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2013年7月22日岷县漳县MS6.6地震的震后科学考察发现,极震区局部场地覆盖层厚度和地形条件对地震动有明显放大效应。利用伺服速度地震仪对此次地震极震区场地进行高密度地脉动观测,获得该区不同场地的卓越频率,运用频谱分析法得到该区场地覆盖层厚度分布。基于在该区进行的无人机航飞遥测,获取地形地貌数据,通过制作表层和基岩层DEM数据,由Rhino进一步处理生成地形模型,实现真实地形在通用有限元软件中的三维模型的建立。  相似文献   

为解决复杂地表环境下地震勘探施工困难和低效率的问题,我们利用Visual Studio 6.0的微软基础库类(MFC)框架,运用C++汇编语言,开发出一套基于Windows操作系统的便携式地震勘探采集软件,可以替代常规的大型采集设备。软件开发中采用经典的三层式体系结构,提高程序安全性与拓展性,引入多线程技术提高软件运行效率。软件能够实现包括SEG-Y、SEG-D格式数据采集、保存与处理;地震波频谱分析、数据截取及合并等功能。野外实际数据采集测试结果表明,本系统具有运行稳定、操作便捷和处理高效等优点,有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

香港沙田河沥背地区西北向断裂的左旋错断构造运动,在断裂两分支之间造成转变挤压型地块抬升,形成一菱形地垒。表土层大致均匀分布在地垒及其两侧地区,并且没有被埘北向断裂错动。而表土层所覆盖的古台地亦没有经过明显剥蚀。待得到河沥背表土层及邻近黄竹洋村天然山体滑坡定年结果资料,即可以给出河沥背断裂最新错动年龄范围及断裂活动与区内天然山体滑坡事件的相互关系。  相似文献   

地形地决定湖泊流场的大小和结构和重要因素,它会影响湖泊水体内的物质输移与扩散和水质的分布,因而弄清马山围垦对湖流的影响有助于了解无锡市重要饮用水水源地梅梁湖的藻类“水华”和水质变化规律,本文在太湖风生流的三 数值模拟的基础上,用数值试验方法探讨了马山围垦对湖泊流场的影响,结果表明:虽然围垦对表层及底层风生流影响较小,但是对中间转层的流场影响较大,对整层平均流场影响更大,在多数风场作用下,围垦虽未对  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the uplift of Tibetan plateau started in response to the collision of Indian plate and Eurasian plate. During this process, the crust of Tibetan plateau has been greatly thickened which leads to significant elevations. The elevation gradient is extremely large at the east boundary of Tibetan plateau where Longmenshan fault exists, dropping from 4500 to 500 m within a distance of100 km, while it is more gentle at the south and north sides of Sichuan basin. Such a difference of elevation gradient has been explained with a crustal channel flow model. However, previous crustal flow models consider the thickness of the lower crust as a constant which is highly simplified. Therefore, it is essential to build a more realistic crustal flow model, in which the thickness of the lower crust is variable and dependent on the inflow velocity of crustal materials. Here we build up both analytical and numerical models to study the mechanism and process of the uplift of Tibetan plateau at the eastern boundary.The results of the analytical model show that if the thickness of the lower crust can vary during the uplift process, the lower crustal viscosity of the Sichuan basin needs to be 1022 Pas to fit the observed elevation gradient. Such a viscosity is one-order magnitude larger than the previous results. Numerical model results further show that the state of stresses at the plateau boundary changes during uplift processes. Such a stress state change may cause the formation of different fault types in the Longmenshan fault area during its uplift history.  相似文献   

自贡西山公园山脊场地地形和土层效应数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用自贡地形影响强震动观测台阵在汶川地震中获得的强震动记录,以位于山脚下基岩上的台站为参考点,采用传统谱比法对场地放大效应进行了初步分析;同时用显式有限元-有限差分方法模拟了自贡西山公园山脊场地地形和土层的地震动效应,并进行了数值模拟结果与强震动观测结果的对比分析.结果表明:上覆土层对地震动的放大作用相对于地形变化的放大作用更为明显;地形对地震动水平分量的放大效应要明显于对竖直分量的放大效应;采用二维模型对上覆土层的模拟与观测结果较吻合,对于基岩介质部分的模拟在低频范围内也能反映山脊地形对地震动的影响.  相似文献   

Human interference in estuaries has led to increasing problems of mud, such as hyper-turbidity with adverse ecological effects and siltation of navigation channels and harbours. To deal with this mud sustainably, it is important to understand its long-term effects on the morphology and dynamics of estuaries. The aim of this study is to understand how mud affects the morphological evolution of estuaries. We focus on the effects of fluvial mud supply on the spatial distribution of mudflats and on how this influences estuary width, depth, surface area and dynamics over time. Three physical experiments with self-forming channels and shoals were conducted in a new flume type suitable for tidal experiments: the Metronome. In two of the experiments, we added nutshell grains as mud simulant, which is transported in suspension. Time-lapse images of every tidal cycle and digital elevation models for every 500 cycles were analysed for the three experiments. Mud settles in distinct locations, forming mudflats on bars and sides of the estuary, where the bed elevation is higher. Two important effects of mud were observed: the first is the slight cohesiveness of mud that causes stability on bars limiting vertical erosion, although the bank erosion rate by migrating channels is unaffected. Secondly, mud fills inactive areas and deposits at higher elevations up to the high-water level and therefore decreases the tidal prism. These combined effects cause a decrease in dynamics in the estuary and lead to near-equilibrium planforms that are smaller in volume and especially narrower upstream, with increased bar heights and no channel deepening. This trend is in contrast to channel deepening in rivers by muddier floodplain formation. These results imply large consequences for long-term morphodynamics in estuaries that become muddier due to management practices, which deteriorate ecological quality of intertidal habitats but may create potential area for marshes. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach that uses a combination of cell-block- and cell-face-averaging of high-resolution cell elevation and roughness data to upscale hydraulic parameters and accurately simulate surface water flow in relatively low-resolution numerical models. The method developed allows channelized features that preferentially connect large-scale grid cells at cell interfaces to be represented in models where these features are significantly smaller than the selected grid size. The developed upscaling approach has been implemented in a two-dimensional finite difference model that solves a diffusive wave approximation of the depth-integrated shallow surface water equations using preconditioned Newton-Krylov methods. Computational results are presented to show the effectiveness of the mixed cell-block and cell-face averaging upscaling approach in maintaining model accuracy, reducing model run-times, and how decreased grid resolution affects errors. Application examples demonstrate that sub-grid roughness coefficient variations have a larger effect on simulated error than sub-grid elevation variations.  相似文献   

含流体裂缝介质中地震波场数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
油气勘探开发实践证明,裂缝常常是油气藏存储的空间或运移的通道,因此,裂缝各向异性介质中地震波场的研究越来越倍受关注,国内外很多岩石物理学者、地球物理专家等对裂缝信息的描述提出了很多理论认识与方法技术.本文根据Eshelby-Cheng各向异性裂缝介质模型理论,求取各向异性裂缝介质的弹性参数,并建立Eshelby-Cheng各向异性裂缝介质的波动方程,利用时间错格伪谱法对含流体裂缝介质进行数值模拟,模拟结果表明,采用时间错格伪谱法能有效解决各向异性介质的波场传播,利用时间错格有限差分算子替代普通的差分算子来求解时间导数,利用快速傅氏变换求解空间导数,大大提高了正演模拟的计算精度与计算效率.并且与各向同性介质相比,地震波在含流体裂缝各向异性介质中的传播要复杂得多,各向同性介质层中的波是纯的,其横波不会发生分裂,而在各向异性介质层中,横波将发生分裂.  相似文献   

Existing numerical investigations of dam-break flows rarely consider the effects of vegetation.This paper presents a depth-averaged two-dimensional model for dam-break flows over mobile and vegetated beds.In the model,both the consequences of reducing space for storing mass and momentum by the existence of vegetation and dragging the flow are considered:the former is considered by introducing a factor (1-c) to the flow depth,where c is the vegetation density;the later is considered by including an additional sink term in the momentum equations.The new governing equations are discretized by the finite volume method;and an existing second-order central-upwind scheme embedded with the hydrostatic reconstruction method for water depth,is used to estimate the fluxes;the source terms are estimated by either explicit or semi-explicit methods fulfilling the stability requirement.Laboratory experiments of dam-break flows or quasi-steady flows with/without vegetation effects/sediment transport are simulated.The good agreements between the measurements and the numerical simulations demonstrate a satisfactory performance of the model in reproducing the flow depth,velocity and bed deformation depth.Numerical case studies of six scenarios of dam-break flows over a mobile and vegetated bed are conducted.It is shown that when the area of the vegetation zone,the vegetation density,and the pattern of the vegetation distribution are varied,the resulted bed morphological change differs greatly,suggesting a great influence of vegetation on the dam-break flow evolution.Specifically,the vegetation may divert the direction of the main flow,hindering the flow and thus result in increased deposition upstream of the vegetation.  相似文献   

均匀半空间瞬变电磁场直接时域响应数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



钱塘江因其恢弘的涌潮现象而举世闻名,对钱塘江涌潮形成机理的探究具有理论与应用双重价值.本文建立了考虑非线性、频散以及耗散作用的二维高阶Boussinesq型方程,并结合有限体积数值方法来描述钱塘江涌潮这一物理过程,复演了最具代表性的"交叉潮"、"一线潮"和"回头潮"三大潮景,同时展现了涌潮的二次自由面起伏现象,重现了钱塘江涌潮的形成、发展和消亡三个完整阶段.从涌潮高度、涌潮速度等涌潮传播表征指标进行探究,分析了不同河段潮景的形成过程以及特征,模拟结果与实际观测结论相吻合.潮景的形成是涌潮进入不同发展阶段的重要标志,"交叉潮"出现在涌潮的形成初期,Froude数接近1,涌潮高度在0.5 m左右;涌潮进入盐官河段后,强度开始增强,形成"一线潮",Froude保持在1.45以上,涌潮高度最大可达3 m以上;"回头潮"出现之后,涌潮强度开始减弱,于三工段区域再次形成小规模的"一线潮",Froude数在1.3~1.4之间,涌潮高度约为2 m;七堡之后,上溯的涌潮进入消亡阶段,Froude数减小至1.3以下,涌潮高度约为1 m.此次研究有助于对钱塘江涌潮特性的进一步认识.  相似文献   

A physically-based distributed erosion model (MEFIDIS) was applied to evaluate the consequences of storm movement on runoff and erosion from the Alenquer basin in Portugal. Controlled soil flume laboratory experiments were also used to test the model. Nine synthetic circular storms were used, combining three storm diameters (0.5, 1 and 2 times the Alenquer basin’s axial length) with three speeds of storm movement (0.5, 1 and 2 m/s); storm intensities were synthesized in order to maintain a constant rainfall depth of 50 mm. The model was applied to storms moving downstream as well as upstream along the basin’s axis. In all tests, downstream-moving storms caused significantly higher peak runoff (56.5%) and net erosion (9.1%) than did upstream-moving storms. The consequences for peak runoff were amplified as the storm intensity increased. The hydrograph shapes were also different: for downstream-moving storms, runoff started later and the rising limb was steeper, whereas for upstream moving storms, runoff started early and the rising limb was less steep. Both laboratory and model simulations on the Alenquer basin showed that the direction of storm movement, especially in case of extreme rainfall events, significantly affected runoff and soil loss.  相似文献   

Jonathan C.  Lewis  Tim  Byrne David J.  Prior 《Island Arc》1997,6(2):183-196
Abstract We present backscattered scanning electron microscope and petrographic microscope observations of deformed sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 808 in order to better understand the dewatering and deformation history of the Nankai accretionary complex. This synthesis of deformation textures has three implications. First, the early structures that dominate the Nankai prism, small faults and kink bands, have very different electron microscope versus optical microscopic expressions. This observation is important to investigations of fine-grained sediment in both stable and active tectonic settings, in part, because these materials have often been studied almost exclusively by electron microscope methods. In sediments of this type, investigators often forego petrographic analysis because of the relative opacity of samples at normal (i.e. 30 pm) thin section thicknesses. Second, the textural observations we have compiled suggest that these deformation structures acted as 'single-event' pathways that contributed to diffusive dewatering of the prism. Third, our observations serve as a reference frame for the early tectonic structures that are important to the dewatering history of a 'sandy' accretionary prism.  相似文献   

董兴朋  杨顶辉 《地球物理学报》2017,60(12):4671-4680

谱元法已成为区域性乃至大陆性尺度地震波场模拟的重要工具.对于区域或大陆尺度层析成像而言,地球曲率不可忽略,此时模拟地震波传播采用球坐标系更为合适.本文从球坐标系下弹性波动方程弱形式出发,基于球坐标系变分原理给出了球坐标系下求解三维地震波方程的谱元法.另一方面,计算Fréchet敏感核是进行全波形反演的关键,本文借助伴随原理,推导了全波走时层析成像三维Fréchet敏感核表达式.为了验证球坐标系下谱元法的精度,我们将数值模拟结果与normal mode方法得到的解析解在1-D PREM模型下进行了对比.同时,我们将此方法应用到华北克拉通区域,以期获得地球内部结构精确成像.基于3-D全球径向各向异性地幔模型S362ANI和3-D地壳模型Crust1.0,我们建立了华北克拉通初始3-D背景模型,并将数值模拟结果与实际观测台站记录波形资料进行对比分析,利用互相关方法提取走时残差,最后给出了Fréchet敏感核在3-D空间中的分布,这些工作为下一步开展球坐标系下三维大尺度全波形反演奠定了基础.


俯冲板块的深部脱水使得上覆地幔含水, 从而降低含水地幔的熔点, 导致上覆地幔部分熔融。 部分熔融的地幔柱一旦喷发到地表就是俯冲带火山, 也形成新的地壳。 相对于周围的地幔来讲, 具有较小密度和黏度的部分熔融地幔的时空活动性就控制着俯冲带火山的时空分布特征。 本文主要回顾近年来运用三维热力学岩石力学模型数值模拟研究与板片脱水相关的俯冲带火山活动的时空分布特性。 结果表明, 部分熔融地幔的有效黏度和密度是影响俯冲板片之上的三维地幔柱横向分布特征的主要因素。 高黏度的部分熔融地幔(1020~1021 Pa·s )易于形成近平行于海沟的、 长波长(70~100 km)的、 薄的波状地幔柱; 低黏度(1018~1019 Pa·s )的熔融地幔易于形成平行于海沟的, 短波长(30~50 km)的蘑菇状地幔柱和垂直于海沟的山脊状地幔柱。 当部分熔融地幔和周围地幔的密度相差小于50 kg/m3时, 在俯冲板片之上只能形成长波长低幅度(宽50~100 km, 高10~15 km)的地幔山丘。 岩浆产率随着时间的变化反映了火山活动的生命周期性。 板块俯冲速度会影响地幔柱形成的深度和范围大小。 高效率熔融提取会增加新地壳增长总量。 低的板块俯冲速度和低的熔融提取效率会增加上地壳(花岗岩质)和中地壳(英安岩质)化学成分的比例。 数值模拟结果可以很好地解释如日本东北、 新西兰、 南阿拉斯加俯冲区火山的横向分布特征。  相似文献   

Earthquake data include informative seismic phases that require identification for imaging the Earth's structural interior. In order to identify the phases, we created a numerical method to calculate the traveltimes and raypaths by a shooting technique based upon the IASP91 Earth model, and it can calculate the traveltimes and raypaths for not only the seismic phases in the traditional traveltime tables such as IASP91, AK135, but also some phases such as pPcP, pPKIKP, and PPPPP. It is not necessary for this method to mesh the Earth model, and the results from the numerical modeling and its application show that the absolute differences between the calculated and theoretical traveltimes from the ISAP91 tables are less than 0.1 s. Thus, it is simple in manipulation and fast in computation, and can provide a reliable theoretical prediction for the identification of a seismic phase within the acquired earthquake data.  相似文献   

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