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On the north coast of Iceland, the rift zone in North Iceland is shifted about 120 km to the west where it meets with, and joins, the mid-ocean Kolbeinsey ridge. This shift occurs along the Tjörnes fracture zone, an 80-km-wide zone of high seismicity, which is an oblique (non-perpendicular) transform fault. There are two main seismic lineaments within the Tjörnes fracture zone, one of which continues on land as a 25-km-long WNW-trending strike-slip fault. This fault, referred to as the Husavik fault, meets with, and joins, north-trending normal faults of the Theistareykir fissure swarm in the axial rift zone. The most clear-cut of these junctions occurs in a basaltic pahoehoe lava flow, of Holocene age, where the Husavik fault joins a large normal fault called Gudfinnugja. At this junction, the Husavik fault strikes N55°W, whereas Gudfinnugja strikes N5°E, so that they meet at an angle of 60°. The direction of the spreading vector in North Iceland is about N73°W, which is neither parallel with the strike of the Husavik fault nor perpendicular to the strike of the Gudfinnugja fault. During rifting episodes there is thus a slight opening on the Husavik fault as well as a considerable dextral strike-slip movement along the Gudfinnugja fault. Consequently, in the Holocene lava flow, there are tension fractures, collapse structures and pressure ridges along the Husavik fault, and pressure ridges and dextral pull-apart structures subparallel with the Gudfinnugja fault. The 60° angle between the Husavik strike-slip fault and the Gudfinnugja normal fault is the same as the angle between the Tjörnes fracture zone transform fault and the adjacent axial rift zones of North Iceland and the Kolbeinsey ridge. The junction between the faults of Husavik and Gudfinnugja may thus be viewed as a smaller-scale analogy to the junction between this transform fault and the nearby ridge segments. Using the results of photoelastic and finite-element studies, a model is provided for the tectonic development of these junctions. The model is based on an analogy between two offset cuts (mode I fractures) loaded in tension and segments of the axial rift zones (or parts thereof in the case of the Husavik fault). The results indicate that the Tjörnes fracture zone in general and the Husavik fault in particular, developed along zones of maximum shear stress. Furthermore, the model suggests that, as the ridge-segments propagate towards a zero-underlapping configuration, the angle between them and the associated major strike-slip faults gradually increases. This conclusion is supported by the trends of the main seismic lineaments of the Tjörnes fracture zone.  相似文献   

With oblique rifting, both extension perpendicular to the rift trend and shear parallel to the rift trend contribute to rift formation. The relative amounts of extension and shear depend on α, the acute angle between the rift trend and the relative displacement direction between opposite sides of the rift. Analytical and experimental (clay) models of combined extension and left-lateral shear suggest the fault patterns produced by oblique rifting. If α is less than 30°, conjugate sets of steeply dipping strike-slip faults form in rifts. Sinistral and dextral strike-slip faults trend subparallel and at large angles to the rift trend, respectively. If α is about 30°, strike-slip, oblique-slip and/or normal faults form in rifts. Faults with sinistral and dextral strike slip trend subparallel and at large angles to the rift trend, respectively. Normal faults strike about 30° counterclockwise from the rift trend. If α exceeds 30°, normal faults form in rifts. They have moderate dips and generally strike obliquely to the rift trend and to the relative displacement direction between opposite sides of the rift. If α equals 90°, the normal faults strike parallel to the rift trend and perpendicularly to the displacement direction.The modeling results apply to the Gulf of California and Gulf of Aden, two Tertiary continental rift systems produced by combined extension and shear. Our results explain the presence and trends of oblique-slip and strike-slip faults along the margins of the Gulf of California and the oblique trend (relative to the rift trend) of many normal faults along the margins of both the Gulf of California and the Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   

We explore the tectono‐magmatic processes in the western West Philippine Basin, Philippine Sea Plate, using bathymetric data acquired in 2003 and 2004. The northwestern part of the basin formed through a series of northwestward propagating rifts. We identify at least five sequences of propagating rifts, probably triggered by mantle flow away from the mantle thermal anomaly that is responsible for the origin of the Benham and Urdenata plateaus. Gravitational forces caused by along‐axis topographic gradient and a ~30° ridge reorientation appear to also be driving the rift propagations. The along‐axis mantle flow appears to be reduced and deflected along the Luzon‐Okinawa fracture zone, because the spreading system remained stable west of this major fault zone. North‐east of the Benham plateau, a left‐lateral fracture zone has turned into a NE–SW‐trending spreading axis. As a result, a microplate developed at the triple junction.  相似文献   

Large areas of north-east Africa were dominated by regional extension in the Late Phanerozoic. Widespread rifting occurred in the Late Jurassic, with regional extension culminating in the Cretaceous and resulting in the greatest areal extent and degree of interconnection of the west, central and north African rift systems. Basin reactivation continued in the Paleocene and Eocene and new rifts probably formed in the Red Sea and western Kenya. In the Oligocene and Early Miocene, rifts in Kenya, Ethiopia and the Red Sea linked and expanded to form the new east African rift system.This complex history of rifting resulted in failed rift basins with low to high strain geometries, a range of associated volcanism and varying degrees of interaction with older structures. One system, the Red Sea rift, has partially attained active seafloor spreading. From a comparison of these basins, a general model of three-dimensional rift evolution is proposed. Asymmetrical crustal geometries dominated the early phases of these basins, accompanied by low angle normal faulting that has been observed at least locally in outcrop. As rifting progressed, the original fault and basin forms were modified to produce larger, more through-going structures. Some basins were abandoned, others experienced reversals in regional dip and, in general, extension and subsidence became focused along narrower zones near the rift axes. The final transition to oceanic spreading was accomplished in the Red Sea by a change to high angle, planar normal faulting and diffuse dike injection, followed by the organization of an axial magma chamber.  相似文献   

The tectonical setting in Iceland is quite complex due to the interaction of the Iceland hot spot and the Mid Atlantic Ridge. While in the north of the island one active spreading zone exists, the divergent motion in the centre and the south is distributed over at least two volcanic rift zones. The spreading rate increases linearly along the Western Volcanic Zone from north to south up to 8 mm/yr at the Hengill triple junction. On the contrary, the spreading rate of the parallel Eastern Volcanic Zone decreases from 16 mm/yr down to 6 mm/yr at the island's southern coast. The Hreppar microplate between the two predominant rift zones has an independent motion, which is distinct from that of the Eurasian and North American plates. A new detected feature is the spreading activity around the Hofsjökull volcanic zone located in the centre of Iceland with a significant rate of 6 mm/yr. During this investigation the coordinate sets of nearly 20 years of GPS data acquisition on Iceland were combined to get a velocity field for the surface of Iceland. This velocity field is based on a linear kinematic model with the consideration of local non-linear effects like volcano up-doming and displacements due to major earthquakes.  相似文献   

This article outlines geomorphological and tectonic elements of the Afar Depression, and discusses its evolution. A combination of far-field stress, due to the convergence of the Eurasian and Arabian plates along the Zagros Orogenic Front, and uplift of the Afar Dome due to a rising mantle plume reinforced each other to break the lithosphere of the Arabian–Nubian Shield. Thermal anomalies beneath the Arabian–Nubian Shield in the range of 150 °C–200 °C, induced by a rising plume that mechanically and thermally eroded the base of the mantle lithosphere and generated pulses of prodigious flood basalt since ∼30 Ma. Subsequent to the stretching and thinning the Afar Dome subsided to form the Afar Depression. The fragmentation of the Arabian–Nubian Shield led to the separation of the Nubian, Arabian and Somalian Plates along the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the Main Ethiopian Rift. The rotation of the intervening Danakil, East-Central, and Ali-Sabieh Blocks defined major structural trends in the Afar Depression. The Danakil Block severed from the Nubian plate at ∼20 Ma, rotated anti-clockwise, translated from lower latitude and successively moved north, left-laterally with respect to Nubia. The westward propagating Gulf of Aden rift breached the Danakil Block from the Ali-Sabieh Block at ∼2 Ma and proceeded along the Gulf of Tajura into the Afar Depression. The propagation and overlap of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden along the Manda Hararo–Gobaad and Asal–Manda Inakir rifts caused clockwise rotation of the East-Central Block. Faulting and rifting in the southern Red Sea, western Gulf of Aden and northern Main Ethiopian Rift superimposed on Afar. The Afar Depression initiated as diffused extension due to far-field stress and area increase over a dome elevated by a rising plume. With time, the lithospheric extension intensified, nucleated in weak zones, and developed into incipient spreading centers.  相似文献   

The accretion of oceanic crust under conditions of oblique spreading is considered. It is shown that deviation of the normal to the strike of mid-ocean ridge from the extension direction results in the formation of echeloned basins and ranges in the rift valley, which are separated by normal and strike-slip faults oriented at an angle to the axis of the mid-ocean ridge. The orientation of spreading ranges is determined by initial breakup and divergence of plates, whereas the within-rift structural elements are local and shallow-seated; they are formed only in the tectonically mobile rift zone. As a rule, the mid-ocean ridges with oblique spreading are not displaced along transform fracture zones, and stresses are relaxed in accommodation zones without rupture of continuity of within-rift structural elements. The structural elements related to oblique spreading can be formed in both rift and megafault zones. At the initial breakup and divergence of continental or oceanic plates with increased crust thickness, the appearance of an extension component along with shear in megafault zones gives rise to the formation of embryonic accretionary structural elements. As opening and extension increase, oblique spreading zones are formed. Various destructive and accretionary structural elements (nearly parallel extension troughs; basin and range systems oriented obliquely relative to the strike of the fault zone and the extension axis; rhomb-shaped extension basins, etc.) can coexist in different segments of the fault zone and replace one another over time. The Andrew Bain Megafault Zone in the South Atlantic started to develop as a strike-slip fault zone that separated the African and Antarctic plates. Under extension in the oceanic domain, this zone was transformed into a system of strike-slip faults divided by accretionary structures. It is suggested that the De Geer Megafault Zone in the North Atlantic, which separated Greenland and Eurasia at the initial stage of extension that followed strike-slip offset, evolved in the same way.  相似文献   

Our literature studies show that the thermal regime along continental strike-slip rifts is inconspicuous and that they are "low-volcanicity rifts" at best. Along with that, young continental strike-slip rifts exhibit no signs of major thermally controlled doming. We suggest that the larger the strike-slip component of a rift is, the less likely major thermal doming is causally associated with the rift zone. Since vertical lithosphere movements are reflected in the stratigraphic record of a rifted area, different rift modes (strike-slip, dip-slip) may be distinguished by analyzing the relevant sequences. Two ancient and especially suitable strike-slip rift margins in Tethyan mountain belts, the Bangong/Nujiang zone of Tibet and the South Penninic zone of the Alps, were analyzed with regard to their uplift history. The results confirm recent regional rift models which indicate in both cases that rifting was dominated by strike-slip. The stratigraphic approach may provide significant clues as to the mode of paleorifting when structural data are unavailable.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅造山带由印度与欧亚大陆板块的陆陆碰撞而形成。为何在挤压造山的碰撞前缘形成代表垮塌的藏南裂谷系存在巨大的争议。回答这个问题需要对裂谷的地壳结构有一个全面的认识。各裂谷带的起始活动年代自西向东逐渐年轻。本研究选取喜马拉雅东部较为年轻的错那裂谷,利用密集台阵接收的远震数据,通过P波接收函数方法,揭示错那裂谷的精细地壳结构,进而通过地壳结构分析裂谷的形成。结果显示错那裂谷为全地壳尺度结构,裂谷下方莫霍面发生明显错断,且壳内结构侧向不连续发育显著。本研究表明裂谷的形成可能关联更大尺度的区域构造运动,单一的重力垮塌是否能形成地壳尺度的裂谷需要进一步研究。综合前人对藏南裂谷系区域的超钾岩和埃达克岩研究以及深部地球物理观测结果,推断因俯冲的印度板片撕裂导致软流圈物质上涌弱化了错那裂谷区域下地壳,并且结合研究区内喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩研究显示中上地壳也存在弱化现象。因此,结合本研究结果推测全地壳尺度裂谷的形成需要不同深度的地壳弱化。  相似文献   

阿尔泰大型-超大型矿床富集区地壳演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过构造、岩浆、变质、成矿等地质作用及其时空演化规律的对比分析,以及物探重力、航磁及遥感信息的综合研究,认为古生代阿尔泰富蕴地幔热柱成因的三联点裂谷形成与演化———“手风琴式”开合,是阿尔泰大型- 超大型矿床富集区形成与演化的根本原因。地幔热柱热地幔物质大规模上涌和横向扩张,产生三联点裂谷系统,导致古大陆解体,形成阿尔泰“洋岛型”蛇绿岩、阿尔泰型花岗岩、花岗岩化、高温低压变质带和主要大型- 超大型矿床;地幔热柱活动停止或间息,导致三联点裂谷系统发生A 型俯冲而封闭造山,形成三叉式陆间造山带和同造山花岗岩、  相似文献   

The geological and geophysical data primarily on the structure of the upper sedimentary sequence of the northern Knipovich Ridge (Norwegian-Greenland Basin) that were obtained during Cruise 24 of the R/V Akademik Nikolai Strakhov are considered. These data indicate that the recent kinematics of the northern Knipovich Ridge is determined by dextral strike-slip displacements along the Molloy Fracture Zone (315° NW). This stress field is superimposed by a system related to rifting and latitudinal opening of rifts belonging to the ridge proper. Thus, the structural elements formed under the effect of two stress fields are combined in this district. Several stages of tectonic movements are definable. The first stage (prior to 500 ka ago) is marked by the dominant normal faults, which are overlain by the lower and upper sedimentary sequences. The second stage (prior to 120–100 ka ago) is characterized by development of normal and reverse faults, which displace the lower sequence and are overlain by the upper sequence. Both younger and older structural features reveal peaks of tectonic activity separated by intermediate quiet periods 50–60 ka long. The stress field of the regional strike-slip faulting is realized in numerous oblique NE-trending normal and normal-strike-slip faults that divide the rift valley and its walls into the segments of different sizes. Their strike (20°–30° NE) is consistent with a system of secondary antithetic sinistral strike-slip faults. The system of depressions located 40 km west of the rift valley axis may be considered a paleorift zone that is conjugated at 78°07′ N and 5°20′ W with the NW-trending fault marked by the main dextral offset. The stress field that existed at this stage was identical to the recent one. The rift valley axis migrated eastward to its present-day position approximately 2 Ma ago (if the spreading rate of ~0.7 cm/yr is accepted). The obtained data substantially refine the understanding of the initial breakup of continents with the formation of oceanic structural elements. The neotectonic stage is characterized by combination of different stress fields that resulted in the formation of a complex system of tectonic structural units, including those located beyond the recent extension zone along the rift axis of the Knipovich Ridge. The tectonic deformations occurred throughout the neotectonic stage as discrete recurrent events.  相似文献   

The junction angle between the western Charlie-Gibbs transform fault and the spreading axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge diverges by 40° from the orthogonal intersection assumed in many studies of plate boundaries. This has been established by a surface-ship reconnaissance and by mapping fault trends in a transponder-navigated deep-tow survey of the fracture valley 25 km from the intersection. One set of normal faults trends 325–330°, parallel to the obliquely spreading ridge axis, and another set trends 275°, parellel to the direction of relative plate motion. Although the near-bottom survey was in the theoretically inactive part of the fracture zone, beyond the transform fault section, there is evidence for recent motion on faults that cut the thick sediment fill of the fracture valley.Oblique spreading of a ridge axis near a transform fault may result from distortion of the regional stress field by a strike-slip couple. Tension parallel to the long axis of the strike-slip strain ellipse, which is responsible for oblique normal faulting in transform valleys, causes oblique dike injection and oblique faulting in the axial rift valley. These effects extend further from transfrom fault intersections on slow-spreading ridges than on fast-spreading rises.  相似文献   

Based on multiyear measurements of present-day motions in the central area of the Baikal rift system, new data on the kinematics of horizontal motions, relative horizontal deformation rates, and rotation velocities in the area of junction of the South Baikal, North Baikal, and Barguzin rift basins have been obtained. This area is an intricate structure with two transfer zones: Ol’khon–Svyatoi Nos and Ust’-Barguzin.It is shown that crustal blocks are moving southeastward, normally to the structures of transfer zones and at an acute angle to the Baikal Rift strike, which corresponds to the right-lateral strike-slip extensional faulting along the major structure. The average horizontal velocities increase from 3.0 mm yr–1 in the northern South Baikal basin to 6.5 mm yr–1 in the Barguzin basin. The elongation axes prevailing in the study region are mainly of NW–SE direction. The areas of intense deformations are confined to structures with high seismic activity in the South Baikal and, partly, Barguzin basins. This confirms the existence of a present-day zone of the Earth’s crust destruction in the Baikal rift system, which is the most likely source of strong earthquakes in the future. Two zones with rotations in opposite directions are recognized in the rotation velocity field. Clockwise rotation is typical of structures of N–NE strike (Maloe More basin, southern North Baikal basin, Barguzin Ridge rise). Counterclockwise rotation is determined for NE-striking structures (northern South Baikal basin, southern Barguzin basin). In general, the obtained data show an intricate pattern of present-day horizontal dislocations and deformations in the area of junction of NE- and N–NE-striking rift structures. This suggests left- and right-lateral strike-slip faults, respectively, within them.  相似文献   

A.K. Martin   《Tectonophysics》2007,445(3-4):245-272
A model has been developed where two arc-parallel rifts propagate in opposite directions from an initial central location during backarc seafloor spreading and subduction rollback. The resultant geometry causes pairs of terranes to simultaneously rotate clockwise and counterclockwise like the motion of double-saloon-doors about their hinges. As movement proceeds and the two terranes rotate, a gap begins to extend between them, where a third rift initiates and propagates in the opposite direction to subduction rollback. Observations from the Oligocene to Recent Western Mediterranean, the Miocene to Recent Carpathians, the Miocene to Recent Aegean and the Oligocene to Recent Caribbean point to a two-stage process. Initially, pairs of terranes comprising a pre-existing retro-arc fold thrust belt and magmatic arc rotate about poles and accrete to adjacent continents. Terrane docking reduces the width of the subduction zone, leading to a second phase during which subduction to strike-slip transitions initiate. The clockwise rotated terrane is caught up in a dextral strike-slip zone, whereas the counterclockwise rotated terrane is entrained in a sinistral strike-slip fault system. The likely driving force is a pair of rotational torques caused by slab sinking and rollback of a curved subduction hingeline.By analogy with the above model, a revised five-stage Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Gondwana dispersal model is proposed in which three plates always separate about a single triple rift or triple junction in the Weddell Sea area. Seven features are considered diagnostic of double-saloon-door rifting and seafloor spreading:
i) earliest movement involves clockwise and counterclockwise rotations of the Falkland Islands Block and the Ellsworth Whitmore Terrane respectively;
ii) terranes comprise areas of a pre-existing retro-arc fold thrust belt (the Permo-Triassic Gondwanide Orogeny) attached to an accretionary wedge/magmatic arc; the Falklands Islands Block is initially attached to Southern Patagonia/West Antarctic Peninsula, while the Ellsworth Whitmore Terrane is combined with the Thurston Island Block;
iii) paleogeographies demonstrate rifting and extension in a backarc environment relative to a Pacific margin subduction zone/accretionary wedge where simultaneous crustal shortening occurs;
iv) a ridge jump towards the subduction zone from east of the Falkland Islands to the Rocas Verdes Basin evinces subduction rollback;
v) this ridge jump combined with backarc extension isolated an area of thicker continental crust — The Falkland Islands Block;
vi) well-documented EW oriented seafloor spreading anomalies in the Weddell Sea are perpendicular to the subduction zone and propagate in the opposite direction to rollback;
vii) the dextral strike-slip Gastre and sub-parallel faults form one boundary of the Gondwana subduction rollback, whereas the other boundary may be formed by inferred sinistral strike-slip motion between a combined Thurston Island/Ellsworth Whitmore Terrane and Marie Byrd Land/East Antarctica.
Keywords: Gondwana breakup; Double-saloon-door seafloor spreading; Plate tectonics; Backarc basin; Subduction rollback; Opposite rotations of terranes  相似文献   

New aspects of rhomb structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The acute angles of 48 rhombic, trapezoidal and triangular grabens, horsts and upthrusts throughout the world were determined. The results indicate an angular spread of 7—73°. In most structures the two acute angles differ considerably. Most rhomb structures are grabens which show affinities to seismic faults, and only a few are horsts and upthrusts. In this connection modes of static crustal fracture propagation are compared to dynamic propagation. Rhomb structures occur along strike-slip faults and in rifts. These results question the universality of the pull-apart model as a mechanism for rhomb structure development. The two mechanisms that can lead to the formation of rhomb structures are (1) interaction of en échelon or non-coplanar fractures by shear and extensional modes and (2) fracture bifurcation in an extensional mode. The two mechanisms may result in faults of different shapes characterized by curved and straight boundaries, respectively. The grabens and horsts in extensional regions are the consequence of early fracture and later vertical displacements.  相似文献   

利用地震资料、油气勘探资料分析了南海北部大陆边缘珠江口-琼东南新生代盆地断裂系统的时空差异及动力学成因机制.珠江口-琼东南盆地古近系裂陷构造层以NE向、近EW向基底正断层构成的伸展断裂系统的几何学、运动学沿着盆地走向有明显变化,盆地内部隐伏的区域性和局部的NW向断裂及相关构造变形带构成伸展断裂系统之间的构造变换带.在空间上,区域性的云开、松涛-松南等NW向构造变换带以西为NE-NEE向正断层构成的"非拆离"伸展断层系,以东为NE向正断层、近EW向正断层(走滑正断层)复合而成的拆离伸展断层系.在时间上,古近纪裂陷作用可划分为早(文昌组沉积期)、中(恩平组/崖城组沉积期)、晚(珠海组/陵水组沉积期)3个有明显差异的裂陷期.裂陷早期,盆地西部以平面式正断层控制的简单地堑、半地堑为主,伸展量相对较小,东部则以铲式正断层控制的复式地堑、半地堑为主,伸展量相对大,断层向深部收敛在中地壳韧性层构成拆离的伸展断层系统.裂陷中期,琼东南盆地、珠江口盆地西部断裂具有继承性活动特点,珠江口盆地东部发育NWW-EW向伸展断层,并向深层切割早期浅层拆离断层,形成深层拆离伸展断层系统,而沿着云开构造变换带发育反转构造.裂陷晚期,琼东南盆地、珠江口盆地西部断裂具有活动性减弱特点,琼东南盆地东部发育NWW-EW向伸展断层,形成深层拆离伸展断层系统,而沿着琼中央构造变换带发育反转、走滑构造.珠江口-琼东南盆地不同区段断裂系统及其构造演化的差异性受盆地基底先存构造、地壳及岩石圈结构及伸展量等多方面因素的影响,拆离伸展断层系统与发育NWW向"贯穿"断裂的基底构造薄弱带、现今地壳局部减薄带相关,南海扩展由东而西的迁移诱导北部大陆边缘块体沿着先存NW向深大断裂发生走滑旋转是导致变换构造带两侧差异伸展的动力学原因,应力场及岩石圈热结构变化是引起拆离断层深度变化的重要因素.  相似文献   

华北东部地区中生代盆地格局及演化过程探讨   总被引:29,自引:11,他引:18  
华北东部中生代盆地演化受控于欧亚构造域的板块挤压拼接和滨太平洋构造域"洋-陆"俯冲碰撞两大动力学背景,与兴蒙造山带、秦岭-大别造山带、太行山隆起及郯庐断裂带等陆内及周边造山带的形成、深大断裂发育演化以及深部动力等因素有着密切的联系。早-中三叠世华北地区基本继承了晚海西期以来的构造格局和沉积特点,地势北西高、东南低,为一南陡北缓、呈NWW向展布的大型内陆沉积盆地;晚三叠世扬子板块与华北板块剪刀式碰撞拼接,华北地区全面抬升,且西部抬升小,东部抬升幅度大,盆地范围向西部退缩,沉积范围缩小,东部地区地势较高,地貌复杂,以隆升剥蚀为主;早-中侏罗世华北东部处于由古亚洲构造域向滨太平洋构造域演化的过渡阶段,该时期太行山的形成将华北地区分割成东、西两个大盆,西部鄂尔多斯盆地依然为一个大型沉积盆地,东部渤海湾盆地区在早-中侏罗世的早期为一些小的山间沉积盆地群,主要表现为对印支期造成的大量NWW或近EW向逆冲断层及阔缓褶皱所产生的低洼地区的充填,晚期则表现为披覆式沉积;晚侏罗世-早白垩世太平洋板块活动取代了扬子板块、西伯利亚板块活动对华北地区构造演化的控制地位,中国东部进入大规模的裂陷或断陷盆地发育阶段,且出现了明显的分区性:在盐山-歧口-新港-兰考-聊城断裂系以东,由于受郯庐断裂带左旋走滑构造应力场的控制,主要发育NW或NWW向断陷盆地,而在该断裂系以西至太行山以东的地区,受左旋走滑影响较弱,主要发育NE和NNE向断陷盆地,在张家口-蓬莱走滑断裂带以北的下辽河坳陷区,盆地的长轴方向为NNE,属郯庐断裂带内部的走滑拉张盆地;晚白垩世郯庐断裂带以西的华北广大地区整体处于隆升剥蚀状态,仅在河南信阳盆地及冀中、临清、黄骅坳陷的少数低洼地区接受沉积,多以红色河湖相粗碎屑为主。研究华北东部中生代盆地演化对于该地区前第三系油气勘探具有指导意义。  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂东端破裂生长点的最新构造变形*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
阿尔金断裂与祁连山北缘断裂的交汇部位是阿尔金断裂向东扩展的新破裂生长点,两断裂构造与新生的红柳峡断裂构成似三联点构造。破裂生长点附近的最新构造变形表现为:阿尔金断裂的旋转隆升和向北扩展;祁连山北缘断裂的逆冲推覆兼右旋走滑;红柳峡断裂的挤压拖曳弯曲,它们共同受制于青藏高原的强烈隆升和向外扩张作用。推测阿尔金断裂自西而东的破裂扩展就是似三联点构造逐一形成而又被切割贯通的过程。阿尔金断裂以蠕滑活动为主,2002年玉门地震与祁连山北缘逆冲断裂及其伴生的调节断层的活动相关。  相似文献   

Determining the location and geometry of possible subglacial rifts in western Dronning Maud Land is a key element to address processes leading to early Gondwana break-up. However, previous geophysical investigations did not lead to unambiguous delineation of rift structures over this region. We interpret high-resolution airborne radar and aerogravity data to image subglacial rift structures. Subglacial topography, free-air and Bouguer gravity maps, coupled with 3D inverse gravity models, image a rift–rift–rift triple junction at the intersection of the Jutulstraumen ice stream and the Pencksökket glacier. These continental rifts were associated with alkaline and tholeiitic intrusions, minor dyke swarms and flood basalts of Jurassic age, but not with huge volumes of Karoo magmatism, such as that which characterizes the southern Africa conjugate margin. The western Dronning Maud Land triple junction may be linked to the Karoo mantle plume and represents an early stage of magmatism and rifting during Gondwana break-up.  相似文献   

The Bohai Bay Basin is a Cenozoic extensional basin along the eastern aspect of Asia. Whether the Bohai Bay Basin is a pull-apart or rift basin is controversial. The Bohai Bay Basin exhibits a high density of extensional faults and records destruction of the North China Craton. Many structural analyses have been performed on the Bohai Bay Basin, especially the Tan-L and Taihang Mountain fault systems which control its boundary. The initial deposition of Kongdian Formation was mainly distributed along the boundary of Bohai Bay Basin during the Palaeocene–early Eocene. Subsequently, tectonic activity migrated toward the interior of the basin during deposition of Shahejie Formation in the middle Eocene–early Oligocene. Bohai Bay Basin crust was thickened in early Mesozoic time and has thinned since late Mesozoic time. The crustal strength profile of Bohai Bay Basin is characterized by very weak lower crust, which differs from that of adjacent crust. In regard to the crustal structure, lithospheric thickness, and extensional style, an alternative rift model is proposed. Initial Bohai Bay Basin rifts were characterized by metamorphic core complexes affecting the North China Craton, which reflects collapse of parts of the early Mesozoic intra-plate orogen. Furthermore, westward subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific Plate led to upwelling of asthenosphere mantle. Persistent upwelling of mantle decreased the strength of lower crust and led to the warm heat-flow regime and generation of a lower crustal fluid layer and wide rifting. Outward flow of ductile lower crust following late Cretaceous extension thinned the lower crust and generated the overall sag appearance of the basin in early Cenozoic time. The model supports a model whereby a wide rift narrows with time. For the Bohai Bay Basin, extension and strike-slip faulting were two independent deformation systems superimposed on each other.  相似文献   

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