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中国区域可持续发展状态及类型划分   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
贾若祥  刘毅 《地理研究》2003,22(5):609-617
可持续发展的内涵就是人口、资源和环境的相互协调 ,目的是谋求社会和经济的持续发展。区域作为可持续发展的载体 ,在实施可持续发展战略中占据重要地位 ,它具有明显的区域性、复杂性和相对性等特征。影响区域可持续发展的主要因素有经济发展状况、社会发展状况、资源环境状况和可持续发展能力 ,据此 ,本文建立了区域可持续发展状态评价指标体系 ,对中国 31个省市区的可持续发展状态进行了评价 ,按照评价结果 ,全国共分为 6种不同类型 ,并得出中国区域可持续发展状态大体呈从沿海→沿边→中部→中西部递减的结论  相似文献   

区域可持续发展中的环境伦理问题   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
郑度 《地理研究》2005,24(2):161-168
全世界面临着人口、资源、环境和发展等一系列问题和严重挑战。当前要实施全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,贯穿其中的主线是树立正确的环境伦理意识,协调处理好人与自然的关系,促进区域可持续发展。人类是地球自然界的一部分,只有以全球整体利益为出发点处理环境与发展问题,才有较大的安全性和包容性。应当以尊重自然及其内在价值为基础来规范人类的实践活动,构建新时代的文明发展模式。环境伦理与可持续发展观在形成和社会功能上有密切的联系。要实施可持续发展战略,必须十分重视环境伦理的研究、教育和实践。实现人与自然和谐的可持续发展是政府和社会公众的共同责任。环境伦理在区域可持续发展中涉及的应用领域很广,要重视地球系统科学知识的宣传普及,提高公民和决策者的环境意识与可持续发展的伦理观念。  相似文献   

人居环境演变研究进展   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
人居环境作为人类栖息地,随着人类活动影响范围和强度的增加,人居环境问题越来越突出,人居环境演变过程也成为学术界关注的热点.本文梳理了近20 年来关于人居环境演变的相关研究理论与方法,从人居环境演变趋势的影响因素分析、演变机制探析和研究方法等方面评述了国内外的研究动向.总体而言,人居环境研究呈现出多学科交叉、集成研究的特点,在数据获取、演变过程的研究上更多地采用了现代化技术和模拟分析方法,但学术界对人居环境的内涵、演变机制解析等仍然存在着分歧.与国外研究相比,中国人居环境研究起步较晚,研究内容限于人居环境评价,对人居环境演变机理涉及较少,且研究数据和方法较为单一.最后本文对未来研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

我国沿海地区可持续发展能力的定量研究   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:48  
王黎明  毛汉英 《地理研究》2000,19(2):156-164
区域可持续发展能力是一个综合性指标。文章选取48个变量作为我国东部沿海地区可持续发展能力的原始评价指标,并运用因子分析法对原始评价指标进行降维处理,从而得到能充分反映原始指标信息的5个综合指标。文章根据综合指标的得分值对沿海12个省市区可持续发展能力进行了排序,结合各省市区的地域分布划分出5种可持续发展类型区,并对各类型区可持续发展能力的主要构成因素及其相互关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

世界经济进入全球化时代的两个突出特征就是贸易自由化和生产国际化,贸易自由化在许多方面与可持续发展的目标相背离,国际贸易依赖于化石能源的支持,并倾向于将成本外部化来获得比较优势,贸易自由化促进了经济流量的增加,有加速自然资本消耗的倾向;通过自由贸易可以暂时缓解区域发展的资源压力。但会因此而导致局部问题的扩大化。生产国际化过程促进了国际贸易并加速国际资本流动,加深了地球资源环境压力;跨国公司在全球化生产过程中追逐成本外部化,并通过在海外生产基地传播了大量生产-大量消费-大量废弃的线性模式,对全球生态系统恶化负有责任;跨国公司以追求利润最大化为目标,对东道国区域经济的带动能力是有限的,在分析全球化背景下的区域可持续障碍因素基础上。本文最后指出了全球化背景下的我国可持续发展的战略思考方向。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe construction of sustainable development capacity (SDC) is a key element in "China's Agenda 21". In recent years, there are different comprehensions about the concept of SDC. The current paper takes the broad sense of the concept and applies it in regional study of the coastal areas of China. The so-called regional SDC means the overall strength and power of a regional socioeconomic and natural system in its way to sustainable development. The coastal areas of China cons…  相似文献   

Overview and progress of Chinese geographical human settlement research   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Increasing Chinese urbanization and industrialization has prompted greater attention to the study of human settlement and the human-land relationship in the fields of geography, architecture, and urban planning. We used bibliometric methods and statistical software to review 180 articles on human settlement in 16 Chinese geographical journals. We found that Chinese geographical human settlement research is characterized by the following: (1) Most research focuses on human settlement extension, valuation indicators, models for urban and rural settlements, theoretical exploration and the planning practices of single-factor, human settlement and complex, geographical livability in macro-scale, urban settlement differentiation and ideal patterns in medium scale, the comprehensive evaluation of settlement environment, and the planning of community units in micro-scale, community settlements; socio-cultural investigation and warnings about advancing human settlement. (2) No progress has been made in synthesizing and integrating method systems. PSR models and DPSIR models are used for targeting mechanisms, while the standard settlement evaluation system was composed of physical & economic indicators by questionnaire surveys. On the other hand, spatial clustering based on GIS has been a frequent focus in recent years. Pioneering research on human settlement and theoretical systems within the context of China’s urbanization and industrialization will provide guidance on the sustainability of Chinese cities and regions. The following five aspects require greater attention: (1) Natural suitability research on human settlement, and a survey of human settlement demands to reflect the range of different demands concerning ecologically suitable settlements in urban environments, the corresponding valuation indicators, systems, and evolution, and the impact of the residents’ socio-economic attributes. (2) Spatial-temporal evaluation and sustainability research on urban and rural human settlement at various scales, focusing on evolution and spatial differentiation at various scales such as city clusters and comparisons between cities, within the cities and communities. (3) Development of theory and technology for human settlement evolution research, including detection technology and methods, data mining measures, and forecasting and emulation of regional and urban human settlement evolution processes, mechanisms and patterns. (4) Research on the control of human settlement that focuses on optimization, patterns, and policies for effective management and development. (5) Estimating the human settlement system service value and establishing suitable human settlement systems, including social, economic, cultural and ecological service values.  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, municipal governments across the United States have increasingly tried to incorporate environmental efforts into city business and policies. Urban sustainability has become the key concept around which such activities are organized. Official sustainability plans are most often implemented through indicators and metrics. In Minneapolis, Minnesota, urban gardening, in a variety of forms, has been the focus of ongoing citizen- and NGO-led environmental efforts, as well as municipal measures of sustainability. Here, debates around the recent adoption of a city urban agriculture policy, as well as a program to encourage the installation of raingardens in neighborhoods across the city, reveal some of the rich variations in gardening practices and spaces. These far exceed the relatively narrow official focus on sustainability indicators. Better understanding how urban sustainability initiatives might work with, but also move beyond, indicators may provide directions toward wider visions of sustainable urban life.  相似文献   

In 2013, demand for coal in the UK was 60 million tonnes. Of this, 12.7 million tonnes (21%) came from indigenous sources; the majority of which was from surface mining (8.6 million tonnes). Many planning applications for surface mining of coal and the coal extraction that follows, are often a source of conflict with the communities who live within shallow coalfield areas. Policies which enforce a gap, or ‘separation zone’, between communities and surface coal mining operations exist in Wales and Scotland, but do not exist in England. This paper examines the effect of applying separation zones on the availability of shallow coal resources within two study areas; one within the South Wales Coalfield, the other within the Midlands Coalfield (comprising the Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and North Derbyshire Coalfield areas). Density profiles and a shape-index algorithm are used to compare and contrast settlement morphology (i.e. shape or footprint) and distribution to determine whether they have a bearing on the areal extent of any potential separation zone applied. The implications on the availability of shallow coal resources of applying different separation zone distances around settlements within these two areas are explored. Results reveal that although the settlement morphology is important in determining the area of the separation zone, and has greatest influence in the South Wales Coalfield, the area of coal resource sterilised by the application of separation zones is greatest in the Midlands Coalfield due to it having a higher proportion of urban development situated on the surface extent of the shallow coal resource.  相似文献   

Tang  Lisha  Long  Hualou 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(8):1513-1529
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Using the system dynamics simulation software Vensim PLE, we built a model to simulate the development of resilient human settlement in Changsha. This model...  相似文献   

黄河流域人地耦合与可持续人居环境   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
黄河流域是中国人地矛盾最为紧张的区域之一,承担着生态安全建设和经济社会发展的重任。自古以来人类和黄河始终处于共同进化的过程中,近年来伴随经济发展而来的生态保护压力也日益增加,流域水资源脆弱性和风险更甚,为化解人地矛盾,需探究城镇聚落和河流的动态耦合机制。在“黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展”上升为重大国家战略之际,从城乡规划、自然地理、环境考古、生态学、水文水资源、土地资源管理等多领域视角,聚焦黄河流域人地关系的空间分异和演化规律,以及资源和生态保护的困境与机遇。建成环境与自然环境的平衡是可持续发展的基础,应将黄河流域视为自然及人文环境相互影响与依存的“生命共同体”,并从系统性和交叉性、地方性和适应性等方面探讨可持续发展策略。  相似文献   

This paper provides the first analysis at the sub-municipality scale of the relationships between population densities and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon between 2000 and 2010. We use the database on deforestation published by the Brazilian space research center (INPE) and the population census data released by the federal geographical and statistical agency IBGE at their finest scale: the census tract level. By crossing the population density and deforestation variables, we identify ten human settlement patterns in the Amazon. There are low-low and high-high classes of population density and deforestation, but also low-high and high-low classes. This analysis helps understand the low overall relations in the Amazon for population and deforestation. We emphasize the expansion of large-scale agriculture and cattle ranching as causing the depopulation of rural areas while in many regions of the Amazon quite strong population densities coexist with relatively low extents of deforestation. Such findings stress the need to implement case-specific public policies in these regions in order to encourage human presence compatible with the conservation of forest cover and biodiversity. We also confirm the importance of the Amazon urbanization process, including the ‘discrete urbanization’ of rural areas, and the need to better recognize the distinct social and environmental problems of urban areas.  相似文献   

环渤海地区城市人居环境质量评估及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
城市人居环境是城市居民生活质量和满意度的重要内容。本文以环渤海地区44个城市为例,从人居硬环境和软环境两方面评价人居环境指数,运用描述统计和GIS制图方法,分析环渤海地区城市人居环境综合质量空间差异及其影响因素,研究发现:①人居环境综合指数存在显著空间差异,沿海城市的人居环境质量明显高于内陆城市;在省级行政单元中,辽宁省人居环境综合指数最高,天津最低。②环渤海地区城市人居环境指数与经济发展水平和城镇化水平不存在显著的正相关关系,但与人口规模存在显著的负相关关系,表明仅提升经济发展水平和城市化率并不能提升城市人居环境质量,但合理控制城市人口规模则可有助于提升城市人居环境质量。  相似文献   

传统村落人居环境转型的系统特征、研究趋势与框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾灿  刘沛林  李伯华 《地理科学进展》2022,41(10):1926-1939
传统村落作为中国乡村转型发展研究的重要载体之一,其人居环境是村落自然环境选址、空间功能表达、社会文化建构的综合体现,也是传统农耕文明的活态表现。论文通过界定传统村落概念、梳理传统村落人居环境内涵与系统构成、明晰传统村落人居环境转型特征与表现,从系统角度构建传统村落人居环境转型发展的研究范式。结果表明:(1)传统村落人居环境转型发展研究可从转型内涵界定、转型系统构成与表现、转型阶段划分与空间分异、转型发展路径与模式等方面展开。(2)传统村落人居环境包含主体、空间、功能3个维度,自然生态、社会文化、产业经济、地域空间、多元主体5大子系统,其各子系统转型互为依存又各有侧重,需分类施策。(3)自然生态、地域空间系统是传统村落人居环境转型传统研究范式,属于对“原生物质空间”的研究;社会文化、多元主体、产业经济系统为新近研究范式,属于对“建构性物质空间”的研究;基于问题、目标、需求导向,从系统角度综合研究转型发展则是未来人居环境研究的新趋势。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国农业生产的影响   总被引:89,自引:1,他引:88  
唐国平  李秀彬 《地理学报》2000,55(2):129-138
根据1958 ̄1997年中国310个气象站的月平均最高、最低气温,月平均降水量,日照时数等气象参数分析了中国气候的背影特征。用3个大气环流模型,即HadCM2、CGCM1、ECHAM4来模拟未来中国气候变化的情景。同时,建立未来气候变化的6种方案。最后,根据3个GCMs模拟的结果,利用国际应用系统分析研究所(IIASA)发展并改进的农业生态地带模型(AEZ)评估气候变化对中国农业生产的影响。评估主  相似文献   

基于自然与人文多重栅格数据,构建人居环境质量综合指数评价模型,分析2015年关中平原城市群人居环境的空间分异格局,并对人口分布与人居环境质量的协同性进行探讨。结果表明:(1)人居自然环境呈现出自东向西,由山地、高原向平原、谷地依次递减的空间分布格局,受地形影响最为明显,地形起伏度与人居自然环境呈负相关关系。(2)人居人文环境表现出平原低、山区高,城镇高于乡村的空间分布格局,受城市行政层级影响显著。(3)关中平原城市群人居环境综合质量指数介于0.216~0.716之间,呈现出以关中平原、汾河谷地向外梯级递减的带状空间分布格局。(4)关中平原城市群人口密度与人居环境质量空间分布显著一致,总体呈现出平原高于山地,城市高于乡村的空间分布规律,人居环境质量越高,人口密度越大,土地利用也越充分。  相似文献   

史前聚落地理研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁鹏 《地理科学进展》2013,32(8):1286-1295
史前聚落地理伴随着现代考古学的发展和对史前时期自然和社会研究兴趣的增长而兴起。本文根据国内已有的文献,在概括史前聚落地理研究主要内容与特征的基础上,对史前聚落地理不同领域的研究现状及有关问题进行了评述,主要集中于史前聚落分布研究、聚落选址研究、聚落演化研究、区域环境与史前聚落关系研究、史前聚落与文化因素关系研究、史前聚落相互关系研究与技术方法等方面。史前聚落地理研究对环境考古学、地理学、聚落考古学以及相关学科的发展具有重要的促进作用,但是该项研究仍存在学科联系不紧密、单因素解释模式较为片面、学科体系不完善等问题。作为一项多学科交叉研究,史前聚落地理必须通过地理学、考古学、第四纪环境学等诸多相关学科的共同参与,并坚持以人地关系研究为主线,才能取得长足的进步与发展。  相似文献   

The coordinated development of human settlement environment and economy is of vital significance to urban sustainable development and urban ecosystem health. Urban human settlement and economic systems exist in urban ecosystems, which are a structural complexity. Therefore the research is being challenged by some uncertain factors between human settlements and economic systems. However most of the researches were focused on its determinate objective aspects and qualitative analyses while less concern on the quantitative evaluation of coordinated development of urban human settlement environment and economy, especially little on its uncertain aspect. At present, the urgent task is to study the coordinated development of urban settlement environment and economy in terms of the effect of uncertainty. This study analyzed the uncertain characteristics, which would be confronted at different stages, such as confirming the index categories, their bound values, and their construction rate, etc. According to the actual urban conditions, many construction principles based on uncertainties are put forward and an indicating system for human settlement and economic evaluation is established. Moreover, the application of fuzzy mathematics presents a new method and a calculation model for the comprehensive assessment of the coordinated development of urban human settlement environment and economy. The application of the method and model in Changsha city of China showed that the assessment results can reflect not only the overall coordination degree of the city, but also the mode of interactive mechanism between urban economic system and human settlement environment.  相似文献   

王珩  龚岳 《地理科学》2023,43(1):61-71
基于2017年流动人口动态监测数据,引入时间的新维度,采用空间自相关等方法,在城市尺度上刻画流动人才居留状况的空间分布格局;采用多项Logistic回归,分析流动人才居留意愿和实际居留时长的影响因素。结果发现:(1)流动人才居留意愿与实际居留时长的空间分布格局均呈现南北差异。(2)流动人才的居留意愿和实际居留时长差异明显,大量人才虽然在流入地短期居留,但多有长期居留意愿。(3)随着人才主观居留意愿和客观居留时长增加,舒适物对人才居留的影响在增加。(4)影响流动人才长期居留意愿和实际长期居留的主要因素存在较大差异,流动人才长期居留意愿更大程度上受人才自身特征影响,而实际长期居留更大程度上受流入地因素影响。  相似文献   

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