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To gain insight into the importance of the benthos in carbon and nutrient budgets of Boston Harbor and surrounding bays, we measured sediment-water exchanges of oxygen, total carbon dioxide (DIC), nitrogen (ammonium, nitrate+nitrite, urea, N2O), silicate, and phosphorus at several stations in different sedimentary environments just prior to and subsequent to cessation of sewage sludge disposal in the harbor. The ratio of the average annual DIC release to O2 uptake at three primary stations ranged from 0.84 to 1.99. Annual average DIC:DIN flux ratios were consistently greater than predicted from the Redfield ratio, suggesting substantial losses of mineralized N. The pattern was less clear for P: some stations showed evidence that the sediments were a sink for P while others appeared to be a net source to the water column over the study period. In general, temporal and spatial patterns of respiration, nutrient fluxes, and flux ratios were not consistently related to measures of sediment oxidation-reduction status such as Eh or dissolved sulfide. Sediments from Boston Harbor metabolize a relatively high percentage (46%) of the organic matter inputs from phytoplankton production and allochthonous inputs when compared to most estuarine systems. Nutrient regeneration from the benthos is equivalent to 40% of the N, 29% of the P, and more than 60% of the Si demand of the phytoplankton. However, the role of the benthos in supporting primary production at the present time may be minor as nutrient inputs from sewage and other sources exceed benthic fluxes of N and P by 10-fold and Si by 4-fold. Our estimates of denitrification from DIC:DIN fluxes suggests that about 45% of the N mineralized in the sediments is denitrified, which accounts for about 17% of the N inputs from land. 相似文献
Phytoplankton productivity and the factors that influence it were studied in the Logan River and southern Moreton Bay, a large embayment on the east coast of Australia. Phytoplankton productivity, dissolved and total nutrient concentrations, and turbidity were determined throughout high and low rainfall periods to characterize light and nutrient influences on productivity. Turbidity and nutrient concentrations were highest at upriver sites, but productivity was highest at the river mouth and within the river plume. Phytoplankton productivity peaked after rainfall events (>150 mg C m?3 h?1), commensurate with a decrease in dissolved nitrogen concentrations. Productivity responses to increased nutrient concentrations and light availability were determined in laboratory incubations. During summer, productivities at the bay sites were stimulated by nitrogen (N) enrichment, while productivities at upriver sites were stimulated by phosphorus (P) addition. Light stimulation of productivities was more pronounced at upriver sites than bay sites. The relative magnitude of nutrient and light stimulation of productivities indicate a predominance of light limitation upriver, significant N limitation within the Logan River plume, and little effect of light, N, or P at sites beyond the Logan River plume. Productivity decreased with seasonal decreases in temperature. Lower water temperatures in winter probably helped determine maximum rates of phytoplankton productivity. The combination of light and N limitation of productivity during summer, and temperature limitation during winter, account for low areal productivities (<0.6 g C m?2 d?1), compared with other rivers and estuaries worldwide. 相似文献
A transect of the St Marys River estuary from above the point of maximum salt wedge penetration to coastal salinities was
conducted in July 1999. None of the parameters examined—dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, UV light absorbance at 254
nm, and Total Luminescence spectra—follow the rule of conservative mixing. The characteristics of the different molecular
size fractions of the St Marys River natural organic matter (NOM), as well as the results of a laboratory mixing experiment,
provided evidence that loss of larger molecular size compounds from riverine NOM may occur by coagulation at salinities up
to 10. An apparent gain of carbon in the lower estuary was attributed to exports from abundant coastal marshes in this area.
The Total Luminescence spectra of the riverine NOM can be described by two peaks, centered respectively around 340/445 nm,
and 230/430 nm Excitation/Emission Wavelength Pair (EEWP), which are characteristic of humic materials of aquatic origin.
The samples from the high salinity stations exhibit peaks at lower emission wavelength EEWP 320/424 nm, which can be considered
as marine humic-like material. The presence of amino acid-tryptophan like peaks were observed, with EEWP 300/350 nm in some
of the high salinity samples. This peak was of high relative fluorescence intensity. It is hypothesized that the intense biological
activity of the salt marsh and near coastal area is responsible for the carbon addition as well as the appearance of the highly
fluorescence amino acid-protein like material. 相似文献
Richard A. Wahle 《Estuaries and Coasts》1993,16(4):731-738
This study evaluates patterns in the distribution and abundance of newly recruited (young-of-the-year) and older American lobster (Homarus americanus Milne Edwards) along a 22 km length of the Narragansett Bay estuary, Rhode Island, with particular attention to substratum associations. This not only represents the first assessment of benthic recruitment of this species along an estuary, but it is also the first study of lobster recruitment in southern New England. Censuses were conducted by divers in a substratum-specific manner. in cobble-boulder habitat, with the aid of a diver-operated suction sampler, I found newly recruited (5–10 mm carapace length) lobsters to be most abundant on the open coast, with numbers diminishing to zero in the upper bay. Visual censuses of older lobsters in the same habitat revealed a similar pattern. On featureless sedimentary habitats new recruits were absent and lobster densities were at least two orders of magnitude lower than in rocky habitats. In Narragansett Bay, rocky habitats comprise a small proportion of the bottom. The availability of such habitats, the relative importance of larval supply and potential physiological stress in limiting recruitment up-bay remain unclear. 相似文献
Rates of pelagic nitrification, measured using N-Serve-sensitive [14C]bicarbonate uptake, varied by as much as an order-of-magnitude among three sites along the salinity gradient of Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, United States). Rates were always higher at the Providence River estuary site (0.04–11.2 μmol N I?1 d?1) than at either the lower Narragansett Bay site (0.02–0.98 μmol N I?1d?1) or the freshwater Blackstone River site (0.04–1.7 μmol N I?1d?1). Although temperature was the most important variable regulating the annual cycle of nitrification, ammonium concentrations were most likely responsible for the large differences in rates among the three sites in summer. At the levels found in this estuarine system, salinity and concentrations of oxygen or total suspended matter did not appear to have a direct measurable effect on nitrification and pH did only occasionally. Nitrification played an important role in the nitrogen cycle at all three sites. In Narragansett Bay, nitrification contributed 55% of the NO2 ? and NO3 ? entering annually, and was the major source during spring and summer. Water from offshore was the only other large source of NO2 ? and NO3 ?, contributing 34%. High summer rates of nitrification could support much of the phytoplankton uptake of NO2 ? and NO3 ?. In the Providence River estuary, the largest annual input of NO2 ? and NO3 ? was from rivers (54%), although nitrification (28%) and water from lower portions of the bay (11%) also made large contributions. Again, nitrification was most important in the summer. The high rates of nitrification in the Providence River estuary during summer were also likely to be important in terms of oxygen demand, and the production of nitric and nitrous oxides. In the Blackstone River, NO2 ? and NO3 ? concentrations increased as the river flowed through Rhode Island, and nitrification was a possible source. 相似文献
The decline of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay has been associated with increasing anthropogenic inputs, and restoration of the bay remains a major goal of the present multi-state “Bay Cleanup” effort. In order to determine SAV response to water quality, we quantified the water column parameters associated with success of transplants and natural regrowth over a three-year period along an estuarine gradient in the Choptank River, a major tributary on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. The improvement in water quality due to low precipitation and low nonpoint source loadings during 1985–1988 provided a natural experiment in which SAV was able to persist upstream where it had not been for almost a decade. Mean water quality parameters were examined during the growing season (May–October) at 14 sites spanning the estuarine gradient and arrayed to show correspondence with the occurrence of SAV. Regrowth of SAV in the Choptank is associated with mean dissolved inorganic nitrogen <10 μM; mean dissolved phosphate <0.35 μM; mean suspended sediment <20 mg l?1; mean chlorophylla in the water column <15 μg l?1; and mean light attenuation coefficient (Kd) <2 m?1. These values correspond well with those derived in other parts of the Chesapeake, particularly in the lower bay, and may provide managers with values that can be used as target concentrations for nutrient reduction strategies where SAV is an issue. 相似文献
Kenneth H. Dunton 《Estuaries and Coasts》1996,19(2):436-447
Seasonal patterns of aboveground and belowground biomass, leaf chlorophyll (chl) content, and in situ differences in photosynthetic parameters were examined in the shoal grass Halodule wrightii along an estuarine gradient in the western Gulf of Mexico. Continuous measurements of biomass were collected over a 5-yr period (1989–1994) with respect to several abiotic factors in three estuarine systems that were characterized by significant differences in salinity and ambient dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN; NO2 ?+NO3 ?) regimes that ranged from 5–25‰ (0–80 μM DIN) in the Guadalupe estuary to 35–55‰ (0–9 μM DIN) in the upper Laguna Madre, Photosynthesis versus irradiance (P vs. I) parameters, measured from December 1989 to April 1991, showed no significant differences among the three sites, and there were no significant differences in leaf chlorophyll content and chl a:b ratios among sites over the entire 5-yr period. Saturation irradiance in Halodule wrightii is estimated at 319 μmoles photons m?2 s?1 based on measurements collected at the three sites over a 2-yr period. No strong seasonal variations were observed in total plant biomass, but root:shoot ratios (RSR) showed a clear pattern of maximum RSR values in winter and minimum values in summer. There were no significant differences in RSR among sites, and no consistent correlations could be established between plant parameters and sediment porewater NH4 +, salinity, or temperature. Sediment porewater NH4 + values generally ranged from 50 μM to 400 μM (average 130–150 μM) but could not be correlated with significant differences in sediment composition between the sites. The high productivity of Halodule wrightii under a variety of light, nutrient, and salinity conditions explains its ubiquitous distribution and opportunistic strategy as a colonizing species. However, the persistence of a dense algal bloom in Laguna Madre coincident with low DIN levels (<5 μM) contradicts previously accepted relationships on nutrient stimulation of algal growth, and provides strong evidence that water quality parameters for estuarine seagrasses are decidedly estuarine-specific. Consequently, a knowledge of the long-term history of estuarine systems is critical to habitat managers, who are required to establish minimum water quality criteria for the protection of submerged aquatic vegetation in estuarine systems. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00028 相似文献
Marin F. D. Greenwood 《Estuaries and Coasts》2007,30(3):537-542
Organisms tend to inhabit predictable portions of estuaries along salinity gradients between the ocean inlets (salinity >
35 psu) and the freshwater tributaries (salinity = 0). Previous studies have suggested that the continuous change in biological
community structure along this gradient is relatively rapid at certain salinities. This is the basis for estuarine salinity
zonation schemes similar to the classic Venice System (i.e., 0–0.5, 0.5–5, 5–18, 18–30, 30–40, > 40). An extensive database
(n > 16,000 samples) of frequency of occurrence of nekton was used to assess evidence for estuarine salinity zones in two
southwest Florida estuaries: Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. Rapid change in nekton community structure occurred at each end
of the estuarine salinity gradient, with comparatively slow (but steady) change in between. There was little strong evidence
for estuarine salinity zones at anything other than low salinities (0.1–1). As previously suggested by other authors, estuaries
may be regarded as ecoclines, because they form areas of relatively slow but progressive ecological change. The ends of the
estuarine salinity gradient appear to be ecotones (areas of rapid change) at the interfaces with adjacent freshwater and marine
habitats. This study highlights the rapid change that occurs in nekton community structure at low salinities, which is of
relevance to those managing freshwater inflow to estuaries. 相似文献
The contribution of terrigenous organic matter (TOM) to high molecular weight dissolved and particulate organic matter (POM) was examined along the salinity gradient of the Delaware Estuary. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was fractionated by ultrafiltration into 1–30 kDa (HDOM) and 30 kDa–0.2 μm (VHDOM) nominal molecular weight fractions. Thermochemolysis with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) was used to release and quantify lipids and lignin phenols. Stable carbon isotopes, fatty acids and lignin content indicated shifts in sources with terrigenous material in the river and turbid region and a predominantly algal/planktonic signal in the lower estuary and coastal ocean. Thermochemolysis with TMAH released significant amounts of short chain fatty acids (C9–C13), not seen by traditional alkaline hydrolysis, which appear to be associated with the macromolecular matrix. Lignin phenol distributions in HDOM, VHDOM and particles followed predicted sources with higher concentrations in the river and turbid region of the estuary and lower concentrations in the coastal ocean. TOM comprised 12% of HDOM within the coastal ocean and up to 73% of HDOM within the turbid region of the estuary. In the coastal ocean, TOM from high molecular weight DOM comprised 4% of total DOC. The annual flux of TOM from the Delaware Estuary to the coastal ocean was estimated at 2.0×1010 g OC year−1 and suggests that temperate estuaries such as Delaware Bay can be significant sources of TOM on a regional scale. 相似文献
Shifting nutrient limitation and eutrophication effects in marsh vegetation across estuarine salinity gradients 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Caitlin Mullan Crain 《Estuaries and Coasts》2007,30(1):26-34
In light of widespread coastal eutrophication, identifying which nutrients limit vegetation and the community consequences
when limitation is relaxed is critical to maintaining the health of estuarine marshes. Studies in temperate salt marshes have
generally identified nitrogen (N) as the primary limiting nutrient for marsh vegetation, but the limiting nutrient in low
salinity tidal marshes is unknown. I use a 3-yr nutrient addition experiment in mid elevation,Spartina patens dominated marshes that vary in salinity along two estuaries in southern Maine to examine variation in nutrient effects. Nutrient
limitation shifted across estuarine salinity gradients; salt and brackish marsh vegetation was N limited, while oligohaline
marsh vegetation was co-limited by N and phosphorus (P). Plant tissue analysis ofS. patens showed plants in the highest salinity marshes had the greatest percent N, despite N limitation, suggesting that N limitation
in salt marshes is partially driven by a high demand for N to aid in salinity tolerance. Fertilization had little effect on
species composition in monospecificS. patents stands of salt and brackish marshes, but N+P treatments in species-rich oligohaline marshes significantly altered community
composition, favoring dominance by high aboveground producing plants. Eutrophication by both N and P has the potential to
greatly reduce the characteristic high diversity of oligohaline marshes. Inputs of both nutrients in coastal watersheds must
be managed to protect the diversity and functioning of the full range of estuarine marshes. 相似文献
The differences and similarities between near-pristine estuaries of different latitudinal regions were examined by selecting three tropical systems from North Queensland, Australia (Jardine, Annan, Daintree) and three temperate systems from Scotland, United Kingdom (Inverness, Cromarty, Dornoch Firths) for comparison. Although estuaries from the different regions have a number of unifying features, such as salinity gradients, tidal variations and terrestrial inputs they also have a number of important differences. The most distinct of these is the timing and variability of the major physical forcings on the estuary (e.g., river flow, insolation). The three tropical estuaries were much more episodic than their temperate counterparts, with a much more dynamic salinity structure and more variable riverwater concentrations, so that delivery of material to the estuary is dominated by short-lived flood events. In contrast, seawater concentrations were more stable in the tropical estuaries due to a more constant input of insolation, resulting in year round biological activity. There was biological removal of dissolved inorganic phosphorus in the low salinity region of the tropical Jardine and Daintree estuaries and a low salinity input of nitrate in the tropical Annan estuary most likely due to nitrification in the bottom sediments, and the biological reaction zone in the tropical Annan Estuary was flushed out of the estuarine basin to the edge of the offshore plume during a flood. Similar effects were not seen in the temperate Inverness, Cromarty, and Dornoch Firths. Similarities between estuaries include mid-estuary inputs of ammonium which were seen in both the temperate and tropical estuaries, although they occur under vastly contrasting conditions of low river discharge and periods of flood, respectively. Five of the estuaries show a general increase in dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentrations towards the sea during low flows, reflecting their pristine condition, and all six estuaries had low salinity silicate maxima probably sourced from the dissolution of freshwater biogenic silicate that has been carried seaward, except in the tropical estuaries during the dry season when a benthic source is proposed. 相似文献
M. Revilla A. Ansotegui A. Iriarte I. Madariaca E. Orive A. Sarobe J. M. Trigueros 《Estuaries and Coasts》2002,25(1):6-18
Microplankton metabolism was studied in the Urdaibai estuary from June 1996 to May 1997 to investigate the factors that control the autotrophic-heterotrophic balance in three zones of contrasting trophic status. Gross primary production (GPP) and dark oxygen consumption (R) were measured from the upper eutrophic reaches to the lower marine segment for unfractionated samples as well as for nanoplankton (<20 μm) and ultraplankton (<5 μm). Microplankton composition differed in the three segments and the peaks of abundance were uncoupled. Microplankton biomass both as carbon content and chlorophylla concentration decreased seaward. Size-fractionated metabolism was to a great extent conducted by the dominant species in the upper and middle reaches, where GPP and R rates were frequently coupled. In the lower marine estuary GPP experienced marked seasonal changes while R rates were rather constant and uncoupled to GPP. In the upper and lower estuary the gross primary production:respiration (P:R) ratio of the nonfractionated samples were >1 only during peak values of production, whilst in the middle estuary they were almost always ≥1. Ultraplankton was generally heterotrophic in the three zones. The relative importance of the <5 μm fraction increased seaward for both GPP and R rates. This size class was responsible for most of the oxygen consumption in the middle and lower estuary, while in the upper estuary the 5–20 μm size fraction was also relevant. During periods of enhanced phytoplankton growth, less than 20% of the total GPP was instantaneously respired in the three segments. In periods between peaks, only in the middle estuary was some percentage of the GPP not instantaneously processed. The percentage of the fractionated primary production respired in each size fraction was highly variable, although the highest values were found in the <5 μm for all stations. 相似文献
The seasonal cycling of fine sediment in the upper reaches of a hypothetical macrotidal estuary and its possible consequences for the behaviour of a contaminant which partitions between dissolved and particulate forms are investigated theoretically. The simplest one-dimensional models are used as a starting point for future studies: (a) a within-tide hydrodynamic (tidal) model, (b) an associated sediment transport model and (c) a tidally-averaged contaminant dispersal model. The calculations are made for a four-year period and show that a cyclic migration of mobile sediment occurs in the upper reaches of the estuary. Sediment accumulates during spring to late summer, and is redistributed in the lower estuary during high runoff periods (autumn and winter). For a fluvial input of contaminant, the dissolved contaminant levels during summer are greatly depressed below conservative mixing values in the upper (turbidity maximum) region, whereas they are slightly enhanced in the lower reaches. During winter, the levels are substantially greater than conservative values except for a slight depression at very low salinities. Thus, sediment here acts as a source of contaminant for most of the salinity range. For a marine input of contaminant, levels are enhanced above the conservative mixing line at low salinities throughout the year, the effect being much larger during summer. 相似文献
Along a 2 km NW-SE transect along the energy gradient of an intertidal sand body of the back-barrier tidal flats of Spiekeroog island (German Wadden Sea, southern North Sea), three sets of closely spaced surface sediment samples were taken at different times to investigate whether the effects of progressive size sorting could be identified in the textural parameters and size-frequency curves of the sediments. Grain-sizes analyses were carried out with a high-resolution settling tube having an internal resolution of 1/50-psi intervals. The settling velocity data were subsequently transformed numerically into equivalent settling diameters on the basis of a quartz sphere standard. At this high resolution, it was possible to visualize subtle changes in textural parameters which would not have been resolved by standard 0.25-phi sieve analyses. The first two sample sets of 1992 and 1994 show similar trends of progressive fining in the sediment, combined with a slight decrease in skewness and sorting in the direction of decreasing energy. Ten years later, in 2003, the sediments were slightly coarser but still reflected the hydrodynamic energy gradient by a distinct fining trend along the transect. However, in contrast to the former data sets, the skewness values now remained constant, whereas the sorting values revealed the existence of two overlapping hydrodynamic energy regimes on the tidal flat. The better sorting in the coarser size fractions and the general coarsening trend in the central part of the tidal flat are interpreted to reflect an increase in the hydrodynamic energy level since the first two sample sets were collected. This observation suggests that some of the finer particles in the grain-size spectrum on the tidal flat were winnowed out by wave action without, however, completely obliterating the former trend. This interpretation is supported by an increase in the frequency and duration of strong winds as recorded by the national weather bureau since the early 1990s. The results of the study demonstrate that the intertidal sediments of the Wadden Sea respond rapidly and sensitively to gradual changes in the hydrodynamic energy regime. 相似文献
Alkenone unsaturation ratios of sedimentary lipids are used as a geochemical proxy for sea surface temperatures, and interest is growing in their potential as indicators of different water masses and possibly of salinity. We analyzed the abundance of unsaturated C37 to C38 ketones in lipid extracts of 57 surface sediment (0-1 cm) samples along a salinity gradient from 8 to 33 psu in the transition from the Skagerrak to the Baltic Sea (NW Europe). In addition to surface sediments, we analyzed alkenones in suspended particulate matter at 13 stations—over a gradient in salinity from 25 to 33 psu—during a bloom of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Alkenones were detected in all samples (suspended matter and sediment) with variable contributions of the tetra-unsaturated C37 alkenone compound (%C37:4; range from 2 to 10% of total C37 alkenone content). Comparing the alkenone unsaturation index (U37K′) and %C37:4 data to climatological sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity data sets revealed that SST estimated from U37K′ of saline end members (samples from the Skagerrak) is in the general range of modern SST during bloom periods of haptophytes. At salinities below ∼30 psu %C37:4 increases to above 5% and the unsaturation ratios cease to be related to climatological annual or seasonal sea surface temperatures. On the other hand, the %C37:4 appears to be inversely and significantly correlated to salinity: Highest C37:4 proportions in the inner Baltic Sea are caused by an unidentified organism, but in the transition area at salinities down to 10 psu, the producer apparently is E. huxleyi. The suspended matter data together with those from the water column support the hypothesis of changing biosynthesis of alkenones under salt stress by the coccolithophore E. huxleyi, but constrain the maximum of %C37:4 attributable to salt stress to 10% of all C37 alkenones. 相似文献
Samples were collected at stations located in the mesohaline, oligohaline, and tidal fresh regions of the Potomac River, Maryland,
between April 1998 and December 1999 to evaluate the seasonal distribution of bacterioplankton and microbially labile organic
carbon (MLOC) in relation to hydrodynamic parameters (dissolved oxygen, salinity, and temperature). Bacterioplankton abundance
(BA) averaged 13 × 106 cells ml−1 at all stations, a value that is higher than the average observed in many other temperate estuaries around the world, and
were almost exclusively free-living. During the summer of 1998, BA often exceeded 30 × 106 cells ml−1 in the mesohaline region during periods of anoxia in subpycnocline waters. Dissolved MLOC typically accounted for 40% of
total MLOC and on some occasions during summer and autumn accounted for 80%. A significant positive relationship between dissolved
MLOC and BA was evident in the mesohaline Potomac River, the region where anoxia occurs each summer, but the regressions of
particulate MLOC and chla on BA were not significant at this location. In the mesohaline Potomac River, BA regressed negatively and significantly on
dissolved oxygen (r2=0.50, p<0.001). BA may be an important indicator of ecosystem health in this and other eutrophied estuaries, because of the
relationships between BA, dissolved MLOC, and dissolved oxygen in the salinity stratified Potomac River and because free-living
BA was elevated along the length of the river. 相似文献
Derk C. Bergquist Jason A. Hale Patrick Baker Shirley M. Baker 《Estuaries and Coasts》2006,29(3):353-360
The Suwannee River watershed is one of the least developed in the eastern United States, but with increasing urbanization
it is facing potential long-term alterations in freshwater flow to its estuary in the Gulf of Mexico. The purpose of this
study was to develop biological indicators of oyster reef state along a natural salinity gradient in the Suwannee River estuary
in order to allow the rapid assessment of the effect of changing freshwater input to this system. Percent cover and density
of three size classes of living oysters, as well as the abundance of several predominant reef-associated invertebrates, were
measured along a broad salinity gradient in the estuary and were correlated with salinity estimates from a long-term database
for the preceding 12–24 mo. All eastern oyster,Crassostrea virginica, parameters (percent cover and density of three size classes) were significantly and negatively related to salinity. Data
from samples collected near the lower intertidal were more closely dependent upon salinity than were samples from the higher
intertidal at the same sites. Salinity differences were most closely reflected in differences in total oyster cover. This
relationship corresponded with a general decline in oyster habitat with increasing distance from the mouth of the Suwannee
River. Species richness was significantly and positively correlated with allC. virginica parameters (percent cover and density of three size classes), but the relationship explained only about half the variability.
Density data of the hooked mussel,Ischadium recurvum, and a mud crab,Eurypanopeus depressus, were positively and strongly correlated withC. virginica parameters, likely reflecting the abundance of habitat provided byC. virginica shells. All of the biological indicators measured responded similarly along the salinity gradient, indicating they provide
reliable indices of the effect of changing salinities in the Suwannee River estuary over the previous 1 or 2 yr. Some areas
of positive relief defined as reefs 30 years ago are no longer oyster habitat, suggesting an ongoing decline, but nearshoreC. virginica were abundant. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02BY003 00002 相似文献
Denitrification rates measured along a salinity gradient in the eutrophic Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, USA 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
John M. Fear Suzanne P. Thompson Thomas E. Gallo Hans W. Paerl 《Estuaries and Coasts》2005,28(4):608-619
Denitrification rates along a salinity gradient in the eutrophic Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, were quantified using
membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) within short-term batch incubations. Denitrification rates within the system were
highly variable, ranging from 0 to 275 μmol N m−2 h−1. Intrasite variability increased with salinity, but no significant differences were observed across the salinity gradient.
Denitrification rates were positively correlated with sediment oxygen demand at the upstream sampling site where sediment
organic carbon levels were lowest. This relationship was not observed in the more saline sampling sites. Denitrification rates
were highest during winter. On an annual basis, denitrification accounted for 26% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen and
12% of the total nitrogen supplied to the system. 相似文献
《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1987,51(6):1345-1363
Benthic fluxes in two southern California borderland basins have been estimated by modeling water column property gradients, by modeling pore water gradients and by measuring changes in concentration in a benthic chamber. Results have been used to compare the different methods, to establish budgets for biogenic silica and carbon and to estimate rate constants for models of CaCO3 dissolution. In San Pedro Basin, a low oxygen, high sedimentation rate area, fluxes of radon-222 (86 ± 8 atoms m−2 s−1), SiO2 (0.7 ± 0.1 mmol m−2 d−1), alkalinity (1.7 ± 0.3 meq m−2 d−1), TCO2 (1.9 ± 0.3 mmol m−2 d−1) and nitrate (−0.8 ± 0.1 mmol m−2 d−1) measured in a benthic chamber agree within the measurement uncertainty with fluxes estimated from modeling profiles of nutrients and radon obtained in the water column. The diffusive fluxes of radon, SiO2 and TCO2 determined from modeling the sediment and pore water also agree with the other approaches. Approximately 33 ± 13% of the organic carbon and 37 ± 47% of the CaCO3 arriving at the sea floor are recycled. In San Nicolas Basin, which has larger oxygen concentrations and lower sedimentation rates than San Pedro, the fluxes of radon (490 ± 16 atoms m−2 s−1), SiO2 (0.7 ± 0.1 mmol m−2 d−1), alkalinity (1.7 ± 0.3 meq m−2 d−1), TCO2 (1.7 ± 0.2 mmol m−2 d−1), oxygen (−0.7 ± 0.1 mmol m−2 d−1) and nitrate (-0.4 ± 0.1 mmol m−2 d−1) determined from chamber measurements agree with the water column estimates given the uncertainty of the measurements and model estimates. Diffusion from the sediments matches the lander-measured SiO2 and PO43− (0.017 ± 0.002 mmol m−2 d−1) fluxes, but is not sufficient to supply the radon or TCO2 fluxes observed with the lander. In San Nicolas Basin 38 ± 9% of the organic carbon and 43 ± 22% of the CaCO3 are recycled. Approximately 90% of the biogenic silica arriving at the sea floor in each basin is recycled. The rates of CaCO3 dissolution determined from chamber flux measurements and material balances for protons and electrons are compared to those predicted by previously published models of CaCO3 dissolution and this comparison indicates that in situ rates are comparable to those observed in laboratory studies of bulk sediments, but orders of magnitude less than those observed in experiments done with suspended sediments. 相似文献
George P. Kraemer Robert H. Chamberlain Peter H. Doering Alan D. Steinman M. Dennis Hanisak 《Estuaries and Coasts》1999,22(1):138-148
Fluctuations in freshwater input may affect the physiology and survival of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) occurring in oligoaline to mesohaline estuarine regions. Controls on the distribution of the freshwater angiosperm Vallisneria americana, were investigated by transplanting ramets. Pots (3.8-1) containing ramets were distributed among four sites (upstream site [least saline], donor site, near downstream site, and far downstream site [most saline]) in the Caloosahatchee Estuary (Southwest Florida) during wet (May–August) and dry (October–February) seasons. During 2–4 mo of each season, physiological indicators were monitored, including photosynthesis, glutamine synthetase activity, and protein content in shoots, and carbohydrates and total nitrogen and carbon in shoot and subterranean tissues. Where the physical environment (light or salinity) was suboptimal, all physiological indices, except photosynthetic rate, showed similar stress responses, which ranged from a slow decline to a rapid drop in physiological function. Levels of soluble carbohydrates decreased in response to unfavorable conditions more rapidly than did insoluble carbohydrates. Shoot protein of V. americana declined prior to transplant death, suggesting that measuring protein content may provide a rapid assessment of physiological health. V. americana transplants at the low-salinity upstream site died during both wet and dry season experiments, likely in response to light limitation and/or partial burial by sediments. At the far downstream site, death occurred within 2–4 wk, and was attributable to elevated salinities (>ca. 15‰). Comparison of physiological responses with salinity and light regimes at the donor and near downstream sites suggest that light may ameliorate salinity stress. This study demonstrates that V. americana, nominally classed as a freshwater macrophyte, is capable of a remarkable degree of halotolerance. 相似文献