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Zhang Hongqi 《Solar physics》1993,144(2):323-340
In this paper, the formation and the measurement of the H line in chromospheric magnetic fields are discussed. The evolution of the chromospheric magnetic structures and the relation with the photospheric vector magnetic fields and chromospheric velocity fields in the flare producing active region AR 5747 are also demonstrated.The chromospheric magnetic gulfs and islands of opposite polarity relative to the photospheric field are found in the flare-producing region. This probably reflects the complication of the magnetic force lines above the photosphere in the active region. The evolution of the chromospheric magnetic structures in the active region is caused by the emergence of magnetic flux from the sub-atmosphere or the shear motion of photospheric magnetic fields. The filaments separate the opposite polarities of the chromospheric magnetic field, but only roughly those of the photospheric field. The filaments also mark the inversion lines of the chromospheric Doppler velocity field which are caused by the relative motion of the main magnetic poles of opposite polarities in the active region under discussion.  相似文献   

An investigation of 531 active regions was made to determine the correlation between energy released by flares and the available energy in magnetic fields of the regions. Regions with magnetic flux greater than 1021 maxwell during the years 1967–1969, which included sunspot maximum, were selected for the investigation. A linear regression analysis of flare production on magnetic flux showed that the flare energy is correlated with magnetic energy with a coeificient of correlation of 0.78. Magnetic classification and field configuration also significantly affect the production of flares.This work was supported by the Aerospace Sponsored Research Program.  相似文献   

The difference between the magnetic tension and magnetic shear was calculated for four vector magnetograms of NOAA AR 4474. It was seen that this difference between the two independent angular measures of magnetic stress is less than 18° for more than 50% of the pixels. Magnetic tension is thus found to be fairly well correlated with magnetic shear for AR 4474.  相似文献   

M. J. Martres 《Solar physics》1989,119(2):357-384
This paper consists of two parts. We first discuss recent general results on the study of properties of flare homology, and their relevance to the physical interpretation of the flare phenomenon at large. We devote particular attention to the discovery of homologous flares which occur in rapid succession, within a few minutes of each other in many cases. We name these kind of flares rafales. These flares signal the existence of several episodes of energy release within the same magnetic configuration. We also show the existence of particular sites in the solar atmosphere which have peculiar characteristics in terms of solar rotation, and where recurrent flaring may take place over and over again in different solar rotations. This indicates that the disturbance causing the emergence of activity is deep seated, below the solar photosphere. Finally, in the second part, we discuss an extensive set of observations of two homologous flares of a rafale, stressing the dynamic aspects of the observations, particularly the presence of peaks in the vertical component of the velocity field. These results are shown to be in agreement with studies of filament activations and the surging arches which are observed before the flash phase of solar flares.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the non-potential magnetic field and the relationship with current (helicity) in the active region NOAA 9077 in 2000 July, using photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at different solar observatories and also coronal extreme-ultraviolet 171-Å images from the TRACE satellite.
We note that the shear and squeeze of magnetic field are two important indices for some flare-producing regions and can be confirmed by a sequence of photospheric vector magnetograms and EUV 171-Å features in the solar active region NOAA 9077. Evidence on the release of magnetic field near the photospheric magnetic neutral line is provided by the change of magnetic shear, electric current and current helicity in the lower solar atmosphere. It is found that the 'Bastille Day' 3B/5.7X flare on 2000 July 14 was triggered by the interaction of the different magnetic loop systems, which is relevant to the ejection of helical magnetic field from the lower solar atmosphere. The eruption of the large-scale coronal magnetic field occurs later than the decay of the highly sheared photospheric magnetic field and also current in the active region.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields dominate most solar activities, there exist direct relations between solar flare and the distributions of magnetic field, and also its corresponding magnetic energy. In this paper, the statistical results about the relationships between the spatial magnetic field and solar flare are given basing on vector magnetic field observed by the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (SMFT) at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS). The spatial magnetic fields are obtained by extrapolated photosphere vector magnetic field observed by SMFT. There are 23 active regions with flare eruption are chosen as data samples, which were observed from 1997 to 2007. The results are as follows: 1. Magnetic field lines become lower after flare for 16 (69 %) active regions; 2. The free energy are decreased after flare for 17 (74 %) active regions. It can conclude that for most active regions the changes of magnetic field after solar flare re coincident with the previous observations and studies.  相似文献   

A new instrument, called a videometer, has been developed to measure solar flare area, peak intensity and integrated intensity in real time. The videometer uses a closed circuit television system to convert an optical H image into electrical signals for measurement. Observations of two Class I flares with the videometer are discussed.  相似文献   

I ±V profiles of the Fei 5247 and 5250 lines in the 2B flare of June 16, 1989 have been analyzed. A bright knot of the flare outside the sunspot where the central intensity of H reached a peak value of 1.4 (relative to the continuum) has been explored. The Fei 5250/Fei 5247 magnetic line ratio based on the StokesV peak separations of these lines at five evolutionary phases of the flare (including the start of the flare, the flash phase, the peak and 16 min after the peak) has been analyzed. It was found that the StokesV peak separation for the Fei 5250 line was systematically larger than that of the Fei 5247 line. This is evidence for the presence in the flare of small-scale flux tubes with kG fields. The flux tube magnetic field strength was about 1.1 kG at the start of the flare and during the flash phase, 1.55 kG during the peak, and 1.38 kG 16 min after the peak. The filling factor,, appears to decrease monotonically during the flare.  相似文献   

Lozitsky  V.G.  Baranovsky  E.A.  Lozitska  N.I.  Leiko  U.M. 《Solar physics》2000,191(1):171-183
I±V and I±Q profiles of nine spectral lines of Fei, Feii, and Hi in the 2B flare of 16 June 1989 have been analyzed. Two bright flare knots outside and inside of a spot were investigated. To measure the true magnetic field strength in the flare, two different methods were applied. In addition to these data, the magnetic field and thermodynamic conditions were determined using the non-LTE program for line profile synthesis. According to the measurements, the magnetic field in both flare knots changed in synchronism and non-monotonically, and reached its peak (nearly 1.6 kG for non-spot areas and approximately 4.0 kG for sunspot locations) at the time of flare peak. For the flare knot outside the spot, a background field component was also detected; the magnetic field in this component was found to have mixed polarity and remained practically unchanged during the flare. The non-LTE calculations show that the unique local magnetic field peak existed near the temperature minimum zone in the flare peak too. The observed perturbations do not exclude such phenomena as a magnetic field transient in flare.  相似文献   

Microwave burst spectra are compared with the position, within the active region, of their associated flares observed in H. The magnetic fields predicted by Takakura's burst model (1972) are found to be in reasonable agreement with the fields expected at the flare locations.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The interplanetary magnetic field has been mapped between 0.4 and 1.2 AU in the ecliptic plane, extrapolating from satellite measurements at 1 AU. The structure within sectors and the evolution of sectors are discussed. The development of a solar active region appears to produce magnetic loops in the interplanetary medium that result in the formation of a new sector.  相似文献   

The formation and eruption of active region filaments is supposed to be caused by the increase of a concentrated current embedded in the active region background magnetic field of an active region according to the theory of Van Tend and Kuperus (1978).The onset of a filament eruption is due to either changes in the background magnetic field or the increase of the filament current intensity. Both processes can be caused by the emergence of new magnetic flux as well as by the motion of the photospheric footpoints of the magnetic field lines. It is shown that if the background field evolves from a potential field to a nearly force-free field the vertical equilibrium of the current filament is not affected, but large forces are generated along the filament axis. This is identified as the cause of filament activation and the increase in filament turbulence during the flare build-up phase. Depending on the evolution of the background field and the current filament, two different scenarios for flare build-up and filament eruption are distinguished.This work was done while one of the authors (M.K.) was participating in the CECAM workshop on Physics of Solar Flares held at Orsay, France, in June 1979.  相似文献   

The problem of physical relationships between different active regions has been dealt with only rarely and mainly in connection with flares. How sympathetic activity can be triggered between distant regions is therefore, so far, largely unknown. Soft X-ray images of large-scale coronal structures connecting different active regions were obtained by Skylab nearly 20 years ago, while SMM, more recently, did not provide any clear evidence for this kind of loop. As a consequence, we do not know how common these features are nor how they form nor whether they represent the only means by which distant active regions may be linked. In the latter case, however, interconnecting loops should be detected by analyzing the interaction between different active regions. We examine here a set of images of an active region complex, acquired on June 24-25, 1980, by the Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer on SMM, with the purpose of establishing whether there was any interplay between the frequent activity observed at different sites in the activity center and, in such a case, how the interaction was established. By analyzing both quiet and active orbits we show that, as a rule, activity originating in one region triggers the other region's activity. However, we find little unambiguous evidence for the presence of large-scale interconnecting loops. A comparison of X-ray images with magnetic field observations suggested that we interpret the active region behavior in terms of the interaction between different loop systems, in a scenario quite analogous to the interacting bipole representation of individual flares. We conclude that active region interplay provides an easily observable case to study the time-dependent topology and the mechanisms for the spreading of activity in transient events over all energy scales.  相似文献   

The structure of the interplanetary magnetic field within the flare streams as well as associated variations of the geomagnetic disturbancy are considered. It is shown that in the main body of the flare stream the magnetic field is determined by the configuration of the large scale magnetic field on the Sun at the flare region. Within the head part of the flare stream the magnetic field represents by itself the compressed field of the background solar wind and hence is determined by the distribution of the super large scale solar magnetic field outside the flare region.A certain asymmetry in the parameters of the magnetic field within the streams associated with geoeffective and non-effective flares is shown to exist.  相似文献   

Much of the magnetic field in solar and stellar photospheres is arranged into clusters of ‘flux tubes’, i.e., clustered into compact areas in which the intrinsic field strength is approximately a kilogauss. The flux concentrations are constantly evolving as they merge with or annihilate against other concentrations, or fragment into smaller concentrations. These processes result in the formation of concentrations containing widely different fluxes. Schrijver et al. (1997, Paper I) developed a statistical model for this distribution of fluxes, and tested it on data for the quiet Sun. In this paper we apply that model to a magnetic plage with an average absolute flux density that is 25 times higher than that of the quiet network studied in Paper I. The model result matches the observed distribution for the plage region quite accurately. The model parameter that determines the functional form of the distribution is the ratio of the fragmentation and collision parameters. We conclude that this ratio is the same in the magnetic plage and in quiet network. We discuss the implications of this for (near-)surface convection, and the applicability of the model to stars other than the Sun and as input to the study of coronal heating.  相似文献   

Horizontal motion has been studied of the matter along the active region at different heights of the photosphere (115–580 km) in the initial phase of the two-ribbon solar flare on September 4, 1990, near the solar limb, accompanied by the ejection. Photospheric velocities varied in the range −3.5 ... 2.5 km/s. The direction of motion in the photosphere and the chromosphere was mainly toward the observer. Kinematic elements have been discovered in the structure of the horizontal velocity field. Their size reduced as they approached the maximum of the flare from 7–12 to 4–5 Mm, and the velocity amplitude decreased. Throughout the whole investigated active region, vortex motions were observed in the photosphere and chromosphere. Temporal changes in the horizontal velocity field in node areas and in their vicinity were oscillatory in nature and occurred almost simultaneously along the entire height of the photosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the relations between photospheric vector magnetic fields, chromospheric longitudinal magnetic fields and velocity fields in a solar active region. Agreements between the photospheric and chromospheric magnetograms can be found in large-scale structures or in the stronger magnetic structures, but differences also can be found in the fine structures or in other places, which reflect the variation of the magnetic force lines from the photosphere to the chromosphere. The chromospheric superpenumbral magnetic field, measured by the Hline, presents a spoke-like structure. It consists of thick magnetic fibrils which are different from photospheric penumbral magnetic fibrils. The outer superpenumbral magnetic field is almost horizontal. The direction of the chromospheric magnetic fibrils is generally parallel to the transverse components of the photospheric vector magnetic fields. The chromospheric material flow is coupled with the magnetic field structure. The structures of the H chromospheric magnetic fibrils in the network are similar to H dark fibrils, and the feet of the magnetic fibrils are located at the photospheric magnetic elements.  相似文献   

We discuss a solar flare microwave burst complex, which included a major structure consisting of some 13 spikes of 60 ms FWHM each, observed 21 May, 1984 at 90 GHz (3 mm). It was associated with a simultaneous very hard X-ray burst complex. We suggest that the individual spikes of both bursts were caused by the same electron population: the X-bursts by their bremsstrahlung, and the microwave bursts by their gyrosynchrotron emission. This latter conclusion is based on the evidence that the radio turnover frequency was 150 GHz. It follows that the emission sources were characterized by an electron density of about 1011 cm–3, a temperature of 5 × 108 K and a magnetic field of about 1400–2000 G. They had a size of about 350 km; if the energy release is caused by reconnection the sources of primary instability could have been smaller and in the form of thin sheets with reconnection speed at a fraction of the Alfvén velocity and burst-like energy injections of 1027 erg during about 50 ms each. The energized plasma knots lost their injection energy by saturated convective flux (collisionless conduction) in about 30 ms.  相似文献   

We selected 400 sample solar active regions of 1980, each containing the following data: sunspot type, total spot area, magnetic field type, maximum field intensity, peculiar structures, radio flux at 3 cm, and radio flux ratio between 3 cm and 10 cm. These quantities define a generalized vector for each sample point. We applied a fuzzy set analysis, which resulted in 14 types of active regions.On the basis of fuzzy classification, we make a fuzzy prediction (whether there will be a flare of Class 1 or over on the day following each of the 12 mid-month days of 1981). The result proved to be encouraging.  相似文献   

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