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全新世北大西洋冷事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

早全新世气候振荡   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
早全新世气候振荡,一般指全新世中8.2 kaBP事件及其以前的气候振荡.根据Bond等[1]的研究,相应的北大西洋冷事件分别出现于8.1,9.4,10.3及11.1 kaBP,分别编号为5,6,7,8.  相似文献   

8.2ka BP冷事件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全新世11.5 ka BP以来遭受的最强的一次冷事件是8.2 ka BP事件.全新世气候的基调是温暖湿润.但是,大量的古气候资料表明,全新世气候也有不稳定性[1],至今可能已发生过8~9次冷事件,8.2 kaBP事件就是其中的一次[2].  相似文献   

全新世气候   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
全新世指我们目前所在的间冰期.一般把新仙女木事件(YD)结束的时间(11.5 kaBP)作为全新世的开始.当前国际上对全新世的气候变化有3点共识:1)进入全新世温度大幅度回升,中全新世以后逐渐下降,20世纪由于人类活动的影响全球变暖;2)早全新世北半球亚非季风区气候湿润,5 kaBP以后逐渐变干,但是ENSO加强;3)在以上变化的背景下发生了若干次冷干事件,这些事件开始与结束均较迅速,所以也被为气候突变.  相似文献   

利用洱海采得的沉积岩芯(EH孔)总有机碳(TOC)指标,分析了洱海流域13 ka cal BP以来的3次降温事件(新仙女木、9.4 ka cal BP和5.8 ka cal BP),并和青海湖岩芯、古里雅冰芯进行了对比。结果表明:洱海对冷事件的响应时间比青海湖略晚,强度略弱,其原因主要与地理位置和青藏高原的阻挡有关;但古里雅冰芯中8.2 ka cal BP的显著冷事件在洱海和青海湖并无反映。对洱海TOC指标进行功率谱分析,表明存在3种千年尺度的气候变化周期:5 ka、2.3 ka和1.5 ka,显示了对亚轨道周期的响应。  相似文献   

全新世大暖期   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
全新世大暖期,简称大暖期,指全新世气候最温暖的时期。这是自11.5 kaBP进入全新世以来的重要气候时期,在20世纪早、中期就有不同学者提出大暖期的概念,但是使用的名称不同,如  相似文献   

20世纪北大西洋温盐环流的年代际变化试评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据相对丰富的大气器测资料,综合前人对有限的海洋资料的诊断分析,从北大西洋涛动(NAO)变率、表层海温(SST)变率、格陵兰海和拉布拉多海的深对流活动长期变化等不同角度,对20世纪大洋温盐环流(Thermohaline Circulation,THC)变率进行了试评估.结果表明:(1)19世纪末以来,大西洋温盐环流的变化可分为4个时期:1900年以前的一段时期,THC较强;1904年到1930年,THC较弱;1931年到1972年,THC较强;1973年至1995年,THC较弱,目前则又有所增强.(2)与THC的变化相联系,大西洋主要气候要素的变化,相互间存在着某种协调关系,THC强,NAO弱,北大西洋北部SST升高,格陵兰海的对流活动增强,拉布拉多海的对流活动则减弱.  相似文献   

用一个耦合的全球格点大气环流模式-植被模式模拟中全新世的气候变化,模拟试验中考虑了地球轨道参数的变化,而其他强迫条件均取成现今值。结果表明,耦合的模式能够模拟出较今强的大尺度夏季风,特别是亚洲-非洲季风,而其他季节和区域的变化值一般都比较小。季风环流和季风降水都大幅度地增大了。结果还显示,耦合模式模拟的大尺度季风系统的变化同单纯大气环流模式模拟的结果非常相似,但是,在非洲北部季风区耦合模式模拟的降水和温度变化较单纯大气模式模拟的值要大,而且,耦合模式模拟的冬季降温值要比单纯大气模式模拟的结果小。  相似文献   

黄凌昕  张帅  陈婕  黄伟  阳坤  陈发虎 《高原气象》2021,40(6):1407-1418
青藏高原西部,尤其是西南部阿里地区异常高的古湖岸线揭示出,这一区域可能存在中全新世的异常高降水中心.基于此,本文利用WorldClim数据集资料对中全新世和现代降水进行对比,并使用ERA5数据初步探讨了出现异常高降水的可能机制.结果显示,青藏高原西部中全新世降水远比现代高,尤其是西南部出现了相对的高降水中心.现代青藏高...  相似文献   

MM5对中全新世时期中国地区气候的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
MM5模式结果与地质记录的对比表明,这个模式系统可以较好地模拟中全新世时气候的变化,特别是模式模拟的降水变化与地质记录吻合得较好.区域模式的结果比全球模式结果有所改进.模式结果显示:与现代相比,中全新世时,中国地区的气温升高,夏季升温超过冬季.同时,中国的内蒙古东部地区、东北地区和华北地区降水显著增加;而中国的华东、华中、华南和西南地区降水减少.中国东部30°N以北地区夏季风增强;中国东部的冬季风减弱.从一系列敏感试验结果,可以发现:在中全新世时,中国地区的气温、风场和降水的变化主要受大尺度环流背景场变化的影响,其对降水变化的影响超过50%.其次受地表状况和植被变化的影响,植被的变化主要影响中国东部地区,使得在冬季和夏季中国地区均升温;而且,对华北部分地区降水变化的影响最大超过25%.地球轨道的变化使得中全新世时太阳辐射的季节变化较大,造成中全新世时中国地区在冬季降温,在夏季升温;同时,对东北和华北地区的降水有重要影响,其影响与植被变化的影响相当.中全新世时,大气中CO2的体积混合比为280×10-6,CO2的变化使得中伞新世时气温降低,但量级较小.影响中全新世时中国地区气候变化的因子,按影响程度由大到小的排序为:大尺度环流背景场、植被变化、地球轨道参数变化和CO2浓度变化.  相似文献   

This paper reveals that the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO) is closely related to the extreme hot event (EHE) variability in China during the period of 1979 2009, with a positive-phase (negative-phase) SNAO corresponding to less (more) EHEs in northern China. The summer circulation anomalies associated with the SNAO give further confirmation of the above relationship. In a positive-phase (negative-phase) SNAO year, there is an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) over central East Asia, which can increase (decrease) the total cloud cover over this region. Such changes of the total cloud cover can then decrease (increase) the solar radiation reaching the surface, which is consequently unfavorable (favorable) to the formation of EHEs over northern China.  相似文献   

Utilizing three different sets of reanalysis data, this study examines the long-and short-lived observed positive North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) events(referred to as NAO+LE and NAO+SE) and long-and short-lived observed negative NAO events(referred to as NAO-LE and NAO-SE). Composite results indicate that the NAO-like circulation anomalies associated with the long-lived NAO events can reach the stratosphere, while they are primarily confined to the tr...  相似文献   

Three cold events (the Younger Dryas, 9.4 ka cal BP, 5.8 ka cal BP) since the 13 ka cal BP in Erhai (EH) Lake catchment, Yunnan Province, were analyzed using the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) series of the EH core. By comparison of the EH core, Qinghai Lake core and Guliya ice core, differences of these cold events were determined. Erhai Lake's responses to the global cold events were lagged in time and weakened in intensity in comparison with Qinghai Lake's. The latitude location of Erhai Lake and the obstruction of Tibetan Plateau may in part explain the differences. However, the remarkable cold event of 8.2 ka cal BP in the Guliya ice core was absent in the records of Erhai Lake and Qinghai Lake. Power spectrum analysis of the TOC proxy series shows that there were three kinds of millennial cycles, i.e. 5 ka, 2.3 ka, and 1.5 ka, in climate changes in Erhai Lake, which reveal the responses of climate to suborbit cycles.  相似文献   

Considered are long-term features and characteristics of storm activity variability in the North Atlantic based on the method of automatic identification of cyclone centers using the data on sea level pressure as well as the estimates of the maximum speed of the surface wind in the area of cyclones. Integral regional parameters of the variability of storm cyclone frequency for the gradations of the surface wind speed are presented for some areas of the North Atlantic. Investigated is the interrelation between extremely deep and storm cyclones.  相似文献   

Analyzed are the reasons of extreme waves with the height of more than 14 m formed in the North Atlantic in 2002–2011 and the evolution of atmospheric processes causing the extreme waves. It is revealed that the extreme waves in the North Atlantic during that period were mainly (in 81% of cases) formed under the influence of “explosive” cyclones. The height of waves in these cyclones can reach 20 m and more.  相似文献   

The response of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG) to a persistent positive (or negative) phase of the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) is investigated using an ocean general circulation model forced with idealized atmospheric reanalysis fields. The integrations are analyzed with reference to a base-line integration for which the model is forced with idealized fields representing a neutral state of the NAO. In the positive NAO case, the results suggest that the well-known cooling and strengthening of the SPG are, after about 10 years, replaced by a warming and subsequent weakening of the SPG. The latter changes are caused by the advection of warm water from the subtropical gyre (STG) region, driven by a spin-up of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and the effect of an anomalous wind stress curl in the northeastern North Atlantic, which counteracts the local buoyancy forcing of the SPG. In the negative NAO case, however, the SPG response does not involve a sign reversal, but rather shows a gradual weakening throughout the integration. The asymmetric SPG-response to the sign of persistent NAO-like forcing and the different time scales involved demonstrate strong non-linearity in the North Atlantic Ocean circulation response to atmospheric forcing. The latter finding indicates that analysis based on the arithmetic difference between the two NAO-states, e.g. NAO+ minus NAO?, may hide important aspects of the ocean response to atmospheric forcing.  相似文献   

运用中国160站月平均气温和NCEP/NCAR 再分析数据, 在结合近30年中国1月地面气温年际异常变化可能机理基础上, 分析了2008年1月气温异常变化的原因。结果表明: 2008年1月中国大范围气温异常偏低, 其异常变化与同期北大西洋西风急流及其相联系的北大西洋涛动遥相关环流异常有密切的关系。北大西洋急流加强东扩, 北大西洋涛动正异常, 从北大西洋经欧亚中高纬到中国北方出现波状环流异常, 贝加尔湖南侧气压偏高, 冷空气活动偏强, 是中国1月气温偏低的主要环流因子。进一步分析发现, 2008年1月中国低温还受到了平流层的影响。平流层环流异常开始于2007年9月, 对流层从2007年12月开始, 两者都在2008年1月达到最强。从平流层环流显著异常的波源区有异常的波作用量向西向下传播, 在北大西洋东部到西欧上空平流层和对流层的波向量耦合, 导致对流层该地区上空高压脊扰动加强, 扰动向北的经向热输送异常偏强, 锋区向北扩展, 相应急流异常偏北东扩; 通过波流相互作用, 扰动能量向下游频散, 引起相应遥相关环流异常, 导致2008年1月中国低温。  相似文献   

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