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高精度频率衰减分析技术及其应用(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文从含流体孔隙介质中的地震波场的衰减理论出发,对常规的频率衰减分析技术中的"低频阴影"和"频率衰减梯度"分析方法进行了改进,提出了一种高精度的频率衰减分析技术。首先,通过引入三参数小波变换和时频聚焦准则,发展了一种基于自适应三参数小波变换的高精度时频分析方法,其不仅具有很高的时—频分辨率(有利于"低频阴影"分析),而且其频谱只有一个峰,旁瓣比较小(有利于"频率衰减梯度"分析)。其次,采用基于最小二乘法的Nelder-Mead非线性算法对频谱的衰减部分进行拟合计算,可以准确地计算衰减系数,提高了"频率衰减梯度"的计算精度。实际资料的计算结果表明,本文提出的综合"低频阴影"和"频率衰减梯度"方法的频率衰减分析技术能够有效地圈定碳酸盐岩鲕滩储层的发育区域,且两种方法具有很好的一致性,有效地提高了储层预测的可靠性,从而降低了勘探风险。  相似文献   

时频域油气储层低频阴影检测   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
为了准确刻画地震信号的局部层次结构,实现高效率的三维地震资料瞬时谱分解,检测油气储层的低频阴影,构造了广义S变换.广义S变换通过引入两个参数,改造S变换的小波函数,使其小波能根据信号处理的具体应用需要而调整.模型信号的仿真发现,广义S变换具有更加优越和灵活可调的时频聚集性能.文中分析了低频阴影的机理,并利用广义S变换对三维实际地震资料进行了瞬时谱分解,它不仅能检测油气储层的低频阴影,而且可以刻画油气储层的岩性边界和空间展布,减小油气储层检测的多解性.  相似文献   

梁展源  吴国忱 《地震学报》2016,38(2):232-243
从梯度构建中反传算子的角度出发,本文分析了影响梯度精度的因素, 并提出了一种新的基于复频率衰减反传算子的全波形反演梯度构建法, 以压制梯度构建过程中产生的弧状噪音;针对全波形反演的巨大存储量和精度问题,本文采用限内存的BFGS(L-BFGS)算法进行迭代反演.对平层模型、逆掩断层模型以及凹陷模型的测试结果表明,与常规梯度算法相比,基于复频率衰减反传算子算法所构建梯度的精度得到明显改善.用复杂断块模型进行全波形反演测试,并将其与常规算法得到的反演速度精度进行对比,结果验证了该方法的正确性及其对提高梯度精度的有效性.   相似文献   

伊宁凹陷侏罗系以下油气勘探未获进展,其原因是侏罗系煤系地层与砂岩地层交互,煤层厚度大部分处在四分之一的地震波长,不仅层间多次波发育严重,而且目的层反射能量较弱.为此,本文基于薄煤系地层地震层间多次波反射和透射的频率特性,来定量分析煤系地层使深层地震反射能量弱的机理,并基于伊宁凹陷已钻探井及初勘地震剖面构制地质模型,采用双程波动方程照明分析方法,验证薄煤层内层间多次波对下伏地层反射能量的衰减,旨在为靶区资料处理阶段提高深层反射能量提供依据.  相似文献   

埕岛油田是我国极浅海地区第一个投入开发的大油田,其馆陶组上段属河流相砂泥岩沉积,油气富集程度高。该层段分为五套砂组,其中三砂组和四砂组是主要的含油储层。此次研究的目标工区内主要的烃类是重质油,含油储层与含水储层的物性差异较小,通过反演常规的弹性参数无法准确指示油气。基于测井曲线和岩石物理交汇分析,本文构建了敏感的油气指示因子,通过扩展的弹性阻抗反演技术反演该指示因子从而进行油气展布预测。该方法在工区得到了良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

由于流体本身的粘滞性和摩擦性,使得地震波在含油气地层中传播时衰减形成低频阴影.通过对叠后地震资料做时频分解,分析地层衰减特征,是当前除了AVO技术之外,比较流行的直接识别流体和气藏的技术.本文基于波动方程正演,模拟了地震波对含油气地层的响应.然后采用连续小波变换分析不同尺度剖面的瞬时能量特征,提取分频剖面上每一个点的峰值能量对应的频率,得到瞬时峰值能量频率剖面.通过分析瞬时峰值能量频率剖面,分析了地震波在地下介质中传播时的衰减特征.最后应用此方法对实际地震剖面进行了分析,验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

刘笛  胡英  陈辉  李军  方玉霞 《地球物理学报》2023,66(3):1244-1256

随着我国石油勘探程度的不断加深,非常规油气藏逐步成为了油气勘探的重点.由于致密砂岩具有低孔、低渗、非均质性强等特性,因此迫切需要高精度时频分析后处理方法对该类气藏进行有效表征.本文提出了一种同步提取三参数小波变换(Synchroextracting Three-Parameter Wavelet Transform,SETPWT)新方法,该方法具有小波变换多尺度多分辨率的特性,通过改变三个参数来调节小波基的主频、带宽及相位,灵活匹配多种类型的合成信号以及地震子波;与传统时频分析方法相比,同步提取三参数小波变换在三参数小波变换结果的基础上引入同步提取算子(Synchronous Extraction Operator,SEO),通过SEO提取与信号理想时频谱高度相关的时频信息,去除多余能量,从而实现非平稳信号的高精度时频表征.合成信号算例表明,同步提取三参数小波变换的分辨率不但明显高于常用时频变换,同时具有优于同步提取变换(Synchroextracting Transform,SET)的抗噪性能;将同步提取三参数小波变换应用到地震资料含气性检测中,进一步验证了该时频算法在致密砂岩含气性检测中的潜力.


本文介绍了地震储层反演及油气检测软件系统的构成和功能。  相似文献   

目前采用的油气检测方法和技术严格意义上讲都是基于单相介质理论的,而含油气储层是多相介质的,因此,造成了油气检测结果存在多解性和不确定性。本文以BIOT理论和实验室数据为依据,研究出一种快捷的油气检测方法。该方法已在中国塔里木、柴达木、准噶尔等盆地的10多个区块中得到应用,其检测油气的符合率高于现有的其它烃类检测技术。该方法在勘探阶段的油气检测方面和开发阶段油气藏动态监控方面具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

塔河油田碳酸盐岩储集层埋藏较深,一般都在5000m以下,储集层主要为碳酸盐岩裂缝和溶蚀缝洞系统,纵横向非均质性强,储集层横向预测困难.本文介绍了小波变换的基本理论,利用小波变换的局部化分析特征引入吸收衰减分析技术中,根据塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层情况设计了接近实际深度的理论模型,并对模型正演结果进行了吸收衰减分析,验证了其可行性,最后对塔河油田实际数据进行处理,含油气性预测结果跟实际钻井非常吻合,证实了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于GA-BP理论,将自适应遗传算法与人工神经网络技术(BP算法)有机地相结合,形成了一种储层裂缝自适应遗传-神经网络反演方法.这种新的方法是由编码、适应度函数、遗传操作及混合智能学习等组成,即在成像测井裂缝密度数据约束下,通过对目标问题进行编码(称染色体),然后对染色体进行选择、交叉和变异等遗传操作,使染色体不断进化,从而快速获得全局最优解.在反演执行过程中,利用地震数据和成像测井裂缝密度数据之间的非线性映射关系建立训练样本,将GA算法与BP算法有机地结合,优化三层前向网络参数;或将GA与ANFIS相结合,优化ANFIS网络参数.并采用GA算法与TS算法(Tabu Search)相结合的自适应混合学习算法,该学习算法自始至终将GA和BP两种算法按一定的概率比例进行,其概率自适应变化,以达到混合算法的均衡.这种混合算法提高了网络的收敛速度和精度.我们分别利用两个研究地区的6井和1井成像测井裂缝密度数据与地震数据之间的非线性映射关系建立训练样本,对过这两口井的测线的地震数据进行反演,获得了视裂缝密度剖面,视裂缝密度剖面上裂缝分布特征符合沉积相分布特征和岩石力学性质的变化特征.这种视裂缝密度剖面含有储层裂缝的定量信息,其误差可为油气勘探开发实际要求所允许.因此,这种新的方法优于只能作裂缝定性分析的常规裂缝地震预测方法,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

Intrinsic wave attenuation at seismic frequencies is strongly dependent on rock permeability, fluid properties, and saturation. However, in order to use attenuation as an attribute to extract information on rock/fluid properties from seismic data, experimental studies on attenuation are necessary for a better understanding of physical mechanisms that are dominant at those frequencies. An appropriate laboratory methodology to measure attenuation at seismic frequencies is the forced oscillation method, but technical challenges kept this technique from being widely used. There is a need for the standardization of devices employing this method, and a comparison of existing setups is a step towards it. Here we summarize the apparatuses based on the forced oscillation method that were built in the last 30 years and were used to measure frequency‐dependent attenuation in fluid‐saturated and/or dry reservoir rocks under small strains (10?8–10?5). We list and discuss important technical aspects to be taken into account when working with these devices or in the course of designing a new one. We also present a summary of the attenuation measurements in reservoir rock samples performed with these apparatuses so far.  相似文献   

Track nonlinear energy sinks (track NESs) have been shown to be an effective and applicable strategy to mitigate structural response in recent years. However, previous studies on track NESs has mainly focused on demonstrating the benefits of track NESs through numerical simulations and experiments, with relatively little attention paid to the analytical understanding of the unique dynamics of track NESs. This study analyzes the responses of a track NES when subjected to impulsive and harmonic excitations by the harmonic balance method. Special attention is given to the cause and effect of the peaking behavior that is a prominent characteristic of the track NES's restoring force–displacement relationship. Analytical results reveal that the special energy–frequency characteristics of track NESs can be, at times, utilized to enhance the energy robustness that is absent in the conventional cubic NESs. Based on the analytical response expression, an equivalent linearization method (ELM) for the track NESs is developed for stochastic analysis. This ELM is numerically validated on the systems with strong nonlinearities. Stochastic optimization built on the ELM is performed to obtain design parameters of the track NES that can lead to minimum response variances of the primary structure. In particular, the proposed optimization procedure can be applied to seismic optimum design in which the seismic excitations are modeled as filtered white-noise ground motions. The analytical techniques provided in this study lay the groundwork for the practical implementation of track NESs as a robust and effective control strategy for engineering structures.  相似文献   

When the quality factorQ is taken into account in attenuation studies, it is necessary to know the relative losses of wave energy due to scattering and to anelastic absorption. The coda is the most important phenomenon now known which is related to elastic scattering of seismic waves. Utilizing coda, this study presents relationships which give theQ factors of the medium around the recording station and discriminate between attenuations arising from elastic scattering (under the assumption of isotropic scattering) and those arising from anelastic absorption. This work proposes a technique for separately determining the attenuation due to isotropic scattering and that due to absorption from the observed envelope of coda waves.  相似文献   

The fractional S-transform (FRST) has good time–frequency focusing ability. The FRST can identify geological features by rotating the fractional Fourier transform frequency (FRFTfr) axis. Different seismic signals have different optimal fractional parameters which is not conducive to multichannel seismic data processing. Thus, we first decompose the common-frequency sections by the FRST and then we analyze the low-frequency shadow. Second, the combination of the FRST and blind-source separation is used to obtain the independent spectra of the various geological features. The seismic data interpretation improves without requiring to estimating the optimal fractional parameters. The top and bottom of a limestone reservoir can be clearly recognized on the common-frequency section, thus enhancing the vertical resolution of the analysis of the low-frequency shadows compared with traditional ST. Simulations suggest that the proposed method separates the independent frequency information in the time–fractional-frequency domain. We used field seismic and well data to verify the proposed method.  相似文献   

Spatially distributed hydrologic models can be effectively utilized for flood event simulation over basins where a complex system of reservoirs affecting the natural flow regime is present. Flood peak attenuation through mountain reservoirs can, in fact, mitigate the impact of major floods in flood‐prone areas of the lower river valley. Assessment of this effect for a complex reservoir system is performed with a spatially distributed hydrologic model where the surface runoff formation and the hydraulic routing through each reservoir and the river system are performed at a fine spatial and time resolution. The Toce River basin is presented as a case study, because of the presence of 14 active hydroelectric dams that affect the natural flow regime. A recent extreme flood event is simulated using a multi‐realization kriging method for modelling the spatial distribution of rainfall. A sensitivity analysis of the key elements of the distributed hydrologic model is also performed. The flood hydrograph attenuation is assessed. Several possible reservoir storage conditions are used to characterize the initial condition of each reservoir. The results demonstrate how a distributed hydrologic model can contribute to defining strategies for reservoir management in flood mitigation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A detailed magnetotelluric survey was conducted in 2013 in the Sehqanat oil field, southwestern Iran to map the geoelectrical structures of the sedimentary Zagros zone, particularly the boundary between the Gachsaran Formation acting as cap rock and the Asmari Formation as the reservoir. According to the electrical well logs, a large resistivity contrast exists between the two formations. The Gachsaran Formation is formed by tens to hundreds of metres of evaporites and it is highly conductive (ca. 1 Ωm–10 Ωm), and the Asmari Formation consists of dense carbonates, which are considerably more resistive (more than 100 Ωm). Broadband magnetotelluric data were collected along five southwest–northeast directed parallel lines with more than 600 stations crossing the main geological trend. Although dimensionality and strike analysis of the magnetotelluric transfer functions showed that overall they satisfied local 2D conditions, there were also strong 3D conditions found in some of the sites. Therefore, in order to obtain a more reliable image of the resistivity distribution in the Sehqanat oil field, in addition to standard 2D inversion, we investigated to what extent 3D inversion of the data was feasible and what improvements in the resistivity image could be obtained. The 2D inversion models using the determinant average of the impedance tensor depict the main resistivity structures well, whereas the estimated 3D model shows significantly more details although problems were encountered in fitting the data with the latter. Both approaches resolved the Gachsaran–Asmari transition from high conductivity to moderate conductivity. The well‐known Sehqanat anticline could also be delineated throughout the 2D and 3D resistivity models as a resistive dome‐shaped body in the middle parts of the magnetotelluric profiles.  相似文献   

高分辨率非线性储层物性参数反演方法和应用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对于陆相沉积环境下的复杂隐蔽岩性储层,由于观测信息不准确,如信息重叠、信息缺失和噪音污染,以及岩石物理关系模糊等原因,储层横向预测存在不惟一性、不稳定性和不确定性.基于线性假定的常规储层横向预测技术已不适用于复杂隐蔽岩性储层的勘探.本文采用一种非线性储层岩性物性褶积模型,建立波阻抗与孔隙度/泥质含量的函数关系;通过多级结构分解和双向边沿子波检测来刻画复杂岩石物理关系;通过Caianiello褶积神经网络实现确定性反演、统计反演和非线性理论三者有机结合;最后联合应用基于逆算子的反演方法和基于正算子的重建算法实现了综合地质、测井和地震波阻抗信息进行高分辨率储层物性参数反演.非线性储层物性参数反演采用多井约束机制和分频反演方式,在陆相和近海油气勘探资料的实际应用中,取得了明显应用效果.  相似文献   

小波分析在结构损伤识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高结构损伤识别方法的准确性和适用性,将小波分析引入到结构损伤识别中。本文首先介绍了小波分析的基本原理,然后详细论述了小波分析用于结构损伤识别的三种方法:基于时域响应的方法、基于空间域响应的方法和小波分析与其他方法联合使用,接着分析了各种方法的应用现状、适用范围和存在的问题。通过比较可以看出小波分析用于结构损伤识别有着广阔的应用前景,本文最后针对进一步研究的方向提出了五点建议。  相似文献   

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