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Following our previous study (Sugimoto and Hanawa, 2005b), we further investigate the reason why reemergence of winter sea surface temperature anomalies does not occur in the North Pacific eastern subtropical mode water (NPESTMW) area, despite its occurrence in the North Pacific subtropical mode water and North Pacific central mode water areas. We use vertical temperature and salinity profiles of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment Hydrographic Program and Argo floats with high vertical and temporal resolution, together with heat flux data through the sea surface. We point out first that one of the causes for non-occurrence of reemergence is that the thickness of NPESTMW is very thin. In addition to this basic cause, two major reasons are found: a vigorous mixing in the lower portion of NPESTMW and less heat input from the atmosphere in the warming season. Since, in the lower portion of NPESTMW and deeper, the stratification is favorable for salt-finger type convection to occur compared with the other mode water areas, vigorous mixing takes place. This is confirmed by both a large Turner Angle there and the existence of staircase structures in vertical temperature and salinity profiles. From the viewpoint of heat input, the NPESTMW area gradually gains heat in the warming season compared with other mode water areas. As a result, NPESTMW cannot be capped so quickly by the shallow summer mixed layer, and water properties of NPESTMW are to be gradually modified, even in the upper portion.  相似文献   

The annual subduction rate of the North Pacific was calculated based on isopycnally averaged hydrographic climatology (HydroBase), high-resolution winter mixed-layer climatology (NWMLC), and various wind stress climatologies from ship reports, numerical weather prediction products, and satellite products. The calculation was performed using Lagrangian coordinates in the same manner as in previous works, except a less smoothed oceanic climatology (HydroBase and NWMLC) was used instead of a World Ocean Atlas. Differences in the wind stress climatologies have very little effect on subduction rate estimates. The subduction rate census for density classes showed peaks corresponding to subtropical mode water (STMW), central mode water (CMW), and eastern subtropical mode water (ESTMW). The deeper mixed layer and the associated sharper mixed-layer fronts in the present climatology resulted in a larger lateral induction, which boosted the subduction rate, especially for the potential density anomaly (σθ) range of the lighter STMW (25.0 < σθ < 25.2 kg m−3) and lighter CMW (26.0 < σθ < 26.2 kg m−3), compared to previous estimates. The renewal time of permanent pycnocline water was estimated as the volume of water divided by the subduction rate for each σθ class: 2–4 years for ESTMW (24.5 < σθ < 25.2 kg m−3), 2 years for the lighter STMW (25.0 < σθ < 25.3 kg m−3), 5–9 years for the denser STMW (25.3 < σθ < 25.6 kg m−3), 10–20 years for the lighter CMW (26.0 < σθ < 26.2 kg m−3), 20–30 years for the middle CMW (26.2 < σθ < 26.3 kg m−3), and 60 years or longer for the denser CMW (26.3 < σθ < 26.6 kg m−3). A comparison of the water volume and subduction rate in potential temperature–salinity (θS) space indicated that the upper permanent pycnocline water (25.0 < σθ < 26.2 kg m−3) was directly maintained by nondiffusive subduction of winter surface water, including STMW and lighter CMW. The lower permanent pycnocline water (26.2 < σθ < 26.6 kg m−3) may be maintained through the subduction of fresher and colder water from the subarctic–subtropical transition region and subsequent mixing with saltier and warmer water. Diagnosis of the potential vorticity (PV) of the subducted water demonstrated that the low PV of STMW was mainly due to the large subduction rate, whereas that of both ESTMW and CMW was due mainly to the small density advection rate (cross-isopycnal flow). Additionally, a relatively large subduction rate probably contributes to the low PV of part of the lighter CMW (ESTMW) formed in the region around 38°N and 170°W (28°N and 145°W), which is characterized by a relatively thick winter mixed layer and an associated mixed-layer front, causing a large lateral induction rate.  相似文献   

To better understand the vertical distribution of phytoplankton in the tropical and subtropical North Pacific, we used fast repetition rate fluorometry to investigate the photo-physiological condition of the phytoplankton assemblage in this region between February and March 2007. Along 155°E, between the equator and 24°N, the peak of fluorescence (F m), an indication of the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), was deeper than the top of the nitracline and occurred at the 2.4 ± 1.3 % (mean ± SD) light depth (relative to 0 m). The photochemical efficiency (F v/F m) and effective absorption cross-section of photosystem II (σPSII) were low at the surface but increased rapidly at depths between the top of the nitracline (40–138 m) and the DCM (70–158 m), an indication that the photo-physiological condition of the phytoplankton improved below the top of the nitracline. The depth of the maximal F v/F m [Z(F v/F m max)] was 18–32 m deeper than the DCM and corresponded to the 0.8 ± 0.2 % light depth. The values of F v/F m at the Z(F v/F m max) were 20 % higher than those at the DCM and averaged 0.48 ± 0.01. These results suggest that the phytoplankton assemblage beneath the DCM had a high potential photosynthetic performance capacity and was growing by using the very low ambient light in this region.  相似文献   

于2011年5至6月在东海采集不同深度海水样品,研究了其中溶存氧化亚氮(N2O)的分布并估算其海-气交换通量。结果表明,春季东海表层海水中溶存N2O浓度范围为6.31~11.88 nmol/L,平均值为(9.13±1.45)nmol/L;底层海水中N2O浓度范围为7.53~39.75 nmol/L,平均值为(13.71±7.76)nmol/L。随着深度的增加,N2O浓度逐渐升高。温度是影响春季东海N2O分布的主要因素,N2O浓度与温度呈负相关关系。长江冲淡水和黑潮水是东海N2O的重要来源。东海表层海水中N2O的饱和度范围为92.5%~139.3%,平均值为118.5%±10.3%,绝大多数站位都处于过饱和状态,因此,春季东海是大气N2O的净源。利用LM86公式和W92公式求得东海的海-气交换通量分别为(4.96±6.12)μmol/(m2·d)和(10.25±17.18)μmol/(m2·d),初步估算出东海年释放N2O通量约为0.061~0.127 Tg/a,占全球海洋释放总量的2.0%,远高于其所占的面积比0.2%。  相似文献   

Concurrent distributions of dissolved and suspended particulate organic carbon (DOC and POCsusp), nitrogen (DON and PONsusp) and phosphorus (DOP and POPsusp), and of suspended particulate inorganic phosphorus (PIPsusp), are presented for the open ocean water column. Samples were collected along a three-station transect from the upper continental slope to the abyssal plain in the eastern North Pacific and from a single station in the Southern Ocean. The elemental composition of surface sedimentary organic matter (SOM) was also measured at each location, and sinking particulate organic matter (POMsink) was measured with moored sediment traps over a 110-d period at the abyssal site in the eastern North Pacific only. In addition to elemental compositions, C : N, C : P and N : P ratios were also calculated. Surface and deep ocean concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic nutrients between the two sites displayed distinct differences, although suspended POM (POMsusp) concentrations were similar. Concentrations of DOM and POMsusp displayed unique C, N and P distributions, with POMsusp concentrations generally about 1–2 orders of magnitude less than the corresponding DOM concentrations. These differences were likely influenced by different biogeochemical factors: whereas the dissolved constituents may have been influenced more by the physical regime of the study site, suspended particulate matter may have been controlled to a greater extent by biological and chemical alteration. Up to 80% of total particulate P in POMsusp, POMsink and SOM consisted of PIP. For all organic matter pools measured, elemental ratios reveal that organic P is preferentially remineralized over organic C and organic N at both sites. Increases in C : P and N : P ratios with depth were also observed for DOM at both sites, suggesting that DOP is also preferentially degraded over C and N as a function of depth. A simple one-dimensional vertical eddy diffusion model was applied to estimate the contributions of dissolved and suspended particulate organic C, N and P fluxes from the upper mixed layer into the permanent thermocline. Estimated vertical DOM fluxes were 28–63% of the total organic matter fluxes; POMsusp and POMsink fluxes were 8–20 and 28–52% of the total.  相似文献   

Response of the North Pacific subtropical countercurrent (STCC) and its variability to global warming is examined in a state-of-the-art coupled model that is forced by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Compared with the present climate, the upper ocean is more stratified, and the mixed layer depth (MLD) shoals in warmer climate. The maximum change of winter MLD appears in the Kuroshio–Oyashio extension (KOE) region, where the mean MLD is the deepest in the North Pacific. This weakens the MLD front and reduces lateral induction. As a result of the reduced subduction rate and a decrease in sea surface density in KOE, mode waters form on lighter isopycnals with reduced thickness. Advected southward, the weakened mode waters decelerate the STCC. On decadal timescales, the dominant mode of sea surface height in the central subtropical gyre represents STCC variability. This STCC mode decays as CO2 concentrations double in the twenty-first century, owing both to weakened mode waters in the mean state and to reduced variability in mode waters. The reduced mode-water variability can be traced upstream to reduced variations in winter MLD front and subduction in the KOE region where mode water forms.  相似文献   

北太平洋副热带模态水形成区混合层热动力过程诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP海洋数据和COADS海气通量资料,通过诊断分析,揭示了海表热力强迫、垂直夹卷、埃克曼平流和地转平流效应在北太平洋副热带模态水形成过程中的贡献。研究表明,在北太平洋副热带3个模态水形成海域冬季混合层降温过程中,海表热力强迫和垂直夹卷效应是主导因素,二者的相对贡献分别约为67%和19%(西部模态水)、53%和21%(中部模态水)、65%和30%(东部模态水);并且在东部模态水形成海域,埃克曼平流和地转平流皆是暖平流效应,而在西部和中部模态水形成海域,仅有地转平流是暖平流效应。进一步的分析表明,海洋平流(地转平流、埃克曼平流)对北太平洋副热带模态水形成海域秋、冬季混合层温度的年际、年代际异常有显著影响,在西部模态水形成海域,海表热力强迫(62%)和地转平流(32%)是导致混合层温度年际、年代际变化的主要因子;在中部模态水形成海域,混合层温度的年际、年代际变化是埃克曼平流(32%)、地转平流(30%)和海表热力强迫(25%)共同作用的结果;相对而言,东部模态水形成海域混合层温度的年际、年代际异常主要受海表热力强迫(67%)控制。  相似文献   

依据2017年8—9月对黄海海域溶解有机物(DOM)的调查,探讨了夏季黄海海水中溶解有机碳(DOC)和有色溶解有机物(CDOM)的空间分布特征。在表层海水中,受陆源影响较大的近岸海域CDOM含量相对较高,北黄海冷水团区域由于水产养殖的饵料引起DOC浓度升高,且该部分DOC以无色为主。DOC浓度随深度逐渐降低,而CDOM逐渐升高,该特征在冷水团区域更为显著,因此DOC和CDOM在冷水团区域的表底差异远大于浅水区的非冷水团区域。陆源输入和初级生产是引起表层DOC升高的主要原因,而光漂白则引起CDOM降低,同时光漂白还导致表层水体中CDOM分子量和芳香性低于底层。底层溶解氧饱和度在冷水团为80%~93%,均表现为弱不饱和状态。层化不仅阻碍了O2向底层水体输送,还抑制了DOC和CDOM的垂向混合,这是引起冷水团区域表底层DOC和CDOM差异较大的主要原因。  相似文献   

Examined here is a hypothetical idea of the splitting of the subtropical gyre in the western North Pacific on the basis of two independent sources of data,i.e., the long-term mean geopotential-anomaly data compiled by the Japanese Oceanographic Data Center and the synoptic hydrographic (STD) data taken by the Hakuho Maru in the source region of the Kuroshio and the Subtropical Countercurrent in the period February and March 1974. Both of the synoptic and the long-term mean dynamic-topographic maps reveal three major ridges, which indicate that the western subtropical gyre is split into three subgyres. Each subgyre is made up of the pair of currents, the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Countercurrent, the Subtropical Countercurrent and a westward flow lying just south of the Countercurrent (18°N–21°N), and the northern part of the North Fquatorial Current and an eastward flow at around 18°N. The subgyres are more or less composed of a train of anticyclonic eddies with meridional scales of between 300 and 600 km, so that the volume transport of the subgyres varies by a factor of two or more from section to section. The upper-water characteristics also support the splitting of the subtropical gyre; the water characteristics are fairly uniform within each subgyre, but markedly different between them. The northern rim of each subgyre appears as a sharp density front accompanied by an eastward flow. The bifurcations of the sharp density fronts across the western boundary current indicate that the major part of the surface waters in the North Equatorial Countercurrent is not brought into the Kuroshio. The western boundary current appears as a continuous feature of high speed, but the waters transported change discontinuously at some places.  相似文献   

The concentrations of particulate silica and inorganic suspended matter in the surface water of the North Pacific were determined. The concentration of particulate silica depends on latitude, and increases with increasing degree of the north latitude. The concentration of inorganic suspended matter shows a similar distribution pattern, but it is of much smaller magnitude. There exists a high positive correlation between the concentrations of particulate silica and nutrients. On the other hand, a weak negative correlation is found between the concentrations in surface seawater of particulate silica and radioactive 210Pb which originate chiefly from precipitation and dry fallout. This evidence suggests that the particulate silica in the sea is mainly of biogenic origin and the contribution of nonbiogenic silica, i.e., of terrestrial origin, is small.  相似文献   

The whole core squeezing method was used to simultaneously obtain profiles of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogenous nutrients, and dissolved oxygen in sediments of Koaziro Bay, Japan (coastal water), the East China Sea (marginal sea), and the central Pacific Ocean (open ocean). In the spring of Koaziro Bay, subsurface peaks of interstitial N2O (0.5–3.5 cm depth) were observed, at which concentrations were higher than in the overlying water. This was also true for nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) profiles, suggesting that the transport of oxic overlying water to the depth through faunal burrows induced in situ N2O production depending on nitrification. In the summer of Koaziro Bay, sediment concentrations of N2O, NO3 and NO2 were lower than in the overlying water. In most East China Sea sediments, both N2O and NO3 decreased sharply in the top 0.5–2 cm oxic layer (oxygen: 15–130 μM), which may have indicated N2O and NO3 consumption by denitrification at anoxic microsites. N2O peaks at subsurface depth (0.5–6.5 cm) implied in situ production of N2O and/or its supply from the overlying water through faunal burrows. However, the occurrence of the latter process was not confirmed by the profiles of other constituents. In the central Pacific Ocean, the accumulation of N2O and NO3 in the sediments likely resulted from nitrification. Nitrous oxide fluxes from the sediments, calculated using its gradient at the sediment–water interface and the molecular diffusion coefficient, were −45 to 6.9 nmolN m−2 h−1 in Koaziro Bay in the spring, −29 to −21 nmolN m−2 h−1 in the summer, −46 to 37 nmolN m−2 h−1 in the East China Sea, 0.17 to 0.23 nmolN m−2 h−1 in the equatorial Pacific, and <±0.2 nmolN m−2 h−1 in the subtropical North Pacific, respectively.  相似文献   

本文基于实测温盐数据等资料,利用水团的浓度混合分析等方法,揭示了热带中东太平洋海域10°N断面的水团构成自上而下分别为东部赤道–热带水团、北太平洋中央水团、加利福尼亚流系水团、南太平洋中央水团、太平洋亚北极水团和太平洋深层水团。分析发现,受热带辐合带影响,9°~10°N海域常年持续的正风应力旋度诱发上升流出现,北太平洋中央水团、加利福尼亚流系水团、南太平洋中央水团和太平洋亚北极水团4个通风潜沉水团经向运动至该纬度带时被抽吸至次表层和中层,并散布在不同深度。以往研究仅指出上述4个水团在海表通风形成后将潜沉并向赤道方向运动,本研究进一步阐明了4个水团潜沉后向热带海域运动的动力机制及其在热带中东太平洋10°N断面的散布深度。研究成果揭示了热带中东太平洋水团与北太平洋副热带、亚极地和南太平洋副热带海区中上层水团间的循环过程,对认识北太平洋高–中–低纬度间物质和能量的交换和再分配具有重要科学价值。  相似文献   

A profiling float equipped with a fluorimeter, a dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor, and temperature and salinity sensors was deployed in the subtropical mode water (STMW) formation region of the North Pacific. It acquired quasi-Lagrangian, 5-day-interval time-series records from March to July 2006. The time-series distribution of chlorophyll showed a sustained and sizable subsurface maximum at 50–100 m, just above the upper boundary of the STMW, throughout early summer (May–July). The DO concentration in this lower euphotic zone (50–100 m) was almost constant and supersaturated in the same period, becoming more supersaturated with time. On the other hand, the DO concentration at 100–150 m near the upper boundary of the STMW decreased much more slowly compared with the main layer of STMW below 150 m, even though oxygen consumption by organisms was expected to be larger in the former depth range. The small temporal variations of DO in the lower euphotic zone and near the upper boundary of the STMW were reasonably explained by downward oxygen transport because of large diapycnal diffusion near the top of the STMW. Assuming that the oxygen consumption rate at 100–150 m was the same as that in the main layer of STMW and compensated by the downward oxygen flux, the diapycnal diffusivity was estimated to be 1.7 × 10−4 m2 s−1. Nitrate transport into the euphotic zone by the same large diffusion was estimated to be 0.8 mmol N m−2 day−1. All of the transported nitrate could have been used for photosynthesis by the phytoplankton; net community production was estimated to be 5.3 mmol C m−2 day−1.  相似文献   

根据Huang和Qiu 1995年的潜沉率计算公式,采用同化的海洋模式资料和海洋-大气界面的通量观测资料,计算了北太平洋副热带海域3个模态水形成区逐年的潜沉率,研究了潜沉率产生年际变化的机制.研究结果表明:西部、中部和东部3个模态水形成区潜沉率的年际变化主要周期分别为6,2~5和2 a;北太平洋副热带模态水的3个形成区的潜沉率都发现年代际的变化特征:在1985年以前,西部模态水形成区的潜沉率年际变化最为显著,但1985后年际变化振幅明显减小;在中部模态水形成区,1975~1992年间潜沉率随时间的变化的振幅较大,潜沉率在这段时间内的平均值也达到33.99 m/a,而在1970~1975年间和1993~1998年间潜沉率都小于20 m/a;西部副热带模态水形成区的潜沉率的年际变化与这里海面的净热通量的年际变化有很好的相关性,中部副热带模态水形成区潜沉率的年际变化则取决于局地Ekman流的年际变化,而在东部模态水形成区局地风应力旋度的变化直接影响潜沉率的大小.  相似文献   

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11 and CFC-12) in the intermediate water having between 26.4 and 27.2 were determined at 75 stations in the western North Pacific north of 20°N and west of 175.5°E in 1993. The intermediate water of 26.4–26.6 was almost saturated with respect to the present atmospheric CFC-11 in the zone between 35 and 45°N around the subarctic front. Furthermore, the ratios of CFC-11/CFC-12 of the water were also of those formed after 1975. These suggest that the upper intermediate water (26.4–26.6) was recently formed by cooling and sinking of the surface water not by mixing with old waters. The water below the isopycnal surface of 26.8 contained less CFCs and the area containing higher CFCs around the subarctic front was greatly reduced. However, the CFC age of the lower intermediate water (26.8–27.2) in the zone around the subarctic front was not old, suggesting that the water was formed by diapycnal mixing of the water ventilated with the atmosphere with old waters not containing appreciable CFCs, probably the Pacific Deep Water. The southward spreading rate decreased with depth and it was one sixth of its eastward spreading rate of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW).  相似文献   

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