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Ion microprobe dating of zircon and monazite from high-grade gneisses has been used to (1) determine the timing of metamorphism in the Western Province of New Zealand, and (2) constrain the age of the protoliths from which the metamorphic rocks were derived. The Western Province comprises Westland, where mainly upper crustal rocks are exposed, and Fiordland, where middle to lower crustal levels crop out. In Westland, the oldest recognisable metamorphic event occurred at 360–370 Ma, penecontemporaneously with intrusion of the mid-Palaeozoic Karamea Batholith (c. 375 Ma). Metamorphism took place under low-pressure/high-temperature conditions, resulting in upper-amphibolite sillimanite-grade metamorphism of Lower Palaeozoic pelites (Greenland Group). Orthogneisses of younger (Cretaceous) age formed during emplacement of the Rahu Suite granite intrusives (c. 110 Ma) and were derived from protoliths including Cretaceous Separation Point suite and Devonian Karamea suite granites. In Fiordland, high-grade paragneisses with Greenland Group zircon age patterns were metamorphosed (M1) to sillimanite grade at 360 Ma. Concomitant with crustal thickening and further granite emplacement, M1 mineral assemblages were overprinted by higher-pressure kyanite-grade metamorphism (M2) at 330 Ma. It remains unclear whether the M2 event in Fiordland was primarily due to tectonic burial, as suggested by regional recumbent isoclinal folding, or whether it was due to magmatic loading, in keeping with the significant volumes of granite magma intruded at higher structural levels in the formerly contiguous Westland region. Metamorphism in Fiordland accompanied and outlasted emplacement of the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) at 110–125 Ma. The WFO equilibrated under granulite facies conditions, whereas cover rocks underwent more limited recrystallization except for high-strain shear zones where conditions of lower to middle amphibolite facies were met. The juxtaposition of Palaeozoic kyanite-grade rocks against Cretaceous WFO granulites resulted from late Mesozoic extensional deformation and development of metamorphic core complexes in the Western Province.  相似文献   

测点相对位置对离子探针锆石U-Pb定年的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
凌潇潇  李秋立  刘宇  唐国强  李娇 《岩石学报》2019,35(8):2615-2624
离子探针得益于高空间分辨率的特点,在复杂变质锆石的微区原位年代学研究中,其常被作为首选技术手段。对具有复杂环带结构的锆石进行原位分析,通常可以得到岩石多期次地质演化信息,因此在一颗有核(幔)边结构的锆石上进行多点分析是常见现象。为了定量地评估多点分析时测点的相对位置对离子探针测量结果的影响,本研究采用目前报道最为均一的锆石标样M257为测试对象,分为四种情况,即同一测点重复测试年龄、同一测点先氧同位素分析后年龄测试、在首个测点的上/下/左/右方且预剥蚀区域有部分重叠的范围内测试、距首个测点有显著距离测试等,进行了系统性U-Pb定年对比实验。结果显示,相对一个颗粒上的首个测点,第二个测点的测试深度和预剥蚀区域的变化会给测试结果带来-5%到+11%的系统偏差,尤以与首个测点的预剥蚀区域有重叠且位于一次离子入射方向后侧的分析点会产生最为显著的系统偏差。因此,在采用离子探针进行副矿物U-Pb测试的时候,当需要原位重复分析或在临近区域多点分析时,需要特别注意多个测点的相对位置和分析顺序。本实验结果指示,以往通过离子探针方法对变质锆石进行过核边多点分析,通过变质锆石边部所获得的年龄结果值得重新审视,有将变质时代持续时间扩大化的隐忧。  相似文献   

U-Pb data on zircons from the largest mafic-ultramafic body (6×2 km) of the French Central Massif (Sauviat-sur-Vige) yield the following age results: Primary magmatic crystallization of the gabbroic and peridotitic protoliths took place in the Cambro-Ordovician (496±25/17 m.y.). Variable transformation under eclogite facies conditions was Hercynian (320±29/36 m.y.). The same age pattern, derived by U-Pb monazite analyses, was found also for the immediate country rocks, i.e. kyanite bearing, coarse-grained metagranites occurring to the W and N of the Sauviat massif. Due to the fact that there is no regional Hercynian high-grade metamorphism in this part of the French Central Massif (e.g. Duthou 1977; Bernard-Griffiths 1975), both mafic-ultramafic complex as well as immediate felsic country rocks must have been emplaced tectonically into pre-Hercynian (Acadian±Caledonian) crustal rocks. The cause for such a Hercynian tectonism is thought to be due to continent-continent collision of the Spanish with the Armorican plate. Preliminary U-Pb zircon results on one eclogite sample taken about 50 km S of the Sauviat complex indicate also an Early Palaeozoic age for the magmatic protolith and a Hercynian transformation into eclogite, combined with and/or followed by tectonic emplacement. However, opposite to the continental Sauviat massif, we are probably dealing here with oceanic material, possibly deposited in an Early Palaeozoic marginal sea basin. Thus, subduction and tectonic emplacement of oceanic crust into continental crust terminated in this area also in the Hercynian. Concerning U-Pb systematics of zircon and monazite the following conclusions can be drawn:
  1. U-Pb systems of primary magmatic zircons of mafic and ultramafic rocks are only weakly disturbed during static eclogite facies metamorphism (T>820° C; P> 15 kbar);
  2. New- and overgrowth of zircon during eclogite facies metamorphism seems to be the major cause for the degree of discordance;
  3. Amphibolitization of metagabbros and eclogites had no effect on the degree of discordance of zircon;
  4. U-Pb systems of monazites remained undisturbed during intense weathering of the mother rock.

Increased precision in isotope-dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) U-Pb geochronology has revealed age complexities in zircon populations that require new tools for understanding how the growth of zircon is related to geologic processes. U and Pb are routinely separated from other elements in dated minerals by ion exchange separation prior to TIMS isotope measurement. We develop a method in which trace elements in the exact same volume of zircon are redissolved and analyzed using solution nebulization inductively coupled plasma sector-field mass spectrometry with matrix-matched external liquid calibration. Using <0.5 ml solution, resulting concentrations are between <1 ppt for elements such as Ti, Nb and Ta and tens of ppb for Zr. By analyzing a series of standard solutions, zircons and procedural blanks, we show that accurate measurements are performed on Zr, Hf, Y, Sc, and the HREE while low-concentration elements can be measured accurately to <5 ppt. We performed combined U-Pb ID-TIMS geochronology with trace element analysis (here called U-Pb TIMS-TEA) on zircons from eight volcanic rocks comprising several volcanic systems and one metamorphic sample. Similar to previous in situ trace element analyses, zircon geochemistry is distinct between different samples and records petrogenetic processes such as fractional crystallization, assimilation and/or magma mixing. Unique from in situ analysis, U-Pb TIMS-TEA can trace geochemical evolution in accessory minerals with adequate age precision to resolve magmatic processes in rocks at least 200 million years old. This provides a means to identify auto-, ante- and xenocrystic zircon and lead to more robust age interpretations in ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology. One suite of Cretaceous andesitic zircons shows correlations in geochemistry and absolute time that record evolution of a magmatic system over ∼250 ka prior to eruption. Future work will combine U-Pb TIMS-TEA with solution isotopic analysis of Nd, Sr and Hf and will be applied to a host of datable minerals such as monazite, sphene, apatite, rutile, xenotime, and baddeleyite. These combined tools will provide access to an improved understanding of a wide range of igneous and metamorphic processes as a function of time.  相似文献   

贺小元  王永  郭瑞华 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):55-56
正柴北缘高压—超高压变质带内发育的榴辉岩、蛇绿岩、麻粒岩及片麻岩等前人进行了大量的研究。大柴旦地区是柴北缘古生代超高压带的重要组成部分,与超高压岩石相伴的花岗岩十分发育,查明该超高压带上花岗质岩浆活动期次及其与超高压变质作用、造山带构造演化之间的关系,对探讨中国西部大地构造演化具有十分重要的意义(吴才来等,2007)。  相似文献   

姚建  李巨初  周君  陈志国  姚海平 《地质通报》2017,36(2-3):381-391
广泛分布于扬子地台西缘康滇地轴上的康定杂岩,其形成时代一直争议较大。选取前人少有涉及的大田地区混合岩进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄测定,结果表明,其年龄时限集中在744~772Ma之间,为晋宁造山运动期产物,与近年其他学者针对康定杂岩的锆石测年结果一致,说明康滇地轴最大一次混合岩化作用发生在晋宁期。混合岩稀土元素具2种明显不同的配分型式,显示深熔作用特征。深熔作用早期混合岩Eu具正异常特征,晚期则具明显的负Eu异常,显示有分异结晶作用。有利的铀矿赋矿围岩为深熔作用晚期分异结晶形成的混合岩  相似文献   

桐柏造山带是研究秦岭-桐柏-大别-苏鲁变质带演化的关健地区.由于桐柏高级变质杂岩深熔作用发生时间还缺乏准确的限定,这一区城的构造演化仍存在较大的争议.本文对桐柏杂岩中的一个混合岩的中色体和两个混合岩浅色体样品中的锆石进行了LA-ICPMS年代学测定.中色体中锆石分析点获得的上下交点分别为859±73Ma和135±250Ma.接近上交.4的6个谐和分析点给出的206 Pb/238 U加权平均结果为828±7Ma(MSWD=0.57).这一年龄结果同上交点在误差范围内一致,代表混合岩原岩结晶年龄,对应扬子板块北缘出现的中-新元古代的岩浆事件.另一方面,混合岩浅色体中的新生锆石具有面状分带或是弱的振荡环带,低的Tb/U比值,锆石形态学和内部结构也表明新生锆石结晶于与深熔作用有关的熔体中,它们的206 Pb/238 U加权平均值分别为135±4Ma和131±3Ma.这一年龄范围代表桐柏高级变质地体发生深熔作用时间,区城上与桐柏-大别变质带广泛出现的碰撞后岩浆事件的时代相同.桐柏造山带出现造山后伸展的时间应不晚于135Ma.  相似文献   

福建魁岐晶洞花岗岩锆石U-Pb年代学及其地球化学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
魁岐晶洞花岗岩具有高Si、高碱、低Ca、富集大离子亲石元素和高场强元素的地球化学特征,为典型的A型花岗岩。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年分析显示,魁岐小晶洞花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄在101.7±2Ma和97.3±0.77Ma之间,而大晶洞花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄在93.6±1.5Ma和92.0±1.3Ma之间,表明它们是晚白垩世早期岩浆活动的产物。锆石原位Hf同位素分析显示,大晶洞锆石的εHf(t)分别为+1.45和+1.21,锆石二阶段模式年龄平均值为1064Ma和1078Ma,说明该类岩石是幔源岩浆底侵导致下地壳熔融的结果。以上研究成果表明,魁岐晶洞A型花岗岩形成于库拉板块向欧亚板块俯冲,诱发其上的大陆岩石圈板块伸展的构造环境。因此,其原始岩浆是新元古代下地壳物质部分熔融的产物,并伴有地幔物质的加入。  相似文献   

热水岩体位于贵东岩体中部南侧,SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年结果为162.8±5.8 Ma(MSWD=4.2),属于燕山早期岩浆活动产物.该岩体具有富硅(SiO2平均为76.32%)、富铝(A/CNK值平均为1.14)、钾大于钠(K2 O/Na2O值平均为1.32)和高的P2O5含量(平均为0.41%);大离子元素富集,...  相似文献   


华阳川铀矿位于小秦岭构造带西部, 是一个以铀铌共生为主, 并伴生铅、稀土的多金属矿床。华阳川铀矿发现于20世纪50年代, 长期以含铌钛铀矿的碳酸岩型铀矿而知名, 已往研究工作也大量聚焦于碳酸岩型铀矿。近年来, 新的地质工作在华阳川地区发现了大量的含铀伟(细)晶岩、花岗岩脉。本文对位于华阳川铀矿区西部及外围黄家沟一带的含铀伟晶岩进行了岩相学、矿物学、锆石及独居石U-Pb年代学等方面研究。研究发现含铀伟晶岩中的锆石基本为岩浆成因, 锆石的U-Pb年代数据集中在1842±11Ma~1829±12Ma。结合锆石与含铀矿物铌钛铀矿共生的特征, 表明存在成岩期成矿的现象, 反映了古元古代(约2.0~1.8Ga)华北克拉通南缘基底克拉通化过程中花岗质岩浆活动的铀成矿效应。含铀伟晶岩中同时也产出较多热液成因的独居石, 其U-Pb同位素年龄测定得到二组数据, 分别为268.7±5.9Ma~259±4.6Ma、232.5±4.7Ma~228.2±9.2Ma, 反映了晚古生代-早中生代华阳川地区的二期构造热事件。其中, 晚古生代年代数据(268.7±5.9Ma~259±4.6Ma)表明扬子板块向华北板块南缘(+南秦岭微地块)的深部板块俯冲、碰撞机制的远程构造热效应在华阳川地区已经开始; 而早中生代年代数据(232.5±4.7Ma~228.2±9.2Ma), 与华阳川地区已有的三叠纪碳酸岩型铀、钼矿床的成矿年代数据十分接近, 为华阳川地区乃至东秦岭早中生代三叠纪铀钼多金属成矿作用提供了新的证据。


位于东喜马拉雅构造结的南迦巴瓦岩群是研究喜马拉雅构造带基底演化的重要对象之一.在构造样式上,南迦巴瓦岩群为一个背形构造,该背形构造的核部由多雄拉混合岩和花岗片麻岩组成.本文开展了南迦巴瓦岩群多雄拉混合岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年研究.结果表明.多雄拉混合岩深色体的原岩形成年龄为1759±10Ma,浅色体的形成年龄为1594±13Ma,代表发生混合岩化的年龄.另外,一个多雄拉花岗片麻岩的原岩形成年龄为1583±6Ma,该年龄在误差范围内与区域发生混合岩化作用的时代相近,表明在混合岩化过程中存在着一定程度的地壳深熔作用.区域对比表明,低喜马拉雅和高喜马拉雅构造单元内存在着明显不同的构造一岩浆事件,其中低喜马拉雅构造单元广泛存在1.6~1.8Ga的构造-岩浆事件.与之相对比,多雄拉混合岩和花岗片麻岩的锆石U-Pb年代学说明南迦巴瓦岩群核部应属于低喜马拉雅结晶岩系,而明显不同于高喜马拉雅结晶岩系,这与西喜马拉雅构造结相似,表明东喜马拉雅构造结与西喜马拉雅构造结有着相似的地质演化.  相似文献   

鞍山地区分布有始太古代-新太古代花岗岩杂岩,是研究早期地壳物质组成及其演化的经典地区之一.通过大比例尺岩性调查工作,新近在营城子识别出一套片麻岩杂岩和奥长花岗岩组合,为本区古老岩系的对比、构造格局恢复、太古代地壳形成与演化研究提供了新的依据和线索.片麻岩杂岩主要由条带状黑云斜长片麻岩、(脉状)奥长花岗质片麻岩以及黑云母片岩组成,呈不同规模的包体产出于细粒、均匀块状的奥长花岗岩之中.片麻岩杂岩的岩石组合以及复杂多变、明显不均一的岩石组构特征表明具有深熔混合岩的成因特点.SIMS锆石U-Pb定年表明,片麻岩杂岩中条带状黑云斜长片麻岩和黑云母片岩形成年龄分别为3312±14Ma、3304±7Ma和3324±7Ma~3235±14Ma,明确反映古太古代热事件,此外个别样品中存在3.68~3.60Ga和~3.47Ga继承锆石.细粒黑云奥长花岗岩的年龄为3.14~ 3.13Ga,与全区中太古代岩浆热事件一致.区域对比分析表明:营城子片麻岩杂岩的岩石组合、产状关系和年代学特征与东山杂岩和深沟寺杂岩十分相似,为古大古代(3.33 ~3.24Ga)深熔作用的产物.营城子片麻岩杂岩是鞍山地区另一个保留有古老锆石信息和太古宙早期地壳岩石的地质体.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - The Cap de Creus granitic pegmatites in the eastern Catalan Pyrenees were dated using in situ U-Pb geochronology by laser ablation ICP-MS on zircon and columbite-group...  相似文献   


郯庐断裂带的形成演化是中国东部中生代关键大地构造事件,该断裂带起源机制问题是了解华南与华北板块汇聚过程与方式的基本前提。本文利用郯庐断裂带东侧金湖凹陷内7个新生代基性岩样品394个点的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学数据,在分析岩浆活动时代基础上,利用捕获锆石年龄信息探讨了大别造山带的古生代演化及郯庐断裂带起源机制问题,为认识上述问题提供了一个全新的视角。研究表明,金湖凹陷的基性岩浆活动时代为古近纪早期(66.1~56.5 Ma),与围岩的沉积时代吻合;基性岩中的捕获锆石来自大别造山带,是印支期板块碰撞造山中楔入郯庐断裂带东侧华南板块的造山带物质,具有华南板块、北淮阳和华北板块的混杂岩石圈信息;捕获锆石中445 Ma(变质锆石)、290 Ma(岩浆锆石)及214 Ma(变质锆石)等峰值年龄信息指示古生代以来北淮阳构造带经历了与北秦岭构造带类似的弧—陆俯冲、碰撞历程,暗示秦岭造山带的二郎坪洋、商丹洋和勉略洋可延伸至大别造山带东端;年代学数据及构造分析支持郯庐断裂带起源于嵌入碰撞背景下的华南板片撕裂边界,其起源形式为陆—陆碰撞下的板块斜向汇聚边界。


The Aligoodarz granitoid complex (AGC) is located in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SSZ), western Iran and consists of quartz-diorites, granodiorites and subordinate granites. Whole rock major and trace element data mostly define linear trends on Harker diagrams suggesting a cogenetic origin of the different rock types. (87Sr/86Sr)i and εNdt ratios are in the ranges 0.7074-0.7110 and −3.56 to −5.50, respectively. The trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopic composition suggest that the granitoids from the AGC are similar to crustal derived I-type granitoids of continental arcs. The whole rock suite was produced by assimilation and fractional crystallization starting from a melt with intermediate composition likely possessing a mantle component. In situ zircon U-Pb data on the granites with LA-ICP-MS yield a crystallization age of ∼165 Ma. Inherited grains spanning in age from ∼180 Ma up to 2027 Ma were also found and confirm that assimilation of country rock has occurred.Chemical and chronological data on the AGC were compared with those available for other granitoid complexes of the central SSZ (e.g., Dehno, Boroujerd and Alvand). The comparison reveals that in spite of the different origins that have been proposed, all these granitoid complexes are likely genetically related. They share many chemical features and are derived from crustal melts with minor differences. Alvand granites have the most peculiar compositions most likely related to the presence of abundant pelitic component. All these intrusions are coeval and reveal the presence of an extensive magmatic activity in the central sector of the SSZ during middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

柴北缘高压-超高压变质带西段鱼卡地区变泥质岩中夹有榴辉岩透镜体,已有的研究显示变泥质岩的变质程度也达到了榴辉岩相,并与榴辉岩一起经历了高压-超高压变质作用,是柴北缘曾经历早古生代大陆深俯冲作用的直接证据,也是研究柴北缘大陆深俯冲过程重要的岩石"探针"。本文选择柴北缘西段鱼卡超高压变质单元中的3件蓝晶石榴白云母石英片岩HP变泥质岩样品分别进行了SHRIMP、LA-ICP-MS锆石和原位独居石U-Pb定年。样品Q06-1-2的锆石给出了920±18Ma(MSWD=1.3)的加权平均年龄,其CL图像特征和极低的Th/U比显示其为变质年龄,代表了与罗迪尼亚超大陆碰撞拼合相关的变质事件。样品A03-11-2.2的锆石给出了450±7Ma(MSWD=0.2)的年龄,认为其代表变泥质岩的榴辉岩相变质年龄。样品A03-14-11的薄片原位独居石定年给出了439±8Ma(MSWD=0.072)的加权平均年龄,结合岩相学观察,认为其可能为榴辉岩相峰期之后的早期退变质年龄。这些资料显示柴北缘鱼卡地区早古生代大陆深俯冲的时限为440~450Ma。结合已有研究资料,鱼卡高压变泥质岩记录了新元古代早期和早古生代两期变质事件,进一步证明了柴北缘地区经历了格林威尔期和早古生代两期造山事件  相似文献   

Absolute ages of migmatization in the polymetamorphic, parautochthonous basement of the Sveconorwegian Province, Sweden, have been determined using U–Pb ion probe analysis of zircon domains that formed in leucosome of migmatitic orthogneisses. Migmatite zircon was formed by recrystallization whereas dissolution–reprecipitation and neocrystallization were subordinate. The recrystallized migmatite zircon was identified by comparison of zircon in mesosomes and leucosomes. It is backscatter electron‐bright, U‐rich (800–4400 ppm) with low Th/U‐ratios (generally 0.01–0.1), unzoned or ‘oscillatory ghost zoned’, and occurs as up to 100 μm‐thick rims with transitional contacts to cores of protolith zircon. Protolith ages of 1686 ± 12 and 1668 ± 11 Ma were obtained from moderately resorbed, igneous zircon crystals (generally Th/U = 0.5–1.5, U < 300 ppm) in mesosomes; protolith zircon is also present as resorbed cores in the leucosomes. Linkage of folding, synchronous migmatization and formation of recrystallized zircon rims allowed direct dating of south‐vergent folding at 976 ± 7 Ma. At a second locality, similar recrystallized zircon rims in leucosome date pre‐Sveconorwegian migmatization at 1425 ± 7 Ma; an upper age bracket of 1394 ± 12 Ma for two overprinting phases of deformation (upright folding along gently SSW‐plunging axes and stretching in ESE) was set by zircon in a folded metagranitic dyke. Lower age brackets for these events were set at 952 ± 7 and 946 ± 8 Ma by zircon in two crosscutting and undeformed granite–pegmatite dykes. Together with previously published data the present results demonstrate: (i) Tectonometamorphic reworking during the Hallandian orogenesis at 1.44–1.42 Ga, resulting in migmatization and formation of a coarse gneissic layering. (ii) Sveconorwegian continent–continent collision at 0.98–0.96 Ga, involving (a) emplacement of an eclogite unit, (b) regional high‐pressure granulite facies metamorphism, (c) southvergent folding, subhorizontal, east–west stretching and migmatization, all of which caused overprint or transposition of older Mesoproterozoic and Sveconorwegian structures. The Sveconorwegian migmatization and folding took place during or shortly after the emplacement of Sveconorwegian eclogite and is interpreted as a result of north–south shortening, synchronous with east–west extension and unroofing during late stages of the continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

作为中亚造山带南部的最终缝合界线,天山—索伦缝合带记录了古亚洲洋晚期的扩张消减历史。本文对新疆北天山混杂带中奎屯河蛇绿岩的斜长花岗岩进行了SIMS锆石年代学研究及地球化学研究。斜长花岗岩富Na2O,贫K2O(2O3(<15%),微量元素含量整体低于标准N-MORB,稀土配分曲线平坦,无明显Eu异常,是典型的洋中脊斜长花岗岩,其结晶年龄代表准噶尔洋盆扩张时代。24组离子探针测年数据显示,斜长花岗岩加权平均年龄为343.1±2.7 Ma。结合区域地质研究,本文认为在晚古生代石炭纪,伴随着哈萨克斯坦山弯构造的逐渐形成,准噶尔洋盆持续扩张并向外俯冲于周缘地体之下,形成了东、西准噶尔洋内弧,以及天山和阿尔泰安第斯型陆缘弧。  相似文献   

尽管岩相学标志是识别岩浆混合的最直接、最重要的证据,但其寄主岩石、幔源包体及基性岩墙群的精确同位素定年则是对岩浆混合证据的重要补充。夏尔莆岩体由寄主岩石、微细粒镁铁质包体和中基性岩墙群组成,高精度LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年表明三者的年龄分别为297.6±2.5Ma、298.2±8.0Ma、298.9±5.0Ma,在误差范围内一致,说明三者是同一岩浆事件的产物,为夏尔莆岩体岩浆混合成因提供了年代学证据。夏尔莆岩体的岩浆混合成因的确立证实了早二叠世西准噶尔地壳深部发生过强烈的壳幔岩浆混合作用,并导致了该地区一次重要的地壳垂向生长事件,而岩体中大量的微细粒镁铁质包体和中基性墙群正是这次生长事件的物质记录者。  相似文献   

桐柏造山带深熔作用:混合岩LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb年代学证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘小驰  吴元保  彭敏  汪晶  王浩  彭德才 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1163-1171
桐柏造山带是研究秦岭-桐柏-大别-苏鲁变质带演化的关键地区。由于桐柏高级变质杂岩深熔作用发生时间还缺乏准确的限定,这一区域的构造演化仍存在较大的争议。本文对桐柏杂岩中的一个混合岩的中色体和两个混合岩浅色体样品中的锆石进行了LA-ICPMS年代学测定。中色体中锆石分析点获得的上下交点分别为859±73Ma和135±250Ma。接近上交点的6个谐和分析点给出的206Pb/238U加权平均结果为828±7Ma (MSWD=0.57)。这一年龄结果同上交点在误差范围内一致,代表混合岩原岩结晶年龄,对应扬子板块北缘出现的中-新元古代的岩浆事件。另一方面,混合岩浅色体中的新生锆石具有面状分带或是弱的振荡环带,低的Th/U比值,锆石形态学和内部结构也表明新生锆石结晶于与深熔作用有关的熔体中,它们的206Pb/238U加权平均值分别为135±4Ma和131±3Ma。这一年龄范围代表桐柏高级变质地体发生深熔作用时间,区域上与桐柏-大别变质带广泛出现的碰撞后岩浆事件的时代相同。桐柏造山带出现造山后伸展的时间应不晚于135Ma。  相似文献   

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