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In this letter, I have proposed a model of variable modified Chaplygin gas and shown its role in accelerating phase of the universe. I have shown that the equation of state of this model is valid from the radiation era to quiessence model. The graphical representations of statefinder parameters characterize different phase of evolution of the universe. All results presented in the letter concerns the case k=0.  相似文献   

In this work, we have studied the model of modified Chaplygin gas and its role in accelerating phase of the universe for anisotropic model. We have assumed that the equation of state of this modified model is valid from the radiation era to ΛCDM model. We have obtained the possible relation between the hessence and the modified Chaplygin gas. We have also use the statefinder parameters for characterize different phase of the universe diagrammatically.  相似文献   

Recent results of the gamma-ray Cherenkov astronomy definitely prove the existence of fast variability in the very high energy (V.H.E.) gamma-ray flux of some active galactic nuclei. The BL Lac PKS 2155-304 for instance showed variations down to a few minutes time scale. From standard light travel time argument, these variations put extremely strong constraints on the size of the TeV emitting zone, which has to be of the order of a few Schwarzschild radius, even for high values of the relativistic Doppler factor of the emitting jets. Such discovery is a challenge for particle acceleration scenarios, which have to imagine efficient acceleration processes at work in a very compact zone. Eventually, the immediate vicinity of the central black hole appears as the most conservative choice for the location of the TeV emission region of active galactic nuclei. In this paper, we propose a two-step mechanism for charged particle acceleration in the magnetosphere of a massive black hole surrounded by an accretion disk. Particles first gain energy by a stochastic process during the accretion phase. It is shown that effective proton acceleration up to energies 1017–1019 eV is possible in a low-luminosity magnetized accretion disk with 2D turbulent motion. The distribution function of energetic protons over energies is a power law function with typical index ≃−1. Here electrons are not very efficiently accelerated because of their drastic losses by synchrotron radiation. In a second time, part of the fast particles escape from the disk and are then entrained by the magnetic structure above the disk, in the rotating black hole magnetosphere. They thus gain additional energy by direct centrifugal mechanism, up to about 1020 eV for the protons and to 10–100 TeV for the electrons when they cross the light cylinder surface. Such energetic particles can further radiate in the TeV spectral range observed by Cherenkov experiments as HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS. Energetic protons can produce γ-radiation in the energy band 1 GeV–100 TeV and above mainly by nuclei collisions with the disk matter, clouds, or ambient low energy photons. Energetic electrons can also reach the required spectral range by inverse Compton emission. However their acceleration is less efficient due to heavy radiation losses, and only gained by centrifugal process during the second phase of the whole mechanism we describe. Our present analysis would therefore favor hadronic scenarios for TeV emission of active galactic nuclei. It is tempting to relate long term variability over years of TeV active galactic nuclei to the first stochastic acceleration phase, which also provides the needed power law particle distributions, while short term variability over minutes is more likely due to perturbations of the second fast direct acceleration phase.  相似文献   

We have found the Electric Dipole Radiation Fields and an estimative of the power radiated by an electric dipole in Einstein and de Sitter's cosmological backgrounds. A possible connection with the quasar problem is suggested.  相似文献   

The evolution of the current sheet in the electric current direction (in the guiding magnetic field direction) is studied numerically in the 3-D particle-in-cell model with two current sheets and periodic boundary conditions. In the regime with (where v D and are the electric current drift and electron thermal velocities, respectively) the current sheets are unstable owing to the Buneman and kink instabilities and become strongly fragmented. During their evolution, in addition to an increase of the energy of the electric field component in the guiding magnetic field direction, the energies of the electric field components in the perpendicular direction are even more enhanced. In the current sheet the anomalous resistivity (η anom/η C∼7×105, where η C is the classical resistivity) is generated and thus the magnetic field dissipates. Most of the dissipated magnetic energy is transformed into the electron kinetic energy in the direction of the electric current. The associated electric field accelerates the electrons from the tail of the distribution function.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the implications of a commutative formulation that integrates branch-cutting cosmology, the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, and Hořava–Lifshitz quantum gravity. Building on a mini-superspace structure, we explore the impact of an inflaton-type scalar field on the wave function of the Universe. Specifically analyzing the dynamical solutions of branch-cut gravity within a mini-superspace framework, we emphasize the scalar field's influence on the evolution of the evolution of the wave function of the Universe. Our research unveils a helix-like function that characterizes a topologically foliated spacetime structure. The starting point is the Hořava–Lifshitz action, which depends on the scalar curvature of the branched Universe and its derivatives, with running coupling constants denoted as g i $$ {g}_i $$ . The corresponding wave equations are derived and are resolved. The commutative quantum gravity approach preserves the diffeomorphism property of General Relativity, maintaining compatibility with the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner formalism. Additionally, we delve into a mini-superspace of variables, incorporating scalar-inflaton fields and exploring inflationary models, particularly chaotic and nonchaotic scenarios. We obtained solutions for the wave equations without recurring to numerical approximations.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the implications of a noncommutative formulation of branch-cut quantum gravity. Based on a mini-superspace structure that obeys the noncommutative Poisson algebra, combined with the Wheeler–DeWitt equation and Hořava–Lifshitz quantum gravity, we explore the impact of a scalar field of the inflaton-type in the evolution of the Universe's wave function. Taking as a starting point the Hořava–Lifshitz action, which depends on the scalar curvature of the branched Universe and its derivatives, the corresponding wave equations are derived and solved. The noncommutative quantum gravity approach adopted preserves the diffeomorphism property of General Relativity, maintaining compatibility with the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner Formalism. In this work we delve deeper into a mini-superspace of noncommutative variables, incorporating scalar inflaton fields and exploring inflationary models, particularly chaotic and nonchaotic scenarios. We obtained solutions to the wave equations without resorting to numerical approximations. The results indicate that the noncommutative algebraic space captures low and high spacetime scales, driving the exponential acceleration of the Universe.  相似文献   

In this work, we have considered a model of the flat Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) Universe filled with cold dark matter and a chameleon field where the scale function is taken as (i) intermediate expansion and (ii) logamediate expansion. In both cases we find the expressions of the chameleon field, chameleon potential, statefinder parameters, and slow-roll parameters. Also, it has been shown that the potential always decreases with the chameleon field in both scenarios. The nature of the slow-roll parameters has been shown diagrammatically.  相似文献   

We consider a system of nonlinear spinor and a Bianchi type I gravitational fields in presence of viscous fluid. The nonlinear term in the spinor field Lagrangian is chosen to be λ F, with λ being a self-coupling constant and F being a function of the invariants I an J constructed from bilinear spinor forms S and P. Self-consistent solutions to the spinor and BI gravitational field equations are obtained in terms of τ, where τ is the volume scale of BI universe. System of equations for τ and ε, where ε is the energy of the viscous fluid, is deduced. This system is solved numerically for some special cases.   相似文献   

We consider a spatially homogeneous and isotropic flat Robertson-Walker model filled with a scalar (or tachyonic) field minimally coupled to gravity in the framework of higher derivative theory. We discuss the possibility of the emergent universe with normal and phantom scalar fields (or normal and phantom tachynoic fields) in higher derivative theory. We find the exact solution of field equations in normal and phantom scalar fields and observe that the emergent universe is not possible in normal scalar field as the kinetic term is negative. However, the emergent universe exists in phantom scalar field in which the model has no time-like singularity at infinite past. The model evolves into an inflationary stage and finally admits an accelerating phase at late time. The equation of state parameter is found to be less than −1 in early time and tends to −1 in late time of the evolution. The scalar potential increases from zero at infinite past to a flat potential in late time. More precisely, we discuss the particular case for phantom field in detail. We also carry out a similar analysis in case of normal and phantom tachyonic field and observe that only phantom tachyonic field solution represents an emergent universe. We find that the coupling parameter of higher order correction affects the evolution of the emergent universe. The stability of solutions and their physical behaviors are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Voyager's plasma probe observations suggest that there are at least three fundamentally different plasma regimes in Saturn: the hot outer magnetosphere, the extended plasma sheet, and the inner plasma torus. At the outer regions of the inner torus some ions have been accelerated to reach energies of the order of 43 keV. We develop a model that calculates the acceleration of charged particles in the Saturn's magnetosphere. We propose that the stochastic electric field associated to the observed magnetic field fluctuations is responsible of such acceleration. A random electric field is derived from the fluctuating magnetic field – via a Monte Carlo simulation – which then is applied to the momentum equation of charged particles seeded in the magnetosphere. Taking different initial conditions, like the source of charged particles and the distribution function of their velocities, we find that particles injected with very low energies ranging from 0.129 eV to 5.659 keV can be strongly accelerated to reach much higher energies ranging from 22.220 eV to 9.711 keV as a result of 125,000 hitting events (the latter are used in the numerical code to produce the particle acceleration over a predetermined distance).  相似文献   

Scalar field as dark energy accelerating expansion of the Universe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The features of a homogeneous scalar field ϕ with classical Lagrangian L = ϕ;i ϕ;i /2 − V(ϕ) and tachyon field Lagrangian L = −V(ϕ)√1 − ϕ;i ϕ;i causing the observable accelerated expansion of the Universe are analyzed. The models with constant equation-of-state parameter w de = p dede < −1/3 are studied. For both cases the fields ϕ(a) and potentials V(a) are reconstructed for the parameters of cosmological model of the Universe derived from the observations. The effect of rolling down of the potential V(ϕ) to minimum is shown. Published in Ukrainian in Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 2008, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 345–359. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

Non-static inhomogeneous cosmological models are obtained in general relativity for the case of a plane symmetric massless scalar field with cosmological constant A,when the source of the gravitational field is a viscous fluid.Some physical and geometrical behaviors of the solutions are also discussed.  相似文献   

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