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Measurements of Faraday rotation through the solar corona were collected using the radio beacon aboard the MESSENGER spacecraft during the longest solar minimum in a century. As MESSENGER entered superior conjunction, the plane of polarization of its radio signal was observed to rotate as it traversed the circularly birefringent plasma of the Sun’s atmosphere. On time scales of less than three hours, these uncalibrated plane of polarization observations of Faraday rotation can be used to investigate the dynamic processes in the solar plasma, such as magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Here we describe the MESSENGER Faraday rotation experiment, the data processing conducted to obtain the plane of polarization, and the estimation of error.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the Faraday-rotation fluctuations (FRFs) of linearly polarized radio signals from the Helios 1 and Helios 2 spacecraft shows that the FRF time power spectra can be of three types. Spectra of the first type are well fitted by a single power law in the range of fluctuation frequencies 1–10 mHz. Spectra of the second type are a superposition of a power law and two quasi-harmonic components with fluctuation frequencies of about v1=4 mHz (fundamental frequency) and v2=8 mHz (second harmonic). Spectra of the third type exhibit only one of the two quasi-harmonic components against the background of a power law. The spectral density of the quasi-harmonic components can be represented by a resonance curve with a fairly broad [Δυ ≈ (0.5–1.3)υ1,2] distribution relative to the v=v1, 2 peak. The intensity of the quasi-harmonic FRF has a radial dependence that roughly matches the radial dependence for the background FRF, while their period at the fundamental frequency is approximately equal to the period of the wellknown 5-min oscillations observed in the lower solar atmosphere. The fluctuations with 5-min periods in FRF records can be explained by the presence in the outer corona of isolated trains of Alfvén waves generated at the base of the chromosphere-corona transition layer and by acoustic waves coming from deeper layers.  相似文献   

Two examples of clouds of narrowband dm-spikes, observed by the Ondejov radiospectrograph in the 1–2 GHz frequency range, are analyzed. After transformation of the frequency scales to distances in the solar atmosphere, the power spectra analysis of size scales reveals a spectral index of –5/3, resembling that of Kolmogorov spectra of turbulent cascades. The narrowband dm-spikes are interpreted as radio emission from electrons accelerated in MHD cascading waves, probably generated in plasma outflows from magnetic field reconnection.  相似文献   

The main results of the SPIRIT experiment on imaging spectroscopy of the Sun in the soft X-ray and extreme vacuum UV range are presented. The results were obtained onboard the CORONAS-F satellite, which has been operating since July 2001. More than 40 thousand observation sessions were performed during the experiment. About a million solar images and spectra (more than 250 Gb of information) were obtained, including monotemperature images of the solar atmosphere in six spectral regions, corresponding to temperatures from 0.05 to 2 MK; full-Sun spectral images (spectroheliograms) in more than 150 lines (177–207 Å and 285–335 Å, T from ~0.05 to 20 MK); images of the full Sun in the monochrome Mg XII line (8.42 Å, T ~ 10 MK); images of the solar corona at a distance of up to five solar radii; continuous series (up to 20 days long) of observations with high time resolution (40–100 s); observations of the flare dynamics, including the preflare, initial, and main phases, with a resolution of 7 s, and data on the absorption of X-ray and XUV solar radiation in the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The study was performed for the maximum of the 11-year solar activity cycle and for its decrease phase.  相似文献   

We describe the technique and results of modelling the solar radio emission during the maximum phase of the solar eclipse of March 29, 2006 on the RATAN-600. The aim of modelling is to refine the brightness temperature of the solar corona at the distances up to two solar radii from the center of the optical disk of the Sun. We obtained the distribution of brightness temperature in the vicinity of the coronal hole above the solar North Pole at the wavelength of 13 cm. The results of modelling showed that brightness temperatures of the coronal hole at the distances greater than 1.02 RC (here RC is the radius of the optical disk of the Sun) is substantially lower than the expected average brightness temperature of a typical coronal hole, and that of the quiescent Sun (below 30000 K) at the wavelength of 13 cm. The classical Baumbach-Allen formula for electron density in a spherically symmetric corona agrees with the results of observations starting at distances of (1.4–1.5) RC.  相似文献   

The characteristics of differential rotation of the solar corona for the period 1976?–?2004 were studied as a function of the distance from the center of the Sun. For this study, we developed a method using the coronal magnetic field as a tracer. The field in a spherical layer from the base of the corona up to the source surface was determined from photospheric measurements. Calculations were performed for 14 heliocentric distances from the base of the corona up to 2.45 \(R_{\odot }\) solar radii (the vicinity of the source surface) and from the equator to \(\pm 75^{\circ }\) of latitude at \(5^{\circ }\) steps. For each day, we calculated three spherical components, which were then used to obtain the field strength. The coronal rotation periods were determined by the periodogram method. The rotation periods were calculated for all distances and latitudes under consideration. The results of these calculations make it possible to study the distribution of the rotation periods in the corona depending on distance, time, and phase of the cycle. The variations in the coronal differential rotation during the time interval 1976?–?2004 were as follows: the gradient of differential rotation decreased with the increase of heliocentric distance; the rotation remaining differential even in the vicinity of the source surface. The highest rotation rates (shortest rotation periods) were recorded at the cycle minimum at small heliospheric distances, i.e. small heights in the corona. The lowest rotation rate was observed at the middle of the ascending branch at large distances. At the minimum of the cycle, the differential rotation is most clearly pronounced, especially at small heliocentric distances. As the distance increases, the differential rotation gradient decreases in all phases. The results based on magnetic data and on the brightness of the coronal green line 530.3 nm Fe xiv used earlier show a satisfactory agreement. Since the rotation of the magnetic field at the corresponding heights in the corona is probably determined by the conditions in the field generation region, an opportunity arises to use this method for diagnostics of differential rotation in the subphotospheric layers.  相似文献   

Penn  M. J.  Allen  C. L. 《Solar physics》1997,174(1-2):359-366
Imaging spectroscopic data of the Sii 1082.7 nm (photospheric) and Hei 1083.0 nm (chromospheric) spectral lines were taken starting 22:05 UT on 23 July, 1996 with the NASA/NSO Spectromagnetograph at the NSO/Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope. Observations were made near the north solar pole, with a field of view of 100 by 400 arc sec and with a temporal cadence of 53 s for 2 hr. Simple fitting to the line profiles measured the line position, depth, and spectral full-width at half-maximum. Power spectra of the velocity oscillations in each line were computed, and the oscillation power in the 2 to 6 mHz frequency band versus view angle was measured to search for horizontal oscillations. Horizontal waves are not detected to limiting amplitudes (1) of 22 m s-1 in the chromosphere and 9 m s-1 in the photosphere. These values are used to estimate limits for the energy flux into the corona. The amplitude of radial oscillations in the chromosphere is twice that of the photosphere. No statistically meaningful oscillation power is measured in the spectral parameters of the Hei line in the emission shell seen above the continuum limb. Finally, rapidly evolving red-shift events are observed in the Hei 1083 nm line on the disk; these events are some sort of coronal rain, and there are about 40 of these events on the solar disk at any moment.  相似文献   

The power of solar acoustic waves is reduced inside sunspots mainly due to absorption, emissivity reduction, and local suppression. The coefficients of these power-reduction mechanisms can be determined by comparing time – distance cross-covariances obtained from sunspots and from the quiet Sun. By analyzing 47 active regions observed by SOHO/MDI without using signal filters, we have determined the coefficients of surface absorption, deep absorption, emissivity reduction, and local suppression. The dissipation in the quiet Sun is derived as well. All of the cross-covariances are width corrected to offset the effect of dispersion. We find that absorption is the dominant mechanism of the power deficit in sunspots for short travel distances, but gradually drops to zero at travel distances longer than about 6°. The absorption in sunspot interiors is also significant. The emissivity-reduction coefficient ranges from about 0.44 to 1.00 within the umbra and 0.29 to 0.72 in the sunspot, and accounts for only about 21.5% of the umbra’s and 16.5% of the sunspot’s total power reduction. Local suppression is nearly constant as a function of travel distance with values of 0.80 and 0.665 for umbrae and whole sunspots respectively, and is the major cause of the power deficit at large travel distances.  相似文献   

Observations of the solar corona in the FeXIV 530.3 nm “green line” have been very important in the past, and are planned for future coronagraphs on-board forthcoming space missions such as PROBA-3 and Aditya. For these instruments, a very important parameter to be optimized is the spectral width of the band-pass filter to be centred over the “green line”. Focusing on solar eruptions, motions occurring along the line of sight will Doppler shift the line profiles producing an emission that will partially fall out of the narrower pass-band, while broader pass-band will provide observations with reduced spectral purity. To address these issues, we performed numerical (MHD) simulation of CME emission in the “green line” and produced synthetic images assuming 4 different widths of the pass-band (Δλ = 20 Å, 10 Å, 5 Å, and 2 Å). It turns out that, as expected, during solar eruptions a significant fraction of “green line” emission will be lost using narrower filters; on the other hand these images will have a higher spectral purity and will contain emission coming from parcels of plasma expanding only along the plane of the sky. This will provide a better definition of single filamentary features and will help isolating single slices of plasma through the eruption, thus reducing the problem of superposition of different features along the line of sight and helping physical interpretation of limb events. For these reasons, we suggest to use narrower band passes (Δλ ≤ 2 Å) for the observations of solar eruptions with future coronagraphs.  相似文献   

Coronal density, temperature, and heat-flux distributions for the equatorial and polar corona have been deduced from Saito’s model of averaged coronal white-light (WL) brightness and polarization observations. These distributions are compared with those determined from a kinetic collisionless/exospheric model of the solar corona. This comparison indicates similar distributions at large radial distances (>?7 R) in the collisionless region. However, rather important differences are found close to the Sun in the acceleration region of the solar wind. The exospheric heat flux is directed away from the Sun, while that inferred from all WL coronal observations is in the opposite direction, i.e. conducting heat from the inner corona toward the chromosphere. This could indicate that the source of coronal heating extends up into the inner corona, where it maximizes at r>1.5 R, well above the transition region.  相似文献   

With modern imaging and spectral instruments observing in the visible, EUV, X-ray, and radio wavelengths, the detection of oscillations in the solar outer atmosphere has become a routine event. These oscillations are considered to be the signatures of a wave phenomenon and are generally interpreted in terms of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. With multiwavelength observations from ground- and space-based instruments, it has been possible to detect waves in a number of different wavelengths simultaneously and, consequently, to study their propagation properties. Observed MHD waves propagating from the lower solar atmosphere into the higher regions of the magnetized corona have the potential to provide excellent insight into the physical processes at work at the coupling point between these different regions of the Sun. High-resolution wave observations combined with forward MHD modeling can give an unprecedented insight into the connectivity of the magnetized solar atmosphere, which further provides us with a realistic chance to reconstruct the structure of the magnetic field in the solar atmosphere. This type of solar exploration has been termed atmospheric magnetoseismology. In this review we will summarize some new trends in the observational study of waves and oscillations, discussing their origin and their propagation through the atmosphere. In particular, we will focus on waves and oscillations in open magnetic structures (e.g., solar plumes) and closed magnetic structures (e.g., loops and prominences), where there have been a number of observational highlights in the past few years. Furthermore, we will address observations of waves in filament fibrils allied with a better characterization of their propagating and damping properties, the detection of prominence oscillations in UV lines, and the renewed interest in large-amplitude, quickly attenuated, prominence oscillations, caused by flare or explosive phenomena.  相似文献   

The earth is immersed in a hot, rarefied, energetic flow of particles and electromagnetic fields originating from the Sun and engulfing the entire solar system, forming the heliosphere. The existence of the solar wind has been established for almost 50 years now, and abundant data has been accumulated concerning both its average properties and the intermittent, violent energetic manifestations known as Coronal Mass Ejections which often impact the earth’s magnetosphere (causing geomagnetic storms and aurorae). The mystery of how the solar corona is heated and the solar wind is accelerated remains unsolved, however, because of the large gap in our knowledge of the inner region of the heliosphere, inside the orbit of mercury. The PHOIBOS mission, with a perihelion at 4 Rs, by accessing the regions where energy in the coronal plasma is channeled from internal, magnetic and turbulent energy into bulk energy of the solar wind flow aims to solve the question of why the Sun has a hot corona and produces a solar wind. The PHOIBOS mission builds on previous Solar Probe studies, but provides an alternative orbit scenario avoiding a Jupiter encounter in favor of multiple Venus encounters and SEP systems to work its way close to the Sun in a gradual manner, providing a much vaster data return.  相似文献   

The Sun Watcher with Active Pixels and Image Processing (SWAP) is an EUV solar telescope onboard ESA’s Project for Onboard Autonomy 2 (PROBA2) mission launched on 2 November 2009. SWAP has a spectral bandpass centered on 17.4 nm and provides images of the low solar corona over a 54×54 arcmin field-of-view with 3.2 arcsec pixels and an imaging cadence of about two minutes. SWAP is designed to monitor all space-weather-relevant events and features in the low solar corona. Given the limited resources of the PROBA2 microsatellite, the SWAP telescope is designed with various innovative technologies, including an off-axis optical design and a CMOS–APS detector. This article provides reference documentation for users of the SWAP image data.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the three-dimensional structure of the solar corona and inner heliosphere during the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI), we have developed a global magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) solution for Carrington rotation (CR) 2068. Our model, which includes energy-transport processes, such as coronal heating, conduction of heat parallel to the magnetic field, radiative losses, and the effects of Alfvén waves, is capable of producing significantly better estimates of the plasma temperature and density in the corona than have been possible in the past. With such a model, we can compute emission in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray wavelengths, as well as scattering in polarized white light. Additionally, from our heliospheric solutions, we can deduce magnetic-field and plasma parameters along specific spacecraft trajectories. In this paper, we present a general analysis of the large-scale structure of the solar corona and inner heliosphere during WHI, focusing, in particular, on i) helmet-streamer structure; ii) the location of the heliospheric current sheet; and iii) the geometry of corotating interaction regions. We also compare model results with i) EUV observations from the EIT instrument onboard SOHO; and iiin-situ measurements made by the STEREO-A and B spacecraft. Finally, we contrast the global structure of the corona and inner heliosphere during WHI with its structure during the Whole Sun Month (WSM) interval. Overall, our model reproduces the essential features of the observations; however, many discrepancies are present. We discuss several likely causes for them and suggest how model predictions may be improved in the future.  相似文献   

D.E. Innes  G. Tóth 《Solar physics》1999,185(1):127-141
Small-scale explosive events or microflares occur throughout the chromospheric network of the Sun. They are seen as sudden bursts of highly Doppler-shifted spectral lines of ions formed at temperatures in the range 2×104–5×105 K. They tend to occur near regions of cancelling photospheric magnetic fields and are thought to be directly associated with magnetic field reconnection. Recent observations have revealed that they have a bi-directional jet structure reminiscent of Petschek reconnection. In this paper compressible MHD simulations of the evolution of a current sheet to a steady Petschek, jet-like configuration are computed using the Versatile Advection Code. We obtain velocity profiles that can be compared with recent ultraviolet line-profile observations. By choosing initial conditions representative of magnetic loops in the solar corona and chromosphere, it is possible to explain the fact that jets flowing outward into the corona are more extended and appear before jets flowing towards the chromosphere. This model can reproduce the high Doppler-shifted components of the line profiles, but the brightening at low velocities, near the center of the bi-directional jet, cannot be explained by this simple MHD model.  相似文献   

A. Abrami 《Solar physics》1970,11(1):104-116
Three solar outbursts which show pulsating radio emissions at metric waves (239 MHz) are examined. The behaviour of the single frequency, high-time resolution records and the spectral diagrams seem to indicate that such phenomena are peculiar phases of type IV radiation, perhaps connected with absorptions in the solar corona. The spectral analysis of the low-frequency modulation of the emissions show a very definite spectral line with a period ranging from 1s.7 to 3s.1.  相似文献   

An exospheric kinetic solar wind model is interfaced with an observation-driven single-fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model. Initially, a photospheric magnetogram serves as observational input in the fluid approach to extrapolate the heliospheric magnetic field. Then semi-empirical coronal models are used for estimating the plasma characteristics up to a heliocentric distance of 0.1 AU. From there on, a full MHD model that computes the three-dimensional time-dependent evolution of the solar wind macroscopic variables up to the orbit of Earth is used. After interfacing the density and velocity at the inner MHD boundary, we compare our results with those of a kinetic exospheric solar wind model based on the assumption of Maxwell and Kappa velocity distribution functions for protons and electrons, respectively, as well as with in situ observations at 1 AU. This provides insight into more physically detailed processes, such as coronal heating and solar wind acceleration, which naturally arise from including suprathermal electrons in the model. We are interested in the profile of the solar wind speed and density at 1 AU, in characterizing the slow and fast source regions of the wind, and in comparing MHD with exospheric models in similar conditions. We calculate the energetics of both models from low to high heliocentric distances.  相似文献   

The nature of the three-minute and five-minute oscillations observed in sunspots is considered to be an effect of propagation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves from the photosphere to the solar corona. However, the real modes of these waves and the nature of the filters that result in rather narrow frequency bands of these modes are still far from being generally accepted, in spite of a large amount of observational material obtained in a wide range of wave bands. The significance of this field of research is based on the hope that local seismology can be used to find the structure of the solar atmosphere in magnetic tubes of sunspots. We expect that substantial progress can be achieved by simultaneous observations of the sunspot oscillations in different layers of the solar atmosphere in order to gain information on propagating waves. In this study we used a new method that combines the results of an oscillation study made in optical and radio observations. The optical spectral measurements in photospheric and chromospheric lines of the line-of-sight velocity were carried out at the Sayan Solar Observatory. The radio maps of the Sun were obtained with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph at 1.76 cm. Radio sources associated with the sunspots were analyzed to study the oscillation processes in the chromosphere – corona transition region in the layer with magnetic field B=2000 G. A high level of instability of the oscillations in the optical and radio data was found. We used a wavelet analysis for the spectra. The best similarities of the spectra of oscillations obtained by the two methods were detected in the three-minute oscillations inside the sunspot umbra for the dates when the active regions were situated near the center of the solar disk. A comparison of the wavelet spectra for optical and radio observations showed a time delay of about 50 seconds of the radio results with respect to the optical ones. This implies an MHD wave traveling upward inside the umbral magnetic tube of the sunspot. For the five-minute oscillations the similarity in spectral details could be found only for optical oscillations at the chromospheric level in the umbral region or very close to it. The time delays seem to be similar. Besides three-minute and five-minute ones, oscillations with longer periods (8 and 15 minutes) were detected in optical and radio records. Their nature still requires further observational and theoretical study for even a preliminary discussion.  相似文献   

The changes in the Sun occurring at human time-scales can be pinned down to the presence of magnetic fields. These fields determine the structure of the outer solar atmosphere and, therefore, they are responsible for all the energetic part of the solar spectrum, including the UV. Our understanding of the magnetic fields existing at the base of the atmosphere has changed during the last years. The new spectro-polarimeters reveal an ubiquitous magnetic field, present even in the quiet regions. They are widespread and of complex topology, containing far more (unsigned) magnetic flux and magnetic energy that all traditional manifestations of solar activity. These so-called quiet Sun magnetic fields are the subject of the contribution. I summarize their main observational properties, as well as the models put forward to explain them. According to the common wisdom, they may be generated by a turbulent dynamo driven by convective motions. Their true physical role is not understood yet, but it may be consequential both for the Sun (e.g., in determining the structure of the quiet corona), and for other astronomical objects (e.g., if a turbulent dynamo operates in the Sun, the same mechanism provides a very efficient mean of creating surface magnetic fields in all stars with convective envelopes). I discuss the impact of the quiet Sun fields on the transition region and corona, trying to point out the UV signatures of those fields.  相似文献   

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