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利用自行研制的高温高压反应釜,在不同温度、压力和矿化度条件下测试CO2在地层水中的溶解度。实验结果表明:温度一定的条件下,CO2在水中的溶解度随压力的增加而增加;压力一定的条件下,CO2在水中溶解度的主要变化趋势为随温度的增加而降低,当温度大于100℃、压力在22 MPa左右时,CO2在地层水中的溶解度将发生异常,出现低压(小于22 MPa)时随温度的增加而降低,高压(大于22 MPa)时随温度的增加而略微升高;在温度压力都一定的条件下,CO2在水中的溶解度随矿化度的增加而降低。并且,在新测得的实验数据和已有的实验数据的基础上,通过修正PR-HV状态方程中的参数,建立了一个能够精确计算CO2在水中溶解度的模型;并将该模型与其他模型对比。对比结果表明,该模型计算精度最高,平均相对误差仅为2.69%。  相似文献   

徐雨生  唐勇  张辉  吕正航 《岩石学报》2024,40(2):615-622
本次研究利用快速淬火高温高压实验装置, 在100MPa和650~850℃条件下, 开展了锂辉石在简单花岗质熔体中溶解度及其影响因素的高温高压实验。实验结果表明温度是影响锂辉石在简单花岗质熔体中溶解度最为重要的因素, 其次为铝饱和指数(ASI), 而熔体的Na/K比值对锂辉石的溶解度几乎没有影响。结合已有的数据, 建立了锂辉石溶解度与温度、铝饱和指数的关系:其中T为绝对温度。该关系式可以用来量化锂辉石的结晶温度或评价花岗伟晶岩的成矿潜力。本次研究结果表明, 伟晶岩矿床中锂的成矿潜力受限于初始岩浆中锂的含量和伟晶岩的结晶温度。  相似文献   

1 实验设计 通常情况下,进行高温超高压实验都要尽量减少样品柱中的温度梯度,促使样品温度均一化,以保证实验结果的可靠性和重复性.  相似文献   

水在地球上地幔的地球动力学过程中起着重要的作用,例如,氢(正如水)能影响部分熔融产生的岩浆的数量和组成,而微量氢(~0.001wt%的水)可使上地幔的主要矿物—橄榄石弱化。氢离子的适移可能是造成软流圈异常高的电导率的主要原因,氢在地幔过程中的重要性必然取决于无水橄榄石中所储存的氢或水的数量以及氢在橄榄石晶格中所处的位置。本文报道了橄榄石单晶的水热实验结果,该实验表明,在1573K和50-300MP  相似文献   

高温高压下石膏脱水相变的原位拉曼光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴志  郑海飞孙樯 《岩石学报》2006,22(12):3047-3051
本文运用激光拉曼光谱仪,利用水热金刚石压腔装置对高温高压条件下石膏-水体系中的石膏脱水相变进行拉曼光谱研究.在压力0.1 MPa~837.9 MPa和温度16~200 ℃条件下通过系列实验对相变的过程进行了原位光谱分析.与人们已知的无水条件下石膏分两步脱水的过程不同,高压下石膏在饱和水环境下倾向于一次性的脱去所有结晶水而形成无水石膏,实验中没有观察到半水石膏的出现.通过实验数据得到石膏和无水石膏的转折温度和平衡压力间的关系式为P(MPa)=19.56·T(℃)-2926.5.  相似文献   

钛闪石的高压结构及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用同步辐射EDXD方法和DAc高压技术对采于新疆天山碱性玄武岩地幔捕虏体中的钛闪石进行了原位高压(达25.4GPa)结构研究:在室温下,随着压力的增加,钛闪石的轴长a、b、c被逐渐压缩;当压力为18、9GPa时,钛闪石可能由于“脱水”而导致结构发生相变,此相变应属于可逆的二级相变。结合钛闪石的地质产状,我们认为,钛闪石在上地幔一定深度范围内可以保持稳定,是上地幔中重要的含水矿物相之一,其被携带到地表是一个非常快速的过程,本文的结果对某些含钛矿物的高压行为研究提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

高压下玄武岩浆的不混溶及其对双峰式火山岩的成因意义   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
我们在温度850~1300℃,压力1.0~3.0GPa和含约2%水的条件下的碱性玄武岩熔融实验产物中发现在高于2.0GPa压力下玄武岩熔融后的淬火产物中存在着两种不同成分的玻璃,其中一种呈褐色,另一种为浅色或无色.玻璃的电子探针分析结果表明,褐色玻璃具有相对高的MgO、FeO和相对低的SiO2、K2O、Na2O含量及Na2O>K2O的特征.熔体的不混溶间隙与温度无明显关系,但与压力关系密切,即在大于2.0GPa的压力条件下两种玻璃的不混溶间隙突然增大.因此,由不混溶作用形成的双峰式火山岩应来自大于2.0GPa的上地幔,且是能够提供酸性端员物质以及快速上升的构造环境.这与双峰火山岩可以产生于大陆裂谷环境或主要产于俯冲带的弧后拉张环境而不是岛弧前缘一致.  相似文献   

针对塔里木盆地油藏保存深度明显大于其它沉积盆地的实际情况,本文设计进行了可以模拟塔里木盆地高压条件的油裂解成气实验.不同压力条件下的实验产物特征和产率表明,压力的确对油裂解成气过程有明显影响.由带压条件下的实验数据所建立和标定的化学动力学模型显示,轻质油较正常油成气的活化能高.与由非高压条件下油裂解成气实验所得化学动力学参数相比,高压条件下油裂解成气的加权平均活化能明显偏高.从而定量证明了高压对油裂解成气进程的抑制作用及含杂原子较少的轻质油更难裂解成气的实质。  相似文献   

英安岩中高压辉石巨晶的发现及其意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
路凤香  朱勤文 《地球科学》1996,21(5):541-545
在吉林省九台市官马山晚侏罗世英安岩中发现了辉石巨晶。研究表明。该巨晶不是英安岩浆的结晶产物,英安岩的岩相关及地球化学特征显示,它是酸性流纹岩浆与基性偏碱性的玄武岩浆经混合作用形成的,辉石巨晶是后一种岩浆在高压条件下结晶的产物,对辉石巨晶的温压计算结果表明,该矿物结晶温度为1276℃,压力为1.27GPa。这一深度可相当于该区软流层的顶界。可以认为,晚侏罗-早白垩世火山岩形成于地壳较厚的环境。  相似文献   

陈履安 《贵州地质》2006,23(4):307-311
在H.C.Helgeson等人根据热力学导出的简单矿化物(MS型)溶解度公式的基础上,引进了ψ函数,考虑了氧化还原电位Eh对溶解度的影响,导出了新的硫化物溶解度公式。  相似文献   

The uptake of water in quartz at 1.5 GPa total pressure, 1173 K and high water fugacity, over times up to 24 h, has been investigated using a newly developed assembly to prevent microcracking. It is found that the uptake is small, and below the detectability of the presently used technique of infrared spectroscopy and serial sectioning. This observation reflects either a low value for the diffusivity or the solubility or a combination of both, and is in agreement with the observations of Kronenberg et al. (1986) and Rovetta et al. (1986). It brings into question the interpretation of the early experiments on water weakening by Griggs and Blacic (1964) and the recent estimates of the solubility and diffusivity by Mackwell and Paterson (1985). Rults of a combined T.E.M., light-scattering and infrared-spectroscopy investigation of ‘wet’ synthetic quartz before and after heating at 0.1, 300 and 1500 MPa total pressure and 1173 K, strongly suggest that the water in ‘wet’ quartz is mainly in the form of H2O in inclusions, consistent with the solubility being low, possibly less than 100 H/106Si. From these observations, water-containing inclusions appear to play a major role in the plasticity of quartz, while any role of water in solid solution remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

The solubility of methane in formation water and water content in the coexisting gas phase were measured under the conditions of high temperature and high pressure, using an ultra-high-pressure fluid PVT system, where the experimental temperature reached up to 453 K and pressure reached up to 130 MPa. Experimental results show the following (1) The two phases of gas and liquid still exhibit an obvious interphase interface even under high temperatures and pressures. (2) When temperatures exceed 353 K, the solubility of methane in formation water increases as the temperature and pressure rise. The growth rate of solubility is faster under a relatively low temperature and pressure, and slower at a relatively high temperature and pressure, but the solubility will not increase without limit. In this experiment, the solubility of methane in formation water reached its peak when the temperature was at 453 K and the pressure at 130 MPa. (3) Water content in the coexisting gas phase increases as temperature rises, with a smaller increase at relatively low temperatures and a much greater increase at relatively high temperatures but decreases with the increasing pressure, more rapidly under low pressure and more slowly under high pressure. The solubility of methane in formation water and the water content in the coexisting gas phase are controlled by both temperature and pressure, but using classic calculation models, these two parameters under high temperatures and pressures are inconsistent with our experimental data. Therefore, the study is significant and highlights other possible effects on solubility and condensate water content. Additionally, an example from the Yinggehai Basin in the South China Sea, where the temperature and the pressure are high, demonstrates the influence of solubility and phase behaviour on natural gas migration, its formation and the distribution of gas reservoirs.  相似文献   

In order to constrain the high-pressure behavior of kyanite, multi-anvil experiments have been carried out from 15 to 25 GPa, and 1,350 to 2,500°C. Both forward and reversal approaches to phase equilibria were adopted in these experiments. We find that kyanite breaks down to stishovite + corundum at pressures above ∼15 GPa, and stishovite + corundum should be the stable phase assemblage at the pressure–temperature conditions of the transition zone and the uppermost part of the lower mantle of the Earth, in agreement with previous multi-anvil experimental studies and ab initio calculation results, but in disagreement with some of the diamond-anvil cell experimental studies in the literature. The Al2O3 solubility in nominally dry stishovite has been tightly bracketed by forward and reversal experiments; it is slightly but consistently reduced by pressure increase. Its response to temperature increase, however, is more complicated: increases at low temperatures, maximizes at around 2,000°C, and perhaps decreases at higher temperatures. Consequently, the Al2O3 solubility in dry stishovite at conditions of high temperature–high pressure is very limited.  相似文献   

The crystal structure and chemical composition of crystals of (Mg1?x Cr x )(Si1?x Cr x )O3 ilmenite (with x = 0.015, 0.023 and 0.038) synthesized in the model system Mg3Cr2Si3O12–Mg4Si4O12 at 18–19 GPa and 1,600 °C have been investigated. Chromium was found as substitute for both Mg at the octahedral X site and Si at the octahedral Y site, according to the reaction Mg2+ + Si4+ = 2Cr3+. Such substitutions cause a shortening of the <X–O> and a lengthening of the <Y–O> distances with respect to the values typically observed for pure MgSiO3 ilmenite and eskolaite Cr2O3. Although no high Cr contents are considered in the pyrolite model, Cr-bearing ilmenite may be the host for chromium in the Earth’s transition zone. The successful synthesis of ilmenite with high Cr contents and its structural characterization are of key importance because the study of its thermodynamic constants combined with the data on phase relations in the lower-mantle systems can help in the understanding of the seismic velocity and density profiles of the transition zone and the constraining composition and mineralogy of pyrolite in this area of the Earth.  相似文献   

 The viscosity of albite (NaAlSi3O8) melt was measured at high pressure by the in situ falling-sphere method using a high-resolution X-ray CCD camera and a large-volume multianvil apparatus installed at SPring-8. This system enabled us to conduct in situ viscosity measurements more accurately than that using the conventional technique at pressures of up to several gigapascals and viscosity in the order of 100 Pa s. The viscosity of albite melt is 5.8 Pa s at 2.6 GPa and 2.2 Pa s at 5.3 GPa and 1973 K. Experiments at 1873 and 1973 K show that the decrease in viscosity continues to 5.3 GPa. The activation energy for viscosity is estimated to be 316(8) kJ mol−1 at 3.3 GPa. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that a gradual decrease in viscosity of albite melt at high pressure may be explained by structural changes such as an increase in the coordination number of aluminum in the melt. Received: 6 January 2001 / Accepted: 27 August 2001  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity measurements on dry polycrystalline K-feldspar were performed at 1.0 to 3.0 GPa and 873 to 1,173 K with a multi-anvil high-pressure apparatus and the Solartron-1260 Impedance/Gain Phase Analyzer in the frequency range of 10?1 to 106 Hz. At each temperature the complex impedance displays a perfect semi-circular arc that represents the grain-interior conduction. Under the experimental conditions, electrical conductivity exponentially increases with increasing temperature and slightly decreases with increasing pressure; however, the effect of pressure on the conductivity is less pronounced than that of temperature. The activation enthalpy decreases slightly from 0.99 to 1.02 eV with increasing pressure, and the activation energy and activation volume for K-feldspar are 0.98 eV and 1.46?±?0.17 cm3/mol, respectively. According to these Arrhenius parameters, ionic conduction is proposed to be the dominant conduction mechanism in K-feldspar at high temperatures and pressures, and potassium ions are the charge carriers transporting by an interstitial mechanism. The diffusion coefficient of potassium at high temperatures was calculated from our conductivity data on K-feldspar using Nernst–Einstein equation, and the results were compared with the previous experimental results.  相似文献   

Solid solubility of Al2O3 in orthorhombic enstatite by the substitution AlAl=MgSi is, in the range studied, mainly a function of temperature and not strongly pressure-dependent. Even at 1 kb up to 9 wt.-% Al2O3 can be substituted at 1200° C. The thermal stability of the orthorhombic pyroxene phase is strongly increased by the incorporation of Al.In crustal rocks the alumina content of orthopyroxene might be used as a geothermometer but not, as sometimes suggested, as a barometer.  相似文献   

Two hundred observations of frictional behavior of seven low-porosity silicate rocks were made at temperatures to 700°C and pressures from 2.5 to 6 kbar. For all rocks except one, peridotite, stick-slip occurred at low temperature and gave way to stable sliding at some high temperature, different for each rock. These differences could be related to the presence or absence of minerals such as amphibole, mica, or serpentine. Up to some temperature, depending on rock type, the friction stress was relatively unaffected by temperature. The shear stress decreased at higher temperature, and in some cases such decrease was related to the coincidence of fracture and friction strength. While somewhat dependent on rock type, the friction stress for the seven rocks studied was about the same, within 10–15%. Up to 265°C, water had little effect on the frictional behavior of faulted granite at 3 kbar effective pressure. The frictional stresses measured in the laboratory were significantly higher than estimated for natural faults. This difference could be accounted for by high pore pressure or weak alteration materials in the natural fault zone.  相似文献   

 P–V–T measurements on magnesite MgCO3 have been carried out at high pressure and high temperature up to 8.6 GPa and 1285 K, using a DIA-type, cubic-anvil apparatus (SAM-85) in conjunction with in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. Precise volumes are obtained by the use of data collected above 873 K on heating and in the entire cooling cycle to minimize non-hydrostatic stress. From these data, the equation-of-state parameters are derived from various approaches based on the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and on the relevant thermodynamic relations. With K′0 fixed at 4, we obtain K0=103(1) GPa, α(K−1)=3.15(17)×10−5 +2.32(28)×10−8 T, (∂KT/∂T)P=−0.021(2) GPaK−1, (dα/∂P)T=−1.81×10−6 GPa−1K−1 and (∂KT/∂T)V= −0.007(1) GPaK−1; whereas the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state with K′0 as an adjustable parameter yields the following values: K0=108(3) GPa, K′0=2.33(94), α(K−1)=3.08(16)×10−5+2.05(27) ×10−8 T, (∂KT/∂T)P=−0.017(1) GPaK−1, (dα/∂P)T= −1.41×10−6 GPa−1K−1 and (∂KT/∂T)V=−0.008(1) GPaK−1. Within the investigated P–T range, thermal pressure for magnesite increases linearly with temperature and is pressure (or volume) dependent. The present measurements of room-temperature bulk modulus, of its pressure derivative, and of the extrapolated zero-pressure volumes at high temperatures, are in agreement with previous single-crystal study and ultrasonic measurements, whereas (∂KT/∂T)P, (∂α/∂P)T and (∂KT/∂T)V are determined for the first time in this compound. Using this new equation of state, thermodynamic calculations for the reactions (1) magnesite=periclase+CO2 and (2) magnesite+enstatite=forsterite+CO2 are consistent with existing experimental phase equilibrium data. Received September 28, 1995/Revised, accepted May 22, 1996  相似文献   

The electric conductivity of gabbro has been measured at 1.0 - 2.0 GPa and 320-700℃, and the conduction mechanism has been analyzed in terms of the impedance spectra.Experimental results indicated that the electric conductivity depends on the frequency of alternative current. Impedance arcs representing the conduction mechanism of grain interiors are displayed in the complex impedance plane, and the mechanism is dominated at high pressure.These arcs occur over the range of 102 - k× 105 Hz (k is the positive integer from 1 to 9). On the basis of our results and previous work, it is concluded that gabbro cannot form any high conductivity layer (HCL) in the middle-lower crust.  相似文献   

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