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Abundant iron oxide deposits including banded iron formations, apatite iron oxide ores, and enigmatic marble/skarn-hosted magnetite deposits occur in the Palaeoproterozoic Bergslagen region, southern Sweden. During the last 100 years, the latter deposit class has been interpreted as contact metasomatic skarn deposits, metamorphosed iron formations, or metamorphosed carbonate replacement deposits. Their origin is still incompletely understood. At the Smältarmossen mine, magnetite was mined from a ca. 50-m-thick calcic skarn zone at the contact between rhyolite and stratigraphically overlying limestone. A syn-volcanic dacite porphyry which intruded the footwall has numerous apophyses that extend into the mineralized zone. Whole-rock lithogeochemical and mineral chemical analyses combined with textural analysis suggests that the skarns formed by veining and replacement of the dacite porphyry and rhyolite. These rocks were added substantial Ca and Fe, minor Mg, Mn, and LREE, as well as trace Co, Sn, U, As, and Sr. In contrast, massive magnetite formed by pervasive replacement of limestone. Tectonic fabrics in magnetite and skarn are consistent with ore formation before or early during Svecokarelian ductile deformation. Whereas a syngenetic–exhalative model has previously been suggested, our results are more compatible with magnetite formation at ca. 1.89 Ga in a contact metasomatic skarn setting associated with the dacite porphyry.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses of quartz, sulphides, and magnetite were conducted to provide information on thermal history and source of hydrothermal fluids in the Palaeoproterozoic Enåsen gold deposit. Reequilibration and homogenization of oxygen isotopes throughout the rock have apparently not occurred despite the upper amphibolite to granulite facies regional metamorphism that has affected the rocks. However, oxygen isotope geothermometry on a coexisting quartz-magnetite pair gave a minimum temperature for peak metamorphism of around 650 °C which agrees with Fe-Mg geothermometry. This suggests that grain-scale equilibrium is achieved. The variation in oxygen isotope ratios (18O = 7.3 – 10.5) on quartz from the metamorphosed acid sulphate alteration zone is suggested to represent a cooling trend in the fossil hydrothermal system with higher 18O-values in more superficial parts. Temperatures of alteration and silicification and isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluids could not be defined from the present data but it was recognized that the data is compatible with a epithermal genesis for the deposit. It is suggested that alteration, silicification, and mineralization at the Enåsen gold deposit took place in a high sulphidation epithermal environment at temperatures of around 200–250 °C and that the hydrothermal fluids consisted of meteoric and magmatic water. A tentative reconstruction of the fossil hydrothermal system is presented. Sulphur isotope ratios of sulphides from the fold-bearing quartz-sillimanite gneiss gave 34S-values close to zero indicating a magmatic source of the sulphur.  相似文献   

The Nanling Range in South China hosts numerous world-class W–Sn deposits and some Fe deposits. The Mesozoic Tengtie Fe skarn deposit in the southern Nanling Range is contemporaneous with the regional Sn mineralization. The deposit is composed of numerous ore bodies along the contacts between the late Paleozoic or Mesozoic carbonate rocks and the Yanshanian Lianyang granitic complex. Interaction of the magma with hosting dolomitic limestone and limestone formed calcic (Ca-rich) and magnesian (Mg-rich) skarns, respectively. The Tengtie deposit has a paragenetic sequence of the prograde stage of anhydrous skarn minerals, followed by the retrograde stage of hydrous skarn minerals, and the final sulfide stage. Magnetite in the prograde and retrograde skarn stages is associated with diopside, garnet, chlorite, epidote, and phlogopite, whereas magnetite of the final stage is associated with chalcopyrite and pyrite. Massive magnetite ores crosscut by quartz and calcite veins are present mainly in the retrograde skarn stage. Laser ablation ICP-MS was used to determine trace elements of magnetite from different stages. Some magnetite grains have unusually high Ca, Na, K, and Si, possibly due to the presence of silicate mineral inclusions. Magnetite of the prograde stage has the highest Co contents, but that of the sulfide stage is extremely poor in Co which partitions in sulfides. Magnetite of magnesian skarns contains more Mg, Mn, and Al than that of calcic skarns, attributed to the interaction of the magma with compositionally different host rocks. Magnetite from calcic and magnesian skarns contains 6–185 ppm Sn and 61–1246 ppm Sn, respectively. The high Sn contents are not due to the presence of cassiterite inclusions which are not identified in magnetite. Instead, we believe that Sn resides in the magnetite structure. Regionally, intensive Mesozoic Sn mineralization in South China indicates that concurrent magmatic–hydrothermal fluids may be rich in Sn and contribute to the formation of high-Sn magnetite. Our study demonstrates that trace elements of magnetite can be a sensitive indicator for the skarn stages and wall-rock compositions, and as such, trace elemental chemistry of magnetite can be a potentially powerful fingerprint for sediment provenance and regional mineralization.  相似文献   

The Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit is located in the Edong district, which represents the westernmost and largest region within the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt (YRMB), Eastern China. Skarn Fe–Cu mineralization is spatially associated with the Tieshan pluton, which intruded carbonates of the Lower Triassic Daye Formation. Ore bodies are predominantly located along the contact between the diorite or quartz diorite and marbles/dolomitic marbles. This study investigates the mineral chemistry of magnetite in different skarn ore bodies. The contrasting composition of magnetite obtained are used to suggest different mechanisms of formation for magnetite in the western and eastern part of the Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit. A total of 178 grains of magnetite from four magnetite ore samples are analyzed by LA–ICP–MS, indicating a wide range of trace element contents, such as V (13.61–542.36 ppm), Cr (0.003–383.96 ppm), Co (11.12–187.55 ppm) and Ni (0.19–147.41 ppm), etc. The Ti/V ratio of magnetite from the Xiangbishan (western part of the Tieshan deposit) and Jianshan ore body (eastern part of the Tieshan deposit) ranges from 1.32 to 5.24, and 1.31 to 10.34, respectively, indicating a relatively reduced depositional environment in the Xiangbishan ore body. Incorporation of Ti and Al in magnetite are temperature dependent, which hence propose that the temperature of hydrothermal fluid from the Jianshan ore body (Al = 3747–9648 ppm, with 6381 ppm as an average; Ti = 381.7–952.0 ppm, with 628.2 ppm as an average) was higher than the Xiangbishan ore body (Al = 2011–11122 ppm, with 5997 ppm as an average, Ti = 302.5–734.8, with 530.8 ppm as an average), indicating a down–temperature precipitation trend from the Jianshan ore body to the Xiangbishan ore body. In addition, in the Ca + Al + Mn versus Ti + V diagram, magnetite is plotted in the skarn field, consideration with the ternary diagram of TiO2–Al2O3–MgO, proposing that the magnetite ores are formed by replacement, instead of directly crystallized from iron oxide melts, which provide a better understanding regarding the composition of ore fluids and processes responsible for Fe mineralization in the Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit.  相似文献   

The Dal’negorsk borosilicate skarn deposit (44° 34′ N and 135° 37′ E), located in the center of the ore field bearing the same name, is referred to the category of giant deposits. The currently predominant genetic concept assumes that ore mineralization at this deposit is related to a mantle source and that boron and ore-bearing alkaline fluids are derivatives of a juvenile source as well. The alternative model considered in this paper suggests that sedimentary sequences, probably, evaporites of a local basin, were immediate boron sources and hot subsurface water served as an agent of ore deposition. The authors’ conclusions are based on (1) mineralogical and geochemical features of alteration of premineral dikes as evidence for the composition of percolating ore-bearing fluids, (2) results of fluid inclusion study, and (3) boron and oxygen isotopic compositions of datolite.The latite bodies immediately predating deposition of economic datolite ore do not show mineralogical or geochemical attributes of their belonging to alkaline rock series. According to our data, these bodies are composed of Paleogene premineral basalts that intruded into the future borosilicate deposit close to the central channel of ore-bearing fluid, served as fluid conduits, and were altered to ultrapotassic rocks under the effect of such fluid. It is suggested that hot aqueous ore-bearing fluid was enriched in highly soluble compounds of Ba, K, and B and extremely depleted in poorly soluble compounds of Zr, Nb, Ta, La, and Ce. This suggestion does not contradict the properties and composition of primary and pseudosecondary two-phase fluid inclusions in danburite, datolite, quartz, and fluorite from orebodies. Judging from the boron isotopic composition of datolite (δ11B = ?9 to ?31 ‰), the main amount of boron was extracted from metasedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic basement. The oxygen isotopic composition of datolite from the Dal’negorsk deposit (δ18OSMOW = ?1.64 to ?2.97 and less frequently up to ?5‰) indicates a significant contribution of subsurface water to the transport of boron. A model of multistage accumulation of boron in ore of the Dal’negorsk borosilicate skarn deposit is proposed.  相似文献   

Bangpu deposit in Tibet is a large but poorly studied Mo-rich (~ 0.089 wt.%), and Cu-poor (~ 0.32 wt.%) porphyry deposit that formed in a post-collisional tectonic setting. The deposit is located in the Gangdese porphyry copper belt (GPCB), and formed at the same time (~ 15.32 Ma) as other deposits within the belt (12 ~ 18 Ma), although it is located further to the north and has a different ore assemblage (Mo–Pb–Zn–Cu) compared to other porphyry deposits (Cu–Mo) in this belt. Two distinct mineralization events have been identified in the Bangpu deposit which are porphyry Mo–(Cu) and skarn Pb–Zn mineralization. Porphyry Mo–(Cu) mineralization in the deposit is generally associated with a mid-Miocene porphyritic monzogranite rock, whereas skarn Pb–Zn mineralization is hosted by lower Permian limestone–clastic sequences. Coprecipitated pyrite and sphalerite from the Bangpu skarn yield a Rb–Sr isochron age of 13.9 ± 0.9 Ma. In addition, the account of garnet decreases and the account of both calcite and other carbonate minerals increases with distance from the porphyritic monzogranite, suggesting that the two distinct phases of mineralization in this deposit are part of the same metallogenic event.Four main magmatic units are associated with the Bangpu deposit, namely a Paleogene biotite monzogranite, and Miocene porphyritic monzogranite, diabase, and fine-grained diorite units. These units have zircon U–Pb ages of 62.24 ± 0.32, 14.63 ± 0.25, 14.46 ± 0.38, and 13.24 ± 0.04 Ma, respectively. Zircons from porphyritic monzogranite yield εHf(t) values of 2.2–8.7, with an average of 5.4, whereas the associated diabase has a similar εHf(t) value averaging at 4.7. The geochemistry of the Miocene intrusions at Bangpu suggests that they were derived from different sources. The porphyritic monzogranite has relatively higher heavy rare earth element (HREE) concentrations than do other ore-bearing porphyries in the GPCB and plots closer to the amphibolite lithofacies field in Y–Zr/Sm and Y–Sm/Yb diagrams. The Bangpu diabase contains high contents of MgO (> 7.92 wt.%), FeOt (> 8.03 wt.%) but low K2O (< 0.22 wt.%) contents and with little fractionation of the rare earth elements (REEs), yielding shallow slopes on chondrite-normalized variation diagrams. These data indicate that the mineralized porphyritic monzogranite was generated by partial melting of a thickened ancient lower crust with some mantle components, whereas the diabase intrusion was directly derived from melting of upwelling asthenospheric mantle. An ancient lower crustal source for ore-forming porphyritic monzogranite explains why the Bangpu deposit is Mo-rich and Cu-poor rather than the Cu–Mo association in other porphyry deposits in the GPCB because Mo is dominantly from the ancient crust.The Bangpu deposit has alteration zonation, ranging from an inner zone of biotite alteration through silicified and phyllic alteration zones to an outer propylitic alteration zone, similar to typical porphyry deposits. Some distinct differences are also present, for example, K-feldspar alteration at Bangpu is so dispersed that a distinct zone of K-feldspar alteration has not been identified. Hypogene mineralization at Bangpu is characterized by the early-stage precipitation of chalcopyrite during biotite alteration and the late-stage deposition of molybdenite during silicification. Fluid inclusion microthermometry indicates a change in ore-forming fluids from high-temperature (320 °C–550 °C) and high-salinity (17 wt.%–67.2 wt.%) fluids to low-temperature (213 °C–450 °C) and low-salinity (7.3 wt.%–11.6 wt.%) fluids. The deposit has lower δDV-SMOW (− 107.1‰ to − 185.8‰) values compared with other porphyry deposits in the GPCB, suggesting that the Bangpu deposit formed in a shallower setting and is associated with a more open system than is the case for other deposits in this belt. Sulfides at Bangpu yield δ34SV-CDT values of − 2.3‰ to 0.3‰, indicative of mantle-derived S implying that coeval mantle-derived mafic magma (e.g., diabase) simultaneously supplied S and Cu to the porphyry system at Bangpu. In comparison, the Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.79–19.28, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.64–15.93, 208Pb/204Pb = 39.16–40.45) of sulfides show that other metals (e.g., Mo, Pb, Zn) were likely derived mainly from an ancient crustal source. Therefore, the formation of the Bangpu deposit can be explained by a two-stage model involving (1) the partial melting of an ancient lower crust triggered by invasion of asthenospheric mantle-derived mafic melts that provide heat and metal Cu and (2) the formation of the Bangpu porphyry Mo–Cu system, formed by magmatic differentiation in the overriding crust in a post-collisional setting.  相似文献   

The central zone of the Miocene Štiavnica stratovolcano hosts several occurrences of Cu–Au skarn–porphyry mineralisation, related to granodiorite/quartz–diorite porphyry dyke clusters and stocks. Vysoká–Zlatno is the largest deposit (13.4 Mt at 0.52% Cu), with mineralised Mg–Ca exo- and endoskarns, developed at the prevolcanic basement level. The alteration pattern includes an internal K- and Na–Ca silicate zone, surrounded by phyllic and argillic zones, laterally grading into a propylitic zone. Fluid inclusions in quartz veinlets in the internal zone contain mostly saline brines with 31–70 wt.% NaCl eq. and temperatures of liquid–vapour homogenization (Th) of 186–575°C, indicating fluid heterogenisation. Garnet contains inclusions of variable salinity with 1–31 wt.% NaCl eq. and Th of 320–360°C. Quartz–chalcopyrite veinlets host mostly low-salinity fluid inclusions with 0–3 wt.% NaCl eq. and Th of 323–364°C. Data from sphalerite from the margin of the system indicate mixing with dilute and cooler fluids. The isotopic composition of fluids in equilibrium with K-alteration and most skarn minerals (both prograde and retrograde) indicates predominantly a magmatic origin (δ18Ofluid 2.5–12.3‰) with a minor meteoric component. Corresponding low δDfluid values are probably related to isotopic fractionation during exsolution of the fluid from crystallising magma in an open system. The data suggest the general pattern of a distant source of magmatic fluids that ascended above a zone of hydraulic fracturing below the temperature of ductile–brittle transition. The magma chamber at ∼5–6 km depth exsolved single-phase fluids, whose properties were controlled by changing PT conditions along their fluid paths. During early stages, ascending fluids display liquid–vapour immiscibility, followed by physical separation of both phases. Low-salinity liquid associated with ore veinlets probably represents a single-phase magmatic fluid/magmatic vapour which contracted into liquid upon its ascent.  相似文献   

The Jabali Zn–Pb–Ag deposit is located about 110 km east of Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, along the western border of the Marib-Al-Jawf/Sab'atayn basin. The economic mineralization at Jabali is a nonsulfide deposit, consisting of 8.7 million tons at an average grade of 9.2% zinc, derived from the oxidation of primary sulfides. The rock hosting both primary and secondary ores is a strongly dolomitized carbonate platform limestone of the Jurassic Shuqra Formation (Amran Group). The primary sulfides consist of sphalerite, galena and pyrite/marcasite. Smithsonite is the most abundant economic mineral in the secondary deposit, and is associated with minor hydrozincite, hemimorphite, acanthite and greenockite. Smithsonite occurs as two main generations: smithsonite 1, which replaces both host dolomite and sphalerite, and smithsonite 2, occurring as concretions and vein fillings in the host rock. At the boundary between smithsonite 1 and host dolomite, the latter is widely replaced by broad, irregular bands of Zn-bearing dolomite, where Zn has substituted for Mg. The secondary mineralization evolved through different stages: 1) alteration of original sulfides (sphalerite, pyrite and galena), and release of metals in acid solutions; 2) alteration of dolomite host rock and formation of Zn-bearing dolomite; 3) partial dissolution of dolomite by metal-carrying acid fluids and replacement of dolomite and Zn-bearing dolomite by a first smithsonite phase (smithsonite 1). To this stage also belong the direct replacement of sphalerite and galena by secondary minerals (smithsonite and cerussite); 4) precipitation of a later smithsonite phase (smithsonite 2) in veins and cavities, together with Ag- and Cd-sulfides.The δ18O composition of Jabali smithsonite is generally lower than in other known supergene smithsonites, whereas the carbon isotope composition is in the same range of the negative δ13C values recorded in most supergene nonsulfide ores. Considering that the groundwaters and paleo-groundwaters in this area of Yemen have negative δ18O values, it can be assumed that the Jabali smithsonite precipitated in different stages from a combination of fluids, possibly consisting of local groundwaters variably mixed with low-temperature hydrothermal waters. The carbon isotope composition is interpreted as a result of mixing between carbon from host rock carbonates and soil/atmospheric CO2.The most favorable setting for the development of the Jabali secondary deposit could be placed in the early Miocene (~ 17 Ma), when supergene weathering was favored by major uplift and exhumation resulting from the main phase of Red Sea extension. Low-temperature hydrothermal fluids may have also circulated at the same time, through the magmatically-induced geothermal activity in the area.  相似文献   

The recently discovered Longtougang skarn and hydrothermal vein Cu–Zn deposit is located in the North Wuyi area, southeastern China. The intrusions in the ore district comprise several small porphyritic biotite monzonite, porphyritic monzonite, and porphyritic granite plutons and dikes. The mineralization is zoned from a lower zone of Cu-rich veins and Cu–Zn skarns to an upper zone of banded Zn–Pb mineralization in massive epidote altered rocks. The deposit is associated with skarn, potassic, epidote, greisen, siliceous, and carbonate alteration. Molybdenite from the Cu-rich veins yielded a Re–Os isochron age of 153.6 ± 3.9 Ma, which is consistent with U–Pb zircon ages of 154.0 ± 1.3 Ma for porphyritic monzonite, 154.0 ± 0.8 Ma for porphyritic biotite monzonite, and 152.0 ± 0.8 Ma for porphyritic granite. Geological observations suggest that the Cu mineralization is genetically related to the porphyritic biotite monzonite and porphyritic monzonite. All the zircons from intrusive rocks in the ore district are characterized by εHf(t) values between − 13.41 and − 4.38 and Hf model ages (TDM2) between 2054 and 1482 Ma, reflecting magmas derived mainly from a Proterozoic crustal source. Molybdenite grains from the deposit have Re values of 14.6–27.7 ppm, indicative of a mixed mantle–crust source. The porphyry–skarn abundant Cu and hydrothermal vein type Pb–Zn–Ag deposits in the North Wuyi area are related to the Late Jurassic porphyritic granites and Early Cretaceous volcanism, respectively. The Late Jurassic mineralization-related granites were derived from the crustal anatexis with some mantle input, which was triggered by asthenospheric upwelling induced by slab tearing during oblique subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate beneath the South China block, and the Early Cretaceous mineralization-related granitoids mainly from crust material formed within a series of NNE-trending basins during margin-parallel movement of the plate.  相似文献   

The Mavrokoryfi Cu?CAg?CAu?CTe prospect, northeastern Greece, consists of atypical, high-sulfidation mineralization where precious metals were introduced contemporaneously with advanced argillic alteration from magmatic vapors. It occurs as veins of massive sulfides in zones of silicic and advanced argillic alteration spatially associated with an andesitic lava dome and hyaloclastites. Mineralogical data demonstrate an unusual ore and gangue mineralogy that is compatible with formation under very oxidizing conditions (logfO2 values of >?31.8) at temperatures of 200°C to 250°C. Oxidizing conditions favored the formation of hypogene lead sulfates (anglesite and barian celestite) instead of galena. Selenian acanthite, cadmian freibergite, and argentian goldfieldite are the main carriers of silver in the deposit and are reported in Greece for the first time. They were deposited at logfS2 of ?9 to ?7 and logfTe2 values of ?9 to ?12.5 (250°C). Ag-poor goldfieldite at Mavrokoryfi has up to 3.7 apfu Te and is the most Te-rich goldfieldite yet reported. The mineralization is accompanied by aluminum?Cphosphate?Csulfate minerals of magmatic-hydrothermal origin and an unusual Pb-enrichment. Ore-forming components were likely derived from andesite porphyries.  相似文献   

The presence of geochemical anomalies, defining haloes around hydrothermal ore deposits, can be used to vector towards mineralization, or identify ore bodies buried at depth. Several important types of ore deposits, including skarn deposits, are often hosted within carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks. Identifying anomalous trace-element concentrations in carbonate rocks is complicated by variable lithology (i.e. siliciclastic component) and volume loss during hydrothermal alteration. In this study of the world-class Antamina skarn deposit in Peru, we use the ratio of metals:immobile elements (e.g. La, Al2O3) to differentiate genuine and false geochemical anomalies in limestones and marbles surrounding the skarn deposit. Unaltered limestones are used to define threshold values for metal:immobile element ratios (through use of the median value ± 2 median absolute deviations). Genuine anomalies are identified when metal concentrations exceed those predicted using median + 2 median absolute deviations. In addition, comparison of “four acid” and lithium-borate fusion analytical techniques reveals that the lower cost four-acid techniques give reliable results. Our approach can be used to identify geochemical anomalies and halos related to hydrothermal alteration of carbonate-rich rocks, which have direct application to skarn deposits.  相似文献   

The danburite orebody at the northeastern wall of the open pit of the Dal’negorsk borosilicate deposit is studied. The comparative mineralogical-, isotopic-, and thermobarogeochemical analyses of danburite from the Levoberezhnyi area and datolite of the late skarn stage from the Tsentral’nyi open pit confirms that danburite is a result of the early borosilicate stage of formation of the deposit. Combined with previously published data, it is concluded that marine sedimentary rocks or Early Cretaceous arkose sandstones from the matrix of the Taukhin accretionary prism could be the source of boron.  相似文献   

The paper gives a mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the North Gurvunur deposit, which was discovered in the Eravna ore district. The ore is composed of apatite–magnetite paragenesis. Apatite is distinguished by elevated LREE concentrations; some of them are contained in emulsion-type impregnation of monazite. Hematitization, carbonate, quartz, and pyrite veinlets formed at the postore stage, and gypsum–anhydrite mineralization is widespread in the supraore sequence. Two groups of endogenic minerals are distinguished by oxygen isotopic composition. One of them comprises magnetite and apatite, which are characterized by a homogeneous composition throughout the section of the ore lode and are close to the mantle source. The oxygen–isotope temperature calculated for the apatite–magnetite couple (620–800°C) provides evidence for magmatic origin of ore. The δ18O of fluid in equilibrium with hematite is 8.0–8.5‰ and shows a certain enrichment in crustal component; carbonates of postore veinlets reveal participation of meteoric water. The study has made it possible to refer the North Gurvunur deposit to the Kiruna type.  相似文献   

The newly discovered Handagai skarn Fe–Cu deposit is located in the northern Great Xing'an Range of NE China and is hosted by the Ordovician Luohe Formation. The orebodies that form the deposit are generally concordant with the bedding within these sediments, and are spatially related to areas of skarn development. The Fe–Cu mineralization in this area records four stages of paragenesis, namely prograde skarn, retrograde skarn, quartz–sulfide, and quartz–carbonate stages. The Handagai deposit is a calcic skarn that is dominated by an andradite–diopside–epidote–actinolite assemblage. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the skarn indicate that it formed from a hydrothermal fluid that altered the carbonate units in this area to a garnet (And42–95Grs4–53) and pyroxene (Di71–78Hd22–29Jo0–2) bearing skarn. The epidote within the skarn has an epidote end-member composition, with the chlorite in the skarn dominantly Fe-rich, indicating that these minerals formed in an Fe-rich environment. The petrographic, microthermometric, and Raman spectroscopic analysis of fluid inclusions within garnet, epidote, actinolite, quartz, and calcite precipitated at different stages of formation of the Handagai deposit indicate that mineralization-related fluid inclusions are either liquid-rich two-phase H2O–NaCl (type I), gas-rich two-phase H2O–NaCl (type II), three-phase (liquid + vapor + solid) H2O–NaCl (type III), or CO2–H2O–NaCl inclusions (type IV). The early stages of mineralization are associated with all four types of inclusion, whereas the later stages of mineralization are only associated with type I and II inclusions. Inclusion homogenization temperatures vary between the four stages of mineralization (370 °C–530 °C and > 600 °C, 210 °C–290 °C, 190 °C–270 °C, and 150 °C–230 °C, from early to late, respectively), with salinities also varying between the earlier and later stages of mineralization (11–18 and > 45, 7–15, 6–9, and 3–7 wt.% NaCl equivalent (equiv.), respectively). The majority of the inclusions within the Handagai deposit have homogenization temperatures and salinities of 200 °C–350 °C and 4–14 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively, indicating that this is a medium–high temperature and medium–low salinity type deposit. The fluid inclusions were trapped at pressures of 11 to 72 MPa, corresponding to depths of 0.4 to 2.9 km. The geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and fluid inclusions microthermometry indicate that the Handagai deposit formed as a result of contact infiltration metasomatism, with the deposition of ore minerals resulting from a combination of factors that include boiling as a result of reduced pressure, cooling, and fluid mixing.  相似文献   

The Beiya ore deposit is located in the northwestern Yangtze Block, to the southeast of the Tibetan Plateau, SW China. The deposit is hosted by a porphyritic monzogranitic stock that is cross-cut by a porphyritic granite and later lamprophyre dikes. The whole-rock geochemistry of the porphyritic monzogranite and granite intrusions is both potassic and adakite-like, as evidenced by high K2O/Na2O (2.2 to 24.8), Sr/Y (53.2 to 143.2), and (La/Yb)N (4.9 to 28.9) ratios. Both intrusions have comparable zircon U–Pb ages of ca. 36 Ma and εHf(t) values of − 6.8 to + 2.7. Zircons within these intrusions have Hf isotope crustal model ages with a prominent peak at ca. 840 Ma, and both of the intrusions have similar Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions that are comparable to the compositions of amphibolite xenoliths hosted by potassic felsic intrusions in western Yunnan. The contemporaneous lamprophyre dikes show Nb–Ta depletion, enriched (87Sr/86Sr)i and εNd(t), and extremely low Nb/U ratios (1.6–3.6), suggesting that these dikes were formed from magmas generated by partial melting of a metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The geochemistry of the porphyritic intrusions and the lamprophyre dikes suggests that the Beiya porphyries formed as a result of partial melting of a thickened and K-rich region of the lower crust, triggered by melting of metasomatized SCLM. The ca. 840 Ma U–Pb ages and εHf(t) values (− 6.8 to + 2.7) of xenocrystic zircons within the porphyritic intrusions suggest that these zircons were produced in a continental arc setting at ca. 840 Ma. The peak Hf model age of the zircons crystallized from the intrusions and the U–Pb ages of the xenocrystic zircons within the intrusions suggest that these porphyritic intrusions formed from magmas sourced from a juvenile crust that formed at ca. 840 Ma. This juvenile crust is most likely the source for the metals within the porphyry–skarn deposits in the study area, as the SCLM-derived lamprophyre dikes in this area are barren.Massive Fe–Au orebodies (~ 99 million metric tons at an average grade of 2.61 g/t Au) within the study area are generally located within the skarn-altered boundary of the porphyritic monzogranite stock and along the faults in the surrounding Triassic carbonates. The Fe–Au orebodies are spatially and genetically associated with skarn comprising garnet and diopside. Petrographic observations show that the massive Fe–Au orebodies mainly consist of hematite and magnetite with disseminated pyrite that hosts native gold and electrum.The porphyritic granite contains porphyry-style mineralization in the form of disseminated and veinlet-hosted pyrite and chalcopyrite. Pyrite-hosted lattice-bound gold is present within both the massive Fe–Au and the porphyry-type mineralization in the study area, and is present at concentrations up to 10 ppm Au (as determined by in situ LA-ICP-MS analysis). Subsequent weathering altered the primary magnetite–hematite–sulfide assemblage in the Fe–Au orebody into a magnetite–limonite assemblage, and generated laterite-type mineralization in which gold is hosted by limonite.  相似文献   

The Anle Zn–Pb deposit, hosted by Upper Cambrian dolostone, is located in the southern Songpan–Ganzi Block in southwest China. In this deposit, ore bodies occur as stratiform lenses and consist of galena, sphalerite and pyrite as ore minerals, and quartz, dolomite and calcite as gangue minerals. The mineralization shows mainly vein, banded and brecciated structures. Four ore bodies have been found in the Anle deposit, with a combined 2.0 million tonnes (Mt) of sulfide ores at average grades of 1.64 wt.% Pb, 6.64 wt.% Zn and 45 g/t Ag. Brown, brownish-yellow and yellow sphalerite samples have δ66Zn values ranging from + 0.08 to + 0.10‰ (average + 0.09‰, n = 3), + 0.12 to + 0.38‰ (average + 0.24‰, n = 8) and + 0.40 to + 0.50‰ (average + 0.46‰, n = 3), respectively. We interpret the progressively heavier Zn isotopes from brown to yellow sphalerite as being led by kinetic Raleigh fractional crystallization. Calcite samples have δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values ranging from − 4.8 to − 0.2‰ (average − 1.7‰, n = 7) and + 17.9 to + 21.4‰ (average + 19.6‰, n = 7), respectively. Whole-rock δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of the Cambrian ore-hosting dolostone range from + 0.1 to + 1.1‰ (average + 0.6‰, n = 3) and + 23.2 to + 24.1‰ (average + 23.6‰, n = 3), respectively. This suggests that carbon in the ore-forming fluids was provided by the host dolostone through carbonate dissolution. δ34SCDT values of sulfide samples range between − 1.3‰ and + 17.8‰ with an average value of + 6.3‰ (n = 25), lower than evaporites (such as barite + 19.8‰) in the overlaying Lower Ordovician sedimentary strata. The data suggest that sulfur in the hydrothermal fluids were derived from evaporites by thermo-chemical sulfate reduction (TSR). 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios for sulfide minerals range from 17.63 to 17.86, 15.58 to 15.69 and 37.62 to 37.95, respectively. The data are similar to those of the age-corrected Cambrian ore-hosting dolostone (206Pb/204Pb = 17.70–17.98, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.58–15.65 and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.67–38.06), but lower than those of age-corrected Ordovician sandstone and slate (206Pb/204Pb = 18.54–19.58, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.73–15.81 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.44–39.60). This indicates that ore Pb was most likely to be derived from the Cambrian ore-hosting dolostone. Therefore, our new geological and isotopic evidence suggests that the Anle Zn–Pb deposit is best classified to be an epigenetic carbonate-hosted Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposit.  相似文献   

The Zijinshan high-sulfidation epithermal Cu–Au deposit is located in the Zijinshan ore field of South China, comprising porphyry–epithermal Cu–Au–Mo–Ag ore systems. The Cu ore body is more than 1000 m thick and is characterized by an assemblage of digenite–covellite–enargite–alunite. Digenite is the dominant Cu-bearing mineral, which makes this deposit unique, although the mechanisms of digenite formation remain controversial. To elucidate the genesis of digenite, this paper presents the Cu isotopic compositions of Cu-sulfides in the Zijinshan high-sulfidation Cu–Au deposit. The Cu isotopic values (65Cu relative to NIST 976) of all samples range from −2.97‰ to +0.34‰, and most values fall in a narrow range from −0.49‰ to +0.34‰, which is similar to the Cu isotopic signature of typical porphyry systems. Copper isotope ratios of each mineral decrease with increasing depth, a trend that is also typical of porphyry deposits. The variation tendency of δ65Cu values between sulfides is consistent with the sequence of mineral formation. These observations suggest that the Cu-sulfides in the Zijinshan Cu–Au deposit have a hypogene origin.  相似文献   

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