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Sulfur emissions to the atmosphere from natural sourees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emissions of sulfur gases from both natural and anthropogenic sources strongly influence the chemistry of the atmosphere. To assess the relative importance of these sources we have combined the measurements of sulfur gases and fluxes during the past decade to create a global emission inventory. The inventory, which is divided into 12 latitude belts, takes into account the seasonal dependence of sulfur emissions from biogenic sources. The total emissions of sulfur gases from natural sources are approximately 0.79 Tmol S/a. These emissions are 16% of the total sulfur emissions in the Northern Hemisphere and 58% in the Southern Hemisphere. The inventory clearly shows the impact of anthropogenic sulfur emissions in the region between 35° and 50°N.  相似文献   

Several trace sulfur gases that can have a significant influence on atmospheric chemistry are emitted from biological systems. In order to begin to address biological questions on the mechnisms of production of such gases, laboratory-scale experiments have been developed that reproduce such emissions under controlled conditions. Using a flux chamber technique, flats containing soil, or soil plus plants were sampled for the net fluxes of sulfur gases. The major sulfur gas emitted from all the plants tested (corn, alfalfa, and wheat) was dimethyl sulfide (DMS). Alfalfa and wheat also emitted lesser amounts of methanethiol, variable amounls of hydrogen sulfide, and in some experiments wheat emitted carbon disulfide. The use of a plant incubator allowed a systematic study of the effects of variables such as temperature, photon flux, and carbon dioxide levels, on these emissions. Fluxes of all the emitted sulfur gases increased exponentially with increasing air temperature, and increased with increasing photon flux up to a saturation level of \~300 E/m–2 sec-1. Three to four-fold changes in DMS flux were observed during light to dark or dark to light transitions. By varying the CO2 content of the chamber flush gas, it was shown that the observed sulfur fluxes from corn and alfalfa were not related to the CO2 concentration. Growing these crop plants through holes in a Teflon soil-covering film allowed a separate determination of soil and foliage emissions and substantiation of the light dependent uptake of COS by growing vegetation observed in previous field studies.  相似文献   

Extensive ambient concentration and flux measurements have been performed in the heavily polluted region of Cubatão/Brazil. Substantial contribution of anthropogenic sources to the local reduced sulfur burden has been observed. As a result of this atmospheric sulfur burden average gas exchange between vegetated soils and the atmosphere shows net deposition. Based mainly on own field measurements a local budget for H2S, COS, and CS2 has been made up in order to calculate anthropogenic emissions. All major sources and sinks in the chosen atmospheric reservoir (24×20×1 km) have been taken into account. Due to the small reservoir size fluxes across its boundaries are dominant sources and sinks. The differences between outflux and influx therefore account for the unknown anthropogenic emissions which have been determined to be 80±10 (H2S), 66±15 (COS), and 29±6 Mmol year-1 (CS2). Other sources and sinks like natural emissions, chemical conversion, and dry deposition turned out to be of minor importance on a local scale. In fact, inside the investigated reservoir natural emissions were below 0.5% of anthropogenic emissions. Anthropogenic emissions of H2S, COS, and CS2 quantified in this work have been compared with global emission estimates for these compounds made by other authors. We conclude that global anthropogenic emissions of reduced sulfur compounds especially of COS and CS2 are currently under-estimated.  相似文献   

Qualification of the sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their effects on city air pollution are crucial issues to develop an effective air pollution control strategy in many polluted large cities of China. In this study, the VOC concentrations measured in Shanghai, China from 2006 to 2008 are analyzed. A receptor model (PCA/APCS; Principal Component Analysis/Absolute Principal Component Scores) is applied for identifying the contributions of individual VOC sources to VOC concentrations. Using the PCA/APCS technique, five and four surrogated VOC sources are classified in the center of Shanghai city in summer and in winter. In summer, the five VOC sources include PCs1 (liquefied petroleum gas/natural gas leakage and gasoline evaporation), PCs2 (vehicle related emissions), PCs3 (solvent usages), PCs4 (industrial productions), and PCs5 (biomass/biofuel/coal burning and other natural sources). In winter, the four VOC sources include PCw1 (liquefied petroleum gas/natural gas leakage and gasoline evaporation), PCw2 (solvent usages and industrial productions), PCw3 (vehicle related emissions), and PCw4 (biomass/biofuel/coal burning). The result suggests that during summer, 24, 28, 17, 18, and 13% of the measured VOC concentrations were estimated due to the PCs1, PCs2, PCs3, PCs4, and PCs5 VOC sources, respectively. During winter, 17, 48, 23, and 12% of the measured VOC concentrations were attributed to the PCw1, PCw2, PCw3, and PCw4 VOC sources, respectively. For aromatic concentrations, 35% of the concentrations were resulted from solvent usage (PCs3), following by industrial productions (PCs4) of 27%, and vehicle emissions (PCs2) of 19%. For alkene concentrations, the two largest contributors were due to gasoline industrial and vehicle emissions in both summer and winter. For alkane concentrations, the largest sources were due to gasoline industrial emissions (PCs1) and vehicle emissions (PCs2) in summer. In winter, vehicle emissions (PCw3), solvent usages/industrial productions (PCw2), and gasoline industrial emissions (PCw1) were the major sources. For halo-hydrocarbon concentrations, biomass/biofuel/coal burning and other natural sources were the major sources in both summer and winter.  相似文献   

Emissions of marine biogenic sulfur to the atmosphere of northern Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of DMS and other reduced sulfur compounds in surface waters have been carried out from a helicopter in the seas surrounding Scandinavia. Average summer time concentrations of DMS ranged from 70 to 150 ngS L-1. Simultaneous measurements of biological and physical parameters revealed no correlation between DMS and phytoplankton species, species assemblages, total phytoplankton biomass, chlorophyll a, temperature, and salinity. The only exception was a correlation between DMS concentration, Chrysochromulina spp. belonging to the Prymnesiophyceae, and salinity over a narrow range of salinity in the Baltic Sea.The flux of reduced sulfur to the atmosphere in July in this region is estimated to be 120–170 gS m-2 d-1 from the Baltic, 240–810 in the Kattegat/Skagerrak, and 120–690 in the North Sea. Annual fluxes are roughly 100 times higher than these daily fluxes. On an annual basis, biogenic sulfur emissions from the coastal seas are negligible (<1%) compared to the anthropogenic emissions in northern Europe. However, during the summer months, the biogenic sulfur emissions from the seas surrounding the Scandinavian peninsula are estimated to be as high as 20–70% of the anthropogenic emissions in Scandinavia. This makes it of interest to incorporate the biogenic emissions in calculations of long-range transport and deposition of sulfur within the region.Other volatile sulfur species, mainly methyl mercaptan, contribute about 10% of the total flux of reduced sulfur. Estimated fluxes of CS2 to the atmosphere ranged from 1 gS m-2 d-1 in the Baltic Sea to 6 gS m-2 d-1 in the North Sea. No emissions for H2S or COS were detected.  相似文献   

Emission rates of biogenic volatile organic compounds emitted by the forests were estimated for five geographical regions as well as for all Switzerland. Monoterpene and isoprene emissions rates were calculated for each main tree species separately using the relevant parameters such as temperature, light intensity and leaf biomass density. Biogenic emissions from the forests were found to be about 23% of the total annual VOC emissions (anthropogenic and biogenic) in Switzerland. The highest emissions are in July and lowest in January. Calculations showed that the coniferous trees are the main sources of the biogenic emissions. The major contribution comes from the Norway spruce (picea abies) forests due to their abundance and high leaf biomass density. Although broad-leaved forests cover 27% of all the forests in Switzerland, their contribution to the biogenic emissions is only 3%. Monoterpenes are the main species emitted, whereas only 3% is released as isoprene. The highest emission rates of biogenic VOC are estimated to be in the region of the Alps which has the largest forest coverage in Switzerland and the major part of these forests consists of Norway spruce. The total annual biogenic VOC emission rate of 87 ktonnes y–1 coming from the forests is significantly higher than those from other studies where calculations were carried out by classifying the forests as deciduous and coniferous. The difference is attributed to the high leaf biomass densities of Norway spruce and fir (abies alba) trees which have a strong effect on the results when speciation of trees is taken into account. Besides the annual rate, emission rates were calculated for a specific period during July 4–6, 1991 when a photochemical smog episode was investigated in the Swiss field experiment POLLUMET. Emission rates estimated for that period agree well with those calculated for July using the average temperatures over the last 10 years.  相似文献   

We have investigated methane emissions from urban sources in the former East Germany using innovative measurement techniques including a mobile real-time methane instrument and tracer release experiments. Anthropogenic and biogenic sources were studied with the emphasis on methane emissions from gas system sources, including urban distribution facilities and a production plant. Methane fluxes from pressure regulating stations ranged from 0.006 to 24. l/min. Emissions from diffuse sources in urban areas were also measured with concentration maps and whole city flux experiments. The area fluxes of the two towns studied were 0.37 and 1.9 g/m2/s. The emissions from individual gas system stations and total town emissions of this study are comparable to results of similar sites examined in the United States.  相似文献   

Global anthropogenic sulfur emissions increased until the late 1980s. Existing estimates for 1995 and 2000 show a moderate decline from 1990 to 1995 or relative stability throughout the decade. This paper combines previously published data and new econometric estimates to show a 22% decline over the decade to a level not seen since the mid-1960s. The decline is evident in North America, Western and Eastern Europe, and in the last few years in East and South Asia. If this new trend is maintained, local air pollution problems will be ameliorated but global warming may be somewhat exacerbated.  相似文献   

This paper aims to advance two objectives: (1) identify and explore greenhouse gas emissions from urban areas in Asia at the regional level; and (2) explore covariates of urban greenhouse gas emissions. We use the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research estimates for carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride from 14 source activities for the year 2000, which are allocated on a 1/10° global grid. We extract emissions for 3535 urban extents all with populations over 50,000, accounting for approximately 91% of the region's urban population. We use regression analysis to associate emissions with urban area and growth, economic, and biophysical characteristics. Our findings suggest that urban areas account for between 30 and 38% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions for the region and that emission per capita averages from urban areas are lower than those at the national level. Important covariates for total urban greenhouse gas emissions include population size, density and growth rate, income per capita, development status and elevation. This is a first and preliminary assessment of regional baseline trends using these data and this top-down analysis.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions by vegetation present in the Mediterranean area are not well known. They may contribute with anthropogenic VOC emissions to the tropospheric ozone formation that reaches important level in the European Mediterranean region. The present work, carried out as part of the European ESCOMPTE project «fiEld experimentS to COnstrain Models of atmospheric Pollution and Transport of Emissions», adds a new contribution to the inventory of the main natural hydrocarbons sources likely to participate in the ozone production. The corresponding measurement campaign was conducted in La Barben, a site close to Marseilles (France), with the aim to quantify the terpenic emission pattern and the behaviour of Pinus halepensis, an important Mediterranean species slightly studied.The determination of biogenic emissions from P. halepensis was done by the enclosure of an intact branch in a Teflon cuvette. Main emitted monoterpenes were β trans-ocimene and linalool. The total monoterpenic emission rates thus recorded were found to reach maximum values around 30 μg gdry weight−1 h−1. The normalized emission rates calculated at 30 °C and 1000 μmol m−2 s−1 with Guenther's algorithm was 14.76, 8.65 and 4.05 μg gdry weight−1 h−1, respectively, for the total monoterpenes, β trans-ocimene and linalool.  相似文献   

Terrestrial carbon sinks and sources were introduced into climate change mitigation related policy relatively late in the design of the architecture of those policies. Much literature addresses how terrestrial sources and sinks differ from emissions from fossil fuel combustion and, hence, is a possible justification for differential treatment of them in policy design. Late introduction in climate policy discussions and perceived differences appear to have resulted in very different policy approaches for sinks versus fossil emission sources. The attempt to differentiate has generated complexity in policy design and likely inefficiency in the operation of these policies. We review these issues and find that the characteristics claimed to apply to sinks apply as well to fossil sources, and differences that do exist are often more a matter of degree than of kind. Because cap-and-trade has gained momentum as the instrument of choice to control fossil emissions, we use as a starting point, how such a cap-and-trade system could be altered to include terrestrial carbon sinks and sources.  相似文献   

Organic matter in tropospheric aerosols is derived from two major sources and is admixed depending on the geographic area. These sources are biogenic detritus and anthropogenic emissions. The biogenic materials in the solvent-extractable organic matter are comprised predominantly of higher plant waxes, with lesser amounts of resin and microbial detritus and the anthropogenic components are primarily vehicular emissions (e.g. oils, soot, etc.) and input from combustion (e.g. charcoal, thermally-altered biogenic matter, etc.). Both biogenic detritus and anthropogenic emissions contain organic compounds (C12–C40+), which can be identified with unique and distinguishable distribution patterns. Molecular composition analysis has been applied to such extracts after suitable chemical separation into subfractions (i.e. hydrocarbons, ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, alcohols, and wax esters). Both homologous compound series and specific natural products (e.g. phytosterols, terpenes, etc.) are identified as molecular markers.Aerosols from rural and remote areas in the western United States, South America, Nigeria and Australia have been analyzed and all contained predominantly plant waxes. The loadings of hydrocarbons ranged approximately from 10–1400 ng/m3 of air, of fatty acids from 10–450 ng/m3 and of fatty alcohols from 10–1650 ng/m3. These higher molecular weight lipids primarily from flora comprise a major component of the organic carbon in rural and remote aerosols. They are thus important indicators for regional biogenic sources in the global cycling of organic carbon.Presented in part at the International Symposium on Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange, Mainz, E.R. Germany, March 16–22, 1986, for Part IV see Simoneit et al. (1988) Atmos. Environ. 22, 983–1004.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe global urban greenhouse gas emissions by region and sector, examine the distribution of emissions through the urban-to-rural gradient, and identify covariates of emission levels for our baseline year, 2000. We use multiple existing spatial databases to identify urban extent, greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4 and SF6) and covariates of emissions in a “top-down” analysis. The results indicate that urban activities are significant sources of total greenhouse gas emissions (36.8 and 48.6 % of total). The urban energy sector accounts for between 41.5 and 66.3 % of total energy emissions. Significant differences exist in the urban share of greenhouse gas emissions between developed and developing countries as well as among source sectors for geographic regions. The 50 largest urban emitting areas account for 38.8 % of all urban greenhouse gas emissions. We find that greenhouse gas emissions are significantly associated with population size, density, growth rates, and per capita income. Finally, comparison of our results to “bottom-up” estimates suggest that this research’s data and techniques are best used at the regional and global scales.  相似文献   

Developments allowing the direct determination of sulfur dioxide and dimethyl sulfide in grab samples by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with isotopically labeled standards (GC/MS/ILS) are reported. Isotopomers of DMS and SO2 are used as internal standards. Spiked air samples are dried to a dew point of <–60 °C and trapped cryogenically in loops of Teflon tubing. Sealed samples are transported to the laboratory under liquid nitrogen and later subjected to GC/MS analysis. Holding times of up to one month do not result in significant sample loss. For samples collected in a clean marine environment, concentrations of SO2 and DMS greater than 5 and 8 pptv, respectively, are significantly different from blanks at the 95% confidence level. Average measurement precision derived from a propagation of errors are 9% for SO2 and 42% for DMS at concentrations from 5–15 pptv.Improvements are outlined which should provide sensitivity and precision comparable to that of on-site GC/MS. The technique will allow increased flexibility for the determination of trace sulfur species in the field under conditions where deployment of a mass spectrometer is not possible.  相似文献   

The allocation of CO2 emissions to specific sources is a major policy issue for international aviation, especially for determining allocations for emissions trading schemes. This paper addresses the problem by recommending a possible methodology to allocate emissions to specific sources using detailed air traffic data. The basis for the calculations is an air traffic sample for one full-day of traffic from the UK. In order to analyse aircraft fuel burn use and hence CO2 emissions, the Reorganized Air Traffic Control Mathematical Simulator (RAMS Plus) and the Advanced Emission Model (AEM III) are used. The results from these detailed simulations are compared with two of the most widely-used aviation CO2 emission estimates to have been made for the UK: the SERAS study and NETCEN estimate. Their estimates for the year 2000 are 26.1 and 31.4 Mt, respectively. In addition, the most recent NETCEN estimate for the year 2003 is 34.1 Mt of CO2. Our estimate of total aviation CO2 emissions, using detailed simulations and real air traffic data, is 34.7 Mt for the year 2004. In addition, emission estimates are compared with two global aviation emission inventories: AERO2K and SAGE. Contributions of the highest-emitting flights and aircraft types are identified. International departures dominate; 6% of flights account for 50% of total emissions. The largest aircraft emit the most per flight-km, although not per passenger-km. Different methodologies and their implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic emissions alter biogenic secondary organic aerosol(SOA) formation from naturally emitted volatile organic compounds(BVOCs). We review the major laboratory and field findings with regard to effects of anthropogenic pollutants(NOx, anthropogenic aerosols, SO_2, NH_3) on biogenic SOA formation. NOx participate in BVOC oxidation through changing the radical chemistry and oxidation capacity, leading to a complex SOA composition and yield sensitivity towards NOx level for different or even specific hydrocarbon precursors. Anthropogenic aerosols act as an important intermedium for gas–particle partitioning and particle-phase reactions, processes of which are influenced by the particle phase state, acidity, water content and thus associated with biogenic SOA mass accumulation. SO_2 modifies biogenic SOA formation mainly through sulfuric acid formation and accompanies new particle formation and acid-catalyzed heterogeneous reactions. Some new SO_2-involved mechanisms for organosulfate formation have also been proposed.NH_3/amines, as the most prevalent base species in the atmosphere, influence biogenic SOA composition and modify the optical properties of SOA. The response of SOA formation behavior to these anthropogenic pollutants varies among different BVOCs precursors. Investigations on anthropogenic–biogenic interactions in some areas of China that are simultaneously influenced by anthropogenic and biogenic emissions are summarized. Based on this review, some recommendations are made for a more accurate assessment of controllable biogenic SOA formation and its contribution to the total SOA budget. This study also highlights the importance of controlling anthropogenic pollutant emissions with effective pollutant mitigation policies to reduce regional and global biogenic SOA formation.  相似文献   

Wet‐only rainwater composition, acid‐precursor gas mixing ratios and aerosol loading were determined from weekly‐averaged samples at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, over the five year period from March 1993 to March 1998. Annual deposition fluxes of acidic sulfur and nitrogen species estimated from these data show this site to be heavily impacted by acidic deposition, with total oxidised sulfur plus nitrogen deposition in the range 277–480 meq m−2 yr−1. Average contributions were 56% as sulfur species, 44% as nitrogen species, with wet deposition in this region of high rainfall accounting for 67% of total deposition. Thus total acid deposition fluxes were equivalent to levels that provided motivation for emissions reduction programs in both Europe and North America. The possibility of adverse environmental effects in Malaysia caused by acid deposition therefore merits serious consideration and assessment.  相似文献   

This assessment of the atmospheric methane budget for the African Continent is based on a set of experimental data obtained in tropical Africa including methane emission from various biogenic sources, and biomass burning, and methane consumption in savanna and forest soils. Emission rates from the various sources, uptake rates of soils, and complementary data from the litterature allow calculation of regional methane fluxes by means of different data bases. Biomass burning, animals and natural wetlands are the three dominant sources of methane in Africa while rice paddy fields and termites appear as minor sources. The total methane emission is estimated to be in the range 20–40 MT of CH4 per year, methane uptake by soils being less than 2 MT per year. Net methane emission from the African continent accounts for less than 10% of global emissions from terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

基于各国提交的165份国家自主贡献文件,以其中提出的减排目标为基准,尽可能充分地考虑了减排目标的范围不确定性、不同经济情景带来的碳强度减排目标不确定性、减排气体种类边界差异、碳排放达峰约束等因素,并通过蒙特卡洛模拟的方法对全球、各区域和主要经济体的温室气体排放总量、不确定度及其来源进行了定量分析.结果表明,到2030年...  相似文献   

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