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1995年以来,针对严重的区域性地面沉降和地裂缝灾害,苏锡常地区地下水资源保护和管理工作逐渐加强,特别是从2000年开始,江苏省政府分阶段实施限期禁止开采工作,首先在超采区实行地下水禁采,到2005年底,在苏锡常地区全面禁止开采地下水,全区地下水环境、地面沉降状况出现明显好转,地下水水位普遍回升,地面沉降速率逐渐减缓。根据近年来苏锡常地区地面沉降基岩标、分层标的系统监测资料,对地下水禁采后地质环境的效应特别是地面沉降的变化特征进行了初步分析、研究,并对该区今后地质环境保护工作提出了对策和建议。 相似文献
Mapped geological units can be regarded as proxies standing for a complex series of subsoil geochemical and physical properties
including the assigned radon activity concentration in soil gas, which is taken as best estimator of the regional geogenic
radon potential. Areal distribution of measuring sites for soil gas in Germany is adapted to spatial variation of geology.
A grid-based and distance-weighted interpolation procedure is applied, following geologically defined neighbourhood relations
of measuring sites and accounting for isolated outcrops of known geology but without measurements. To investigate the statistical
relationship between indoor radon, house type and building ground specifications, measurements of the indoor radon concentration
have been carried out in more than 10,000 dwellings in different regions of Germany. Multiple regression analyses of variance
reveal that besides region-specific geological properties and building characteristics, various house type and living style
variables significantly contribute to the explained variance for ground floor radon concentrations. These parameters are also
dominant in controlling the radon transfer relation from soil gas to indoor air. Risk prediction maps for radon in houses
indicating the probability to exceed certain indoor threshold values can be useful especially for regions with no or only
a few measurements of indoor radon. 相似文献
页岩气储层作为一种非常规储集体,对于其孔隙类型,目前国际上尚没有统一分类方案。由于其孔隙结构的特殊性,常规孔隙表征方法也难以对页岩气储层的孔隙特征进行有效的表征。为此,在充分调研和系统总结国际上有关页岩气储层孔隙分类现状的基础上,结合页岩储层的特殊性,提出了页岩气储层孔隙的产状结构综合分类方案。该方案综合考虑了孔隙定性观察和定量测定的信息。根据定性观察的孔隙产状,把页岩气储层的孔隙类型划分为与岩石颗粒发育无关的和与岩石颗粒发育有关的两个大类。前者即为裂缝孔隙,后者为岩石基质孔隙。岩石基质孔隙大类又进一步分成了发育在颗粒和晶体之间的粒间孔隙、包含在颗粒边界以内的粒内孔隙和发育在有机质内的有机质孔隙。年轻的浅埋藏沉积物中只含有粒间和粒内孔隙,这些孔隙随着埋藏和压实而大大减少。随着埋深的增加,伴随着烃类的热成熟,有机孔隙开始发育,同时,随着烃类热成熟过程中有机酸的排放,导致溶解孔隙的形成。再结合定量测定的孔隙结构信息,把孔隙划分为微孔隙、中孔隙和宏孔隙。综合上述不同产状孔隙类型的结构特征,即构成了文中的产状结构综合分类。同时,鉴于页岩气储层的特殊性以及难以用研究常规油气储层的方法和手段进行表征,文中介绍了目前最常用的页岩气储层孔隙表征的定性半定量观测和定量检测方法。前者包括透射电子显微镜、聚焦离子束抛光和场发射扫描电子显微镜方法,后者包括压汞分析、低压氮气吸附、低压二氧化碳吸附和核磁共振等方法。 相似文献
大溪河流域环境工程地质问题主要表现为地质灾害、岩溶、水土流失三方面,本文调查和分析了上述问题的基本特征、影响因素及对国土规划的影响;在此基础上,结合大溪河流域的特色,对流域进行了国土功能分区与适宜性评价,分为:林业经济区、农业经济区、河谷经济区三个大区,详细阐述各区环境地质问题及适宜性情况,为流域规划开发决策提供参考建议。 相似文献
地下空间具有恒温、恒湿、隔热、遮光、气密、隐蔽、安全等优点,地下构筑物具有良好的抗震性、稳定性、隐蔽性、防护性、隔音性等特性。介绍了城市对地下空间的利用情况与发展趋势,以及城市地下空间资源开发利用中的环境地质问题或地质灾害。 相似文献
Salinity is a highly important problem in arid and semi-arid regions. Consequently, the analysis of soil salinity plays a crucial role in environmental sciences. Environmental variables show spatial variability and statistical tools able to analyze and describe the spatial dependence and quantify the scale and intensity of the spatial variation are needed. Moreover, the spatial prediction has special importance for agricultural transformation of the land or for environmental restoration (selection of the most appropriate species adapted to soil salinity). In this paper we propose a methodological framework based on geostatistics to model the spatial dynamics of soil salinity measurements to further analyze the case of a region in southeastern Spain. 相似文献
紧密结合国家非常规能源勘探开发的重大战略,聚焦重庆涪陵页岩气勘查开发区环境地质调查工作,总结了研究区岩溶发育特征与分布规律,评价了涪陵页岩气开发区区域水资源量和地下水质量.在此基础上,收集分析国内外资料,梳理了页岩气勘查开发所引发的6类环境(地质)问题及勘查、钻井、压裂、开采、闭井等5个阶段需关注的地质环境问题或风险等,其中涪陵页岩气勘查开发区主要诱发水土污染、地质灾害和大气污染等环境(地质)问题;基本识别了2种地下水污染模式、3种污染类型及可能的地下水污染风险途径;初步确定了涪陵页岩气勘查开发区污染指示性特征因子,并形成了页岩气勘查开发区地质环境影响评价指标体系,可指导页岩气勘查开发的环境地质调查.该研究为页岩气国家新型清洁能源的绿色开发和开发区生态文明建设提供支撑. 相似文献
紧密结合国家非常规能源勘探开发的重大战略,聚焦重庆涪陵页岩气勘查开发区环境地质调查工作,总结了研究区岩溶发育特征与分布规律,评价了涪陵页岩气开发区区域水资源量和地下水质量。在此基础上,收集分析国内外资料,梳理了页岩气勘查开发所引发的6类环境(地质)问题及勘查、钻井、压裂、开采、闭井等5个阶段需关注的地质环境问题或风险等,其中涪陵页岩气勘查开发区主要诱发水土污染、地质灾害和大气污染等环境(地质)问题; 基本识别了2种地下水污染模式、3种污染类型及可能的地下水污染风险途径; 初步确定了涪陵页岩气勘查开发区污染指示性特征因子,并形成了页岩气勘查开发区地质环境影响评价指标体系,可指导页岩气勘查开发的环境地质调查。该研究为页岩气国家新型清洁能源的绿色开发和开发区生态文明建设提供支撑。 相似文献
通过实例表明了详细查明地质构造是确保煤层瓦斯抽采均衡、避免瓦斯灾害的重要基础工作。提出了综合利用瓦斯抽采钻孔开展煤矿瓦斯地质精细勘查的主要任务、施工要求,以及采掘工作面前方隐伏断层探测和瓦斯抽采方案。隐伏断层探测方案的可行性得到了煤矿生产实践的验证。研究结果表明,综合利用瓦斯抽采钻孔对煤层顶(底)板实施连续探测,能够及时发现隐伏构造,是提高瓦斯地质勘查精度,防治瓦斯灾害的一种实用、经济和有效的技术途径。 相似文献
In an effort to quantify the geogenic radon soil–gas potential and appraise the use of radon technique as a geological mapping
tool in a crystalline basement rock terrain of Ile–Ife Nigeria, radon measurement concentration were made using a radon detector
instrument (EDA RD-200) that measures radon isotopes by a scintillator cell coupled to a photomultiplier tube. The data were
collected from soils derived from three different lithologic rock units. The observed values were then correlated with the
geology of the area. Significant differences in the radon soil–gas concentrations among the three geologic units were observed.
Granite gneiss has the highest concentration, followed by grey gneiss and mica schist in that order. The geometric mean (GM)
concentration of radon-222 measured in soils directly overlying the three different rock types were 301.4 pCi/l for granite
gneiss, 202.8 pCi/l for the grey gneiss, and 199.4 pCi/l for mica schist. Conversely, the average values for radon-220 averaged
1510.0, 815.4, and 733.0 pCi/l for granite gneiss, grey gneiss, and mica schist rocks, respectively. Statistical t test (α=0.05) results indicated that there was no significant difference in the geometric mean of radon soil–gas measured
between low and medium potential zones. However, significant differences were found between the low and high radon potential
zones, and between the medium and high zones. The low concentrations of radon soil–gas emission observed in this study is
explained in terms of the seasonal variation due to thermal convection fluid movement, while the radon concentrations were
found to be controlled by the lithology and geochemistry of the underlying bedrock. 相似文献
The most common and difficult of all hazardous waste sites are those that historically produced artificial (manufactured) gas; for gas-making was international in scope and at the very core of the industrial revolution. With former manufactured gas plants (FMGPs), virtually no geologic region in the industrialized or urbanized world or its trade centers and ports escaped the gas industry. These plants applied pyrolysis of organic matter (roasting to drive off volatiles in the form of useful gases) to illuminate the world and to fuel all manner of progress. Gas was and is the universal fuel. Its prominence stemmed from the omnipresence of organic matter and the universal process for the extraction of its volatile contents to manufacture useful gas. Furthermore, for most of the century and a half-long history of manufactured gas, natural gas was unavailable to slow or daunt the production of man-made gas and the universal creation of its toxic tar residues and other harmful waste residuals. Today we face the presence of toxic organic gas manufacturing residuals as a unique threat to both the health and welfare of contemporary society, as well as being a long-term threat to the environment that is dominantly geologic in character. Most of these tar residuals are highly resistant to natural degradation or attenuation in the environment and their lives, therefore, they are measured in geologic time. Given its environmental persistence, potential problems associated with tar may exist centuries to thousands of years. Engineering geologists and geological engineers are, by training and experience, particularly well equipped to plan, manage and conduct site and waste characterization efforts for FMGPs and related coal-tar sites. 相似文献
缅甸船厂12000DWT干船坞工程在抽水试验井施工过程中发生部分井壁坍塌,究其原因,有地下水动力作用的自然因素,又有桩基础挤土效应、压密注浆等人为诱发因素。通过现场观测和分析,在利用地下水动力作用方向的基础上,采取了改善泥浆性能、预先释放挤土应力等措施后,井壁无坍塌现象出现。经抽水试验验证,成井效果良好。 相似文献
油气藏中的轻烃气体能够以微弱但可检出的量近似垂直地渗漏到地表土壤中,其中一部分烃类以游离态赋存在土壤或岩石颗粒空隙中.壤中游离气中的烃类能反映深部油气藏烃类的现代补偿性活跃微渗漏,被认为是油气地球化学勘探的最可靠方法之一.壤中游离气采集是获得第四系沉积层中微渗漏烃类地球化学异常的关键技术.自行研制了便携式游离气采集新装置,具有操作简便、携带方便、密封性好等特点.通过长期实践,总结了土壤游离气保真采集的方法.游离气方法在济阳坳陷惠民凹陷南坡临南—钱官屯地区、塔里木盆地阿克亚苏地区X井区的油气化探应用,获得的游离烃异常较好地反映了油气垂向微渗漏近地表信息,以及下伏油气的分布特征,油气微渗漏异常区与背景区分离明显,表明壤中游离气方法应用效果显著,在油气勘探中值得广泛推广. 相似文献
In coastal lowland plains, increased water demand on a limited water resource has resulted in declining groundwater levels, land subsidence and saltwater encroachment. In southwestern Kyushu, Japan, a sinking of the land surface due to over pumping of groundwater has long been recognized as a problem in the Shiroishi lowland plain. In this paper, an integrated model was established for the Shiroishi site using the modular finite difference groundwater flow model, MODFLOW, by McDonald and Harbaugh ( 1988) and the modular three-dimensional finite difference groundwater solute transport model, MT3D, by Zheng ( 1990) to simulate groundwater flow hydraulics, land subsidence, and solute transport in the alluvial lowland plain. Firstly, problems associated with these groundwater resources were discussed and then the established model was applied. The simulated results show that subsidence rapidly occurs throughout the area with the central prone in the center part of the plain. Moreover, seawater intrusion would be expected along the coast if the current rates of groundwater exploitation continue. Sensitivity analysis indicates that certain hydrogeologic parameters such as an inelastic storage coefficient of soil layers significantly contribute effects to both the rate and magnitude of consolidation. Monitoring the present salinization process is useful in determining possible threats to fresh groundwater supplies in the near future. In addition, the integrated numerical model is capable of simulating the regional trend of potentiometric levels, land subsidence and salt concentration. The study also suggests that during years of reduced surface-water availability, reduction of demand, increase in irrigation efficiency and the utilization of water exported from nearby basins are thought to be necessary for future development of the region to alleviate the effects due to pumping. 相似文献
Soil gas approaches have been proven useful for detecting buried faults in field survey. How about their applicability in urban area? A trial soil gas survey has been conducted in an attempt to evaluate this in Fuzhou City, Southeastern China. The detection was performed by measuring the adsorbed mercury, free mercury and radon gases in soil in the sites such as crop soil, refilled soil and those with shallow groundwater levels. The resulting distributions show that anomalous concentrations of soil gases over faults are generally two to four times as much as those in the surrounding areas. The locations of peak values of absorbed and free mercury could possibly be applied to assist to determine the trend of faults. The background values of free mercury seems to be more stable and the anomalous zones narrower than those of radon gas, therefore, the free mercury method seems to be good for detection at this area, especially in those sites with shallow groundwater levels. The false gas anomalies may occur in such a site as refilled with external soil, refilled pond and abandoned construction bases. 相似文献
浙桐地1井是部署在浙江省桐庐县百江镇境内的一口页岩气地质调查井。该井旨在通过钻取地层岩心及测录井等工作方法探索下扬子地区页岩气新层系奥陶系胡乐组、宁国组泥页岩含气性。文章详细介绍了该井基本情况、钻探施工工艺以及孔斜超标处理方法。在孔深140 m时孔斜严重超标达9.3°,水泥封孔重钻。项目组通过钻压、转速、泵量等钻进参数优化组合并采用底喷同心圆尖齿组合型钻头,克服了地层强造斜性引起的易井斜问题,完钻后测得最大井斜5.5°,符合设计要求。 相似文献
在高频层序地层格架内,开展页岩气储层的矿物成因、母岩性质对页岩储层中黏土等矿物的发育形成及油气储层意义、矿物演化序列过程中对有机质生烃及形态变化的控制机理、特征性矿物赋存的油气地质学意义、特殊地质条件下的油气赋存认识以及“木桶效应”参数的识别等方面的研究,有望成为丰富页岩气地质理论的方向。在前人对页岩气地质调查评价研究的基础上,结合页岩气地质调查评价实践与认识,认为物源-沉积与生烃-成藏2个源汇体系的地球系统作用过程是页岩气储层非均质性的根本控制因素,构造-沉积这一结构性控制因素对页岩储层性质起决定性作用,后期构造改造及成藏演化等系统控制因素是对前者的修饰改造。页岩储层内烃类气体的多源多汇在一定程度上可突破储层非均质性,认为含气量与总有机碳含量相关系数是储层非均质性强弱的一种表征。研究成果丰富了页岩气调查评价理论体系,为后续评价工作提供了方法参考。 相似文献
北京延庆葡萄产地北侧山区出露大面积花岗岩。岩浆活动频繁,构造发育,特殊地质条件造成土壤存在明显的高氟异常,全氟、水溶氟含量高,部分地下水氟化物含量超过相关标准,是导致当地居民因饮用地下水而患有氟中毒地方病的主要原因。尽管农作物含氟符合相关标准,但高氟地质环境对农作物的含氟量仍具有富集趋势。 相似文献
皖含地1井是在和含巢逆冲推覆构造带中段巢湖背向斜构造带部署实施的一口地质调查井。目的在于获取巢湖-含山-无为地区奥陶系-志留系富有机质页岩的各类地质参数,为本区五峰组-高家边组页岩气资源潜力评价及有利区优选提供地质依据。本文主要阐述了皖含地1井的井区概况、钻探施工技术与施工工艺。施工中结合实际情况进行钻井质量控制,在钻进过程中合理调整钻进参数,有效控制钻井顶角,符合地质设计的目的。并对皖含地1井进行台效分析,为后期的钻探积累了经验。 相似文献
研究评价不同粒级组分中重金属的活性和潜在环境风险,对3个地区土壤颗粒的分析表明,重金属在土壤中分布并不均匀,随着颗粒粒径的减小,重金属Cu、Cd元素及有机质的浓度有不断增高的趋势。线性分析显示,Cu、Cd元素浓度与有机质的浓度显著相关。形态分析表明,Cd主要以环境高活性的形态存在,其次以低活性的形态存在,环境惰性的形态仅占极小部分,Cu主要以低环境活性和环境惰性的形态存在,高环境活性的形态只占小量,Cu在土壤中的存在形态可能与土壤性质有关。 相似文献