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本文总结了中大西洋洋脊裂谷沉积和水的地化研究结果,在外来烃的作用下,烃气的形成过程异常活跃,氢的浓度也很高。不饱和烃气的最低浓度是7-10%,裂谷沉积中有机物和深层流体紧密接触是形成烃气有利条件,因为流体本身就有象氢那样重要的还原剂。  相似文献   

南极洲玛丽伯德地中部的中白垩世火成岩,记录了从与俯冲有关的岩浆作用快速转变为与裂谷有关的岩浆作用。这一转变与菲尼克斯板块俯冲的最后阶段和随后发生的新西兰从南极洲裂解这两程相联系。裂谷岩浆活动产生了多样的A型花岗岩类岩石和源于岩石圈地幔的大陆溢洪玄武岩族的镁铁质侵入岩。板块边界上作用力的变化导致了裂谷作用。然在而地幔柱活动也许开始于中白垩世,它引发了岩石圈的熔融并控制了裂发育的部位。  相似文献   

洋脊分段研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了近10多年来大洋中脊构造分段研究方面的某些成果,重点介绍洋脊分段现象、分段结构和层次、分段机制和洋脊分段逐步扩展过程,并以大西洋中脊的宏观分段现象和分段现象和分段扩展过程为例,提出洋脊超1级分段的初步构思,进而简要探讨了洋脊分段研究的构造意义。  相似文献   

蛇绿岩岩石组合及洋脊下岩浆作用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
蛇绿岩的岩石组合从下至上分为4个单元,即:变质橄榄岩单元、深成杂岩单元、席状岩墙群杂岩单元和喷出岩单元。各单元的岩石组合是多种多样的:变质橄榄岩单元主要由方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩和少量纯橄岩及斜长二辉橄榄岩组成;深成杂岩单元单元包括辉长岩-镁铁质堆晶岩和超镁铁质堆晶岩,在深成杂岩和席状岩墙群杂岩单元内在复杂的岩浆侵入事件;喷出岩单元不仅仅由玄武岩组成,还包括安山岩、玻安岩、钠长岩以及乐砾岩、凝灰岩等  相似文献   

北祁连山早古生代洋脊—洋岛和弧后盆地火山作用   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
夏林圻  夏祖春 《地质学报》1998,72(4):301-312
北祁连山系内,分布着一套类型十分齐全的新元古代-早古生代海相火山岩系。它包括有大陆裂谷火山岩、洋脊-洋岛火山岩、岛弧火山岩、弧后盆地火山岩和陆缘被动裂谷火山岩。本文重点介绍北祁连山早古生代洋脊-洋岛火山岩和弧后盆地火山岩的岩石地球化学特点,并从地幔动力学角度探讨它们的岩石成因。这无疑对于深入了解地质历史古老增生板块边缘的火山作用有重要意义。  相似文献   

昌宁-孟连带洋脊、洋岛型火山岩研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
在系统总结前人工作的基础上,结合自己的研究,建立了三江地区昌宁-孟连带晚古生代火山岩层序;对比了洋脊型火山岩与洋岛型火山岩在岩石组合、岩石化学及地球化学等方面的显著差别,并指出了昌宁-孟连带洋脊型火山岩与洋岛型火山岩均是滇西南古特提斯多岛洋洋壳结构极重要的组成部分。  相似文献   

中大西洋洋脊的黑烟囱,块状硫化物和火山口生物群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

地壳通过不均一性分异形成大陆型地壳和大洋型地壳, 陆核及地块的形成、大陆裂解与增生、洋壳的新生与消减、陆-陆碰撞拼接形成具有不同构造特征的海陆构造区。中国海陆构造演化经历了太古宙陆核形成、元古宙陆块形成、震旦纪至三叠纪联合大陆形成、中新生代联合大陆解体4个阶段, 形成北方(准噶尔—大兴安岭)、北部(塔里木—华北)、南部(扬子—华南)、南方(冈底斯—喜马拉雅), 东部(滨西太平洋)5个大陆及陆缘构造区。太古宙花岗绿岩带、元古宙裂谷(裂陷)带、显生宙大陆边缘是最重要的海陆成矿环境。海陆成矿有利因素的耦合对成矿至关重要, 而最佳耦合的机制及其发生在海陆构造区的时空位置是圈定有利成矿靶区、引导找矿突破的关键科学问题。  相似文献   

As a typical Palaeozoic island arc system, the eastern Tianshan area, Xinjiang, is different from eastern China but similar to the Meso-Cenozoic island arc metallogenic provinces along the coast of the Pacific Ocean in metallogenic environment, geology and geochemistry. Three types of gold deposits, ductile shear zone-hosted gold deposits (Kanggur ), magmatic hydrothermal gold deposits (Jinwozi) and volcanic- or subvolcanic-hosted gold deposits (Xitan and Mazhuangshan), have been identified in this area. Regionally, gold deposits are structurally controlled by the Kanggur Tag ductile shear zone, Shaquanzi fault, Hongliuhe fault and Yamansu fault. Generally, gold mineralization occurs in the transition zones from volcanic rocks to sedimentary rocks. The horizon bearing well-developed jasper is an important indicator for gold mineralization. Each of the three types of gold deposits has its distinctive metallogenic background and geological-geochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The 1996 Irian Jaya earthquake tsunami was simulated by using the numerical model based on the linear long wave theory including Coriolis force in the spherical coordinate system. The numerical modeling result at Chichijima is in good agreement with the observed tide gauge data. The distinctive oscillation at Chichijima can be interpreted as the formation of boundary waves, so called ridge waves that are excited on the South-Honshu ridge. The mechanism of tsunami propagation trapped on an oceanic ridge is analyzed with the simple ridge model. The result explains the characteristics of ridge waves excited on theSouth-Honshu ridge.  相似文献   

Following the paper entitled A Preliminary Proposal on Crustobody Geotectonics presented by the first author to the 30th IGC in 1996, this paper further extends and elucidates the concept of crustobody in order to make a unifying study of the evolution and motion of crustal structures and to understand the law governing the formation and development of the earth' crust. In this paper the characteristics of crustobody evolution-motion are given. The authors lay emphasis on the relationship between crustobody evolution-motion and tectonic metallogeny. In the end, a multiple dynamic system of the crustobody evolution-motion is discussed from internal and external dynamic forces, and the mantle creep in internal dynamic factors is paid special attention to.  相似文献   

Two approaches to determining the high-temperature (1000°Cto 600°C) cooling rate of the lower oceanic crust and uppermantle are presented and critically evaluated. The first isbased on the down-temperature diffusive exchange of Ca betweenolivine and clinopyroxene. The second, less well-constrained,approach is based on the down-temperature diffusive exchangeof Mg and Fe between olivine and spinel. Cooling rates basedon olivine–spinel geospeedometry are approximately anorder of magnitude faster than those from Ca-in-olivine geospeedometry.In contrast, cooling rates derived from thermochronology andremanent magnetism are approximately an order of magnitude slowerthan those derived by Ca-in-olivine geospeedometry; this isprobably because they record cooling at lower temperatures.Using the Ca-in-olivine geospeedometer, the cooling rate ofsamples from the lower oceanic crust and upper oceanic mantleformed in the Oman ophiolite and in the three main ocean basinshas been determined. Samples from the lower oceanic crust formedat fast-spreading ridges show a large decrease in cooling ratebetween the top and base of the gabbroic section, with mostof the variation occurring within the upper kilometre. Thisis consistent with vertical heat loss (within the crustal frameof reference) dominating the thermal evolution at fast-spreadingridges. Samples from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B, whichformed at the slow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge, show novariation in cooling rate over 1500 m depth range and cooledsubstantially faster than rocks from the deeper portion of thegabbros in the Oman ophiolite, where the change in cooling ratewith depth is limited. These observations are consistent withheat loss from small plutons emplaced in cool lithosphere atthe slow-spreading ridge. Alternatively, they could be explainedby cooling through the Ca-in-olivine closure interval duringuplift towards the surface. KEY WORDS: geospeedometry; lower oceanic crust; Hess Deep; Pito Deep; ODP Hole 735B; ODP Leg 153  相似文献   

This paper is briefly involved in distributions of China's uranium metallogenic types, provinces, regions and belts. Eight target regions have been pointed out to be worthy of prospecting for uranium resources. The regional uranium metallogeny is discussed and great uranium potential pointed out from many aspects. Generally speaking, there are favorable conditions for uranium mineralization and good perspective to explore for uranium resources.  相似文献   

范庆凯  李江海  刘持恒  潘相茹 《地质学报》2018,92(10):2040-2050
洋中脊拆离断层和洋底核杂岩(OCC)发育于慢速-超慢速扩张洋中脊中央裂谷边界,常伴随不对称的洋底扩张方式,其形成与演化起源于洋中脊中央裂谷间歇性的岩浆作用循环。拆离断层的规模和位置会随其自身演化而变化,并影响到洋中脊扩张中心的位置变化。依据洋中脊扩张中心位置的离轴迁移规律,本文将拆离断层和洋底核杂岩的演化过程划分为6个阶段,并参照洋中脊拆离断层和洋底核杂岩演化阶段的划分,将全球27处拆离断层进行分类。现今全球洋中脊拆离断层多属于非活动性拆离断层,位于阶段VI(如Logachev Massif拆离断层和Kane Megamullion拆离断层);但部分拆离断层仍在活动,即属于发展期和成熟期(阶段III/IV,如MAR, 13°19′N拆离断层和MtDent拆离断层),以及衰亡期(阶段V,如MAR, 13°30′N拆离断层和Atlantis Massif拆离断层)。在洋中脊拆离断层和洋底核杂岩形成-演化-衰亡-再次形成的循环过程中,中央裂谷的岩浆作用发生周期性循环,洋中脊扩张中心亦发生新生火山岩区中线-拆离断层终止线-重新活动的新生火山岩区中线的位置变化,并先后产生离轴和向轴的位移。  相似文献   

The aseismic Cocos and Carnegie Ridges, two prominent bathymetricfeatures in the eastern Pacific, record 20 Myr of interactionbetween the Galápagos hotspot and the adjacent GalápagosSpreading Center. Trace element data determined by inductivelycoupled plasma-mass spectrometry in >90 dredged seamountlavas are used to estimate melt generation conditions and mantlesource compositions along the ridges. Lavas from seamount provinceson the Cocos Ridge are alkalic and more enriched in incompatibletrace elements than any in the Galápagos archipelagotoday. The seamount lavas are effectively modeled as small degreemelts of a Galápagos plume source. Their eruption immediatelyfollows the failure of a rift zone at each seamount province'slocation. Thus the anomalously young alkalic lavas of the CocosRidge, including Cocos Island, are probably caused by post-abandonmentvolcanism following either a ridge jump or rift failure, andnot the direct activity of the Galápagos plume. The seamountshave plume-like signatures because they tap underlying mantlepreviously infused with Galápagos plume material. Whereasplume heterogeneities appear to be long-lived, tectonic rearrangementsof the ridge plate boundary may be the dominant factor in controllingregional eruptive behavior and compositional variations. KEY WORDS: mantle plume; mid-ocean ridge; Galápagos; abandoned rift; partial melting of the mantle  相似文献   

冀北蔡家营铅锌矿床成因探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
古元古代是蔡家营矿床的重要的成矿期,在本区古元古代裂谷活动中,发生了海底火山的喷发和沉积作用,除喷出大量的基性岩浆外,形成了红旗营子群火山-沉积岩地层,还有大量成矿物质的堆积,顺层形成块状硫化物矿体,后经上隆拉伸和挤压褶皱等强变质变形作用,使层状矿体发生了"变质重就位",部分形成脉状(或囊状)矿体.随后,又受到中生代构造岩浆热事件的叠加,使矿体再次经受了活化改造,有可能又有新的成矿物质加入,使矿体最后定位.故本矿床的成因应为多种地质作用下的多成因的火山喷发沉积-变质变形改造-热液叠加的铅锌矿床.  相似文献   

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