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The Plastic Scintillator Detector(PSD) onboard the DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)is designed to measure cosmic ray charge(Z) and to act as a veto detector for gamma ray identification.To fully exploit the charge identification potential of PSD and to enhance its capability to identify gamma ray events, we develop an alignment method for the PSD. The path length of a given track in the volume of a PSD bar is derived taking into account the shift and rotation alignment corrections. By examining energy spectra of corner-passing events and fully contained events, position shifts and rotations of all PSD bars are obtained, and are found to be on average about 1 mm and 0.0015 radian respectively. To validate the alignment method, we introduce artificial shifts and rotations of PSD bars into the detector simulation.These shift and rotation parameters can be recovered successfully by the alignment procedure. As a result of the PSD alignment procedure, the charge resolution of the PSD is improved from 4% to 8%, depending on the nuclei.  相似文献   

Although tracking with a passive optical telescope is a powerful technique for space debris observation, it is limited by its sensitivity to dynamic background noise. Traditionally, in the field of astronomy, static background subtraction based on a median image technique has been used to extract moving space objects prior to the tracking operation, as this is computationally efficient. The main disadvantage of this technique is that it is not robust to variable illumination conditions. In this article,we propose an approach for tracking small and dim space debris in the context of a dynamic background via one of the optical telescopes that is part of the space surveillance network project, named the AsiaPacific ground-based Optical Space Observation System or APOSOS. The approach combines a fuzzy running Gaussian average for robust moving-object extraction with dim-target tracking using a particlefilter-based track-before-detect method. The performance of the proposed algorithm is experimentally evaluated, and the results show that the scheme achieves a satisfactory level of accuracy for space debris tracking.  相似文献   

The possibility of detecting neutrinos from the Sun and supernovae with detectors based on the nuclei 7Li, 19F, 127I, and 23Na is discussed.  相似文献   

针对时分同步码分多址复用(TD-SCDMA)系统物理层信息帧结构,利用上行同步序列(SYNC-UL)在帧结构中的固定位置,结合上行同步序列良好的相关特性,提出了一种简单、有效地估算移动终端与基站之间距离的方法。通过对空间信道环境、空间传播信号以及测距方法的仿真研究表明,基于TD-SCDMA上行同步序列的测距方法在不改变帧结构的前提下能够进行精确测距,计算结果可用于进行视距与非视距信号的判别,进而可用于确定移动终端位置。  相似文献   

Optical identification of infrared sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalogue (PSC) is made by means of low-dispersion spectra of the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) and Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS) red and blue images. The purpose of this work is to examine the composition of the PSC sample of fainter sources at high galactic latitudes and to reveal QSOs, infrared galaxies, red stars (C and M), planetary nebulae, for their further investigation at the optical range. 100 of 108 unknown IRAS sources in the region with 3h50m 7h40m and + 69° + 73° are optically identified. Optical coordinates, V magnitudes, color indices, and preliminary classes are determined. According to preliminary classification 3 objects turned out to be QSOs, 36 are galaxies with very interesting morphology, 5 are faint planetary nebulae, 9 are carbon stars, and 47 are late M-type stars.Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 625–629, October–December, 1995.  相似文献   

A cosmic dust detector for use onboard a satellite is currently being constructed from piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT). The characteristics of the PZT detector were studied by bombarding it with hypervelocity iron particles, which were supplied by a Van de Graaff accelerator. There was a linear relationship between the rise time of the signal observed from the detector and the particle's velocity, which was above 10 km/s on impact. It was also found that the rise time was almost independent of the collisional angle between the particles and the PZT surface within the limits of the particle's parameters used in this experiment.  相似文献   

We introduce a new halo/subhalo finder, HIKER(a Halo fInder based on KERnel-shift algorithm), which takes advantage of a machine learning method – the mean-shift algorithm combined with the Plummer kernel function, to effectively locate density peaks corresponding to halos/subhalos in density field. Based on these density peaks, dark matter halos are identified as spherical overdensity structures, and subhalos are bound substructures with boundaries at their tidal radius. By testing HIKER code with mock halos, we show that HIKER performs excellently in recovering input halo properties. In particular, HIKER has higher accuracy in locating halo/subhalo centres than most halo finders. With cosmological simulations,we further show that HIKER reproduces the abundance of dark matter halos and subhalos quite accurately,and the HIKER halo/subhalo mass functions and Vmax functions are in good agreement with two widely used halo finders, SUBFIND and AHF.  相似文献   

A third list of point sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC), optically identified with late-type stars, is given. The list contains data on 34 objects. The identification was based on the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), the First Byurakan Survey (FBS). blue and red maps of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, and infrared fluxes at wavelengths of 12, 25, 60, and 100 mm in the regions of +61° ≤ δ ≤ +65°, 06h45m ≤ α ≤ 17h28m and +69° ≤ δ ≤ +73°, 03h50m ≤ α ≤ 18h10m. Of 34 objects given in the IRAS PSC as unidentified sources of infrared radiation, 11 are associated with known stars in existing catalogs, 6 are objects from the FBS survey of late-type stars, and 17 sources remained unknown in the optical range, 3 of them also being sources in the IRAS Serendipitous Survey Catalog (SSC). The optical coordinates, their departures from the 1R coordinates, the V magnitudes, the color indices CI, and the preliminary spectral subtypes were determined. The objects have optical magnitudes in the range of 7h.6-13m.6. Finder charts from the DSS are given for 23 objects. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 77-84, January–March, 2000.  相似文献   

A fourth list of point sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC) that are optically identified with stars of late spectral types is given. The list contains data on 41 objects. The identifications were based on the Digital Sky Survey (DSS), the First Byurakan Survey, blue and red maps of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, and infrared fluxes at the wavelengths 12, 25, 60, and 100 μm in the region of +65° ≤ δ ≤ +69° and 05h10m ≤ α ≤ 18h10m. Of the 41 objects, which are given in the IRAS PSC as unidentified sources of infrared emission, 9 are associated with known stars in existing catalogs while 32 sources remained unidentified in the optical range, one of which is also a source in the deep IRAS survey (IRAS Serendipitous Source Catalog). The optical coordinates, their departures from the IR coordinates, the V stellar magnitudes, the color indices CI, and the preliminary spectral subtypes have been determined. The objects have optical magnitudes in the range of 8m.5-14m.5. Finder charts from the DSS are given for 32 of the objects. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 361-368, July–September, 2000.  相似文献   

We present a hydrodynamical code for cosmological simulations which uses the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) to follow the dynamics of the gas component and an N -body particle–mesh algorithm for the evolution of the collisionless component. The gravitational interaction between the two components is regulated by the Poisson equation which is solved by a standard fast Fourier transform (FFT) procedure. In order to simulate cosmological flows we have introduced several modifications to the original PPM scheme which we describe in detail. Various tests of the code are presented including adiabatic expansion, single and multiple pancake formation and three-dimensional cosmological simulations with initial conditions based on the cold dark matter scenario.  相似文献   

High accuracy scanned sunspot drawings handwritten characters recognition is an issue of critical importance to analyze sunspots movement and store them in the database. This paper presents a robust deep learning method for scanned sunspot drawings handwritten characters recognition. The convolution neural network (CNN) is one algorithm of deep learning which is truly successful in training of multi-layer network structure. CNN is used to train recognition model of handwritten character images which are extracted from the original sunspot drawings. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method on sunspot drawings provided by Chinese Academy Yunnan Observatory and obtain the daily full-disc sunspot numbers and sunspot areas from the sunspot drawings. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a high recognition accurate rate.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2009,32(2):89-99
Atmospheric parameters, such as pressure (P), temperature (T) and density (ρP/T), affect the development of extensive air showers initiated by energetic cosmic rays. We have studied the impact of atmospheric variations on extensive air showers by means of the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The rate of events shows a 10% seasonal modulation and 2% diurnal one. We find that the observed behaviour is explained by a model including the effects associated with the variations of P and ρ. The former affects the longitudinal development of air showers while the latter influences the Molière radius and hence the lateral distribution of the shower particles. The model is validated with full simulations of extensive air showers using atmospheric profiles measured at the site of the Pierre Auger Observatory.  相似文献   

1引言金牛T型星(TTaur1)是一类低质量(<3*O)光谱晚型(晚F、G、K和M主序前类太阳恒星.依据其H。发射线的强弱可分为两类:经典TTauri星(CTTS)和弱发射线TTauri星(WTTS.一般认为,CTTS的地发射线等值宽度在15A以上,具有强的红外和紫外色余,并有CallH、K发射线,而且其空间分布主要集中在分子云密集区.CTTS具有尘埃包层或吸积盘,有些还伴有分子外向流、HZO脉泽等质能外流,在红外源的分类中山属11型红外源.由于CTTS有着很强的H。发射线,绝大多数***s是利用民巡天观测发现的K‘」.而***s则没有***…  相似文献   

Part five of optically identified point sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC) contains data on 19 late-type stars. The identifications were based on the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), the First Byurakan Survey (FBS), blue and red maps of the Palomar survey (POSS), and infrared fluxes at 12, 25, 60, and 100 mm in the region of +61° ≤ δ ≤ +65° and 05 h 30 m ≤ α ≤ 18 h 35 m with an area of 357 sq. deg. Of the 76 objects given in the IRAS PSC as unidentified sources of infrared radiation, 51 are associated with known stars in existing catalogs, 6 are objects from the FBS of late-type stars, and 19 sources remained unknown in the optical range. For the identified stars we determined the optical coordinates, their departures from the IR coordinates, the Vstellar magnitudes, the color indices CI,and the preliminary spectral subtypes. The objects have optical magnitudes in the range of 8 m −16 m .Gas-dust shells are assumed to exist around four of the sources. Finder charts from the DSS are given for 19 of the objects. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 53–59, January–March, 1999.  相似文献   

一种基于MUSIC算法的天地波识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于我国BPL长波脉冲信号的特征,利用MUSIC(多信号分类)算法对BPL天、地波延迟进行估计,实现天、地波识别。对传统谱估计IFFT(快速傅里叶逆变换)算法和现代谱估计MUSIC算法进行了仿真和比较,结果表明,这两种方法在较低信噪比条件下可有效分离天、地波,且识别误差都能控制在±5μs内,但MUSIC算法比IFFT算法具有更高的精度和分辨率。  相似文献   

The distribution of minerals on the lunar surface is information which could contribute to studying lunar origin and evolution. In this paper, the distribution of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, ilmenite, and plagioclase on the lunar surface has been mapped based on Hapke radiative transfer model and linear unmixing of spectra with Clementine UVVIS/NIR data. The results have been validated on the basis of minerals modal abundance data of the Apollo samples, and problems in the minerals abundance mapping have been analyzed. The validation based on analysis data of Apollo samples indicates that plagioclase mapped in this paper represents the total abundance of plagioclase and agglutinitic glass. The minerals mapping results show that the lunar surface is mainly composed of pyroxene, plagioclase, agglutinitic glass, and ilmenite. Basalt in the lunar mare is mainly composed of clinopyroxene and ilmenite, and lunar highland is mainly composed of plagioclase and agglutinitic glass. Orthopyroxene is mainly distributed on the north of Mare Imbrium, on the south of Maria and Aitken Basin. According to our results, there is probably no large area of olivine distribution on the lunar surface which is different from earlier published results. Therefore, emphasis should be put on the olivine distribution in the minerals mapping using hyperspectral data such as M3 of Chandrayaan-1 and IIM of ChangE-1.  相似文献   

The effect of the geomagnetic Lorentz force on the muon component of extensive air shower (EAS) has been studied in a Monte Carlo generated simulated data sample. This geomagnetic field affects the paths of muons in an EAS, causing a local contrast or polar asymmetry in the abundance of positive and negative muons about the shower axis. The asymmetry can be approximately expressed as a function of transverse separation between the positive and negative muons barycentric positions in the EAS through opposite quadrants across the shower core in the shower front plane. In the present study, it is found that the transverse muon barycenter separation and its maximum value obtained from the polar variation of the parameter are higher for iron primaries than protons for highly inclined showers. Hence, in principle, these parameters can be exploited to the measurement of primary cosmic-ray mass composition. Possibility of practical realization of the proposed method in a real experiment is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The polarization characteristics of an astronomical telescope is an important factor that affects polarimetry accuracy. Polarization modeling is an essential means to achieve high precision and efficient polarization measurement of the telescope, especially for the alt-azimuth mount telescope. At present, the polarization model for the telescope(i.e., the physical parametric model) is mainly constructed using the polarization parameters of each optical element. In this paper, an artificial neural network(ANN) is used to model the polarization characteristics of the telescope. The ANN model between the physical parametric model residual and the pointing direction of the telescope is obtained, which reduces the model deviation caused by the incompleteness of the physical parametric model. Compared with the physical parametric model, the model fitting and predictive accuracy of the New Vacuum Solar Telescope(NVST) is improved after adopting the ANN model. After using the ANN model, the polarization cross-talk from I to Q, U, and V can be reduced from 0.011 to 0.007, and the crosstalk among Q, U, and V can be reduced from 0.047 to 0.020, which effectively improves the polarization measurement accuracy of the telescope.  相似文献   

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