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In this paper we present exact solutions to the density perturbation equation derived by Bonnor for the cases where = c ,k=1 and = – c ,k=–1. The solutions when =0,k=1 and =0,k=–1 have been previously published. Using these solutions a quantitative analysis has been carried out that has enabled us to estimate the size of the fluctuations that must be postulated at decoupling in order to explain the formation of the galaxies in these model universes.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Th/U ratio in meteorites and the evolutionary ages of globular clusters favour values of the cosmic age of (19±5)×109 yr. This evidence together with a Hubble parameterH 0>70 km s–1 Mpc–1=(14×109 yr)–1 cannot be reconciled in a Friedmann model with =0. It requires a cosmological constant in the order of 10–56 cm–2, equivalent to a vacuum density v =10–29 g cm–3 The Friedmann-Lemaître models (>0) with a hot big-bang have been calculated. They are based on a present value of the baryonic matter density of 0=0.5×10–30 g cm–3 as derived from the primordial4He and2H abundances.For a Hubble parameter ofH 0=75 km s–1 Mpc–1, our analysis favours a set of models which can be represented by a model with Euclidean metric (density parameter 0=1.0, deceleration parameterq 0=–0.93, aget 0=19.7×109 yr) and by a closed model with perpetual expansion (0=1.072,q 0=–1.0, aget 0=21.4×109 yr). A present density parameter close to one can indeed be expected if the conjecture of an exponential inflation of the very early universe is correct.The possible behaviour of the vacuum density is demonstrated with the help of Streeruwitz' formula in the context of the closed model with an inflationary phase at very early times.  相似文献   

An approximate metric is found which represents a sphere of matter embedded in a background of dust. The use of this metric in conjunction with the Friedmann equations gives values of for the three possible values ofk as +6×10–36 (k=+1), +3×10–35 (k=0), +10–36 (k=–1). These values depend on data regarding clusters of galaxies, and are probably accurate to within an order of magnitude given the correctness of the assumptions on which their derivation rests.  相似文献   

In Table I we present seven digit numerical solutions of the Lane-Emden equation for the plane-parallel, cylindrical, and spherical case for polytropic indices ofn=–10, –5, –4, –3, –2, –1.5, –1.01, –0.9, –0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 20, ±, supplemented byn=2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 4.99 for the spherical case.In Table II some finite boundary values of polytropic slabs, cylinders, and spheres are summarized. For polytropic spheres (N=3) we have also quoted boundary values near the minimum of the dimensionless mass -2 11 occurring atn4.823 (Seidov and Kuzakhmedov, 1978).  相似文献   

We use the generalized Brans-Dicke theory, in which the Pauli metric is identified to be the physical space-time metric, to study the Universe in different epochs. Exact analytical expressions for dilaton field , cosmological radiusR and density parameter are obtained fork=+1,0,–1 Universe in the radiation-dominated epoch. For matter dominated Epoch, exact analytical expressions for Hubble parameterH, cosmological radius, dilaton field, deceleration factorq, density parameter and the gravitational coupling of the ordinary matter are obtained for the flat Universe. Other important results are: (1) the density parameter is always less than unity for the flat Universe because the dilaton field plays a role as an effective dark matter, and (2) the new Brans-Dicke parameter must be larger than 31.75 in order to consistent with the observed data.  相似文献   

Two models for superluminal radio sources predict sharp lower bounds for the apparent velocities of separation. The light echo model predicts a minimum velocityv min=2c, and the dipole field model predictsv min=4.446c. Yahil (1979) has suggested that, if either of these models is correct, thenv min provides a standard velocity which can be used to determine the cosmological parametersH andq 0. This is accomplished by estimating a lower envelope for the proper motion vs redshift relation. Yahil also argued that the procedure could easily be generalized to include a nonzero cosmical constant . We derive the formulas relating the proper motion to the redshiftz in a Friedmann universe with a nonzero . We show that the determination of a lower envelope for a given sample of measured points yields an estimate of the angle of inclination i for each source in the sample. We formulate the estimation of the lower envelope as a constrained maximum likelihood problem with the constraints specified by the expected value of the largest order statistic for the estimated i . We solve this problem numerically using an off-the-shelf nonlinearly constrained nonlinear optimization program from the NAg library. Assuming =0, we apply the estimation procedure to a sample of 27 sources with measured values , using both the light echo and the dipole field models. The fits giveH=103 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the light echo model andH=46 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the dipole field model. In both cases the fits giveq 0=0.4, but the uncertainty in this result is too large to rule out the possibility thatq 0>0.5. When is allowed to be a free parameter, we obtainH=105 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the light echo model andH=47 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the dipole field model. In both cases the fits giveq 0=–1 and /H 0 2 =6.7, but no significance can be attached to these results because of the paucity of measured data at hight redshifts. For all of the fits, we compute the corresponding estimates of the i and compare the cumulative distribution of these values with that expected from a sample of randomly oriented sources. In all cases we find a large excess of sources at low-inclination angles (high apparent velocities). The expected selection effect would produce such an excess, but the excess is large enough to suggest a strong contamination of the sample by relativistic beam sources which would only be seen at low inclination angles.Applied Research Corporation  相似文献   

Some aspects of viscous cosmological models, mainly of Bianchi type-I, are studied, in particular with the purpose of trying to obtain a natural explanation of why the entropy per baryon in the universe, ~ 109, is so large. Using the FRW metric it is first shown, in agreement with previous workers, that the expressions for the bulk viscosity as derived from kinetic theory in the plasma era is incapable of explaining the large value of. However it is possible to imagine the viscosity to be an impulse viscosity operative in one or several phase transitions in the early universe. This is the main idea elaborated on in the present paper. It is shown that in thek = 0 FRW space, an impulse bulk viscosity infl ~ 1060 g cm–1 s–1) acting at the phase transition at the end of the inflationary epoch corresponds to the correct entropy. If the space is anisotropic, it is natural to exploit the analogy with classical fluid dynamics to introduce the turbulent viscosity concept. This is finally discussed, in relation to an anisotropy introduced in the universe via the Kasner metric.  相似文献   

In the region of the formation of weak and medium-strong lines, the microturbulence increases with height (V ver=0.7–0.9 km s-1, V hor= 1.1–1.5 km s-1), the macroturbulence decreases (V ver=1.6–1.4 km s-1, V hor= 2.4–1.5 km s-1), and the total velocity field (vertical component) is depth-independent (1.7 km s-1). The empirical damping constants for Fe, Ti, Cr, Ni lines are equal 1.36, 1.76, 1.66, 1.66, respectively. The correlation length (the Kubo-Anderson process has been used) in the solar photosphere is 520–550 km.  相似文献   

New expansions of elliptic motion based on considering the eccentricitye as the modulusk of elliptic functions and introducing the new anomalyw (a sort of elliptic anomaly) defined byw=u/2K–/2,g=amu–/2 (g being the eccentric anomaly) are compared with the classic (e, M), (e, v) and (e, g) expansions in multiples of mean, true and eccentric anomalies, respectively. These (q,w) expansions turn out to be in general more compact than the classical ones. The coefficients of the (e,v) and (e,g) expansions are expressed as the hypergeometric series, which may be reduced to the hypergeometric polynomials. The coefficients of the (q,w) expansions may be presented in closed (rational function) form with respect toq, k, k=(1–k 2)1/2,K andE, q being the Jacobi nome relatedk whileK andE are the complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind respectively. Recurrence relations to compute these coefficients have been derived.on leave from Institute of Applied Astronomy, St.-Petersburg 197042, Russia  相似文献   

The 5-dimensional Jordan-Brans-Dicke cosmologies in vacuum are found for the Bianchi type I metric, their relation with general relativity cosmologies is studied. Two solutions are possible, both produce effective pressure and energy density in the 4-dimensional G.R.-universes. One is a power-law relation, with two cases, the first one is forp eff=eff and the other forp eff=eff(– 1 < < 1) has a behaviour as the open flat universe. The second solution is an exponential only valid forp eff=–eff. In all cases the three-space expansion reaches infinity ast and the fifth dimension can be made to decrease approaching zero. The scalar field can increase or decrease with time.  相似文献   

It is established that, in contrast to Einstein's theory, in the cosmological equations of the theory by Brans and Dicke the spatial component of the field equations follows from the remaining equations and the conservation lawT ik jk=0 only if one excludes the power law R –2. Some consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

The nonlinear self-excited oscillations of the envelopes of low-massive highly luminous stars are described. The parameters for these models wereM=0.8M ,M bol=–5.5, –5.84 mag,T eff=4500, 5000, 5500 K. The oscillations have been found to consist of the standing wave pulsation near the envelope bottom and running waves in outer layers. The ratio of the standing wave frequency s to the average frequency of the running waves r increases with the stellar luminosity: s / r =1.7 whenM bol=–5.5 mag and s / r =2.4 whenM bol=–5.84 mag. The frequency of oscillations near the photosphere is found to be in close agreement with the critical frequency for running waves. Mass loss from these stars is caused by shocks. It has been shown that agreement between FG Sge's period change observed during the last decade and the period-luminosity relation for double shell stars takes place when FG Sge's luminosity isM bol=–5.96 mag.  相似文献   

The results of observations of the Rosette emission nebula NGC 2237 with the radio telescope UTR-2 at frequencies 12.6, 14.7, 16.7, 20.0 and 25.0 MHz are given in the shape of contours of constant brightness temperature. The half-power beamwidth of the telescope to zenith at 25.0 MHz was 28×38. Density weighted mean values for the non-thermal radio emissivity between the Sun and the source (7.9×10–41 W m–3 Hz–1 ster–1 at 25.0 MHz) and the ratio of the intensity of emissivity generated before the area and the intensity of galactic radio emissivity appearing beyond the area equal to 1.3 have been obtained. The electron temperatureT e=3600 K, the optical depth (about ten at 25 MHz), the measure of emission (ME=3500 cm–6 pc), the electron densityN e=8 cm–3 and the nebular mass 16.6×10+3 M have been determined. A comparison with other observation results has been made.  相似文献   

The magnetic fields observed in the galactic disc are generated by the differential rotation and the helical turbulent motions of interstellar gas. On the scalesl=2k –1 which lie in the intervall 0<l<l e (l 0100 pc is the energy-range scale of the galactic turbulence), the spectral density of the kinetic energy of turbulence (k –5/3) exceeds the magnetic energy spectral density (k –1). The equipartition between magnetic and kinetic energies is reached atl=l e 6 pc in the intercloud medium and is maintained down to the scalel=l d 0.03 pc. In dense interstellar cloudsl e is determined by the individual cloud size andl d 0.1 pc.The internal turbulent velocities in Hi clouds (cloud size is assumed to be 10 pc) lie in the range from 1.8 to 5.6km s–1, fitting well within the observed range of internal rms velocities. Dissipation of the interstellar MHD turbulence leads to creation of temperature fluctuations with amplitudes of 150 K and 65 K in dense clouds and intercloud medium, respectively. The small-scale fluctuations observed in the interstellar medium may arise from such perturbations due to the thermal instability, for instance. Dissipation of the MHD turbulence energy provides nearly half of the energy supply needed to maintain the thermal balance of the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

Detailed surface photometry for the SB(s)a galaxy NGC 7771 has been carried out in the blue spectral band. Isophotes, luminosity profiles, and photometric parameters are obtained from photographs collected with the 74 inch telescope of Kottamia Observatory, Egypt. The total apparent magnitudem T =13.08 with maximum dimensions 3.6±0.5×2.7±0.5 (at threshold µ m = 27.38 mag s–2). The absolute magnitude isM T =–21.70 if the distance is =90.2 Mpc. The major axis is in position angle =69°.5±1° and the mean axis ratio of the outer regionsq=b/a=0.45 corresponds to an inclinationi=66°. The equivalent effective radiusr e * =0.29 and the effective surface brightness µ e = 22.30 mag s–2.The equivalent luminosity distribution has been decomposed into two main components, anr 1/4 spheroid and an exponential disk. The total apparent magnitudes of the spheroidal and disk components are 14.36 and 13.48, which correspond to contributions of 31 and 69% to the total blue luminosity, respectively.  相似文献   

A comprehensive period study of the times of minima observed from 1881 to 1985 has been performed. Previous interpretations of the O–C diagram based on light-time effect are confirmed. The light-time orbit of U Oph has been revised using a differential corrections procedure. We get an eccentric orbit withe=0.22±0.06,P=38.7±0.2 yr, and a mass function . In addition, our analysis has revealed short-period apsidal motion (U/P=4515±75) in a slightly eccentric close orbit (e=0.0031±0.0003), allowing a reliable determination of the density concentration coefficient,k 2=0.0059±4. A comparison with stellar evolutionary models calculated by Jeffery (1984) yields the helium contentY=0.28±0.05 and an age of 3×107 yr for the components of U Oph.  相似文献   

A comparison between model atmosphere grids with and without metal blanketing has been performed in the low-temperature range (T eff=6000 K to 10000 K) and for different metal contents (logA=0, –1, –2;A=scaled solar abundance). ForA10–1 andT eff7000 K, the Johnson colour indicesU-B andB-V, together with the Strömgrenu-b, b-y and the bolometric correction (BC) are little affected by metal blanketing ( mag<0 . m 04). On the other hand, the trend of the physical quantities and them 1 andc 1 colour indices reflect the inadequateness of the models even withA=10–2 andT eff=9500 K, where hydrogen line blanketing is expected to dominate. This fact discourages once and for all the use of metal unblanketed atmospheres other than for comparison of colour indices or the calculation of bolometric corrections for Population II A-F spectral types.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances of the VH group of cosmic radiation have been measured in the energy interval 250–550 MeV nucl–1 in a balloon exposure at Sioux Falls (South Dakota) of a plastic detector LeXAN stack. The so obtained abundances have been extrapolated to the sources in the frame of the homogeneous model correcting for energy loss. After taking into account solar modulation, the best fit to model values has led to a escape mean free path e = 5E –0.4 g cm–2, whereE is the energy in GeV nucl–1, forE>1 GeV nucl–1, and a constant e = 5 g cm–2 forE1 GeV nucl–1. When turning to the diffusion model, also including an energy loss term, a diffusion coefficientD=3×1028 cm2 s–1 has been estimated.  相似文献   

Intensity, polarization, and cooling rate of the two-photon annihilation radiation are studied in detail in the case of one-dimensional power-law distributions of electrons and positrons, assuming that they occupy the ground Landau level in a strong magnetic fieldB1010–1012 G. Simple analytical expressions for limiting cases are obtained and results of numerical calculations of radiation characteristics are presented. Power-lawe ± distributions ± ± –k are shown to generate power-law spectra of the annihilation radiation atEmc 2 andEmc 2, with indices depending on the direction of radiation. The annihilation spectra at =0 show the largest blue-shifts of their maxima and the hardest high-energy tailsI(Emc 2, =0)E –(k–1). The blue-shifts reduce, and the hard tials steepen, with increasing . At >(2mc 2/E)1/2 the slopes of the high-energy tails rapidly transform to that at =2,I(Emc 2, =/2)E –(2k+3). The direction-integrated spectraS(E) also display the power-law tials at low and high energies,S(Emc 2)E –(k+1). The total annihilation rate and energy losses decrease with decreasingk, being higher than for the isotropice ± power-law distributions at the samek. The radiation is linearly polarized in the plane formed by the magnetic field and wave-vector. The polarization degreeP is maximum atEmc 2:P max0.6 for =/2. Annihilation features and power-law-like hard tails observed in many gamma-ray burst spectra may be associated with the annihilation radiation of the magnetized power-law distributed plasma near neutron stars. Comparison of the observed and theoretical spectra allows one to estimate the power-law index of thee e +-distribution and the gravitational redshift factor in the radiating region.  相似文献   

It is shown that a cylindrical plasma column supporting a longitudinal fieldB z and an azimuthal fieldB has a fastest-growing mode in whichkR 01 (k=wave number,R 0=radius of the column). If we assume that plasma is ejected from a galaxy to form a jet, filament or bridge of length 5 kpc,R 00.5 kpc, density 10–24 gm cm–3 with a dragged-out field of strengthB z 10–5 Gauss (from a parent field 10–6 Gauss), such a column must eventually fragment by the action of a hydromagnetic instability, breaking up into a number 10 of regularly-spaced condensations. It is, therefore, predicted that features like the M87 jet should show incipient nucleation with 3–10 knots, and that periodically-spaced objects of the type noted by Arp may have resulted from the action of such an instability.  相似文献   

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