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我们使用密云“4×16”复合干涉仪跟踪观测太阳(中天前后各三小时),以确定Ⅰ型源的二维位置并分析它的自行。 460 MHz Ⅰ型源通常位于相应黑子群的径向延长线上,偏差不超过0′.5。 我们发现,多数Ⅰ型源不时处于缓慢运动之中,速率为10~5—10~6厘米/秒。凡有自行的Ⅰ型源对应的活动区具有较剧烈的耀斑活动。而无自行的Ⅰ型源对应的活动区,在以源存在日为中心,前后各一天(共三天)内,不出现一级以上耀斑。 我们认为,Ⅰ型源的自行,反映了磁力线管的运动,磁场位形的变化。而这种变化可能与耀斑活动有关。  相似文献   

We present adaptive optics spectro-imaging observations of the RW Aur jet in optical forbidden lines, at an angular resolution of 0.4″. Comparison with HST data taken 2 yr later shows that proper motions in the blueshifted and redshifted lobes are in the same ratio as their radial velocities, a direct proof that the velocity asymmetry in this jet is real and not an emissivity effect. The inferred jet inclination to the line of sight is i = 46±3°. The inner knot spacing appears best explained by time variability with at least two modes: one irregular and asymmetric (possibly random) on timescales of ≤3–10 yr, and another more regular with ?20 yr period. We also report indirect evidence for correlated velocity and excitation gradients in the redshifted lobe, possibly related to the blue/red velocity and brightness asymmetry in this system.  相似文献   

简述了精确测定相对自行的方法,特别介绍了在用2~3个历元的底片和CCD观测结果推导恒星自行的过程中如何消除光学视场畸变、星等差和色差的具体办法;并介绍了用星系把相对自行推算绝对自行的方法。还介绍了用自行资料研究银河系结构和演化的一些前沿课题,其中包括星团研究、与银河系兼并的矮星系的发现、暗物质的检测、外星行星的探测和银河系中心黑洞的质量估算等。最后评价了自行在研究银河系中的重要性,论述了我国研制4m光学/近红外望远镜的重要意义。  相似文献   

在1985年至1988年间,用佘山40cm天体照相仪进行了射电星观测,得出了31颗射电星在FK5系统中的位置和自行。并将所得的自行值和PPM及CAMC星表中的相应结果作了比较  相似文献   

We cross-match objects from several different astronomical catalogs to determine the absolute proper motions of stars within the 30-arcmin radius fields of 115 Milky-Way globular clusters with the accuracy of 1–2 mas yr?1. The proper motions are based on positional data recovered from the USNO-B1, 2MASS, URAT1, ALLWISE, UCAC5, and Gaia DR1 surveys with up to ten positions spanning an epoch difference of up to about 65 years, and reduced to Gaia DR1 TGAS frame using UCAC5 as the reference catalog. Cluster members are photometrically identified by selecting horizontal- and red-giant branch stars on color–magnitude diagrams, and the mean absolute proper motions of the clusters with a typical formal error of about 0.4 mas yr?1 are computed by averaging the proper motions of selected members. The inferred absolute proper motions of clusters are combined with available radial-velocity data and heliocentric distance estimates to compute the cluster orbits in terms of the Galactic potential models based on Miyamoto and Nagai disk, Hernquist spheroid, and modified isothermal dark-matter halo (axisymmetric model without a bar) and the same model + rotating Ferre’s bar (non-axisymmetric). Five distant clusters have higher-than-escape velocities, most likely due to large errors of computed transversal velocities, whereas the computed orbits of all other clusters remain bound to the Galaxy. Unlike previously published results, we find the bar to affect substantially the orbits of most of the clusters, even those at large Galactocentric distances, bringing appreciable chaotization, especially in the portions of the orbits close to the Galactic center, and stretching out the orbits of some of the thick-disk clusters.  相似文献   

We report on 43GHz v=1, J=1-0 SiO maser proper motions in the circumstellar envelope of the M-type semi-regular variable star VX Sgr, observed by Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at 3 epochs during 1999 April-May. Applying the statistical parallax analysis to these proper motions, we estimated a distance of VX Sgr of 1.57±0.27kpc, which is consistent with that based on the proper motions of H2O masers, or on the assumption that VX Sgr belongs to the Sgr OB1 association. At this distance, VX Sgr can be classified as a red supergiant. Comparing the statistical parallax method with those of model fitting and annual parallax, we think that the statistical parallax method may be a good way of estimating SiO maser distances at present.  相似文献   

In three tables results of a statistical study from 163811 stars grouped according to spectral type and apparent magnitude are presented for apex of solar motion, secular parallaxes, linear terms of differential galactic rotation. The latter are lying closely to the recommended preliminary values of + 15, -10 km/s/kpc.  相似文献   

In 1996, photometric observations of the near-Earth asteroid NEA 4197 (1982 TA) were performed at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. More than 2000 brightness measurements in the V band were made. The harmonic data analysis at a fairly high significance level revealed two close periods, P 1= 3h .5372 ± 0h .0005 (amplitude 0 m .4) and P 2= 4h .367 ± 0h .001 (amplitude 0 m .2). The third period, P 3= 20h .26 ± 0h .05 (amplitude about 0 m .15), was found at a lower significance level. The conclusion was drawn that the asteroid is a binary system. Its components rotate with the periods P 1and P 2, and P 3is probably related to the orbital motion of the components. Assuming that the diameters of both components are equal to 2 km, the orbital radius equals 4.4 km.  相似文献   

温文  赵君亮  陈力 《天文学报》2006,47(1):9-18
利用上海天文台40厘米折射望远镜照相观测资料所得出的恒星自行,按最大似然原理确定了疏散星团NGC6530天区内恒星的成员概率.分析表明星团成员确定是非常有效的,成员概率p≥0.9的恒星计有250颗.最后,确定了星团的空间运动,并作了简单的讨论.  相似文献   

We have used HIPPARCOS proper motions and the method of Statistical Parallax to estimate the absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae stars. In addition, we have used the HIPPARCOS parallax of RR Lyr itself to determine its absolute magnitude. These two results are in excellent agreement with each other and give a zero-point for the RR Lyrae Mv,[Fe/H] relation of 0.77 ± 0.15 at [Fe/H]= -1.53. This zero-point is in good agreement with that obtained recently by several groups using Baade-Wesselink methods which, averaged over the results from the different groups, gives Mv = 0.73 ± 0.14 at [Fe/H] = -1.53. Taking the HIPPARCOS based zero-point and assuming a value of 0.18 ± 0.03 for the slope we find the distance modulus of the LMC is 18.26 ± 0.15. This value is compared with recent estimates based on other methods. Potential problems that may affect the results are outlined. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We examine 14 plates of the globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272) taken with the 40 cm refractor at the Sheshan station of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. The plates span over a period of about 77 years. The positions and absolute proper motions of eight stars in the Hipparcos Catalogue and of 49 stars in the Tycho-2 Catalogue are used as the reference frame. The astrometric reduction is made with the central overlapping principle. The absolute proper motions of 534 stars in a region of about 100' × 100' around the cluster are measured. With the new proper motion data the membership probabilities of the stars are determined. The average absolute proper motion obtained for the cluster is -0.06@0.30 mas yr-1 in R.A. and -2.6@0.30 mas yr-1 in Decl. By combining this result with the known distance and radial velocity of the cluster, we also obtained the Galactic orbit of M3 for a chosen three-component Galactic potential.  相似文献   

本课题的研究目的是利用R(红)-l(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源的近红外光学对应体。本文是一组文章的第二篇。在天坛天区发现了225个红外超天体,并证认出其中27个为IRAS点源的对应体。  相似文献   

本课题的研究目的是利用R(红)—I(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源(文[1])的近红外光学对应体,本文是一组文章的第三篇,在船底天区发现了89个红外超天体,并证认出其中12个是IRAS点源的对应体。  相似文献   

本课题的研究目的是利用R(红)—I(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源的近红外光学对应体。  相似文献   

We have obtained HST FOC f/48 long-slit spectroscopy of the central 2 arcseconds of the Narrow Line Region of NGC 1068 between 3500-5400\OA with a spectral resolution of 1.78\OA/pixel. At a spatial scale of 0″.0287 per pixel these data provide an order of magnitude improvement in resolution over previous ground based spectra and allow us to trace the interaction between the radio jet and the gas in the NLR. Our results show that, within ±0″.5 of the radio-jet the emission lines are split into two components whose velocity separation is 1500 km s-1. The emission line structure is reminiscent of that seen previously around the jet of 3C120. Furthermore, this material enveloping the radio-jet is in a much higher ionization state than that of the surrounding NLR gas. The highest excitation is coincident with the jet axis where emission in the coronal line of [FeVII] λ3769\OA is detected but where [OII] λ3727 \OA is depressed. These results imply that we are witnessing a cocoon of hot gas in expansion around the radio-jet created by its interaction with the gas, and that these shocks are sufficiently fast, at least ± km s-1, that they are creating localized ionization effects. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The results of the observations of the active region (facula) near the center of the solar disk obtained with the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT; Tenerife, Spain), are discussed. We have determined that the decrease in the contrast (brightness) of the facula with the magnetic field increasing from 130 to 160 mT is due to the fact that the V_V phase shift of waves in this range of magnetic field densities is close to zero (Φ VV ≈ 0), i.e., the wave becomes stationary and does not transfer energy from the photosphere to the chromosphere. The sound waves that propagate from the chromosphere towards the photosphere significantly affect the temperature characteristics of turbulent vortices at the level of formation of the continuous spectrum. In particular, the contrast of granules under the influence of these waves can increase by 25%.  相似文献   

利用R(红)-I(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源的红外超对应体。本文是一组系列文章的第四篇。在矩尺天区发现了195个红外超天体,并证认出其中22个是IRAS点源的对应体。  相似文献   

Analysis of cosmic-ray intensity time evolution has led to the identification of intensity variations with several periodicities, most of them correlated with one or another phenomenon of the Sun. Recently Valdés-Galicia, Pérez-Enriquez, and Otaola (1996) reported on a newly-found 1.68-yr variation, which seems to be correlated with periodicities in X-ray long-duration events and low-latitude coronal hole area variations. As those phenomena are related with magnetic flux emergence and transport, in this paper we investigate the possible relationship of the referred cosmic-ray variation with characteristic times of different tracers of meridional circulation. Our results indicate that several of the calculated times might be related to the 1.68-yr cosmic-ray variation. A physical mechanism through which this connection may operate is discussed.  相似文献   

Eine Gruppe von 11 Galaxien mit einer Flächenhelligkeit von etwa 26 mag/□” wurde in Richtung der M81-Gruppe entdeckt. Unter der Annahme gleicher Entfernung wie die M81-Gruppe stimmen ihre linearen Durchmesser (2–3 kpc) und ihre absoluten Helligkeiten (MB = -11m bis -12m mit den Parametern der Zwerggalaxien der Lokalen Gruppe überein. Annahmen über die Stabilität der Zwerggruppe gegenüber M81 erlauben eine Abschätzung ihrer Gesamtmasse zu ℜ ≳ 1 · 108 M ⊙ und ihres Masse-Leuchtkraftverhältnisses ℜ/L ≳ 1.2 (in Sonneneinheiten).  相似文献   

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