristallisationsmetamorphose. Die letzte Deformationsphase ist mit keiner Neukristallisation verbunden. Die metamorphe Kristallisation verlief synkinematisch mit der ersten Deformationsphase (D1), setzte sich zunehmend fort über die zweite Phase (D2) hinaus und erreichte einen Höhepunkt in einer Post-D2-Phase. Die Mineralvergesellschaftungen zeigen einen Barrov-Typ von mäßigem bis hohem Druck. Dieser Metamorphose folgte eine Granitisierung, die mit einer Bildung von Migmatiten, und Augen- und porphyroklastischen Gneissen bis in die frühen Stadien der dritten Phase (D3) hinein verbunden war.Das Wachstum der Indexmineralien zeigt eine zeitlich fortschreitende Metamorphose, die vor der Migmatisierung und der tektonischen Einengung stattfand. Die Metamorphose ist weiterhin kein Resultat der Granitintrusion, sondern wahrscheinlich durch Wärmefluß aus dem Erdmantel verursacht.

Résumé Les roches métamorphiques (Salkhalas) de la région de Kishtwar mettent en évidence quatre phases de déformation et trois épisodes de métamorphisme. La dernière phase de déformation n'a toutefois pas entraîné de néveristallisatiòn. La cristallisation métamorphique a été syncinématique de la première phase déformative, avec élévation de son degré au cours de la phase consécutive á D1 qui continua et atteignit son plus haut point dans la phase postérieure á D2. Les associations minérales suggérent un métamorphisme Barrovien de moyenne à haute pression. Celui-ci a été suivi par une granitisation conduisant à la formation de migmatites, de gneiss oeillés et porphyroblastiques au cours des derniers stades qui ont persisté jusqu'au début de la phase D3. La croissance des minéraux index suggére que le métamorphisme fut progressif au cours du temps et qu'il ert antérieur à la migmatization et au charriage dans la région. Le métamorphisme n'a pas pour cause l'intrusion granitique, mais est probablement en relation avec le flux de chaleur au cours des perturbations dans le manteau.

(Salkhalas) 4- 3- . . (D1; , , (D2) . Barrov'a . , , , (D3). , . , , , .

Pyroclastic fragments of basaltic composition are obtained in a thick metabasaltic layer from the Singhbhum orogenic belt of Eastern India. Field relations indicate the basalts to be submarine lava flows. Chemically, the metabasalts represent an original dry basaltic magma, showing a differentiation trend of Fe-enrichment much like the abyssal tholeiites and the Skaergaard rocks. The fragments are sharply angular in shape and distinctly richer in FeO, MgO, and MnO relative to the enclosing matrices. It is shown that the fragments are least likely to represent solidified lavas. These are best explained as cumulates which were fragmented and erupted with the fractionated melts.  相似文献   

Regionally extensive two-pyroxene granulites in Fiordland, southwest New Zealand, are products of metamorphism of a suite of anhydrous magmas which crystallized two pyroxenes. The granulite protolith (igneous charnockitic rock) synkinematically intruded metasediment and other orthogneiss in an Early Cretaceous subduction-related magmatic arc, and during cooling experienced deformation-induced recrystallization to form granoblastic gneiss. The granulites occur side by side with coeval rocks of amphibolite facies. Mineral zoning and textural relationships in both granulites and amphibolite facies rocks provide evidence of two distinct periods of crystallization: 1) an early high temperature, comparatively low pressure event accompanying magmatic intrusion (andalusite-sillimanite facies series recorded locally in the country rock), followed by 2) high pressure metamorphism under conditions of 650°–700° C at 12–13 kbar. Garnet granulite locally overprinted earlier formed two-pyroxene granulite during the latter event. The pressure increase (6 kbar) between the two events is attributed to crustal thickening by overthrusting, and is equivalent to unloading of a 20 km thick slab over rocks already buried at mid-crustal depths. Both events occurred over a < 20 m.y. interval, between the time of magmatic emplacement of the granulite protolith and uplift-controlled final cooling of the terrain. The Phanerozoic granulites in Fiordland share some petrologic similarities with Precambrian granulite terrains, suggesting that at least some aspects of the former may serve as a useful model for development of the latter.  相似文献   

A prominent set of veins was formed during post-metamorphic deformation of the Caledonian Dalradian metamorphic belt. These veins are concentrated in dilational zones in fold hinges, but apophyses follow schistosity and fold axial surface fractures. The veins are most common in the cores of regional structures, especially the Dalradian Downbend and consist of quartz, calcite, chlorite and metallic sulphides and oxides. Metals, including gold, have been concentrated in the veins. The fluid which formed the veins was low salinity (1–5 wt% NaCl and KCl) CO2-bearing (3–16 wt% CO2) water of metamorphic origin. The fluid varies slightly in composition within and between samples, but is essentially uniform in composition over several hundred km2. Vein formation occurred at about 350±50 °C and 200–300 MPa pressure. Further quartz mineralization occurred in some dilational zones at lower temperatures (160–180 °C). This later mineralization was accompanied by CO2 immiscibility. Dilution and oxidation of the metamorphic fluid occurred due to mixing with meteoric water as the rocks passed through the brittle-ductile transition. A similar metamorphic fluid is thought to have been responsible for gold mineralization in the nearby Tyndrum Fault at a later stage in the Dalradian uplift.  相似文献   

Post-metamorphic quartz veins which occur over hundreds of square kilometres in the biotite zone of the Dalradian metamorphic belt consist of three principal types: anhedral quartz with pyrite, anhedral quartz with hematite, and prismatic quartz with hematite or rutile. The oxide minerals in anhedral veins have formed by oxidation of pre-existing sulphides, and gold was mobilized during this oxidation. Anhedral quartz veins formed from an aqueous fluid with up to 5 wt% dissolved salts and 16 wt% CO2 at about 300 °C. Texturally later prismatic quartz crystals formed from a compositionally similar fluid which was undergoing phase separation at the H2O-CO2 solvus at 160–200 °C and 500 to 1200 bars fluid pressure. Oxygen isotope ratios for quartz from the veins range from 12.0 to 15.3‰, with hematite-bearing veins generally isotopically heavier than pyrite-bearing veins. Calculated fluid oxygen isotope ratios range from + 8‰ for pyrite-bearing veins to -2‰ for late prismatic crystals. The mineralizing fluid contained a substantial component of meteoric water whose isotopic and chemical composition evolved with progressive water-rock interaction. Evolution of meteoric fluid composition involved migration of oxidation and oxygen isotope fronts in the down-flow direction as head-driven water passed through structurally controlled fractures in the schist pile. A gold solubility trough occurs for the observed fluid in the oxidation frontal zone. Gold remobilization and reprecipitation occurred progressively as the oxidation front migrated through the schist pile.  相似文献   

Alteration zones (more commonly foot wall alteration zones) are related to volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VMS) deposits and represent unique features that may be targeted during exploration. Of these, the chloritic foot wall alteration pipe is the most extensive and characteristic of VMS deposits. This feature is geochemically identified by a strong relative enrichment in aluminium and magnesium and a coupled depletion in calcium and sodium, giving rise to chloritic rocks in the primary environment of formation. During high grade regional metamorphism such chloritic precursor rock types are replaced by an unusual mineral paragenesis, typically containing magnesium rich cordierite, phlogopite, orthoamphiboles or orthopyroxenes and aluminium rich minerals such as sillimanite and corundum. This suggests that the unusual geochemical features of the alteration zone, retained during the deformation and metamorphism, should be recognisable in lithogeochemical exploration.The massive sulfide deposit in the eastern part of the metamorphic Namaqua Province, South Africa, at Areachap, Kantienpan and the defunct Prieska Cu–Zn Mine are hosted by a Mid-Proterozoic volcano sedimentary succession known as the Areachap Group. These deposits were affected by a complex deformation and metamorphic history and represent examples of upper amphibolite to granulite grade metamorphosed VMS deposits.The application of the known lithogeochemical methods is especially complicated where the geology is not well understood, due to the poor rock exposure of complexly deformed and metamorphosed areas, such as in the eastern part of the Namaqua Province.The box plot presents a more readily applicable lithogeochemical method to characterize and identify the alteration process, but it was designed for relatively un-metamorphosed environments. It is demonstrated here that the box plot may also be applied to high-grade metamorphic terrains and that the mineral phases used in defining the boxplot in low grade metamorphic environments may be replaced by their equivalents in high grade metamorphic terrains. The compositional trends of the metamorphic minerals themselves may be used in defining the boxplot for high grade metamorphic terrains. These include the transition of: annite to phlogopite; grossular to almandine or pyrope, augite to enstatite or clinoenstatite, and hornblende to gedrite or cummingtonite. Close to the ore zone, the relative Mg content of pyroxene, cordierite and biotite are higher than further away from this zone. It could be demonstrated that the changes in the mineral compositions are gradational when comparing unaffected rocks with progressively more altered wall rocks.Conclusions based on an application of the isocon method demonstrate that primary footwall alteration zones in the Areachap Group's VMS deposits are characterized by elemental depletion of Na2O, CaO, Sr, Ni, V and La and enrichment of MgO, Fe2O3(total), S, Zn, SiO2, Co and F. It is shown that the whole rock compositions of rocks that were independently identified as the metamorphic equivalents of altered rocks, using the isocon method, plot in the correct place in the box plot for high grade regionally metamorphosed terrains. This establishes the box plot as an effective and practical tool for lithogeochemical exploration for VMS deposits in complexly deformed high grade metamorphosed terrains.  相似文献   

T. Agata 《Lithos》1994,33(4):241-263
The Asama igneous complex comprises layered mafic and ultramafic plutonic rocks exposed over about 500×6000 m in the Mikabu greenstone belt, Sambagawa metamorphic terrain of Mie Prefecture; its margins terminate by faults, and there is no trace of chilled rocks. The exposed layered sequence is about 460 m thick, and includes dunite, plagioclase wehrlite, olivine gabbro and two-pyroxene gabbro. The crystallization sequence of essential cumulus minerals is olivine, followed by plagioclase and clinopyroxene together, and finally the appearance of orthopyroxene. Olivine systematically varies in composition from Fo89 to Fo78 with stratigraphic height in the lower to middle portion of the layered sequence. The composition of clinopyroxene changes from Ca49Mg46Fe5 to Ca40Mg47Fe13 upward in the layered sequence; cumulus orthopyroxene, which occurs at the top of the exposed layered sequence, has a composition of Ca2Mg74Fe24. Cumulus chromite occurs as disseminated grains in peridotitic rocks, and tends to increase its Fe3+/(Cr+Al+Fe3+) ratio with stratigraphic height. The most aluminous chromite [Cr/(Cr+Al) = 0.48] occurs in dunite that crystallized shortly before plagioclase began to separate as an essential phase. The Cr/(Cr+Al) ratio of the most aluminous chromite, coupled with the crystallization order of essential minerals, suggests that the Asama parental magma was moderately enriched in plagioclase and clinopyroxene components in the normative mineral diagram plagioclase-clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene. It was similar to a Hawaiian tholeiite and different from the Bushveld and Great “Dyke” parental magmas that were more enriched in orthopyroxene component; it also differed from mid-oceanic ridge basalts that are more depleted in the orthopyroxene component. The Asama clinopyroxene and chromite show characteristically high TiO2 contents and are also similar to those in Hawaiian tholeiites. The Asama igneous complex probably resulted from the crystallization of a magma of a Hawaiian (oceanic-island) tholeiite composition and formed in an oceanic island regime.  相似文献   

Metamorphic dehydration and partial melting are two important processes during continental collision. They have significant bearing on element transport at the slab interface under subduction‐zone P–T conditions. Petrological and geochemical insights into the two processes are provided by a comprehensive study of leucocratic veins in ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks. This is exemplified by this study of a polymineralic vein within phengite‐bearing UHP eclogite in the Dabie orogen. The vein is primarily composed of quartz, kyanite, epidote and phengite, with minor accessory minerals such as garnet, rutile and zircon. Primary multiphase solid inclusions occur in garnet and epidote from the both vein and host eclogite. They are composed of quartz ± K‐feldspar ± plagioclase ± K‐bearing glass and exhibit irregular to negative crystal shapes that are surrounded by weak radial cracks. This suggests their precipitation from solute‐rich metamorphic fluid/melt that involved the reaction of phengite breakdown. Zircon U–Pb dating for the vein gave two groups of concordant ages at 217 ± 2 and 210 ± 2 Ma, indicating two episodes of zircon growth in the Late Triassic. The same minerals from the two rocks give consistent δ18O and δD values, suggesting that the vein‐forming fluid was directly derived from the host UHP eclogite. The vein is much richer in phengite and epidote than the host eclogite, suggesting that the fluid is associated with remarkable concentration of such water‐soluble elements as LILE and LREE migration. Garnet and rutile in the vein exhibit much higher contents of HREE (2.2–5.7 times) and Nb–Ta (1.8–2.0 times) than those in the eclogite, indicating that these normally water‐insoluble elements became mobile and then were sunken in the vein minerals. Thus, the vein‐forming agent would be primarily composed of the UHP aqueous fluid with minor amounts of the hydrous melt, which may even become a supercritical fluid to have a capacity to transport not only LILE and LREE but also HREE and HFSE at subduction‐zone metamorphic conditions. Taken together, significant amounts of trace elements were transported by the vein‐forming fluid due to the phengite breakdown inside the UHP eclogite during exhumation of the deeply subducted continental crust.  相似文献   

 Detailed hydrogeological studies in a granitic micro-watershed have been carried out to determine the extent, behavior, and characteristics of the aquifer. The study includes analysis of lithologs, drill time log, pumping tests, and slug tests. Realistic field conditions have been taken into account for characterizing the aquifer system. Slug tests were carried out to estimate aquifer parameters at the wells which could not sustain pumping. Received: 20 November 1997 · Accepted: 23 February 1998  相似文献   

Hot metamorphic core complex in a cold foreland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Montagne Noire forms the southernmost part of the French Massif Central. Carboniferous flysch sediments and very low-grade metamorphic imprint testify to a very external position in the orogen. Sedimentation of synorogenic clastic sediments continued up to the Viséan/Namurian boundary (≤320 Ma). Subsequently, the Palaeozoic sedimentary pile underwent recumbent folding and grossly southward thrusting. An extensional window exposes a hot core of Carboniferous HT/LP gneisses, migmatites and granites (Zone Axiale), which was uplifted from under the nappe pile. After the emplacement of the nappes on the Zone Axiale (Variscan D1), all structural levels shared the same tectonic evolution: D2 (extension and exhumation), D3 (refolding) and post-D3 dextral transtension. HT/LP-metamorphism in the crystalline rocks probably started before and continued after the emplacement of the nappes. Peak metamorphic temperatures were attained during a post-nappe thermal increment (M2). M2 occurred during ENE-directed bilateral extension, which exhumed the Zone Axiale and its frame as a ductile horst structure, flanked to the ENE by a Stephanian intra-montane basin. Map patterns and mesoscopic structures reveal that extension in ENE occurred simultaneously with NNW-oriented shortening. Combination of these D2 effects defines a bulk prolate strain in a “pinched pull-apart” setting. Ductile D2 deformation during M2 dominates the structural record. In wide parts of the nappes on the southern flank of the Zone Axiale, D1 is only represented by the inverted position of bedding (overturned limbs of recumbent D1 folds) and by refolded D1 folds. U–Pb monazite and zircon ages and K–Ar muscovite ages are in accord with Ar–Ar data from the literature. HT/LP metamorphism and granitoid intrusion commenced already at ≥330 Ma and continued until 297 Ma, and probably in a separate pulse in post-Stephanian time. Metamorphic ages older than c. 300 Ma are not compatible with the classical model of thermal relaxation after stacking, since they either pre-date or too closely post-date the end of flysch sedimentation. We therefore propose that migmatization and granite melt generation were independent from crustal thickening and caused, instead, by the repeated intrusion of melts into a crustal-scale strike-slip shear zone. Advective heating continued in a pull-apart setting whose activity outlasted the emplacement of the Variscan nappe pile. The shear-zone model is confirmed by similar orogen-parallel extensional windows with HT/LP metamorphism and granitoid intrusion in neighbouring areas, whose location is independent from their position in the orogen. We propose that heat transfer from the mantle occurred in dextral strike-slip shear zones controlled by the westward propagating rift of the Palaeotethys ocean, which helped to destroy the Variscan orogen.  相似文献   

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