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Pacific water exits the Chukchi Sea shelf through Barrow Canyon in the east and Herald Canyon in the west, forming an eastward-directed shelfbreak boundary current that flows into the Beaufort Sea. Here we summarize the transformation that the Pacific water undergoes in the two canyons, and describe the characteristics and variability of the resulting shelfbreak jet, using recently collected summertime hydrographic data and a year-long mooting data set. In both canyons the northward-flowing Pacific winter water switches from the western to the eastern flank of the canyon, interacting with the northward-flowing summer water. In Barrow canyon the vorticity structure of the current is altered, while in Herald canyon a new water mass mode is created. In both instances hydraulic effects are believed to be partly responsible for the observed changes. The shelfl)reak jet that forms from the canyon outflows has distinct seasonal configurations, from a bottom-intensified flow carrying cold, dense Pacific water in spring, to a surface-intensified current advecting warm, buoyant water in summer. The current also varies significantly on short timescales, from less than a day to a week. In fall and winter much of this mesoscale variability is driven by storm events, whose easterly winds reverse the current and cause upwelling. Different types of eddies are spawned from the current, which are characterized here using hydrographic and satellite data.  相似文献   

Suspended particle samples were collected at 11 stations on the shelf and slope regions of the Chukchi Sea and the central Arctic Ocean during the fifth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (summer 2012). The particle concentration, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and the isotopic composition of the samples were analyzed. The suspended particle concentration varied between 0.56 and 4.01 mg.Ll; the samples collected from the sea ice margin have higher concentrations. The organic matter content is higher in the shelf area (TOC: 9.78%-20.24%; TN: 0.91‰-2.31%), and exhibits heavier isotopic compositions (δ13C: -23.29‰ to -26.33‰ PDB; δ15N: 6.14‰-7.78‰), indicating that the organic matter is mostly marine in origin with some terrigenous input. In the slope and the central Arctic Ocean, the organic matter content is lower (TOC: 8.06%- 8.96%; TN: 0.46%-0.72%), except for one sample (SR15), and has lighter isotopic compositions (δ13C: -26.93‰ to -27.78‰ PDB; δ15N: 4.13‰-4.84‰). This indicates that the organic matter is mostly terrestrially-derived in these regions. The extremely high amount of terrigenous organic matter (TOC: 27.94%; TN: 1.16%; δ13C: -27.43‰ PDB; δ15N: 3.81‰) implies that it was carried by transpolar currents from the East Siberian Sea. Material, including sea ice algae, carried by sea ice are the primary source for particles in the sea ice margins. Sea ice melting released a substantial amount of biomass into the shelf, but a large amount of detrital and clay minerals in the slope and the central Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Samples taken from the Chukchi Sea (CS) during the 4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition, 2010, were analyzed to determine the content and composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) to improve our understanding of the distribution, sources and control factors of the SPM there. The results show that the SPM in the water column is highest in the middle and near the bottom in the south and central-north CS, followed by that off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon. The SPM content is lowest in the central CS. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis shows that the SPM in the south and central-north CS is composed mainly of diatoms, but the dominant species in those two areas are different. The SPM off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon is composed mainly of terrigenous material with few bio-skeletal clasts. The distribution of temperature and salinity and the correlation between diatom species in SPM indicate that the diatom dominant SPM in the south CS is from the Pacific Ocean via the Bering Strait in summer. The diatom dominant SPM in the central-north CS is also from Pacific water, which reaches the CS in winter. The SPM in the middle and near the bottom of the water column off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon is from Alaskan coastal water and terrigenous material transported by rivers in Alaska.  相似文献   

The acquisition of seabed physical parameters is one of the focuses of marine acoustic researches. However, the activesource ocean bottom seismometer(OBS) detection method in the marine geophysical research is rarely used to acquire seabed physical parameters, and less work is performed in the Arctic. In this study, two active-source OBS data collected from the 9th and 11th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE) are selected to obtain the physical parameters of seabed sediments. Tw...  相似文献   

The present paper is based on materials collected in Chukchi Sea and adjacent southern edge waters of Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean during the period from July to August 1999 on the icebreaker, the R/V “Xuelong”, by the Chinese First Arctic Scientific Expedition. Totally, 8 species of pelagic Hydromedusae were identified, of which 4 species belonged to Anthomedusae, 2 species to Leptomedusae, 1 species to Trachymedusae and 1 species to Narcomedusae, the Neoturris breviconis is recorded for the first time in Chukchi Sea. Their principal morphological characteristics are described and illustrated. The 8 species of Hydromedusae occurring in the Chukchi Sea were all cold water species, of which 6 species belong to neritic species and 2 species to ocean species. According to the geographic distribution of species, they may be divided into three groups: Arctic species, Arctic-boreal species and Boreal-temperate species. From the view-point of zoogeography, species from these waters belong to the Arctic fauna.The abundance of Hydromedusae in Chukchi Sea was generally low, with a mean value of 108 ind.*10-2*m-3. Rathkea octopunctata and Aglantha digitale were dominant species. From the view-point of vertical distribution Aglantha digitale is inhabiting in the depth of 0 300 m and with the maximum in the depth of 50 m to 100 m.  相似文献   

1 Introduction18Oinmarineenvironmentplaysanimportantroleinoceanographicalstudy .Asastableisotopeofoxygen ,18OtogetherwithhydrogenatomsconstituteswatermoleculeH218OandmoveswithalargeamountofH2 Omoleculesinseawater.Sothatδ18Obecomesanidealtracerforthemovemento…  相似文献   

1 Introduction Itiswellknownthatseaiceinthepolarregionplaysanimportantroleintheglobal climatechangesasapartofclimatesystem(Carleton1989;YuanandMartinson2000, 2001;ChengandBian2002;LiuandMartinson2002;LiuandZhang2004;Gigorand Wallace2002etal).Infact,numerousmodelingstudiessuggestanimportantinfluence throughtheseaicefieldsalone(Grumbine1994,Meehl1990,Rindetal.1995).Inor dertounderstandthevariabilityofArcticandAntarcticseaicealongwiththepossiblecon nectionswithclimaticanomaliesindetail…  相似文献   

A robust anomalous anticyclonic circulation (AAC) was observed over Northeast Asia and the Japan Sea in boreal win-ter 1997/98 and over the Japan Sea in spring 1998. The formation mechanism is investigated. On the background of the vertically sheared winter monsoonal flow, anomalous rainfall in the tropical Indo-Western Pacific warm pool excited a wave train towards East Asia in the upper troposphere during boreal winter of 1997/98. The AAC over Northeast Asia and the Japan Sea is part of the wave train of equivalent barotropic structure. The AAC over the Japan Sea persisted from winter to spring and even intensified in spring 1998. The diagnostic calculations show that the vorticity and temperature fluxes by synoptic eddies are an important mechanism for the AAC over the Japan Sea in spring 1998.  相似文献   

Cheng  Yinhe  Zhou  Shengqi  Wang  Dongxiao  Lu  Yuanzheng  Huang  Ke  Yao  Jinglong  You  Xiaobao 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2016,34(3):619-628
The observed characteristics of lower atmospheric ducts over the South China Sea(SCS) were analyzed based on Global Position Systerm(GPS) radiosonde data collected four times daily during autumn open cruises from 2006 to 2012.Duct occurrence,thickness,and strength over the SCS were about 40%,150-m thick,and 8 M units,respectively,which were larger than during the summer monsoon period.Most ducts occurred at heights 1 500 m and these ducts easily trap electromagnetic wave clusters with wavelengths 2 m.Diurnal variation of the SCS ducts appeared evident.They occurred more often at midnight at higher altitudes(about 1 100 m),with a thickest layer of about 145 m and less frequently during the evening at lower altitudes(about 800 m),with a thinnest layer of about 125 m.Moreover,ducts during the daytime at a mean height of about 900 m,with the greatest strength of about 10 M units.Furthermore,all duct variables observed over the SCS in autumn decreased from north to south.These findings are useful not only in the design of radar and communication systems,but also for evaluating possible effects of anomalous propagation on meteorological radar and military applications.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionInthedeepseawithawatertemperaturelowerthan5℃andtheseabottom ,theor ganicmattersareoxidizedmainlybytheaerobicbacteria (BenderandHeggie 1 984;Her bert 1 986) ,whichmeansthattheaerobicbacteriainthisenvironmentareratherabun dant.Thearcticseaareaisanareawhereenvironmentispermanentlycold ,butsomere searchresults (Sahmetal.1 998)indicatethattherearedominantbacteria eubacteriainthearcticseawaterandsediment,andtheiradaptationtotemperaturehasnosubstantialdifferenceincomparisonwiththatof…  相似文献   

The China R/V Xuelong went on the first Arctic scientific cruise, and we obtained 271 hydro-chemical samples from 22 deep-sea stations in the Bering Basin in late July, 1999. Here we describe vertical properties of silicate [Si] , dissolved inorganic nitrogen [DIN] or [N] (nitrate plus ammonium plus nitrite) , phosphate [P] and oxygen [ O2 ] in seawater under potential temperature-salinity structure. The seasonal stratification in the summer and the water exchanges of the North Pacific Ocean over the Bering Basin resulted in that the four layers of vertical structure with two thermoclines may be found. Vertical [Si] and [N] and [P] profiles show that the nutrients are consumed mainly in ≤50 m and the order of deficient nutrients is [Si] the first, [N] the second and [P] the third. The [N] and [P] increase with depth downward to about 500 m and then both decrease, but the [Si] increases from 150 m to 2000 m or the bottom. In ≥ 150 m the [ O2 ] decreases, which is related with both [P] and [N] increasin  相似文献   

1 Introduction TheArcticOceanisoneoftheimportantcoldregionsontheearth,whichcanaffect globalclimateandoceancirculationseriously.Itsinteractionwiththeglobalclimatesystem isrepresentedbyseaice,whichisthemainfeatureonthesurfaceoftheArcticOcean(Aa gaardandCarmack1989).First,seaiceplaysapivotalroleintheheatandmassbalance onthesurfaceoftheArcticOcean.Seaicenotonlyobstructstheheatexchangebetweenat mosphereandocean,butalsoreflectsmostsolarradiationbacktotheatmospherebecause ofitshighalbedo(Gre…  相似文献   

The compounds of sterols such as C27 ,C2s ,C29 and C30 are recorded from C-8 core of the Chukchi Sea. The double bond position is located at 5-, 5,22 as well as 22-,24-. The compound of sterols such as C27 ,C28 ,C29 are recorded from B2-9 core of the Bering Sea. The double bond position is located at 5-, 5, 22 as well as 22. The composition characteristics of sterols indicate that the substance is mainly contributed by the terrigenous origin and marine silicate organisms. The results are also suggest that the record of abnormal sterols from the surface sediments (2 -0 era)in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea represent the period from 1980s to the late 1990s. The strong signal of the Arctic warming is preserved in the sediments, which indicates the eco - environmental change responding to climatic effect of circumjacent.  相似文献   

Based on the Germany Koldwey Station's 1994-2003 conventional observation hourly data, this paper conducts a statistical analysis on the short-term climate characteristics for an arctic tundra region (Ny-Alesund island) where our first arctic expedition station (Huanghe Station) was located. Affected by the North Atlantic warming current, this area has a humid temperate climate, and the air temperature at Ny-Alesund rose above 0 ℃ even during deep winter season during our research period. The wind speed in this area was low and appeared most at southeast direction. We find that the temperature at Ny-Alesund rose in the faster rate (0.68℃/10 a) than those at the whole Arctic area. Compared with the floating ices where our expedition conducted in the Arctic, Ny-Alesund was warmer and more humid and had lower wind speed. Comparison Of the near surface air temperature derived by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis to the conventional measurements conducted at the Koldwey site in Ny-Alesund area shows a good agreement for winter season and a slgnificant difference for summer season.  相似文献   

Based on experiment data of the Sino-German comprehensive investigations in the Bohai Sea in 1998 and 1999, a simple coupled pelagic-benthic ecosystem multi-box model is used to simulate the ecosystem seasonal variation. The pelagic sub-model consists of seven state variables: phytoplankton, zooplankton, TIN, TIP, DOC, POC and dissolved oxygen (DO). The benthic sub-model includes macro-benthos, meiobenthos, bacteria, detritus, TIN and TIP in the sediment. Besides the effects of solar radiation, water temperature and the nutrient from sea bottom exudation, land-based inputs are considered. The impact of the advection terms between the boxes is also considered. Meanwhile, the effects of the micro- bial-loop are introduced with a simple parameterization. The seasonal variations and the horizontal distributions of the ecosystem state variables of the Bohai Sea are simulated. Compared with the observations, the results of the multi-box model are reasonable. The modeled results show that about 13% of the photosynthesis primary production goes to the main food loop, 20% transfers to the benthic domain, 44% is consumed by the respiration of phytoplankton, and the rest goes to DOC. Model results also show the importance of the microbial food loop in the ecosystem of the Bohai Sea, and its contribution to the annual zooplankton production can be 60%-64%.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONXuetal.(1993)studiedthebasiccharacteristicsofthethermoclineinthecontinentalshelfandinthedeepsearegionoftheSouthChinaSea(SCS)andthedifferencesbetweenthembyanalyzing1907-1990historicaldataontheSCS.Hepointedoutthatthethermoclineinthedeepsearegionexis…  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationships between water masses and pico- and nano-phytoplankton and bacterial abundance in the Chukchi Sea. The abundance of picoplankton ranged from 0.01 ~ 103 cells.mL1 (100 m, station R05) to 2.21 x 103 cells.mL-1 (10 m, station R05) and that of nanoplankton ranged from 0.03 x 103 cells.mL-I (100 m, station R07) to 2.21 ~ 104 cells.mLq (10 m, station R05). The lowest abundance of bacteria in the whole water column (0.21 x 106 cells.mLq) was at 100 m at station R17, and the highest (9.61 x 106 cells.mLL) was at 10 m at station R09. Melting sea ice affected the physical characteristics of the Chukchi Sea by reducing salinity of the surface mixed layer, resulting in greater hydrodynamic stability of the water column. These changes were accompanied by increased bacterial abundance. The warm Pacific water brought nutrients into the Chukchi Sea, resulting in greater abundance of bacteria and nano-phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea than in other regions of the Arctic Ocean. However, the abundance of pico-phytoplankton, which was related to chlorophyll a concentration, was higher in Anadyr water than in the other two water masses. The structures ofpico- and nanoplankton communities coupled with the water masses in the Chuk- chi Sea can serve as indicators of the inflow of warm Pacific water into the Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   

Fabric and crystal characteristics of Bohai and Arctic sea ice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 IntroductionBohaione yeariceandAntarcticonehavethesimilarsurface featuresandcorre spondingfabricandcrystalcharacteristics (Allison 1 997;Lietal.1 997;Qin 1 991 ) .DuringtheChinaFirstArcticExpedition ,theresultsinthestudyofone yearicefromBohaiandAntarcticwereusedfo…  相似文献   

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