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This research aims to investigate the extent to which urban and rural residents trust grassroots-level institutions and how this might affect community resilience to environmental change in China. It focuses on the commitments of institutional actors and their capacities to manage natural hazards and coordinate the community's response. Semistructured interviews were conducted with megacity (Tianjin) and remote village (Wolong) residents in China. We found that public confidence in grassroots-level institutions is limited due to inherent constraints on resources and power. Residents of Wolong tend to recognize the commitment and role of those institutions in connecting individuals with one another, whereas their urban counterparts in Tianjin remain skeptical. Issues of solidarity might account for this difference. These findings will have implications for state–society cooperation and disaster risk comanagement in both urban and rural China.  相似文献   

Natural hazards lead to unexpected and often dire situations for people who have few resources and little control over the environment in which they live. Kutubdia, an island in the southeastern part of Bangladesh, experiences frequent natural hazards that impact the livelihoods of its people and put them in vulnerable situations. The research elaborated here is the result of 300 household surveys collected from persons in Kutubdia's fishing communities. The surveys investigated the perception and consequences of natural hazards on the fishing communities. The results indicated that the experience of natural hazards—cyclones, erosion, and flooding are examples—have increased over the years. Coastal erosion displaced seventy‐two (24 percent) fishers, forcing them to relocate their houses several times and imposing multiple challenges on their lives. Literacy was not associated with perceptions of environmental changes or changes in fishing. However, young fishers—less than forty years of age—perceived that environmental changes had affected fish catch more than their older colleagues.  相似文献   

On 4 August 2012, the southeastern part of Kutubdia Island, Bangladesh, experienced coastal erosion and flooding associated with tidal waves, storms, and continuous heavy rainfall for two days. This provided a unique opportunity to study the relationship between rapid-onset disasters and migration decisions of individual households perpetually living under environmental risk. Using Kutubdia Island as a case study, this article examines the migration decisions of respondents in the immediate aftermath of two extreme natural events. Relevant data were primarily collected from a questionnaire survey conducted nearly two months after the occurrence of the event. The study's findings support the view that both environmental and nonenvironmental factors lead to migration. The article outlines several areas for further research on the links between migration and environmental stress.  相似文献   

刘艳  王民 《世界地理研究》2010,19(1):166-171,78
博物馆近几年发展迅速,不论是重修还是新增,博物馆在硬件方面都取得较大进步。根据本研究调研,发现博物馆软件方面并没有跟上发展。环境解说规划是博物馆提高解说服务最基础的工作,但是我国的博物馆还没有一个真正的环境解说规划文本。本研究根据国内外环境解说规划研究现状,以及中国博物馆实际调研情况,提出了“资源-游客”双核环境解说规划模式,并以北京自然博物馆为例进行了环境解说规划案例研究,以期为其他博物馆环境解说规划提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

厦门岛城市空间扩张特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
海岸带是目前世界上城市化最集中的区域,海岛作为海岸带的一个特殊地理组成,其城市空间扩张过程可以理解为城市发展与自然地理环境之间相互耦合作用的结晶。本文以中国东南沿海的厦门岛为例,结合厦门岛城市发展的相关政策、城市规划、人口、产业等历史与现状资料的文本分析,通过图片修整和遥感地理信息分析相结合的方法,首先回顾厦门岛近100 年的城市化历程,分析厦门岛海岸线、岛屿形状、建成区、交通、行政区划及主要土地利用类型历史变化及城市空间扩张特征;然后从行政区划、城市总体规划、产业发展、地形、围填海、交通和人口等方面分别探讨影响海岛城市空间扩张的潜在决定因素;总结各种因素对海岛城市空间扩张的作用;以期为中国甚至世界其它沿海城市合理开发海岛,促进海岸带可持续城市化提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   

The widespread adoption of neoliberal reforms during the past quarter century has had profound implications for the livelihoods of those who live and work in cities throughout Latin America. This case study of Mérida, Mexico, builds directly on recent research about the changing nature of work and the role of informality as a livelihood strategy in Latin America and attempts to explain how place-specific patterns of informal work emerge from neoliberal reforms and concomitant urban economic restructuring. Drawing on field research and a large household survey, this article reveals that general patterns of informality coincide with previous findings from Latin America: high levels of informal work; increased heterogeneity of informality; and significant mobility, with a large share of workers “opting out” of the formal sector voluntarily. However, compared with previous research in Mexico, this study shows that informal work is significantly more pervasive, particularly among women; less likely to be voluntary; and pays considerably less. In light of gender considerations and significant discrepancies between local patterns of informality and national trends, this case study casts doubt on recent World Bank encyclicals affirming the resemblance between self-employment in Mexico and microentrepreneurship in more developed countries. Moreover, the article concludes that World Bank literature conveniently overlooks the gendered nature of informal work in Latin America and the profound divergence between the express purposes of neoliberalism and its actual implications. As a result, World Bank research on informality serves to justify the neoliberal model, rather than improve the livelihoods of those who live and work in cities throughout Latin America.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence environmental awareness and recreation experience has on the environmentally-friendly behavior of tourists, and identifies the function of perceived quality as an intermediary variable. By providing a conceptual framework based on the combination of environmental awareness theory and tourist perception theory, and a SEM-based methodology, an in-depth analysis of the influence mechanism was carried out in the Qinghai Lake area of Qinghai province. Results show that there exist differences in the ways environmental awareness influences perceived gains and perceived losses, and the influence coefficient of the former is higher than that of the latter. The perceived gains may promote environmentally friendly behaviors, while the perceived losses have an adverse impact on such behaviors. Moreover, the strength of the adverse impact of the latter is less than the strength of the positive impact of the former. The mediating effect of perceived quality was confirmed in the EA (environmental awareness)-EB (environmental behavior) nexus, within which the influence of tourist environmental awareness on environmentally friendly behavior could be transformed. The mediating effect of perceived quality in the perceived-gains model was more obvious than that in the perceived-losses model. This study highlights the importance of understanding the foundations of environmental behavior related to environmental awareness and tourist perceptions.  相似文献   

岛屿生态环境是建设整个河流乃至流域生态环境与生物多样性保护与修复的重要节点。以重庆市长江流域上的江心岛——中坝岛为例,根据中坝岛现状和建设目标,分为自然生态恢复区、湿地生态体验区、滨水生态涵养区生态人居环境区四大区域,提出中坝岛的建设内容、指标体系和预期指标值。在此基础上,从湿地植物群落修复、动物栖息地建设和生态岸线设计等方面构建湿地生态系统。  相似文献   

以自然资源价值理论为指导,构建以使用价值和生态价值为基础的自然岸线资源二元价值结构。结果表明:通过建立自然岸线资源物质量与价值量核算方法,得出大连市自然岸线资源物质总量为766.6 km,全市自然保有率为46.9%。到“十四五”末,大连市海岸线资源价值总量约1 792.88亿元,自然资源岸线价值组成中生态价值占主导地位,价值量占比为99.8%。该核算方法实现了自然岸线资源生态价值的内部化过程,解决了岸线资源的价值以使用价值为主、对生态价值的忽视或考虑不足、导致整体价值被低估的核心问题。过度的资源开发是造成自然岸线资源稀缺的原因,加之资源保护与开发的高质量发展模式,自然岸线资源价值将不断攀高。自然岸线资源价值也将成为沿海地区核心价值的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

海岛旅游业已成为许多海岛地区的支柱产业,海岛旅游可持续发展是当前这一领域研究的焦点。本文首先在定义区域刚性生态足迹和区域弹性生态足迹含义的基础上,构建了广义海岛旅游地生态安全模型和狭义海岛旅游地生态安全模型,进而提出了海岛旅游地生态安全与可持续发展评估框架和判断标准;接着以生态足迹思想方法为基础,构建了海岛旅游生态足迹模型;并以舟山群岛为例,以2008 年为评价基准年份,进行了实证分析。结果表明:① 舟山群岛广义海岛旅游地生态安全系数为0.6816,生态赤字为287849.0216 hm2,占生态承载力的46.71%,已处在生态不安全-不可持续发展状态;② 舟山群岛狭义旅游地生态安全系数为0.9806,生态赤字为12189.2343 hm2,占生态承载力的1.98%,已处在威胁生态安全-威胁可持续发展状态;③舟山群岛旅游地生态安全与可持续发展处在第VI 类型(生态不安全-不可持续发展,威胁生态安全-威胁可持续发展)。  相似文献   

通过对无居民海岛自然资源与生态环境等综合评价,分析无居民海岛的资源禀赋、环境本底和生态条件,构建资源环境承载力的评估方法,评估无居民海岛——平潭大屿岛开发前(2014)和开发后(2019)的资源环境承载力的动态变化.研究结果表明,2014年大屿岛整体的资源承载力分布面积最广的是"较高承载力",2019年大屿岛整体的资源...  相似文献   

This paper describes a GIS-based application of a radial basis functional link net (RBFLN) to map the potential of SEDEX-type base metal deposits in a study area in the Aravalli metallogenic province (western India). Available public domain geodata of the study area were processed to generate evidential maps, which subsequently were encoded and combined to derive a set of input feature vectors. A subset of feature vectors with known targets (i.e., either known mineralized or known barren locations) was extracted and divided into (a) a training data set and (b) a validation data set. A series of RBFLNs were trained to determine the network architecture and estimate parameters that mapped the maximum number of validation vectors correctly to their respective targets. The trained RBFLN that gave the best performance for the validation data set was used for processing all feature vectors. The output for each feature vector is a predictive value between 1 and 0, indicating the extent to which a feature vector belongs to either the mineralized or the barren class. These values were mapped to generate a predictive classification map, which was reclassified into a favorability map showing zones with high, moderate and low favorability for SEDEX-type base metal deposits in the study area. The method demarcates successfully high favorability zones, which occupy 6% of the study area and contain 94% of the known base metal deposits.  相似文献   

国家湿地公园的旅游环境容量问题多来源于园区内部属性和游客行为之间的差异,国家湿地公园面积大、生态系统独特,园区空间布局、管理制度、主题商品与设施建设、服务方面的不合理、不完善导致了局部时段性的超载现象,宜采取以游客行为为导向的容量调控模式(TBCC),从加强园区自身建设和管理入手调控游客空间流动,从内部提升视角解决容量超载问题,实现游客体验、环境保护、科普教育等多功能为一体的湿地公园建设目标。  相似文献   

区域尺度生态功能网络构建——以中国台湾岛为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态网络的构建具有保护环境、稳定生态及提高城市开放空间价值等功能。以行政单元 为基础的区域尺度生态网络, 可整合区域自然环境特性与生态功能差异, 进而指导区域景观生态 建设工作。本研究选择台湾岛为研究区, 以县、市为研究单元进行全岛生态功能网络构建, 通过能 值分析、生态系统服务功能价值评估及景观格局分析等方法, 整合全岛生态效益、生态格局等数 量、空间指标, 目的在于明确各个县、市在全岛尺度的景观功能网络中的功能定位, 以作为制定各 县市发展策略的参考。目前, 台湾岛生态功能网络以东部花莲县、中部南投县为中心, 向西部功能 逐渐减弱。通过与生态需求的对照分析可知, 台湾岛以台北市及台北县迫切需要改善境内的生态 环境。  相似文献   

张耀光  张岩  刘桓 《地理科学》2011,31(7):810-816
海岛是海中陆地,一个海岛包括岛陆、岛基、岛滩和海岛周围的海域。地域主体功能区划主要强调国土空间开发的分工和布局,要求做到国土的全覆盖。海岛县是海陆国土空间复合系统,同陆域县区一样,根据资源环境承载能力、现有开发密度和发展潜力,统筹考虑未来人口分布、经济布局、国土利用和城镇化格局,将国土空间划分为优化开发、重点开发、限制开发和禁止开发四类主体功能区。在已有陆域主体功能区划和海洋功能区划等理论的基础上,考虑陆域要素与海域要素,应用层次分析、多指标综合加权评价法和主成分-聚类分析等主要量化方法,把地理空间思想融入分析框架中,做到定性与定量相结合,从而划分出玉环和洞头二个海岛县海陆国土空间复盖的主体功能区划。陆域主体功能区与海洋主体功能区要相互衔接,主体功能定位相互协调。  相似文献   

In the Western Lake Baikal, recent Baikal Rift's tectonics control the topography, seismicity, climate, geomorphology, and economy. Scarps, facets, structural terraces, horsts and grabens, and trapezoid valleys can be clearly observed. They have been generated by the recent tectonic movements along the faults and represent a serious geologic hazard. The specific geological conditions predetermine a unique variety of landscapes. Thus, the main type of the economy is tourism. However, unorganized tourism leads to the degradation of the unique landscapes. It increases risk and requires disaster management. Three criteria has been used for risk assessment: (1) degree of geologic hazard; (2) degree of landscape degradation; and (3) degree of the economy's vitality. The high ecological significance and low stability to antropogeneous pressure are typical for landscapes of the Western Lake Baikal. Thus, some special activities of disaster management should be implemented based on our investigation.  相似文献   

旅游资源是旅游业发展的基础,也是区域旅游空间竞争的支撑。旅游业的发展取决于旅游资源的利用程度,研究其空间结构对其开发利用具有重要的指导意义。基于旅游资源的大样本数据,从旅游资源的多类型、多层次、多组合的特点出发,提出了旅游资源空间结构分析的框架和方法。以海南岛为例,运用点模式分析方法描述海南岛旅游资源的空间结构,识别旅游资源开发区,并提出旅游资源开发建议。研究结果如下:(1)海南岛旅游资源空间结构尺度规模为30.5 km,各类旅游资源分布差异显著。(2)基于旅游资源空间结构结果分析,确定旅游资源开发区,包括三级旅游中心热点区、“一横三纵”旅游带和四个旅游组合区。(3)通过分析海南岛旅游资源开发区的分布特征,发现旅游资源开发区跨界特征明显。为了充分发挥旅游资源的空间组合和叠加效应,建议从单一、孤立的开发转变为区域间的整合开发。在省域尺度上,基于大样本量点数据来描述旅游资源的空间结构特征相对准确。点模式分析方法不仅可以准确描述旅游资源的空间结构,还可以为其他面向空间规划的区域空间分析提供参考。研究结果为区域旅游资源空间规划提供了科学依据,对区域旅游发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

苏梦园  吴家龙 《热带地理》2021,41(1):159-166
以广东省首个土地综合整治示范项目——江门市新会区沙仔岛为例,采用生态系统服务价值法(Ecosystem Service Value Method,ESV),探讨了土地综合整治对研究区生态系统服务价值的影响.结果表明:土地整治前后土地利用类型、结构的调整及生态修复措施的实施,是提升沙仔岛生态系统服务价值的重要因素.土地整...  相似文献   

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